Results for ' social forum'

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  1.  13
    The World Social Forum and the Global Left.Boaventura De Sousa Santos - 2008 - Politics and Society 36 (2):247-270.
    This article has two purposes. First, it aims to put the development of the World Social Forum within a broad theoretical and historical context. Specifically, my goal is to understand the WSF in relation to the crises of left thinking and practice of the last thirty or forty years. Second, it offers an analysis of some recent debates about the future of the WSF. It raises questions concerning its organizational makeup and asks whether it should continue as it (...)
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  2. European Social Forum: Making Another World Possible?L. Levidow - 2004 - Radical Philosophy 128:6-11.
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  3. World social forum and networking.Prakash Louis - 2004 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 60 (4):1057-1060.
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    Is the World Social Forum a Transnational Public Sphere?Janet Conway & Jakeet Singh - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (5):61-84.
    In a number of recent articles, Nancy Fraser attempts to understand the World Social Forum within the framework of critical democratic theory. In this article, we examine the descriptive and normative aspects of Fraser’s theoretical framework, and explore the effects of projecting it upon the World Social Forum. We argue that while this theory may elucidate some features of the Forum, many of the Forum’s most challenging and innovative aspects are obscured and limited by (...)
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    Christian Philosophy facing Naturalism.Forum Philosophicum - 2023 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 28 (1):211-212.
    The dispute between naturalism and anti-naturalism has been underway almost since the very beginnings of philosophy. Christian thinkers, by proclaiming that God as Creator transcends the reality He has created, and that human beings as persons transcend the material world, have entered this dispute on the anti-naturalist side. The contemporary dominance in culture of the naturalistic paradigm requires Christian philosophy to reflect on naturalism in the broadest sense (in its various forms), together with its conditions and consequences, and to rethink (...)
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    SWS 2015 Feminist Lecture: The Gendered Geographies of Struggle: The World Social Forum and Its Sometimes Overlapping Other Worlds.Manisha Desai - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (6):869-889.
    The World Social Forum —a global gathering of social movements and a process of global change—has come to signify the global justice movements. Since its inception in 2001 in Brazil it has traveled across the Global South, with the 2016 WSF in Montreal. As the WSF has traveled across the world, it has reflected the particular geographies and histories of movement politics in each place. Yet everywhere it has demonstrated what I have called the gendered geographies of (...)
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    The World Social Forum.H. Patomaki - 2004 - Theory, Culture and Society 21 (6):145-154.
  8.  14
    Globalizations from below: the normative power of the world social forum, ant traders, Chinese migrants, and Levantine cosmopolitanism.Theodor Tudoroiu - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Globalizations from Below uses a Constructivist International Relations approach that emphasizes the centrality of normative power to analyze and compare the four globalizations 'from below'. These are: (1) the counter-hegemonic globalization represented by the 'movement of movements' of alter-globalization transnational social activists, who try to put an end to the Neoliberal nature of the Western-centered globalization 'from above;' (2) the non-hegemonic globalization enacted by 'ant traders' that are part of the transnational informal economy; (3) the partially similar Chinese-centered globalization, (...)
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    The Rising Strength of the World Social Forum.Immanuel Wallerstein - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (3):83-85.
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    Acknowledging Strength in Plurality: The World Social Forum 2016 Through the Prism of Assemblage Thinking.Carminda Mac Lorin & Nikolas Schall - 2018 - Studies in Social Justice 12 (1):56-74.
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    A Forum on Creolizing Social and Political Theory.Lewis R. Gordon - 2021 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 1 (2):267-275.
    The author discusses Jane Anna Gordon’s proposal, in the 2006 international meeting of the Caribbean Philosophical Association, of creolizing theory. He summarizes the research it generated, including Gordon’s monograph on creolizing political theory, and the set of articles in this forum on creolizing social and political identities and theory.
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    Technik und Bildung.Eduard J. M. Kroker, Bruno Dechamps & Kèonigsteiner Forum (eds.) - 1989 - Frankfurt/Main: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
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    A forum for philosophical imagination and social critique.Peter Dews - unknown
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  14. Développement des peuples et développement durable. De Populorum progressio au Forum social mondial.Marc Feix - 2008 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 82 (1):25-41.
    Le 40e anniversaire de la publication de l’encyclique du pape Paul VI « Sur le développement des peuples » (26 mars 1967) invite à revenir sur ce thème. Comment est-on passé d’une conception du développement économique à celle de développement durable ? De quelle façon l’encyclique s’inscrit-elle dans ce passage ? La prise en compte de la dimension sociale du développement, à partir des réunions du Forum social mondial, depuis 2001, permet de mettre en perspective les problématiques liées (...)
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    Explaining Social Normativity: Introduction to The Discussion Forum on Cecilia Heyes’ “Rethinking Norm Psychology”.Daniel Kelly - forthcoming - Perspectives on Psychological Science:1-12.
    This essay is an introduction to a special issue centered on Cecilia Heyes’ article ‘Rethinking Norm Psychology’. This target article criticizes nativist accounts of the psychological processes dedicated to social norms and offers an alternative account of norm psychology as a cognitive gadget that is culturally evolved and socially learned. The essay sketches out the conceptual landscape around that article and locates within it some of the main points of the 14 short commentaries. These discussions focus especially on trying (...)
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    The Social Welfare Forum[REVIEW]Felix P. Biestek - 1950 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 25 (4):741-742.
  17.  13
    Temple or Forum? On New Museology and Education for Social Change.Ann Chinnery - 2012 - Philosophy of Education 68:269-276.
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    Responding to Racism in the Clinical Setting: A Novel Use of Forum Theatre in Social Medicine Education.Joel Manzi, Sharon Casapulla, Katherine Kropf, Brandi Baker, Merri Biechler, Tiandra Finch, Alyssa Gerth & Christina Randolph - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 41 (4):489-500.
    Issues of race have traditionally been addressed in medical school curricula in a didactic manner. However, medical school curricula often lack adequate opportunity for the application of learning material relating to race and culture. When confronted with acts of racism in clinical settings, students are left unprepared to respond appropriately and effectively. Forum Theatre offers a dynamic platform by which participants are empowered to actively engage with and become part of the performance. When used in an educational context, (...) Theatre can be a powerful tool for students to interact with a wide variety of social issues. This paper describes the process by which one medical school designed a workshop in the Forum Theatre style to equip students to respond to racism observed in clinical settings. Based on real student experiences, the Responding to Racism in the Clinical Setting workshop was designed to give students an opportunity to combine cultural humility, communication theory and conflict resolution skills in order to prepare for interactions in clinical stages of medical education. As a result of workshop evaluations, surveys, and written reflections, the authors propose that Forum Theatre is a novel teaching modality for incorporating issues of race and culture into medical curriculum. (shrink)
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    Les territoires du Forum social mondial de Tunis.Mathieu Rousselin - 2013 - Multitudes 55 (4):185.
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    Critical Forum Introduction: Cultural Encounters and Textual Speculations in the Mediterranean.Burcu Kayışcı Akkoyun, Emrah Atasoy & Merve Tabur - 2024 - Utopian Studies 35 (1):127-131.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Critical Forum Introduction:Cultural Encounters and Textual Speculations in the MediterraneanBurcu Kayışcı Akkoyun, Emrah Atasoy, and Merve TaburThis issue's Critical Forum takes its point of departure from two paradigm shifts. The first one has already occurred in utopian studies, as attested by the increasingly evident interest in non-Western conceptions of utopianism and representations of speculative fiction. Scholars of utopian studies such as Lyman Tower Sargent and Jacqueline Dutton (...)
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    Forum Internum Revisited: Considering the Absolute Core of Freedom of Belief and Opinion in Terms of Negative Liberty, Authenticity, and Capability.Mari Stenlund & Pamela Slotte - 2018 - Human Rights Review 19 (4):425-446.
    Human rights theory generally conceptualizes freedom of thought, conscience, religion, and belief as well as freedom of opinion and expression, as offering absolute protection in what is called the forum internum. At a minimum, this is taken to mean the right to maintain thoughts in one’s own mind, whatever they may be and independently of how others may feel about them. However, if we adopt this stance, it seems to imply that there exists an absolute right to hold psychotic (...)
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    Length and Duration of Online Discourse Based on Multidisciplinary Analysis of the Student Forum of Media Studies and Social Communication.Andrzej Postawa - 2024 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 69 (1):621-638.
    The aim of this paper is to investigate the causes influencing the length and duration of online media discourse, which may also mean its “quality” or a kind of “attractiveness”. This goal sets out the issues and basic research questions related to these causes. What causes some discourses take a long time and others end as soon as they begin? What makes one discourse attract the attention of other participants in the discussion, and what causes less interest in the proposed (...)
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    « Le Défi du Forum Social Mondial »: L'Autre Monde au-Delà du Capitalisme.Gérard Duménil, Michaël Löwy & Carl A. Whitaker - 2007 - Actuel Marx 42 (2):181-196.
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    Foro Social Mundial: Un proceso pedagógico de desconstrucción de mitos y construcción utópica.Marcos Reigota - 2005 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 10 (29):119-128.
    This paper is the result of some partial research done under the title Daily education, pedagogy and the environment: constructing an ecological perspective of education, where the ethnography of pedagogical practice is one of the principal components. The pedagogical proposal is framed within the t..
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    PREFACE to the Special Issue of the Asian Journal of Business Ethics based on the Eighth World Business Ethics Forum: Emerging from Crisis through Socially Responsible and Ethical Business.Robin Stanley Snell, Jacky Fok Loi Hong & Tiffany Cheng Han Leung - forthcoming - Asian Journal of Business Ethics:1-8.
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  26. Dias Quentes, Noites Longas: Educação Ambiental no Fórum Social Mundial 2002.Rodrigo Barchi - 2004 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 6 (1).
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    FORTE: um fórum pela formação.Letícia Burck - 1998 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43 (5):41-44.
    As considerações do presente artigo referem-se a demandas de paradigmas atuais associados com a pós-modernidade. Salientam-se as possíveis relações entre a fragilização do Estado de Bem Estar Social e a emergência de entidades que ocupam, cada vez mais, espaços de formação com substancial apoio da sociedade civil, apontando o Fórum de Educação para o Trabalho - FORTE, como um exemplo dessa prática, em Porto Alegre, desde 1994.
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    Women in Wildfire Crises: Exploring Lived Experiences of Conflict through Forum Theatre (Creative Intervention).Lorenza Fontana, Angelo Miramonti & Caleb Johnston - 2023 - Studies in Social Justice 17 (2):269-279.
    This creative intervention draws on our recent work investigating the lived experiences of poor rural communities in Bolivia’s Chiquitania, a region deeply affected by wildfires in recent years. We share learning and materials from our project, Playing with Fire, situated at the interface of and combining Boal’s model of Forum Theatre and social science research. The aim and hope of the project were to use Forum Theatre to open up space for dialogue on the complex and entangled (...)
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  29. Open Forum Imaginary Prohibitions: Some Preliminary Remarks on the Founding Gestures of the `New Materialism'.Sara Ahmed - 2008 - European Journal of Women's Studies 15 (1):23-39.
    We have no interest whatever in minimizing the continuing history of racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise abusive biologisms, or the urgency of their exposure, that has made the gravamen of so many contemporary projects of critique. At the same time, we fear — with installation of an automatic antibiologism as the unshifting tenet of `theory' — the loss of conceptual access to an entire thought-realm. I was left wondering what danger had been averted by the exclusion of biology. What does (...)
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  30.  7
    Social Issues: The Ethics and Economics of Taxes and Public Programs.John C. Winfrey - 1998 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Given the recent cuts in government budgets, issues such as taxation, welfare, health care, social security, and environmental protection ar e drawing increasing attention to the basic problems of how to divide resources equitably among all members of society. Social Issues provid es a framework for discussing and resolving these current, pressing so cial issues. As each issue is considered, the book clarifies the moral, political, and economic dimensions that must be weighed as current p rograms and reform (...)
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    Social and Cultural Innovation: Research Infrastructures Tackling Migration.Riccardo Pozzo & Vania Virgili - 2017 - Diogenes 64 (1-2):151-161.
    Social and Cultural Innovation’ is a syntagma that is receiving increased usage among researchers since it was the title chosen by the European Strategy Forum Research Infrastructures for the working group that deals with research infrastructures primarily connected with Social Sciences and the Humanities. Innovation refers to the creation of new products and services by bringing a new idea to the market. Economic growth turns on infrastructures, which provide access to services and knowledge, e.g. by overcoming the (...)
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    Legal and political theory in the post-national age: selected papers presented at the Second Central and Eastern European Forum for Legal, Political and Social Theorists (Budapest, 21-22 May 2010.Péter Cserne & Miklós Könczöl (eds.) - 2011 - Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
    In the last decades, regional and global integration processes have made the traditional state-centred view of law less and less obvious. Recent discussions revolve around how to conceptually comprehend, critically reflect on and reasonably control these new developments in the global legal arena. The essays in this volume, written by young Central and Eastern European legal theorists and political scientists, contribute to ongoing discussions in our post-national era. The chapters include conceptual analyses, historical and comparative examples, as well as normative (...)
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    Forum introduction.Colin Wight - 2018 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 48 (2):154-156.
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    A Masked Truth? Public Discussions about Face Masks on a French Health Forum.Madeleine Akrich & Franck Cochoy - 2023 - Minerva 61 (3):315-334.
    By analyzing the discussion on a health forum, we examine how wearing sanitary masks during the Covid-19 pandemic changed people’s lives and what adjustments were required. During our review, we encountered theories referred to by participants as “conspiracy theories” that led to heated exchanges on the forum. Surprisingly, these interactions promoted, rather than prevented, collective exploration and resulted in a rich discussion of the issues related to wearing masks. Using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, we first (...)
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  35. Forum-war, peace and the uncommitted nations-a controversy-comment.A. Etzioni - 1964 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 31 (1):126-127.
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    Feminist Family Values Forum.Gloria Steinem, Angela Y. Davis, María Jiménez, Mililani Trask & Susan Bright (eds.) - 1996 - Austin, TX: Produced by Plain View Press in collaboration with the Foundation for a Compassionate Society.
    Proceedings of a forum held in Austin, Tex., on Mother's Day, 1996.
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    La luna severa maestra: il contributo del femminismo ai movimenti sociali e alla costruzione dell'alternativa: intervento al Forum sociale europeo, Parigi 2003.Lidia Cirillo - 2003 - Milano: Il dito e la luna.
  38. Forum-war, peace and the uncommitted nations-a controversy-rejoinder.Hm Pachter - 1964 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 31 (1):128-129.
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    Infectious Socialization—The History of Contagious Bodies.Fritz Dross - 2020 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 28 (2):195-202.
    This paper is part of Forum COVID-19: Perspectives in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Being a “trauma of mankind” epidemics have been a major subject of historical research for a long time and regarding every historical period. Recurring to the concept of Rudolf Schlögl (“Vergesellschaftung unter Anwesenden”) my proposal is to research epidemics as a history of the communicating body and thus including the contagium as part of this communication.
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    The ELSI Virtual Forum, 30 Years of the Genome: Integrating and Applying ELSI Research.Caroline B. Moore, Deanne Dunbar Dolan, Rachel Yarmolinsky, Mildred K. Cho & Sandra Soo-Jin-Lee - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (3):661-671.
    This paper reports our analysis of the ELSI Virtual Forum: 30 Years of the Genome: Integrating and Applying ELSI Research, an online meeting of scholars focused on the ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSI) of genetics and genomics.
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    The public forum and Christian ethics.Robert Gascoigne - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book addresses the question of the communication of Christian ethics in the public forum of liberal, pluralist societies. Drawing on debates in philosophy, theology and sociological theory, it relates the problem of communication to fundamental questions about the nature of liberal societies and the identity of Christian faith and the Christian community. With particular emphasis on Kantian and neo-Kantian ethics, it explores the link between autonomy and community in liberal societies. The theology of communio, expressed in revealed Christian (...)
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    Social Issues in Management Division Dissertation Award Competition for 2010: Acknowledging Exemplary Research Processes and Outcomes in Doctoral Study.James Mattingly - 2011 - Business and Society 50 (3):513-517.
    This special dissertation forum, the first of its type to be published in this journal, reports the outcome and process for the 2010 annual Dissertation Award Competition for the Social Issues in Management Division of the Academy of Management. The special forum comprises this introductory essay by the chair of the award committee and three dissertation abstracts by the award finalists. In addition, each finalist has provided a thoughtful essay reflecting on their experiences of the research process (...)
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    The Social Performance and Responsibilities of Entrepreneurship.Stephen Pavelin & Mark C. Casson - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (1):11-13.
    This article summarizes the commentary essay and two research articles comprising the special research forum on “The Social Performance and Responsibilities of Entrepreneurship.” A commentary essay by William J. Baumol addresses the social responsibilities of successful entrepreneurs. A research article by Laura J. Spence examines the social responsibilities of small businesses. A research article by Henning Engelke, Stefanie Mauksch, Inga-Lena Darkow, and Heiko von der Gracht examines scenarios for social enterprises in Germany.
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    Curiosity Is Contagious: A Social Influence Intervention to Induce Curiosity.Rachit Dubey, Hermish Mehta & Tania Lombrozo - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (2):e12937.
    Our actions and decisions are regularly influenced by the social environment around us. Can social cues be leveraged to induce curiosity and affect subsequent behavior? Across two experiments, we show that curiosity is contagious: The social environment can influence people's curiosity about the answers to scientific questions. Participants were presented with everyday questions about science from a popular on‐line forum, and these were shown with a high or low number of up‐votes as a social cue (...)
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    VI BRICS Academic Forum.Renato Baumann Neves & Tamara Gregol de Farias (eds.) - 2014 - Brasília: IPEA.
    Papers presented at the 6th BRICS Academic Forum held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2014.
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    Support archetypes in ecosystems for social innovations.Nikolay A. Dentchev, Abel Alan Diaz Gonzalez & Xaver Neumeyer - 2023 - Business and Society Review 128 (4):661-671.
    Social innovations (SIs) offer creative solutions to complex social problems and often require the exchange of necessary resources, knowledge, and expertise among various actors. These actors form an ecosystem that can support the development of successful SIs. In this special topic forum introduction, we first discuss the literature related to the support function of ecosystems. We use the theoretical lens of prosocial behavior to explain the various types of support in an ecosystem. We argue that there are (...)
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    El cambio de conciencia como clave del destino del foro social mundial y el mundo. Reflexiones luego de la reunión del FSM en Caracas.Frank Bracho - 2006 - Polis 13.
    El autor nos relata, mediante esta crónica, los pormenores del reciente Foro Social Mundial, realizado en la ciudad de Caracas, Venezuela. En su texto revela la preocupación por la intervención gubernamental de la administración chavista en un evento cuya máxima es justamente la independencia y la autogestión de las organizaciones que le dan forma. Sin embargo, Bracho rescata la oportunidad única de haber podido reflexionar en torno a una nueva conciencia que parece surgir de los propios actores participantes y (...)
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    Social and political hierarchies: Record of a roundtable discussion.Paul J. D'Ambrosio & Henry Allen - 2024 - Philosophical Forum 55 (3):307-322.
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    (1 other version)Social Ontology and the Philosophy of Society.John R. Searle - 1998 - Analyse & Kritik 20 (2):143-158.
    This lecture was originally given at the Einstein Forum in Berlin. It contains a summary of some of the themes in my book The Construction of Social Reality and continues the line of argument I presented there.
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    The Application of Ethics within Social Work Supervision: A Selected Literature and Research Review.Kieran O'Donoghue & Rebekah O'Donoghue - 2019 - Ethics and Social Welfare 13 (4):340-360.
    Social work supervision is a forum in which social workers and supervisors have the opportunity to explore ethics within their practice. It is also where social workers experience ongoing learning and development regarding ethics. This article is a selective review of social work supervision and ethics literature. Key areas identified are: 1) the role of supervision in the monitoring and development of ethical social work practice; 2) supervisors’ knowledge and application of codes of ethics, (...)
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