Results for 'Crittenden Camille'

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  1.  23
    Unreality: The Metaphysics of Fictional Objects.Charles Crittenden - 2019 - Cornell University Press.
    Charles Crittenden here offers an original solution to one of the traditional dilemmas of philosophy—whether there can be any thing not existing, since to say that some thing does not exist seems to presuppose its existence. Drawing on the tools of Wittgensteinian philosophy and speech act theory, Crittenden argues that we can and often do make reference to unreal objects such as fictional characters, though they do not exist in any sense at all.
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    Learning to Be Moral: Philosophical Thoughts About Moral Development.Paul Crittenden - 1990 - Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanity Books.
    Paul Crittenden sets out to recover the past philosophical practice of treating developmental questions as an important part of ethical inquiry and to bring moral development, moral education, and moral philosophy back together again. The first part of this extremely thorough work is concerned with the main contemporary accounts of how children come to be moral beings. Against this background, the second part consists of historical studies of major accounts of morality in a developmental context. Crittenden stresses the (...)
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    Beyond Individualism: Reconstituting the Liberal Self.Jack Crittenden - 1992 - Oup Usa.
    Jack Crittenden examines the debate in political theory about the true conception of human nature. On the one hand is the concept of the liberal self which is self-contained, atomistic, even selfish; on the other hand is the notion of the communitarian self which is socially situated and defined in part by one's community. Crittenden argues that neither view is acceptable and draws on recent psychological research to develop a theory of `compound individuality'. The compound individual retains the (...)
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    Harm Avoidance and Mobility During Middle Childhood and Adolescence among Hadza Foragers.Alyssa N. Crittenden, Alan Farahani, Kristen N. Herlosky, Trevor R. Pollom, Ibrahim A. Mabulla, Ian T. Ruginski & Elizabeth Cashdan - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (1):150-176.
    Cross-cultural sex differences in mobility and harm avoidance have been widely reported, often emphasizing fitness benefits of long-distance travel for males and high costs for females. Data emerging from adults in small-scale societies, however, are challenging the assumption that female mobility is restricted during reproduction. Such findings warrant further exploration of the ontogeny of mobility. Here, using a combination of machine-learning, mixed-effects linear regression, and GIS mapping, we analyze range size, daily distance traveled, and harm avoidance among Hadza foragers during (...)
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  5. Personal Value, Biographical Identity, and Retrospective Attitudes.Camil Golub - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 97 (1):72-85.
    We all could have had better lives, yet often do not wish that our lives had gone differently, especially when we contemplate alternatives that vastly diverge from our actual life course. What, if anything, accounts for such conservative retrospective attitudes? I argue that the right answer involves the significance of our personal attachments and our biographical identity. I also examine other options, such as the absence of self-to-self connections across possible worlds and a general conservatism about value.
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    Civic education.Jack Crittenden - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  7. Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson.Camille Paglia - 1991
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  8. Is there a Good Moral Argument against Moral Realism?Camil Golub - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (1):151-164.
    It has been argued that there is something morally objectionable about moral realism: for instance, according to realism, we are justified in believing that genocide is wrong only if a certain moral fact obtains, but it is objectionable to hold our moral commitments hostage to metaphysics in this way. In this paper, I argue that no version of this moral argument against realism is likely to succeed. More precisely, minimal realism―the kind of realism on which realist theses are understood as (...)
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    Money and the Commons: An Investigation of Complementary Currencies and Their Ethical Implications.Camille Meyer & Marek Hudon - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (1):277-292.
    The commons is a concept increasingly used with the promise of creating new collective wealth. In the aftermath of the economic and financial crises, finance and money have been criticized and redesigned to serve the collective interest. In this article, we analyze three types of complementary currency systems: community currencies, inter-enterprise currencies, and cryptocurrencies. We investigate whether these systems can be considered as commons. To address this question, we use two main theoretical frameworks that are usually separate: the “new commons” (...)
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    François Tosquelles and the Psychiatric Revolution in Postwar France.Camille Robcis - 2016 - Constellations 23 (2):212-222.
  11. Autonomy as an aim of education.Brian Crittenden - 1978 - In Kenneth A. Strike & Kieran Egan (eds.), Ethics and educational policy. Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul. pp. 107--108.
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    Fictional Existence.Charles Crittenden - 1966 - American Philosophical Quarterly 3 (4):317 - 321.
  13.  36
    The Argument from Perfection to Existence.Charles Crittenden - 1968 - Religious Studies 4 (1):123 - 132.
    Here is an argument for the existence of the most perfect being: 1. There is a concept of a greatest conceivable being . 2. This being cannot be conceived of only, as then it would lack existence and so not be the greatest conceivable.
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    Philosophie, corps et danse : face à la crise, croiser les regards.Camille Point Zimmermann - 2022 - Noesis 37:79-94.
    Cet article se donne pour objectif de réfléchir à ce que la crise mondiale du Covid-19 a révélé de nos manières d’habiter les lieux où nous vivons, et parmi celles-ci, la pratique de la danse. La démarche adoptée ici est celle d’un dialogue entre trois courants philosophiques spécifiques : la phénoménologie, le pragmatisme et l’écoféminisme, au sujet de leur conception de l’expérience somatique, à la fois vécue, complexe et ordinaire. Nous cherchons ici les lignes communes à ces trois mouvements philosophiques, (...)
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    Experience and the Growth of Understanding.P. J. Crittenden - 1980 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 27:409-413.
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    Ethical and regulatory challenges of research using pervasive sensing and other emerging technologies: IRB perspectives.Camille Nebeker, John Harlow, Rebeca Espinoza Giacinto, Rubi Orozco-Linares, Cinnamon S. Bloss & Nadir Weibel - 2017 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 8 (4):266-276.
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    Frantz Fanon, Institutional Psychotherapy, and the Decolonization of Psychiatry.Camille Robcis - 2020 - Journal of the History of Ideas 81 (2):303-325.
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  18. Bodies in skilled performance: how dancers reflect through the living body.Camille Buttingsrud - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):7535-7554.
    Dancers and dance philosophers report on experiences of a certain form of sense making and bodily thinking through the dancing body. Yet, discussions on expertise and consciousness are often framed within canonical philosophical world-views that make it difficult to fully recognize, verbalize, and value the full variety of embodied and affective facets of subjectivity. Using qualitative interviews with five professional dancers and choreographers, I make an attempt to disclose the characteristics of what I consider to be a largely overseen state (...)
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    One need not be a Marxist: A response to Vandenberg.Crittenden Brian, Maxine Greene & Robin Small - 1987 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 19 (1):12-19.
  20. In Support of Paganism: Polytheism as Earth–Based Religion.Charles Crittenden - 1997 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 21 (1):34-60.
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    A secular age: Reflections on Charles taylor′s recent book.Paul James Crittenden - 2009 - Sophia 48 (4):469-478.
    Charles Taylor in A Secular Age describes the modern secular age as one in which ‘the eclipse of all goals beyond human flourishing … falls within the range of an imaginable life for masses of people’. This article reflects on his historico-analytic investigation of the emergence of modern secularity and his account of how it shapes the current conditions of belief. Taylor challenges the widespread presumption against belief mainly on ethical considerations, especially what counts as human fulfilment. The article argues (...)
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  22. Education and Social Ideals.B. Crittenden - 1973
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    Jig-Chuen Lee 1943-1989.Charles Crittenden - 1991 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 64 (7):31 - 32.
  24. Ontology and mind-body identity.Charles Crittenden - 1970 - Philosophical Forum 2 (2):251-70.
  25.  75
    On virtue ethics.Paul Crittenden - 2002 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 80 (1):114 – 116.
    Book Information On Virtue Ethics. On Virtue Ethics Rosalind Hursthouse Oxford Oxford University Press 1999 ix + 275 Hardback 25 By Rosalind Hursthouse. Oxford University Press. Oxford. Pp. ix + 275. Hardback: 25.
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    Philosophy and Metaphor: The Philosopher's Ambivalence.Paul Crittenden - 2003 - Literature & Aesthetics 13 (1):27-42.
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    Robert Hoffman and “direct experience of god”.Charles Crittenden - 1962 - Philosophical Studies 13 (5):75 - 78.
  28.  7
    Reason, will, and emotion: defending the Greek tradition against Triune consciousness.Paul Crittenden - 2012 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Affection in triune consciousness -- Ricoeur in search of a philosophy of the "heart" -- Cognition and volition, or reason and will -- Faculties or powers of the mind -- Affectivity and values: two modern views -- Reason and desire from Socrates to the Stoics -- Augustine: "love transformed into will" -- Thomas Aquinas: the primacy of intellectual love -- The unravelling of Triune consciousness.
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  29. Saint Paul. L'œuvre de métamorphose.Camille Focant - 2012 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 43 (1):104-107.
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    August Afternoons at the Love/Art Laboratory.Camille Norton - 2009 - Feminist Studies 35 (3):573-574.
  31.  19
    Making Believe: Philosophical Reflections on Fiction.Charles Crittenden - 1986 - Noûs 20 (2):283-286.
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    El gusto por lo extremado: un análisis crítico de Baudrillard y Derrida sobre el terror y el terrorismo.Camil Ungureanu - 2012 - Isegoría 46:193-213.
    Baudrillard interpreta el «nuevo terrorismo» como un intercambio simbólico de regalo y contra-regalo: la muerte del terrorista es un contra-regalo irrefutable que rompe el círculo coercitivo de las relaciones sociales «impuestas» por el sistema global. A su vez, la concepción de Derrida tiene dos dimensiones, explicativa y normativa: en primer lugar, Derrida considera el 11-S como un síntoma multifacético de una crisis autoinmune que tiene aspectos políticos, religiosos y tecno-capitalistas. En segundo lugar, Derrida arguye que existe un «momento» de terror, (...)
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    Stalking White Crows: How Evidence and Altered Consciousness Bring Us Better Living and Better Dying.Jack Crittenden - 2019 - Washington, USA: John Hunt Publishing.
    How making up our minds and the makeup of our minds can help us live better and die better. We live in a climate where feelings trump reason and evidence. Lies are treated as "alternative facts." At the same time, it seems our culture does not want us to treat altered or higher states of consciousness seriously. Focusing both on evidence and on such states of consciousness can reorient our attitudes. Jack Crittenden asks the reader to think about life (...)
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    Ethical and regulatory challenges of research using pervasive sensing and other emerging technologies: IRB perspectives.Camille Nebeker, John Harlow, Rebeca Giacinto-Espinoza, Rubi Orozco-Linares, Cinnamon S. Bloss & Nadir Weibel - forthcoming - AJOB Empirical Bioethics:00-00.
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    Between hype and hope: What is really at stake with personalized medicine?Camille Abettan - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (3):423-430.
    Over the last decade, personalized medicine has become a buzz word, which covers a broad spectrum of meanings and generates many different opinions. The purpose of this article is to achieve a better understanding of the reasons why personalized medicine gives rise to such conflicting opinions. We show that a major issue of personalized medicine is the gap existing between its claims and its reality. We then present and analyze different possible reasons for this gap. We propose an hypothesis inspired (...)
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    Thoughts about Locke's thoughts about education.P. J. Crittenden - 1981 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 15 (2):149–160.
    P J Crittenden; Thoughts about Locke's Thoughts about Education, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 15, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 149–160, https://doi.
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    Allomaternal Care among the Hadza of Tanzania.Alyssa N. Crittenden & Frank W. Marlowe - 2008 - Human Nature 19 (3):249-262.
    Cooperative child care among humans, where individuals other than the biological mother (allomothers) provide care, may increase a mother’s fertility and the survivorship of her children. Although the potential benefits to the mother are clear, the motivations for allomothers to provide care are less clear. Here, we evaluate the kin selection allomothering hypothesis using observations on Hadza hunter-gatherers collected in ten camps over 17 months. Our results indicate that related allomothers spend the largest percentage of time holding children. The higher (...)
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  38.  18
    Attachment Relationships as Semiotic Scaffolding Systems.Patricia M. Crittenden & Andrea Landini - 2015 - Biosemiotics 8 (2):257-273.
    This paper describes the semiotic process by which parents, as attachment figures, enable infants to learn to make meaning. It also applies these ideas to psychotherapy, with the therapist functioning as transitional attachment figures to patients where therapy attempts to change semiotic processes that have led to maladaptive behavior. Three types of semiotic processes are described in attachment terminology and these are offered as possible precursors of a neuro-behavioral nosology tying mental illness to adaptation. Non-conscious biosemiotic processes in infant-parent attachment (...)
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    Neutrality in education. (Reflections on a Paulo Freire thesis).P. J. Crittenden - 1980 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 12 (1):1–18.
  40.  37
    From method to hermeneutics: which epistemological framework for narrative medicine?Camille Abettan - 2017 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 38 (3):179-193.
    The past 10 years have seen considerable developments in the use of narrative in medicine, primarily through the emergence of the so-called narrative medicine. In this article, I question narrative medicine’s self-understanding and contend that one of the most prominent issues is its lack of a clear epistemological framework. Drawing from Gadamer’s work on hermeneutics, I first show that narrative medicine is deeply linked with the hermeneutical field of knowledge. Then I try to identify which claims can be legitimately expected (...)
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    Self-Deselection: Technopsychotic Annihilation via Cyborg.Chris Crittenden - 2002 - Ethics and the Environment 7 (2):127-152.
    The cry that advanced machines will come to dominate human beings resounds from the time of the Luddites up to the current consternation by the chief scientist of Sun Microsystems, Bill Joy. My theme is a twist on this fear: self-deselection, the possibility that humans will voluntarily combine their own bodies with technological additions to the point where it could reasonably be said that our species has been replaced by another kind of entity, a hybrid of human and radical enhancement, (...)
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  42.  64
    Wittgenstein on Philosophical Therapy and Understanding.Charles Crittenden - 1970 - International Philosophical Quarterly 10 (1):20-43.
    The metaphysician wants to go beneath surface phenomena and to get at the essence of things, But instead arrives at a "picture" suggested by everyday language. Eliminating pictures requires bringing out the facts of everyday use and is not positivism or psychoanalysis. Still pictures arrange facts and lead to theories though not giving underlying realities. Rather essence is in usage: "essence is expressed by grammar". Thus philosophical therapy leads to closer accord with the world.
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  43. Expressivism and Realist Explanations.Camil Golub - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (6):1385-1409.
    It is often claimed that there is an explanatory divide between an expressivist account of normative discourse and a realist conception of normativity: more precisely, that expressivism and realism offer conflicting explanations of (i) the metaphysical structure of the normative realm, (ii) the connection between normative judgment and motivation, (iii) our normative beliefs and any convergence thereof, or (iv) the content of normative thoughts and claims. In this paper I argue that there need be no such explanatory conflict. Given a (...)
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    Descartes, Spinoza et la preuve ontologique.Camille Riquier - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie 83 (3):21-35.
    L’article se propose de réintégrer Spinoza dans l’histoire des preuves de l’existence de Dieu et d’interroger, dans ce but, le cartésianisme de Spinoza.
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    The current dialogue between phenomenology and psychiatry: a problematic misunderstanding.Camille Abettan - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (4):533-540.
    A revival of the dialogue between phenomenology and psychiatry currently takes place in the best international journals of psychiatry. In this article, we analyse this revival and the role given to phenomenology in this context. Although this dialogue seems at first sight interesting, we show that it is problematic. It leads indeed to use phenomenology in a special way, transforming it into a discipline dealing with empirical facts, so that what is called “phenomenology” has finally nothing to do with phenomenology. (...)
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  46.  14
    (1 other version)Du temps de croyance.Camille Bos - 1899 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 48:271 - 275.
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    Durkheim: Sociology of knowledge and educational theory.Brian S. Crittenden - 1965 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 4 (2):207-253.
  48. Moral and religious education: Hirst's perception of their scope and relationship.Brian Crittenden - 1993 - In Paul Heywood Hirst, Robin Barrow & Patricia White (eds.), Beyond liberal education: essays in honour of Paul H. Hirst. New York: Routledge. pp. 129--149.
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    Sociology of knowledge and ethical relativism.Brian S. Crittenden - 1966 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 4 (4):411-418.
  50.  32
    Some Questions about Creativity.P. J. Crittenden - 1982 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 29:102-116.
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