Results for 'Body proper'

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  1.  53
    Body and Reality: An Examination of the Relationships Between the Body Proper, Physical Reality, and the Phenomenal World Starting From Plessner and Merleau-Ponty.Jasper van Buuren - 2018 - Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
    Is materialism right to claim that the world of everyday-life experience – the phenomenal world – is nothing but an illusion produced in physical reality, notably in the brain? Or is Merleau-Ponty right when he defends the fundamental character of the phenomenal world while rejecting physical realism? I address these questions by exploring the nature of the body proper in Merleau-Ponty and Plessner, arguing that physical and phenomenal realism are not mutually exclusive but complementary. The argument includes a (...)
  2.  89
    Merleau-Ponty on the Mirror Stage: Affect and the Genesis of the Body Proper in the Sorbonne Lectures.Shiloh Whitney - 2018 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 49 (2):135-163.
    While Merleau-Ponty’sPhenomenology of Perceptionrelies on the descriptive register of the body proper, his Sorbonne lectures on child psychology investigate the genesis of the experience of a body as one’s own. I demonstrate the uniqueness of Merleau-Ponty’s account of the narcissistic affect and sociality involved in this developmental process, distinguishing his account vis-à-vis Wallon’s and Lacan’s studies of the mirror stage. I conclude that in Merleau-Ponty’s account, (1) the experience of the body proper is not singular, (...)
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  3. Proper embodiment: the role of the body in affect and cognition.Mog Stapleton - 2011 - Dissertation, University of Edinburgh
    Embodied cognitive science has argued that cognition is embodied principally in virtue of grossmorphological and sensorimotor features. This thesis argues that cognition is also internally embodied in affective and fine-grained physiological features whose transformative roles remain mostly unnoticed in contemporary cognitive science. I call this ‘proper embodiment’. I approach this larger subject by examining various emotion theories in philosophy and psychology. These tend to emphasise one of the many gross components of emotional processes, such as ‘feeling’ or ‘judgement’ to (...)
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    ‘Your true and proper gender’: the Barr body as a good enough science of sex.Fiona Alice Miller - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 37 (3):459-483.
    In the late 1940s, a microanatomist from London Ontario, Murray Barr, discovered a mark of sex chromosome status in bodily tissues, what came to be known as the ‘Barr body’. This discovery offered an important diagnostic technology to the burgeoning clinical science community engaged with the medical interpretation and management of sexual anomalies. It seemed to offer a way to identify the true, underlying sex in those whose bodies or lives were sexually anomalous . The hypothesis that allowed the (...)
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    Aristotle on Necessary Verticality, Body Heat, and Gendered Proper Places in the Polis: A Feminist Critique.Judith M. Green - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (1):70 - 96.
    Feminist critics have charged that Aristotle's mistaken and harmful remarks about women and slaves show inconsistency or bias-driven arbitrariness. However, this analysis shows that these remarks function within a consistent and coherent theoretical corpus. Thus, both Aristotle's hierarchical and dualistic first principles and the methodology on which his entire corpus is based must be unreliable. Moreover, consistency and coherence must be insufficient warrants of theoretical insightfulness. Aristotle's mistakes suggest caveats for feminist philosophical reconstruction.
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  6. The body as object versus the body as subject: The case of disability.Steven D. Edwards - 1998 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 1 (1):47-56.
    This paper is prompted by the charge that the prevailing Western paradigm of medical knowledge is essentially Cartesian. Hence, illness, disease, disability, etc. are said to be conceived of in Cartesian terms. The paper attempts to make use of the critique of Cartesianism in medicine developed by certain commentators, notably Leder (1992), in order to expose Cartesian commitments in conceptions of disability. The paper also attempts to sketch an alternative conception of disability — one partly inspired by the work of (...)
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  7.  51
    Bodies in Action: Corporeal Agency and Democratic Politics.Sharon R. Krause - 2011 - Political Theory 39 (3):299-324.
    A better appreciation of the material, distributed quality of human agency can illuminate subtle dynamics of domination and oppression and reveal resources for potentially liberatory political action. Materialist accounts of agency nevertheless pose challenges to the notion of personal responsibility that is so crucial to political obligation and democratic citizenship. To guard against this danger, we need to sustain the close connection between agency and a sense of selfhood that is individuated, reflexive, and responsive to norms. Yet we should acknowledge (...)
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  8. A Properly Physical Russellian Physicalism.Christopher Devlin Brown - 2017 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 24 (11-12):31-50.
    Russellian physicalism has the promise of answering all the typical challenges that non-physicalists have issued against standard versions of physicalism, while not giving up physicalism's commitment to the non-existence of fundamental mentality. However, it has been argued that Russellian physicalism must endorse the existence of physically unacceptable protomental properties in order to address these challenges, which would mean giving up on a core physicalist tenet of keeping the fundamental realm untainted by a special relationship to mentality. Against this, I argue (...)
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  9.  22
    Clean, Proper and Tidy Are More Than the Absence of Dirty, Disgusting and Wrong.Simone Schnall - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (3):264-266.
    The desire to feel clean and pure might not merely be the absence of contamination and resulting feelings of disgust. Instead, it might have a social function because early in evolution social grooming not only involved improved personal hygiene and cleanliness, but also increased group cohesion. Thus, knowing that one’s body is clean, proper and tidy might have social implications that go beyond morality.
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    The Unarticulated Existential Body: Embracing Embodiment and Representation in the Ethnographic Model of Objectivity.Daniel Lema Vidal - 2024 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 54 (4):302-326.
    This article further systematizes the existential body, contributing to the ethnographic model of embodied objectivity. It situates embodiment as the foundation of knowledge, demonstrating its underdevelopment in anthropological literature. The paper explores the philosophical relationship between being-in-the-world and Merleau-Ponty’s body-proper, emphasizing the central role of embodied pre-objective signification in representational ethnographic knowing. This aspect is often insufficiently addressed, particularly in light of certain ethnographic applications of the epoché. The paper concludes that, given the oscillatory apprehension of embodiment, (...)
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  11. Mind-Body Union and the Limits of Cartesian Metaphysics.Simmons Alison - 2017 - Philosophers' Imprint 17.
    Human beings pose a problem for Descartes’ metaphysics. They seem to be more than a mere sum of their mental and bodily parts; human beings, Descartes insists, are unions of mind and body. But what does that union amount to? In the first, negative, part of this paper I argue that, by Descartes’ own lights, there is no way for us to answer this question if we are looking for a proper metaphysics of the union. Metaphysics is the (...)
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  12.  24
    The Body and the Completion of Metaphysics: A Critical Analysis of Heidegger’s Nietzsche.Mat Olav Messerschmidt - 2022 - Nietzsche Studien 51 (1):251-270.
    In this essay, I examine Heidegger’s interpretation of Nietzsche, focusing centrally on his understanding of the Nietzschean “body.” Nietzsche’s status as the culminating figure of Western metaphysics depends on the notion that the body, in Nietzsche’s thought, is the last Western subject. I confirm Heidegger’s sense of the importance of the Nietzschean body, and, in particular, the centrality of the word “incorporation”, to a proper understanding of Nietzsche. I argue, however, through a critique of Heidegger’s own (...)
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  13. Proper Names and their Fictional Uses.Heidi Tiedke - 2011 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89 (4):707 - 726.
    Fictional names present unique challenges for semantic theories of proper names, challenges strong enough to warrant an account of names different from the standard treatment. The theory developed in this paper is motivated by a puzzle that depends on four assumptions: our intuitive assessment of the truth values of certain sentences, the most straightforward treatment of their syntactic structure, semantic compositionality, and metaphysical scruples strong enough to rule out fictional entities, at least. It is shown that these four assumptions, (...)
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  14.  36
    This Body Which is Not One: Dealing with Differences.Margrit Shildrick - 1999 - Body and Society 5 (2-3):77-92.
    While body modification might generally seem to take the form of denaturalizing a biological given, this article looks at the same practice as normalizing the always already unstable corpus. The dominant discourse of the post-Enlightenment relies on the notion of the centrality of the individual subject within the singular and separate body, where distinctions between self and other are secure. Against this the incidence of monstrosity in general, with its disordered crossing of the boundaries of the proper, (...)
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  15.  34
    Public Bodies, Private Selves.Sandra E. Marshall - 1988 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 5 (2):147-158.
    ABSTRACT A patient whose case notes had been used, without her permission, during a disciplinary inquiry on the conduct of Wendy Savage (her obstetrician) complained that this was a breach of confidentiality. Her complaint cannot be understood as based on a concern about the possible adverse consequences of this use of the notes: rather, her concern was just with the fact that medical information about her had been made known to others. My concern is with the meaning and status of (...)
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  16.  31
    Body Is Said in Many Ways: An Examination of Aristotle’s Conception of the Body, Life, and Human Identity.Nicholas Mowad - 2013 - Idealistic Studies 43 (1-2):41-62.
    Aristotle differentiates not just soul from body, but proximate from remote matter. Yet Aristotle can be easily misunderstood as holding that the body of the human being is essentially biological in nature, and that the human differs from the beast only in having an immaterial intellect. On the contrary, I show that for Aristotle even the form of embodiment in humans is different from the form of bestial embodiment, and that human embodiment cannot be adequately understood in the (...)
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  17.  44
    Body and Thou.Rahman S. - 2023 - Philosophy International Journal 6 (S1):1-5.
    Martin Buber has always made it clear that his dialogic principle is not to be treated as an abstract conception but an ontological reality. But admittedly, in I And Thou he could only point to such reality and could not properly present it in discursive prose. However there are instances in the text where he strives to do the latter. One particular instance is where he elaborates the emergence of consciousness of “I”. Through this elaboration, what Buber has tried to (...)
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  18. Minds, bodies, experience, nature: Is panpsychism really dead?Warren G. Frisina - 1997 - In Pragmatism, Neo-Pragmatism, and Religion. New York: Lang.
    In a paper titled "Dewey between Hegel and Darwin," Richard Rorty argued that while it is appropriate to describe John Dewey as a radical empiricist and panpsychist, it would be better if we allowed those aspects of his thought to atrophy and eventually disappear. This paper challenges that claim, arguing that properly understood, radical empiricism and panpsychism continue to have a role in a world newly fascinated by the way bodies, minds, experience and nature are all interwoven into a complex (...)
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  19. What Is Body Positivity?Celine Leboeuf - 2019 - Philosophical Topics 47 (2):113-127.
    Body positivity” refers to the movement to accept our bodies, regardless of size, shape, skin tone, gender, and physical abilities. The movement is often implicitly understood as the effort to celebrate diversity in bodily aesthetics and to expand our narrow beauty standards beyond their present-day confines. Like other feminists, I question whether the push to broaden beauty norms should occupy as central a role as it does now in the movement’s mainstream incarnations, and I believe that, beyond challenging confining (...)
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  20. Commodity/Body/Sign: Borderline Personality Disorder and the Signification of Self-Injurious Behavior.Nancy Nyquist Potter - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (1):1-16.
    People diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) may engage in what are called self-injurious acts. This paper situates self-injury within a larger cultural context in which body modifications are differently evaluated according to inscribed meanings. To provide a framework for ethical interactions with people diagnosed as BPD who self-injure, I draw on two concepts from theories of meaning: signification and uptake. I suggest possible significations of self-injury, but argue that clinicians have a duty to give uptake to the patient's (...)
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  21. Against body exceptionalism: A reply to Eyal.Cécile Fabre - 2009 - Utilitas 21 (2):246-248.
    It is hard to do justice, in a short reply, to Eyal's excellent review. Accordingly, I will focus on what I take to be its central claim – namely that I fail to give proper consideration to the extent to which the forced extraction of body parts undermines individuals' opportunities for self-respect. According to Eyal, ‘body exceptionalism’ can be defended on the following grounds: ‘People usually see trespass into a person and into objects they associate with a (...)
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  22.  59
    In Excess: The Body and the Habit of Sexual Difference.Rosalyn Diprose - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (3):156 - 171.
    Through a re-reading of Antigone, I offer a critique of Hegel's use of the story to illustrate the unity which emerges from the representation of sexual difference in ethical life. Using Hegel's own account of habits, as the mechanism by which the body becomes a sign of the self, I argue that the pretense of social unity assumes the proper construction and representation of one body only. This critique is brought to bear upon contemporary moves towards a (...)
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  23.  69
    On Chinese body thinking: a cultural hermeneutic.Kuang-Ming Wu - 1997 - New York: Brill. Edited by Kuang-Ming Wu.
    This book uses Western philosophical tradition to make a case for a form of thinking properly associated with ancient China.
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  24.  22
    A Properly Embodied Self within a Naturalistic, Bottom-up and Systemic-Relational Framework.Tiziana Vistarini Massimo Marraffa - 2019 - Humana Mente 12 (36).
    In this article a neo-Jamesian approach to the self is developed within a naturalistic, bottom-up, and systemic-relational framework. In this approach, consciousness of the body as one’s own body is a necessary precondition of self-consciousness as psychological self-awareness, and hence of a socially and historically situated narrative self. Thus we take on board the criticism of those accounts of the narrative self that pay little attention to embodiment, or go to the extreme of stating that the narrative self (...)
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  25.  42
    Body art and medical need.I. Brassington - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (1):13-16.
    A company called Biojewellery has proposed to take a sample of bone tissue from a couple and to grow this sample into wedding rings. One of the ethical problems that such a proposal faces is that it implies surgery without medical need. To this end, only couples with a prior need for surgery are being considered. This paper examines the question of whether such a stipulation is necessary. It is suggested that, though medical need and the provision of health and (...)
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  26.  31
    Body or Face: Truth or Truce-Iranian Actresses Costumes in Domestic and Abroad Film Festivals.Majid Parvanehpour - 2020 - SOCRATES 8 (2spl):26-42.
    During the last two decades, many thinkers on Iranian cinema have had many things to say about censorship, especially the issue of the veil imposed on women’s gender by the authorities in Iran. In this paper, I will describe Hamid Dabashi’s narrative as related to the concept of “truth” to show further that the veil issue has reached a new phase in Iran. Although much of what Dabashi defines as the absented body of women in his article “Body (...)
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  27. Steps to a "Properly Embodied" Cognitive Science.Mog Stapleton - 2013 - Cognitive Systems Research 22 (June):1-11.
    Cognitive systems research has predominantly been guided by the historical distinction between emotion and cognition, and has focused its efforts on modelling the “cognitive” aspects of behaviour. While this initially meant modelling only the control system of cognitive creatures, with the advent of “embodied” cognitive science this expanded to also modelling the interactions between the control system and the external environment. What did not seem to change with this embodiment revolution, however, was the attitude towards affect and emotion in cognitive (...)
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  28.  14
    Extraordinary Bodies, Invisible Worlds.Yael Dansac - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (2):240-247.
    Numerous scholars have signalled that neo-pagan practitioners use their body and their senses to interact with the divine and elaborate a spiritual experience. However, the learning process followed to achieve and produce a sensing body capable of communicating with summoned entities has not been properly assessed, until very recently. For over a decade, I have conducted ethnographic research on neo-pagan ritual practices held at European megalithic sites to understand how practitioners learn to co-construct their somatic experiences culturally. Collected (...)
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  29.  34
    Bodies, Agency, and the Relational Self: A Pauline Approach to the Goals and Use of Psychiatric Drugs.Susan G. Eastman - 2018 - Christian Bioethics 24 (3):288-301.
    In this essay, I use the theological anthropology of the apostle Paul as a diagnostic lens in order to bring into focus some implicit assumptions about human personhood in the goals and methods of treatment with psychotropic medications. I argue that Paul views the body as a mode of participation in larger relational matrices in both vulnerable and vital ways. He thus sees the self as constituted relationally rather than as fundamentally isolated and self-determining. Such an understanding of personhood (...)
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  30.  11
    One Body: An Essay in Christian Sexual Ethics by Alexander R. Pruss.O. S. B. Benedict M. Guevin - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (3):485-489.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:One Body: An Essay in Christian Sexual Ethics by Alexander R. PrussBenedict M. Guevin O.S.B.One Body: An Essay in Christian Sexual Ethics. By Alexander R. Pruss. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 2013. Pp. ix + 465. $45.00 (paper). ISBN: 978-0-268-03897-7.As a professor of moral theology in general and of sexual ethics in particular, I found Alexander Pruss’s largely philosophical account of sexual ethics (...)
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  31.  22
    Incorporeality: The ghostly body of metaphysics.Claire Colebrook - 2000 - Body and Society 6 (2):25--44.
    For the past two decades, the issue of the body and essentialism has dominated feminist theory. In general, it is assumed that the body has been devalued and repressed by the Western metaphysical tradition. In this article, I make two claims to the contrary. First, as poststructuralist theory has tirelessly demonstrated, Western thought has continually tried to ground thought in some foundational substance, such as the body. Second, the most provocative, fruitful and radical aspects of recent feminism (...)
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  32. Representing bodies.Quassim Cassam - 2002 - Ratio 15 (4):315-334.
    According to the bodily awareness thesis (BAT), awareness of one’s own body is a necessary condition for the acquisition and possession of concepts of primary qualities such as force and shape. I discuss two arguments for this thesis. The acquisition argument for BAT focuses on the role of bodily sensation and action in the acquisition of the concept of force. I suggest that this argument requires us to conceive of the content of sensation as both representational and non–conceptual. The (...)
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  33. Cosmic Body: Zhou Dunyi's Understanding of Taiji.John Thomson - 2009 - Philosophia 37 (1).
    In this article, the author examines the work of the Neo-Confucian thinker Zhou Dunyi , particularly his seminal essay, "Explanation of the Diagram of the Great Ultimate" , as a key articulation of the anthropocosmic vision that underlies the traditional Chinese practice of taijiquan. Although often associated with Daoism, the art of taiji actually draws on cosmological principles widely shared by followers of all Chinese schools of thought. Through a careful reading of Zhou's essay, it becomes apparent that Zhou is (...)
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  34. Clinical ethics: Disfigured anatomies and imperfect analogies: body integrity identity disorder and the supposed right to self-demanded amputation of healthy body parts.D. Patrone - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (9):541-545.
    Patients with the controversial diagnosis of body integrity identity disorder report an emotional discomfort with having a body part that they feel should not be there. This discomfort is so strong that it interferes with routine functioning and, in a majority of cases, BIID patients are motivated to seek amputation of the limb. Although patient requests to receive the best available treatment are generally respected, BIID demands for amputation, at present, are not. However, what little has been said (...)
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  35. The question of the living body in Heidegger's analytic of dasein.Cristian Ciocan - 2008 - Research in Phenomenology 38 (1):72-89.
    The purpose of this article is to analyze the significance of the absence of the problem of living body in Heidegger's analytic of Dasein. In order to evaluate the occurrences of the problem of the body in Being and Time, I also refer to the context of some of Heidegger's later work where there is to be found a sketch of an ontological investigation of the living body. I analyze then in detail the scarce occurrences of (...) in the fundamental ontology, showing finally that the lack of a proper phenomenological examination of living body generates a series of conceptual difficulties for the problem of Dasein's death, precisely when the issue of dead body is at stake. (shrink)
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  36.  46
    Statistical and Multidimensional Body Composition Parameter Analysis in Young Childhood Cancer Survivors.Magdalena Topczewska, Małgorzata Sawicka-Żukowska & Maryna Krawczuk-Rybak - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 39 (1):25-42.
    This article concerns the problem of assessing selected body compo- sition parameters after completion of antitumor therapy and comparing them with the same parameters of healthy children. A high percentage of overweight and obesity, as well as abnormal fat distribution in convalescents with cancer shows a significant adverse effect of therapy on body composition and suggests the need for early intervention in terms of diet and exercise, which would help patients to quickly achieve the proper parameters of (...)
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  37. What is morphological computation? On how the body contributes to cognition and control.Vincent Müller & Matej Hoffmann - 2017 - Artificial Life 23 (1):1-24.
    The contribution of the body to cognition and control in natural and artificial agents is increasingly described as “off-loading computation from the brain to the body”, where the body is said to perform “morphological computation”. Our investigation of four characteristic cases of morphological computation in animals and robots shows that the ‘off-loading’ perspective is misleading. Actually, the contribution of body morphology to cognition and control is rarely computational, in any useful sense of the word. We thus (...)
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  38.  50
    Disposable Bodies, Disabled Minds, and Christian Hope: Resurrection in Light of Transhumanism and Intellectual Disability.Andrew Sloane - 2023 - Zygon 58 (2):340-357.
    This piece brings into critical conversation Christian resurrection hope, virtual versions of transhumanism, and intellectual disability and demonstrates that Christian resurrection provides a more cogent hope for people with severe intellectual disabilities than transhumanism. I argue that transhumanist virtual futures are theologically problematic, as bodily resurrection is neither required nor desirable. It is particularly problematic for people with severe intellectual disabilities given the way they would be excluded from these futures. Disability theology also raises issues with the traditional notions of (...)
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  39.  94
    Not a Body: the Catalyst of St. Augustine’s Intellectual Conversion in the Books of the Platonists.Kyle S. Hodge - 2023 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 93 (1):51-72.
    In his Confessions, Augustine says that he achieved great intellectual insight from what he cryptically calls the “books of the Platonists.” Prior to reading these books, he was a corporealist and was unable to conceive of incorporeal beings. Because of the insurmountable philosophical problems corporealism caused for the Christian belief he was seeking, Augustine claims that this was the greatest intellectual barrier he faced in converting to Christianity. As such, the specific contents and effects of these Platonist books are of (...)
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    Fanon, the body schema, and white solipsism.Komarine Romdenh-Romluc - 2024 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 62 (1):110-123.
    Fanon's conception of the body schema plays a central role in his philosophy. The body schema is the body's “grasp” or “sense” of itself. Fanon argues that in the encounter between the Black and white person the body schema “crumbles,” so that the Black person experiences herself as object‐like in various ways. Fanon's focus is the Black person's experience because his aim is to provide the Black person with tools for emancipation. Nevertheless, his account raises the (...)
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    Turncoat Bodies: Sexuality and Sex Work under Militarization in Sri Lanka.Yasmin Tambiah - 2005 - Gender and Society 19 (2):243-261.
    In Sri Lanka’s armed conflict, gender, sexuality, and sex work are intermeshed with militarized nationalism. Militarization entrenches gender performances and heteronormative schemes while enabling women to transgress these—whether as combatants or as sex workers. Familiarly, in this nationalist encounter, women are expected to safeguard culture, notably through proper dress and sexual conduct. Sexualactivity that challenges containment arouses anxiety because loyalty to military groupor communal boundary can be compromised. Drawing on three examples—adress codecall by a Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (...)
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    Association of body mass index and its classifications with gray matter volume in individuals with a wide range of body mass index group: A whole-brain magnetic resonance imaging study.Shinsuke Hidese, Miho Ota, Junko Matsuo, Ikki Ishida, Yuuki Yokota, Kotaro Hattori, Yukihito Yomogida & Hiroshi Kunugi - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:926804.
    AimTo examine the association of body mass index (BMI) [kg/m2] and its classifications (underweight [BMI < 18.5], normal [18.5 ≤ BMI < 25], overweight [25 ≤ BMI < 30], and obese [BMI ≥ 30]) with brain structure in individuals with a wide range of BMI group.Materials and methodsThe participants included 382 right-handed individuals (mean age: 46.9 ± 14.3 years, 142 men and 240 women). The intelligence quotient was assessed using the Japanese Adult Reading Test. Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and diffusion (...)
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  43. Not Properly a Person.Christina Van Dyke - 2009 - Faith and Philosophy 26 (2):186-204.
    Like Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas holds that the rational soul is the substantial form of the human body. In so doing, he takes himself to be rejecting a Platonic version of substance dualism; his criticisms, however, apply equally to a traditional understanding of Cartesian dualism. Aquinas’s own peculiar brand of dualism is receiving increased attention from contemporary philosophers—especially those attracted to positions that fall between Cartesian substance dualism and reductive materialism. What Aquinas’s own view amounts to, however, is subject to (...)
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  44. Riddles of the body: Derrida and Hegel on corporeality and signs.Sarah Horton - 2022 - Continental Philosophy Review 56 (1):95-112.
    Proper attention to the theme of corporeality is crucial for understanding Derrida’s analysis of Hegel in “The Pit and the Pyramid.” This article argues that Derrida’s essay compels us to face the impossibility of giving a wholly coherent account of embodiment. The _Aufhebung_ supposedly unites the exteriority of the corporeal with interiority in a higher unity that cancels and preserves them both; Hegel’s own text reveals, however, that meaning is primordially absent from the body that was thought to (...)
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  45.  16
    “We feel that a certain body is affected in many ways” : Spinoza’s Alternative to Cartesian Reasoning on Mind-Body Union. 김은주 - 2015 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 122:1.
    소수의 유물론자를 제외한다면, 17세기 심신관계 논쟁은 대개 심신합일의 방식을 둘러싸고 이루어진다. 결합되는 신체 범위는 주요 논란거리가 아니었는데, 각자에게 자기 신체는 너무 직접적으로 의식되기 때문이다. 그럼에도 데카르트는 유명한 광기 가설을 통해 내 정신과 결합되는 신체의 정체를 물은 바 있다. 그리고는 이 신체를 “내 것”이라 부를 권리를 이성이 아닌 “자연의 가르침”에 귀속시킨다. 본고는 데카르트가 합리적 증명의 영역 밖으로 밀어낸 심신 합일의 문제를 스피노자가 어떻게 합리성의 권역 안으로 끌어들이는지 검토한다. 먼저 “우리는 어떤 물체가 많은 방식으로 변용됨을 느낀다”라는『윤리학』 2부 서두의 생경한 공리는 우리가 보기에 (...)
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    Pain, Care, and the Body: A Response to de Vignemont.Colin Klein - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95 (3):588-593.
    Frédérique de Vignemont argues on the basis of several empirical counterexamples that Bain and Klein are wrong about the relationship between pain and bodily care. I argue that the force of the putative counterexamples is weak. Properly understood, the association between pain and care is preserved in a way that is consistent with both de Vignemont's own views and the empirical facts.
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    Body and Soul in Hellenistic Philosophy.Brad Inwood & James Warren (eds.) - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Philosophers and doctors from the period immediately after Aristotle down to the second century CE were particularly focussed on the close relationships of soul and body; such relationships are particularly intimate when the soul is understood to be a material entity, as it was by Epicureans and Stoics; but even Aristotelians and Platonists shared the conviction that body and soul interact in ways that affect the well-being of the living human being. These philosophers were interested in the nature (...)
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  48. The Theory of Buddha-bodies in the Context of Soteriology-focusing on the Mahāyānasamgraha.Ching Keng - 2011 - Philosophy and Culture 38 (3):119-145.
    This paper advocates learned in the religious context of liberation, the "theology," a concept can be reasonably applied to religious traditions other than Christianity. According to that "beyond the world community and how the phenomenon of contact" as a general theological issues, and Consciousness-only school of Buddhism, one of the major literature of the "photo Mahayana theory of" how to respond to this issue. In the "photo Mahayana theory" in this issue of "inaction of the Dharma Realm to save sentient (...)
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    A Situated or a Jvdetaphysical Body?Andrew C. Rawnsley - 2007 - Janus Head 9 (2):625-647.
    A common feature of much recent work done in a variety of disciplines is the foregrounding of embodiment. Thinking in terms of a situated body however, brings up a complex problem which has often been overlooked: the re-importation of a kind of metaphysics of the body or a covert idealism, which stubbornly persists in many such discussions. This is seen in treatments ofthe body as a mediation or as a site for inscription of socio-cultural codings. We will (...)
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  50. Plato on what the body's eye tells the mind's eye.Dorothea Frede - 1999 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 99 (2):191–209.
    Though the two-world interpretation of Plato's metaphysics is no longer uncontested the question of the expendability of the physical world still predominates current discussions. Against this tendency the article suggests that Plato neither intended to dispose of sensory evidence altogether nor to locate the Forms in a separate realm of pure understanding. The Forms should rather be understood as the ideal principles determining the proper function of each entity. Such a 'functional view' of the Forms is discussed explicitly in (...)
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