Results for 'D. Chugh'

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  1. Bounded ethicality as a psychological barrier to recognizing conflicts of interest.Dolly Chugh, Max H. Bazerman & Mahzarin R. Banaji - 2005 - In Don A. Moore, Conflicts of interest: challenges and solutions in business, law, medicine, and public policy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Back to the Classroom: Educating Sessional Teaching Staff about Academic Integrity.Ritesh Chugh, Jo-Anne Luck, Darren Turnbull & Edward Rytas Pember - 2021 - Journal of Academic Ethics 19 (1):115-134.
    The increased incidences of academic misconduct in universities are compromising the reputation of higher education in Australia and increasing the work of academics responsible for the delivery of quality learning outcomes to students. Confronted with increasing instances of academic dishonesty in university classrooms, universities play a pivotal role in ensuring their academic staff are well-equipped with academic integrity knowledge. It is therefore important to understand academic staff perspectives about the training their workplaces could provide them on academic integrity. Specifically, this (...)
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    Correction to: Back to the Classroom: Educating Sessional Teaching Staff about Academic Integrity.Ritesh Chugh, Jo‑Anne Luck, Darren Turnbull & Edward Rytas Pember - 2021 - Journal of Academic Ethics 19 (1):135-135.
    The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. On page 14 of the published PDF version of the article, first word of the first line, should read “Plagiarism incident reporting” not “Plagiarism”.
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    Executive Authority to Reform Health: Options and Limitations.Madhu Chugh - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (s2):20-37.
    Presidential power has provoked increasingly vigorous debate since the turn of this century. In recent years, scholars and lawyers have been grappling with how Congress’s dictates may limit the president’s Commander-in-Chief power to detain enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay, to fight wars abroad, and to conduct intelligence activities at home. But policymakers have not yet explored the many possibilities for invoking the president’s “Take Care” power to change health care policy.This article explores the scope and limits of President Barack Obama’s (...)
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  5. Bounded awareness: what you fail to see can hurt you. [REVIEW]Dolly Chugh & Max H. Bazerman - 2007 - Mind and Society 6 (1):1-18.
    ObjectiveWe argue that people often fail to perceive and process stimuli easily available to them. In other words, we challenge the tacit assumption that awareness is unbounded and provide evidence that humans regularly fail to see and use stimuli and information easily available to them. We call this phenomenon “bounded awareness” (Bazerman and Chugh in Frontiers of social psychology: negotiations, Psychology Press: College Park 2005). Findings We begin by first describing perceptual mental processes in which obvious information is missed—that (...)
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    Ethical Implications of Closed Loop Brain Device: 10-Year Review.Swati Aggarwal & Nupur Chugh - 2020 - Minds and Machines 30 (1):145-170.
    Closed Loop medical devices such as Closed Loop Deep Brain Stimulation and Brain Computer Interface are some of the emerging neurotechnologies. New generations of implantable brain–computer interfaces have recently gained success in human clinical trials. These implants detect specific neuronal patterns and provide the subject with information to respond to these patterns. Further, Closed Loop brain devices give control to the subject so that he can respond and decide on a therapeutic goal. Although the implants have improved subjects’ quality of (...)
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    Dispositions: A Debate.D. Armstrong, C. B. Martin & U. T. Place (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    'Why did the window break when it was hit by the stone? Because the window is brittle and the stone is hard; hardness and brittleness are powers, dispositional properties or dispositions.' Dispositions are essential to our understanding of the world. This book is a record of the debate on the nature of dispositions between three distinguished philosophers - D. M. Armstrong, C. B. Martin and U. T. Place - who have been thinking about dispositions all their working lives. Their distinctive (...)
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    On Physics and Philosophy.Bernard D'Espagnat - 2006 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Among the great ironies of quantum mechanics is not only that its conceptual foundations seem strange even to the physicists who use it, but that philosophers have largely ignored it. Here, Bernard d'Espagnat argues that quantum physics--by casting doubts on once hallowed concepts such as space, material objects, and causality-demands serious reconsideration of most of traditional philosophy. On Physics and Philosophy is an accessible, mathematics-free reflection on the philosophical meaning of the quantum revolution, by one of the world's leading authorities (...)
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  9. On the intuitive understanding of nonlocality as implied by quantum theory.D. J. Bohm & B. J. Hiley - 1975 - Foundations of Physics 5 (1):93-109.
    We bring out the fact that the essential new quality implied by the quantum theory is nonlocality; i.e., that a system cannot be analyzed into parts whose basic properties do not depend on the state of the whole system. This is done in terms of the causal interpretation of the quantum theory, proposed by one of us (D.B.) in 2952, involving the introduction of the “quantum potential.” We show that this approach implies a new universal type of description, in which (...)
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  10. Media and Moral Education: a philosophy of critical engagement.Laura D'olimpio - 2017 - London, UK: Routledge.
    Media and Moral Education demonstrates that the study of philosophy can be used to enhance critical thinking skills, which are sorely needed in today’s technological age. It addresses the current oversight of the educational environment not keeping pace with rapid advances in technology, despite the fact that educating students to engage critically and compassionately with others via online media is of the utmost importance. -/- D’Olimpio claims that philosophical thinking skills support the adoption of an attitude she calls critical perspectivism, (...)
  11. Kuhn's Risk-Spreading Argument and The Organization of Scientific Communities.Fred D'Agostino - 2005 - Episteme 1 (3):201-209.
    One of Thomas Kuhn's profoundest arguments is introduced in the 1970 “Postscript” to The Structure of Scientific Revolutions . Kuhn is discussing the idea of a “disciplinary matrix” as a more adequate articulation of the “paradigm” notion he'd introduced in the first, 1962, edition of his famous work . He notes that one “element” of disciplinary matrices is likely to be common to most or even all such matrices, unlike the other elements which serve to distinguish specific disciplines and sub-disciplines (...)
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    Erratum: Evolutionary psychology: the emperor's new paradigm (vol 9, pg 277, 2005).D. J. Buller - 2005 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9 (8):366-366.
    Full text of erratum: "In the article by D.J. Buller, on p. 278, the y-axis label to Fig. IIb was incorrect. Instead of 'Percentage choosing "Eats cassava root" and "Tattoo," it should have read: 'Percentage choosing "Eats cassava root" and "No tattoo."' We apologise to readers for this error.".
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    Hume's Missing Shade of Blue, Interpreted as Involving Habitual Spectra.D. M. Johnson - 1984 - Hume Studies 10 (2):109-124.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:109 HUME'S MISSING SHADE OF BLUE, INTERPRETED AS INVOLVING HABITUAL SPECTRA David Hume claimed that his hypothetical case of the unseen shade of blue posed no fundamental problem to his general empiricist principle. But I believe it well may show exactly what he denied it showed — viz., that his empiricism rests on a mistake. Hume says: Suppose... a person to have enjoyed his sight for thirty years, and (...)
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    Symposium Introduction: Education Against Extremism.Laura D'Olimpio & Michael Hand - 2023 - Educational Theory 73 (3):337-340.
    Educating against extremism doesn't just involve seeking to prevent individuals from becoming extremists or radicalized, although that, of course, is a significant concern. There is also an important role for education in teaching the rest of us, the general populace, the best way to react and respond when we learn of a terrorist attack or consider the potential risk of violent extremism in our community, or even worldwide, given we are connected globally via technology. In this article, Laura D'Olimpio argues (...)
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    Comments on “On the quantum mechanical superposition of macroscopically distinguishable states”.D. Bedford & D. Wang - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (10):987-988.
    The substance of the authors' disagreement with the views of D. Gutkowski and M. V. Valdes Franco is presented.
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    Games and Decision Making.Charalambos D. Aliprantis & Subir K. Chakrabarti - 2010 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Games and Decision Making, Second Edition, is a unique blend of decision theory and game theory. From classical optimization to modern game theory, authors Charalambos D. Aliprantis and Subir K. Chakrabarti show the importance of mathematical knowledge in understanding and analyzing issues in decision making. Through an imaginative selection of topics, Aliprantis and Chakrabarti treat decision and game theory as part of one body of knowledge. They move from problems involving the individual decision-maker to progressively more complex problems such as (...)
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  17. Morfologie del rapporto parti/tutto: totalità e complessità nelle filosofie dell'età moderna.Giuseppe D'Anna, Edoardo Massimilla, Francesco Piro, Manuela Sanna & Francesco Toto (eds.) - 2019 - Milano: Mimesis.
    CONTENTS: -/- SEZIONE I IL TUTTO E' UNO? IL RISVEGLIO DI UN PROBLEMA TRA SCOLASTICA E RINASCIMENTO Il principio omne causatum est compositum fra Tommaso e Cajetano Igor Agostini, p. 25 Parti e tutto in Montaigne. La natura e l'individuo tra frammentazione e integrazione Raffaele Carbone 45 Le minuzzarie e il tutto. Giordano bruno e la conoscenza universale Maurizio Cambi 75 -/- SEZIONE II A PARTIRE DA CARTESIO. COME PUO' ESSERE UN TUTTO L'UOMO? -/- Mente/Corpo in Cartesio. Spunti per un'interpretazione (...)
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  18. God and the struggle for existence.Charles Frederick D'arcy, Burnett Hillman Streeter & L. Dougall - 1919 - New York,: Association press. Edited by Burnett Hillman Streeter & L. Dougall.
    Introductory, by B. H. Streeter.--Love and omnipotence, by C. F. D'Arcy.--The survival of the fittest, by Lily Dougall.--Power, by Lily Dougall.--The defeat of pain, by B. H. Streeter.
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    After meaning: the sovereignty of forms in international law.Jean D'Aspremont - 2021 - Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    Inspiring and distinctive, After Meaning provides a radical challenge to the way in which international law is thought and practised. Jean d'Aspremont asserts that the words and texts of international law, as forms, never carry or deliver meaning but, instead, perpetually defer meaning and ensure it is nowhere found within international legal discourse. In challenging the dominant meaning-centrism of the international legal discourse and shedding light on the sovereignty of forms, this book promotes a radical new attitude towards textuality in (...)
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    Raison scientifique et raison technique.Jacques D'Hondt - 1983 - der 16. Weltkongress Für Philosophie 2:378-385.
    On croit parfois lever l'opposition entre science et technique en les réduisant l'une à l'autre. Dans d'autres cas, on souligne leur complémentarité ou leur solidarité. Ces tentatives n'aboutissent pas à une véritable unification. Celle-ci requiert en effet que soit surmontée la séparation absolue du sujet et de l'objet, d’où proviennent les autres ruptures. Mais l'identité du sujet-objet dans une raison que l'on pourrait appeler "praxique", implique une dialectique et un monisme dont la raison scientifique et la raison technique, habituellement, se (...)
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    Gretchen Reydams-Schils (éd.), Thinking Through Excerpts: Studies on Stobaeus.Olivier D’Jeranian - 2016 - Philosophie Antique 16 (16):232-234.
    Cet ouvrage, qui contient les actes d’une conférence internationale tenue en mars 2008 à l’Université Catholique du Sacré Cœur de Milan, permet de mesurer les progrès réalisés dans la connaissance de Stobée depuis les Doxographi Graeci de Diels, sur les plans tant philologique que doxographique et thématique. L’épaisseur du volume, muni d’un index locorum et d’une bibliographie étoffée, interdit de faire autre chose, dans le cadre d’un compte-rendu, qu’indiquer brièvement les points saillants...
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    The Meaning of Life: A Reader.E. D. Klemke & Steven M. Cahn (eds.) - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Featuring nine new articles chosen by coeditor, Steven M. Cahn, the third edition of E. D. Klemke's The Meaning of Life offers twenty-two insightful selections that explore this fascinating topic. The essays are primarily by philosophers but also include materials from literary figures and religious thinkers. As in previous editions, the readings are organized around three themes. In Part I the articles defend the view that without faith in God, life has no meaning or purpose. In Part II the selections (...)
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    Adolescent Decisionmaking, Part I: Introduction.D. Micah Hester - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (3):300.
    This CQ department is dedicated to bringing noted bioethicsts together in order to debate some of the most perplexing contemporary bioethics issues. You are encouraged to contact department editor, D. Micah Hester, UAMS/Humanities, 4301 W. Markham St. #646, Little Rock, AR 72205, with any suggestions for debate topics and interlocutors you would like to see published herein.
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    A Catholic Philosophy of Education: The Church and Two Philosophers.Mario O. D'Souza - 2016 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Today’s pluralist and multicultural society raises questions about how to teach religiously and ethnically diverse students in Catholic schools. A Catholic Philosophy of Education addresses these challenges by examining the documents from the Roman Congregation for Catholic Education alongside the writings of Jacques Maritain and Bernard Lonergan. Mario D’Souza proposes a contemporary formulation for a Catholic philosophy of education in which the ideals of Catholicism form the basis for the mission of the Catholic school. Drawing on the Church’s educational documents, (...)
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    Being in the World: A Quotable Maritain Reader.Mario O. D'Souza & Jonathan R. Seiling (eds.) - 2014 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    The work of the lay Catholic philosopher Jacques Maritain continues to provoke and inspire readers to engage in a Thomistic approach to many of the questions facing the world today. Maritain’s wide-ranging thought touched on many fields, including aesthetics, anthropology, educational theory, moral philosophy, and ethics, as well as Thomism and its relationship to other philosophical stances._ In _Being in the World: A Quotable Maritain Reader_, Mario O. D’Souza, C.S.B., has selected seven hundred and fifty of the most salient quotations (...)
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    Sophocles, Electra 610–11.D. J. Lilley - 1975 - Classical Quarterly 25 (2):309-311.
    That both parts of the sentence refer to the same person is now generally agreed; it is not so much that a change of subject would be, as the commentators are wont to say, ‘un-Sophoclean’, but simply that it would be awkward and clumsy. But to whom do the lines refer?D. B. Gregor argues for Clytaemnestra, but despite the apparent force of some of his arguments I cannot agree. He adds too that the reference to echoes the motif of Electra's (...)
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    The art of cycling, living, and dying: moral theology from everyday life.D. Stephen Long - 2021 - Eugene, OR.: Cascade Books.
    Forty years of avid bicycling came to a conclusion for D. Stephen Long in early October, 2020. Fearing his own imminent death required Long to reflect on life, on its beginnings, middle, and endings. This work uses the lessons learned from cycling, and the experience of the rapid onset of illness, to discuss God, friendship, racism, sexuality, justice, virtues, vices, and much more. It offers a moral theology but one more in keeping with how we take it up--not through theories (...)
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    Theology and Tragedy.D. M. Mackinnon - 1967 - Religious Studies 2 (2):163 - 169.
    It is now some years since Professor D. Daiches Raphael published his interesting book, The Paradox of Tragedy , which represented one of the first serious attempts made by a British philosopher to assess the significance of tragic drama for ethical, and indeed metaphysical theory. Since then we have had a variety of books touching on related topics: for instance, Dr George Steiner's Death of Tragedy and Mr Raymond Williams’ most recent, elusive and interesting essay, Modern Tragedy. To entitle an (...)
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    Paul Ricœur.D. Müller - 2006 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 37 (2):161-178.
    L’auteur revisite certains textes de Paul Ricœur publiés entre 1960 et 1992, afin d’exposer le rapport de cette philosophie avec la théologie chrétienne. Il interroge le statut de la théologie spéculative, dévolu par cette pensée, qui accorde un certain privilège à la théologie herméneutique et à la théologie politique.
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    Studies in the Ethics and Philosophy of Religion.D. Z. Philips (ed.) - 2005 - Routledge.
    Routledge is proud to reissue these nine pivotal titles from the acclaimed series Studies in Ethics and the Philosophy of Religion. Including key works by Ahern, Beardsmore, Pike, and others, these books are essential for all serious collections. Available as single volumes or as a nine-volume set, the titles in this collection were originally published between 1950-1960 by Routledge and Kegan Paul: Volume 1: The Problem of Evil M.B. Ahern Hb: 0-415-31841-6 Volume 2: Moral Reasoning R.W. Beardsmore Hb:0-415-31842-4 Volume 3: (...)
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    La crise sans fin: essai sur l'expérience moderne du temps.Myriam Revault D'Allonnes - 2012 - Paris: Éditions du Seuil.
    C’est une évidence : on ne parle plus aujourd’hui d’une crise succédant à d’autres crises – et préludant à d’autres encore –, mais de « la crise », qui plus est d’une crise globale qui touche aussi bien la finance que l’éducation, la culture, le couple ou l’environnement. Ce constat témoigne d’une véritable mutation : si à l’origine le concept de krisis désignait le moment décisif dans l’évolution d’un processus incertain permettant d’énoncer le diagnostic (et donc la sortie de crise), (...)
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    Voltaire et l'Affaire Calas au théâtre : une vraie cause au service des mythologies révolutionnaires.Michèle Sajous D’Oria - 1994 - Philosophiques 21 (1):107-123.
    Le théâtre, au lendemain même de la prise de la Bastille, s'était affirmé comme tribune révolutionnaire et « école du citoyen ». La décision, de la part des assemblées révolutionnaires, de transporter les cendres de Voltaire au Panthéon, ne pouvait manquer d'être une occasion pour célébrer le philosophe au théâtre et cinq pièces, toutes sur l'Affaire Calas, furent représentées entre le 17 décembre 1790 et le 31 juillet 1791. Les cinq auteurs centrent leur action sur le drame familial et sur (...)
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    Freedom from reality: the diabolical character of modern liberty.D. C. Schindler - 2017 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    It is commonly observed that behind many of the political and cultural issues that we face today there are impoverished conceptions of freedom, which, according to D. C. Schindler, we have inherited from the classical liberal tradition without a sufficient awareness of its implications. Freedom from Reality presents a critique of the deceptive and ultimately self-subverting character of the modern notion of freedom, retrieving an alternative view through a new interpretation of the ancient tradition. While many have critiqued the inadequacy (...)
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    Saggio teoretico di diritto naturale, appoggiato sul fatto.Luigi Taparelli D'Azeglio - 1928 - Roma.: Civiltà carrolica.
    Un classico della teoria del diritto naturale e dell'etica, questo libro di Luigi Taparelli d'Azeglio è un'opera importante per gli studenti di filosofia e di diritto. Il libro offre una visione critica del diritto naturale e una difesa dell'etica della volontà, che Taparelli considerava una base per il progresso umano. Il libro non è solo un importante lavoro di filosofia, ma anche un saggio politico e sociale che offre una visione innovativa della legge e dell'etica. This work has been selected (...)
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    Liberalism, Marxism and social democracy.D. F. B. Tucker - 1988 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 2 (2-3):133-148.
    MARXISM AND LIBERALISM edited by Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred D. Miller, Jr., Jeffrey Paul and John Ahrens New York: Basil Blackwell, 1986. 223 pp., $14?95 (paper) LIBERALISM by John Gray Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1986. 106 pp., $9.95 (paper).
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    The units of experimental taxonomy.D. H. Valentine - 1949 - Acta Biotheoretica 9 (1-2):75-88.
    Recent definitions of the botanical terms ecotype, ecospecies and coenospecies are briefly reviewed. Examples of ecospecies are discussed and the following new definitions are proposed: Groups with the same chromosome number between which there are well-defined morphological, ecological and geographical differences and which, under artifical or natural conditions are capable of only limited gene-exchange. Groups with different chromosome numbers between which there are well-defined ecological and geographical differences and which are capable of only limited gene-exchange. Groups forming genetically distinct components (...)
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    Gvillelmi Alverni Sermones de tempore: I-CXXXV.Guillaume D'Auvergne - 2010 - Turnhout: Brepols Publishers. Edited by Franco Morenzoni.
    Theologien de haut vol et pasteur zele, Guillaume d'Auvergne a ete eveque de Paris de 1228 a 1249. Proche de la cour capetienne et des milieux mendiants de Paris, il a ete temoin et acteur des principaux evenements politiques et culturels qui ont caracterise la vie du royaume et de sa capitale. Ses sermons, au nombre de 582, dont 25 transmis en deux ou trois versions differentes et plusieurs sous la forme de reportationes, sont ici edites pour la premiere fois. (...)
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  38. &D. Wilson. R∽∞.D. Sperber - forthcoming - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal.
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    Zur Sache des Denkens. [REVIEW]D. C. J. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (4):743-743.
    This volume, which contains the 1962 lecture "Zeit und Sein," is the most important publication by Heidegger since Unterwegs zur Sprache appeared in 1959. Bearing the same title as the much discussed missing part of the first half of Sein und Zeit, "Zeit und Sein" is the best demonstration we have of how the later Heidegger carries out the program which was outlined in Sein und Zeit, i.e., how the clue which the analytic of Dasein provides--that Being is to be (...)
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    D. E. Hughes Self-induction and the Skin-Effect.D. W. Jordan - 1982 - Centaurus 26 (2):123-153.
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    $\mathfrak{D}$ -Differentiation in Hilbert Space and the Structure of Quantum Mechanics.D. J. Hurley & M. A. Vandyck - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 39 (5):433-473.
    An appropriate kind of curved Hilbert space is developed in such a manner that it admits operators of $\mathcal{C}$ - and $\mathfrak{D}$ -differentiation, which are the analogues of the familiar covariant and D-differentiation available in a manifold. These tools are then employed to shed light on the space-time structure of Quantum Mechanics, from the points of view of the Feynman ‘path integral’ and of canonical quantisation. (The latter contains, as a special case, quantisation in arbitrary curvilinear coordinates when space is (...)
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  42. A World of States of Affairs.D. M. Armstrong - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this important study D. M. Armstrong offers a comprehensive system of analytical metaphysics that synthesises but also develops his thinking over the last twenty years. Armstrong's analysis, which acknowledges the 'logical atomism' of Russell and Wittgenstein, makes facts the fundamental constituents of the world, examining properties, relations, numbers, classes, possibility and necessity, dispositions, causes and laws. All these, it is argued, find their place and can be understood inside a scheme of states of affairs. This is a comprehensive and (...)
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    Maṇḍana-granthāvalī. Maṇḍanamiśra - 2021 - Dillī: Vidyānidhi Prakāśana. Edited by Paṅkaja Kumāra Miśra.
    Complete works of Maṇḍanamiśra, Indian philosopher; includes study on his work also.
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    Book Reviews. [REVIEW]D. A. Bell - 1980 - History and Philosophy of Logic 1 (1-2):235-248.
    K. T. Fann, Ludwig Wittgenstein: the man and his philosophy. New Jersey, Humanities Press; Sussex, Harvester Press: 1967. 415 pp. 10.50.Gerd Brand, The central texts of Ludwig Wittgenstein. Translated and with an introduction by Robert E. Innis. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1979. xxv + 182 pp. £ 10.00 /£3.95.Joseph Warren Dauben. Georg Cantor: his mathematics and philosophy of the infinite. Cambridge, Mass., and London: Harvard University Press, 1979. xiii + 404 pp., 4 plts. $25 US.S. Poggi, I sistemi dell'esperienza. Psicologia, logica (...)
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    The Gospel According to John. [REVIEW]D. J. B. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (3):603-603.
    This is Volume IV in the Evangelical Commentary on the Bible. As one might expect, the authors avoid novelty—which does not detract from the value of their work. A lengthy introduction provides a lucid summary of contemporary scholarship on the influence, distinctive features, background, problems, and text of the Fourth Gospel. The authors incline to the view that the Gospel is at least the "witness" of the Apostle John though the actual writing may have been done by a later "John (...)
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    The Philosophy of Nietzsche. [REVIEW]D. J. B. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (3):609-609.
    This is a well-chosen anthology selected from the Levy translation but topically arranged according to Karl Schlechta's German edition. Professor Clive's rather elegant introduction, despite occasional lapses into apparent rhetoric, is penetrating. Clive interprets Nietzsche "dialectically," in terms of Nietzsche's "love-hate relationship to himself." Nietzsche's contributions to philosophy, philology, artistic criticism, and to the literature of stunning aphorisms are all duly noted. But Nietzsche emerges as typically modern in that his own irony, at his best moments, was itself subject to (...)
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    Who is Man? [REVIEW]D. J. B. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (4):813-813.
    Hardly a systematic anthropology, Heschel's book, which has at times an almost devotional flavor, contains enough insights, aphorisms, moral intuitions, and wise asides to be worth reading.—D. J. B.
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    Les Niveaux de l'Etre. [REVIEW]D. C. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (3):473-473.
    The first and longer of the two books in this volume interprets some doctrines of "the levels of Being," ontological knowledge and evil: those of Plato, Plotinus, Jewish mysticism, Spinoza, Schopenhauer, D. H. Lawrence and Bergson. Mme. Amado's purpose is to present the basic intuition and vision of each position, rather than an articulation of the theses. She shows that an identical intuition underlies the greatly differing theories. With some justifiable oversimplification, we might call this an historical epistemology. In Book (...)
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    La Problématique Philosophique de l'Unité de la Science. [REVIEW]D. C. - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (3):592-592.
    A critical study of the always unsolved problem of the unity of science, consisting of a lucid and succinct historical exposition of attempts to provide solutions, and a systematic presentation of the accomplishments of logical empiricism, in all its variety. In arguing for the basic approach of logical empiricism, Ruytinx takes special care to chastise those of its proponents who tend to lose themselves in polemics and exclusivity. The style is quite clear and graceful in the best tradition of French (...)
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  50.  32
    Art and Existentialism. [REVIEW]G. D. D. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (4):800-800.
    A discussion of the possibility of relating Crocean aesthetics to existentialism. Art is interpreted as a summons to freedom. Some insights into certain contemporary artists are made in passing, unfortunately buried deep in a thicket of clichés about authenticity.--G. D. D.
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