Results for 'Addis Tamire Woldemariam'

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  1.  66
    Liberal Nationalism.Yael Tamir - 1995 - Princeton University Press.
    "This is a most timely, intelligent, well-written, and absorbing essay on a central and painful social and political problem of out time."--Sir Isaiah Berlin"The major achievement of this remarkable book is a critical theory of nationalism, worked through historical and contemporary examples, explaining the value of national commitments and defining their moral limits. Tamir explores a set of problems that philosophers have been notably reluctant to take on, and leaves us all in her debt."--Michael WalzerIn this provocative work, Yael Tamir (...)
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  2. Liberal Nationalism.Yael Tamir - 1993 - Ethics 105 (3):626-645.
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    Why Nationalism.Yael Tamir - 2019 - Princeton University Press.
    The surprising case for liberal nationalism Around the world today, nationalism is back—and it’s often deeply troubling. Populist politicians exploit nationalism for authoritarian, chauvinistic, racist, and xenophobic purposes, reinforcing the view that it is fundamentally reactionary and antidemocratic. But Yael Tamir makes a passionate argument for a very different kind of nationalism—one that revives its participatory, creative, and egalitarian virtues, answers many of the problems caused by neoliberalism and hyperglobalism, and is essential to democracy at its best. In Why Nationalism, (...)
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  4. Mental Time Travel? A Neurocognitive Model of Event Simulation.Donna Rose Addis - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (2):233-259.
    Mental time travel is defined as projecting the self into the past and the future. Despite growing evidence of the similarities of remembering past and imagining future events, dominant theories conceive of these as distinct capacities. I propose that memory and imagination are fundamentally the same process – constructive episodic simulation – and demonstrate that the ‘simulation system’ meets the three criteria of a neurocognitive system. Irrespective of whether one is remembering or imagining, the simulation system: acts on the same (...)
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  5. Anthropomorphism and teleology in reasoning about biological phenomena.Pinchas Tamir & Anat Zohar - 1991 - Science Education 75 (1):57-67.
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    Natural Signs.Laird Addis - 1983 - Review of Metaphysics 36 (3):543 - 568.
    AN entity is a natural sign if by its very nature it represents some other entity or would-be entity. Many different kinds of things are said to represent other things, and in many cases it is recognized that the connection is purely conventional, in others that it is partly conventional being based in some sense on natural relations, and perhaps in yet others purely natural. My thesis is that a thought and a thought alone is, or contains as a constituent, (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Two concepts of multiculturalism.Yael Tamir - 1995 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 29 (2):161–172.
    Yael Tamir; Two Concepts of Multiculturalism, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 29, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 161–172,
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    Democracy, nationalism, and education.Yael Tamir - 1992 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 24 (1):17–27.
  9.  39
    The land of the fearful and the free.Yael Tamir - 1997 - Constellations 3 (3):296-314.
  10.  63
    Whose education is it anyay?Yael Tamir - 1990 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 24 (2):161–170.
    Yael Tamir; Whose Education Is It Anyẃay?, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 24, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 161–170,
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    What is life?: how chemistry becomes biology.Addy Pross - 2012 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Livings things are so very strange -- The quest for a theory of life -- Understanding 'understanding' -- Stability and instability -- The knotty origin of life problem -- Biology's crisis of identity -- Biology is chemistry -- What is life?
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    Of mind and music.Laird Addis - 1999 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    In this account of the way in which we understand music, Laird Addis explains how sounds can have such profound effects on those listening to them.
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  13. Whose history? Whose ideas.Y. Tamir - 1991 - In Isaiah Berlin, Edna Ullmann-Margalit & Avishai Margalit (eds.), Isaiah Berlin: a celebration. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 146--159.
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    (1 other version)Introduction.Mark Addis & Christopher Winch - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 51 (3):557-573.
    This volume brings together a number of related contributions on the topic of expertise and education. Expertise is a topic that is beginning to receive more attention in the Philosophy of Education and discussions are closely related to the epistemological debate concerning the nature of know-how which has also burgeoned in recent years within ‘mainstream’ epistemology. More specifically, this volume focuses on the relevance of expertise to professional education and practice, with the aim on shedding light on what is involved (...)
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  15. The Maturing Field of Emotion Regulation.Maya Tamir - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (1):3-7.
  16.  12
    Revealing misattributed parentage through the integration of genetic information into the electronic health record.Sivan Tamir, Sivan Gazit, Shiri Sivan & Tal Patalon - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (8):741-750.
    The integration of genetic information (GI) into the electronic health record (EHR) seems inevitable as the mainstreaming of genomics continues. Such newly provided accessibility to GI could be beneficial for improving health care, as well as for supporting clinical decision‐making and health management. Notwithstanding these promising benefits, the automatic integration of GI into the EHR, allowing unrestricted access to one's GI through patient portals, carries various knowledge‐related risks for patients. This article is focused on the potential case of inadvertently revealing (...)
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    Behaviorism and the philosophy of the act.Laird Addis - 1982 - Noûs 16 (3):399-420.
    Behaviorism and the philosophy of the act are widely believed to be inconsistent with one another. I argue that both are true, Fulfilling the requirements of scientific psychology and the phenomenology of mind, Respectively. The key to understanding their mutual consistency lies in the idea of parallelism and its corresponding requirement that all descriptive features of mental states be analyzed as properties, None as relations (to anything physical). So the intentional link itself must be a 'logical' and not a descriptive (...)
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  18.  48
    Pains and other secondary mental entities.Laird Addis - 1986 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 47 (1):59-74.
  19. Mark Heller, The Ontology of Physical Objects: Four-Dimensional Hunks of Matter Reviewed by.Laird Addis - 1992 - Philosophy in Review 12 (3):199-203.
  20. Proving the principle: Taking geodesic dynamics too seriously in Einstein’s theory.Michael Tamir - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 43 (2):137-154.
    In this paper I critically review the long history of attempts to formulate and derive the geodesic principle, which claims that massive bodies follow geodesic paths in general relativity theory. I argue that if the principle is interpreted as a dynamical law of motion describing the actual evolution of gravitating bodies as endorsed by Einstein, then it is impossible to apply the law to massive bodies in a way that is coherent with his own field equations. Rejecting this canonical interpretation, (...)
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  21. The Logic of Society.Laird Addis - 1975 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 7 (2):404-408.
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    Wittgenstein and Philosophy of Religion.Mark Addis & Robert L. Arrington (eds.) - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    An exciting introduction to the contribution which the later Wittgenstein made to the philosophy of religion. Although his writings on the subject have been few, Wittgenstein developed influential and controversial theories on both religion which emphasize the distinctive nature of religious discourse and how this nature can be misunderstood when viewed in direct competition with science. The contributors of this collection shed new light on the perennial debate between faith and reason. The result is a collection that is both informative (...)
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    Philosophy in Post-92 Universities.Mark Addis - 2011 - Discourse: Learning and Teaching in Philosophical and Religious Studies 10 (2):85-92.
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    Neural Synchrony During Naturalistic Information Processing Is Associated With Aerobically Active Lifestyle and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Cognitively Intact Older Adults.Tamir Eisenstein, Nir Giladi, Talma Hendler, Ofer Havakuk & Yulia Lerner - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    The functional neural mechanisms underlying the cognitive benefits of aerobic exercise have been a subject of ongoing research in recent years. However, while most neuroimaging studies to date which examined functional neural correlates of aerobic exercise have used simple stimuli in highly controlled and artificial experimental conditions, our everyday life experiences require a much more complex and dynamic neurocognitive processing. Therefore, we have used a naturalistic complex information processing fMRI paradigm of story comprehension to investigate the role of an aerobically (...)
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  25.  10
    Regras e valores nas teorias historicistas da racionalidade científica.Tamires Dal Magro - 2023 - Revista Ética E Filosofia Política 1 (26):239-269.
    As teorias historicistas da racionalidade científica são produtos relativamente recentes da filosofia da ciência. Adequando-se aos dados extraídos da história da ciência, elas diferem de abordagens mais abstratas ou normativas da atividade científica que predominaram na primeira metade do século vinte. As teorias historicistas, contudo, são desafiadas pela dificuldade de conciliar a adequação empírica à história da ciência com a atribuição de racionalidade aos cientistas eles mesmos, especialmente quando escolhem entre hipóteses científicas rivais. Este artigo discute três influentes teorias historicistas (...)
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  26. Characteristics of senior high school science teachers in Israel as related to their educational goals and their perception of the implemented curriculum.Pinchas Tamir - 1990 - Science Education 74 (1):53-67.
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    Just Win the Game: The Reception of Arab Minorities on Israel’s National Football Team.Ilan Tamir - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 14 (3):391-400.
    The presence of minorities and immigrants in national sports settings specifically in football, is well documented in many places around the world. The growing presence of Arab ethnic minorities on...
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    The Bullshit that Binds. Reflections on Kwame Anthony Appiah’s The Lies that Bind: Rethinking Identity.Yael Tamir - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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  29. Training teachers to teach effectively in the laboratory.Pinchas Tamir - 1989 - Science Education 73 (1):59-69.
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  30.  50
    United we stand? The educational implications of the politics of difference.Yael Tamir - 1993 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 12 (1):57-70.
    This paper attempts to follow the changes in the concept “state” over the last two hundred years, by tracing changes in the aims of public education. Four major stages are identified. The first is characterized by the establishment of the nation-state, when a national and civic education are fused together. The second is marked by the erosion of the identity between state and nation, and by attempts to prevent this process through the development of contradictory educational strategies: ‘neutral civic education’ (...)
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    Nietzsche's Ontology.Laird Addis - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    Although there is a huge literature on Nietzsche s philosophy, this is the first study in English that focuses on his ontology. Before proceeding to that ontology, Addis argues that, contrary to many commentators, Nietzsche defends both the possibility and the desirability of objectivity in the search for knowledge, including knowledge of the basic features of reality, that is, of ontology. In separate chapters, Addis then sets out, analyzes, and evaluates the five essential components of Nietzsche s ontology: (...)
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  32. Linguistic competence and expertise.Mark Addis - 2013 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12 (2):327-336.
    Questions about the relationship between linguistic competence and expertise will be examined in the paper. Harry Collins and others distinguish between ubiquitous and esoteric expertise. Collins places considerable weight on the argument that ordinary linguistic competence and related phenomena exhibit a high degree of expertise. His position and ones which share close affinities are methodologically problematic. These difficulties matter because there is continued and systematic disagreement over appropriate methodologies for the empirical study of expertise. Against Collins, it will be argued (...)
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    Anchoring and adjustment during social inferences.Diana I. Tamir & Jason P. Mitchell - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (1):151.
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    Comment on Jamieson, Hangen, Lee, and Yaeager: What Should We Regulate to Promote Adaptive Functioning and How?Maya Tamir - 2017 - Emotion Review 10 (1):65-67.
    Jamieson, Hangen, Lee, and Yaeager present their empirical findings as evidence for the effects of reappraising arousal on affective responses. This comment highlights the important contribution of the research by Jamieson and colleagues, but offers alternative ways of conceptualizing it.
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    PC-SyncBB: A privacy preserving collusion secure DCOP algorithm.Tamir Tassa, Tal Grinshpoun & Avishay Yanai - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 297 (C):103501.
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    Computational scientific discovery and cognitive science theories.M. Addis, Peter D. Sozou, F. Gobet & Philip R. Lane - unknown
    This study is concerned with processes for discovering new theories in science. It considers a computational approach to scientific discovery, as applied to the discovery of theories in cognitive science. The approach combines two ideas. First, a process-based scientific theory can be represented as a computer program. Second, an evolutionary computational method, genetic programming, allows computer programs to be improved through a process of computational trialand-error. Putting these two ideas together leads to a system that can automatically generate and improve (...)
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    The Moral Gatekeeper: Soccer and Technology, the Case of Video Assistant Referee (VAR).Ilan Tamir & Michael Bar-eli - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Video assistant referee was officially introduced into soccer regulations in 2018, after many years in which referee errors were justified as being “part of the game.” The technology’s penetration into the soccer field was accompanied by concerns and much criticism that, to a large degree, continues to be voiced with frequency. This paper argues that, despite fierce objections and extensive criticism, VAR represents an important revision in modern professional soccer, and moreover, it completes a moral revolution in the evolution of (...)
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    Jordi Maiso, Desde la vida dañada, Editorial Siglo XXI, Madrid, 2022.Sofía Tamir - 2023 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 40 (3):659-661.
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  39. Freedom and the marxist philosophy of history.Laird Addis - 1966 - Philosophy of Science 33 (1/2):101-.
    Many believe that the Marxist philosophy of history entails that man is not free in a sense in which it seems obvious that he is. In particular it is held to be (1) materialistic, (2) holistic, (3) economistic, and (4) fatalistic. It is claimed, in short, that since the Marxist philosophy of history has these features, man is not capable of shaping his own (social) destiny if it is true. I show for each of these features either that it does (...)
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    Gustav Bergmann 1906-1987.Laird Addis - 1987 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 61 (1):164 - 165.
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  41. God on Trial: God or Gods—They ’re Equally Nonexistent‘.Laird Addis - 2005 - Free Inquiry 26:54-55.
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    On Defending the Covering-Law "Model".Laird Addis - 1974 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1974:361 - 368.
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    Philosophy in the Workplace.Mark Addis - 2013 - Philosophy Now 95:10-11.
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  44. The Abductive Loop: Tracking Irrational Sets.Tom Addis, Jan Townsend Addis, Dave Billinge, David Gooding & Bart-Floris Visscher - 2008 - Foundations of Science 13 (1):5-16.
    We argue from the Church-Turing thesis (Kleene Mathematical logic. New York: Wiley 1967) that a program can be considered as equivalent to a formal language similar to predicate calculus where predicates can be taken as functions. We can relate such a calculus to Wittgenstein’s first major work, the Tractatus, and use the Tractatus and its theses as a model of the formal classical definition of a computer program. However, Wittgenstein found flaws in his initial great work and he explored these (...)
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    Generality of US preexposure effects: Effect of shock or food preexposure on water escape.Tamir Caspy, Reuven Frommer, Ina Weiner & R. E. Lubow - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (1):15-18.
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    Intrinsic Reference and the New Theory.Laird Addis - 1989 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 14 (1):241-257.
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    Bīst matn-i falsafī - ʻirfānī bih Pārsī va Tāzī.ʻAlī Muḥaddis̲ - 2008 - Uppsala: Uppsala University.
  48.  50
    Some Thoughts about Hebrew Fascism in Inter-war Palestine.Dan Tamir - 2011 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 63 (4):364-381.
    During the 1920s and 1930s, fascist movements and groups flourished all around the world. Relying on Robert Paxton's postulate that the emergence of a fascist movement is an inherent part of modern societies with mass politics, this article examines the probable existence of such a fascist movement in the Hebrew society in Palestine of the time. After a short introduction of concepts of generic fascism and a review of the current state of research into the subject, the article discusses some (...)
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  49.  40
    The quest for identity.Yael Tamir - 1996 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 15 (1):175-191.
    This paper offers an analysis of the notion “the quest for identity.” The discussion emphasizes the importance of communal belonging, but rejects the view that one ought to belong to the community one was born to. It suggests that the quest for identity may lead individuals to follow many avenues: while some individuals might affirm their “inherent” affiliations and traditions, others may remain within their community of origin and strive to change its ways, or chose to leave their social group (...)
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    The Right to National Self-Determination.Yael Tamir - 1991 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 58.
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