Results for ' sacrificial crisis'

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  1. A sacrificial crisis not far away: Star wars as a genuinely modern mythology.Paolo Diego Bubbio - 2019 - In Paolo Diego Bubbio & Chris Fleming (eds.), Mimetic theory and film. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  2. Sacrificial pasts and messianic futures: Religion as a political prospect in René Girard and Giorgio Agamben.Christopher A. Fox - 2007 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 33 (5):563-595.
    Religion has become a vital resource for attempts to rethink the meaning of the political. This article rehearses the efforts of two recent figures, René Girard and Giorgio Agamben, to transform the political by renewing its connection to religion. Both thinkers struggle to escape politics as defined by Carl Schmitt's friend/enemy distinction. Girard and Agamben do clash ideologically, but their inquiries into sacrifice and messianism take similar courses. Regarding origins, Girard argues for the sacrificial crisis as the common (...)
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    The Body and the Blood: Sacrificial Expulsion in Au Revoir Les Enfants.Diana Culbertson - 1998 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 5 (1):46-56.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE BODY AND THE BLOOD: SACRIFICIAL EXPULSION IN A UREVOIR LES ENFANTS Diana Culbertson Kent State University In Scene 6 ofthe screenplay ofAu Revoir Les Enfants the students are at morning Mass and Father Jean is reading the Gospel: "Truly, truly, I say unto you, unless you eat the flesh ofthe Son ofMan and drink his blood, you will have no life in you." A student with the (...)
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    "Murther, By a Specious Name": Absalom and Achitophel's Poetics of Sacrificial Surrogacy.Gary Ernst - 2003 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 10 (1):61-82.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"MURTHER, BY A SPECIOUS NAME": ABSALOMAND ACHITOPHEVS POETICS OF SACRIFICIAL SURROGACY Gary Ernst Roger's State University d;,uring the late 1670's and early '80s, English political satirists 'participated in the endeavors of the rival factions, Dissenter or Whig and Royalist or Tory, to effect judicial violence. While juries condemned and the hangman executed Catholics as traitors during the Popish Plot persecution, John Oldham suggests in the "Prologue' to his (...)
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    Crisis, Responsibility, Death: Sacrifice and Leadership in School Shootings.Sara Louise Muhr & Jeanette Lemmergaard - 2009 - Philosophy of Management 8 (2):21-30.
    Within recent years, we have witnessed an alarming increase in so-called school-shootings, where one or more students enter their school and purposely start shooting other students or staff. Earlier, the phenomenon was primarily American, but lately school-shootings have also been seen in Canada, Europe, and Australia. School-shootings have become an increasing problem and the phenomenon calls for more thorough investigation. In this article, we analyse the actions of teachers, more specifically the ones where teachers give their lives to save students. (...)
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    South Park's Solar Anus, or, Rabelais Returns.David Larsen - 2001 - Theory, Culture and Society 18 (4):65-82.
    South Park, as a narration of late capitalist concerns, has much in common with works from earlier carnival historical epochs, most importantly Gargantua and Pantagruel and its depiction of folk traditions of consumptive culture. Madness, hallucination, excrement, homosexuality, cuckoldry, flowering anuses, zombies, monstrosity, gambling, banquets, viral contagion, grotesque consumption all become signs of a historical epoch which exists in a repetitious and catastrophic sacrificial crisis (Girard), a period of terrifying recurrence of the same and effacement of the `immense (...)
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    As it is in Heaven! Mimetic Theory, Religious Transformation and Social Crisis in Africa.Ibanga B. Ikpe - 2009 - Journal of Human Values 15 (1):15-27.
    This article is an overview of Rene Girard's mimetic theory and its application to and implications for conflict in Africa. It accepts Girard's basic idea that imitation is a feature of all individuals but disagrees with his view that the Christian gospel can adequately eliminate mimetic rivalry and thereby lead to a non-sacrificial culture. Drawing from the concept of culture and the African experience of Christianity, it argues that the Christian influence in Africa has only produced a hybrid culture, (...)
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    Nurses' professional commitment in COVID-19 crisis: A qualitative study.Maryam Momeni & Marzieh Khatooni - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (3):449-461.
    Background: Professional commitment is an important factor in employee performance. COVID-19 outbreak has seriously affected the nurses working conditions. Numerous factors can affect nurses' professional commitment in this situation. Aim: To explore the nurses' lived experiences, attitudes, views and perceptions toward professional commitment and factors affecting it in the Covid-19 crisis. Method, Setting and Participants: This qualitative study was conducted using phenomenological approach and content analysis method. Twenty-five nurses were interviewed using semi structured in-depth interviews. Conventional content analysis was (...)
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    The Speed of Crisis: Slow Violence, Accelerationism, and the Politics of the Emergency Brake.Ashley J. Bohrer - 2022 - Social Philosophy Today 38:113-128.
    This paper traces the history of accelerationism as a political philosophy, from its inception at Warwick University to its deployment by avowed white supremacists. Probing its philosophical commitment to a both a deterministic philosophy of history and a sacrificial logic of politics, I argue that even the initial elaborations of (non-race-based) accelerationism contained the seed of its development into violent white supremacy. The conclusion assesses a politics of deceleration as a strategy for countering accelerationism, ultimately arguing for the superiority (...)
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    The age of the algorithmic society a Girardian analysis of mimesis, rivalry, and identity in the age of artificial intelligence.Lucas Freund - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-10.
    This paper explores the intersection of René Girard's mimetic theory and the algorithmic society, particularly in the context of the potential advent of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Girard's theory, which elucidates the dynamics of desire, rivalry, scapegoating, and the sacrificial crisis, provides a unique lens through which to examine the complexities of our relationship with AI and its role in the creation of the sacred. As individuals increasingly rely on AI recommendations, the distinction between personal choice and algorithmic (...)
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    Deception and sacrifice in Aeneid 2.1-249.Rebekah M. Smith - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (4):503-523.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Deception and Sacrifice in Aeneid 2.1–249Rebekah M. SmithIt is striking how often in Book 2 death seems to have sacrificial overtones. Not only does Laocoon die at an altar in the act of sacrificing, but even the simile introduced to illustrate his cries keeps within the same framework of reference... and before all this the motif of human sacrifice forms the ominous basis of Sinon’s lying tale.—E. L. (...)
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    God, Incarnation in the Feminine, and the Third Presence.Lenart Škof - 2020 - Sophia 59 (1):95-112.
    This paper deals with the possibility of an incarnation in the feminine in our age. In the first part, we discuss sexual genealogies in ancient Israel and address the problem of the extreme vulnerability of feminine life in the midst of an ancient sacrificial crisis. The second part opens with an analysis of Feuerbach’s interpretation of the Trinity. The triadic logic, as found within various religious contexts, is also affirmed. Based on our analyses from the first and the (...)
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    Crises of Derrida: Theodicy, Sacrifice and (Post-)deconstruction.Gerald Moore - 2012 - Derrida Today 5 (2):264-282.
    The last few years have seen the emergence of a more political, ‘post-Derridean’ generation, critical of the impotent messianism of the politics of deconstruction. As Žižek would have it: ‘Derrida's notion of ‘deconstruction as ethics’ seems to rely on a utopian hope which sustains the spectre of ‘infinite justice’, forever postponed, always to come’ (Žižek 2008: 225). The promise of redemption, it follows, would reside in an insubstantial promissory value, in the writing of irredeemable cheques that, if cashed in, could (...)
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    A Mimetic Reading of the Passover.Simon Skidmore Bdsc - 2023 - Heythrop Journal 64 (3):398-409.
    The use of sacrificial animal blood in the Hebrew Bible has generated much discussion. While various scholars have attempted to explain the significance of these blood rites, each of these attempts has proved problematic. The current paper employs mimetic theory to develop a more robust and plausible model for exploring biblical animal sacrifice. Using the Passover ritual as a model, I develop a model of sacrificial blood rites as pantomimes of mimetic violence. These pantomimes re-create a violent yet (...)
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    "And They Sang A New Song": Reading John's Revelation From The Position Of The Lamb.J. A. Jackson & Allen H. Redmon - 2005 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 12 (1):99-114.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"And They Sang A New Song":Reading John's Revelation From The Position Of The LambJ.A. Jackson (bio) and Allen H. Redmon (bio)Then one of the elders said to me, "Do not weep. See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and the seven seals." Then I saw between the throne and the four living creatures and among (...)
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    Antigone.Geert van Coillie - 2008 - Ethical Perspectives 15 (1):81-102.
    René Girard’s mimetic theory allows for an anthropological recontextualization of ancient Greek literature against the backdrop of biblical texts. The story , dialogue and reflection are the basic forms of mythos and logos, in which man translates and gives shape to his violent origin. Greek drama, which represents the ‘poli-tical’ crisis of human existence, offers a partial deconstruction of the scapegoat mechanism as the hidden foundation of society. On the tragic stage all protagonists are divided and united in a (...)
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    Shakespeare e il teatro dell'intelligenza.Bottiroli Giovanni - 2018 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 6 (1):73-98.
    This article aims to compare the heuristic potentials of two different theories of desire, with reference to Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. The first theory is that of mimetic desire, proposed by René Girard; the second theory is the one elaborated by Freud and Lacan, a theory of which we emphasize the conception of identity in terms of identification and the distinction between the Imaginary and Symbolic registers. The crisis of the Degree together with the unleashing of rivalry represent a war (...)
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    A Monadic Prelate without Divine Rival: On Girard's Bifurcated Focus.Wiel Eggen - 2020 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 27 (1):41-58.
    Girard counts as a Durkheimian for viewing religion as the social force that underpins society's cultural institutions. A basic difference, though, should be heeded. No doubt, he argues that the bloody solution of the originary mimetic crisis initiated traditions of sacrificial rituals with mythical justifications that crystallized in society's legal codes, ethical rules, and cultural habits, on which daily events of scapegoating rely. However, if this suggests that religion's basic aim is to be a buttress of the cultural (...)
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    Orpheus in Aeschylus and the Thracian child-eater on a hydria from the British Museum.Bartek Bednarek - 2019 - Kernos 32:13-27.
    The man in a Thracian outfit represented on a hydria in London as eating a dead child has been interpreted either as a Titan with Zagreus or Lycurgus with his son. Neither of these interpretations seems plausible, especially in light of our present knowledge about sacrificial rules. As I argue, the image is more likely to be inspired by a story dramatized in the Lycurgeia of Aeschylus, in which an advent of Dionysus to the country ruled by Lycurgus caused (...)
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    The Earthquake of 1906, the Christian Anarchy of Dorothy Day, and the Opened “Tomb” of René Girard.Ann W. Astell - 2008 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 15:19-43.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Earthquake of 1906, the Christian Anarchy of Dorothy Day, and the Opened “Tomb” of René GirardAnn W. Astell (bio)The autobiographical writings of Dorothy Day (1897–1980) feature a childhood memory of catastrophe and conversion, her traumatic experience at age eight of the earthquake that rocked San Francisco and Oakland in 1906, leaving half of San Francisco in ruins and sending 50,000 refugees in flight from the burning city, many (...)
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    From Scapegoating to the Culture of Cruelty: (Mis)Managing Mimetic Desire and Violence in Late Modernity.Domonkos Sik - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (6):37-57.
    Due to the ‘civilizing process’ (Elias), the overall level of violence is decreasing; yet its transforming patterns persist. The article aims at examining the contemporary structures and mechanisms responsible for violence control, while also exploring the newly emerging, naturalized patterns of cruelty. Firstly, René Girard’s mimetic theory is overviewed: while in archaic societies, mimetic crisis is controlled by sacrificial rites, modernization reconfigures this paradigm. Secondly, these transformations are mapped: mimetic desire is channelled into the market processes, while mimetic (...)
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    Labyrinthine Strategies of Sacrifice: The Cretans by Euripides.Giuseppe Fornari - 1997 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 4 (1):163-188.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:LABYRINTHINE STRATEGIES OF SACRIFICE: THE CRETANS BY EURIPIDES Giuseppe Fornari The application of René Girard's mimetic hypothesis demands drastic re-interpretation of the history of our culture. The denunciation of sacrificial violence performed first by the Hebrew Bible and then by the Gospels figures as an objective watershed in the evaluation ofcivilizations and historical periods. This new methodological and theoretical situation brings Girard's ideas into conflict with current trends (...)
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    Ecce Humanitas: Beholding the Pain of Humanity.Brad Evans - 2021 - Columbia University Press.
    The very idea of humanity seems to be in crisis. Born in the ashes of devastation after the slaughter of millions, the liberal conception of humanity imagined a suffering victim in need of salvation. Today, this figure appears less and less capable of galvanizing the political imagination. But without it, how are we to respond to the inhumane violence that overwhelms our political and philosophical registers? How can we make sense of the violence that was carried out in the (...)
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    The Bible, "Creation," and Mimetic Theory.Lucien Scubla - 2005 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 12 (1):13-19.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Bible, "Creation," and Mimetic TheoryLucien Scubla (bio)I would like to propose and defend three theses that are related to the main theme of creation.First thesis. Although the idea of creation ex nihilo seems to have been suggested by the Bible to some philosophers, it is not a religious theory but a philosophical one. In the book of Genesis, there is no creation in the proper sense of the (...)
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    Maternal Compassion in the Thought of René Girard, Emil Fackenheim, and Emmanuel Levinas.Ann W. Astell - 2004 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 11 (1):15-24.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:MATERNAL COMPASSION IN THE THOUGHT OF RENÉ GIRARD, EMIL FACKENHEIM, AND EMMANUEL LÉVINAS Ann W. Astell Purdue University l;ike empathy, compassion is a word that seldom occurs in the /writings of René Girard,' who prefers to answer to Martin Heidegger's "anxiety" [Die Sorge] before death by speaking instead of a "concern for victims" [le souci des victims].2 Maternal corn-passion does enter Girardian analysis directly, however, in his discussion ofthe (...)
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    On the Rationality of Sacrifice.Jean-Pierre Dupuy - 2003 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 10 (1):23-39.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:ON THE RATIONALITY OF SACRIFICE1 Jean-Pierre Dupuy Ecolepolytechnique, Paris, andStanford University i; "came to be interested in John Rawls'sy4 Theory ofJustice—an active.interest which led me to become the publisher ofthe French version ofthat book—in part for the following, apparently anecdotal reason: 1)On the one hand, as early as the first lines ofhis book, Rawls makes it clear that his major target is the critique ofutilitarianism. Utilitarianism is the defendant, (...)
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    Hinduism and Mimetic Theory: A Response.Julia W. Shinnick - 2002 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 9 (1):140-145.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:HINDUISM AND MIMETIC THEORY: A RESPONSE Julia W. Shinnick Austin, Texas i: Introduction "would like to thankProfessor Clooney for his thorough presentation.ofthe enormously complex and layeredtreatment ofviolence within Hindu religious traditions. In his paper I found many aspects of Hinduism that directly engage the mimetic theory, and I hope that I can articulate some of these in such a way as to initiate discussion during the next hour or (...)
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    Möbian Nights: reading literature and darkness.Sandor Goodhart - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Möbian Nights: Literary Reading in a Time of Crisis develops a new understanding of literary reading: that in the wake of disasters like the Holocaust, death remains a premise of our experience rather than a future. Challenging customary "aesthetic" assumptions that we write in order not to die, Sandor Goodhart suggests (with Kafka) we write to die. Drawing upon analyses developed by Girard, Foucault, Blanchot, and Levinas (along with examples from Homer to Beckett), Möbian Nights proposes that all literature (...)
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    Book Review: Violence and Difference. Girard, Derrida, and Deconstruction. [REVIEW]Sandor Goodhart - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):252-253.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Violence and Difference. Girard, Derrida, and DeconstructionSandor GoodhartViolence and Difference. Girard, Derrida, and Deconstruction, by Andrew J. McKenna; 238 pp. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1992, $15.95 paper.McKenna’s book is disturbingly intelligent. I have the impression in reading it that there is nothing that has not crossed the author’s mind regarding contemporary theory, that here is a book of inquiry and thought in the grand tradition of European (...)
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  30. The contemporary.Crisis Of Marxism & Maxa Myers - 1987 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 62 (244):96.
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  31. Postmodernism and the Environmental Crisis.Arran Gare - 1995 - London: Routledge.
    Postmodernism and the Environmental Crisis is the only book to combine cultural theory and environmental philosophy. In it, Arran Gare analyses the conjunction between the environmental crisis, the globalisation of capitalism and the disintegration of the culture of modernity. It explains the paradox of growing concern for the environment and the paltry achievements of environmental movements. Through a critique of the philosophies underlying approaches to the environmental crisis, Arran Gare puts forward his own, controversial theory of a (...)
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    Husserl’s Crisis of the European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology: An introduction.Dermot Moran - 2012 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Machine generated contents note: Preface; Introduction: Husserl's life and writings; 1. Husserl's Crisis: an unfinished masterpiece; 2. Galileo's revolution and the origins of modern science; 3. The Crisis in psychology; 4. Rethinking tradition: Husserl on history; 5. Husserl's problematical concept of the life-world; 6. Phenomenology as transcendental philosophy; 7. The ongoing influence of Husserl's Crisis.
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  33. Distributive Justice in Crisis.Eldar Sarajlic - 2011 - CEU Political Science Journal 6 (3):458-483.
    The paper tries to examine the effects of economic crisis on philosophical considerations of distributive justice. It tackles the problem of a radical increase in scarcity as a condition of justice. Instead of assuming a relatively fixed (“moderate”) level of scarcity as a background against which justice in distribution obtains, the paper examines what happens when this level risks falling below and how does that change our views of distributive justice. It takes upon the recent events in the United (...)
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    Liquidity Crisis: Zygmunt Bauman and the Incredible Lightness of Modernity.Martin Jay - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (6):95-106.
    After having promoted and then tacitly abandoned the rhetoric of postmodernism, Zygmunt Bauman settled on the metaphor of a modernity that was growing more ‘liquid’ and ‘lighter’ than before. This essay explores the strengths and weaknesses of these metaphors, and attempts to contextualize Bauman’s insights in what has been called by the historian Yuri Slezkine the ‘Mercurian’ culture of diasporic Jewish life.
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    The Crisis of Philosophy: Emerson in the Twenty-First Century.Michael H. McCarthy - 1989 - State University of New York Press.
    This book presents a sympathetic yet critical treatment of the major philosophical attempts to define a viable project for philosophy in the face of historical changes. McCarthy, then, proposes a comprehensive, critical, and methodological strategy of epistemic integration that fully respects the progressive and pluralistic character of contemporary science and common sense. The programs of Frege, Husserl, Wittgenstein, Carnap, Sellers, Dewey, Quine, and Rorty are carefully presented and an assessment is made of their merits and limitations. This assessment results in (...)
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    The Crisis of Method in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy.Avner Baz - 2017 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    Avner Baz presents a critique of the working practices of analytic philosophy in recent decades. He challenges the assumptions on which the philosophical 'method of cases' rests, and he presents a pragmatist conception of language on which the method of cases as used both 'armchair' and 'experimental' philosophers is fundamentally misguided.
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  37. Values, Crisis and Resistance.Spiros Gangas - 2010 - In Leonidas Cheliotis (ed.), Roots, rites and sites of resistance: the banality of good. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 12.
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    The crisis of leadership in Nigeria and the imperative of a virtue ethics.Bolatito Lanre-Abass - 2008 - Philosophia Africana 11 (2):117-140.
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    Xavier Zubiri y la crisis modernista.Jordí Corominas - 2006 - The Xavier Zubiri Review 8:17-57.
    Because of the interest and the new light that historical-critical reconstruction ofZubiri’s thought provides, this article expounds one of the less well-known aspects of hisbiography: the modernist crisis in which the young Zubiri was immersed, a crisis thatdeeply marked deeply the Catholic Church in the 20thcentury. First some hypotheses aresketched about how Zubiri lived, suffered and weathered this crisis, and then the articleseeks to delimit specifically Zubiri’s early modernist positions. Then their theological evolution is framed among the (...)
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    Casey Meets the Crisis Pregnancy Centers.B. Jessie Hill - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (1):59-71.
    Recent cases have found factual disclosure requirements to be constitutional when imposed on abortion providers but unconstitutional when imposed on crisis pregnancy centers. This paper argues that the outcomes in both kinds of cases can be explained by courts' perception of abortion as an ideological, political, or moral act rather than as health care.
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    Crisis y transformación de la política. Una reflexión sobre los antecedentes del estado-fundación.Eduard Punset - 2012 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 17.
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    The crisis of international education.Michael A. Peters - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (12):1233-1242.
    Volume 52, Issue 12, November 2020, Page 1233-1242.
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    How Times of Crisis Serve as a Catalyst for Creative Action: An Agentic Perspective.Ronald A. Beghetto - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:600685.
    The human experience is punctuated by times of crisis. Some crises are experienced at a personal level (e.g., the diagnosis of a life-threatening disease), organizational level (e.g., a business facing bankruptcy), and still others are experienced on a societal or global level (e.g., COVID-19 pandemic). Although crises can be deeply troubling and anxiety provoking, they can also serve as an important catalyst for creative action and innovative outcomes. This is because during times of crisis our typical forms of (...)
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    From Cultural Resistance to Patriarchal Reaction: Feminism And The Global Crisis in The 21st Century.M. Urania Atenea Ungo - 2020 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 9 (17):43-77.
    This text constitutes a reflection on politics, women, feminism and the future in the current global crisis. The civilizing crisis is total, universal and unstoppable. Here we try to sketch some ideas of what I think is really at stake: the definition of subject, person and rights, the idea of the future desirable society, and the foundations and regulation of social life, the concept of good life. In the context of an escalating global crisis and the growing (...)
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    The Concept in Crisis: Reading Capital Today.Frank Nesbitt (ed.) - 2017 - Duke University Press.
    The publication of _Reading Capital_—by Louis Althusser, Étienne Balibar, Roger Establet, Pierre Macherey, and Jacques Rancière—in 1965 marked a key intervention in Marxist philosophy and critical theory, bringing forth a stunning array of concepts that continue to inspire philosophical reflection of the highest magnitude. _The Concept in Crisis_ reconsiders the volume’s reading of Marx and renews its call for a critique of capitalism and culture for the twenty-first century. The contributors—who include Alain Badiou, Étienne Balibar, and Fernanda Navarro—interrogate Althusser's contributions (...)
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    Philosophy and the Climate Crisis: How the Past Can Save the Present.Byron Williston - 2020 - New York: Routledge.
    This book explores how the history of philosophy can orient us to the new reality brought on by the climate crisis. If we understand the climate crisis as a deeply existential one, it can help to examine the way past philosophers responded to similar crises in their times. This book explores five past crises, each involving a unique form of collective trauma. These events-war, occupation, exile, scientific revolution and political revolution-inspired the philosophers to remake the whole world in (...)
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    Kryzys estetyki?Maria Golszewska, International Conference on Aesthetics "A. Crisis in Aesthetics?" & Uniwersytet Jagiello Nski (eds.) - 1983 - [Kraków]: Państwowe Wydawn. Nauk..
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  48. Enfermedad del espíritu e historia sacrificial. Sobre Cristianismo sin redención de Vincenzo Vitiello.Alberto Moreiras - 2006 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 39:19-28.
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  49. Food "Crisis.".Roy F. Hendrickson, John D. Black, P. Lamartine Yates, D. Warriner, E. Parmalee Prentice & Howard C. Taylor - 1944 - Science and Society 8 (2):172-176.
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    The crisis of cognition in hypermedia.Guido Ipsen - 2003 - Semiotica 2003 (143):185-197.
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