Results for 'Augustine Thompson'

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  1.  62
    The debate on universals before Peter Abelard.Augustine Thompson - 1995 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 33 (3):409-429.
  2.  11
    Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes, 1125–1325. [REVIEW]Augustine Thompson - 2006 - Speculum 81 (3):927-928.
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    Wittgenstein, Augustine and the fantasy of ascent.Caleb Thompson - 2002 - Philosophical Investigations 25 (2):153–171.
  4. Augustine and Narrative Ethics.Christopher J. Thompson - 1994 - Dissertation, Marquette University
    The warrant for investigating the relationship between Augustine and narrative ethics is prompted, among other things, by a consideration of the appeals to Augustine among a diversity of views within the vast field of narrative ethics. Disparate thinkers from distinctively different backgrounds and with different motives and purposes, while all sharing an interest in the category of "narrative," also share a common interest in employing Augustine's Confessions in their efforts. Thus the question emerges as to what it (...)
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  5. The Confessions of Saint Augustine : accessory to grace.Samantha Thompson - 2005 - In Thomas Mathien & D. G. Wright (eds.), Autobiography as Philosophy: The Philosophical Uses of Self-Presentation. New York: Routledge.
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  6. Justification within the limits of anthropology alone: Augustine and Kierkegaard on freedom and grace.Curtis L. Thompson - 2017 - In Paffenroth Kim, Doody John & Russell Helene Tallon (eds.), Augustine and Kierkegaard. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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  7. Benedict, Thomas, or Augustine?: The Character of MacIntyre’s Narrative.Christopher J. Thompson - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (3):379-407.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BENEDICT, THOMAS, OR AUGUSTINE? THE CHARACTER OF MACINTYRE'S NARRATIVE CHRISTOPHER J. THOMPSON University of St. Thomas St. Paul, Minnesota Introduction I N HIS Three Rival Versions of Moral Enquiry1 Alasdair Macintyre continues (with certain modifications) in a similar trajectory established in two earlier works, After Virtue and Whose Justice? Which Rationality? Against postEnlightenment portraits of moral reasoning, he consistently defends a conception of practical rationality which entails (...)
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  8. Wittgenstein's Confessions: A Study of the Influence of Augustine's and Tolstoy's Confessions on the Philosophy of Wittgenstein.Caleb Thompson - 1994 - Dissertation, University of Virginia
    The works of Ludwig Wittgenstein are notoriously difficult to interpret because of the peculiarity of their style and content. They are fragmentary and aphoristic. They are in some respects very personal. They treat philosophical problems as things to be overcome rather than solved. Wittgenstein indicates that their point is ethical. In an age when philosophy has primarily conceived of itself as systematic, scientific and objective these features of Wittgenstein's works appear as oddities. Commentators have frequently ignored the peculiarities of Wittgenstein's (...)
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  9.  33
    Augustine and the Death Penalty.Phillip M. Thompson - 2009 - Augustinian Studies 40 (2):181-203.
  10.  19
    Tradition, Revolt and Reconstruction in Philosophy of Religion.Samuel Thompson - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 13 (2):305 - 319.
    The problem of faith and knowledge is one form of this basic problem which has been especially congenial and troublesome to the Western mind since the beginning of the Christian era. For Western civilization is a marriage of two very different outlooks on life, Hebrew fideism and Greek rationalism. Neither has absorbed the other and neither has been able to dispense with the other. Like an unstable chemical bond, our society is a synthesis which is constantly threatened by unpredictable imbalances. (...)
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    What Goodness Is.Samantha E. Thompson - 2012 - Review of Metaphysics 65 (3):525-553.
    Augustine of Hippo is notorious for arguing that evil is nothing more than a privation or lack of good. He also thinks that goodness is equivalent to existence and that there are degrees not only of goodness but also of existence. Critics have charged that such abstractions have no purchase in the concrete world of our experience. This article investigates what Augustine means by both goodness and existence in the illuminating context of his view that the world is (...)
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    Augustine Thompson, Francis of Assisi: A New Biography. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2012. Pp. x, 299. $29.95. ISBN: 978-0-8014-5070-9. [REVIEW]Neslihan Şenocak - 2014 - Speculum 89 (4):1202-1204.
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    The Daughter of the Word: What Luther Learned from the Early Church and the Fathers.Glen L. Thompson - 2019 - Perichoresis 17 (4):41-56.
    All the major sixteenth-century Reformers knew something about the early church and used the early Fathers. As an Augustinian monk and professor of theology, however, Luther’s knowledge and use of the great Father was both deeper and more nuanced. While indebted to Augustine, Luther went further in defining what it meant for theology to be ‘scriptural’. He saw history as the interaction of God’s two regimes, and the church of every age as weak and flawed but conquering through the (...)
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    Review of A Journey into the Philosophy of Alain Locke by Johnny Washington. [REVIEW]Stephen Lester Thompson - 1995 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 33 (4):703-705.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 703 thing," and "doing, acting [having.] priority over intellectual understanding and reasoning " (92). But are such "analogies" really the crux of the "religious point of view" in terms of which Wittgenstein said that he could "not help seeing every problem"? When we recall that Wittgenstein's later philosophy was a proibund attack upon what he regarded as the idolatry of science, logic, and mathematics (an idolatry of (...)
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    Kirsi Stjerna and Deanna A. Thompson, editors, On the Apocalyptic and Human Agency: Conversations with Augustine of Hippo and Martin Luther.P. Travis Kroeker - 2016 - Augustinian Studies 47 (1):119-120.
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    Odo of tournai, the phoenix, and the problem of universals.Irven Michael Resnick - 1997 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 35 (3):355-374.
    Odo of Tournai, the Phoenix, and the Problem of Universals IRVEN M. RESNICK OVER THE PAST SEVERAL YEARS a good deal of attention has been focused on the philosophical literature of the late eleventh and early twelfth centuries in an attempt to locate the origins of nominalism? As part of this effort, several scholars have attempted to come to a new and better appreciation of one of the most vilified figures of the late eleventh century, namely Roscelin of Com- pi~gne, (...)
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  17. Blame and the Humean Theory of Motivation.Adam R. Thompson - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (3):1345-1364.
    A classic, though basically neglected question about motivation arises when we attempt to account for blame’s nature—namely, does the recognition central to blame need help from an independent desire in order to motivate the blame-characteristic dispositions that arise in the blamer? Those who have attended to the question think the answer is yes. Hence, they adopt what I call a Humean Construal of blame on which blame is (a) a judgment that an individual S is blameworthy and (b) an independent (...)
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  18. Mind in Life: Biology, Phenomenology, and the Sciences of Mind.Evan Thompson - 2007 - Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
    The question has long confounded philosophers and scientists, and it is this so-called explanatory gap between biological life and consciousness that Evan ...
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  19. Sensorimotor subjectivity and the enactive approach to experience.Evan Thompson - 2005 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 4 (4):407-427.
    The enactive approach offers a distinctive view of how mental life relates to bodily activity at three levels: bodily self-regulation, sensorimotor coupling, and intersubjective interaction. This paper concentrates on the second level of sensorimotor coupling. An account is given of how the subjectively lived body and the living body of the organism are related via dynamic sensorimotor activity, and it is shown how this account helps to bridge the explanatory gap between consciousness and the brain. Arguments by O'Regan, Noë, and (...)
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  20.  22
    Philosophy for Africa.Augustine Shutte - 1995 - Milwaukee: Marquette University Press.
    Has philosophy anything of value to offer Africa? Has Africa anything of value to offer contemporary philosophy? This text answers yes to both of these questions and deals with the question of human freedom and the problem of liberation in the context of postcolonial contemporary Africa.
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    Modeling the neural substrates of associative learning and memory: A computational approach.Mark A. Gluck & Richard F. Thompson - 1987 - Psychological Review 94 (2):176-191.
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    The ethics of evolution.James Thompson Bixby - 1900 - Boston,: Small, Maynard and company.
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  23.  26
    What makes us persons?Augustine Shutte - 1984 - Modern Theology 1 (1):67-79.
  24. Colour vision, evolution, and perceptual content.Evan Thompson - 1995 - Synthese 104 (1):1-32.
    b>. Computational models of colour vision assume that the biological function of colour vision is to detect surface reflectance. Some philosophers invoke these models as a basis for 'externalism' about perceptual content (content is distal) and 'objectivism' about colour (colour is surface reflectance). In an earlier article (Thompson et al. 1992), I criticized the 'computational objectivist' position on the basis of comparative colour vision: There are fundmental differences among the colour vision of animals and these differences do not converge (...)
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    Imperial Archipelago: Representation and Rule in the Insular Territories under US Dominion after 1898.Lanny Thompson - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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    The God of the Christians.Augustine Morris - 1946 - Westminster: Dacre Press.
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  27. Irrigation and drainage in the early Ptolemaic Fayyum.Dorothy J. Thompson - 1999 - In Thompson Dorothy J. (ed.), Agriculture in Egypt, From Pharaonic to Modern Times. pp. 107-122.
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  28. Trust without Reliance.Christopher Thompson - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (3):643-655.
    A standard view of trust sees trust as intimately related to reliance; on this standard view, trust is reliance plus some other factor. A significant literature has now developed that seeks to explain what factor, in addition to reliance, serves to distinguish cases of trust from cases of mere reliance. I argue that this approach to the analysis of trust is misguided. Although reliance, properly understood, frequently accompanies trust, reliance is not a necessary condition of trust.
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  29. Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness.Morris Moscovitch, Philip Zelazo & Evan Thompson (eds.) - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness is the first of its kind in the field, and its appearance marks a unique time in the history of intellectual inquiry on the topic. After decades during which consciousness was considered beyond the scope of legitimate scientific investigation, consciousness re-emerged as a popular focus of research towards the end of the last century, and it has remained so for nearly 20 years. There are now so many different lines of investigation on consciousness that the (...)
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  30. Ethics.Augustine Osgniach - 1932 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 8:124.
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    Eighty-Three Different Questions.Saint Augustine - 1982 - Cua Press.
    INTRODUCTION1 ARELY HAS A GREAT AND INFLUENTIAL THINKER taken pains to let others look at his previous literary career through his very own eyes....
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    Revisiting Contextualism in Political Theory: Putting Principles into Context.Tariq Modood & Simon Thompson - 2018 - Res Publica 24 (3):339-357.
    In this article, we articulate and defend a contextual approach to political theory. According to what we shall call ‘iterative contextualism’, context has two important roles to play in determining what is required by justice. First, it is through the exploration and evaluation of multiple contexts that general principles are devised, revised and refined. Second, significant weight should be given to the norms to be found in specific contexts because the people affected by those norms strongly identify with them. Having (...)
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  33. Beth-Shan a focus of human-experience.Henry O. Thompson - 1982 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 5 (1):15-25.
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  34. Critique of Between voice and silence: Women and girls, race and relationship.Audrey Thompson - 1996 - Educational Studies 27 (3):253-261.
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  35. Public or Private? An Artemisian Answer.Norma Thompson - forthcoming - Arion 7 (2).
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  36. The Religious Sentiments of the Human Mind.Daniel Greenleaf Thompson - 1888
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    Ethics of human life: issues, problems & implications.Augustine C. Achilihu - 2006 - Enugu: Snaap Press.
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    Filling-In: Visual Science and the Philosophy of Perception.Evan Thompson - 1999 - In Denis Fisette (ed.), Consciousness and Intentionality: Models and Modalities of Attribution. Springer. pp. 145--161.
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    Guest Editors’ Introduction: Overlooked Thinkers: Stretching the Boundaries of Business Ethics Scholarship.Andrew Wicks, Lindsay Thompson, Patricia Werhane & Norman Bowie - 2021 - Business Ethics Quarterly 31 (4):489-499.
    This special issue is devoted to highlighting thinkers who have been overlooked within business ethics and who have important contributions to make to our field. We make the case that, as scholars of a hybrid discipline that also aims to address important issues of business practice, we need to look continually for new sources of insight and wisdom that can both enrich our discourse and improve our ability to generate ideas that have a positive impact on business practice. In this (...)
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    Buddhism in Christian Perspective.Augustine Paul Kunii - 1965 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 40 (3):390-414.
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    Chapter twenty. Conflict and religion – secularity as a standard for authentic religion.Augustine Shutte - 2014 - In Johanna Seibt & Jesper Garsdal (eds.), How is Global Dialogue Possible?: Foundational Reseach on Value Conflicts and Perspectives for Global Policy. De Gruyter. pp. 419-450.
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    Current periodical articles.Manley Thompson - 1981 - American Philosophical Quarterly 18 (1).
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  43. Crossing the Divide: Luther, Feminism, and the Cross.Deanna A. Thompson - 2004
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    Derivative Dispositions and Multiple Generative Levels.Ian J. Thompson - 2010 - In Mauricio Suárez (ed.), Probabilities, Causes and Propensities in Physics. New York: Springer.
    The analysis of dispositions is used to consider cases where the effect of one disposition operating is the existence of another disposition. This may arise from rearrangements within aggregated structures of dispositional parts, or, it is argued, also as stages of derivative dispositions within a set of multiple generative levels. Inspection of examples in both classical and quantum physics suggests a general principle of `Conditional Forward Causation': that dispositions act 'forwards' in a way conditional on certain circumstances or occasions already (...)
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    Following the Cultured Public's Chosen One.Curtis L. Thompson - 2008 - Denmark: Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre, Copenhagen University.
    This volume examines the Kierkegaard-Martensen relationship, establishing ways in which the speculative theologian Martensen was a source for Kierkegaards thought. Kierkegaard's relationship with Martensen was multidimensional and volatile.
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  46.  22
    Gillian Brock, Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Account. Reviewed by.Janna Thompson - 2010 - Philosophy in Review 30 (4):246-248.
  47.  45
    Layered Cognitive Networks.Ian J. Thompson - manuscript
    In cognitive psychology there appears to be a creative tension between models that use connections of a network, and models that use rules for symbol manipulation. The idea of a connectionist network goes back to McCulloch & Pitts [1943] and Hebb [1949], and finds recent revival in the `parallel distributed processing' (PDP) models that have been extensively examined in the last few years (see e.g. Rumelhart et al. [1986]). In the intervening years, however, the predominant explanations of psychology have been (...)
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    The Nature and Role of Intuition in Mathematical Epistemology.Paul Thompson - 1998 - Philosophia: Philosophical Quarterly of Israel 26 (3-4):279-319.
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  49. The Promise of the Father: Jesus and God in the New Testament.Marianne Meye Thompson - 2000
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  50. When Manipulation Is Indispensable to Education: The Moral Work of Fiction.A. Thompson - 1997 - Journal of Thought 32:27-52.
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