Results for 'Bill Romey'

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    Consciousness and creativity: transcending science, humanities, and the arts.Bill Romey - 1975 - Canton, N.Y.: Ash Lad Press.
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    L'archaïque, le réel & la littérature: quelques chemins en hommage à Gilbert Romeyer Dherbey.Gilbert Romeyer-Dherbey & Jean-Joël Duhot (eds.) - 2013 - Lyon: Jacques André éditeur.
    Gilbert Romeyer Dherbey, qui avait succédé à Pierre Aubenque à la chaire de philosophie antique de Paris IV, et qui a su maintenir très haut le rayonnement international du Centre de recherches sur la pensée antique, plus familièrement appelé Centre Léon Robin, n'est pas seulement un aristotélisant subtil et exigeant. Il a toujours refusé une pure érudition qui oublierait de se relier à une pensée philosophique. Et par là même, peut-être, il déborde le cadre strictement universitaire de la spécialisation, d'abord, (...)
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    Socrate et les socratiques: études sous la direction de Gilbert Romeyer Dherbey ; réunies et éditées par Jean-Baptiste Gourinat.Gilbert Romeyer-Dherbey & Jean-Baptiste Gourinat (eds.) - 2001 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    "Les etudes recueillies ici ont fait l'objet de communication et de discussions durant les annees 1992-1994, dans le cadre du seminaire du Centre de recherches sur la pensee antique ('Centre Leon Robin'), equipe de l'Universite de Paris-Sorbonne associee au CNRS"--P. 4 of cover.
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  4. Devall, Bill and George Sessions. Deep Ecology. Reviewed in Environmental Ethics 10(1988):83-89.Bill Devall & George Sessions - 1988 - Environmental Ethics 10:83-89.
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    Bill, Why Do You Stare at That Dog as if He Could Tell You Something.Bill Kaul - unknown
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    La Philosophie chrétienne jusqu'à Descartes... par B. Romeyer,..Blaise Romeyer - 1935 - [Paris]: Bloud & Gay.
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  7. Discussion of Bill Brewer's “Perceptual Experience and Empirical Reason”.Bill Brewer, David de Bruijn, Chris Hill, Adam Pautz, T. Raja Rosenhagen, Miloš Vuletić & Wayne Wu - 2018 - Analytic Philosophy 59 (1):19-32.
    What is the role of conscious experience in the epistemology of perceptual knowledge: how should we characterise what is going on in seeing that o is F in order to illuminate the contribution of seeing o to their status as cases of knowing that o is F? My proposal is that seeing o involves conscious acquaintance with o itself, the concrete worldly source of the truth that o is F, in a way that may make it evident to the subject (...)
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  8. Perception and Reason.Bill Brewer - 1999 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Bill Brewer presents an original view of the role of conscious experience in the acquisition of empirical knowledge. He argues that perceptual experiences must provide reasons for empirical beliefs if there are to be any determinate beliefs at all about particular objects in the world. This fresh approach to epistemology turns away from the search for necessary and sufficient conditions for knowledge and works instead from a theory of understanding in a particular area.
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  9. La philosophie chrétienne jusquà Descartes..Blaise Romeyer - 1935 - [Paris]: Bloud & Gay.
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    La philosophie religieuse de Maurice Blondel.Blaise Romeyer - 1943 - [Paris]: Aubier, Éditions Montaigne.
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  11. Maine de Biran: ou, Le penseur de l'immanence radicale: présentation, choix de textes, lexique, bibliographie.Gilbert Romeyer-Dherbey - 1974 - Paris: Seghers.
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  12. Où va l' "Être et l'essence" de M. Gilson?B. Romeyer - 1949 - Archives de Philosophie 18:259.
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  13. t. 2. Mémoires sur l'influence de l'habitude.édité par Gilbert Romeyer-Dherbey - 1984 - In Pierre Maine de Biran (ed.), Œuvres. Paris: Libr. philosophique J. Vrin.
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  14. Trois problèmes de philosophie augustinienne. A propos d'un livre récent.B. Romeyer - 1929 - Archives de Philosophie 7:452-495.
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  15. The Wisdom of Faith a Bill Moyers Special with Huston Smith.Bill D. Moyers, Pamela Mason Wagner, Inc Public Affairs Television & N. Y.) Wnet York - 1996 - Public Affairs Television, Inc. Wnet New York.
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    Interview with Daniel Dennett conducted by bill Uzgalis in␣boston, massachusetts on december 29, 2004.Bill Uzgalis - 2006 - Minds and Machines 16 (1):7-19.
    A taped conversational interview with Daniel Dennett and Bill Uzgalis covers a wide range of topics arising from Dennett’s thoughts about computing and human beings. The background of Dennett’s work is explored as are his views about mind-brain identity theory, artificial intelligence, functionalism, human exceptionalism, animal culture, language, pain, freedom and determinism, and quality of life.
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    Bill Cain on the Conference.Bill Cain - 1992 - CLR James Journal 3 (1):7-16.
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  18. Perceptual experience has conceptual content.Bill Brewer - 2013 - In Matthias Steup & John Turri (eds.), Contemporary Debates in Epistemology. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Blackwell.
    I take it for granted that sense experiential states provide reasons for empirical beliefs; indeed this claim forms the first premise of my central argument for (CC). 1 The subsequent stages of the argument are intended to establish that a person has such a reason for believing something about the way things are in the world around him only if he is in some mental state or other with a conceptual content: a conceptual state. Thus, given that sense experiential states (...)
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  19. Entre Ayax et Ulisse, Antisthène.G. Romeyer-Dherbey - forthcoming - Elenchos.
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  20.  27
    Maurice Blondel, the Dialectician of Universal Dynamism.Blaise Romeyer - 1949 - Modern Schoolman 27 (1):40-44.
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    St. Thomas Aquinas.Blaise Romeyer & Clement J. McNaspy - 1938 - Modern Schoolman 15 (4):91-94.
  22.  10
    Corps et 'me: sur le De anima d'Aristote.Gilbert Romeyer-Dherbey (ed.) - 1996 - Paris: Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    L'ame, c'est-a-dire pour Aristote la vie, est ici saisie dans son immanence au corps ou elle s'incarne, et decrite dans les differentes puissances, qui vont de la sensation a l'intellect, en passant par l'imagination et la motricite.Les etudes ici reunies, qui ont fait l'objet de communications et de discussion durant le seminaire 1990-1992 du Centre de Recherches sur la Pensee Antique (Centre Leon Robin ) de l'Universite Paris-Sorbonne, abordent les problemes selon l'ordre de leur surgissement dans le texte et se (...)
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    Ethik und Wirklichkeit bei Aristoteles.Gilbert Romeyer-Dherbey - 1999 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 25:283-297.
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    La liberté humaine d'après Henri Bergson.Blaise Romeyer - 1933 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 35 (38):190-219.
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  25. La philosophie chretienne jusqu'a Descartes, III.B. Romeyer - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47:666.
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  26. Le problème des autres chez Blondel, Sartre et Camus.Blaise Romeyer - 1953 - Giornale di Metafisica 8 (2):185-206.
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  27. La théorie suarézienne d'un état de nature pure.B. Romeyer - 1949 - Archives de Philosophie 18:37.
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  28. (1 other version)Perception and content.Bill Brewer - 2006 - European Journal of Philosophy 14 (2):165-181.
    It is close to current orthodoxy that perceptual experience is to be characterized, at least in part, by its representational content, roughly, by the way it represents things as being in the world around the perceiver. Call this basic idea the content view.
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  29. Animal Liberation.Bill Puka & Peter Singer - 1977 - Philosophical Review 86 (4):557.
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  30. Global obligations and the agency objection.Bill Wringe - 2010 - Ratio 23 (2):217-231.
    Many authors hold that collectives, as well as individuals can be the subjects of obligations. Typically these authors have focussed on the obligations of highly structured groups, and of small, informal groups. One might wonder, however, whether there could also be collective obligations which fall on everyone – what I shall call ' global collective obligations '. One reason for thinking that this is not possible has to do with considerations about agency : it seems as though an entity can (...)
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    Empirical reason: Answers to Gupta, McDowell, and Siegel.Bill Brewer - 2019 - Philosophical Issues 29 (1):366-377.
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    Le statut social d'Aristote à Athènes.Gilbert Romeyer-Dherbey - 1986 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 91 (3):365-378.
    Alors que Platon était à Athènes un citoyen à part entière, issu d'une ancienne et noble famille, Aristote était un métèque, c'est-à-dire un étranger domicilié dans la Cité, et comme tel n'ayant pas le droit de participer à sa vie politique. Un certain nombre d'éléments biographiques, de fragments ou de passages de son œuvre montrent qu' Aristote, isolé à Athènes et en butte à de nombreux ennemis, souffrit de cette privation de citoyenneté ; elle l'amena peut-être à concevoir autrement que (...)
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  33. Self-location and agency.Bill Brewer - 1992 - Mind 101 (401):17-34.
    We perceive things in the external world as spatially located both with respect to each other and to ourselves, such that they are in principle accessible from where we seem to be. I hear the door bang behind me; I feel the pen on the desk over to my right; and I see you walking beneath the line of pictures, from left to right in front of me. By displaying these spatial relations between its objects and us, the perceivers, perception (...)
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    Mutual Life, Limited: Islamic Banking, Alternative Currencies, Lateral Reason.Bill Maurer - 2005 - Princeton University Press.
    Based on fieldwork among Islamic bankers globally, this book questions the equivalence between money and ethnography and asks whether money can ever be adequate to the value backing it. "I enjoyed this book mightily.
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    Enchanted by Prairie.Bill Witt & Osha Gray Davidson - 2009 - University of Iowa Press.
    June grass at sunset, Indian grass at sunrise, hawk moths and monarch butterflies nectaring on purple fringed orchids and rough blazing star, little bluestem and saw-tooth sunflowers and butterfly milkweed in hill prairies and sand prairies, and blue skies and one bright rainbow arching over them all. Bill Witt has been photographing Iowa’s wild places for more than thirty years, and the result is this collection of splendid images that reveal the glorious beauty and diversity of the state’s prairie (...)
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    97 Things About Ethics Everyone in Data Science Should Know: Collective Wisdom From the Experts.Bill Franks (ed.) - 2020 - Beijing: O'Reilly.
    Written by renowned data science experts Foster Provost and Tom Fawcett, Data Science for Business introduces the fundamental principles of data science, and walks you through the "data-analytic thinking" necessary for extracting useful knowledge and business value from the data you collect. This guide also helps you understand the many data-mining techniques in use today.
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  37. L'athéisme marxiste.B. Romeyer - 1939 - Archives de Philosophie 15:293-353.
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  38. Explaining Actions with Habits.Bill Pollard - 2006 - American Philosophical Quarterly 43 (1):57 - 69.
    From time to time we explain what people do by referring to their habits. We explain somebody’s putting the kettle on in the morning as done through “force of habit”. We explain somebody’s missing a turning by saying that she carried straight on “out of habit”. And we explain somebody’s biting her nails as a manifestation of “a bad habit”. These are all examples of what will be referred to here as habit explanations. Roughly speaking, they explain by referring to (...)
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    In Defense of the Standard Picture: What the Standard Picture Explains That the Moral Impact Theory Cannot.Bill Watson - 2022 - Legal Theory 28 (1):59-88.
    How do legal texts determine legal content? A standard answer to this question—sometimes called “the standard picture”—is that legal texts communicate something and what they communicate is identical to legal content. Mark Greenberg criticizes the standard picture and offers in its place his own “moral impact theory.” My goal here is to respond to Greenberg by showing how the standard picture better explains legal practice than the moral impact theory does. To that end, I first clarify certain aspects of the (...)
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    Speaking Truths with Film: Evidence, Ethics, Politics in Documentary.Bill Nichols - 2016 - Oakland: University of California Press.
    How do issues of form and content shape the documentary film? What role does visual evidence play in relation to a documentary’s arguments about the world we live in? In what ways do documentaries abide by or subvert ethical expectations? Are mockumentaries a form of subversion? Can the documentary be an aesthetic experience and at the same time have political or social impact? And how can such impacts be empirically measured? Pioneering film scholar Bill Nichols investigates the ways documentaries (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Perception and Its Objects.Bill Brewer - 2007 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Early modern empiricists thought that the nature of perceptual experience is given by citing the object presented to the mind in that experience. Hallucination and illusion suggest that this requires untenable mind-dependent objects. Current orthodoxy replaces the appeal to direct objects with the claim that perceptual experience is characterized instead by its representational content. This paper argues that the move to content is problematic, and reclaims the early modern empiricist insight as perfectly consistent, even in cases of illusion, with the (...)
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    Virtues for a Postmodern World.Bill Shaw - 1995 - Business Ethics Quarterly 5 (4):843-863.
    This paper argues that the desirable features of postmodernism identified by Ronald Green are not exclusive to postmodernism; that to the extent these features are postmodern, they are not necessarily features of business ethics; that, with qualification, these are desirable features to include in business ethics; that the best way to accomplish this inclusion is by appealing to an Aristotelian model; and that post-modernism has implications for the legal environment of business.
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    Philosophy as Therapy.Bill Pollard - 1997 - Cogito 11 (3):193-198.
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  44. Correspondance inédite entre Serre et Maine de Biran.Arturo Romeyer - 1989 - Filosofia Oggi 12 (3):479-504.
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  45. Caractéristiques religieuses du spiritualisme de Bergson.B. Romeyer - 1947 - Archives de Philosophie 17:22-55.
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  46. L'idée De Vérité Dans Saint-augustin.B. Romeyer - 1921 - Revue de Philosophie 28:289.
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  47. La Philosophie chrétienne jusqu'à Descartes, III. Les systématisations scolastiques de la philosophie chrétienne.B. Romeyer - 1939 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 46 (3):533-533.
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  48. Réponse au R. P. Peillaube.B. Romeyer - 1929 - Revue de Philosophie 36:551.
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  49. Deep ecology.Bill Devall & George Sessions - 2010 - In Craig Hanks (ed.), Technology and values: essential readings. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Calvin, Participation, and the Gift: The Activity of Believers in Union with Christ.J. Todd Billings - 2007 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Is the God of Calvin a fountain of blessing, or a forceful tyrant? Is Calvin's view of God coercive, leaving no place for the human qua human in redemption? These are perennial questions about Calvin's theology which have been given new life by Gift theologians such as John Milbank, Graham Ward, and Stephen Webb.J. Todd Billings addresses these questions by exploring Calvin's theology of `participation in Christ'. He argues that Calvin's theology of `participation' gives a positive place to the human, (...)
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