Results for 'Boudet-Brugal Alexandra'

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  1.  58
    A ‘college of astrology and medicine’? Charles V, Gervais Chrétien, and the scientific manuscripts of Maître Gervais’s College.Jean-Patrice Boudet - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 41 (2):99-108.
    Considered an institution mainly devoted to astrology and medicine by Simon de Phares and by some historians who believe that he was reliable, the college founded in 1371 by Charles V’s first physician, Gervais Chrétien, was in fact primarily dedicated to theological students. It was not before 1377 that there were created there two bursaries for scholares regis, specialising in ‘licit mathematical sciences’, and two medical fellowships. Yet the influence of the activity of these fellows seems to have been rather (...)
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  2.  14
    Attentes d'enfant.Caroline Boudet-Lefort - 2009 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 183 (1):129.
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    A Relativistic Calculation of the Matrix Elements Used in the Photoeffect and the Lamb Shift.Roger Boudet - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (1):49-66.
    By using the general expression of the matrix elements of the transitions S1/2-P1/2, S1/2-P3/2, established in previous papers, and the Sommerfeld and Schur method of integration, the matrix elements of the transitions 1S1/2-continuum are carried out, in a first step, without retardation.
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    Conclusion.Jean-Patrice Boudet - 2019 - Quaestio 19:311-324.
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    Exact Relativistic Calculation with Retardation of the Matrix Elements Used in the Photoeffect of Hydrogenic Atoms.Roger Boudet & Bruno Blaive - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (8):1283-1300.
    The general expressions with retardation of the matrix elements for a central potential of the transitions S1/2−P1/2 and S1/2−P3/2 have been established previously for all the cases of degeneracies. Here, they are calculated, for any Z, as combinations of hypergeometric series, for the transitions between 1S1/2 and the continuum (photoeffect). A verification of the results is achieved for the approximation Z2α2≪κ2 by using the integral representation in the complex plane of the confluent hypergeometric functions and the residues theorem.
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    Le culot sexuel.Caroline Boudet-Lefort - 2014 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 203 (1):89.
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    On the relativistic calculation of spontaneous emission.Roger Boudet - 1993 - Foundations of Physics 23 (10):1387-1404.
    The Einstein A coefficients are calculated, in all cases of degeneracies of the Dirac transition currents, by means of the energy balance method.
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    Francesc X. Blay Meseguer (ed., tr.), Sentències de Joan Lluís Vives, Alicante: Publicacions Universitat d’Alacant, 2020. [REVIEW]Joan Tello Brugal - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (2):509-511.
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    Relationship Dynamics of Couples Facing Advanced-Stage Parkinson’s Disease: A Dyadic Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.Emilie Constant, Elodie Brugallé, Emilie Wawrziczny, Céline Sokolowski, Charlotte Manceau, Bérengère Flinois, Guillaume Baille, Defebvre Luc, Kathy Dujardin & Pascal Antoine - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background/ObjectiveSeveral studies have examined the impact of Parkinson’s disease on the quality of couples’ relationships. To date, few studies have explored how couples experience their relationship dynamic by taking into account the disease stage. The objectives of this study were to understand the experience of each partner and to study the mechanisms that underlie their couple organization in the advanced stage of PD.MethodsSemistructured individual interviews conducted with fifteen patients and their partners were the subject of a dyadic interpretative phenomenological analysis.ResultsThree (...)
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    A proliferation control network model: The simulation of two-dimensional epithelial homeostasis.Didier Morel, Raphaël Marcelpoil & Gérard Brugal - 2001 - Acta Biotheoretica 49 (4):219-234.
    Despite the recent progress in the description of the molecular mechanisms of proliferation and differentiation controls in vitro, the regulation of the homeostasis of normal stratified epithelia remains unclear in vivo. Computer simulation represents a powerful tool to investigate the complex field of cell proliferation regulation networks. It provides huge computation capabilities to test, in a dynamic in silico context, hypotheses about the many pathways and feedback loops involved in cell growth and proliferation controls.Our approach combines a model of cell (...)
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    The Relativistic Expressions with Retardation of the Matrix Elements Used in the Hydrogenic Atomic Transitions: Application to the Photoeffect and the Lamb Shift. [REVIEW]Roger Boudet - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (1):29-47.
    By using a geometrical form of the Darwin solutions of the Dirac equation, the general expressions with retardation of the matrix elements of the transitions S1/2-P1/2 and S1/2-P3/2 are established. The extension to the calculation with retardation of the sum rules relative to the intensities in the anomal Zeemann decomposition of the transitions between two levels is carried out.
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    Putting Social Movements in Their Place: Explaining Opposition to Energy Projects in the United States, 2000–2005.Doug McAdam & Hilary Boudet - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    The field of social movement studies has expanded dramatically over the past three decades. But as it has done so, its focus has become increasingly narrow and 'movement-centric'. When combined with the tendency to select successful struggles for study, the conceptual and methodological conventions of the field conduce to a decidedly Ptolemaic view of social movements: one that exaggerates the frequency and causal significance of movements as a form of politics. This book reports the results of a comparative study, not (...)
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  13.  18
    Bibliographie de l'Indochine . Tome IV, MatièresBibliographie de l'Indochine . Tome IV, Matieres.E. H. S. & Paul Boudet - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):365.
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    Exit from Brain Device Research: A Modified Grounded Theory Study of Researcher Obligations and Participant Experiences.Lauren R. Sankary, Megan Zelinsky, Andre Machado, Taylor Rush, Alexandra White & Paul J. Ford - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 13 (4):215-226.
    As clinical trials end, little is understood about how participants exiting from clinical trials approach decisions related to the removal or post-trial use of investigational brain implants, such as deep brain stimulation (DBS) devices. This empirical bioethics study examines how research participants experience the process of exit from research at the end of clinical trials of implanted neural devices. Using a modified grounded theory study design, we conducted semi-structured, in-depth interviews with 16 former research participants from clinical trials of DBS (...)
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  15. A Comparison of the Effects of Ethics Training on International and US Students.T. H. Lee Williams, Shane Connelly, Michael D. Mumford, Alexandra E. MacDougall, Logan L. Watts, James F. Johnson & Logan M. Steele - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (4):1217-1244.
    As scientific and engineering efforts become increasingly global in nature, the need to understand differences in perceptions of research ethics issues across countries and cultures is imperative. However, investigations into the connection between nationality and ethical decision-making in the sciences have largely generated mixed results. In Study 1 of this paper, a measure of biases and compensatory strategies that could influence ethical decisions was administered. Results from this study indicated that graduate students from the United States and international graduate students (...)
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    Seeking consent for research with indigenous communities: a systematic review.Emily F. M. Fitzpatrick, Alexandra L. C. Martiniuk, Heather D’Antoine, June Oscar, Maureen Carter & Elizabeth J. Elliott - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):65.
    BackgroundWhen conducting research with Indigenous populations consent should be sought from both individual participants and the local community. We aimed to search and summarise the literature about methods for seeking consent for research with Indigenous populations.MethodsA systematic literature search was conducted for articles that describe or evaluate the process of seeking informed consent for research with Indigenous participants. Guidelines for ethical research and for seeking consent with Indigenous people are also included in our review.ResultsOf 1447 articles found 1391 were excluded (...)
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  17.  47
    Cognitive and neural plasticity in older adults’ prospective memory following training with the Virtual Week computer game.Nathan S. Rose, Peter G. Rendell, Alexandra Hering, Matthias Kliegel, Gavin M. Bidelman & Fergus I. M. Craik - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  18.  87
    The Aim Justifies the Means—Differences Among Musical and Nonmusical Means of Relaxation or Activation Induction in Daily Life.Mattes B. Kappert, Alexandra Wuttke-Linnemann, Wolff Schlotz & Urs M. Nater - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  19.  77
    The Relationship Between Social Cynicism Belief, Social Dominance Orientation, and the Perception of Unethical Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Examination in Russia, Portugal, and the United States.Maria Cristina Ferreira, Theophilus B. A. Addo, Olga Kovbasyuk, Miguel M. Torres & Valerie Alexandra - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (3):545-562.
    Most studies investigating the relationship between cultural constructs and ethical perception have focused on individual- and societal-level values without much attention to other type of cultural constructs such as social beliefs. In addition, we need to better understand how social beliefs are linked to ethical perception and the level of analysis at which social beliefs may best predict ethical perceptions. This research contributes to the cross-cultural ethical perception literature by examining the relationship of individual-level social cynicism belief, one of five (...)
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  20.  41
    “To Suffer in Paradise”: Feelings Mothers Share on Portuguese Facebook Sites.Filipa César, Patrício Costa, Alexandra Oliveira & Anne Marie Fontaine - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Gendered and Racialized Perceptions of Faculty Workloads.Audrey Jaeger, Dawn Kiyoe Culpepper, Kerryann O’Meara, Alexandra Kuvaeva & Joya Misra - 2021 - Gender and Society 35 (3):358-394.
    Faculty workload inequities have important consequences for faculty diversity and inclusion. On average, women faculty spend more time engaging in service, teaching, and mentoring, while men, on average, spend more time on research, with women of color facing particularly high workload burdens. We explore how faculty members perceive workload in their departments, identifying mechanisms that can help shape their perceptions of greater equity and fairness. White women perceive that their departments have less equitable workloads and are less committed to workload (...)
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  22. La conduite responsable en recherche en sciences humaines et sociales.Sihem Neila Abtroun, Marie-Alexia Masella, Marie-Alexandra Gagné & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2021 - In Christian Hervé & Michèle Stanton Jean, Ethique, intégrité scientifique et fausses nouvelles. pp. 121-134.
    Jusqu’à présent, les discussions au sein de la communauté universitaire et dans la littérature scientifique sur la conduite responsable en recherche (CRR), incluant l’intégrité scientifique et l’éthique de la recherche, ont principalement été menées par les chercheurs en sciences de la santé et en sciences fondamentales. Préoccupés, à juste titre, par des problèmes d’inconduite, leurs effets négatifs sur la rigueur scientifique et la confiance du public dans l’entreprise de la recherche, ces débats ont conduit à l’élaboration et à la mise (...)
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    The picture talk project: Aboriginal community input on consent for research.Emily F. M. Fitzpatrick, Gaynor Macdonald, Alexandra L. C. Martiniuk, June Oscar, Heather D’Antoine, Maureen Carter, Tom Lawford & Elizabeth J. Elliott - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):12.
    The consent and community engagement process for research with Indigenous communities is rarely evaluated. Research protocols are not always collaborative, inclusive or culturally respectful. If participants do not trust or understand the research, selection bias may occur in recruitment, affecting study results potentially denying participants the opportunity to provide more knowledge and greater understanding about their community. Poorly informed consent can also harm the individual participant and the community as a whole. Invited by local Aboriginal community leaders of the Fitzroy (...)
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  24. Experimental Evidence for the Meaning of Saturn who Devoured his Children.Maxson J. McDowell, E. Roberts, Joenine & Alexandra Roth - manuscript
    This paper integrates symbolic thought and experimental research. We hypothesized that symbolic narratives provide homeostasis for the complex adaptive system that is personality. Our interpretation of a dream was based, in part, on this hypothesis. We found that the dream retold the myth of Saturn. When, by direct experiment, we tried to falsify our interpretation, our results supported our interpretation and thereby supported our hypothesis. Previously, evidence for this hypothesis had been only anecdotal. __________________________________________ For an audio-record of entire class: (...)
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  25.  43
    Auditory Motion Capturing Ambiguous Visual Motion.Arjen Alink, Felix Euler, Elena Galeano, Alexandra Krugliak, Wolf Singer & Axel Kohler - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
  26.  35
    Broad Consent for Future Research: International Perspectives.Mark A. Rothstein, Heather L. Harrell, Katie M. Saulnier, Edward S. Dove, Chien Te Fan, Tzu-Hsun Hung, Obiajulu Nnamuchi, Alexandra Obadia, Gil Siegal & Bartha Maria Knoppers - 2018 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 40 (6):7-12.
    In the United States, final amendments to the Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects (“the Common Rule”) were published on January 19, 2017, and they will take effect on January 21, 2019. One of the most widely discussed provisions is that for the first time, federal regulations governing research with humans authorize the use of broad consent for future, unspecified research on individually identifiable biospecimens and associated data. Many questions have been raised about broad consent, including what effect (...)
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  27.  30
    Pares de Galois e espaços de Tarski.Hércules De Araujo Feitosa, Cristiane Alexandra Lazaro & Mauri Cunha do Nascimento - 2018 - Cognitio 19 (1):110-132.
    Apresentamos conceitos algébricos básicos e fundamentais como conjuntos ordenados, reticulados, álgebra de Boole e as TK-álgebras. Destacamos os espaços de Tarski, associados ao conceito de sistema dedutivo e sua apresentação quase topológica. Então, apresentamos a Lógica da Dedutibilidade, vinda da formalização lógica dos espaços de Tarski. A seguir, trazemos os pares de funções de Galois, que surgem em muitos tópicos da Matemática. Como resultado original, além de alguns desenvolvimentos teóricos, destacamos uma conexão de Galois com os espaços de Tarski.
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  28. Effects of the A+ intervention on elementary-school teachers’ social and emotional competence and occupational health.Sofia Oliveira, Magda Sofia Roberto, Ana Margarida Veiga-Simão & Alexandra Marques-Pinto - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Teaching is, to date, one of the most prone jobs to experiencing occupational stress and burnout. Owing to burnout’s negative personal, social, organizational and economic impacts, researchers, practitioners and education policy leaders are interested in developing practices and interventions aimed at preventing/reducing its prevalence. With teachers’ main professional demands to be of a social and emotional nature, interventions designed with a view to promote teachers’ social and emotional competence appears to be particularly promising, positively impacting teachers’ well-being and personal accomplishment (...)
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  29. Defining Transformative Experiences: A Conceptual Analysis.Alice Chirico, Marta Pizzolante, Alexandra Kitson, Elena Gianotti, Bernhard E. Riecke & Andrea Gaggioli - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:790300.
    The concept of transformative experience (TE) has been widely explored by several disciplines from philosophy to neurobiology, and in different domains, from the spiritual to the educational one. This attitude has engendered heterogeneous models to explain this phenomenon. However, a consistent and clear understanding of this construct remains elusive. The aim of this work is to provide an initial comprehensive interdisciplinary, cross-domain, up-to-date, and integrated overview on the concept of TEs. Firstly, all the models and theories on TEs were reviewed (...)
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  30.  19
    Duration of face mask exposure matters: evidence from Swiss and Brazilian kindergartners’ ability to recognise emotions.Ebru Ger, Mirella Manfredi, Ana Alexandra Caldas Osório, Camila Fragoso Ribeiro, Alessandra Almeida, Annika Güdel, Marta Calbi & Moritz M. Daum - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (6):857-871.
    Wearing facial masks became a common practice worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study investigated (1) whether facial masks that cover adult faces affect 4- to 6-year-old children’s recognition of emotions in those faces and (2) whether the duration of children’s exposure to masks is associated with emotion recognition. We tested children from Switzerland (N = 38) and Brazil (N = 41). Brazil represented longer mask exposure due to a stricter mandate during COVID-19. Children had to choose a face displaying (...)
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    Does mental rotation emulate motor processes? An electrophysiological study of objects and body parts.Marta Menéndez Granda, Giannina Rita Iannotti, Alexandra Darqué & Radek Ptak - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:983137.
    Several arguments suggest that motor planning may share embodied neural mechanisms with mental rotation (MR). However, it is not well established whether this overlap occurs regardless of the type of stimulus that is manipulated, in particular manipulable or non-manipulable objects and body parts. We here used high-density electroencephalography (EEG) to examine the cognitive similarity between MR of objects that do not afford specific hand actions (chairs) and bodily stimuli (hands). Participants had identical response options for both types of stimuli, and (...)
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  32. The Child Emotion Facial Expression Set: A Database for Emotion Recognition in Children.Juliana Gioia Negrão, Ana Alexandra Caldas Osorio, Rinaldo Focaccia Siciliano, Vivian Renne Gerber Lederman, Elisa Harumi Kozasa, Maria Eloisa Famá D'Antino, Anderson Tamborim, Vitor Santos, David Leonardo Barsand de Leucas, Paulo Sergio Camargo, Daniel C. Mograbi, Tatiana Pontrelli Mecca & José Salomão Schwartzman - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: This study developed a photo and video database of 4-to-6-year-olds expressing the seven induced and posed universal emotions and a neutral expression. Children participated in photo and video sessions designed to elicit the emotions, and the resulting images were further assessed by independent judges in two rounds. Methods: In the first round, two independent judges, experts in the Facial Action Coding System, firstly analysed 3,668 emotions facial expressions stimuli from 132 children. Both judges reached 100% agreement regarding 1,985 stimuli, (...)
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  33.  36
    Plato: Educating through Images.Katerina Bantinaki, Fotini Vassiliou, Anna Antaloudaki & Alexandra Athanasiadou - 2023 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 57 (4):18-35.
    Abstract:In Book X of the Republic, Plato develops a structured criticism of the images of painting in order to denigrate, by means of analogy, the cognitive value of poetry. Yet Plato persistently employs verbal images at points of utmost importance with regard to his philosophical aims. In the face of Plato’s critique of the image, his methodic use of images can seem paradoxical: critique and method point in opposing directions with regard to the cognitive value of the image. The aim (...)
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    Uso da ventilação proporcional assistida e pressão de suporte ventilatório no desmame de pacientes traqueostomizados.Fernanda Mariano Leites, Karina de Oliveira Seixas, Alexandra de Souza & Luciano Dondé da Silva - 2021 - Aletheia 54 (1).
    A ventilação mecânica invasiva (VMI) tem como objetivo melhorar trocas gasosas e reduzir o trabalho ventilatório de pacientes críticos. O desmame em traqueostomia é realizado usando modo ventilatório espontâneo e períodos fora da VMI de forma progressiva. O modo ventilatório utilizado pode ser, entre outros, ventilação por pressão (PSV) ou ventilação proporcional assistida (PAV). O objetivo foi comparar o uso do modo PSV e PAV no desmame de pacientes traqueostomizados. Foram recrutados 14 indivíduos, alocados em dois grupos, PSV e PAV, (...)
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    Developing a digital platform for community-led initiatives: from local agents′ needs to interface design.Oksana Tymoshchuk, Maria João Antunes, Ana Margarida Almeida, Paula Alexandra Silva, Luís Pedro & Fernando Ramos - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-10.
    To identify how digital media are being used by community-led initiatives of the Centro Region of Portugal, and to identify the requirements that a digital platform for mediation between agents in the territory should have, two focus groups were conducted, involving six small-sized community-led initiatives and six larger-sized community-led initiatives. This article details the results of these focus groups, according to the following main categories: use of existing communication and mediation tools; the purpose of use of digital tools; type of (...)
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  36.  21
    Ethical, legal, and social implications in research biobanking: A checklist for navigating complexity.Olga Tzortzatou-Nanopoulou, Kaya Akyüz, Melanie Goisauf, Łukasz Kozera, Signe Mežinska, Michaela Th Mayrhofer, Santa Slokenberga, Jane Reichel, Talishiea Croxton, Alexandra Ziaka & Marina Makri - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 24 (3):139-150.
    Biobanks’ activity is based not only on securing the technology of collecting and storing human biospecimen, but also on preparing formal documentation that will enable its safe use for scientific research. In that context, the issue of informed consent, the reporting of incidental findings and the use of Transfer Agreements remain a vast challenge. This paper aims to offer first–hand tangible solutions on those issues in the context of collaborative and transnational biobanking research. It presents a four‐step checklist aiming to (...)
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    Assessing the complexity of lectal competence: the register-specificity of the dative alternation after give.Benedikt Szmrecsanyi, Laura Rosseel, Jason Grafmiller & Alexandra Engel - 2022 - Cognitive Linguistics 33 (4):727-766.
    Recent evidence suggests that probabilistic grammars may be modulated by communication mode and genre. Accordingly, the question arises how complex language users’ lectal competence is, where complexity is proportional to the extent to which choice-making processes depend on the situation of language use. Do probabilistic constraints vary when we talk to a friend compared to when we give a speech? Are differences between spoken and written language larger than those within each mode? In the present study, we aim to approach (...)
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  38.  19
    Max Bense: Werk - Kontext - Wirkung.Andrea Albrecht, Masetto Bonitz, Alexandra Skowronski & Claus Zittel (eds.) - 2019 - Berlin: J.B. Metzler.
    Max Bense gilt als Vorreiter der Computerkunst und der Technikphilosophie und war ein engagierter Förderer von Kunst und Literatur, Promotor interdisziplinären Denkens und politischer Provokateur. Häufig ist es bei der Auseinandersetzung mit Bense jedoch bei diesen Etikettierungen geblieben. Der Sammelband nimmt daher eine konzertierte Neuaufnahme der Diskussion von Max Benses Arbeiten aus literaturwissenschaftlicher, philosophie- und wissenschaftshistorischer sowie aus medien- und ästhetiktheoretischer Perspektive vor. Er versammelt Beiträge zu Themenkomplexen wie der Semiotik, Technikphilosophie, experimentellen Poesie und Ästhetiktheorie, zu Benses lokalen und internationalen (...)
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    When mere multiple group memberships are not enough: Individual self-expansion through involvement in social groups and self-efficacy belief.Tomasz Besta, Elżbieta Tomiałowicz, Julianna Bojko, Aleksandra Pytlos, Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka, Emma Bäck & Alexandra Vazquez - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin.
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  40. Notre Dame, Indiana May 20–May 23, 2009.Patricia Blanchette, Heike Mildenberger, André Nies, Anand Pillay, Alexander Razborov, Alexandra Shlapentokh, John R. Steel & Boris Zilber - 2009 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 15 (4).
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    Weak One-Basedness.Gareth Boxall, David Bradley-Williams, Charlotte Kestner, Alexandra Omar Aziz & Davide Penazzi - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (3-4):435-448.
    We study the notion of weak one-basedness introduced in recent work of Berenstein and Vassiliev. Our main results are that this notion characterizes linearity in the setting of geometric þ-rank 1structures and that lovely pairs of weakly one-based geometric þ-rank 1 structures are weakly one-based with respect to þ-independence. We also study geometries arising from infinite-dimensional vector spaces over division rings.
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    Sofistas: testemunhos e fragmentos.Levi Condinho, Maria José Vaz Pinto & Ana Alexandra Alves de Sousa (eds.) - 2005 - Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
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    Binocular Summation and Suppression of Contrast Sensitivity in Strabismus, Fusion and Amblyopia.Michael Dorr, MiYoung Kwon, Luis Andres Lesmes, Alexandra Miller, Melanie Kazlas, Kimberley Chan, David G. Hunter, Zhong-Lin Lu & Peter J. Bex - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:459378.
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    An algebraic model for the modal logic KD.Hércules de Araujo Feitosa, Marcelo Reicher Soares & Cristiane Alexandra Lázaro - 2022 - Cognitio 23 (1):59916-59916.
    Deontic logic is a branch of symbolic logic interested in notions such as obligatory, permissible, optional, ought, and others similar. There are some equivalent ways to present the Standard Deontic Logic or KD. In this paper, we will mention some of them and highlight one that is of interest. With this presentation we can propose a simple algebraic model for the Standard Deontic Logic.
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    Widerständigkeiten des Alltags: Beiträge zu einer empirischen Kulturanalyse: für Klaus Schönberger zum 60. Geburtstag.Marion Hamm, Ute Holfelder, Christian Ritter, Alexandra Schwell, Ove Sutter & Klaus Schönberger (eds.) - 2019 - Klagenfurt: Drava Verlag.
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    Multivoxel Coding of Visual Stimuli is Flexible: Frontoparietal and Visual Cortices Adapt to Code the Currently Relevant Distinction.Jackson Jade, Rich Anina, Williams Mark A. & Woolgar Alexandra - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    La production des poteries néolithiques à décor peint « noir sur rouge » en Grèce du Nord.Vassilis Kilikoglou, Dimitra Malamidou, Zoï Tsirtsonis, Alexandra Tsolakidou & Paraskevi Yiouni - 2002 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 126 (2):547-549.
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    Technology Assessment of Socio-Technical Futures—A Discussion Paper.Andreas Lösch, Knud Böhle, Christopher Coenen, Paulina Dobroc, Reinhard Heil, Armin Grunwald, Dirk Scheer, Christoph Schneider, Arianna Ferrari, Dirk Hommrich, Martin Sand, Stefan C. Aykut, Sascha Dickel, Daniela Fuchs, Karen Kastenhofer, Helge Torgersen, Bruno Gransche, Alexandra Hausstein, Kornelia Konrad, Alfred Nordmann, Petra Schaper-Rinkel, Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer & Alexander Wentland - 2019 - In Andreas Lösch, Armin Grunwald, Martin Meister & Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer, Socio-Technical Futures Shaping the Present: Empirical Examples and Analytical Challenges. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 285-308.
    Problem: Visions of technology, future scenarios, guiding visions represent imaginations of future states of affairs that play a functional role in processes of technological research, development and innovation—e.g. as a means to create attention, communication, coordination, or for the strategic exertion of influence. Since a couple of years there is a growing attention for such imaginations of futures in politics, the economy, research and the civil society. This trend concerns technology assessment as an observer of these processes and a consultant (...)
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    There or not there? A multidisciplinary review and research agenda on the impact of transparent barriers on human perception, action, and social behavior.Gesine Marquardt, Emily S. Cross, Alexandra Allison De Sousa, Eve Edelstein, Alessandro Farne, Marcin Leszczynski, Miles Patterson & Susanne Quadflieg - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:130087.
    Through advances in production and treatment technologies, transparent glass has become an increasingly versatile material and a global hallmark of modern architecture. In the shape of invisible barriers, it defines spaces while simultaneously shaping their lighting, noise, and climate conditions. Despite these unique architectural qualities, little is known regarding the human experience with glass barriers. Is a material that has been described as being simultaneously there and not there from an architectural perspective, actually there and/or not there from perceptual, behavioral, (...)
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  50.  16
    Students’ Confidence and Interest in Palliative and Bereavement Care: A European Study.Hod Orkibi, Gianmarco Biancalani, Mihaela Dana Bucuţã, Raluca Sassu, Michael Alexander Wieser, Luca Franchini, Melania Raccichini, Bracha Azoulay, Krzysztof Mariusz Ciepliñski, Alexandra Leitner, Silvia Varani & Ines Testoni - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    As part of a European Erasmus Plus project entitled Death Education for Palliative Psychology, this study assessed the ways in which Master’s Degree students in psychology and the creative arts therapies self-rated their confidence and interest in death education and palliative and bereavement care. In five countries (Austria, Israel, Italy, Poland, Romania), 344 students completed an online questionnaire, and 37 students were interviewed to better understand their views, interest, and confidence. The results revealed some significant differences between countries, and showed (...)
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