Results for 'Caring Social aspects.'

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  1. Social Aspects of Ageing: Selected Challenges, Analyses, and Solutions.Andrzej Klimczuk (ed.) - 2024 - London: IntechOpen.
    Social Aspects of Ageing - Selected Challenges, Analyses, and Solutions, focuses on the key challenges underlined by the United Nations during the Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021-2030). The authors introduce studies in areas crucial for older people, their families, and communities, such as combatting ageism, age-friendly environments, and care provision. The volume also examines issues linked to the global, national, regional, and local implementation of age-specific and intergenerational solutions, initiatives, and programs towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (...)
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    Social aspects of the application of the Heberprot-P in the Angiology service at Manuel Ascunce Domenech Hospital.Irma Niurka Falcón Fariñas, Aylín Nordelo Valdivia, Odalys Escalante Padrón & Ana C. Campal Espinosa - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (1):98-114.
    En la actualidad Cuba desarrolla un Programa de Atención Integral al Paciente con Úlcera de Pie Diabético mediante el uso del Heberprot-P, esencial para disminuir la amputación y la discapacidad. El trabajo tiene el objetivo de realizar un diagnóstico sobre la aplicación del Heberprot-P en el Servicio de Angiología del Hospital Provincial Universitario Manuel Ascunce Domenech de Camagüey. Se realizaron encuestas a pacientes para identificar necesidades sentidas relacionadas con el tratamiento y para las actitudes manifiestas, y se hicieron entrevistas al (...)
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    Ethical, legal, and social aspects of symptom checker applications: a scoping review.Regina Müller, Malte Klemmt, Hans-Jörg Ehni, Tanja Henking, Angelina Kuhnmünch, Christine Preiser, Roland Koch & Robert Ranisch - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (4):737-755.
    Symptom Checker Applications (SCA) are mobile applications often designed for the end-user to assist with symptom assessment and self-triage. SCA are meant to provide the user with easily accessible information about their own health conditions. However, SCA raise questions regarding ethical, legal, and social aspects (ELSA), for example, regarding fair access to this new technology. The aim of this scoping review is to identify the ELSA of SCA in the scientific literature. A scoping review was conducted to identify the (...)
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    Be careful what you wish for? Theoretical and ethical aspects of wish-fulfilling medicine.Alena M. Buyx - 2008 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 11 (2):133-143.
    There is a growing tendency for medicine to be used not to prevent or heal illnesses, but to fulfil individual personal wishes such as wishes for enhanced work performance, better social skills, children with specific characteristics, stress relief, a certain appearance or a better sex life. While recognizing that the subject of wish-fulfilling medicine may vary greatly and that it may employ very different techniques, this article argues that wish-fulfilling medicine can be described as a cohesive phenomenon with distinctive (...)
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    Care in Education: Teaching with Understanding and Compassion.Sandra Wilde - 2012 - Routledge.
    Although it uncovers a tragic conflict between caring and aspects of contemporary schooling, this book offers hope for teachers.
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    Some Aspects of the Reform of the Health Care Systems in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.Engelbert Theurl - 1999 - Health Care Analysis 7 (4):331-354.
    The health care systems in Austria, Germany and Switzerland owe their institutional structure to different historical developments. While Austria and Germany voted for the Bismarck-Model of social health insurance,Switzerland adopted a voluntary system of health insurance. In all three countries, until very recently, the different challenges which the healthcare sector faced were met by piecemeal approaches and by stop and go policies, which, in the long run were not very successful either in containing costs or in improving efficacy and (...)
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    The social ethical aspects of care.C. Gastmans - 2001 - Nursing Ethics 8 (2):94-95.
  8.  18
    Evaluation for a caring society.Merel Visse & Tineke A. Abma (eds.) - 2018 - Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
    This book explores the intersection of evaluation studies and care ethics in contemporary Western societies. In all societies and institutions, large and small, we find forces that can strengthen or destroy their fabric. One new regulation, law, or policy can impact the lives of many who find themselves in precarious positions. Think, for example, about health care reform and migrant policies in various Western countries and their effects on the everyday lives of millions of people. Policies, programs, and those who (...)
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    Care Ethics and Political Theory.Daniel Engster & Maurice Hamington (eds.) - 2015 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Care Ethics and Political Theory is a collection of fifteen original essays that explore the implications and applications of care to social and political policies, practices, and theories.
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    Care as Regulated and Care in the Obdurate World of Intimate Relations: Foster Care Divided?Andrew Pithouse & Alyson Rees - 2011 - Ethics and Social Welfare 5 (2):196-209.
    This paper outlines briefly care as a formal construct of a highly regulatory approach to being looked after in the setting of foster care. It then moves on to consider care and its expression within the interdependencies and everyday moral ?workings out? between people in caring relationships. These relationships are informed partly by exterior regulation, but also emerge predominantly from care as a social process and daily human activity in which the self exists through and with others. Drawing (...)
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    Sociological and philosophical aspects of human interaction with technology: advancing concepts.Anabela Sarmento (ed.) - 2011 - Hershey PA: Information Science Reference.
    This book presents a careful blend of conceptual, theoretical and applied research in regards to the relationship between technology and humans, exploring the importance of these interactions, aspects related with trust, communication, data protection, usability concerning organizational change, and e-learning"--Provided by publisher.
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    ""Limitations of financing the health care services and care for chronically ill persons-social, ethical, Christian aspects of dividein up the funds available and a discussion on the" quality of life" of the chronically ill and the handicapped.Ulrich Eibach - 2001 - Ethik in der Medizin 13:61-75.
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    Caring for Liberalism: Dependency and Liberal Political Theory.Amy Baehr & Asha Bhandary (eds.) - 2020 - New York, USA: Routledge.
    Caring for Liberalism brings together chapters that explore how liberal political theory, in its many guises, might be modified or transformed to take the fact of dependency on board. In addressing the place of care in liberalism, this collection advances the idea that care ethics can help respond to legitimate criticisms from feminists who argue that liberalism ignores issues of race, class, and ethnicity. The chapters do not simply add care to existing liberal political frameworks; rather, they explore how (...)
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    Politiser le care?: perspectives sociologiques et philosophiques.Marie Garrau & Alice Le Goff (eds.) - 2012 - Lormont: Le Bord de l'eau.
    Le concept de " care ", qui désigne tout à la fois une attitude morale - l'attention à l'autre, la sollicitude à son égard - et un ensemble de pratiques destinées à prendre soin des autres, a fait une entrée remarquée dans le débat public au printemps 2010. Tandis que certains y ont vu le pivot d'un projet de société alternatif, d'autres ont immédiatement répliqué que le care ne présentait aucun intérêt politique, voire constituait un concept écran masquant sous une (...)
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  15. Care, gender and global social justice: Rethinking 'ethical globalization'.Fiona Robinson - 2006 - Journal of Global Ethics 2 (1):5 – 25.
    This article develops an approach to ethical globalization based on a feminist, political ethic of care; this is achieved, in part, through a comparison with, and critique of, Thomas Pogge's World Poverty and Human Rights. In his book, Pogge makes the valid and important argument that the global economic order is currently organized such that developed countries have a huge advantage in terms of power and expertise, and that decisions are reached purely and exclusively through self-interest. Pogge uses an institutional (...)
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  16.  25
    Body care of older people in different institutionalized settings: A systematic mapping review of international nursing research from a Scandinavian perspective.Kirstine A. Rosendal, Sine Lehn & Dorthe Overgaard - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (1):e12503.
    Body care is considered a key aspect of nursing and imperative for the health, wellbeing, and dignity of older people. In Scandinavian countries, body care as a professional practice has undergone considerable changes, bringing new understandings, values, and dilemmas into nursing. A systematic mapping review was conducted with the aims of identifying and mapping international nursing research on body care of older people in different institutionalized settings in the healthcare system and to critically discuss the dominant assumptions within the research (...)
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  17. Cosmopolitan Care.Sarah Clark Miller - 2010 - Ethics and Social Welfare 4 (2):145-157.
    I develop the foundation for cosmopolitan care, an underexplored variety of moral cosmopolitanism. I begin by offering a characterization of contemporary cosmopolitanism from the justice tradition. Rather than discussing the political, economic or cultural aspects of cosmopolitanism, I instead address its moral dimensions. I then employ a feminist philosophical perspective to provide a critical evaluation of the moral foundations of cosmopolitan justice, with an eye toward demonstrating the need for an alternative account of moral cosmopolitanism as cosmopolitan care. After providing (...)
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  18.  29
    Medical, Social and Christian Aspects in Patients with Major Lower Limb Amputations.Bogdan Stancu, Georgel Rednic, Nicolae Ovidiu Grad, Ion Aurel Mironiuc & Claudia Diana Gherman - 2016 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 15 (43):82-101.
    Lower limb major amputations are both life-saving procedures and life-changing events. Individual responses to limb loss are varied and complex, some individuals experience functional, psychological and social dysfunction, many others adjust and function well. Some patients refuse amputation for religious and/or cultural reasons. One of the greatest difficulties for a person undergoing amputation surgery is overcoming the psychological stigma that society associates with the loss of a limb. Persons who have undergone amputations are often viewed as incomplete individuals. The (...)
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  19.  59
    Exploring “Embodied Care” in Relation to Social Sustainability.Sheldene Simola - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (4):473-484.
    Although there has been a proliferation of interest in sustainable business practice, recent research has identified concerns with the relative neglect of the social versus environmental aspects of sustainability. It is argued here that due to its reliance on internally held, concrete and intrinsically motivated forms of responsiveness, as well as its ability to be authentically social versus parochial in nature, that the ethical construct of “embodied care” (Hamington, Embodied Care: Jane Addams, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Feminist Ethics, 2004 (...)
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  20.  14
    Caring for others as a social relationship.Pierpaolo Donati - 2024 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 29 (1).
    The essence of caring for those in need of help consists in a certain relationality, in giving and receiving a certain relationship. The relationship as such is the protagonist of the care. Material help is always necessary, at least for the time it has to be dedicated. However, the material aspect takes on meaning from the relationship between the one who helps (caregiver) and the one who receives the help (care receiver). It is a lifeworld relationship. What is lacking (...)
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    Taking Care of Youth and the Generations.Bernard Stiegler - 2010 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    Bernard Stiegler works systematically through the current crisis in education and family relations resulting from the mesmerizing power of marketing technologies. He contends that the greatest threat to social and cultural development is the destruction of young people's ability to pay critical attention to the world around them. This phenomenon, prevalent throughout the first world, is the calculated result of technical industries and their need to capture the attention of the young, making them into a target audience and reversing (...)
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  22. Kantian Care.Helga Varden - 2020 - In Amy Baehr & Asha Bhandary, Caring for Liberalism: Dependency and Liberal Political Theory. New York, USA: Routledge. pp. 50-74.
    How do we care well for a human being: ourselves or another? Non-Kantian scholars rarely identify the philosophy of Kant as a particularly useful resource with which to understand the full complexity of human care. Kant’s philosophy is often taken to presuppose that a philosophical analysis of good human life needs to attend only to how autonomous, rational agents—sprung up like mushrooms out of nowhere, without a childhood, never sick, always independent—ought to act respectfully, and how they can be forced (...)
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  23. Depending on care: Recognition of vulnerability and the social contribution of care provision.Susan Dodds - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (9):500–510.
    ABSTRACT People who are paid to provide basic care for others are frequently undervalued, exploited and expected to reach often unrealistic standards of care. I argue that appropriate social recognition, support and fair pay for people who provide care for those who are disabled, frail and aged, or suffering ill health that impedes their capacity to negotiate daily activities without support, depends on a reconsideration of the paradigm of the citizen or and moral agent. I argue that by drawing (...)
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  24.  63
    Environmental Care in Agriculture: A Social Perspective. [REVIEW]Melania Salazar-Ordóñez & Samir Sayadi - 2011 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24 (3):243-258.
    At its beginning, the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) did not include measures to guide farmers in preserving ecosystems. At the same time, the social context on the 1960s and 1970s did not encourage environmental care to become a priority. Since the 1980s, new social concern expressed alarm over ecology, recognizing that agriculture can pollute. These social changes moved the CAP to add measures that linked agriculture and environment. In order to study if the EU decision-makers (...)
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    Care Ethics in the Age of Precarity.Maurice Hamington & Michael A. Flower (eds.) - 2021 - Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
    How care can resist the stifling force of the neoliberal paradigm In a world brimming with tremendous wealth and resources, too many are suffering the oppression of precarious existences--and with no adequate relief from free market-driven institutions. Care Ethics in the Age of Precarity assembles an international group of interdisciplinary scholars to explore the question of care theory as a response to market-driven capitalism, addressing the relationship of three of the most compelling social and political subjects today: care, precarity, (...)
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    The Complexities of Care: Nursing Reconsidered.Sioban Nelson & Suzanne Gordon (eds.) - 2006 - Cornell University Press.
    This book offers a long-overdue exploration of care at a pivotal moment in the history of health care.
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    Care and prejudice: moving beyond mistrust in the care relationship with addicted patients.Aymeric Reyre, Raphaël Jeannin, Myriam Larguèche, Emmanuel Hirsch, Thierry Baubet, Marie Rose Moro & Olivier Taïeb - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (2):183-190.
    Social representations of addiction and the resulting stigmatization have been widely described and studied in the literature, but their effects are no less problematic. These representations, which also occur in care settings, generate a climate of distrust which damages the therapeutic relationship, and its ethical quality. This article, combining clinical experience and an ethical stance, offers an original, innovating approach to the existence of distrust in care relationships in the area of addiction. Pragmatic approaches deriving from the human sciences (...)
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  28. Palliative care ethics: a good companion.Fiona Randall - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by R. S. Downie.
    Palliative care is a recent branch of health care. The doctors, nurses, and other professionals involved in it took their inspiration from the medieval idea of the hospice, but have now extended their expertise to every area of health care: surgeries, nursing homes, acute wards, and the community. This has happened during a period when patients wish to take more control over their own lives and deaths, resources have become scarce, and technology has created controversial life-prolonging treatments. Palliative care is (...)
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    Coercive care: the ethics of choice in health and medicine.Torbjörn Tännsjö - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    Coercive Care: The Ethics of Choice in Health and Medicine asks probing and challenging questions regarding the use of coercion in health care and social services. This book combines philosophical analysis with comparative studies of social policy and law in a large number of industrialized countries and proposes an ideal of judicial security on a global scale.
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    The Ethics of Health Care Rationing: An Introduction.Greg Bognar & Iwao Hirose - 2014 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Iwao Hirose.
    Should organ transplants be given to patients who have waited the longest, or need it most urgently, or those whose survival prospects are the best? The rationing of health care is universal and inevitable, taking place in poor and affluent countries, in publicly funded and private health care systems. Someone must budget for as well as dispense health care whilst aging populations severely stretch the availability of resources. The Ethics of Health Care Rationing is a clear and much-needed introduction to (...)
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    Development and psychometric evaluation of a new tool for measuring the attitudes of patients with progressive neurological diseases to ethical aspects of end-of-life care.Radka Bužgová & Radka Kozáková - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundKnowing the opinions of patients with Progressive Neurological Diseases (PNDs) and their family members on end-of-life care can help initiate communication and the drawing up of a care plan. The aim of this paper is to describe the creation and psychometric properties of the newly developed APND-EoLC questionnaire (theAttitudes of Patients with Progressive Neurological Disease to End of Life Carequestionnaire).MethodsFollowing focus group discussion, four main areas of interest were identified: patients’ and family members’ attitudes towards end-of-life care, factors influencing decisions (...)
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  32. Coercive Care: Ethics of Choice in Health & Medicine.Torbjörn Tännsjö - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    Coercive Care asks probing and challenging questions regarding the use of coercion in health care and the social services. The book combines philosophical analysis with comparative studies of social policy and law in a large number of industrialized countries.
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    The ethics of care: the state of the art.Frans J. H. Vosman, A. J. Baart & Jacobus Retief Hoffman (eds.) - 2020 - Bristol, CT: Peeters.
    The ethics of care, developed in early 1980s within feminism as a critique on the biases of neokantian ethics, is 40 years old. This book presents its key insights, the developments and debates over the years and the challenges care ethics faces. Internationally renown scholars from various continents have contributed, a clear sign that care ethics has spread over the globe. The key insights regard issues close by, care from person to person, but also at an institutional level and questions (...)
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    Care aesthetics: for artful care and careful art.James Thompson - 2023 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    What if the work of a nurse, physio or homecare worker was designated an art, so that the qualities of the experiences they create became understood as aesthetic qualities? What if the interactions and physical connections created by artists, directors, dancers, or workshop facilitators was understood as a work of care? Care Aesthetics is the first full length book to explore these questions and examine the work of carer artists and artist carers to make the case for the importance of (...)
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    Care, Coercion and Dignity at the End of Life.Cathriona Russell - 2019 - Studies in Christian Ethics 32 (1):36-45.
    End-of-life debates in medical ethics often centre around several interrelated issues: improving care, avoiding coercion, and recognising the dignity and rights of the terminally ill. Care ethics advocates relational autonomy and non-abandonment. These commitments, however, face system pressures—economic, social and legal—that can be coercive. This article takes up two related aspects in this domain of ethics. Firstly, that competence and communication are core clinical ethics principles that can sidestep the overplayed dichotomies in end-of-life care. And secondly, it questions the (...)
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    Care Management Unleashed: Enduring Ethical Tensions 20 Years after the Griffiths Report, 1988.Malcolm Carey - 2008 - Ethics and Social Welfare 2 (3):308-316.
    This article looks at some of the moral implications of the radical reforms in the United Kingdom since the Griffiths Report was first published in 1988. It is suggested that, among others, two outcomes are particularly problematic. These are firstly, findings that care managers (the preferred name in the UK for social workers dealing mainly with adults and older people who require social care support in the community) no longer spend much time with clients, and secondly, suggestions that (...)
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    The Interdependence of Care and Autonomy.Joachim Boldt - 2017 - In Franziska Krause & Joachim Boldt, Caring in Healthcare. Reflections on Theory and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 65-86.
    Since the second half of the twentieth century, the principle of autonomy has come to be regarded as the cornerstone of medical ethics. Older principles of medical ethics, such as beneficence and non-maleficence, both of which can be subsumed under the concept of “care”, have correspondingly decreased in importance. Drawing on hermeneutic analyses of the constitutive interrelations between autonomous will-formation on the one hand, and well-being and social embeddedness on the other hand, it will be argued that a proper (...)
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    Paying for medical care: A jewish view.Elliot N. Dorff - 1997 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 7 (1):15-30.
    : According to Jewish law, there is a clear obligation to try to heal, and this duty devolves upon both the physician and the society. Jewish sources make it clear that health care is not only an individual and familial responsibility, but also a communal one. This social aspect of health care manifests itself in Jewish law in two ways: first, no community is complete until it has the personnel (and, one assumes, the facilities) to provide health care; second, (...)
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    Gratitude and Caring Labor.Amy Mullin - 2011 - Ethics and Social Welfare 5 (2):110-122.
    I argue that it is appropriate for adult recipients of personal care to feel and express gratitude whenever care providers are inspired partly by benevolence, and deliver a real benefit in a manner that conveys respect for the recipient. My focus on gratitude is consistent with important aspects of feminist ethics of care, including its attention to the particularities and vulnerabilities of caregivers and care recipients, and its concern with how relations of care are shaped by social hierarchies and (...)
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    Person-centered Care in Psychiatry. Self-relational, Contextual, and Normative Perspectives.Gerrit Glas - 2019 - Abingdon, Verenigd Koninkrijk: Routledge/Taylor&Francis.
    This book focuses on two important, interlinked themes in psychiatry, i.e., the relation between self (or: person), context and psychopathology; and the intrinsic value-ladenness of psychiatry as a practice. -/- Written against the background of scientistic tendencies in today’s psychiatry, it is argued in Part I that psychiatry needs a clinical conception of psychopathology alongside more traditional scientific conceptions; that this clinical conception of psychopathology must be based on a fundamental rethinking of the interaction between illness manifestations, contextual influences and (...)
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    How Contextual and Relational Aspects Shape the Perspective of Healthcare Providers on Decision Making for Patients With Disorders of Consciousness: A Qualitative Interview Study.Catherine Rodrigue, Richard Riopelle, James L. Bernat & Eric Racine - 2013 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 3 (3):261-273.
    Disorders of consciousness (DOC) are a family of related neurological syndromes characterized by deficits of varying degrees of wakefulness (e.g., sleep–wake cycles and arousal) or awareness (e.g., reacting to stimuli, interacting with the environment). Although coma rarely persists for more than a few weeks, some patients remain in a subsequent vegetative state or a minimally conscious state for months or years. Caring for patients with DOC raises ethical questions, but the perspectives of healthcare providers on these questions remain poorly (...)
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  42. Autonomy and Long-Term Care.George J. Agich - 1993 - Oxford University Press.
    The realities and myths of long-term care and the challenges it poses for the ethics of autonomy are analyzed in this perceptive work. The book defends the concept of autonomy, but argues that the standard view of autonomy as non-interference and independence has only a limited applicability for long term care. The treatment of actual autonomy stresses the developmental and social nature of human persons and the priority of identification over autonomous choice. The work balances analysis of the ethical (...)
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    Foetal Images: The Power of Visual Technology in Antenatal Care and the Implications for Women's Reproductive Freedom.Ingrid Zechmeister - 2001 - Health Care Analysis 9 (4):387-400.
    Continuing medico-technical progress has led toan increasing medicalisation of pregnancy andchildbirth. One of the most common technologiesin this context is ultrasound. Based on someidentified `pro-technology feminist theories',notably the postmodernist feminist discourse,the technology of ultrasound is analysedfocusing mainly on social and political ratherthan clinical issues. As empirical researchsuggests, ultrasound is welcomed by themajority of women. The analysis, however, showsthat attitudes and decisions of women areinfluenced by broader social aspects. Furthermore, it demonstrates how the visualtechnology of ultrasound, in addition to (...)
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    Ethical aspects of an urban catastrophe.Antonio Argandoña - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (7):511 - 530.
    As a consequence of the collapse of a building in Barcelona, in December 1990, it was discovered that a large number of dwellings, mainly in Barcelona but also in other towns of Catalonia, were affected by a structural defect known as aluminosis, consisting of a deterioration of the reinforced concrete manufactured using aluminous cement, which considerably reduced its strength and that of the steel embedded in the concrete. This brought to light a series of economic, social, political and also (...)
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    Corporate Health Care Purchasing and the Revised Social Contract with Workers.James Maxwell, Forrest Briscoe & Peter Temin - 2000 - Business and Society 39 (3):281-303.
    The implicit social contract between large companies and their employees has been recently revised to emphasize workforce flexibility and the financial responsibility of individual employees for their own employment and benefits-related decisions. The most recent aspect of this social contract to be significantly changed is health care benefits. On the basis of in-depth case studies of health benefits purchasing at 15 large United States employers, the authors found that the reported use of a purchasing technique called managed competitionhas (...)
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    Care of the self in the Global Era.Ľubomír Dunaj & Vladislav Suvák - 2017 - Human Affairs 27 (4):369-373.
    This paper deals with Care of the Self under globalization. The first part refers to Johann P. Arnason’s interpretation of Jan Patočka’s work on super-civilization and shows the contradictions facing people in the Modern Era. It suggests that the concept of moderateness is an adequate point of departure for handling the various contradictions of the current epoch. The second part looks at selected aspects of Confucian philosophy in which moderateness, that is, the permanent search for a “middle position” is an (...)
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    Epistemological aspects of computer simulation in the social sciences: second International Workshop, EPOS 2006, Brescia, Italy, October 5-6, 2006: revised selected and invited papers.Flaminio Squazzoni (ed.) - 2009 - New York: Springer.
    This book constitutes the revised versions of the invited and selected papers from the Second Epistemological Perspectives on Simulation Workshop, EPOS 2006, which was held in Brescia, Italy, during October 5-6, 2006. The 11 papers presented together with 2 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 35 submissions. The topics addressed were epistemological and methodological contents, such as the relevance of empirical foundations for agent-based simulations, the role of theory, the concepts and meaning of emergence, the trade-off between simplification (...)
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    Care of the S: Dynamics of the mind between social conflicts and the dialogicality of the self.Roman Madzia - 2017 - Human Affairs 27 (4):433-443.
    The paper deals predominantly with the theory of moral reconstruction in George H. Mead’s thinking. It also points out certain underdeveloped aspects of Mead’s social-psychological theory of the self and his moral philosophy, and attempts to develop them. Since Mead’s ideas concerning ethics and moral philosophy are anchored in his social psychology, the paper begins with a description of his theory and underlines some problematic areas and tries to solve them. The most important of these, as the author (...)
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  49. Care Ethics and International Justice.Maurice Hamington - 2007 - Social Philosophy Today 23 (2008):149-160.
    This article attends to an unnamed and often missing element of the cosmopolitanism discourse: care ethics. Developed out of feminist theory in the 1980s, care ethics privileges the relational, contextual, and affective aspects of morality. It is my suggestion that contemporary discussions of cosmopolitanism would benefit from integrating the moral commitments of care ethics. First, a definition of care ethics is offered followed by a delineation of themes of care in the cosmopolitan theorizing of an historical figure, Jane Addams, and (...)
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  50. Embodied Care.Maurice Hamington - 2001 - Dissertation, University of Oregon
    This dissertation integrates the work of feminist care theorists such as Carol Gilligan with the phenomenological work on embodiment of Maurice Merleau-Ponty as well as the social philosophy of Jane Addams to create an approach to morality that I call, "Embodied Care." I define embodied care as an approach to morality that shifts ethical considerations to context, relationships, and affective knowledge in a manner that can only be fully understood if its embodied dimension is recognized. Care is exhibited through (...)
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