Results for 'Begoña García Pastor'

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  1.  21
    Interculturalidad e interdisciplinariedad. Experiencias de investigación e intervención.Begoña García Pastor, Ana Giménez Adelanto & Juncal Caballero Guiral - 2012 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 11:7-10.
    A menudo las fronteras académicas que nos definen y nos separan como investigadores, también delimitan nuestros trabajos hasta el punto de desconectarlos de manera acrítica de las realidades culturales que, por motivos múltiples y no siempre explícitos, nos proponemos estudiar, analizar, transformar, etc. Sabemos que las universidades, como el resto de instituciones sociales, han participado históricamente en el mantenimiento de las fronteras que construimos interesadamente los seres humanos al relacionarnos como tales, tanto a escala individual como colectiva: económicas, políticas, académicas, (...)
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    From doubt to unbelief: forms of scepticism in the Iberian world.Mercedes García-Arenal & Stefania Pastore (eds.) - 2019 - Cambridge: Legenda, Modern Humanities Research Association.
    This volume delves into the question of how, in an Iberian world apparently far removed from the battlegrounds of modernity and secularisation, doubt and unbelief found fertile soil, stimulated by social and religious developments. Adopting a multidisciplinary perspective, the contributors show how the crisis of identity produced by forced mass conversion touched off inner crises about the nature of Truth. By tracing the path from medieval Spain to the Spanish Inquisition, and from the great literary and artistic works of the (...)
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    Fenomenología queer y literatura: emociones, orientaciones y narrativas en Sara Ahmed.Almudena Pastor García - 2023 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 114:193-211.
    Sara Ahmed piensa las emociones, los objetos, los espacios y las orientaciones hacia el mundo a partir de sus efectos. Las emociones son realidades públicas que nos pegan y nos separan de los otros, adquiriendo su significación política en el contacto social. La idea de la pegajosidad y el contacto presupone una subjetividad indisociable de su relación con la alteridad. Para explicar esta relación entre el yo y el mundo, Ahmed hace uso de la fenomenología. Una fenomenología queer consistirá en (...)
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    A Structural Approach to Disentangle the Visualization of Bipartite Biological Networks.J. Garcia-Algarra, J. M. Pastor, M. L. Mouronte & J. Galeano - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-11.
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  5. Escepticismo y naturalismo (sobre un libro de Strawson).Juan Tomás Pastor García - 1991 - Anuario Filosófico 24 (2):333-348.
    In this book Strawson is again considering topics as the existence of the exterior world, the moral attitudes, the universal... The novelty is not so in his original ideas as in the fact that these are useful to keep on completing the doctrine of a "descriptive" and "naturalist" metaphy-sick against "revisionism" such as the scepticism in its different modalities.
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  6. Report on Shafe Policies, Strategies and Funding.Willeke van Staalduinen, Carina Dantas, Maddalena Illario, Cosmina Paul, Agnieszka Cieśla, Alexander Seifert, Alexandre Chikalanow, Amine Haj Taieb, Ana Perandres, Andjela Jaksić Stojanović, Andrea Ferenczi, Andrej Grgurić, Andrzej Klimczuk, Anne Moen, Areti Efthymiou, Arianna Poli, Aurelija Blazeviciene, Avni Rexhepi, Begonya Garcia-Zapirain, Berrin Benli, Bettina Huesbp, Damon Berry, Daniel Pavlovski, Deborah Lambotte, Diana Guardado, Dumitru Todoroi, Ekateryna Shcherbakova, Evgeny Voropaev, Fabio Naselli, Flaviana Rotaru, Francisco Melero, Gian Matteo Apuzzo, Gorana Mijatović, Hannah Marston, Helen Kelly, Hrvoje Belani, Igor Ljubi, Ildikó Modlane Gorgenyi, Jasmina Baraković Husić, Jennifer Lumetzberger, Joao Apóstolo, John Deepu, John Dinsmore, Joost van Hoof, Kadi Lubi, Katja Valkama, Kazumasa Yamada, Kirstin Martin, Kristin Fulgerud, Lebar S. & Lhotska Lea - 2021 - Coimbra: SHINE2Europe.
    The objective of Working Group 4 of the COST Action NET4Age-Friendly is to examine existing policies, advocacy, and funding opportunities and to build up relations with policy makers and funding organisations. Also, to synthesize and improve existing knowledge and models to develop from effective business and evaluation models, as well as to guarantee quality and education, proper dissemination and ensure the future of the Action. The Working Group further aims to enable capacity building to improve interdisciplinary participation, to promote knowledge (...)
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    Natural language processing analysis applied to COVID-19 open-text opinions using a distilBERT model for sentiment categorization.Mario Jojoa, Parvin Eftekhar, Behdin Nowrouzi-Kia & Begonya Garcia-Zapirain - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-8.
    COVID-19 is a disease that affects the quality of life in all aspects. However, the government policy applied in 2020 impacted the lifestyle of the whole world. In this sense, the study of sentiments of people in different countries is a very important task to face future challenges related to lockdown caused by a virus. To contribute to this objective, we have proposed a natural language processing model with the aim to detect positive and negative feelings in open-text answers obtained (...)
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    How Do B-Learning and Learning Patterns Influence Learning Outcomes?María Consuelo Sáiz Manzanares, Raúl Marticorena Sánchez, César Ignacio García Osorio & José F. Díez-Pastor - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:257460.
    Learning Management System (LMS) platforms provide a wealth of information on the learning patterns of students. Learning Analytics (LA) techniques permit the analysis of the logs or records of the activities of both students and teachers on the on-line platform. The learning patterns differ depending on the type of Blended Learning (B-Learning). In this study, we analyse: (1) whether significant differences exist between the learning outcomes of students and their learning patterns on the platform, depending on the type of B-Learning (...)
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  9.  60
    Detection, exploitation and mitigation of memory errors.Oscar Llorente-Vazquez, Igor Santos-Grueiro, Iker Pastor-Lopez & Pablo Garcia Bringas - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (2):281-292.
    Software vulnerabilities are the root cause for a multitude of security problems in computer systems. Owing to their efficiency and tight control over low-level system resources, the C and C++ programming languages are extensively used for a myriad of purposes, from implementing operating system kernels to user-space applications. However, insufficient or improper memory management frequently leads to invalid memory accesses, eventually resulting in memory corruption vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities are used as a foothold for elaborated attacks that bypass existing defense methods. (...)
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  10.  27
    Does the Use of Learning Management Systems With Hypermedia Mean Improved Student Learning Outcomes?María Consuelo Sáiz-Manzanares, Raúl Marticorena-Sánchez, José Francisco Díez-Pastor & César Ignacio García-Osorio - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  11. Vocación y vocaciones. La pastoral vocacional.Gerardo García - 2012 - Revista Agustiniana 53 (160):187-198.
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  12. Aportaciones a Una urgencia pastoral: Servicio de orientacion familiar.P. Romero Garcia - 1998 - Verdad y Vida 56 (221):121-143.
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    ¿Qué significa una «Iglesia en salida»? La Teología Pastoral del papa Francisco.Juan Pedro García Maestro - 2022 - Salmanticensis 69 (1):161-180.
    El programa del Papa Francisco es la reforma de la Iglesia en salida misionera. Una Iglesia en salida se descentra, porque se centra en Cristo por la conversión, y en el ser humano por la misión. Dado que el discípulo com- parte la vida con la Persona, y la misión de Jesús, la conversión a Él lleva a parti- cipar de su misión. Esta es la figura del discípulo misionero. Solo si se está cen- trado en Dios es posible ir (...)
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    Teología pastoral: panorámica y perspectivas.Francisco García Martínez - 2007 - Salmanticensis 54 (2):381-388.
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    Reseña del libro de Begoña García Pastor, «Ser gitano» fuera y dentro de la escuela. Una etnografía sobre la educación de la infancia gitana en la ciudad de Valencia.Reyes Arcusa López - 2011 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 11:186-188.
    De entre los muchos problemas con los que se encuentra la etnia gitana a la hora de convivir en sociedad, la escuela debería ser el menor. Sin embargo, las actitudes de desconocimiento, que dan lugar a reacciones xenófobas, se repiten en este contexto. El hecho de que muchos de los integrantes de la etnia gitana no consigan el Graduado Escolar, sumado a la cantidad de prejuicios a los que están sometidos, no hace sino aumentar la brecha de exclusión social de (...)
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  16. Albarrán Martínez, María Jesús, Martín Hernández, Raquel y Pajón Leyra, Irene (eds.), "Estudios papirológicos. Textos literarios y documentales del siglo IV a. C. al IV d. C. "Cuadernos de la Fundación Pastor. Madrid. [REVIEW]Alba De Frutos García - 2018 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 23:343-345.
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    The Pastoral Clinic: Addiction and Dispossession along the Rio Grande. Angela Garcia. University of California: Berkeley, CA. 2010. xv + 248 pp. [REVIEW]Daniel H. Lende - 2013 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 41 (1):1-3.
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  18. Aullón de Haro, P.; García Gabaldón, J.; Navarro Pastor, S. : Juan Andrés y la teoría comparatista, Valencia, Biblioteca Valenciana, 2002. [REVIEW]R. Herrera - 2002 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 27:167.
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    JORDANA, RAFAEL (et al.), Sobre "La evolución del hombre a la luz de las ciencia biológicas y metabiológicas", de Rafael Jodana. Un debate con José Andrés-Gallardo, Juan Arana, Juan Manuel Burgos, Blanca Castilla de Cortázar, José Corral Lope, González Génova, Rafael Gómez Pérez, Luis Miguel Pastor García, Aquilino Polaino-Lorente, Ángel Sánchez-Palencia Martí, Manuel de Santiago, Ideas y Libros Ediciones, Madrid, 2018, 200 pp. [REVIEW]Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri - 2018 - Anuario Filosófico 51 (3):608-611.
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    Impoliteness on the political stage: The case of the 2019 final Macedonian presidential debate.Silvana Neshkovska - 2020 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 16 (2):285-304.
    Electoral debates are a win-lose game in which the stakes for the political contenders are extremely high. The antagonistic nature of these encounters very frequently results in impoliteness or face aggravating moves with which the debaters aim to hurt the opponent’s positive or negative face.The aim of this research is to investigate the impoliteness strategies employed by politicians during electoral debates. Garcia-Pastor’s (2008) positive-face and negative-face impoliteness strategies are taken as a starting point in the analysis at hand. The (...)
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    Kierkegaardian Seduction, Or the Aesthetic Actio(Nes) in Distans.Begonya Saez Tajafuerce - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (1):78-88.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 30.1 (2000) 78-88 [Access article in PDF] Kierkegaardian seduction, or the aesthetic actio(nes) in distans Begonya Saez Tajafuerce The one who cannot seduce people cannot save them either. --Søren Kierkegaard, Papirer IX A 383 Being an heir of Romanticism, Søren Kierkegaard appropriates the figure of seduction in his works and thought, yet he does so in a critical and unconventional manner. For Kierkegaard, seduction can no longer be (...)
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  22. Networks in Cognitive Science.Andrea Baronchelli, Ramon Ferrer-I.-Cancho, Romualdo Pastor-Satorras, Nick Chater & Morten H. Christiansen - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (7):348-360.
  23.  28
    Inhibitory non-invasive brain stimulation to homologous language regions as an adjunct to speech and language therapy in post-stroke aphasia: a meta-analysis.Begonya Otal, Manuel C. Olma, Agnes Flöel & Ian Wellwood - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Principia Translationis.Begonya Sàez Tajafuerce - 2000 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2000 (1):383-395.
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    Rethinking romantic love: discussions, imaginaries and practices.Begonya Enguix & Jordi Roca Girona (eds.) - 2015 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    This volume is the result of a thorough exploration of contemporary conceptions of romantic love from different points of view. Beginning with an initial text where the meanings of romantic love are discussed theoretically and historically, the contributions gathered here present current discussions about love in the present day and in different geographical contexts that range from Hungary to Italy or Spain. The first part of the book is devoted to the analysis of mobilities for the sake of love as (...)
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    Realitat i racionalitat kierkegaardianes: la curvatura ètica de la subjectivitat.Begonya Sáez - 2016 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 1:409.
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  27. Realitat i racionalitat kierkegaardianes: le curvatura ètica de la subjetividad.Begonya Sénz - 1999 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía:409-412.
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    A Literary Review: A Rhetorical Experiment or 'Watchman, Hallo!'.Begonya Sáez Tajafuerce - 1999 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 1999 (1):50-70.
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  29. On Kierkegaard's Ethical Instruction.Begonya Sdez Tajajuerce - 1999 - Kierkegaardiana 20:97.
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    Recent Spanish and Italian Literature on Works of Love.Begonya Sàez Tajafuerce - 1998 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 1998 (1):199-212.
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    Works of Love: Modernity or Antiquity?Begonya Sàez Tajafuerce - 1998 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 1998 (1):60-76.
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  32. (1 other version)The heart of racism.J. L. A. Garcia - 1996 - Journal of Social Philosophy 27 (1):5-46.
  33.  86
    Can We Motivate Students to Practice Physical Activities and Sports Through Models-Based Practice? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Psychosocial Factors Related to Physical Education.Manuel Jacob Sierra-Díaz, Sixto González-Víllora, Juan Carlos Pastor-Vicedo & Guillermo Felipe López-Sánchez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Adults (more than 18 years old) are likely to reproduce the habits that they acquired during childhood and adolescence (from 6 to 16 years old). For that reason, teachers and parents have the responsibility to promote an active and healthy lifestyle in children and adolescents. Even though every school subject should promote healthy activities, Physical Education (PE) is the most important subject to foster well-being habits associated to healthy lifestyle during sport practice and other kinds of active tasks. Indeed, there (...)
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    Spanish regulation of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide.Tamara Raquel Velasco Sanz, Pilar Pinto Pastor, Beatriz Moreno-Milán, Lydia Frances Mower Hanlon & Benjamin Herreros - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (1):49-55.
    In March 2021, the Spanish Congress approved the law regulating euthanasia, that regulates both euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide (PAS). In this article, we analyse the Spanish law regulating euthanasia and PAS, comparing it with the rest of the European laws on euthanasia and PAS (Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg). Identified strengths of the Spanish law, with respect to other norms, are that it is a law with many safeguards, which broadly recognises professionals’ right to conscientious objection and the specification that it (...)
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  35. On the Nature of Presupposition: A Normative Speech Act Account.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (2):269-293.
    In this paper I provide a new account of linguistic presuppositions, on which they are ancillary speech acts defined by constitutive norms. After providing an initial intuitive characterization of the phenomenon, I present a normative speech act account of presupposition in parallel with Williamson’s analogous account of assertion. I explain how it deals well with the problem of informative presuppositions, and how it relates to accounts for the Triggering and Projection Problems for presuppositions. I conclude with a brief discussion of (...)
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  36. Norms of Fiction-Making.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2013 - British Journal of Aesthetics 53 (3):339-357.
    I provide a variation on ideas presented by Walton and Currie, elaborating the view that fictive utterances are characterized by a specific form of illocutionary force in the family of directives – a proposal or invitation to imagine. I make some points on the relation between the proposal and the current debates on intentionalist and conventionalist views, and I discuss interesting recent objections made by Stacie Friend to the related, but crucially different, Gricean view of such force advanced by Currie (...)
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    Normative Fiction‐Making and the World of the Fiction.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 77 (3):267-279.
    In recent work, Walton has abandoned his very influential account of the fictionality of p in a fictional work in terms of prescriptions to imagine emanating from it. He offers examples allegedly showing that a prescription to imagine p in a given work of fiction is not sufficient for the fictionality of p in that work. In this paper, both in support and further elaboration of a constitutive-norms speech-act variation on Walton’s account that I have defended previously, I critically discuss (...)
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  38. On the naturalisation of teleology: self-organisation, autopoiesis and teleodynamics.Miguel Garcia-Valdecasas - 2022 - Adaptive Behavior 30 (2):103-117.
    In recent decades, several theories have claimed to explain the teleological causality of organisms as a function of self-organising and self-producing processes. The most widely cited theories of this sort are variations of autopoiesis, originally introduced by Maturana and Varela. More recent modifications of autopoietic theory have focused on system organisation, closure of constraints and autonomy to account for organism teleology. This article argues that the treatment of teleology in autopoiesis and other organisation theories is inconclusive for three reasons: First, (...)
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  39. Emilio Uranga and Jorge Portilla on Accidentality as a Decolonial Tool.Juan Garcia Torres - 2024 - Res Philosophica 101 (1):55-80.
    Call ‘a substance’ a person who is at home in a relatively stable and unified sense-making framework: a social structure that to some degree specifies which categories are important for interpreting reality, which goals are worth pursing, which character traits are admirable, etc. Call ‘an accident’ a person who is not at home in one such framework. It is tempting to think that being a substance is preferable, but I present some considerations for thinking otherwise. Mexican philosophers Emilio Uranga and (...)
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    Psychosocial Work Factors, Job Stress and Strain at the Wheel: Validation of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire in Professional Drivers.Sergio A. Useche, Luis Montoro, Francisco Alonso & Juan C. Pastor - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    On the Nature of Fiction-Making: Austin or Grice?Manuel García-Carpintero - 2019 - British Journal of Aesthetics 59 (2):203-210.
    Only Imagine is a wonderful book. Clear and tersely written, it provides a compelling defence of a rather unpopular view : namely, extreme intentionalism about the determination of fictional content and the nature of fictionality. It thus unquestionably advances the philosophical debate. It is also a pleasure to read for those of us who like fictions and not just the philosophy thereof: Stock discusses for her arguments many examples from real fictions, systematically making perceptive remarks. Here I will respond to (...)
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    Is ageing undesirable? An ethical analysis.Pablo García-Barranquero, Joan Llorca Albareda & Gonzalo Díaz-Cobacho - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (6):413-419.
    The technical possibilities of biomedicine open up the opportunity to intervene in ageing itself with the aim of mitigating, reducing or eliminating it. However, before undertaking these changes or rejecting them outright, it is necessary to ask ourselves if what would be lost by doing so really has much value. This article will analyse the desirability of ageing from an individual point of view, without circumscribing this question to the desirability or undesirability of death. First, we will present the three (...)
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  43. Ostensive Signs: Against the Identity Theory of Quotation.Manuel García-Carpintero - 1994 - Journal of Philosophy 91 (5):253-264.
    This paper defends a version of Davidson’s demonstrative theory of quotation and against against the Fregean identity theory (IT henceforth) as articulated and defended by Corey Washington (1992). On the Fregean view, when an expression is referred to by means of quotation the quoted material itself is a linguistic referring expression. Quotation-marks are not needed; when they are used, they serve to make clearer the shift in syntactic and semantic properties effected on the quoted material by its occupying that linguistic (...)
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  44. Current Conceptions of Racism: A Critical Examination of Some Recent Social Philosophy.Jorge L. A. Garcia - 1997 - Journal of Social Philosophy 28 (2):5-42.
  45. Pretense, Cancellation, and the Act Theory of Propositions.Manuel García-Carpintero - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Several philosophers advance substantive theories of propositions, to deal with several issues they raise in connection with a concern with a long pedigree in philosophy, the problem of the unity of propositions. The qualification ‘substantive’ is meant to contrast with ‘minimal’ or ‘deflationary’ – roughly, views that reject that propositions have a hidden nature, worth investigating. Substantive views appear to create spurious problems by characterizing propositions in ways that make them unfit to perform their theoretical jobs. I will present in (...)
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  46. Philosophical analysis and the moral concept of racism.Jorge Garcia - 1999 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 25 (5):1-32.
    This paper uses tools of philosophical analysis critically to examine accounts of the nature of racism that have recently been offered by writers including existentialist philosopher Lewis Gordon, conservative theorist Dinesh D'Souza, and sociologists Michael Omi and Howard Winant. These approaches, which conceive of racism either as a bad-faith choice to believe, a doctrine, or as a type of 'social formation', are found wanting for a variety of reasons, especially that they cannot comprehend some forms of racism. I propose an (...)
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  47. Nonconceptual modes of presentation.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2006 - European Review of Philosophy 6:65-81.
    In a recent paper, Peacocke (2001) continues an ongoing debate with McDowell and others, providing renewed arguments for the view that perceptual experiences and some other mental states have a particular kind of content, nonconceptual content. In this article I want to object to one of the arguments he provides. This is not because I side with McDowell in the ongoing debate about nonconceptual content; on the contrary, given the way I understand it, my views are closer to Peacocke’s, and (...)
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    Virtue Ethics in Social Theory.J. L. A. Garcia - 2023 - American Philosophical Quarterly 60 (4):329-340.
    Tommie Shelby has offered an influential, carefully stated, and well-argued set of objections to any volitional analysis of racism (VAR) as consisting centrally in certain forms of race-based disregard. Here I hope to defend aspects of VAR by analyzing, evaluating, and sometimes countering several of his major contentions, which have stood unchallenged in the literature over more than two decades. First, I sketch and respond to his Methodological objection to VAR, which criticizes VAR's reliance on language and linguistic intuitions; then (...)
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  49. Nietzsche y el mejoramiento humano. Reflexiones en torno a la noción de vida.Marina García-Granero - 2017 - Isegoría 57:599-615.
    El presente trabajo expone el diálogo entre nietzsche y la escuela darwinista, destacando el contraste entre dos nociones de «vida» opuestas: vida como lucha por la supervivencia o vida como voluntad de poder. En oposición a la selección natural, que según nietzsche no favorece a los fuertes y poderosos sino a lo mediano y al «gran número», el filósofo alemán idea un proyecto de cría (Züchtung), una formación tanto fisiológica como moral que aspira a una auténtica elevación del ser humano, (...)
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    Boosting court judgment prediction and explanation using legal entities.Irene Benedetto, Alkis Koudounas, Lorenzo Vaiani, Eliana Pastor, Luca Cagliero, Francesco Tarasconi & Elena Baralis - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law:1-36.
    The automatic prediction of court case judgments using Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing is challenged by the variety of norms and regulations, the inherent complexity of the forensic language, and the length of legal judgments. Although state-of-the-art transformer-based architectures and Large Language Models (LLMs) are pre-trained on large-scale datasets, the underlying model reasoning is not transparent to the legal expert. This paper jointly addresses court judgment prediction and explanation by not only predicting the judgment but also providing legal experts (...)
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