Results for 'Camille Pascal'

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  1.  32
    Expérience de passivité et affects d'angoisse dans le temps de la grossesse.Camille Pascal, Martine Spiess & Anne Thévenot - 2011 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 2 (2):137-148.
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  2. Hyperstructures, genome analysis and I-cells.Patrick Amar, Pascal Ballet, Georgia Barlovatz-Meimon, Arndt Benecke, Gilles Bernot, Yves Bouligand, Paul Bourguine, Franck Delaplace, Jean-Marc Delosme, Maurice Demarty, Itzhak Fishov, Jean Fourmentin-Guilbert, Joe Fralick, Jean-Louis Giavitto, Bernard Gleyse, Christophe Godin, Roberto Incitti, François Képès, Catherine Lange, Lois Le Sceller, Corinne Loutellier, Olivier Michel, Franck Molina, Chantal Monnier, René Natowicz, Vic Norris, Nicole Orange, Helene Pollard, Derek Raine, Camille Ripoll, Josette Rouviere-Yaniv, Milton Saier, Paul Soler, Pierre Tambourin, Michel Thellier, Philippe Tracqui, Dave Ussery, Jean-Claude Vincent, Jean-Pierre Vannier, Philippa Wiggins & Abdallah Zemirline - 2002 - Acta Biotheoretica 50 (4):357-373.
    New concepts may prove necessary to profit from the avalanche of sequence data on the genome, transcriptome, proteome and interactome and to relate this information to cell physiology. Here, we focus on the concept of large activity-based structures, or hyperstructures, in which a variety of types of molecules are brought together to perform a function. We review the evidence for the existence of hyperstructures responsible for the initiation of DNA replication, the sequestration of newly replicated origins of replication, cell division (...)
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    Transfer of sensorimotor learning reveals phoneme representations in preliterate children.Tiphaine Caudrelier, Lucie Ménard, Pascal Perrier, Jean-Luc Schwartz, Silvain Gerber, Camille Vidou & Amélie Rochet-Capellan - 2019 - Cognition 192 (C):103973.
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    La phénoménologie française ou résistances de la métaphysique.Camille Riquier - 2023 - Phainomenon 36 (1):33-52.
    Starting again from Descartes' philosophy, our intention in this article is not to leave phenomenology, but to return to it in order to shed new light on how it encounters metaphysics and revives it. It is a question of inscribing French phenomenology in another history of metaphysics, one that is underground and unofficial and which lives, in truth, from that very thing that completes the other or which the other completes. Initially, we will focus on Jean-Luc Marion's reading of Descartes (...)
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    La philosophie de Simondon.Pascal Chabot - 2003 - Paris: Vrin.
    Etude sur la philosophie de la technique et la pensée de l'individuation chez Gilbert Simondon qui interroge les notions de progrès, d'aliénation et de mémoire et leur devenir lors des grands changements de l'histoire des techniques (tradition, révolution industrielle, cybernétique). Met également en lumière son rapport à la psychologie des profondeurs, au sacré et à la technoesthétique.
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    Cognitive templates for religious concepts: cross‐cultural evidence for recall of counter‐intuitive representations.Pascal Boyer & Charles Ramble - 2001 - Cognitive Science 25 (4):535-564.
    Presents results of free‐recall experiments conducted in France, Gabon and Nepal, to test predictions of a cognitive model of religious concepts. The world over, these concepts include violations of conceptual expectations at the level of domain knowledge (e.g., about ‘animal’ or ‘artifact’ or ‘person’) rather than at the basic level. In five studies we used narratives to test the hypothesis that domain‐level violations are recalled better than other conceptual associations. These studies used material constructed in the same way as religious (...)
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  7. Politique du contrat.Pascal Delhom - 2011 - Etica E Politica 13 (1):57-66.
    For a phenomenologist, the question that has to be asked about peace is not primarily whether it can be defined as the tranquillity of order, a law of nature or an infinite task, as it were according to Augustine, Hobbes and Kant. It is rather a question of its phenomenality : how does peace appear to us, how does it get visible? In his attempt to answer this question, Waldenfels privileges the event of a peace agreement and proposes a reconstruction (...)
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    Scientific phenomena and patterns in data.Pascal Ströing - 2018 - Dissertation, Lmu München
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  9. What is the role of empirical research in bioethical reflection and decision-making? An ethical analysis.Pascal Borry, Paul Schotsmans & Kris Dierickx - 2004 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 7 (1):41-53.
    The field of bioethics is increasingly coming into contact with empirical research findings. In this article, we ask what role empirical research can play in the process of ethical clarification and decision-making. Ethical reflection almost always proceeds in three steps: the description of the moral question,the assessment of the moral question and the evaluation of the decision-making. Empirical research can contribute to each step of this process. In the description of the moral object, first of all, empirical research has a (...)
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  10. Synchronization of oscillatory responses in visual cortex correlates with perception in interocular rivalry.Pascal Fries, Pieter R. Roelfsema, Andreas K. Engel & Wolf Singer - 1997 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Usa 94:12699-12704.
  11.  7
    Témoignages de cadres.Brigitte Baldelli & Camille Thouvenot - 2023 - Revue Phronesis 12 (1):110.
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    Artistic Praxis and the Neoliberalization of the Educational Space.Pascal Gielen - 2013 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 47 (1):58-71.
    Toward the end of his monograph The Craftsman, the American philosopher Richard Sennett describes two different ways of building a house.1 The designer of the first house is the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, and the designer of the second house is the architect Adolf Loos. Though both men embrace the same principles of the New Realism—"purity," "simplicity," and "honesty"—the results of these two builders are fundamentally different. Wittgenstein was not satisfied at all with his abode in the end. Though he says (...)
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    Peut-il y avoir des savoirs collectifs?Pascal Engel - 2015 - Cahiers Philosophiques 142 (3):93-106.
    Après avoir comparé la conception sommative des croyances collectives à la conception du sujet pluriel et de l’engagement conjoint, on transpose ces conceptions aux croyances justifiées, et on soutient qu’aucune de ces conceptions ne permet d’établir l’existence de connaissances collectives en un sens autre que sommatif.
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  14. Self ascriptions of Beliefs.Pascal Engel - unknown
    An analysis of the first/third person asymmetry and in the light of Moore's paradox and Shoemaker's views on first person perspective.
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  15. Pensees, The Provincial Letters.Blaise Pascal - 1942 - Philosophical Review 51:237.
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  16. Are vague concepts limitless?Pascal Engel - 1992 - Revie Internationale de Philosophie 46 (1).
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  17. Davidsn on meaning, understanding and normativity.Pascal Engel - unknown
    There are three strands for reading the famous equation that a theory of meaning is a theory of understanding. One can give precedence to the theory of meaning, holding that what the speaker understands is such a theory. This is Davidson's stance. One can hold that understanding comes first and have a psychology of meaning. This the cognitivist stance. Or one can hold that there is no priority of meaning over understanding and vice versa. This is the Wittgensteinian stance. I (...)
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    Introduction. Raillerie, satire, ironie et sens plus profond.Pascal Engel - 2008 - Philosophiques 35 (1):3-12.
    Can there be a unified theory of irony? The pretense theory advanced by Gregory Currie is certainly one of the best candidates, although it is not without difficulties, as one can see from various examples from Swift. It is argued that Swift gives not only an excellent illustration of the various dimensions of the pretence theory of irony, but also of an anti-post-modern conception of the values of the ironist.
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  19. The Architecture of Reason, by Robert Audi / Evidentialism, by Earl Conee and Richard Feldman.Pascal Engel - 2006 - Disputatio:349-358.
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    Between Past and Future.Pascal Massie - 2009 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 13 (2):317-329.
    Time prevents being from forming a totality. Whenever there is time fragmentation and multiplicity occur. Yet, there also ought to be continuity since it is thesame being that was, is and will be. Because of time, being must be both identical and different. This is the key problem that Aristotle attempts to resolve in his discussion of time in Book IV of the Physics. This essay considers three privileged notions: limit, number and ecstasies on which Aristotle relies at crucial moments (...)
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    The secret and the neuter: On Heidegger and Blanchot.Pascal Massie - 2007 - Research in Phenomenology 37 (1):32-55.
    Blanchot's thought has often been understood as a critique and a reversal of Heidegger's. Indeed, many formulas of the former are construed as mere inversions of the latter. Yet, the philosophical problem raised by the encounter between Blanchot and Heidegger cannot be suffciently accounted for in terms of 'inversion' or 'reversal'. Focusing on the question of the secret in its relation to Geheimnis , this essay starts with a discussion of the notion of secrecy in relation to mysticism and argues (...)
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  22.  11
    Le rythme dans l'histoire de l'art à la Belle Époque.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a été présenté à l'Alliance française de Buenos Aires le 25 avril 2019 lors de la Conferencia Internacional sobre el Ritmo en el Arte 2019 organisée par Melisa Galarce, Gabriela D'Odorico, Leticia Miramontes, Silvia Pritz, et Aníbal Zorrilla. Au 19e siècle, on trouve depuis les années 1840 des historiens de l'art qui s'intéressent au rythme. Mais le nombre d'études utilisant ce concept a commencé à enfler à partir des années 1890, jusqu'à ce qu'il devienne une - XIXe siècle (...)
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  23. Les rythmes des signes et de la signification.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte est la suite d'une réflexion présentée ici. Diderot manifeste une très forte attention à la question du langage. Il bénéficie sur ce plan de la réflexion de Locke, de Maupertuis et de Condillac, mais aussi, ce qui est probablement aussi important nous allons le voir, de ses propres expériences et réflexions d'écrivain. On sait que Locke a engagé, dans le livre III de son Essai sur l'entendement humain (1690), ce que certains spécialistes ont appelé une « révolution sémiotique (...)
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  24. Émergence d'une anthropologie rythmique – Les rythmes du langage.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte est la suite d'une réflexion présentée ici. L'avancée lockéenne n'est pas, toutefois, sans limitations internes. On sait que Locke a commencé son entreprise de démolition de l'innéisme et du rationalisme par une analyse de la genèse sensible des idées et que ce n'est que dans un deuxième temps qu'il lui a ajouté une étude des signes, consignée finalement dans le livre III du Traité sur l'entendement humain. Cet ordre dans la rédaction du Traité explique en grande partie que (...)
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    The Spread of Rhythm in Life Science and Medicine – part 1.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Previous chapter During the first two centuries of the current era, the Roman Empire was under the rule of the Principate. The tremendous civil violence that marred the end of the Republic disappeared. The whole Mediterranean was unified and the exchange between the Greek Eastern and the Latin Western worlds flourished. The Roman aristocracy was entirely “domesticated” but benefited from this period of peace, growth and intercultural exchange to develop new behaviors and interests. - Médecine – Nouvel article.
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    Thad Jones & Mel Lewis Orchestra – Cherry Juice.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
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    Commentary on Mossio and Taraborelli: Is the enactive approach really sensorimotor?☆.Frédéric Pascal & J. Kevin O’Regan - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1341-1342.
  28.  14
    Rythmologie baroque.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Exposé présenté lors de la journée d'études CRAL-EHESS par Christophe Corbier, Marielle Macé et Esteban Buch, « Histoire du rythme, histoire des rythmes » – Paris – 12 décembre 2014. - Philosophie – Nouvel article.
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    The philosophy of Simondon: between technology and individuation.Pascal Chabot - 2013 - London: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Aliza Krefetz & Graeme Kirkpatrick.
    The last two decades have seen a massive increase in the scholarly interest in technology, and have provoked new lines of thought in philosophy, sociology and cultural studies. Gilbert Simondon (1924 - 1989) was one of Frances's most influential philosophers in this field, and an important influence on the work of Gilles Deleuze and Bernard Stiegler. His work is only now being translated into English. Chabot's introduction to Simondon's work was published in French in 2002 and is now available in (...)
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    Derrida, la cécité et les arts du visible.Marion Chottin & Camille Noûs - 2021 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 15-3 (15-3):249-261.
    The aim of this paper is to determine what a philosophical approach, the one that Jacques Derrida uses on blindness in his Memoirs of the Blind, can bring to Cultural Disability Studies. Using some of the paintings and drawings reproduced in this 1990 work, the present study first intends to show that, for Derrida, it is a particular way of considering the mutism of visual art works that leads to seeing or imagining, in those that show blind people, representations of (...)
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  31.  22
    A Persistent Academic Ethical Dilemma: Too Few Female Students in STEM Five Decades after Title IX.Kurt Stanberry, Camille Stanberry & Tyler Reeves - 2020 - Journal of Academic Ethics 19 (1):25-34.
    Research over the past three decades on the gender gap in STEM has consistently found an underrepresentation of females pursuing STEM degrees and careers. This is, at its foundation, an educational ethics issue. Schools at all levels, ranging all the way from middle school to graduate school, have a responsibility to prepare more females for careers in STEM. Experts have proposed a variety of fixes to encourage female students to study STEM, including increased funding, some of which have helped, and (...)
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    Présentation.Pascal David - 2011 - Philosophie 108 (1):3-4.
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    Simone Weil, philosophe antimoderne?Pascal David - 2023 - Cahiers Philosophiques 171 (4):39-51.
    Dans l’un de ses cahiers, en 1935, Simone Weil note pour elle-même : « Tu ne pourrais pas être née à une meilleure époque que celle-ci où on a tout perdu. » ( OC VI 1, p. 118 1 ). Une telle phrase indique une attitude : s’inscrire exactement dans le monde moderne, et s’en relever. Car il ne s’agit pas de revenir en arrière : celle qui met sa pensée et sa vie au service de ceux qui sont écrasés (...)
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  34. Davidson et la philosophie du langage.Pascal Engel - 1997 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 187 (1):65-67.
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    The feeling of fluent perception: A single experience from multiple asynchronous sources☆.Pascal Wurtz, Rolf Reber & Thomas D. Zimmermann - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (1):171-184.
    Zeki and co-workers recently proposed that perception can best be described as locally distributed, asynchronous processes that each create a kind of microconsciousness, which condense into an experienced percept. The present article is aimed at extending this theory to metacognitive feelings. We present evidence that perceptual fluency—the subjective feeling of ease during perceptual processing—is based on speed of processing at different stages of the perceptual process. Specifically, detection of briefly presented stimuli was influenced by figure-ground contrast, but not by symmetry (...)
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    (4 other versions)Elements of Rhythmology vol. 1 — Conclusion.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Previous chapter The first objective of this book was to examine the most ancient roots of Western rhythmology and clarify the various concepts on which it rests. Our investigation has shown that three different theoretical paradigms surfaced between the 5th and the 4th centuries BC. We then followed, over a period of more than thousand years, their complex relations, their respective fates, and the final global shift that occurred between the 3rd and the 6th centuries BC. The overall - Sur (...)
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  37.  17
    Danse, jazz et technique chez Siegfried Kracauer.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte est un extrait de P. Michon, Rythmes, pouvoir, mondialisation, Paris, PUF, 2005, p. 199-206. De 1921 à 1933, Siegfried Kracauer, un ancien élève de Simmel, était journaliste à la Frankfurter Zeitung, où il s'est rapidement imposé comme l'un des observateurs les plus aigus de son époque. On connaît le contexte : à l'instar de la Russie, l'Allemagne est sortie totalement bouleversée de la guerre perdue ; la monarchie s'y est écroulée et une tentative de révolution communiste y a (...)
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    La monarchie rythmique en Chine ancienne – Marcel Granet.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Extrait de P. Michon, Rythmes, pouvoir, mondialisation, Paris, PUF, 2005, p. 88-94. Le cas chinois décrit par Granet apporte un éclairage supplémentaire sur le rôle que le rythme joue du point de vue politique, car il permet de se faire une idée du passage d'une société polysegmentaire, en grande partie organisée de manière immanente au gré des variations saisonnières, à une société plus stable et dominée par une entité politique qui s'est autonomisée. Il est vrai que la reconstitution granétienne des (...)
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  39. Le rythme entre influences et problèmes.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte est la suite d'une réflexion présentée ici. Cette démythification du rapport de Diderot à Leibniz et la revalorisation concomitante de son rapport à Spinoza ont permis d'enrichir l'image que nous pouvons nous faire de sa pensée, mais elles ne sont pas sans liens, à l'évidence, avec les vicissitudes de la réception de chacun de ses prédécesseurs au cours du demi-siècle qui vient de s'écouler. Elles en disent ainsi probablement autant sur les relations entre courants intellectuels contemporains que (...) (...)
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    (2 other versions)Émile Benveniste and the Rhuthmoi of Subjectivity – Part 1.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Previous chapter In our elaboration of the phrase radically historical anthropology, we have insisted, so far, on the terms radically historical. Benveniste helped us to suggest the outlines of a rhuthmic conception of human life independent of most modern philosophical theories. We must now approach the notion of historical anthropology itself. Indeed, at the same time as he was describing the relation between language and society, language and the individual, Benveniste sketched out a - Linguistique et théorie du langage – (...)
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    On the Contemporary Disintegration of Cultural Memory.Pascal Michon - 2003 - Intertexts 7 (2):117-129.
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  42. Radicalisation de la raison rythmologique – Conclusion.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte est la suite d'une réflexion présentée ici. Troisième volute Au XVIIIe siècle, l'ontologie et l'épistémologie rythmiques se transforment. Comme tous leurs contemporains, Spinoza et Leibniz réfléchissaient à partir des sciences reines de leur siècle : la physique, l'astronomie, elles-mêmes adossées aux mathématiques, en particulier à l'arithmétique, l'analyse et la géométrie. Diderot, quant à lui, profite des progrès considérables de certaines sciences expérimentales et d'observation : la chimie, (...) - Philosophie – Nouvel article.
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  43. Vers une autres raison rythmologique ? – Connaître les rythmes du monde.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte est la suite d'une réflexion présentée ici. Connaître les rythmes du monde L'analyse de l'ontologie matérialiste développée par Diderot, que ce soit sous la figure de la substance une et vivante ou sous celles de ses différentes figures individuées, montre que son orientation héraclitéenne générale ne lui interdit pas, bien au contraire, de produire des concepts susceptibles de rendre compte des innombrables formes d'organisation des flux de la matière. Nous allons voir qu'une tension analogue (...) - Philosophie – (...)
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    De l'esprit géométrique: Entretien avec M. de Sacy ; Ecrits sur la gr'ce ; et autres textes.Blaise Pascal & André Clair - 1997 - Flammarion.
  45. Hakdamah la-meḥkar ʻal ha-ḥalal ha-rek.Blaise Pascal - 1964
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  46. Le monde des cryptes.Blaise Pascal - 1973 - [La Pierre-qui-Vire]: Zodiaque.
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  47. Pens\’ees.Blaise Pascal - 1991 - Bords. Edited by P. Sellier.
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  48. Pensées et opuscules. « La bonne compagnie ».Blaise Pascal & Geneviève Lewis - 1950 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 140:210-212.
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  49. Pensées sur la religion.Blaise Pascal - 1947 - [Paris]: Delmas. Edited by Perier & Louis Lafuma.
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    The Mind on Fire.Blaise Pascal & James Mackintosh Houston - 1991
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