Results for 'Autocatalytic sets'

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  1.  63
    The Structure of Autocatalytic Sets: Evolvability, Enablement, and Emergence.Wim Hordijk, Mike Steel & Stuart Kauffman - 2012 - Acta Biotheoretica 60 (4):379-392.
    This paper presents new results from a detailed study of the structure of autocatalytic sets. We show how autocatalytic sets can be decomposed into smaller autocatalytic subsets, and how these subsets can be identified and classified. We then argue how this has important consequences for the evolvability, enablement, and emergence of autocatalytic sets. We end with some speculation on how all this might lead to a generalized theory of autocatalytic sets, which (...)
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    A History of Autocatalytic Sets: A Tribute to Stuart Kauffman.Wim Hordijk - 2019 - Biological Theory 14 (4):224-246.
    This year we celebrated Stuart Kauffman’s 80th birthday. Kauffman has contributed many original ideas to science. One of them is that of autocatalytic sets in the context of the origin of life. An autocatalytic set is a self-sustaining chemical reaction network in which all the molecules mutually catalyze each other’s formation from a basic food source. This notion is often seen as a “counterargument” against the dominant genetics-first view of the origin of life, focusing more on metabolism (...)
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    Modeling a Cognitive Transition at the Origin of Cultural Evolution Using Autocatalytic Networks.Liane Gabora & Mike Steel - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (9):e12878.
    Autocatalytic networks have been used to model the emergence of self‐organizing structure capable of sustaining life and undergoing biological evolution. Here, we model the emergence of cognitive structure capable of undergoing cultural evolution. Mental representations (MRs) of knowledge and experiences play the role of catalytic molecules, and interactions among them (e.g., the forging of new associations) play the role of reactions and result in representational redescription. The approach tags MRs with their source, that is, whether they were acquired through (...)
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  4.  8
    Interior Operators and Their Relationship to Autocatalytic Networks.Mike Steel - 2023 - Acta Biotheoretica 71 (4).
    The emergence of an autocatalytic network from an available set of elements is a fundamental step in early evolutionary processes, such as the origin of metabolism. Given the set of elements, the reactions between them (chemical or otherwise), and with various elements catalysing certain reactions, a Reflexively Autocatalytic F-generated (RAF) set is a subset R′\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$'$$\end{document} of reactions that is self-generating from a given food set, and with each reaction in (...)
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  5. Ideas are not replicators but minds are.Liane Gabora - 2004 - Biology and Philosophy 19 (1):127-143.
    An idea is not a replicator because it does not consist of coded self-assembly instructions. It may retain structure as it passes from one individual to another, but does not replicate it. The cultural replicator is not an idea but an associatively-structured network of them that together form an internal model of the world, or worldview. A worldview is a primitive, uncoded replicator, like the autocatalytic sets of polymers widely believed to be the earliest form of life. Primitive (...)
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  6. Self-other organization: Why early life did not evolve through natural selection.Liane Gabora - manuscript
    The improbability of a spontaneously generated self-assembling molecule has suggested that life began with a set of simpler, collectively replicating elements, such as an enclosed autocatalytic set of polymers (or autocell). Since replication occurs without a self-assembly code, acquired characteristics are inherited. Moreover, there is no strict distinction between alive and dead; one can only infer that an autocell was alive if it replicates. These features of early life render natural selection inapplicable to the description of its change-of-state because (...)
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  7.  94
    Simulating a model of metabolic closure.Athel Cornish-Bowden, Gabriel Piedrafita, Federico Morán, María Luz Cárdenas & Francisco Montero - 2013 - Biological Theory 8 (4):383-390.
    The goal of synthetic biology is to create artificial organisms. To achieve this it is essential to understand what life is. Metabolism-replacement systems, or (M, R)-systems, constitute a theory of life developed by Robert Rosen, characterized in the statement that organisms are closed to efficient causation, which means that they must themselves produce all the catalysts they need. This theory overlaps in part with other current theories, including autopoiesis, the chemoton, and autocatalytic sets, all of them invoking some (...)
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  8.  23
    Arxiv.Org > nlin > arxiv:Nlin/0512025.Liane Gabora - manuscript
    The improbability of a spontaneously generated self-assembling molecule has suggested that life began with a set of simpler, collectively replicating elements, such as an enclosed autocatalytic set of polymers (or protocell). Since replication occurs without a self-assembly code, acquired characteristics are inherited. Moreover, there is no strict distinction between alive and dead; one can only infer that a protocell was alive if it replicates. These features of early life render natural selection inapplicable to the description of its change-of-state because (...)
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  9.  21
    The origin of cellular life.Donald E. Ingber - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (12):1160-1170.
    This essay presents a scenario of the origin of life that is based on analysis of biological architecture and mechanical design at the microstructural level. My thesis is that the same architectural and energetic constraints that shape cells today also guided the evolution of the first cells and that the molecular scaffolds that support solid-phase biochemistry in modern cells represent living microfossils of past life forms. This concept emerged from the discovery that cells mechanically stabilize themselves using tensegrity architecture and (...)
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  10. Lanl.arxiv.Org > q-bio > arxiv:Q-bio/0402002.Liane Gabora - manuscript
    An idea is not a replicator because it does not consist of coded self-assembly instructions. It may retain structure as it passes from one individual to another, but does not replicate it. The cultural replicator is not an idea but an associatively-structured network of them that together form an internal model of the world, or worldview. A worldview is a primitive, uncoded replicator, like the autocatalytic sets of polymers widely believed to be the earliest form of life. Primitive (...)
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  11.  16
    Modeling Discontinuous Cultural Evolution: The Impact of Cross-Domain Transfer.Kirthana Ganesh & Liane Gabora - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper uses autocatalytic networks to model discontinuous cultural transitions involving cross-domain transfer, using as an illustrative example, artworks inspired by the oldest-known uncontested example of figurative art: the carving of the Hohlenstein-Stadel Löwenmensch, or lion-human. Autocatalytic networks provide a general modeling setting in which nodes are not just passive transmitters of activation; they actively galvanize, or “catalyze” the synthesis of novel nodes from existing ones This makes them uniquely suited to model how new structure grows out of (...)
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  12.  68
    Process ecology: Stepping stones to biosemiosis.Robert E. Ulanowicz - 2010 - Zygon 45 (2):391-407.
    Many in science are disposed not to take biosemiotics seriously, dismissing it as too anthropomorphic. Furthermore, biosemiotic apologetics are cast in top-down fashion, thereby adding to widespread skepticism. An effective response might be to approach biosemiotics from the bottom up, but the foundational assumptions that support Enlightenment science make that avenue impossible. Considerations from ecosystem studies reveal, however, that those conventional assumptions, although once possessing great utilitarian value, have come to impede deeper understanding of living systems because they implicitly depict (...)
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  13.  20
    Peptide‐dominated membranes preceding the genetic takeover by RNA: latest thinking on a classic controversy.Richard Egel - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (10):1100-1109.
    It is commonly presumed that abiotic membranes were colonized by proteins later on. Yet, hydrophobic peptides could have formed primordial protein‐dominated membranes on their own. In a metabolism‐first context, “autocatalytically closed” sets of statistical peptides could organize a self‐maintaining protometabolism, assisted by an unfolding set of ribotide‐related cofactors. Pairwise complementary ribotide cofactors may have formed docking guides for stochastic peptide formation, before replicating RNA emerged from this subset. Tidally recurring wet‐drying cycles and an early onset of photosynthetic activities are (...)
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  14. (1 other version)What is complexity theory and what are its implications for educational change?Mark Mason - 2008 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (1):35–49.
    This paper considers questions of continuity and change in education from the perspective of complexity theory, introducing the field to educationists who might not be familiar with it. Given a significant degree of complexity in a particular environment , new properties and behaviours, which are not necessarily contained in the essence of the constituent elements or able to be predicted from a knowledge of initial conditions, will emerge. These concepts of emergent phenomena from a critical mass, associated with notions of (...)
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  15.  97
    Species are Processes: A Solution to the ‘Species Problem’ via an Extension of Ulanowicz’s Ecological Metaphysics. [REVIEW]Jeffrey A. Lockwood - 2012 - Axiomathes 22 (2):231-260.
    Abstract The ‘species problem’ in the philosophy of biology concerns the nature of species. Various solutions have been proposed, including arguments that species are sets, classes, natural kinds, individuals, and homeostatic property clusters. These proposals parallel debates in ecology as to the ontology and metaphysics of populations, communities and ecosystems. A new solution—that species are processes—is proposed and defended, based on Robert Ulanowicz’s metaphysics of process ecology. As with ecological systems, species can be understood as emergent, autocatalytic systems (...)
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  16. Yogadarśana meṃ Īśvara praṇidhāna kī vyākhyā: Pātañjala-Yogadarśana.Anupamā Seṭha - 1994 - Dillī: Nāga Prakāśaka. Edited by Patañjali.
    Study, with text of the Yogasūtra of Patañjali, text on Yoga philosophy.
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  17. Nordic social theory Between social philosophy and grounded theory.Lars Mjøset - 2006 - In Gerard Delanty (ed.), The handbook of contemporary European social theory. New York: Routledge. pp. 123.
  18. Herman Cappelen and Ernest Lepore.I. Stage Setting & Semantic Minimalism - 2004 - In R. Stanton, M. Ezcurdia & C. Viger (eds.), New Essays in Philosophy of Language and Mind, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 30. University of Calgary Press. pp. 3.
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    Funk utforsket.Lars Mjøset - 2013 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 31 (1-2):155-186.
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  20. Semester examinations–april 2013.Sem Set - 2011 - Business Ethics 4:10PBA4102.
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  21. Multi-volume works in progress (1).Hist Set - forthcoming - History of Science.
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  22. Social order and the natural world.Hist Set - forthcoming - History of Science.
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  23. The Darwin Industry—A Critical Evalution.Hist Set - 1974 - History of Science 12:43.
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  24.  13
    Kina gjennom to globaliseringsperioder.Lars Mjøset & Rune Skarstein - 2017 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 34 (2-3):85-134.
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    Nyliberalisme, økonomisk teori og kapitalismens mangfold.Lars Mjøset - 2011 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 29 (1):54-93.
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  26. Rough sets.Zdzislaw Pawlak, Jerzy Grzymala-Busse, Roman Slowinski & Wojciech Ziarko - 1995 - Commun. Acm 38 (11):88--95.
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  27.  14
    Arquitetura vitruviana e retórica antiga.Settings Gilson Charles dos Santos - 2019 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 28:e02804.
    O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar a analogia básica entre arquitetura e retórica antiga a partir dos tratados De Architectura, de Vitrúvio, e o De Oratore, de Cícero. A analogia se verifica na definição do artífice, dos gêneros e partes das técnicas e dos fins de cada uma delas. Para tanto, tomaram-se como referência as fontes do tratado vitruviano, que menciona a influência de Varrão na gramática, de Lucrécio na filosofia e de Cícero no método oratório. A analogia com Cícero (...)
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    Magic Sets for disjunctive Datalog programs.Mario Alviano, Wolfgang Faber, Gianluigi Greco & Nicola Leone - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence 187-188 (C):156-192.
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    Admissible Sets and Structures.Jon Barwise - 1978 - Studia Logica 37 (3):297-299.
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  30.  46
    Maximal Non-trivial Sets of Instances of Your Least Favorite Logical Principle.Lucas Rosenblatt - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy 117 (1):30-54.
    The paper generalizes Van McGee's well-known result that there are many maximal consistent sets of instances of Tarski's schema to a number of non-classical theories of truth. It is shown that if a non-classical theory rejects some classically valid principle in order to avoid the truth-theoretic paradoxes, then there will be many maximal non-trivial sets of instances of that principle that the non-classical theorist could in principle endorse. On the basis of this it is argued that the idea (...)
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  31. (1 other version)The Elusiveness of Sets.Max Black - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (4):614-636.
    NOWADAYS, even schoolchildren babble about "null sets" and "singletons" and "one-one correspondences," as if they knew what they were talking about. But if they understand even less than their teachers, which seems likely, they must be using the technical jargon with only an illusion of understanding. Beginners are taught that a set having three members is a single thing, wholly constituted by its members but distinct from them. After this, the theological doctrine of the Trinity as "three in one" (...)
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  32.  34
    Boolean-Valued Sets as Arbitrary Objects.Leon Horsten - 2024 - Mind 133 (529):143-166.
    This article explores the connection between Boolean-valued class models of set theory and the theory of arbitrary objects in roughly Kit Fine’s sense of the word. In particular, it explores the hypothesis that the set-theoretic universe as a whole can be seen as an arbitrary entity. According to this view, the set-theoretic universe can be in many different states. These states are structurally like Boolean-valued models, and they contain sets conceived of as variable or arbitrary objects.
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  33. Cosine Similarity Measure of Interval Valued Neutrosophic Sets.Said Broumi & Florentin Smarandache - 2014 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 5:15-20.
    In this paper, we define a new cosine similarity between two interval valued neutrosophic sets based on Bhattacharya’s distance [19]. The notions of interval valued neutrosophic sets (IVNS, for short) will be used as vector representations in 3D-vector space. Based on the comparative analysis of the existing similarity measures for IVNS, we find that our proposed similarity measure is better and more robust. An illustrative example of the pattern recognition shows that the proposed method is simple and effective.
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  34. N? Sets and models of wkl0.Stephen G. Simpson - 2005 - In Stephen Simpson (ed.), Reverse Mathematics 2001. Association for Symbolic Logic. pp. 21--352.
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  35. Why Numbers Are Sets.Eric Steinhart - 2002 - Synthese 133 (3):343-361.
    I follow standard mathematical practice and theory to argue that the natural numbers are the finite von Neumann ordinals. I present the reasons standardly given for identifying the natural numbers with the finite von Neumann's (e.g., recursiveness; well-ordering principles; continuity at transfinite limits; minimality; and identification of n with the set of all numbers less than n). I give a detailed mathematical demonstration that 0 is { } and for every natural number n, n is the set of all natural (...)
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  36.  35
    Reflecting stationary sets and successors of singular cardinals.Saharon Shelah - 1991 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 31 (1):25-53.
    REF is the statement that every stationary subset of a cardinal reflects, unless it fails to do so for a trivial reason. The main theorem, presented in Sect. 0, is that under suitable assumptions it is consistent that REF and there is a κ which is κ+n -supercompact. The main concepts defined in Sect. 1 are PT, which is a certain statement about the existence of transversals, and the “bad” stationary set. It is shown that supercompactness (and even the failure (...)
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  37. Objects, sets, and ensembles.Lisa Feigenson - 2011 - In Stanislas Dehaene & Elizabeth Brannon (eds.), Space, Time and Number in the Brain: Searching for the Foundations of Mathematical Thought. Oxford University Press. pp. 13--22.
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  38. Multiple universes of sets and indeterminate truth values.Donald A. Martin - 2001 - Topoi 20 (1):5-16.
  39. (1 other version)Why Propositions Cannot be Sets of Truth-supporting Circumstances.Scott Soames - 2008 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 37 (3):267-276.
    No semantic theory satisfying certain natural constraints can identify the semantic contents of sentences (the propositions they express), with sets of circumstances in which the sentences are true–no matter how fine-grained the circumstances are taken to be. An objection to the proof is shown to fail by virtue of conflating model-theoretic consequence between sentences with truth-conditional consequence between the semantic contents of sentences. The error underlines the impotence of distinguishing semantics, in the sense of a truth-based theory of logical (...)
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  40.  92
    Presburger sets and p-minimal fields.Raf Cluckers - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (1):153-162.
    We prove a cell decomposition theorem for Presburger sets and introduce a dimension theory for Z-groups with the Presburger structure. Using the cell decomposition theorem we obtain a full classification of Presburger sets up to definable bijection. We also exhibit a tight connection between the definable sets in an arbitrary p-minimal field and Presburger sets in its value group. We give a negative result about expansions of Presburger structures and prove uniform elimination of imaginaries for Presburger (...)
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  41.  59
    Immunity and Hyperimmunity for Sets of Minimal Indices.Frank Stephan & Jason Teutsch - 2008 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 49 (2):107-125.
    We extend Meyer's 1972 investigation of sets of minimal indices. Blum showed that minimal index sets are immune, and we show that they are also immune against high levels of the arithmetic hierarchy. We give optimal immunity results for sets of minimal indices with respect to the arithmetic hierarchy, and we illustrate with an intuitive example that immunity is not simply a refinement of arithmetic complexity. Of particular note here are the fact that there are three minimal (...)
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  42. Sets with no subset of higher degrees.Robert I. Soare - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (1):53-56.
  43.  31
    Μ-definable sets of integers.Robert Lubarsky - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (1):291-313.
  44.  89
    Postulate sets and decision procedures for some systems of deontic logic.Lennart åQvist - 1963 - Theoria 29 (2):154-175.
  45.  54
    (1 other version)New sets of postulates for combinatory logics.Barkley Rosser - 1942 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 7 (1):18-27.
  46.  99
    A Tale of Two Sets: Public Reason in Equilibrium.Gerald Gaus - 2011 - Public Affairs Quarterly 25 (4):305-25.
    Public reason liberalism is a family of theories according to which liberal political institutions, social structures, and/or basic social rules are politically or morally justified if and only if they can be endorsed from the perspective of each and every free and equal "reasonable and rational" person. Let us call these persons "the members of the justificatory public." Public reason liberalism idealizes the members of the justificatory public in three senses. First, the members of the justificatory public are assumed to (...)
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  47. The potential hierarchy of sets.Øystein Linnebo - 2013 - Review of Symbolic Logic 6 (2):205-228.
    Some reasons to regard the cumulative hierarchy of sets as potential rather than actual are discussed. Motivated by this, a modal set theory is developed which encapsulates this potentialist conception. The resulting theory is equi-interpretable with Zermelo Fraenkel set theory but sheds new light on the set-theoretic paradoxes and the foundations of set theory.
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  48. Interval Neutrosophic Rough Sets.Said Broumi & Florentin Smarandache - 2015 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 7:23-31.
    This Paper combines interval- valued neutrouphic sets and rough sets. It studies roughness in interval- valued neutrosophic sets and some of its properties. Finally we propose a Hamming distance between lower and upper approximations of interval valued neutrosophic sets.
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  49.  32
    Dominating projective sets in the Baire space.Otmar Spinas - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 68 (3):327-342.
    We show that every analytic set in the Baire space which is dominating contains the branches of a uniform tree, i.e. a superperfect tree with the property that for every splitnode all the successor splitnodes have the same length. We call this property of analytic sets u-regularity. However, we show that the concept of uniform tree does not suffice to characterize dominating analytic sets in general. We construct a dominating closed set with the property that for no uniform (...)
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  50.  36
    Computably enumerable sets and quasi-reducibility.R. Downey, G. LaForte & A. Nies - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 95 (1-3):1-35.
    We consider the computably enumerable sets under the relation of Q-reducibility. We first give several results comparing the upper semilattice of c.e. Q-degrees, RQ, Q, under this reducibility with the more familiar structure of the c.e. Turing degrees. In our final section, we use coding methods to show that the elementary theory of RQ, Q is undecidable.
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