Results for 'Alice Szczepanikova'

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  1.  13
    Becoming more conservative? Contrasting gender practices of two generations of Chechen women in Europe.Alice Szczepanikova - 2012 - European Journal of Women's Studies 19 (4):475-489.
    The article analyses the process of transformation and reinvention of patriarchal gender order at times of radical changes caused by violent conflict and life in emigration. The case study draws a comparison between younger and older generations of Chechen women in Austria, Poland and Germany and their radically different gender practices. The analysis shows that the turn towards more conservative gender relations, which can be observed among the younger generation, cannot be explained by a reference to the Chechen culture as (...)
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  2. Daniel J. Dudek Alice M. LeBlanc and Kenneth Sewall.Alice M. Leblanc - forthcoming - Business, Ethics, and the Environment: The Public Policy Debate.
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  3. Imagination and Creativity in the Scientific Realm.Alice Murphy - 2024 - In Amy Kind & Julia Langkau, Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Imagination and Creativity. Oxford University Press.
    Historically left to the margins, the topics of imagination and creativity have gained prominence in philosophy of science, challenging the once dominant distinction between ‘context of discovery’ and ‘context of justification’. The aim of this chapter is to explore imagination and creativity starting from issues within contemporary philosophy of science, making connections to these topics in other domains along the way. It discusses the recent literature on the role of imagination in models and thought experiments, and their comparison with fictions. (...)
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    Metaphorical Expressions and Culture: An Indirect Link.Alice Deignan - 2003 - Metaphor and Symbol 18 (4):255-271.
    Lakoff (1993) argued that basic level conceptual metaphors are grounded in human experience, and are therefore likely to be found widely across different languages and cultures. However, other mappings may not be shared. It is well documented that many metaphorical expressions vary across languages, and a number of researchers have argued cultural motivations for this. Possible reasons for cross-linguistic differences in metaphor are that different cultures hold different attitudes to metaphor vehicles, or that the source domain entities and events are (...)
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    Wittgenstein and Critical Theory: Mickaëlle Provost in Conversation with Alice Crary.Alice Crary & Mickaëlle Provost - 2022 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 11.
    This is the second of two parts of an interview with Alice Crary conducted in a single exchange in the first weeks of January 2022, where she discusses ordinary language philosophy and feminism, Wittgenstein’s conception of mind and its relation to feminist ethics, the link between Wittgenstein and Critical Theory, and her own views about efforts to bring about social and political transformations. The first part on “Wittgenstein and Feminism” is published in the NWR Special Issue “Wittgenstein and Feminism”, (...)
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    Life of Alice Barnham (1592-1650).Alice Chambers Bunten - 1928 - Edinburgh,: Oliphants.
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    Karezza, ethics of marriage.Alice B. Stockham - 1903 - Chicago: Stockham publishing co.(incorporated).
    Alice B. Stockham took 'KAREZZA' from the Italian term 'carezza' meaning petting or gentle stroking. Because of birth control as well as 'spiritual exaltation' she pled for a radical change of sexual behavior. She was convinced, that there was a tremendous difference between the usual copulation ending with orgasm respectively ejaculation and the sexual merging according to the Karezza technique without a climax. In spite of the 'sexual revolutions' during the 20th century her Karezza method has been generally ignored (...)
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    The Ethical Implications of Environmental Racism: Considerations for Advancing Health Equity.Alice Story, Nicole Bell, Sophie Schott, Faith Fletcher & Jelani Kerr - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (3):35-37.
    In “The Bioethics of Environmental Injustice: Ethical, Legal, and Clinical Implications of Unhealthy Environments,” Ray and Cooper (2024) initiate needed discourse on environmental justice and the...
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    Expanding the ethical debate on human artificial placenta trials.Alice Cavolo & Daniel Pizzolato - 2025 - Research Ethics 21 (1):9-15.
    Artificial placentas (APs) are technologies that mimic the human placenta to treat extremely preterm infants. Being an invasive and risky technology, it will raise important ethical questions for human trials. Hence, in this Topic Piece we provide a blueprint of further issues to investigate. First, counselling will have the double role of providing trial information as well as (non) treatment counselling. This requires extra training and the development of ad hoc decision aids to support counselling and parents’ decision-making. Second, more (...)
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  10.  42
    "Worldiness" and the Analytic Truth.Alice Newberry - 1981 - Semiotics:49-57.
  11.  49
    Wittgenstein and Feminism: Alice Crary in Conversation with Mickaëlle Provost.Mickaëlle Provost & Alice Crary - forthcoming - Nordic Wittgenstein Review.
    Alice Crary is a moral and social philosopher who has written widely on issues in metaethics, moral psychology and normative ethics, philosophy and feminism, critical animal studies, critical disability studies, critical philosophy of race, philosophy and literature, and Critical Theory. She has written on philosophers such as John L. Austin, Stanley Cavell, Cora Diamond, John McDowell, Iris Murdoch and Ludwig Wittgenstein. This is the first of two parts of the interview with Crary conducted in a single exchange in the (...)
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  12. Ratzinger on faith, philosophy, and trust.Alice Ramos - 2018 - In Heidi Marie Giebel, The things that matter: essays inspired by the later work of Jacques Maritain. Washington, D.C.: American Maritain Association.
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  13. The Splendor of Truth.Alice Ramos - 2004 - Vera Lex 5 (1/2):113-120.
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  14. Expert Commentary AreVeterinarians Kinder than Physicians at End-of-Life? Is Pawspice Kinder than Hospice? A Veterinary Oncologist's Interprofessional Crossover Perspective of Euthanasia for Terminal Patients.Alice Villalobos - 2013 - In Maria Rossi & Luiz Ortiz, End-of-life care: ethical issues, practices and challenges. New York: Nova Publishers.
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    Did Joe Groia kill the civility movement?Alice Woolley - 2019 - Legal Ethics 21 (2):159-162.
    Volume 21, Issue 2, December 2018, Page 159-162.
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    Friedrich Nietzsche: l'arte del grande ritmo.Alice Giordano - 2022 - Milano: Contemplazioni.
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  17. Profound experiments.Alice Murphy - 2023 - In Milena Ivanova & Alice Murphy, The Aesthetics of Scientific Experiments. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Philosophers of science have typically focused on “beauty”, “simplicity”, and “elegance” in their accounts of aesthetic values in science. But this is too narrow: other properties ought to be considered when thinking about aesthetics in science. In this chapter, Alice Murphy expands the discussion by asking: What makes a scientific experiment “profound”? To address this question, she draws on two accounts of profundity as developed in the philosophy of art to consider them in the scientific context. On the first (...)
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  18. In Defense of Third-Party Forgiveness.Alice MacLachlan - 2017 - In Kathryn J. Norlock, The Moral Psychology of Forgiveness. Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 135-160.
    In this paper, I take issue with the widespread philosophical consensus that only victims of wrongdoing are in a position to forgive it. I offer both a defense and a philosophical account of third-party forgiveness. I argue that when we deny this possibility, we misconstrue the complex, relational nature of wrongdoing and its harms. We also risk over-moralizing the victim's position and overlooking the roles played by secondary participants. I develop an account of third-party forgiveness that both demonstrates how successful, (...)
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  19. Toward a Pluralist Account of the Imagination in Science.Alice Murphy - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (5):957-967.
    Typically, the imagination in thought experiments has been taken to consist in mental images; we visualize the state of affairs described. A recent alternative from Fiora Salis and Roman Frigg main...
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  20. Diachronic morphological typology.Alice Carmichael Harris & Zheng Xu - forthcoming - Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics.
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  21. Role congruity theory of prejudice toward female leaders.Alice H. Eagly & Steven J. Karau - 2002 - Psychological Review 109 (3):573-598.
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  22. The New Wittgenstein.Alice Crary & Rupert J. Read (eds.) - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    This text offers major re-evaluation of Wittgenstein's thinking. It is a collection of essays that presents a significantly different portrait of Wittgenstein. The essays clarify Wittgenstein's modes of philosophical criticism and shed light on the relation between his thought and different philosophical traditions and areas of human concern. With essays by Stanley Cavell, James Conant, Cora Diamond, Peter Winch and Hilary Putnam, we see the emergence of a new way of understanding Wittgenstein's thought. This is a controversial collection, with essays (...)
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  23.  79
    Wittgenstein on some questions in foundations of mathematics.Alice Ambrose - 1955 - Journal of Philosophy 52 (8):197-214.
  24. Moore and Wittgenstein as Teachers.Alice Ambrose - 1989 - Teaching Philosophy 12 (2):107-113.
    G e moore and ludwig wittgenstein were very different teachers, both because of their differing views on the nature and aims of philosophical investigation, and because of the differences in the way they thought, their educational backgrounds, and the kind of persons they were. this paper records experiences of the two philosophers as teachers and as personalities, and indicates the features of their teaching which stemmed from their views and from their personalities.
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  25. The Aesthetic and Literary Qualities of Scientific Thought Experiments.Alice Murphy - 2020 - In Milena Ivanova & Steven French, The Aesthetics of Science: Beauty, Imagination and Understanding. New York: Routledge.
    Is there a role for aesthetic judgements in science? One aspect of scientific practice, the use of thought experiments, has a clear aesthetic dimension. Thought experiments are creatively produced artefacts that are designed to engage the imagination. Comparisons have been made between scientific (and philosophical) thought experiments and other aesthetically appreciated objects. In particular, thought experiments are said to share qualities with literary fiction as they invite us to imagine a fictional scenario and often have a narrative form (Elgin 2014). (...)
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  26.  40
    T he Yellow Book Notes in Relation to T he Blue Book.Alice Ambrose - 1977 - Critica 9 (26):3-23.
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    The Thaayorre lexicon of putting and taking.Alice Gaby - 2012 - In Anetta Kopecka & Bhuvana Narasimhan, Events of Putting and Taking: A Crosslinguistic Perspective. John Benjamins. pp. 100--233.
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    Studies in John the Scot "Erigena": a philosopher of the Dark Ages.Alice Gardner - 1900 - Bristol, England: Thoemmes Press.
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    Transgressing Teacher Education: Strategies for Equity, Opportunity and Social Justice in Urban Teacher Preparation and Practice.Alice E. Ginsberg - 2022 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book is a series of original strategies that teacher educators, teacher candidates and practicing teachers can use to think critically about issues of equity, diversity, opportunity, and social justice in urban education.
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    Ongoing egocentric spatial processing during learning of non-spatial information results in temporal-parietal activity during retrieval.Alice Gomez, Mélanie Cerles, Stéphane Rousset, Jean-François Le Bas & Monica Baciu - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Aux sources cachées de la pensée existentielle.Alice Gonzi - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 13:55-59.
    La co-existence en l’homme de ces deux pensées dont l’une, immanquablement, effectue l’affirmation existentielle et dont l’autre, non moins immanquablement, nie l’existence et lui substitue un monde de structures idéales qui, pour rester absolues, doivent être soustraites à toute atteinte d’une existence caractérisée par son changement perpétuel, par son flux héraclitéen, –la co-existence de ces deux pensées […], pensées antagonistes, irréductibles,également constitutives de l’être humain, c’est là la source primitive denotre dissension intime, de notre déchirement profond, du malheur de notreconscience. (...)
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    Zarathustra a Parigi: la ricezione di Nietzsche nella cultura francese del primo Novecento.Alice Gonzi - 2012 - Roma: Aracne.
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  33. (1 other version)Coleridge on logic and learning.Alice Dorothea Snyder - 1929 - New Haven,: Yale University Press; [etc., etc.]. Edited by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
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    The Politics of Care: Dementia and Accounting versus Caring for Mortification.Alice Stollmeyer - 2005 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 16 (2):116-126.
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    Extended Review.Alice Sullivan - 1999 - British Journal of Educational Studies 47 (2):189-193.
  36.  27
    Law and morality: Communist theory and communist practice.Alice Erh-Soon Tay - 1971 - Philosophy East and West 21 (4):395-409.
  37.  46
    Context, Meaning and Morality in the Life of the Lawyer.Alice Woolley - 2014 - Legal Ethics 17 (1):1-22.
    Legal ethics theory focuses on the moral problem of lawyers pursuing morally suspect (but lawful) ends and using morally suspect (but lawful) means. It considers possible justifications for lawyers' conduct arising from moral or political philosophy, and how those justifications may require shifts in the lawyer's role. This paper argues that legal ethics theory needs to expand its focus to consider other ethical aspects of the lawyer's role and, in particular, the extent to which being a lawyer can complicate, or (...)
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  38. Emotion and ethical decision-making in organizations.Alice Gaudine & Linda Thorne - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 31 (2):175 - 187.
    While the influence of emotion on individuals'' ethical decisions has been identified by numerous researchers, little is known about how emotions influence individuals'' ethical decision process. Thus, it is not clear whether different emotions promote and/or discourage ethical decision-making in the workplace. To address this gap, this paper develops a model that illustrates how emotion affects the components of individuals'' ethical decision-making process. The model is developed by integrating research findings that consider the two dimensions of emotion, arousal and feeling (...)
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    Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics.Alice Ambrose - 1957 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 18 (2):262-265.
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  40.  31
    Inside Ethics: On the Demands of Moral Thought.Alice Crary - 2016 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  41.  12
    phýsis em Sexto Empírico e a concepção da natureza como guia para a vida.Alice Bitencourt Haddad - 2019 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 19 (1):254-265.
    Este artigo se divide em duas partes. Na primeira seção, após a introdução, mapeamos as diversas ocorrências de “phýsis” ao longo das Hipotiposes Pirrônicas de Sexto Empírico, dividindo-as em 5 categorias: “natureza” como o real, em posição à “aparência”; o “natural” como aquilo que parece próprio, pertencente a algo ou alguém; a “Natureza”, como uma dimensão criadora e regente; o “natural” em oposição ao “antinatural”; a “natureza dos homens”. A forma como esses diversos usos aparecem na obra é invariavelmente crítica, (...)
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  42. Democracy, power and powerlessness of art.Alice Koubová - 2021 - In Alice Koubová & Petr Urban, Play and Democracy: Philosophical Perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    The causal capacities of linguistic rules.Alice ter Meulen - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):626-627.
  44.  15
    La causalidad del bien en Santo Tomás.Alice Ramos - 2011 - Anuario Filosófico:111-127.
    Este estudio examina la influencia de la tradición neoplatónica en el pensamientode Santo Tomás con respecto a la causalidad de la bondad divina. El axioma “bonum est diffusivum sui,” atribuido en general al Pseudo-Dionisio, será puesto de relieve e interpretado en el sentido de la causalidad final.
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  45. The Trinity people and "the conquest of freedom".Alice Ramos - 2006 - Philosophy and Culture 33 (9):35-48.
    This article focuses on Maritain put forward the concept of self to, in order to understand Maritain some unfathomable thought, we must use to understand the thinking of Thomas Aquinas to help understand Maritain. Maritain in the "conquest of freedom," the article discusses what is freedom. Maritain pointed to in order to properly understand the freedom and the concept of personal freedom and independence are inseparable, so the thought of Thomas Aquinas, the will as nature and will as a rational (...)
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    Verdad e interioridad.Alice Ramos - 1982 - Anuario Filosófico 15 (2):265-269.
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    La vita estranea: critica dell'alienzione contemporanea.Alice Romagnoli - 2023 - Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
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    Introduction of social sciences in Australian natural resource management agencies.Alice Roughley & David Salt - 2005 - Journal of Research Practice 1 (2):Article M3.
    This paper examines the integration, from 1978 to 2002, of six social scientists in five Australian natural resource management agencies: CSIRO Australia, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, the Murray Darling Basin Commission, the Western Australian Social Impact Unit, and the Queensland Social Impact Assessment Unit. All but one of the social scientists in the study occupied the first formal social science position in the respective agency. The organisational arrangements for integration, the roles of the social scientists and achievements (...)
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    Zur Reflexion des philosophischen Stils bei Schiller und Nietzsche.Alice Stašková - 2024 - Nietzscheforschung 31 (1):121-136.
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  50. 1. The Legitimate Concerns of Legal Ethics.Alice Woolley - 2010 - Legal Ethics 13 (2):168.
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