Results for 'Allen McConnell'

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  1.  10
    Helvetius' Russian Pupils.Allen McConnell - 1963 - Journal of the History of Ideas 24 (3):373.
  2. Relations among the implicit association test, discriminatory behavior, and explicit measures of racial attitudes.Allen McConnell & Jill Leibold - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 37 (5):435–42.
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    Blinded by wistfulness: on how nostalgia strengthens attitudes.LaCount J. Togans & Allen R. McConnell - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (6):913-927.
    Across four studies, we explored how feeling nostalgic about an attitude object impacts the metacognitive characteristics of the attitude toward that object and how those metacognitions predict the evaluation’s underlying strength. In each study, participants reflected on and evaluated a song or television show that either did or did not elicit nostalgia. Across these studies, we found support for the hypotheses that nostalgic attitude objects are viewed more positively, appraised with greater attitudinal importance, and exhibited less objective ambivalence. In Study (...)
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  4. Moral dilemmas.Terrance McConnell - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  5. Moral Dilemmas and Consistency in Ethics.Terrance C. McConnell - 1978 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 8 (2):269 - 287.
    A moral dilemma is a situation in which an agent ought to do each of two actions, Both of which he cannot do. If there are genuine moral dilemmas, The ethical theorist is presented with a problem: he must reject several very plausible principles of standard deontic logic. The main reasons usually given to show that there are moral dilemmas are examined, And it is argued that they are not sufficient. Several positive arguments are then presented, Arguments which try to (...)
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  6. Cicero and Socrates.Sean McConnell - 2019 - In Christopher Moore, Brill's Companion to the Reception of Socrates. Leiden: Brill. pp. 347-366.
    Much has been written on Cicero’s deployment of the Socratic method of in utramque partem argument, his use of Plato’s Socratic dialogues as literary models, and so forth. There has been less attention given to the nature of Cicero’s reception of ‘Socrates the man’. In this chapter I consider Cicero’s reception of ‘Socrates the man’ and argue that essentially he saw Socrates as an important model for ‘philosophy in practical life’.
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  7. Quantum Particle Dynamics.James McConnell - 1958
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    Genetic intervention and the parent-child relationship.Terrance McConnell - 2010 - Genomics, Society and Policy 6 (3):1-14.
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  9. Clinical Practice, Science, and the Unconscious.Douglas McConnell & Neil Pickering - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (1):1-7.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 12.1 (2005) 1-7 [Access article in PDF] Clinical Practice, Science, and the Unconscious Douglas McConnell Neil Pickering Keywords psychotherapy, cognitive science, neuroscience, computational view of mind. This volume of Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology is devoted to questions about the unconscious mind. The philosophical complexities and difficulties associated with the unconscious are many and, despite widespread confusion and disagreement as to the nature of the (...)
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    Lacan, Science and Determinism.Douglas McConnell & Grant Gillett - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (1):83-85.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 12.1 (2005) 83-85 [Access article in PDF] Lacan, Science, and Determinism Douglas McConnell Grant Gillett Keywords Lacan, the unconscious, free will Van Staden And Hinshelwood's commen-taries raise a number of issues, but there are two particular themes common to both that we pick up in this response.The first theme concerns the reconcilability of Lacanian theory to the disciplines of analytic philosophy and "Anglo-American positivist (...)
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  11. Genetic Enhancement, Human Nature, and Rights.T. Mcconnell - 2010 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 35 (4):415-428.
    Authors such as Francis Fukuyama, the President's Council on Bioethics, and George Annas have argued that biotechnological interventions that aim to promote genetic enhancement pose a threat to human nature. This paper clarifies what conclusions these critics seek to establish, and then shows that there is no plausible account of human nature that will meet the conditions necessary to support this position. Appeals to human nature cannot establish a prohibition against the pursuit of genetic enhancement.
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  12. Friends and obligations: Cicero’s De amicitia and a problem in Roman political culture.Sean McConnell - 2024 - In Andree Hahmann & Michael Vazquez, Cicero as Philosopher: New Perspectives on His Philosophy and Its Legacy. De Gruyter. pp. 223-244.
    Cicero provides a detailed examination of the nature and obligations of amicitia (‘friendship’) in the dialogue De amicitia, which was composed in 44 BCE in the febrile period after the assassination of Caesar. This chapter focuses on Cicero’s treatment in this dialogue of a particularly vexed ethical problem: is it sometimes or to some extent acceptable to breach one’s duty to the state or to transgress from what is morally right on account of amicitia?
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    Gender, Sexuality, and Meaning: Linguistic Practice and Politics.Sally McConnell-Ginet - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    Preface and acknowledgments -- Prelude -- 1. Gender, sexuality, and meaning: An overview -- Part I. Politics and scholarship: 2. Language and gender -- 3. Feminism in linguistics -- 4. Difference and language: A linguist's perspective -- Part II. Social practice, social meanings, and selves: 5. Communities of practice: Where language, gender, and power all live -- 6. Intonation in a man's world -- 7. Constructing meaning, constructing selves: Snapshots of language, gender, and class from Belten High -- Part III. (...)
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    Pragmatics. [REVIEW]Sally McConnell-Ginet - 1986 - Philosophical Review 95 (1):123-127.
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    Moral Relativity.Terrance McConnell - 1986 - Noûs 20 (4):559-562.
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  16. The ambiguity about death in Japan: an ethical implication for organ procurement.J. R. McConnell - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (4):322-324.
    In the latter half of the twentieth century, developed countries of the world have made tremendous strides in organ donation and transplantation. However, in this area of medicine, Japan has been slow to follow. Japanese ethics, deeply rooted in religion and tradition, have affected their outlook on life and death. Because the Japanese have only recently started to acknowledge the concept of brain death, transplantation of major organs has been hindered in that country. Currently, there is a dual definition of (...)
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  17. Meaning and grammar: an introduction to semantics.Gennaro Chierchia & Sally McConnell-Ginet - 2000 - Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press. Edited by Sally McConnell-Ginet.
    This self-contained introduction to natural language semantics addresses the majortheoretical questions in the field. The authors introduce the systematic study of linguistic meaningthrough a sequence of formal tools and their linguistic applications. Starting with propositionalconnectives and truth conditions, the book moves to quantification and binding, intensionality andtense, and so on. To set their approach in a broader perspective, the authors also explore theinteraction of meaning with context and use (the semantics-pragmatics interface) and address some ofthe foundational questions, especially in connection (...)
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  18. A Russian.A. McCONNELL - 1964
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    Ethics.T. McConnell, R. J. H. King, J. Skorupski & D. Cox - 2005 - Philosophical Books 46 (1):87-93.
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    Metaethical Principles, Meta-Prescriptions, and Moral Theories.Terrance McConnell - 1985 - American Philosophical Quarterly 22 (4):299 - 309.
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  21. Law and Prophecy in Matthew's Gospel.Richard S. McConnell - 1969
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    Lacan for the Philosophical Psychiatrist.Douglas McConnell & Grant Gillett - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (1):63-75.
    Lacan, despite being largely ignored and misunderstood in Anglo-American analytic philosophy, brings psychoanalytic theory into close contact with the philosophy of mind and psychiatry as illuminated by the continental tradition. He draws on Freud, phenomenology, existentialism, and structuralism to construct a subtle theoretical approach to the psyche according to which our engagement in discourse and our existence in the world combine to generate a many layered structure of meanings and influences that forms us. This allows him to focus on the (...)
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    (1 other version)Augustine on torturing and punishing an innocent person.Terrance C. McConnell - 1979 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 17 (4):481-492.
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    The Concept of the Positron: A Philosophical Analysis.J. McConnell - 1963 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 12:313-314.
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    On an alleged problem for voluntary euthanasia.T. McConnell - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (3):218-219.
    sirDr Campbell presents proponents of euthanasia with a dilemma.1 Only voluntary euthanasia is permissible; involuntary euthanasia is always impermissible. The question of allowing euthanasia arises most frequently when patients are terminally ill and experiencing great pain. But in these cases, he argues, if patients request euthanasia, their decision “is not freely chosen but is compelled by the pain”.2 It is easy to exaggerate the problem here; patients may have periods when they are pain-free and affirm repeatedly their desire that death (...)
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    Supporting collaboration in Collaborative Research.Patricia W. Barnes-McConnell - 1996 - Agriculture and Human Values 13 (2):52-61.
    Numerous evaluations of the Bean/Cowpea Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP) have documented CRSP contributions to food production and availability with impacts valued in the millions of dollars in developing countries as well as in the US. These reports emphasized collaboration as a critical factor in the success that emanated from CRSP research and training. Real collaboration among males and females across disciplinary, national, ethnic, cultural, and language differences is not easy. This review of CRSP experiences in building productive collaborations gives (...)
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    Confidentiality and the law.T. McConnell - 1994 - Journal of Medical Ethics 20 (1):47-49.
    Codes of medical ethics issued by professional organizations typically contain statements affirming the importance of confidentiality between patients and health-care practitioners. Seldom, however, is the confidentiality obligation depicted as absolute. Instead, exceptions are noted, the most common of which is that health-care professionals are justified in breaching the confidence of a patient if required by law to do so. Reasons that might be given to support this exception are critically discussed in this paper. The conclusion argued for is that this (...)
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    Magnitudo animi and cosmic politics in Cicero's De re publica.Sean McConnell - 2017 - Classical Journal 113:45-70.
    his paper offers a fresh interpretation of the role played by the Dream of Scipio in Cicero’s De re publica. It explores Cicero’s key distinction between the cosmic and the local levels of statesmanship and the problems he sees with localism, and it details fully for the first time the importance that Cicero attached to the virtue of magnitudo animi (“greatness of soul”). The paper makes the case that in De re publica Cicero promotes his own innovative cosmic model of (...)
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  29. Audi, R.-Moral Knowledge and Ethical Character.T. McConnell - 1999 - Philosophical Books 40:53-55.
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  30. Book Reviews-Biographies-King of the Clinicals: The Life and Times of JJ Hicks (1837-1916).Anita McConnell & A. B. Davis - 1999 - Annals of Science 56 (4):461.
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  31. By the Way.Francis J. McConnell - 1952
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    Donagan on act and agent evaluations.Terrance C. McConnell - 1980 - Philosophical Studies 38 (1):97 - 100.
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    Electron optical study of incipient exsolution and inversion phenomena in the system NaAlSi3O8-KAlSi3O8.J. D. C. McConnell - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (158):221-229.
  34. Is God limited?Francis John McConnell - 1924 - London: Williams & Norgate.
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    INTERVIEW: In Their Words: A Living History of the Brown Decision.Judith Lynne Mcconnell & Blythe F. Hinitz - 2005 - Educational Studies 37 (1):77-82.
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    Natural selection in human populations.R. B. McConnell - 1961 - The Eugenics Review 52 (4):240.
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    Photochemical degradation of a silicate in the beam of the electron microscope.J. D. C. Mcconnell - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 20 (168):1195-1202.
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    The Ethics of State Interference in the Domestic Relations.Ray Madding McConnell - 1908 - International Journal of Ethics 18 (3):363-374.
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    Active sampling in visual search is coupled to the cardiac cycle.Alejandro Galvez-Pol, Ruth McConnell & James M. Kilner - 2020 - Cognition 196 (C):104149.
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  40. Susan L. Clark, Hartmann von Aue: Landscapes of Mind. Houston: Rice University Press, 1989. Pp. ix, 254. $24.95.Winder McConnell - 1992 - Speculum 67 (4):949-951.
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  41. Review of L. Paulson (2022) Cicero and the People’s Will: Philosophy and Power at the End of the Roman Republic (Cambridge University Press). [REVIEW]Sean McConnell - 2023 - Bryn Mawr Classical Review.
  42.  27
    Words Matter: Meaning and Power.Sally McConnell-Ginet - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    History and current affairs show that words matter - and change - because they are woven into our social and political lives. Words are weapons wielded by the powerful; they are also powerful tools for social resistance and for reimagining and reconfiguring social relations. Illustrated with topical examples, from racial slurs and sexual insults to preferred gender pronouns, from ethnic/racial group labels to presidential tweets, this book examines the social contexts which imbue words with potency. Exploring the role of language (...)
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  43. Reactive attitudes, relationships, and addiction.Jeanette Kennett, Doug McConnell & Anke Snoek - 2018 - In Hanna Pickard & Serge H. Ahmed, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Science of Addiction. Routledge.
    In this chapter we focus on the structure of close personal relations and diagnose how these relationships are disrupted by addiction. We draw upon Peter Strawson’s landmark paper ‘Freedom and Resentment’ (2008, first published 1962) to argue that loved ones of those with addiction veer between, (1) reactive attitudes of blame and resentment generated by disappointed expectations of goodwill and reciprocity, and (2) the detached objective stance from which the addicted person is seen as less blameworthy but also as less (...)
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    Review of P. S. Greenspan: Practical Guilt: Moral Dilemmas, Emotions, and Social Norms[REVIEW]Terrance McConnell - 1996 - Ethics 106 (4):854-856.
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    SICs and Algebraic Number Theory.Marcus Appleby, Steven Flammia, Gary McConnell & Jon Yard - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (8):1042-1059.
    We give an overview of some remarkable connections between symmetric informationally complete measurements and algebraic number theory, in particular, a connection with Hilbert’s 12th problem. The paper is meant to be intelligible to a physicist who has no prior knowledge of either Galois theory or algebraic number theory.
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    Raphael Woolf. Cicero: The Philosophy of a Roman Sceptic. Reviewed by. [REVIEW]Sean McConnell - 2015 - Philosophy in Review 35 (6):319-320.
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    Investigating how implementation intentions improve non-focal prospective memory tasks.Rebekah E. Smith, Melissa D. McConnell Rogers, Jennifer C. McVay, Joshua A. Lopez & Shayne Loft - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 27 (C):213-230.
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    Plus ça Change, Plus C’est la Même Chose: The “New” Terrorism.Douglas J. Cremer, Will McConnell & Emerald M. Archer - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (5):543-555.
    The immediate perception after 9/11 was that we were entering a world of “new terrorism”: new actors, new tactics, new responses. And yet more than a decade later, it seems that not much has really changed, or that the changes have been contextual rather than structural. Authors have used the modifier “new” in many different ways, creating a contested and confused understanding of what terrorism is and how it appears in the world. The same applies to how one defines terrorism, (...)
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  49. Keys to the Encounter. A Library of Congress resource Guide for the Study of the Age of Discovery.L. De Vorsey & A. McConnell - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (3):299-300.
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    B∗ probability based search.Hans J. Berliner & Chris McConnell - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 86 (1):97-156.
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