Results for 'Bellini-Leite Sd'

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  1.  61
    The embodied embedded character of system 1 processing.Bellini-Leite Sd - 2013 - Mens Sana Monographs 11 (1):239.
    In the last thirty years, a relatively large group of cognitive scientists have begun characterising the mind in terms of two distinct, relatively autonomous systems. To account for paradoxes in empirical results of studies mainly on reasoning, Dual Process Theories were developed. Such Dual Process Theories generally agree that System 1 is rapid, automatic, parallel, and heuristic-based and System 2 is slow, capacity-demanding, sequential, and related to consciousness. While System 2 can still be decently understood from a traditional cognitivist approach, (...)
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    Representações Prototípicas e o Experimento de Pensamento Das Terras Gêmeas.Samuel de Castro Bellini-Leite - 2013 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 5 (9):158-166.
    O experimento de pensamento das Terras Gêmeas é usado como um dos fortes argumentos a favor da tese de que significados não estão na cabeça, cérebro ou mente. Neste artigo este argumento será considerado, e será criticado a partir de uma análise de exemplos nos quais a referência de um termo no mundo não possui essência fixa e as definições são imprecisas. Em contraste, será argumentado que o significado está ligado a representações internas prototípicas individuais.
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    How Sentience Relates to Dual Process Distinctions of Consciousness.S. C. Bellini-Leite - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (7-8):121-129.
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    Dual Process Theory: Systems, Types, Minds, Modes, Kinds or Metaphors? A Critical Review.Samuel C. Bellini-Leite - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9 (2):213-225.
    Dual process theory proposes clusters of features that form two dichotomous groups in cognition. One standing internal issue is defining what the reference of these two dichotomous groups could be in the mind or brain. Does dual process theory speak of two systems, types, minds, modes, kinds or just metaphors? A particular common answer is that differences in clusters of features are evidence of different underlying systems, often called system 1 and system 2. However, the suggestion to abandon the ‘system’ (...)
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  5. Is Global Workspace a Cartesian Theater? How the Neuro-Astroglial Interaction Model Solves Conceptual Issues.Samuel Bellini-Leite & Alfredo Pereira - 2013 - Journal of Cognitive Science 14 (4):335-360.
    The Global Workspace Theory (GWT) proposed by Bernard Baars (1988) along with Daniel Dennett’s (1991) Multiple Drafts Model (MDM) of consciousness are renowned cognitive theories of consciousness bearing similarities and differences. Although Dennett displays sympathy for GWT, his own MDM does not seem to be fully compatible with it. This work discusses this compatibility, by asking if GWT suffers from Daniel Dennett’s criticism of what he calls a “Cartesian Theater”. We identified in Dennett 10 requirements for avoiding the Cartesian Theater. (...)
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    Racionalidade e Raciocínio Humano.Samuel de Castro Bellini-Leite - 2011 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 3 (6):46-59.
    No estudo da racionalidade há um projeto normativo, o qual busca compreender o que significa raciocinar corretamente ou ser racional. O foco deste projeto é encontrar regras que ditem um padrão para o raciocínio ser avaliado. Há também um projeto descritivo, praticado por cientistas da cognição com abordagem empirista. Estes buscam descobrir de que forma as pessoas de fato raciocinam e descrever os mecanismos e processos responsáveis pelos padrões de raciocínio observado. Este artigo pretende expor alguns aspectos históricos de ambos (...)
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    Dual Process Theory: Embodied and Predictive; Symbolic and Classical.Samuel C. Bellini-Leite - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Dual Process Theory is currently a popular theory for explaining why we show bounded rationality in reasoning and decision-making tasks. This theory proposes there must be a sharp distinction in thinking to explain two clusters of correlational features. One cluster describes a fast and intuitive process, while the other describes a slow and reflective one. A problem for this theory is identifying a common principle that binds these features together, explaining why they form a unity, the unity problem. To solve (...)
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  8. The embodied embedded character of system 1 processing.Samuel Bellini-Leite - 2013 - Mens Sana Monographs 11 (1):239-252.
    In the last thirty years, a relatively large group of cognitive scientists have begun characterising the mind in terms of two distinct, relatively autonomous systems. To account for paradoxes in empirical results of studies mainly on reasoning, Dual Process Theories were developed. Such Dual Process Theories generally agree that System 1 is rapid, automatic, parallel, and heuristic-based and System 2 is slow, capacity-demanding, sequential, and related to consciousness. While System 2 can still be decently understood from a traditional cognitivist approach, (...)
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    The embodied embedded character of system 1 processing.Samuel de Castro Bellini-Leite - 2013 - Mens Sana Monographs 11 (1):239.
  10. Leite.Adam Leite - unknown
    I take as my starting point the evident fact that people are capable of modifying their beliefs in response to reasons in the course of deliberation. This fact is sufficient to make notions such as responsibility, blameworthiness, and praiseworthiness applicable to people with regard to their beliefs. If a state is such, and one is such, that one is capable of determining it through one’s best evaluations of reasons in the course of deliberation, then even if it isn’t under one’s (...)
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  11. On justifying and being justified.Adam Leite - 2004 - Philosophical Issues 14 (1):219–253.
    We commonly speak of people as being ‘‘justified’’ or ‘‘unjustified’’ in believing as they do. These terms describe a person’s epistemic condition. To be justified in believing as one does is to have a positive epistemic status in virtue of holding one’s belief in a way which fully satisfies the relevant epistemic requirements or norms. This requires something more (or other) than simply believing a proposition whose truth is well-supported by evidence, even by evidence which one possesses oneself, since one (...)
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  12.  32
    Catarse: aproximações conceituais com o ensino da arte.Priscila De Souza Chisté Leite - 2015 - Filosofia E Educação 7 (3):79.
    A catarse é considerada por muitos autores como um “efeito” ligado a um processo que leva à tomada de consciência. Que “efeito” é esse? Por quem foi sistematizado? Quais abordagens foram construídas a partir desse conceito? Qual a sua relação com a educação e com os espaços escolar e expositivo? O artigo em tela pretende refletir, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, sobre essas questões ao revisitar o conceito de catarse a partir de autores como Aristóteles, Vigotski, Jauss e, em especial, (...)
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    From scientific structuralism to transcendental structuralism.Patricia Kauark-Leite & Ronaldo Penna Neves - 2016 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 57 (135):759-780.
    ABSTRACT In the current debate between scientific realism and empiricism, both sides seem to embrace some sort of structuralism as an important component of their descriptions of science. The structural realism is generally presented in two versions: one ontic and the other epistemic. It has been argued that that epistemic structural realism is close, if not identical, to a Kantian approach. We aim to show that this is not the case, since ESR, being fundamentally a realist position, cannot be fully (...)
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  14. Epistemic Instrumentalism and Reasons for Belief: A Reply to Tom Kelly’s “Epistemic Rationality as Instrumental Rationality: A Critique”.Adam Leite - 2007 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 75 (2):456–464.
    Tom Kelly argues that instrumentalist aeeounts of epistemie rationality fail beeause what a person has reason to believe does not depend upon the eontent of his or her goals. However, his argument fails to distinguish questions about what the evidence supports from questions about what a person ought to believe. Once these are distinguished, the instrumentalist ean avoid Kelly’s objeetions. The paperconcludes by sketehing what I take to be the most defensible version of the instrumentalist view.
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  15. Believing one’s reasons are good.Adam Leite - 2008 - Synthese 161 (3):419-441.
    Is it coherent to suppose that in order to hold a belief responsibly, one must recognize something else as a reason for it? This paper addresses this question by focusing on so-called "Inferential Internalist" principles, that is principles of the following form: in order for one to have positive epistemic status Ø in virtue of believing P on the basis of R, one must believe that R evidentially supports P, and one must have positive epistemic status Ø in relation to (...)
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  16. Avaliação Institucional Participativa e sua Gramática.Denise Balarine Cavalheiro Leite - 2006 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 8 (2).
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    Confucianism in eighteenth-century England: Natural morality and social reform.Edmund Leites - 1978 - Philosophy East and West 28 (2):143-159.
  18. Changing One's Mind: Self‐Conscious Belief and Rational Endorsement.Adam Leite - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 97 (1):150-171.
    Self-consciously attempting to shape one's beliefs through deliberation and reasoning requires that one stand in a relation to those beliefs that might be signaled by saying that one must inhabit one's beliefs as one's own view. What does this amount to? A broad swath of philosophical thinking about self-knowledge, norms of belief, self-consciousness, and related areas assumes that this relation requires one to endorse, or be rationally committed to endorsing, one's beliefs. In fact, however, fully self-conscious adherence to epistemic norms (...)
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  19.  29
    Of Beavers and Tables: The Role of Animacy in the Processing of Grammatical Gender Within a Picture-Word Interference Task.Ana Rita Sá-Leite, Juan Haro, Montserrat Comesaña & Isabel Fraga - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:661175.
    Grammatical gender processing during language production has classically been studied using the so-called picture-word interference (PWI) task. In this procedure, participants are presented with pictures they must name using target nouns while ignoring superimposed written distractor nouns. Variations in response times are expected depending on the congruency between the gender values of targets and distractors. However, there have been disparate results in terms of the mandatory character of an agreement context to observe competitive gender effects and the interpretation of the (...)
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  20. How to take skepticism seriously.Adam Leite - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 148 (1):39 - 60.
    Modern-day heirs of the Cartesian revolution have been fascinated by the thought that one could utilize certain hypotheses – that one is dreaming, deceived by an evil demon, or a brain in a vat – to argue at one fell swoop that one does not know, is not justified in believing, or ought not believe most if not all of what one currently believes about the world. A good part of the interest and mystique of these discussions arises from the (...)
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  21. A decade of debate : discourse theory versus political liberalism.Leite Araujo & B. Luiz - 2007 - In José Rubio Carrecedo, Political philosophy: new proposals for new questions: proceedings of the 22nd IVR World Congress, Granada 2005, volume II = Filosofía política: nuevas propuestas para nuevas cuestiones. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
  22.  13
    Fragmentos políticos.Rafael de Araújo E. Viana Leite - 2017 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 16 (2):423-434.
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  23. Immediate warrant, epistemic responsibility, and Moorean dogmatism.Adam Leite - 2011 - In Andrew Reisner & Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen, Reasons for Belief. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 158–179.
    “Moorean Dogmatist” responses to external world skepticism endorse courses of reasoning that many people find objectionable. This paper seeks to locate this dissatisfaction in considerations about epistemic responsibility. I sketch a theory of immediate warrant and show how it can be combined with plausible “inferential internalist” demands arising from considerations of epistemic responsibility. The resulting view endorses immediate perceptual warrant but forbids the sort of reasoning that “Moorean Dogmatism” would allow. A surprising result is that Dogmatism’s commitment to immediate epistemic (...)
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  24.  55
    On the Epistemic Status of Absolute Space: Kant’s Directions in Space Read from the Standpoint of his Critical Period.Patricia Kauark-Leite - 2017 - Kant Studien 108 (2):175-194.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kant-Studien Jahrgang: 108 Heft: 2 Seiten: 175-194.
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  25. Epistemological externalism and the project of traditional epistemology.Adam Leite - 2005 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 70 (3):505–533.
    Traditional epistemological reflection on our beliefs about the world attempts to proceed without presupposing or ineliminably depending upon any claims about the world. It has been argued that epistemological externalism fails to engage in the right way with the motivations for this project. I argue, however, that epistemological externalism satisfyingly undermines this project. If we accept the thesis that certain conditions other than the truth of one's belief must obtain in the world outside of one's mind in order for one (...)
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  26. Skepticism, sensitivity, and closure, or why the closure principle is irrelevant to external world skepticism.Adam Leite - 2004 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 12 (3):335-350.
    Is there a plausible argument for external world skepticism? Robert Nozick’s well-known discussion focuses upon arguments which utilize the Sensitivity Requirement and the Closure Principle. Nozick claims, correctly, that no such argument succeeds. But he gets almost all the details wrong. The Sensitivity Requirement and the Closure Principle are compatible; the Sensitivity Requirement is incorrect; and even if true, the Closure Principle is structurally incapable of generating a plausible and valid global skeptical argument. It is therefore a mistake to take (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Transcendental Philosophy and Quantum Theory.Patricia Kauark-Leite - 2010 - Manuscrito – Rev. Int. Fil 33 (1):243-267.
    In the Critique of Pure Reason Kant argues that the empirical knowledge of the world depends on a priori conditions of human sensibility and understanding, i. e., our capacities of sense experience and concept formation. The objective knowledge presupposes, on one hand, space and time as a priori conditions of sensibility and, on another hand, a priori judgments, like the principle of causality, as constitutive conditions of understanding. The problem is that in the XX century the physical science completely changed (...)
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    The mechanisms underlying grammatical gender selection in language production: A meta-analysis of the gender congruency effect.Ana Rita Sá-Leite, Karlos Luna, Ângela Tomaz, Isabel Fraga & Montserrat Comesaña - 2022 - Cognition 224 (C):105060.
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    La Deuxième Antinomie de la Dialectique Transcendantale à la Lumière des Principes Métaphysiques de la Science de la Nature.Patricia Kauark-Leite - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher, Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 553-561.
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  30. Do fato literário..Manoel Cerqueira Leite - 1972 - São Paulo: Editoras Unidas.
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  31. Taking skepticism seriously.Adam Leite - unknown
    Modern-day heirs of the Cartesian revolution have been fascinated by the thought that one could utilize certain hypotheses – that one is dreaming, deceived by an evil demon, or a brain in a vat – to argue at one fell swoop that one does not know, is not justified in believing, or ought not believe most if not all of what one currently believes about the world. A good part of the interest and mystique of these discussions arises from the (...)
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    Werner Heisenberg e a Interpretação de Copenhague: a filosofia platônica e a consolidação da teoria quântica.Anderson Leite & Samuel Simon - 2010 - Scientiae Studia 8 (2):213-241.
  33. On Williamson's arguments that knowledge is a mental state.Adam Leite - 2005 - Ratio 18 (2):165–175.
    Is knowledge a mental state? For philosophers working within the idealistic tradition, the answer is trivial: there is nothing else for knowledge to be. For most others, however, the claim has seemed prima facie implausible. Knowing that p requires or involves the fact that p, or p’s truth, and that – with certain specifiable exceptions – is quite independent of my mind; so while knowledge may require or involve certain mental states, it itself is not a state of mind.
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    Retórica determinista no genoma humano.Marcelo Leite - 2006 - Scientiae Studia 4 (3):421-452.
  35. How to Link Assertion and Knowledge Without Going Contextualist: A Reply to Derose’s "Assertion, Knowledge, and Context".Adam Leite - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 134 (2):111-129.
    Keith DeRose has recently argued that the contextual variability of appropriate assertion, together with the knowledge account of assertion, yields a direct argument that 'knows' is semantically context-sensitive. The argument fails because of an equivocation on the notion of warranted assertability. Once the equivocation is removed, it can be seen that the invariantist can retain the knowledge account of assertion and explain the contextual variability of appropriate assertion by appealing to Williamson's suggestion that practical and conversational considerations can influence the (...)
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    Conscience and moral ignorance: Comments on chung‐ying Cheng's 'conscience, mind and individual in chinese philosophy'.Edmund Leites - 1974 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 2 (1):67-78.
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    Lógicas da justificação e quase-verdade.Alexandre Costa-Leite - 2014 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 18 (2):175.
    Two kinds of justification logics are studied. Then, this article shows how the notion of quasi-truth can be defined in these systems.
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  38. Why Don't I Know That I'm Not a BIV?Adam Leite - 2015 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 90 (1):205-213.
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    Kant and Scientific Explanation Beyond Mechanical Causation.Patrícia Kauark-Leite - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner, Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. De Gruyter. pp. 1261-1268.
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  40. Arte e pensamento.César Donizetti Pereira Leite - 2016 - In Maria Bernardete Ramos Flores, Maria de Fátima Fontes Piazza & Patricia Peterle, Arte e pensamento: operações historiográficas. São Paulo, SP, Brasil: Rafael Copetti Editor.
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    O aprendizado da função gerencial: os gerentes como atores e autores do seu processo de desenvolvimento.Isabel Cristina Badanais Vieira Leite, Arilda Schmidt Godoy & Claudia Simone Antonello - 2006 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 23:27-41.
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  42. O avanço da neurociência, a quebra da dogmática do livre-arbítrio E suas implicações na seara penal.Renann de Carvalho Holanda Leite & Thiago Luiz Vasconcelos Bezerra - 2013 - Revista Fides 4 (2):234-247.
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  43. Survival analysis.Jorge Leite & Sandra Carvalho - 2018 - In Felipe Fregni & Ben M. W. Illigens, Critical thinking in clinical research: applied theory and practice using case studies. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Scientific controversies or denial of science? Agnotology and climate science.José Correa Leite - 2014 - Scientiae Studia 12 (1):179-189.
  45.  57
    Fusions of Modal Logics and Fitch’s Paradox.Alexandre Costa-Leite - 2006 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 6 (2):281-290.
    This article shows that although Fitch’s paradox has been extremely widely studied, up to now no correct formalization of the problem has been proposed. The purpose of this article is to present the paradox front the viewpoint of combining logics. It is argued that the correct minimal logic to state the paradox is composed by a fusion of modal frames, and a fusion of modal languages and logics.
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    National curriculum vs curricular contextualisation: teachers’ perspectives.Carlinda Leite, Preciosa Fernandes & Carla Figueiredo - 2019 - Educational Studies 46 (3):259-272.
    Aiming to identify the importance given by teachers to the national curriculum and its contextualisation, this paper presents a study focused on teachers’ most-used curricular practices. The analys...
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    A diversidade do novo mecanicismo na ciência cognitiva: uma análise das propostas de Bechtel e Piccinini.Diego Leite - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):39-54.
    Prominent authors of new mechanism in cognitive science propose to integrate and unify the field theoretically through the articulation of a mechanistic theory of human cognition. The work of William Bechtel and Gualtiero Piccinini are examples of this proposal. However, an ambitious unification project like this encounters a series of obstacles in cognitive science, traditionally characterized by fragmentation, dispersiveness and theoretical diversity. In this work, I show the substantial differences in the different versions of the theoretical proposals presented on the (...)
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  48. Uma interface entre o eu-corpo na psicanálise freudiana e o corpo próprio na fenomenologia do corpo.Fabio Caprio Leite de Castro & Cristian Marques - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (3):e34968.
    O presente artigo tem por objetivo mostrar, desde a psicanálise freudiana, um caminho possível que a leva ao encontro da filosofia de orientação fenomenológica. Em O eu e o isso, de 1923, Sigmund Freud emprega uma nova noção pouco explorada na literatura psicanalítica: o eu-corpo. O escopo de nossa análise delimita-se à interpretação e à explicitação da noção de eu-corpo tal como esta foi apresentada por Freud, confrontando-a com a fenomenologia em Merleau-Ponty e Michel Henry. Para tanto, propomos uma análise (...)
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    A Truly Cosmopolitan Philosopher : Images of Kant in Belo Horizonte.Patrícia Kauark-Leite - 2023 - Kant Studien 114 (1):133-154.
    In this essay, I provide a reconstruction of the history of and surrounding the bust of Kant, together with its plaque, which jointly compose the monument created in honor of the sage of Königsberg at the Faculty of Philosophy and Human Sciences (FAFICH) of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. In so doing, I have the following aims: first, to examine the relationship between the monument and the ideas that guided the creation of the Faculty (...)
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  50. Why Moore Matters.Adam Leite - manuscript
    G.E. Moore’s writings on external world skepticism show us, in broad outline, how to dispense with external world skepticism in a way that is satisfying, intellectually responsible, and yet avoids engaging in constructive epistemological theory-building altogether. His work thus reveals something very important about the relation between epistemology and ordinary life, and also about what it would take to reach a satisfying resolution of certain sorts of perennial philosophical problems.
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