Results for 'Bruno Jérôme'

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  1.  21
    Knowledge-based programs as succinct policies for partially observable domains.Bruno Zanuttini, Jérôme Lang, Abdallah Saffidine & François Schwarzentruber - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 288 (C):103365.
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    La nation face à l’État et aux rapports de classe : quels enjeux contemporains pour la politique économique?Jérôme Maucourant & Bruno Tinel - 2020 - Actuel Marx 68 (2):108-124.
    Comment caractériser les contradictions entre l’État et la nation, tout en tenant compte du fait que la société réelle est divisée en classes? Ces éléments sont abordés sous l’angle des implications d’une politique de plein emploi, à partir des analyses de l’économiste marxiste polonais Michal Kalecki. L’idée d’une double nature de l’État, dont on trouve les prémisses chez Marx, est ensuite mobilisée pour articuler les notions d’État, de nation et de classes sociales. Enfin on s’interroge sur les enjeux actuels de (...)
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    Prévision électorale : des méthodes non quantitatives aux modèles de vote politico-économiques.Bruno Jérôme - forthcoming - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines.
    « Dans la sphère économique, un acte, une habitude, une institution, une loi n’engendrent pas seulement un effet, mais une série d’effets. De ces effets, le premier seul est immédiat ; il se manifeste simultanément avec sa cause, on le voit. Les autres ne se déroulent que successivement, on ne les voit pas, heureux si on les prévoit. Entre un mauvais et un bon Economiste, voici toute la différence : l’un s’en tient à l’effet visible, l’autre tient compte et de (...)
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    Le capital et la question nationale.Jérôme Maucourant & Bruno Tinel - 2008 - Actuel Marx 43 (1):140-153.
    Nations are the forms of political organisation which peoples construct for themselves. It is a commonplace to state that globalisation tends (for the better) towards the end of nations. However the history of capitalism shows that such a hypothesis is questionable. Globalisation is merely a stage in the development of capitalism, which has always leaned on certain nations to secure its deployment: England in the past, the US today. The real question is thus that of the hegemony of one nation (...)
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    Bruno Latour (1947-2022).Jérôme Lamy - 2023 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 148 (2):279-281.
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    Perceptual hysteresis as a marker of perceptual inflexibility in schizophrenia.Jean-Rémy Martin, Guillaume Dezecache, Daniel Pressnitzer, Philippe Nuss, Jérôme Dokic, Nicolas Bruno, Elisabeth Pacherie & Nicolas Franck - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 30 (C):62-72.
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    Mind Ascribed. An elaboration and defence of interpretivism.Bruno Mölder - 2010 - John Benjamins.
    This book provides a thoroughly worked out and systematic presentation of an interpretivist position in the philosophy of mind, of the view that having mental properties is a matter of interpretation. Bruno Mölder elaborates and defends a particular version of interpretivism, the ascription theory, which explicates the possession of mental states with contents in terms of their canonical ascribability, and shows how it can withstand various philosophical challenges. Apart from a defence of the ascription theory from the objections commonly (...)
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  8. A Tear is an Intellectual Thing: The Meanings of Emotion.Jerome Neu - 2000 - New York, USA: Oxford University Press USA.
    Is jealousy eliminable? If so, at what cost? What are the connections between pride the sin and the pride insisted on by identity politics? How can one question an individual's understanding of their own happiness or override a society's account of its own rituals? What makes a sexual desire "perverse," or particular sexual relations undesirable or even unthinkable? These and other questions about what sustains and threatens our identity are pursued using the resources of philosophy, psychoanalysis, and other disciplines. The (...)
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    Modeling Conceptualization and Investigating Teaching Effectiveness.Jérôme Santini, Tracy Bloor & Gérard Sensevy - 2018 - Science & Education 27 (9-10):921-961.
    Our research addresses the issue of teaching and learning concepts in science education as an empirical question. We study the process of conceptualization by closely examining the unfolding of classroom lesson sequences. We situate our work within the practice turn line of research on epistemic practices in science education. We also adopt a practice turn approach when it comes to the learning of concepts, as we consider conceptualization as being inherent within epistemic practices. In our work, pedagogical practices are modeled (...)
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  10. Disjunctivism, Hallucination and Metacognition.Jérôme Dokic & Jean-Rémy Martin - 2012 - WIREs Cognitive Science 3:533-543.
    Perceptual experiences have been construed either as representational mental states—Representationalism—or as direct mental relations to the external world—Disjunctivism. Both conceptions are critical reactions to the so-called ‘Argument from Hallucination’, according to which perceptions cannot be about the external world, since they are subjectively indiscriminable from other, hallucinatory experiences, which are about sense-data ormind-dependent entities. Representationalism agrees that perceptions and hallucinations share their most specific mental kind, but accounts for hallucinations as misrepresentations of the external world. According to Disjunctivism, the phenomenal (...)
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  11. Dialetheism, logical consequence and hierarchy.Bruno Whittle - 2004 - Analysis 64 (4):318-326.
    I argue that dialetheists have a problem with the concept of logical consequence. The upshot of this problem is that dialetheists must appeal to a hierarchy of concepts of logical consequence. Since this hierarchy is akin to those invoked by more orthodox resolutions of the semantic paradoxes, its emergence would appear to seriously undermine the dialetheic treatments of these paradoxes. And since these are central to the case for dialetheism, this would represent a significant blow to the position itself.
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    Art and Philosophy: A Symposium.Jerome Stolnitz - 1967 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 28 (1):137-138.
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  13. Schelling’s Philosophical Letters on Doctrine and Critique.G. Anthony Bruno - 2020 - In María Del Del Rosario Acosta López & Colin McQuillan (eds.), Critique in German Philosophy: From Kant to Critical Theory. Albany: SUNY Press. pp. 133-154.
    Kant’s critique/doctrine distinction tracks the difference between a canon for the understanding’s proper use and an organon for its dialectical misuse. The latter reflects the dogmatic use of reason to attain a doctrine of knowledge with no antecedent critique. In the 1790s, Fichte collapses Kant’s distinction and redefines dogmatism. He argues that deriving a canon is essentially dialectical and thus yields an organon: critical idealism is properly a doctrine of science or Wissenschaftslehre. Criticism is furthermore said to refute dogmatism, by (...)
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    Kant und die Epigonen; eine kritische Abhandlung. Besorgt von Bruno Bauch.Otto Liebmann & Bruno Bauch - 1912
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    The Authority of Norms.Bruno Verbeek - 2007 - American Philosophical Quarterly 44 (3):245 - 258.
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  16. La fabrique du droit. Une ethnographie du Conseil d'État.Bruno Latour - 2003 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 193 (4):504-504.
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    A linguagem filmográfica e a representação estética de Lula em documentários.Bruno Novaes Araujo - 2021 - Páginas de Filosofía 10 (1):73-95.
    Esse artigo é um resumo de uma tese de doutorado iniciada em 2017 que tem como objetivo analisar onze filmes do gênero documentário que abordam a liderança política de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva ao longo de sua trajetória no cenário nacional. Discuto, entendendo os documentários como fontes narrativas, o tipo de liderança política de Lula nos momentos específicos de suas produções, analisando esteticamente como ele foi representado pelos diversos diretores. Como objetivo específico, busco identificar traços do fenômeno político discutido (...)
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  18. Ramsey. Vérité et succès.JÉRÔME DOKIC - 2001
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  19. Epistemic Reciprocity in Schelling's Late Return to Kant.G. Anthony Bruno - 2018 - In Pablo Muchnik (ed.), Rethinking Kant. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 75-94.
    In his 1841-2 Berlin lectures, Schelling critiques German idealism’s negative method of regressing from existence to its first principle, which is supposed to be intelligible without remainder. He sees existence as precisely its remainder since there could be nothing that exists. To solve this, Schelling enlists the positive method of progressing from the fact of existence to a proof of this principle’s reality. Since this proof faces the absurdity that there is anything rather than nothing, he concludes that this fact’s (...)
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    Sociology, Psychoanalysis, and the Modern Subject.Bruno Karsenti & Louis Sass - 2014 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 21 (4):343-348.
    One might think that the problem of the subject has been exhausted by the debate that has taken place between post-Kantians and structuralists over the past several decades. In fact, this is true enough—at least if one considers the preferred arguments, the speculative arsenal, that has been mobilized by both positions in this debate. Still, it is now widely claimed, in France and elsewhere, that this debate had been overly theoretical, leaving the real problems of contemporary society quite untouched. With (...)
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    Missionary mathematics.Bruno Poizat - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (1):132-145.
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  22. The emergence of embodied communication in artificial agents and humans.Bruno Galantucci & Steels & Luc - 2008 - In Ipke Wachsmuth, Manuela Lenzen & Günther Knoblich (eds.), Embodied Communication in Humans and Machines. Oxford University Press.
  23. ‘‘Just forget it.’’ Memory distortions as bounded rationality.Bruno S. Frey - 2005 - Mind and Society 4 (1):13-25.
    Distortions in memory impose important bounds on rationality but have been largely disregarded in economics. While it is possible to learn, it is more difficult, and sometimes impossible, to unlearn. This retention effect lowers individual utility directly or via reduced productivity, and adds costs to principal-agent relationships. The engraving effect states that the more one tries to forget a piece of information the more vivid it stays in memory, leading to a paradoxical outcome. The effects are based on, and are (...)
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    Moralbegründung und Gemeinschaft: wie philosophische Argumente Menschen verändern können.Bruno Haas - 2009 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Il De aleatoribus Pseudociprianeo.Bruno Luiselli - 2007 - Augustinianum 47 (2):259-281.
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    The Integral Common Good: Implications for Melé’s Seven Key Practices of Humanistic Management.Bruno Dyck - 2020 - Humanistic Management Journal 5 (1):7-23.
    This paper discusses three generic types or ways of understanding the common good found in the literature, and then describes the implications of the integral common good for seven key practices of humanistic management. In particular, compared to conventional management, an approach to humanistic management based on the integral common good tends to: 1) have institutional mission and vision statements that are developed by multiple stakeholders that emphasize social and ecological well-being ahead of financial well-being; 2) have a strategic orientation (...)
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  27. You Can't Separate the Work of Art from the Artist.Jerome Stolnitz - 1984 - Philosophy and Literature 8 (2):209-221.
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  28. Technologia jako utrwalone społeczeństwo.Bruno Latour - 2013 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 4 (2):17-49.
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  29. Heraklits Fragment 10.Bruno Snell - 1941 - Hermes 76 (1):84-87.
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  30. Kesseler. Pädagogische Charakterköpfe.Bruno Bauch - 1917 - Kant Studien 21:337.
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    Aesthetics and modernity from Schiller to the Frankfurt School.Jerome Carroll, Steve Giles & Maike Oergel (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Proceedings of a conference held in Sept. 2009 in London, England.
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  32. Chisholm über Intentionalität.Bruno Schuwey - 1987 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 92 (1):105-106.
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  33. Recent Publications.Bruno Schuwey - 1985 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 45 (3):477.
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    Metaética: algumas tendências.Bruno Aislã Gonçalves Santos & Pedro Merlussi - 2013 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 12 (2):346–354.
    This is a review of the book Metaética: algumas tendências. The book contains papers of three important philosophers in this subject, Peter Railton, Allan Gibbard and Stephen Darwall. Since this book has been published, the study of metaethics has been improved in Brazil. In this review we describe the main aspects of the book, focusing on Railton’s ideas.
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    Francis Chateauraynaud & Yves Cohen (eds.), Histoires pragmatiques.Bruno Settis - 2016 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 8 (2).
    1. Can “practice” and “practices” be used as epistemological tools to study history? Can these concepts be used to break up unilateral and teleological narratives one the one hand, and, on the other, to provide a basis for a new understanding and writing of history and histories? The twelve essays (by thirteen authors) collected by Francis Chateauraynaud and Yves Cohen under the title Histoires Pragmatiques (in the Ehess’s Raisons pratiques. Epistémologie, sociologie, théorie sociale series)...
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    André Glucksmann, La fêlure du monde.Bruno Seys - 1994 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 92 (4):642-642.
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    Il linguaggio di Eraclito.Bruno Snell & Barnaba Maj - 1989
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  38. Accompagnement à la scolarité et réussite éducative. Intérêts et enjeux de l'évaluation.Bruno Suchaut - unknown
    Cette communication s'interroge sur l'évaluation des dispositifs d'accompagnement à la scolarité et, plus largement, sur l'évaluation des projets qui gravitent autour de la notion de réussite éducative. Après avoir défini l'accompagnement à la scolarité et les principes de l'évaluation externe, quelques résultats sur l'efficacité des actions sont rappelés. Pour conclure, les enjeux actuels de l'évaluation des politiques de réussite éducative sont exposés ainsi que des propositions sur l'adaptation de la méthodologie de l'évaluation.
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  39. Aischylos' Isthmiastai.Bruno Snell - 1956 - Hermes 84 (1):1-11.
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  40. A mentalist framework for linguistic and extralinguistic communication.Bruno G. Bara & Maurizio Tirassa - 2010 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 9:182-193.
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  41. Barkow, Leda Cosmides, and John Tooby.H. Jerome - 1992 - In Jerome H. Barkow, Leda Cosmides & John Tooby (eds.), The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture. Oxford University Press. pp. 96--7.
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  42. The First and Second Letters to Timothy.Jerome D. Quinti & William C. Wacker - 2000
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    Jean Winand, Les Hiérothytes. Recherche institutionnelle.Bruno Rochette - 1992 - Kernos 5:350-351.
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  44. A Physicist's Thoughts on the Formal Structure and Psychological Motivation of Theory and Observation.Jérome Rothstein - 1957 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 11 (2):211.
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    Challenges of Education for Democracy in Southeast Europe.Bruno Ćurko - forthcoming - Philosophy.
  46. Dvadeseti creski simpozij o Petriću u kontinuitetu – drugi put s podnaslovom »Hrvatski filozofi u europskom kontekstu«.Bruno Ćurko - 2013 - Prilozi Za Istrazivanje Hrvatske Filozofske Baštine 39 (2):637-641.
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  47. Para perto futuro prometeu muita coisa republicana: a travessia da cultura política brasileira em Grande Sertão: Veredas1.Bruno Flávio Lontra Fagundes - 2008 - Topoi. Revista de História 9 (16):137-152.
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    Deleuze and the Work of Death: A Study from the Impulse-Images.Bruno Leites - 2020 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 14 (2):229-254.
    When formulating the concept of the impulse-image, Deleuze never tires of asserting that these images are saturated with death and obsessed by degradation. They stand at a curious intersection in the taxonomy of images, a constitutively in-between space: they are formally inserted between affection-image and action-image in The Movement-Image, but produce a direct passage to the time-image. However, they do not reach the time-image due to obsession by the negative effects of time. This article introduces the concept of the impulse-image (...)
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    The Pleasure of Pictures: Pictorial Experience and Aesthetic Appreciation.Jérôme Pelletier & Alberto Voltolini (eds.) - 2018 - London: Routledge.
    The general aim of this volume is to investigate the nature of the relation between pictorial experience and aesthetic appreciation. In particular, it is concerned with the character and intimacy of this relationship: is there a mere causal connection between pictorial experience and aesthetic appreciation, or are the two relata constitutively associated with one another? The essays in the book's first section investigate important conceptual issues related to the pictorial experience of paintings. In Section II, the essays discuss the notion (...)
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    Claude Langlois, Lettres à ma Mère bien-aimée Juin 1897. Lecture du Manuscrit C de Thérèse de Lisieux.Bruno Dumons - 2010 - Clio 31:11-11.
    Historien du « catholicisme au féminin », Claude Langlois a magistralement étudié par la voie quantitative l’essor des congrégations féminines dans la France du XIXe siècle. Mais restait à comprendre l’indicible. Qu’est ce qui pousse ces milliers de femmes à entrer dans les ordres? Quels sont les ressorts profonds d’une vocation religieuse féminine? Claude Langlois va chercher la réponse chez Thérèse de Lisieux, entrée au carmel à 15 ans et décédée de la tuberculose à 24 ans, devenue l’une...
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