Results for 'Christopher Hobbs'

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  1.  20
    From Communities of Interest to Communities Of Practice: The Role and Impact of Professional Development in Nuclear Security Education.Matthew Moran & Christopher Hobbs - 2018 - British Journal of Educational Studies 66 (1):87-107.
  2.  15
    Hobbes and the democratic imaginary.Christopher Holman - 2022 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    A critical interrogation of elements of Hobbes's political and natural philosophy and its capacity to enrich our understanding of the natural of democratic life.
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    Hobbes, la coutume et la Common Law.Christophe Béal - 2020 - Noesis 34:29-42.
    The classic theory of Common Law is based on the idea of a law derived from immemorial customs that guide judges’ decisions and contribute to the continuity and stability of the legal order. Hobbes, in his criticism of Edward Coke, questions the legal principles that characterize the “spirit of Common Law”. In his view, it is authority and not use that makes the law. This Hobbesian criticism, which can be considered as one of the ­sources of positivist interpretation of customary (...)
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    Hobbes, Bentham et la Common Law.Christophe Béal - 2021 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 146 (3):311-325.
    La doctrine classique de la Common Law est la cible de nombreuses critiques de la part de Hobbes et de Bentham. Tous deux remettent en cause les principes qui fondent et justifient cette composante fondamentale du droit anglais. Sont notamment visés le caractère coutumier qui lui est attribué, sa prétendue rationalité ainsi que l’interprétation qu’en font les juges. Moment décisif dans l’histoire des théories du droit, cette controverse tend à faire prévaloir l’idée d’un droit créé par un acte de volonté (...)
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    Thomas Hobbes, Got und die Welt.Christoph Luther - 2010 - Rechtstheorie 41 (3):365-399.
  6. Chapter Five. From Hobbes to Shaftesbury.Christopher Brooke - 2012 - In Philosophic Pride: Stoicism and Political Thought From Lipsius to Rousseau. Princeton University Press. pp. 101-126.
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  7. Chapter Three. From Lipsius to Hobbes.Christopher Brooke - 2012 - In Philosophic Pride: Stoicism and Political Thought From Lipsius to Rousseau. Princeton University Press. pp. 59-75.
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  8. Why strong sociologists abhor a vacuum: Shapin and Schaffer on the boyle/hobbes controversy.Christopher Norris - 1997 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 23 (4):9-40.
  9.  28
    Rethinking Thomas Hobbes on the Passions.Christopher Bobier - 2020 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 101 (4):582-602.
    There is widespread scholarly disagreement whether Hobbesian passions are or involve a type of cognition (i.e., imagination). This largely overlooked disagreement has implications for our understanding of Hobbesian deliberation. If passions are intrinsically cognitive, then, because Hobbesian deliberation is a series of alternating passions, deliberation would appear to be intrinsically cognitive as well. In this paper, I bring to light this overlooked disagreement and argue for a non-cognitive reading of Hobbesian passions, according to which, a passion is an appetite or (...)
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    War in Social Thought: Hobbes to the Present by Hans Joas and Wolfgang Knobl.Christopher Coker - 2019 - Common Knowledge 25 (1-3):446-446.
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    War in Social Thought: Hobbes to the Present.Christopher Coker - 2014 - Common Knowledge 20 (3):500-500.
  12.  14
    Hobbes. Tom Sorell.Christopher Hill - 1987 - Isis 78 (4):632-634.
  13. On Christopher Gill on Particulars, selves, and individuals in Stoic philosophy.Angela Hobbs - 2010 - In Robert Sharples (ed.), Particulars in Greek philosophy: the seventh S.V. Keeling Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy. Boston: Brill.
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    Hobbes and the Artifice of Eternity.Christopher Scott McClure - 2016 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Thomas Hobbes argues that the fear of violent death is the most reliable passion on which to found political society. His role in shaping the contemporary view of religion and honor in the West is pivotal, yet his ideas are famously riddled with contradictions. In this breakthrough study, McClure finds evidence that Hobbes' apparent inconsistencies are intentional, part of a sophisticated rhetorical strategy meant to make man more afraid of death than he naturally is. Hobbes subtly undermined two of the (...)
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  15. The Social Contract Theorists: Critical Essays on Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau.Christopher W. Morris (ed.) - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This rich collection will introduce students of philosophy and politics to the contemporary critical literature on the classical social contract political thinkers Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. A dozen essays and book excerpts have been selected to guide students through the texts and to introduce them to current scholarly controversies surrounding the contractarian political theories of these three thinkers.
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  16. “In Roman Costume and with Roman Phrases”: Skinner, Pettit and Hobbes on Republican Liberty.Christopher Brooke - 2009 - Hobbes Studies 22 (2):178-184.
    The paper presents a critical discussion of Pettit and Skinner's recent treatments of Hobbes on republican freedom, in particular situating Hobbes's attack on the republican politicians from The Elements of Law in the contexts, first, of other contemporary suspicion directed against those politicians who struck a distinctively “Roman” pose, and, second, of Hobbes's wider psychology of politics, before concluding with some reflections on the relationship between Hobbes's political theory and the project of egalitarian republicanism.
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    Passion's Triumph Over Reason: A History of the Moral Imagination From Spenser to Rochester.Christopher Tilmouth - 2007 - Oxford University Press.
    Christopher Tilmouth's wide-ranging study of Early Modern ideas of the passions explores a series of philosophical authors in relation to poets and dramatists of the period 1580 to 1680. Aristotle, Aquinas, Augustine, and Hobbes receive detailed treatment here, alongside Spenser's Faerie Queene, Hamlet and Julius Caesar, the lyrics of Herbert and Crashaw, and Milton's Paradise Lost. Central to this innovative exploration of literary-philosophical relations is a comprehensive reappraisal of the works of the Earl of Rochester.
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  18.  21
    Reason's inquisition: on doubtful ground.Christopher A. Colmo - 2023 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Theory and practice, reason and revelation, ancients and moderns are the key themes running through the eighteen studies of the literature of political philosophy in Reason's Inquisition. Alfarabi is a pivotal figure, but the range is wide, from Plato and Thucydides to Shakespeare and Hobbes, extending to such contemporary figures as Leo Strauss and Eric Voegelin.
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    The Grounds of Right and Obligation in Leibniz and Hobbes.Christopher Johns - 2009 - Review of Metaphysics 62 (3):551-574.
    This paper maintains that Hobbes grounds right and obligation in self-interest, and opposes a recent argument that for Hobbes obligation is grounded in the agent’s practical deliberation. In addition, it maintains that for Leibniz right and obligation are grounded in the moral-rational capacity of persons, but not in self-interest. It proceeds by distinguishing among the various senses of jus or “right,” and contrasting Hobbes’s and Leibniz’s understanding of the term—though both see it as a kind of freedom they differ fundamentally (...)
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    Fragilität der Macht.Christoph Hennig - 2016 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 64 (2):193-212.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 64 Heft: 2 Seiten: 193-212.
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    Philosophie in Bildern: Von Giorgione bis Magritte (review).Christopher Forlini - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (3):459-460.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.3 (2001) 459-460 [Access article in PDF] Reinhard Brandt. Philosophie in Bildern: Von Giorgione bis Magritte. Hamburg: Dumont, 2000. Pp. 470. Paper, NP. Reinhard Brandt, professor for Philosophiegeschichte, offers in his latest book a multi-faceted history of philosophy and art through his detailed interpretations of major paintings in the European tradition, beginning with Giorgione's "The Three Philosophers" and a young Raphael's "The Dream (...)
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    Out of the Coffee House or How Political Economy Pretended to Be a Science From Montchrétien to Steuart.Christopher J. Berry - 2020 - Social Philosophy and Policy 37 (1):10-29.
    The essay investigates the proposition that economic questions are a fit subject for science. This investigation will involve a selective examination of seventeenth-century writings before looking at again selective Enlightenment texts. The essay is deliberately wide ranging, but it aims to pick out the emergence or crystallization of political economy by noting how theorists sought to establish it as a subject matter and in the process develop ways of studying it that aimed to uncover regularities and exhibit generality, systematicity, and (...)
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    Secret law and the value of publicity.Christopher Kutz - 2009 - Ratio Juris 22 (2):197-217.
    Abstract. Revelations in the United States of secret legal opinions by the Department of Justice, dramatically altering the conventional interpretations of laws governing torture, interrogation, and surveillance, have made the issue of "secret law" newly prominent. The dangers of secret law from the perspective of democratic accountability are clear, and need no elaboration. But distaste for secret law goes beyond questions of democracy. Since Plato, and continuing through such non-democratic thinkers as Bodin and Hobbes, secret law has been seen as (...)
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    Politiques de l'amour de soi: La Boétie, Montaigne et Pascal au démêlé.Christophe Litwin - 2021 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Initiation de l'amitié -- En lisant en écrivant -- Le dérèglement originel de l'amour de soi humain -- Au démêlé avec Pascal -- Montaigne législateur? -- "Mointaigne a tort" -- "La justice est sujette à dispute" -- L'injustice du moi -- Pascal et Hobbes -- Le règlement de la dispute -- Une vraisemblance de justice.
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    Ethical perspectives on the postmodern communications leviathan.Christopher E. Hackley & Philip J. Kitchen - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 20 (1):15 - 26.
    Advertising and other forms of promotional activity have proliferated to such an extent that they may constitute a form of social pollution (Kitchen, 1994). The quantity and tone of communications to which consumers are exposed may have a subtle but pervasive effect on the social ecology of the developed world. Not only are Marketing Communications delivered in unprecedented quantities (Kitchen, 1994); but their tone is increasingly difficult to categorise in the Postmodern Marketing era (Brown, 1994). Notably, there has been very (...)
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    Order Ethics: Bridging the Gap Between Contractarianism and Business Ethics.Christoph Luetge, Thomas Armbrüster & Julian Müller - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (4):687-697.
    Contract-based approaches have been a focus of attention in business ethics. As one of the grand traditions in political philosophy, contractarianism is founded on the notion that we will never resolve deep moral disagreement. Classical philosophers like Hobbes and Locke, or recent ones like Rawls and Gaus, seek to solve ethical conflicts on the level of social rules and procedures. Recent authors in business ethics have sought to utilize contract-based approaches for their field and to apply it to concrete business (...)
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  27.  22
    Collingwood's New Leviathan and classical elite theory.Christopher Fear - 2019 - History of European Ideas 45 (7):1029-1044.
    ABSTRACTR. G. Collingwood's New Leviathan presents an account of two ‘dialectical’ political processes that are ongoing in any body politic. Existing scholarship has already covered the first: a dialectic between a ‘social’ and a ‘non-social’ element, which Collingwood identifies in Hobbes. This essay elucidates a second: a dialectic between Liberals and Conservatives, which regulates the ‘percolation’ of liberty and the rate of recruitment into what Collingwood calls ‘the ruling class’. The details of this second dialectic are to be found not (...)
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  28.  65
    A Brief Hystery of the Phantasm.Christopher Santiago - 2023 - Anthropology of Consciousness 34 (1):181-228.
    This article traces the radical devaluation of the phantasm throughout Western civilization. With the help of Nietzsche’s critical perspective, I develop a notion of hystery as the series of collective traumas repeated in each individual’s growth, whereby the phantasm changes value from psychosomatic interface, to evil incarnate, to disease of learning. Beginning with the Classical episteme represented by Plato, Aristotle, and the Stoics, then moving up through the Christian era, I focus primarily on Enlightenment thinkers such as Hobbes and Bacon, (...)
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  29.  18
    Laurens van Apeldoorn & Robin Douglass, eds., "Hobbes on Politics and Religion." Reviewed by. [REVIEW]Christopher A. Bobier - 2020 - Philosophy in Review 40 (2):85-87.
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    ‘Giving up philosophy?’ On Part I of Dmitri Levitin’s The Kingdom of Darkness.Christoph Lüthy - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    Dmitri Levitin's 966-page The Kingdom of Darkness is divided into three parts. In part I, the major theses of the book are presented, whereas parts II and III deal with two key figures, Pierre Bayle and Isaac Newton. The present article is a review of part I of Levitin's tome. In keeping with its title, “Giving up Philosophy. The Transformation of a System of Knowledge,” Levitin there argues that by the end of the seventeenth century, the European mind had emancipated (...)
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  31.  83
    Including the Iroquois Great Law of Peace in Introduction to Political Philosophy.Christopher Buckman - 2021 - Teaching Philosophy 44 (1):1-10.
    Introductory courses in political philosophy would benefit from the incorporation of material on the Iroquois Great Law of Peace, including the story of the foundation of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. Classroom study of this tradition will serve several purposes: introducing a valuable account of political phenomena such as negotiation, consensus, veto, and rational communication; contributing to the diversity of syllabi; tracing the influence of Iroquois law on Western political institutions; and comparing the Haudenosaunee story to early modern social contract theory, especially (...)
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  32.  37
    The Hopefull Leviathan: Hope, Deliberation and the Commonwealth.Christopher Bobier - 2021 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 103 (3):455-480.
    According to a common reading of Thomas Hobbes, fear is the most philosophically important passion, responsible for the founding and sustaining of the commonwealth. I argue that this common reading is incorrect by focusing on the necessary and important role of hope in human action as well as in the founding and sustaining of the commonwealth. Life in the Hobbesian commonwealth, on the reading defended in this paper, is less fearful and more hopeful than scholars have noticed.
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    Adam Smith and Early-Modern Thought.Christopher J. Berry - 2013 - In Christopher J. Berry, Maria Pia Paganelli & Craig Smith (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Adam Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Using Smith’s own references to thinkers he identifies as significant pioneers, the chapter presents a synoptic and necessarily gross-grained selective survey. It pays particular attention to the thought of Descartes, Bacon, Hobbes, Locke, Pufendorf and also to Shaftesbury, Mandeville, and Hutcheson. Newton, because he is the chief subject of another chapter, is not here considered but Harrington, though not mentioned by Smith in this context, is included. While Smith can be seen to take something from all these thinkers, without exception (...)
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    What is Kant’s Precise Answer to the Question ‘Why Be Moral’?Christoph Horn - 2015 - In Beatrix Himmelmann (ed.), Why Be Moral? An Argument from the Human Condition in Response to Hobbes and Nietzsche. pp. 141-158.
  35. Was Mill a Utilitarian?Christopher Miles Coope - 1998 - Utilitas 10 (1):33.
    Mill was receptive to all sorts of ideas, both plausible and implausible, which did not fit well with utilitarianism. He was, for example, inclined to think of equality, not just pleasure, as. He was able to think of himself as a utilitarian only by grossly expanding that notion to cover any doctrine which did not entirely rely, without the possibility of further explanation, on or God's commands. It is even doubtful whether he was a consequentialist in any sense. Mill's account (...)
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  36. Ring of Gyges.Christopher W. Morris & Rachel Singpurwalla - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
    Plato’s Socrates holds that we always have reason to be just, since being just is essential for living a happy and successful life. In Book II of Plato’s Republic, Socrates’ main interlocutor, Glaucon, raises a vivid and powerful challenge to this claim. He presents the case of Gyges, a Lydian shepherd who possesses a ring that gives him the power of invisibility. Glaucon’s contention is that Gyges does not have reason to be just in this circumstance, since being just will (...)
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    Vergleichung der Rechts- und Staatstheorien des B. Spinoza und des Th. Hobbes: nebst Betrachtungen über d. Verhältnis zwischen d. Staat u. d. Kirche.Heinrich Christoph Wilhelm Sigwart - 1842 - Aalen: Scientia-Verlag.
    Reprint of the ed. published by C. F. Osiander.
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  38.  99
    Rational Commitment and Social Justice: Essays for Gregory Kavka.Jules L. Coleman & Christopher W. Morris (eds.) - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Gregory S. Kavka was a prominent and influential figure in contemporary moral and political philosophy. The essays in this volume are concerned with fundamental issues of rational commitment and social justice to which Kavka devoted his work as a philosopher. The essays take Kavka's work as a point of departure and seek to advance the respective debates. The topics include: the relationship between intention and moral action as part of which Kavka's famous 'toxin puzzle' is a focus of discussion, the (...)
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  39.  19
    Hobbes and the Artifice of Eternity, written by Christopher Scott McClure.Ted H. Miller - 2018 - Hobbes Studies 31 (2):232-236.
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    Causal Cognition - A Multidsciplinary Debate, edited by Dan Sperber, David Premack and Ann James Premack.John Dillon, Daniela M. Bailer-Jones, Iseult Honohan, Brian Martine, John Biro, Christopher Adair-Toteff, Timothy O'Connor, Victor E. Taylor, Richard Rumana, Eileen Brennan & Julia Tanney - unknown
    The Morality of Happiness By Julia Annas, Oxford University Press, 1993. Pp. x + 502. ISBN 0–19–507999‐X. £45.00 (hbk), £13.99 (pbk).Dimensions of Creativity By Margaret A. Boden (ed.) MIT Press, 1994. Pp. 242. ISBN 0–262–02368–7. £24.95.Thomas Hobbes and the Science of Moral Virtue By David Boonin‐Vail, Cambridge University Press, 1994. Pp. 219. ISBN 0–521–46209–6. £37.50.Reason and Rhetoric in the Philosophy of Hobbes By Quentin Skinner, Cambridge University Press, 1996. Pp. 477. ISBN 0–521–55436–5. £35.00.Being and the Between By William Desmond, State (...)
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    Hobbes and the Democratic Imaginary, written by Holman, Christopher.Cesare Cuttica - 2023 - Hobbes Studies 36 (2):244-251.
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  42. Review of David Gauthier, Hobbes & Political Contractarianism: Selected Writings, Susan Dimock, Claire Finkelstein, and Christopher W. Morris (eds.). [REVIEW]Andrew I. Cohen - 2023 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
  43.  27
    Hobbes and Mathematical Method.Douglas M. Jesseph - 1993 - Perspectives on Science 1 (1993):306-341.
    This article examines Hobbes’s conception of mathematical method, situating his methodological writings in the context of disputed mathematical issues of the seventeenth century. After a brief exposition of the Hobbesian philosophy of mathematics, it investigates Hobbes’s attempts to resolve three important mathematical controversies of the seventeenth century: the debates over the status of analytic geometry, disputes over the nature of ratios, and the problem of the “angle of contact” between a curve and tangent. In the course of these investigations, Hobbes’s (...)
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    Christopher Herbert. Victorian Relativity: Radical Thought and Scientific Discovery. xvi + 302 pp., bibl., index. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2001. $43, £27.50 ; $16, £10.50. [REVIEW]Theodore Porter - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):311-312.
    Christopher Herbert, provoked by the Alan Sokal affair and by bullying critiques of “relativism,” has written this study to demonstrate the prominence of relativistic thought in the sciences of the last two centuries. Although he draws back from any claim that relativity and its opposite, philosophical realism, lead of necessity to particular political positions, he associates the former with liberal tolerance and the latter with mandatory worship in a repressive “church of ‘absolute truth’”. Nazi physicists such as Philipp Lenard, (...)
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    The legal origins of Thomas Hobbes's doctrine of contract.Robinson A. Grover - 1980 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 18 (2):177-194.
    Thomas hobbes's papers at chatsworth prove that he had considerable knowledge of legal concepts. apparently he used the chatsworth copy of christopher saint german's "doctor" and "student" in developing his concept of contractual obligation. realizing this is useful for a careful analysis of hobbes's theory of why contracts oblige. the crucial problem is hobbes attempt to explain why we should perform a disadvantageous contract. he suggests different motives in all three of his major political works. in "leviathan" he finally (...)
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    Winstanley, Hobbes, and the Sin of the World.Denys Turner - 2012 - In Zoë Bennett & David B. Gowler (eds.), Radical Christian Voices and Practice: Essays in Honour of Christopher Rowland. Oxford University Press. pp. 137.
  47.  35
    On law, power and violence: from Christoph Menke to Hannah Arendt. A critical analysis.Valerio Fabbrizi - 2017 - Philosophy Kitchen 4 (7):33-42.
    This article wants to propose some reflections on law, power and violence in contemporary political philosophy. My attention will be devoted to a critical analysis of some relevant contribution on these matters by prominent scholars and authors such as Alessandro Ferrara, Christoph Menke, Walter Benjamin, Hannah Arendt. The first part is dedicated to a brief introduction in which the Alessandro Ferrara’s reading of Menke’s Law and Violence will be presented. The second part focuses its attention on the philosophical backgrounds of (...)
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    Der freie Wille als Rechtsprinzip: Untersuchungen zur Grundlegung des Rechts bei Hobbes und Hegel.Alfredo Bergés - 2012 - Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag.
    I. Pragmatismus und Neukantianismus Marc Rölli: Die Durchquerung des Absoluten. Zur Hegel-Rezeption John Deweys Wolfgang Bonsiepen: Hegel und der Neukantianismus Matthias Wunsch: Phänomenologie des Symbolischen? Die Hegelrezeption Ernst Cassirers II. Phänomenologie - Ontologie - Lebensphilosophie Annette Sell: Das Geheimnis des Anfangs. Die Aufnahme des Hegelschen Anfangsbegriffs in der Philosophie Martin Heideggers Hans-Ulrich Lessing: Hegel und Helmuth Plessner: Die verpaßte Rezeption Walter Jaeschke: Der Geist und sein Sein. Nicolai Hartmann auf Hegelschen Wegen Holger Glinka: Aus Phänomenologie mach Dialektik. Jean-Paul Sartres Anverwandlung (...)
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    Coherence and Coreference.Jerry R. Hobbs - 1979 - Cognitive Science 3 (1):67-90.
    Coherence in conversations and in texts can be partially characterized by a set of coherence relations, motivated ultimately by the speaker's or writer's need to be understood. In this paper, formal definitions are given for several coherence relations, based on the operations of an inference system; that is, the relations between successive portions of a discourse are characterized in terms of the inferences that can be drawn from each. In analyzing a discourse, it is frequently the case that we would (...)
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  50.  30
    Formal Theories of the Commonsense World.Jerry R. Hobbs & Robert C. Moore (eds.) - 1985 - Intellect Books.
    This volume is a collection of original contributions about the core knowledge in fundamental domains. It includes work on naive physics, such as formal specifications of intuitive theories of spatial relations, time causality, substance and physical objects, and on naive psychology.
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