Results for ' religious views'

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  1.  30
    Religious views on the origin and meaning of COVID-2019.Tanya Pieterse & Christina Landman - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (3).
    For ages, natural disasters, war and disease have been part of life, sharing themes of not only adversity, fear and death, but also hope. The year 2020 brought a new threat in the form of coronavirus disease 2019, which challenged what humankind understood of all they knew and believed. The significant difference today is the role of the media in sharing news and opinions on this disease that threatens not only lives, but also spiritual well-being. In this study, we focus (...)
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    The religious views of Abraham ortelius.René Boumans - 1954 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 17 (3/4):374-377.
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    The Religious Views of Euripides as Shown in the “Bacchanals”.Walter Woodburn Hyde - 1915 - The Monist 25 (4):556-578.
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    Erratum: Religious views on the origin and meaning of COVID-19.Tanya Pieterse & Christina Landman - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4).
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  5. " Religious views as justifications of preferable futures: An assessment.Wendell Bell - forthcoming - World Futures.
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    Emphasis on Diversity of Religious Views in Social Studies: A National Survey of Social Studies Teachers.James M. M. Hartwick, Jeffrey M. Hawkins & Mark P. Schroeder - 2016 - Journal of Social Studies Research 40 (4):249-262.
    Based on a national social studies survey that included over 10,000 respondents from 44 states, this study examined the emphasis on diversity of religious view (EDRV) in public school P-12 social s...
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  7. Birth control and religious views.L. Bullough Vern - 2003 - Free Inquiry 23 (2).
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    The Religious View of the Doctrine of Natural Rights.Carl F. Taeusch - 1953 - Journal of the History of Ideas 14 (1):51.
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    Ethical Guiding Principles of “Do No Harm” and the “Intention to Save Lives” in relation to Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Finding Common Ground between Religious Views and Principles of Medical Ethics.Mathana Amaris Fiona Sivaraman - 2019 - Asian Bioethics Review 11 (4):409-435.
    One of the goals of medicine is to improve well-being, in line with the principle of beneficence. Likewise, scientists claim that the goal of human embryonic stem cell research is to find treatments for diseases. In hESC research, stem cells are harvested from a 5-day-old embryo. Surplus embryos from infertility treatments or embryos created for the sole purpose of harvesting stem cells are used in the research, and in the process the embryos get destroyed. The use of human embryos for (...)
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    Religious View of Kierkegaard and Truth as Subjectivity. 이명곤 - 2018 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 89 (89):267-292.
    키르케고르의 인간관은 ‘인간은 근원적으로 종교적인 존재’라는 것이다. 다시 말해 인간은 애초에 초월적인 것 혹은 신성한 것과의 관계성 중에 있는 존재라는 것이다. 이러한 초월성에 대한 추구를 실존적인 정열로서 가진 사람이 곧 종교적인 사람이다. 키르케고르는 이러한 진리를 논함에 있어서 ‘소크라테스적인 무지’를 논의의 쟁점으로 끌어들이는데, 진리를 추구하는 소크라테스의 산파술을 일종의 ‘실존적인 파토스’로 이해하며 여기서 일반성과 보편성을 넘어서는 ‘주관성으로서의 진리’ 개념을 파악하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 소크라테스적인 주관성이 왜 종교적 진리를 특징짓는 주관성으로서의 진리일 수 있는지를 삶의 궁극적인 목적으로서의 ‘에토스’ 개념을 통해 정립하고 있다. 이러한 ‘에토스’를 (...)
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    Secular and religious views of the future: Johann Gottfried Herder and the universal histories of the Enlightenment.Daniel Fulda - 2023 - Intellectual History Review 33 (3):457-473.
    Besides geographical boundlessness, the claim to totality that characterizes universal histories comprises a temporal horizon, which reaches from the Creation to the end of the world predestined to Christians. The article examines the role of religious approaches on the one hand and secular points of view on the other in the transformation of eschatology into the idea of an open future shapeable by humans. The analysis focusses first on works by Johann Gottfried Herder (1744–1803). While the above-mentioned transformation is (...)
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    Openness to Changing Religious Views Is Related to Radial Diffusivity in the Genu of the Corpus Callosum in an Initial Study of Healthy Young Adults.Jiansong Xu, Clayton H. McClintock, Iris M. Balodis, Lisa Miller & Marc N. Potenza - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  13. The historical and religious views of Agathias: A reinterpretation.Anthony Kaldellis - 1999 - Byzantion 69:206-252.
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    Darwin’s Religious Views.Maurice Mandelbaum - 1958 - Journal of the History of Ideas 19 (3):363.
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    Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky: Towards the Problem of Formation of National-Political and Religious Views.Ya Bilas - 2002 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 25:64-72.
    Andrey Sheptytsky - Metropolitan of the Greek Catholic Church, belongs to the key figures of Ukrainian history of the first half of the twentieth century. Its influence on the spiritual and national-political life of Ukrainians of that time, the processes of crystallization of national consciousness, as well as on the sphere of practical politics, cannot be overestimated. A. Sheptytsky's life path is an object of constant attention of historians, but it would still be early to assert its full and comprehensive (...)
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    The Gukanshō: A religious view of Japanese history.Charles Hambrick - 1978 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 5 (1):37-58.
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    Conception of Saviour Siblings: Religious Views in Malaysia.Chee Ying Kuek & Sharon Kaur A./P. Gurmukh Singh - 2022 - Asian Bioethics Review 14 (4):363-377.
    The advancement of human reproductive technology has made it possible for parents with a child affected by a haematological disorder to select and bring into being, a prospective child who can act as a matched stem cell donor. This can be done through the use of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) coupled with human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing (PGD-HLA typing), or HLA tying as a standalone procedure, where a healthy embryo, which is an HLA match to the existing sick sibling, is (...)
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    Parents’ Beliefs about Their Influence on Children’s Scientific and Religious Views: Perspectives from Iran, China and the United States.Niamh McLoughlin, Telli Davoodi, Yixin Kelly Cui, Jennifer M. Clegg, Paul L. Harris & Kathleen H. Corriveau - 2021 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 21 (1-2):49-75.
    Parents in Iran, China and the United States were asked 1) about their potential influence on their children’s religious and scientific views and 2) to consider a situation in which their children expressed dissent. Iranian and US parents endorsed their influence on the children’s beliefs in the two domains. By contrast, Chinese parents claimed more influence in the domain of science than religion. Most parents spoke of influencing their children via Parent-only mechanisms in each domain, although US parents (...)
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  19. Kantian Ethical Thought a Curricular Report and Annotated Bibliography Based on an Neh Summer Institute Exploring the Moral, Political and Religious Views of Immanuel Kant.David Hoy & J. B. Schneewind - 1984 - Council for Philosophical Studies.
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    Choe Byeong-heon’s Religious View Coalesced with His Theory of Civilization. 이행훈 - 2015 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 45 (45):93-126.
    기독교 수용의 역사성에 비해 회심을 단행한 지식인들의 사유 변화는 별다른 주목을 받지 못했다. 기독교 토착화과정에서 유교적 지식인들은 기독교 관련 문서 번역과 교리 전파 등 중요한 역할을 담당했다. 최병헌의 삶은 당대 유교적 지식인의 기독교 경험과 실천을 보여주는 하나의 사례이다. 그의 종교 담론은 문명론과 기독교적 세계관이 만나는 지점에서 형성되었다. 한국에서 활동한 당대 선교사들의 정교분리 원칙과 달리 종교와 정치를 상호 보완적 관계로 파악했다. 이처럼 종교와 정치를 불가분의 관계로 보면서도 종교가 정치의 근본이라는 점을 강조한 것은 유교의 정치ㆍ사회적 전통과 기독교 문명론의 영향이다. 정교일치 관념은 사회적 (...)
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    How the Non-Religious View the Personality of God in Relation to Themselves.Justin E. Lane & Igor Mikloušić - 2019 - Studia Humana 8 (3):39-57.
    In this study we examined the applicability of personality measures to assessing God representations, and we explored how the overlap between personality judgments of self and God relate to strength of (dis)belief and closeness to God among atheists and agnostics. Using sample of 1,088 atheists/agnostics, we applied Goldberg’s Big Five bipolar markers as a standardized measure of personality dimensions, along with measures of identity fusion with God, belief strength, and sociosexuality, as this trait has been shown to be relevant in (...)
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    Some ethical-religious views of Nikolai O. Lossky and Eugene V. Spektorsky (searching for thought parallels).Zlatica Plašienkova & Oksana Slobodian - 2019 - Studia Philosophica 66 (2):7-23.
    Two famous Russian thinkers Nikolai O. Lossky (1870–1965) and E. Vasilievich Spektorsky (1875–1951) had a lot in common: both were talented intellectuals, lecturers and authors of many works on philosophy, history of philosophy, culture, politics and literature; both had to leave Russia and settle down abroad, and continue academic and creative activities in foreign environments. All these factors contributed to their friendly and intellectual communication which we want to pay attention to in this article. The purpose of the article is (...)
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    The Evolution of Darwin's Religious Views. Frank Burch Brown.John Durant - 1987 - Isis 78 (2):267-268.
  24. Taking ‘the leap of faith’. How religious views affect people’s’ way of living?Tudor Cosmin Ciocan & Pratibha Gramann - 2020 - Dialogo 7 (1):91-102.
    There is consistent evidence that everything coming out from the religious/spiritual phenomenon bends us most harshly. And that occurs regardless of the form religiousness or spirituality takes in practice or theory, despite the broad range of embracing religious concepts and creeds from atheism to fanatism, or moreover disregarding the impossibility of labeling as good or wrong these creeds from another perspective than the one that produced it. Many people adhere to religion for the sake of their souls, but (...)
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    O projeto de parentalidade e suas consequências na existência do ser humano. Uma reflexão a partir da perspectiva religiosa (The parenting project and its consequences in human being's existence. A consideration from the religious view).Waldir Souza & Renato Barbosa Santos - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (31):1059-1080.
    O projeto de parentalidade e suas consequências na existência do ser humano. Uma reflexão a partir da perspectiva religiosa (The parenting project and its consequences in human being’s existence. A consideration from the religious view) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n31p1059 Gerar um filho é gerar uma vida. No processo geracional estão embutidas várias implicações e consequências tanto para quem gera, quanto para quem é gerado. Para o casal, o nascimento de um filho é o fruto inquestionável de sua união. Entretanto, também (...)
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  26. The Political Background of the Religious View of Man in Ancient Greece.Roland Crahay & Hans Kaal - 1963 - Diogenes 11 (41):51-69.
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    Communications and Cultural Analysis: A Religious View.M. Warren - 1995 - British Journal of Educational Studies 43 (4):457-457.
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    Religious epistemology: Naturalizing a point of view.Jane Duran - 2001 - Heythrop Journal 42 (4):480–488.
    I construct and describe an epistemology for the religious – a naturalized epistemology – based on recent work in epistemics. Two points of view exemplary of religious thought are analyzed , and the normative/descriptive distinction in epistemology utilized to bolster the contention that the religious requires a less normative, more descriptive concomitant epistemology. I conclude that our reluctance to grapple with difficult ontological questions is directly related to the standard normative epistemology of the Anglo‐American analytic tradition, and (...)
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  29. Japanese Religious Organizations' View on Terminal Care.Noritoshi Tanida - 2000 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 10 (2):34-36.
    Religion may be an influential factor for care of terminally ill patients. Since there was no information of how Japanese religions thought of terminal care, a questionnaire survey was conducted among a total of 388 religious corporations, including 143 Shinto, 157 Buddhist, 58 Christian and 30 miscellaneous religious groups. Respondents were asked to answer questions based on their religious faith regarding a living will, and the introduction or withdrawal of life-sustaining treatments at the terminal stage. Results showed (...)
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    Rammohun Roy: A Study of His Religious Views.Milton Kumar Dev - 2016 - Philosophy and Progress 59 (1-2):97.
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    Religious-philosophy views of Metropolitan Alexiy (O. J. Gromadskiy) for Catholicism.Oleksandr Itsenko - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:370-375.
    In this article studed comprehend of the religious phenomenon of Catholicism in religious-philosophy conception of the Metropolitan Alexiy. Ascertained that Alexiy approached to consider Catholicism from position of Orthodox ecclesiology his views incurred transformation and the main acceptance in the critique of Catholicism views decided by thinker to the conception of Primacy of the Pope and papocaesarism.
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  32. The limits of conjecture: Political liberalism, counter-radicalisation and unreasonable religious views.Gabriele Badano & Alasia Nuti - 2020 - Ethnicities 20 (2):293-311.
    Originally proposed by John Rawls, the idea of reasoning from conjecture is popular among the proponents of political liberalism in normative political theory. Reasoning from conjecture consists in discussing with fellow citizens who are attracted to illiberal and antidemocratic ideas by focusing on their religious or otherwise comprehensive doctrines, attempting to convince them that such doctrines actually call for loyalty to liberal democracy. Our goal is to criticise reasoning from conjecture as a tool aimed at persuasion and, in turn, (...)
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    (1 other version)Religious world‐view and environment in the Sertão of North‐East Brazil.Scott William Hoefle - 1999 - Philosophy and Geography 2 (1):55 – 79.
    The importance of religious cosmology for environmental ethics is explored in a case-study of enchanted and disenchanted world-views in the Sert o of North-east Brazil. Popular Catholicism is shown to have retained an enchanted world-view of humans interacting with saints, souls and animist spirits. In order to differentiate themselves from Catholics, evangelical Protestants pursue a disenchanted view of the natural environment but hold a highly supernatural view of human society. Afro-Brazilian cult members are Catholics who graft an enchanted (...)
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  34. Religious Naturalism and the Religion‐Science Dialogue: A Minimalist View.Jerome A. Stone - 2002 - Zygon 37 (2):381-394.
    Although its roots go back at least to Spinoza, religious naturalism is once again becoming a self–conscious option in religious thinking. This article seeks to (1) provide a generic notion of religious naturalism, (2) sketch my own “minimalist” variety of religious naturalism, and (3) view the science–religion dialogue from both of these perspectives. This last will include reflection on the nature of scientific practices, the contributions of religious traditions to moral reflection, and Ursula Goodenough's “religiopoiesis.”.
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    Much Less Religious, a Little More Spiritual: The Religious and Spiritual Views of Third-Wave Feminists in the Uk.Kristin Aune - 2011 - Feminist Review 97 (1):32-55.
    How religious or spiritual are feminists today? Filling a gap in the literature on feminism and religion, this article outlines findings from the first survey-based study of feminists’ spiritual attitudes in recent years. Drawing on survey data, this article explores the religious and spiritual views of 1,265 third-wave feminists, most of whom are women in their twenties and thirties. Comparison with surveys of religious adherence in the UK reveals that these feminists are significantly less religious (...)
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  36. Religious education as the pragmatic means of achieving a corruption-free society* an islamic view.Mubashiro Yusuf & Hasana Arazi - 2001 - In Gbola Aderibigbe & Deji Ayegboyin (eds.), Religion and social ethics. Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State [Nigeria]: National Association for the Study of Religions and Education (NASRED). pp. 174.
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    A sociological view of the Russian religious renaissance at the end of the twentieth century: Its scope, limits and tendencies.Mirko Blagojevic - 2004 - Filozofija I Društvo 2004 (24):189-227.
    In this article I have dealt with empirical proofs for the Russian religious renaissance which came after the fall of the Soviet socialistic empire and carried on all through the nineties as a pro-religious consensus and a religious belief. Likewise, I have dealt with proofs suggesting certain limitations of the renaissance in question which manifested mainly in irregular fulfillment of religious duties. U ovom clanku autor se bavi empirijskim dokazima za rusku religioznu renesansu koja je nastupila (...)
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    Religious Identity and Openness in a Pluralistic World: A Christian View.Rosemary Radford Ruether - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):29-40.
    Challenges the view that highlights beliefs as a key to defining identity. Author's views on being a Christian; Major factor that has complicated the author's religious identity; Author's dual religious identity as a Buddhist and a Christian.
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    A religious point of view.Elizabeth Wolgast - 2004 - Philosophical Investigations 27 (2):129–147.
    Wittgenstein remarked to a friend that although he was not religious, he approached things from "a religious point of view." To cast light on what he meant I turn to two works Wittgenstein is known to have read and admired, one by William James and the other by Leo Tolstoy. I looked for similar themes in their work and the philosophical works of Wittgenstein, with results that, while not conclusive, are quite suggestive.
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    An Empiricist’s View of the Nature of Religious Belief.Richard Bevan Braithwaite - 1955 - Philadelphia: R. West.
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    Religious Scholars’ Attitudes and Views on Ethical Issues Pertaining to Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) in Malaysia.A. Olesen, S. N. Nor & L. Amin - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (3):419-429.
    Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis represents the first fusion of genomics and assisted reproduction and the first reproductive technology that allows prospective parents to screen and select the genetic characteristics of their potential offspring. However, for some, the idea that we can intervene in the mechanisms of human existence at such a fundamental level can be, at a minimum, worrying and, at most, repugnant. Religious doctrines particularly are likely to collide with the rapidly advancing capability for science to make such interventions. (...)
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    Wittgenstein: A Religious Point of View? (review).H. L. Finch - 1995 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 33 (4):702-703.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:702 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY 33:4 OCTOBER t99 5 appears more as an anomalous figure in the spirit of Kierkegaard than a thinker of the mainstream. For Jaspers, philosophy is a vehicle to provoke a spiritual sense of the wonder of existence rather than an autonomous vocation which strives to recast its questions in increasingly radical ways. Most typically, Jaspers's emphasis on darker aspects of the human (...)
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    Remarks Regarding Religious Points of View and Religious Scholars' Points of View.Paul Cortois - 2000 - Ethical Perspectives 7 (4):300-311.
    Whatever the precise analysis of the notion of an `internal point of view', to talk about `religious traditions' is to imply that traditions of a certain kind primarily deploy an internal point of view. But what can be said about the notion of an intellectual tradition that would at the same time also be, or be connected to, a religious tradition? To some, such notions appear to border on contradiction. In accordance with the Cartesian criticism of coutume et (...)
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  44. An Empiricist's View of the Nature of Religious Belief.R. B. Braithwaite - 1956 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 11 (3):488-489.
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    Interrogating Hick’s View of Religious Pluralism.Kavita Chauhan & Venusa Tinyi - 2023 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 15 (2):77-97.
    A philosopher whose name has become almost synonymous with religious pluralism is John Hick. He justifies his position by borrowing insights and concepts from Immanuel Kant and Ludwig Wittgenstein. We argue that Kantian and Wittgensteinian frameworks are inadequate to explain and defend religious pluralism of the kind he advocates. We critically analyze the concepts of religious experience and religious language and then proceed to discuss Yoga school of Indian philosophy as a limiting case against his enterprise.
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  46. Religious Beliefs and Philosophical Views: A Qualitative Study.Helen De Cruz - 2018 - Res Philosophica 95 (3):477-504.
    Philosophy of religion is often regarded as a philosophical discipline in which irrelevant influences, such as upbringing and education, play a pernicious role. This paper presents results of a qualitative survey among academic philosophers of religion to examine the role of such factors in their work. In light of these findings, I address two questions: an empirical one (whether philosophers of religion are influenced by irrelevant factors in forming their philosophical attitudes) and an epistemological one (whether the influence of irrelevant (...)
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    Religious tolerance: A view from China.Francesca Tarocco - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (4):469-476.
    European and North American cultures are awash in stereotypes about religion. The recently published volume Stereotyping Religion: Critiquing Clichés (2017) tackles several of these and shows why scholars find them to be clichéd. By describing their origins and elucidating the social or political work they rhetorically accomplish in the present, the authors of the volume address some important clichés, namely, that religions are belief systems, that religion is a private matter or that it exclusively concerns the transcendent. In the same (...)
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  48. Pragmatic Realism, Religious Truth, and Antitheodicy: On Viewing the World by Acknowledging the Other.Sami Pihlström - 2020
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    Marxist view on the religious ecological culture: A review of the western studies in religion and environment and their discourses. [REVIEW]Chuanhui Zeng - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (5):6.
    The ecological crisis is related to religion that shapes the values, but its decisive factor is the inherent contradiction between the selfish logic of capital proliferation and the social public nature of the environment. The fundamental way to solve the ecological crisis is the domestic social reform, the coordination of international relations and the continuous development of science and technology. Guided by the social public agencies and scientific methods, religion can play a secondary constructive role in building the pro-ecological humanistic (...)
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    Pragmatic Realism, Religious Truth, and Antitheodicy: On Viewing the World by Acknowledging the Other by Sami Pihlström.Ulf Zackariasson - 2021 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 56 (4):620-624.
    Within the philosophy of religion, there are several different views on what to consider the discipline’s most fundamental topic. The answer that you offer at the meta-level is often more important than the concrete answers you, in the next stage, offer to that question which you have identified as the question to attend to. The identification serves, namely, as a hermeneutical principle for understanding and addressing other topics within the discipline. As regards analytic Anglo-American philosophy of religion, there has, (...)
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