Results for 'Croatian students'

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  1.  23
    The Role of Smartphones for Online Language Use in the Context of Polish and Croatian Students of Different Disciplines.Halina Sierocka, Violeta Jurković & Mirna Varga - 2019 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 58 (1):173-193.
    Easy and cheap access to the Internet and a wide array of new technologies, such as smartphones, have multiplied opportunities for online informal learning of English. Yet, despite sizeable research, few studies have examined the issue of OILE in the context of university students of different disciplines. The aim of this research study was to examine the role of online language use through smartphones among students of various disciplines and its possible effects on enhancement of their foreign language (...)
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    What Prevents Students from Reporting Academic Misconduct? A Survey of Croatian Students.Vanja Pupovac, Stjepka Popović & Vedran Blažina - 2019 - Journal of Academic Ethics 17 (4):389-400.
    Academic misconduct is widespread in all cultures, and factors that influence it have been investigated for many years. An act of reporting peers’ misconduct not only identifies and prevents misconduct, but also encourages a student to think and act morally and raises awareness about academic integrity. The aim of this study was to determine factors that prevent students from reporting academic misconduct. A questionnaire to assess views on reporting the academic misconduct of a colleague was developed and sent to (...)
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    Croatian medical students see academic dishonesty as an acceptable behaviour: a cross-sectional multicampus study.Sunčana Kukolja Taradi, Milan Taradi & Zoran Đogaš - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (6):376-379.
    Aim To provide insights into the students' attitude towards academic integrity and their perspective of academic honesty at Croatian medical schools. Methods A cross-sectional study using an anonymous questionnaire containing 29 questions on frequency of cheating, perceived seriousness of cheating, perceptions on integrity atmosphere, cheating behaviour of peers and on willingness to report misconduct. Participants were third-year (preclinical) and fifth-year (clinical) students from all four Croatian Schools of Medicine. Outcome measures were descriptive statistical correlates and differences (...)
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    Reprogenetics, reproductive risks and cultural awareness: what may we learn from Israeli and Croatian medical students?Miriam Ethel Bentwich, Michal Mashiach-Eizenberg, Ana Borovečki & Frida Simonstein - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-11.
    Background Past studies emphasized the possible cultural influence on attitudes regarding reprogenetics and reproductive risks among medical students who are taken to be “future physicians.” These studies were crafted in order to enhance the knowledge and expand the boundaries of cultural competence. Yet such studies were focused on MS from relatively marginalized cultures, namely either from non-Western developing countries or minority groups in developed countries. The current study sheds light on possible cultural influences of the dominant culture on medical (...)
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    Students come to medical schools prepared to cheat: a multi-campus investigation.Sunčana Kukolja Taradi, Milan Taradi, Tin Knežević & Zoran Đogaš - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (11):666-670.
    Objectives To investigate high school cheating experiences and attitudes towards academic misconduct of freshmen at all four medical schools in Croatia, as a post-communist country in transition, with intention of raising awareness of academic honesty. Design and method Students were given an anonymous questionnaire containing 22 questions on the atmosphere of integrity at their high school, self-reported educational dishonesty, their evaluation of cheating behaviour, and on their expectations about the atmosphere of integrity at their university. Setting All schools of (...)
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    Students come to medical schools prepared to cheat: a multi-campus investigation.S. Kukolja Taradi, M. Taradi, T. Knezevic & Z. Dogas - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (11):666-670.
    Objectives To investigate high school cheating experiences and attitudes towards academic misconduct of freshmen at all four medical schools in Croatia, as a post-communist country in transition, with intention of raising awareness of academic (dis)honesty. Design and method Students were given an anonymous questionnaire containing 22 questions on the atmosphere of integrity at their high school, self-reported educational dishonesty, their evaluation of cheating behaviour, and on their expectations about the atmosphere of integrity at their university. Setting All schools of (...)
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    Encompassing trust in medical AI from the perspective of medical students: a quantitative comparative study.Anamaria Malešević, Mária Kolesárová & Anto Čartolovni - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-11.
    In the years to come, artificial intelligence will become an indispensable tool in medical practice. The digital transformation will undoubtedly affect today’s medical students. This study focuses on trust from the perspective of three groups of medical students - students from Croatia, students from Slovakia, and international students studying in Slovakia. A paper-pen survey was conducted using a non-probabilistic convenience sample. In the second half of 2022, 1715 students were surveyed at five faculties in (...)
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    Profiling nursing students’ dishonest behaviour: Classroom versus clinical settings.Robert Lovrić & Boštjan Žvanut - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (6):1353-1371.
    Background While academic dishonesty among nursing students is becoming a global problem, the instruments used in studies on this topic are heterogeneous and, in many cases, not even validated. This makes it difficult or impossible to compare the findings on a global scale. Objectives To investigate the profile of Croatian nursing students’ dishonest behaviour in classroom and clinical settings and to examine the relationship between the incidence of dishonest behaviour in both settings. Research design A quantitative cross-sectional (...)
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    Development of students' multilingual competence in primary education from the perspective of language teachers, professional associates, and school principals.Željka Knežević, Ana Šenjug Krleža & Ana Petravić - 2023 - Metodicki Ogledi 29 (2):203-228.
    The concept of a comprehensive language curriculum provides an important basis for the development of student's plurilingual competence. It ensures the inclusion of all students' language skills in language education, the creation of cross-linguistic connections, and the development of language awareness and awareness of language learning. Factors that influence the implementation of this concept at the school level are, amongst others: school leadership, collaboration among school staff, appropriate teaching methods, and beliefs and attitudes of all members of the school (...)
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  10.  49
    What Patients, Students and Doctors Think About Permission to Publish Patient Photographs in Academic Journals: A Cross-Sectional Survey in Croatia.Marija Roguljić, Tina Poklepović Peričić, Andrea Gelemanović, Anita Jukić, Dina Šimunović, Ivan Buljan, Matko Marušić, Ana Marušić & Elizabeth Wager - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1229-1247.
    Use of patient clinical photographs requires specific attention to confidentiality and privacy. Although there are policies and procedures for publishing clinical images, there is little systematic evidence about what patients and health professionals actually think about consent for publishing clinical images. We investigated the opinions of three stakeholder groups at 3 academic healthcare institutions and 37 private practices in Croatia. The questionnaire contained patient photographs with different levels of anonymization. All three respondent groups considered that more stringent forms of permission (...)
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  11.  21
    The influence of issues on moral judgment: A comparison of college students and business practitioners in the Republic of Croatia.Marli Gonan Božac, Charles G. Smith & Morena Pauliši - 2021 - Business and Society Review 126 (3):283-309.
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  12. Opinions of music school teachers on the factors of student success in Music education.Lidija Nikolić, Ivana Šenk Gergorić & Marija Berać-Jozić - 2024 - Metodicki Ogledi 31 (1):195-223.
    The aim of this research is to identify the success factors of music students and to find out what the success of primary and secondary school students in the Republic of Croatia looks like. For the research, 153 music teachers working in primary and secondary music schools in 38 cities and municipalities in Croatia were surveyed. The results show that students most often enrol in music schools because they want to learn to play an instrument or sing, (...)
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    (1 other version)Brižnost nastavnika iz perspektive učenika i nastavnikaTeachers caring behavior from the perspective of students and teachers.Sanja Simel Pranjić - 2022 - Metodicki Ogledi 28 (2):127-149.
    Hrvatski odgojno-obrazovni sustav se, kao i sustavi u drugim zemljama, u današnjem vremenu suočava s različitim izazovima – od porasta rizika u mentalnom zdravlju i vršnjačkog nasilja do nezadovoljstva učenika školom. U odgovaranju na te izazove potrebno je krenuti od kontekstualnih faktora, poput odnosa učenika i nastavnika. Budući da je brižan odnos nastavnika i učenika ključan preduvjet za cjeloviti razvoj učenika te njihov školski uspjeh, nužno je utvrditi prepreke koje mogu ugroziti razvoj takvog odnosa. U dosadašnjim istraživanjima uočeno je kako (...)
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    Odgoj i nastava u aktivnostima Hrvatskog filozofskog društva.Bruno Ćurko - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (3):665-695.
    Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo jedan dio svojih aktivnosti usmjeruje prema filozofiji odgoja i problemima nastave. Najbolji primjer za to jest časopis Metodički ogledi, koji je specijaliziran za filozofiju odgoja. Njegov dijapazon obuhvaća i nastavu filozofije, logike i etike, ali i nastavu drugih predmeta, kako u osnovnom i srednjem školstvu tako i na sveučilištima. Časopisi Filozofska istraživanja i Synthesis philosophica redovito objavljuju radove iz odgojno-obrazovnog područja. Neko je vrijeme u izdanju HFD-a izlazio i časopis Logika, koji se bavio pitanjima nastave logike. U (...)
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  15. Planiranje nastave hrvatskog jezika iz perspektive.Vesna Bjedov - 2024 - Metodicki Ogledi 31 (1):255-280.
    Poznata obrazovna paradigma nastava usmjerena na učenika postala je vrijednost kojoj se u suvremenoj nastavi hrvatskoga jezika sve više posvećuje osobita pozornost. Riječ je o nastavi koja podupire učenikovo sudjelovanje u različitim zadatcima i aktivnostima i koja u svojim ciljevima promiče participativan način planiranja, zatim predlaganje, zaključivanje, prikupljanje podataka, traženje odgovora te potiče povjerenje, pomaganje, otkrivanje te duboko empatijsko razumijevanje. Takva nastava implicira i promijenjene uloge nastavnika i učenika, a samim tim i promjenu perspektive iz: Što ću sutra poučavati? prema: (...)
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    Faith and Science. A Common Responsibility for Human Dignity.Peter-Hans Kolvenbach - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 6 (1):7-12.
    I should first of all like to greet His Excellency Msgr Josip Bozanic, Archbishop of Zagreb, His Excellency Msgr Giulio Einaudi, Apostolic Nuncio in Croatia, Their Lordships the Bishops, the authorities both civil and academic, the teaching and non-teaching staff, the students, my fellow Jesuits, and all the colleagues and friends present at this solemn opening of the new Chair in the Faculty of Philosophy and of Theological Study of the Society of Jesus at Zagreb. I thank heartily all (...)
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  17. An introduction to the special issue on slurs.Adam M. Croom - 2015 - Language Sciences 52:1-2.
    Welcome to this special issue of Language Sciences on slurs. The collection in this issue consists of 21 original research articles from seasoned scholars and exceptional students across the humanities and social sciences. These scholars come from backgrounds in linguistics, anthropology, philosophy, psychology, and sociology, and here they investigate the use of slurs in a variety of natural languages, including English, Croatian, Hebrew, Korean, and Portuguese. -/- The topic of focus for this special issue has not only remained (...)
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    Glazbene preferencije mlađih adolescenata.Amir Begić & Jasna Šulentić Begić - 2022 - Metodicki Ogledi 29 (1):143-165.
    Music plays an important role for adolescents since personal and social identities are formed during this period of life, but they also build musical preferences. Within this paper, an online survey was conducted, which included 200 respondents, i.e. primary school students from five Croatian counties aged 13 and 14. The aim of the research was to find out the musical preferences of students and whether sociodemographic variables and music teaching influence their preferences. The girls showed a slightly (...)
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    Improving the professional growth of teachers by applying an Interconnected Model.Ana Mirosavljević, Branko Bognar & Marija Sablić - 2023 - Metodicki Ogledi 30 (1):33-60.
    The Interconnected model of teacher professional growth elaborated by Clarke and Hollingsworth (2002) is based on four intertwined domains of teacher action: the external domain, the domain of consequence, the personal domain and the domain of practice. The aim of the research is to examine how the model works in the Croatian education system using the example of a biology teacher’s case study. In the theoretical part, an overview of the theoretical foundations of the model is described with reference (...)
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    Subject curriculum of the Japanese language.Irena Srdanović, Marina Diković & Melani Matika - 2024 - Metodicki Ogledi 30 (2):185-211.
    Interest in Japanese language, and consequently the number of students of the Japanese language is constantly growing, both globally, and on the national level. Pula University undergraduate study program of Japanese Language and Culture and graduate program of Japanese studies with Japanese Language Teaching module, the first accredited Japanese study programs in Croatia, open up the possibility of introducing the subject curriculum of the Japanese language in secondary schools in the Republic of Croatia. Creation of educated teaching staff and (...)
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    (1 other version)IWB integration in the school subject ScienceStavovi učitelja o korištenju pametne ploče u nastavi Prirode i društva.Ines Kovačić & Marina Čović - 2022 - Metodicki Ogledi 28 (2):151-169.
    This study investigates the integration of the interactive whiteboard into Science teaching during the primary educational cycle and teachers’ perceptions about the use of the information and communication technology in the school subject Science. An online questionnaire was distributed to Croatian schools in 2015/2016. A total of 104 teachers expressed their perceptions, 65 of them were from schools without an IWB, while the remaining 39 responded to our online questionnaire from schools with an implemented IWB. The results indicate the (...)
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  22.  18
    Architecture of a traditional school and its implementation into the didactic-methodical organization of teaching.Snježana Dubovicki & Emerik Munjiza - 2023 - Metodicki Ogledi 29 (2):127-151.
    The paper investigates the connection between the school architecture and didactic-methodical organization of teaching in the conditions of traditional (old) schools. School architecture was analysed regarding school premises (classrooms and equipment) and the school environment (playgrounds with special emphasis on school gardens). The traditional (old) school in Croatian conditions is situated in the period from the introduction of the state public education (General School Order 1774) to the 1930s. The research was based on the analysis of archival and published (...)
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  23.  38
    Stavovi studenata nastavničkih studija prema nastavničkoj naobrazbi: Primjer dvaju zagrebačkih sveučilišta.Dunja Jurić Vukelić & Rona Bušljeta Kardum - 2020 - Metodicki Ogledi 27 (2):129-147.
    Today, teachers are faced with numerous challenges, especially in Croatia, where extensive educational reform is underway. Education reform has placed a new teaching and learning paradigm in the foreground that demands new knowledge and skills from teachers. Studies and analyses show that teachers are the most important factor in reaching pupils’ educational goals. In additional to professional competencies, pedagogical, psychological, didactic, and methodical teacher competencies are of great importance to the development of knowledge. Using survey data from a sample of (...)
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    (1 other version)Usporedba spoznajnog i emocionalnog aspekta slušanja glazbe u glazbeno-pedagoškom kontekstu osnovne školeA comparison between the cognitive and emotional aspects of music listening in the context of elementary school music teaching.Sabina Vidulin, Marlena Plavšić & Valnea Žauhar - 2020 - Metodicki Ogledi 26 (2):9-32.
    Cilj je slušanja glazbe u školi oblikovati kulturno-umjetnički svjetonazor učenica i učenika te doprinijeti njihovom estetskom odgoju. U hrvatskim osnovnim školama realizira se prema tzv. standardnom modelu kojemu je težište na spoznajnoj dimenziji. Kako bi se povećali pozornost, motivacija, slušalačke navike i prihvaćanje umjetničke glazbe, predlaže se spoznajno-emocionalni pristup koji višemodalno povezuje glazbene i izvanglazbene sadržaje. Cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti utjecaje spoznajno-emocionalnog i standardnog pristupa u nastavi glazbene kulture na spoznajni i emocionalni aspekt slušanja glazbe. Sudjelovalo je 557 učenika (...)
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    The Clash on the Theological Left. Or Marxist and Christian Again in Dialogue after Forty Years.Boris Gunjević - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (3):649-656.
    Autorova je nakana reflektirati o tekstu Marksist i kršćanin, koji je nastao kao produkt dijaloga iz 1969. Dijalog su vodili Branko Bošnjak i Mijo Škvorc na Studentskoj tribini unutar ciklusa predavanja pod nazivom »O religiji«. Povod ovog susreta bila je knjiga Branka Bošnjaka Filozofija i kršćanstvo, nakon koje je održana vrlo dobro posjećena tribina i tiskana knjiga Marksist i kršćanin. Taj mali tekst od svega stotinjak kartica ima neprijepornu važnost u kontekstu suvremene hrvatske filozofske misli. Tekst je sročen tako da (...)
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    Franciscan Scientific Efforts in Ljubljana.Stanislav Južnič - 2011 - Franciscan Studies 69:491-507.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:1. IntroductionThe scientific efforts of Jesuits were the hot topics of the history of science. It was said that you could find a Jesuit behind most of the scientific accomplishments of the seventeenth or eighteenth centuries. The idea was not far from the truth because Athanasius Kircher of Rudjer Josip Bošković proved to be among the best. But Jesuit studies seem to have passed their peak and it is (...)
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    Riječanin Josip Zanchi o Rabljaninu Marku Antunu de Dominisu.Ivica Martinović - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (4):689-707.
    Tijekom svoje kratke filozofske profesure na Bečkom sveučilištu i u plemićkom zavodu Collegium Theresianum , ali i potom dok je bio profesorom teologije u Beču, isusovac Josip Zanchi, riječki plemić, četiri je puta tiskao svoj udžbenik Physica particularis, koji je sadržavao raspravu iz meteorologije. U svim je tim izdanjima izlaganje o uzroku dúge započeo povijesnom bilješkom, u kojoj je sažeto prikazao de Dominisov, Descartesov i Newtonov doprinos objašnjenju dúge. Potraga za Zanchijevim izvorom u optičkim i prirodnofilozofskim djelima objavljenim nakon Newtonova (...)
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    Teaching and learning foreign languages for legal purposes in croatia.Ljubica Kordić & Vesna Cigan - 2013 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 34 (1):59-74.
    In accordance with the Bologna Declaration, modern languages and communication skills have a growing importance in all professions. With the prospect of Croatian membership of the EU and taking into consideration the conditions of the growing internationalization of law in general, knowledge of foreign languages represents an indispensable prerequisite for international com- munication within the legal profession. Thus, teaching foreign languages in the field of law, especially English and German, is necessary not only for the pro- fessional education of (...)
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    Response from Dundee Medical Student Council to “media misinterpretation”.Medical Student Council - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (4):380-380.
    We write in response to the original article by Rennie and Rudland published in the April 2003 edition of this journal.1 Current and former Dundee Medical School students are concerned at the media misinterpretation of the study and the consequences that this branding of “dishonesty” will have on Dundee Medical School’s reputation and also on individuals embarking on their ….
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    An Embodied Cognition View of lmagery-Based Reasoning in Science.Andreas K. A. Georgiou - 2007 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 7 (2):215-248.
    I consider how we might begin to redress a cognitive model for thought experimental and other imagery-based scientific reasoning from an embodied cognition viewpoint. The paper gravitates on clarifying tour issues: (i) the danger of understanding the genuine novelty of thought-experimental reasoning and other imagery-based reasoning as a product of ‘quasi-perceiving’ new phenomenology with the ‘mind’s eye’ (as asserted by quasi-pictorialist theories of imagery); (ii) the erroneous choice of units of analysis that assume equivalence of external reports of visual imagery (...)
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    The production of the psychiatric subject: Power, knowledge and Michel Foucault.Marc Roberts Rmn Diphe Ba Student - 2005 - Nursing Philosophy 6 (1):33–42.
  32.  78
    (1 other version)“Diagnostic Hedonism” and the Role of Incommensurability in Plato’s Protagoras.Tea Logar - 2010 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 10 (3):241-257.
    The dispute over Socrates’ apparent endorsement of hedonism in the Protagoras has persisted for ages among scholars and students of Plato’s work. The solution to the query concerning the seriousness and sincerity of Socrates’ argument from hedonism established in the dialogue is of considerable importance for the interpretation of Plato’s overall moral theory, considering how blatantly irreconcilable the defense of this doctrine is with Plato’s other early dialogues. In his earlier works, Socrates puts supreme importance on virtue and perfection (...)
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    Shifting from preconceptions to pure wonderment.Caroline Porr BScN RN MN PhD student - 2005 - Nursing Philosophy 6 (3):189–195.
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  34. Unethical Author Attribution.Anonymous M. D./PhD Student, Charles Weijer & Akira Akabayashi - 2003 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 12 (1):124-130.
    I am an M.D/Ph.D. student and work as a research assistant for the director of a division of the school of medicine who is an M.D. He assigned me to research a certain topic and gave me no guidelines or guidance as to how to do it. Nevertheless, I did the research and wrote it up. My supervisor liked the report and said that he thought it was so good that “I would like to offer you the opportunity to publish (...)
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    Maintaining a critical edge: A response to Thorne's, 'people and their parts: Deconstructing the debates in theorizing nursing's clients'.Lori Houger Limacher Rn Mn Phd Student - 2001 - Nursing Philosophy 2 (3):266–269.
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    Gilles Deleuze: Psychiatry, subjectivity, and the passive synthesis of time.Marc Roberts Rmn Diphe Ba Student - 2006 - Nursing Philosophy 7 (4):191–204.
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    Visual Perturbation Suggests Increased Effort to Maintain Balance in Early Stages of Parkinson’s to be an Effect of Age Rather Than Disease.Justus Student, David Engel, Lars Timmermann, Frank Bremmer & Josefine Waldthaler - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Postural instability marks a prevalent symptom of Parkinson’s disease. It often manifests in increased body sway, which is commonly assessed by tracking the Center of Pressure. Yet, in terms of postural control, the body’s Center of Mass, and not CoP is what is regulated in a gravitational field. The aim of this study was to explore the effect of early- to mid-stage PD on these measures of postural control in response to unpredictable visual perturbations. We investigated three cohorts: 18 patients (...)
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    Work and integrity: The crisis and promise of professionalism in America.Bryan Donnelly Doctoral student - 2008 - World Futures 64 (3):222 – 225.
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    Letter to the editors.Yuqing Guobsn & Doctoral Student - 2004 - Nursing Philosophy 5 (1):88–88.
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    The limits of liminality.Among Student Travellers - 2010 - In Nigel Rapport (ed.), Human nature as capacity: transcending discourse and classification. New York: Berghahn Books. pp. 54.
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    The status–power arena: a comprehensive agent-based model of social status dynamics and gender in groups of children.Gert Jan Hofstede, Jillian Student & Mark R. Kramer - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2511-2531.
    Despite the urgency of this issue, AI still struggles to represent social life. This article presents a comprehensive agent-based model that investigates status-power dynamics in groups. Kemper’s sociological status–power theory of social relationships, and a literature review on school children in middle youth, is its basis. The model allows us to investigate causation of the near-ubiquitous phenomenon that females have lower social status on average than males. Possible causes included in the model are children’s dispositional traits (kindness, beauty, and physical (...)
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    Reinstating the marginalized body in nursing science: Epistemological privilege and the lived life.RN PhD Student Carol McDonald & PhD Marjorie McIntyre, RN - 2001 - Nursing Philosophy 2 (3):234–239.
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    Ethical cognition of business students individually and in groups.Mohammad J. Abdolmohammadi, David R. L. Gabhart & M. Francis Reeves - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (16):1717-1725.
    This study provides evidence regarding the level of ethical cognition of business students at the entry to college as compared to a national norm. It also provides comparative evidence on the effects of group versus individual ethical cognition upon completion of a business ethics course. The Principled Score (P-score) from the Defining Issues Test (DIT) was used to measure the ethical cognition of a total sample of 301 business students (273 entering students plus 28 students in (...)
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    Strauss, Spinoza & Sinai: Orthodox Judaism and modern questions of faith.Jeffrey Bloom, Alec Goldstein & Gil Student (eds.) - 2022 - New York, N.Y.: Kodesh Press.
    More than three centuries after Baruch Spinoza's excommunication from the Jewish community of Amsterdam, his legacy remains contentious. Born in 1632, Spinoza is one of the most important thinkers of the Enlightenment and arguably the paradigm of the secular Jew, having left Orthodoxy without converting to another faith. One of the most provocative critiques of Spinoza comes from an unexpected source, the influential twentieth-century political philosopher, Leo Strauss. Though Strauss was not an Orthodox Jew, in a well-known essay that prefaced (...)
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    Duelling dualisms: A response to Thorne's, 'people and their parts: Deconstructing the debates in theorizing nursing's clients'.Don Flaming RN MN PhD student Calgary) - 2001 - Nursing Philosophy 2 (3):263–265.
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    Using phronesis instead of 'research-based practice' as the guiding light for nursing practice.Don Flaming RN MN PhD student Calgary) - 2001 - Nursing Philosophy 2 (3):251–258.
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    Comparison of professional values of Taiwanese and United States nursing students.Danita Alfred, Susan Yarbrough, Pam Martin, Janice Mink, Yu-Hua Lin & Liching S. Wang - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (8):917-926.
    Globalization is a part of modern life. Sharing a common set of professional nursing values is critical in this global environment. The purpose of this research was to examine the professional values of nursing students from two distinct cultural perspectives. Nurse educators in Taiwan partnered with nurse educators in the United States to compare professional values of their respective graduating nursing students. The American Nurses Association Code of Ethics served as the philosophical framework for this examination. The convenience (...)
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  48. What Students' Arguments Can Tell Us: Using Argumentation Schemes in Science Education.Fabrizio Macagno & Aikaterini Konstantinidou - 2013 - Argumentation 27 (3):225-243.
    The relationship between teaching and argumentation is becoming a crucial issue in the field of education and, in particular, science education. Teaching has been analyzed as a dialogue aimed at persuading the interlocutors, introducing a conceptual change that needs to be grounded on the audience’s background knowledge. This paper addresses this issue from a perspective of argumentation studies. Our claim is that argumentation schemes, namely abstract patterns of argument, can be an instrument for reconstructing the tacit premises in students (...)
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    Predicting Accounting Students’ Intentions to Engage in Software and Music Piracy.Philmore Alleyne, Sherlexis Soleyn & Terry Harris - 2015 - Journal of Academic Ethics 13 (4):291-309.
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the salient factors that influence accounting students to engage in software and music piracy. This study uses the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior, and extends these models to incorporate other variables to predict individuals’ behavioral intentions. Specifically, we hypothesize that attitudes toward the behavior, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, moral obligation and perceived prosecution risk influence intentions to engage in software and music piracy. Data were obtained (...)
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  50. Personal characteristics in college students' evaluations of business ethics and corporate social responsibility.Peter Arlow - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (1):63 - 69.
    A survey of 138 college students reveals an undergraduate major has a greater influence on corporate social responsibility than business ethics. Business students are no less ethical than nonbusiness students. Females are more ethical and socially responsible than males. Age is negatively related to one's Machiavellian orientation and positively related to negative attitudes about corporate efforts at social responsibility. The results suggest a greater need to focus busines ethics instruction based on student characteristics.
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