Results for 'Coming North-South'

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  1. Thomas F. Slaughter, jr.Coming North-South - forthcoming - Business, Ethics, and the Environment: The Public Policy Debate.
  2. The Improbability of Third World Government Consent in the Coming North-South International Toxic Waste Trade.Thomas Slaughter - forthcoming - Business, Ethics and the Environment: The Public Policy Debate, Quorum Books, Westport, Ct.
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    Theorizing urban agriculture: northsouth convergence.Leslie Gray, Laureen Elgert & Antoinette WinklerPrins - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (3):869-883.
    Few topics have been addressed through as large a range of perspectives and interests as urban agriculture (UA), yet the literature has been loosely characterized by a divergence and disconnect between research conducted in the global north (GN), and that in the global south (GS). In cities of the global south, UA is widely analyzed through a productivist lens, focusing on food production and individual or household-level contributions of urban farming to food security, household income, and livelihoods. (...)
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    Evolving global communications policy agendas and ‘North-South’ relations: the internet and telecommunications.Hans Franses, Rob Eisinga & Maurice Vergeer - 2012 - Communications 37 (2):195-214.
    This article focuses on the recent evolution of global policy agendas in two key parts of the communications sector: the internet and telecommunications. It explores the key regulatory governance ideas and practices that have come to the fore in shaping these fast-moving policy arenas. It sheds light on the ways in which selected global institutional contexts have played vital roles in shaping telecommunications and internet policy agendas as well as the resulting implications. In doing so, the paper explores a number (...)
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    Evolving global communications policy agendas and ‘North-South’ relations: the internet and telecommunications.Seamus Simpson - 2012 - Communications 37 (2):195-214.
    This article focuses on the recent evolution of global policy agendas in two key parts of the communications sector: the internet and telecommunications. It explores the key regulatory governance ideas and practices that have come to the fore in shaping these fast-moving policy arenas. It sheds light on the ways in which selected global institutional contexts have played vital roles in shaping telecommunications and internet policy agendas as well as the resulting implications. In doing so, the paper explores a number (...)
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    Charles Schmitt prize essay 2011:'Brothers, come north': The rural south and the political imaginary of new Negro radicalism, 1917–1923. [REVIEW]Alec Fazackerley Hickmott - 2011 - Intellectual History Review 21 (4):395-412.
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    Globalization North and South.Jan Nederveen Pieterse - 2000 - Theory, Culture and Society 17 (1):129-137.
    The buzzword is globalization and the key problem is uneven development. Perceptions and representations of globalization are profoundly different in North and South. Existing analytics - such as dependency, imperialism, exclusion and conspiracy theories - are not adequate for dealing with uneven globalization. There are profound differences between globalization and imperialism. Although a sense of powerlessness and frustration is common to both, the dynamics of deprivation are different. It is one thing to diagnose different conditions North and (...)
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    The End of the Cognitive Empire: The Coming of Age of Epistemologies of the South.Boaventura de Sousa Santos - 2018 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In _The End of the Cognitive Empire_ Boaventura de Sousa Santos further develops his concept of the "epistemologies of the south," in which he outlines a theoretical, methodological, and pedagogical framework for challenging the dominance of Eurocentric thought. As a collection of knowledges born of and anchored in the experiences of marginalized peoples who actively resist capitalism, colonialism, and patriarchy, epistemologies of the south represent those forms of knowledge that are generally discredited, erased, and ignored by dominant cultures (...)
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    Influence of Demographic Variables on Academic Staff Performance – A Case Study from South East European University (SEEU), North Macedonia.Abdylmenaf Bexheti, Lulzime Nuredini-Mehmedi & Sadri Alija - 2022 - Seeu Review 17 (1):26-41.
    This study aims to determine the demographic characteristics influencing the performance of Academic staff at the Southeast European University. This study employs data from the student evaluation carried out by the students for their respective professors and courses for the Fall and Spring semesters during the academic year 20/21. A lot of research has been done on demographics and its effect on the professor’s performance, and they point out that demographic attributes can change the rating evaluations, therefore these factors need (...)
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    L'aiuto internazionale come pratica politica: alcune riflessioni preliminari.Annalisa Furia - 2014 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 26 (50).
    Since the end of the Second World War, for more than half a century, foreign aid has been an important component of North/South relations, both in qualitative and quantitative terms. From the very beginning, it has been conceived and presented as a technical enterprise aimed at promoting the development and modernization of recipient countries and at complying with the rich States' obligation to assist and transfer resources to poor countries. These assumptions still affect the theory and practice of (...)
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    Racial Conceptions in the Global South.Warwick Anderson - 2014 - Isis 105 (4):782-792.
    What happens to twentieth-century race science when we relocate it to the Global South? North Atlantic debates have dominated the conceptual history of race. Yet there is suggestive evidence of a “southern” or antipodean racial distinctiveness. We can find across the Southern Hemisphere greater interest in racial plasticity, environmental adaptation, mixing or miscegenation, and blurring of racial boundaries; endorsement of biological absorption of indigenous populations; and consent to the formation of new or blended races. Once we recognize the (...)
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    Joan‐Pau Rubiés. Travel and Ethnology in the Renaissance: South India through European Eyes, 1250–1625. xxii + 443 pp., illus., tables, bibl., index. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. $74.95. [REVIEW]William Burns - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):302-303.
    Travel and Ethnology in the Renaissance, based on a Cambridge dissertation, is a reaction to two related trends in recent writing about early modern European travel literature, both ultimately deriving from the “Orientalist” model presented in the work of Edward Said on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. These are the trend that views travelers' accounts as more revelatory of European concerns than of the reality of the non‐European societies they wrote about and the trend that analyzes these texts using the (...)
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  13. Nature above people: Rolston and "fortress" conservation in the south.Hanna Siurua - 2006 - Ethics and the Environment 11 (1):71-96.
    : Holmes Rolston III has argued that in some situations where the needs of starving people come into conflict with the protection of natural values, "we" ought to prioritize the latter. Focusing on the threat to pristine ecosystems and endangered species posed by overpopulation in developing countries, Rolston advocates the exclusion of human settlement and activity from the most fragile and valuable wild areas—a strategy sometimes termed "fortress conservation." This approach suffers from at least three serious faults. First, fortress conservation (...)
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    The governance of genomic information: will it come of age?Adèle Langlois - 2006 - Genomics, Society and Policy 2 (3):1-15.
    The completion of the Human Genome Project has opened up unprecedented possibilities in healthcare, but also ethical and social dilemmas in terms of how these can be achieved. Genomic information can be seen as a "global public good" (GPG), in that it is represented by knowledge in the public domain and across national boundaries. Lack of investment, infrastructure and expertise in developing countries means that they are unable to take advantage of these GPG characteristics to address their health needs, fuelling (...)
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    Political Philosophy: Fact, Fiction and Vision.Mario Bunge - 2009 - Routledge.
    This book is about politics, political theory, and political philosophy. Although these disciplines are often conflated because they interact, they actually are distinct. Political theory is part of political science, whereas political philosophy is a hybrid of political theory and philosophy. The former discipline is descriptive and explanatory, whereas the latter is prescriptive--to the point that it is often called "normative theory." It is in fact the evaluative study of political societies. Whereas political theorists describe and explain politics, political philosophers (...)
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    Development and Migration—Migration and Development: What Comes First? Global Perspective and African Experiences.Stephen Castles - 2009 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 56 (120):1-31.
    Socio-economic change and human mobility are constantly interactive processes, so to ask whether migration or development comes first is nonsensical. Yet in both popular and political discourse it has become the conventional wisdom to argue that promoting economic development in the Global South has the potential to reduce migration to the North. This carries the clear implication that such migration is a bad thing, and poor people should stay put. This 'sedentary bias' is a continuation of colonial policies (...)
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  17. Feminist Paradigms of Solidarity and Justice.Ann Ferguson - 2009 - Philosophical Topics 37 (2):161-177.
    This paper develops a new feminist paradigm for global justice that includes several components. I deploy a non-ideal ethics approach based on an argumentabout what principle of justice is possible to act on, given a historical and intersectional feminist analysis of what kind of feminist coalitions are possible in the present period. I claim that the time is ripe for a new progressive feminist Solidarity paradigm of justice that supersedes the classical liberal debates between Libertarian Freedom paradigm and the Social (...)
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    Spatial Ethics Beyond the NorthSouth Dichotomy: Moral Dilemmas in Favelas.Daniel S. Lacerda, Fabio B. Meira & Vanessa Brulon - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (4):695-707.
    Western representation of countries from the Global South implies a dichotomist view of business ethics: on the one hand, universal ethics largely reproduces commonsensical views of the South as ‘less ethical’, and on the other hand, voices from the South are often conditioned to present themselves as substantially indigenous and unambiguous to be accepted as legitimate ethical subjects. We join the growing interest in bridging this gap by drawing on studies from human geography, and ask to what (...)
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    Localizing AIED: moving beyond NorthSouth narratives to serve contextual needs.David Dodick - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-11.
    This article problematizes simplistic Global NorthSouth binaries in artificial intelligence in education discourse and implementation. The author draws on dual teaching experiences in Canada and Paraguay to demonstrate the diversity within and across regions, and challenges notions of a homogeneous “Global South.” The analysis emphasizes the importance of incorporating local actors’ perspectives when introducing new technologies rather than centering outside entities. It advocates examining the specific causes, conditions, and complexities within particular countries to develop tailored AIED solutions. (...)
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    North/South interdependence: the part that book publishing plays.Ian Montagnes - 1990 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 1 (4):6-13.
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    Flexible Intimacies in the Global Intimate Economy: Evidence from Taiwan's Cross-Border Marriages.Mei-Hua Chen & Hong-zen Wang - 2021 - Feminist Studies 47 (2):258-275.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:258 Feminist Studies 47, no. 2. © 2021 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Mei-Hua Chen and Hong-zen Wang Flexible Intimacies in the Global Intimate Economy: Evidence from Taiwan’s Cross-Border Marriages When Lin Ping was interviewed by the first author of this article at a detention center in the southern city of Tainan, Taiwan, in September 2006, she was forty-three. At that time, she had been married to a Taiwanese man (...)
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    Northsouth benefit sharing arrangements in bioprospecting and genetic research: a critical ethical and legal analysis.Udo Schüklenk & Anita Kleinsmidt - 2006 - Developing World Bioethics 6 (3):060814034439002-???.
    ABSTRACT Most pharmaceutical research carried out today is focused on the treatment and management of the lifestyle diseases of the developed world. Diseases that affect mainly poor people are neglected in research advancements in treatment because they cannot generate large financial returns on research and development costs. Benefit sharing arrangements for the use of indigenous resources and genetic research could only marginally address this gap in research and development in diseases that affect the poor. Benefit sharing as a strategy is (...)
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    Globalization, North-South Solidarity, and Other Arguments for “Upward Harmonization” of Human Rights.Jay Drydyk - 1998 - Social Philosophy Today 14:21-43.
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    North-South Partnership in God’s Mission: Joining Hands in the Construction of a Reconciliation Politics.Ruth Padilla DeBorst - 2022 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 39 (4):254-262.
    This paper asks if there any hope today, in the midst of the pulls and tugs of current globalizing and counter-globalizing forces, of differing theological outlooks and intestine tensions, that the world Church can constitute a politics of reconciliation instead of one characterized by polarized confrontation. Employing the metaphor of “hands,” it proposes some needed steps towards the realization of that hope. Hands can join in reconciliation when they are open in confession and emptied of the manipulation of money, when (...)
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    Ethics Dumping: Case Studies from North-South Research Collaborations.Doris Schroeder, Julie Cook, François Hirsch, Solveig Fenet & Vasantha Muthuswamy (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Springer.
    This open access book provides original, up-to-date case studies of “ethics dumping” that were largely facilitated by loopholes in the ethics governance of low and middle-income countries. It is instructive even to experienced researchers since it provides a voice to vulnerable populations from the fore mentioned countries. Ensuring the ethical conduct of North-South collaborations in research is a process fraught with difficulties. The background conditions under which such collaborations take place include extreme differentials in available income and power, (...)
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  26. Cultural Alterity: Cross-Cultural Communication and Feminist Theory in North-South Contexts.Ofelia Schutte - 1998 - Hypatia 13 (2):53 - 72.
    How to communicate with "the other" who is culturally different from oneself is one of the greatest challenges facing North-South relations. This paper builds on existential-phenomenological and poststructuralist concepts of alterity and difference to strengthen the position of Latina and other subaltern speakers in North-South dialogue. It defends a postcolonial approach to feminist theory as a basis for negotiating culturally differentiated feminist positions in this age of accelerated globalization, migration, and displacement.
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    North-South research partnership: Is collaboration possible between unequal partners?Jacques F. Gaillard - 1994 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 7 (2):31-63.
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    Exploring the NorthSouth Gap Longitudinally.Rafael Reuveny & William R. Thompson - 2003 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 4 (1):77-102.
    Previous studies on economic convergence have been handicapped by the lack of sufficient serial data. Real GDP per capita are now available for 56 states. With some interpolation, we create series from 1870 to 1992 for Northern (developed countries) and Southern (lesser developed countries) aggregates. The data are explored by extending the leadership-long cycle perspective to deal with convergence. We find that NorthSouth gap. We believe that convergence is unlikely any time soon without radical restructuring of global economic growth prospects.
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    Nigel Hiscock. The Wise Master Builder: Platonic Geometry in Plans of Medieval Abbeys and Cathedrals. xviii + 340 + [108] pp., illus., figs., apps., bibl., index.Aldershot, England/Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgate, 2000. $99.95. [REVIEW]John Heilbron - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):111-112.
    The main conclusion of Nigel Hiscock's important but ill‐arranged book is that the ground plans of abbeys and cathedrals of the tenth and eleventh centuries incorporate Platonic wisdom—hence the “wise” in the title catchwords, which come from Paul's first letter to the Corinthians . There Paul likens himself to a sapiens architectus who lays the foundations on which others erect the building. In three of the four translations in The Complete Parallel Bible, however, Paul does not declare himself wise but, (...)
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    Co-publishing with Africa NorthSouthNorth.Mary Jay - 2020 - Logos 31 (2):19-27.
    The decolonization of African studies extends beyond content to ethical partnerships between the North and the African continent. One key component of realizing partnership is through publishing. African studies research published by Northern publishers is not often even minimally available in Africa; and this is despite scholars on the continent often being partners or facilitators in research undertaken by Northern scholars. Northern publishers have perceived no commercial gain, given small African markets, lack of purchasing power, and lack of distribution (...)
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    Revisiting the north-south debate in light of the draft Digest: Articles 38, 39 and 44.Ronald A. Brand, Harry Flechtner & Franco Ferrari - 2003 - In Ronald A. Brand, Harry Flechtner & Franco Ferrari (eds.), The Draft Uncitral Digest and Beyond: Cases, Analysis and Unresolved Issues in the U.N. Sales Convention. Sellier de Gruyter.
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  32. Contemporary Catholic Social Ethics and International Relations: A North-South American Perspective.Vittorio D. Falsina - 1996 - Dissertation, The University of Chicago
    Focusing on the tradition of Roman Catholic social teaching, this dissertation examines and compares two contemporary models of theological-ethical reflection: the neoliberal model represented by the United States bishops' conference, and the structuralist model espoused by the Latin American bishops' conference, both focusing on their understanding of political economy in the context of North-South American relations. ;The thrust of this dissertation is that the study of theological ethics in general, and in this particular case of the tradition of (...)
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    Merging mobilities: querying knowledges, actions, and chronotopes in discourses of transcultural relationships from a North/South queer contact zone.Benedict J. L. Rowlett & Brian W. King - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (2):111-127.
    In this article, we query binaries of mobility and immobility in language studies via an empirical focus on language/social practices in a site that bridges the global North and global South. To do so, we work from a Southern praxis perspective to analyze discourses/knowledges informing the performance of accounts from Cambodian men, interviewed about transactional same-sex relationship practices between (ostensibly immobile) local men and (ostensibly mobile) male tourists to Cambodia from the global North. The analysis focuses on (...)
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    Tweets and reactions: revealing the geographies of cybercrime perpetrators and the North-South divide.Suleman Lazarus & Mark Button - 2022 - CyberPsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 8 (1):1-8.
    How do tweets reflect the long-standing disparities between the northern and southern regions of Nigeria? This study presents a qualitative analysis of Twitter users' responses (n = 101,518) to the tweets of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) regarding the production and prosecution of cybercrime. The article uses postcolonial perspectives to shed light on the legacies of British colonial efforts in Nigeria, such as the amalgamation of the northern and southern protectorates in 1914. The results revealed significant discrepancies between (...)
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    The United Nations and the North-South Partnership: Connecting the Past to the Future.Ramesh Thakur - 2020 - Ethics and International Affairs 34 (3):305-317.
    As part of the special issue on “The United Nations at Seventy-Five: Looking Back to Look Forward,” this essay connects the past of the United Nations to its future from the perspective of the Global South. When the UN was created, most developing countries were colonies that played no role in writing the rules and designing the architecture of the post-1945 UN-centric global multilateral order. Today, countries in the Global South command a majority of the UN membership, but (...)
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    Rethinking Global Business Ethics: The North-South Paradigm.Richard de George - 2017 - Business and Society Review 122 (1):5-25.
    This paper looks at the changes that have taken place during the past three decades in developing countries as reported in the 2013 UN Human Development Report and how they affect the obligations of multinationals from developed countries. It argues that the changes call for greater attention to the growing North-South paradigm and its implicit Respect-cooperation model rather than the still dominant Developed/Developing Nations paradigm and its Dependency-victim model. It examines some of the rethinking such a paradigm change (...)
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    “Some are more fair than others”: fair trade certification, development, and NorthSouth subjects.Lindsay Naylor - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (2):273-284.
    At the same time as fair trade certified products are capturing an increasing market share, a growing number of scholars and practitioners are raising serious questions about who benefits from certification. Through a critique of northsouth narratives, this paper draws on contemporary themes in fair trade scholarship to draw out different ways of thinking about fair trade outside of the dichotomous northsouth framing. I argue that, through the creation of fair trade subjects of the “global (...)” and “global south,” certification has normalized and naturalized dichotomous power relations. The primary concern of this paper is to demonstrate the problems with situating certification and scholarship in the northsouth binary and to push examination toward a more nuanced analysis of how certification and development are shaped in-place. This intervention is important for assisting with stepping away from long-standing debates regarding the effectiveness of certification, and additionally in contributing to critical thinking on economic development more broadly. (shrink)
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  38. An empirical approach to symmetry and probability.Jill North - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 41 (1):27-40.
    We often use symmetries to infer outcomes’ probabilities, as when we infer that each side of a fair coin is equally likely to come up on a given toss. Why are these inferences successful? I argue against answering this with an a priori indifference principle. Reasons to reject that principle are familiar, yet instructive. They point to a new, empirical explanation for the success of our probabilistic predictions. This has implications for indifference reasoning in general. I argue that a priori (...)
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    The Public as Sculpture: From Heavenly City to Mass Ornament.Michael North - 1990 - Critical Inquiry 16 (4):860-879.
    The most notable development in public sculpture of the last thirty years has been the disappearance of the sculpture itself. Ever since Jean Tinguely’s Homage to New York destroyed itself at the Museum of Modern Art in 1960, sculptors have tried to find new ways to make the sculptural object invisible, immaterial, or remote. Where the sculpture did have some material presence, it often took unexpected forms. As Rosalind Krauss says, “Rather surprising things have come to be called sculpture: narrow (...)
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    State Repression and the Labors of Memory.Elizabeth Jelin - 2003 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Hearing the news from South America at the turn of the millennium can be like traveling in time: here are the trials of Pinochet, the searches for "the disappeared" in Argentina, the investigation of the death of former president Goulart in Brazil, the Peace Commission in Uruguay, the Archive of Terror in Paraguay, a Truth Commission in Peru. As societies struggle to come to terms with the past and with the vexing questions posed by ineradicable memories, this wise book (...)
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    Searching for Macro-Meso-Micro-Level Links in Studies of North-South Research Collaborations.Stefan Skupien - 2019 - Minerva 57 (3):391-410.
    Scientific collaboration between Northern and Southern researchers and development programs for research capacity-building have received new attention of practitioners and scholars during the last decades. This essay review takes four recent publications on North-South research cooperation and development politics as a starting point to ask for possible links between macro-, meso-, and micro-levels of social analysis that has found renewed interest in the sociology of science literature. The approach has the advantage to heuristically systematize the anthropological, sociological and (...)
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    Novelty: A History of the New.Michael North - 2013 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    If art and science have one thing in common, it’s a hunger for the new—new ideas and innovations, new ways of seeing and depicting the world. But that desire for novelty carries with it a fundamental philosophical problem: If everything has to come from _something_, how can anything truly new emerge? Is novelty even possible? In _Novelty_, Michael North takes us on a dazzling tour of more than two millennia of thinking about the problem of the new, from the (...)
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    Tempo, spazio e materiale.Alfred North Whitehead & Giulio Piatti - 2020 - Nóema 11:1-14.
    Nel 1919, Alfred North Whitehead interviene nel corso di un convegno interdisciplinare dedicato ai dati scientifici ultimi, mostrando come né il tempo né lo spazio né alcun tipo di materiale siano in grado ricoprire questo ruolo. La natura, ai suoi occhi, è invece un insieme in continua crescita di eventi ed oggetti che si intersecano e si sovrappongono tra loro, totalmente irriducibile a ogni visione materialistica e atomistica. Il testo, finora inedito in lingua italiana, si presenta come un’efficace panoramica (...)
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  44. The Impact of Nanomedicine Development on NorthSouth Equity and Equal Opportunities in Healthcare.Michael G. Tyshenko - 2009 - Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 3 (3).
    Nanomedicine applications are an extension of traditional pharmaceutical drug development that are targeting the most pressing health concerns through improvements to diagnostics, drug delivery systems, therapeutics, equipment, surgery and prosthetics. The benefits and risks to the individual have been extrapolated to include broader societal impacts of nanomedicine with concerns extending to inequitable distribution of benefits accruing to developed, or North countries, rather than developing, or South countries. Analysis reveals a great deal of overlap between the North and (...)
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    A review of: East, west, north, south: Major developments in international relations since 1945. [REVIEW]Annie Paradise - 2007 - World Futures 63 (1):55 – 57.
    (2007). A Review of: East, West, North, South: Major Developments in International Relations Since 1945. World Futures: Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 55-57.
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  46. Sustainable development, biotechnology and the North-South divide.A. Lieven - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (1):97-98.
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    The international financial crisis and the north-south dialogue.Luigi Coccioli - 1983 - World Futures 19 (1):101-109.
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    Prospero and Caliban, North/south relations at the end of the twentieth century. [REVIEW]Jack Arn - 1998 - The European Legacy 3 (4):121-124.
    Caliban Naufragé: Les Relations Nord‐Sud à la Fin du XXe Siècle. By Pierre Moussa (Paris: Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1994) 329 pp. n.p.g.
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    A climate of injustice: Global inequality, north-south politics, and climate policy -by J. Timmons Roberts and Bradley C. Parks.—Martin Bunzl - 2008 - Ethics and International Affairs 22 (2):229–230.
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    From Brandt to Brundtland and beyond: Hegemonic-ideological aspects of the north-south dialogue in the 1990s.William Graf - 1992 - History of European Ideas 15 (1-3):399-406.
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