Results for 'Daniele Artistico'

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  1.  22
    My Problems Are Solvable: Idiographic Methods Offset Age Differences in Interpersonal Problem Solving Among Young, Middle-Aged, and Older Adults.Daniele Artistico, Daniel Cervone & Carolina Montes Garcia - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Da Teoria estética à inestética: conceito e função da estética em Adorno e Badiou.Daniel Pucciarelli - 2018 - Doispontos 15 (2).
    O artigo versa sobre o conceito mesmo da estética contemporânea a partir de dois autores que, embora provenientes de tradições filosóficas diversas, convergem quanto ao radical esgotamento do quadro teórico e artístico que sustentava a reflexão filosófica sobre a arte e à necessidade de reformá-lo: Adorno e Badiou. Em um esforço comparativo, portanto, apresentaremos o conceito, os desafios e as potencialidades da estética contemporânea em ambos os autores. Especial atenção será dada à função sistemática e arquitetônica da disciplina no quadro (...)
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    Sobre la teoría expresivista del arte y los pensamientos de Nelson Goodman y Arthur Danto.Daniel Sánchez Requejo & César García Álvarez - 2024 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 25 (28):7-31.
    La filosofía, atendiendo a cierto afán esencialista, se ha visto abocada, a lo largo de su historia, a la conceptualización o definición de términos tan complejos como el arte. Una de las teorías más aceptadas y fundamentadas en relación a esta tarea es aquella que define las obras de arte como formas de expresión. En estos últimos siglos, la expresión se ha consolidado como un concepto estrechamente vinculado a la actividad artística. La llegada de la filosofía analítica y su énfasis (...)
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    La creación del mundo en el arte medieval: La Sinagoga del Tránsito.Daniel Muñoz Garrido - 2010 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 15:129-146.
    La importancia que tiene el relato de la creación del mundo (Gen 1-2) para judíos, cristianos y musulmanes, se refleja en diferentes manifestaciones artísticas medievales. Este artículo analiza algunas de las representaciones a que dio lugar dicho relato, y al uso diverso del lenguaje artístico –figurativo y no figurativo– a que recurrieron los artistas. La segunda parte del artículo se centra en el examen de la Sinagoga del Tránsito de Toledo y propone, a través del estudio conjunto de decoración y (...)
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    Modernización, romanticismo y mercado literario. Los inicios entrelazados de la espiritualidad flexible y del campo literario moderno.Camilo Andrés Salas Sandoval & Iván Pérez Daniel - 2023 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 28:e85502.
    La flexibilidad y la mercantilización de lo espiritual ¿son aspectos característicos de la cultura contemporánea? Centrado en los casos de Alemania, Inglaterra y Francia, el artículo detalla cómo el romanticismo literario se articula como un movimiento pionero de la espiritualidad flexible, proceso que se entrelaza con su rol seminal en la formación del campo literario moderno. El crecimiento económico y demográfico sostenidos en Europa desde el s. XV, así como la alfabetización impulsada por el protestantismo, construyen un moderno público lector (...)
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    Comentario dramatológico de Su día gris de Roberto Navarrete Troncoso: crisis de la familia y la masculinidad.Juan Pablo Amaya González, Patricia Henríquez Puentes, Daniel Pereira Pereira & Nicolás Masquiarán - 2019 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 29 (1):136-148.
    La figura de Roberto Navarrete Troncoso fue parte fundamental del Teatro de la Universidad de Concepción, porque contribuyó desde la escena -como actor, director y dramaturgo- en el desarrollo artístico de un elenco que fue motor importante del crecimiento cultural de la ciudad, pero también del país. El artículo se propone levantar su obra del olvido. Para ello analiza Su día gris desde el comentario dramatológico. Se afirma que la obra está en sintonía con una vertiente de la dramaturgia chilena (...)
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    En defensa del diálogo.Irene Valle Corpas, Carlos García Mera & Marcus Daniel Cabada - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 119:167-207.
    Primeramente, haremos un repaso por la noción de diálogo, relación o encuentro en las artes y el pensamiento que se desarrollan durante los años sesenta del pasado siglo y fuertemente a partir del episodio de revueltas del 68. Sostenemos que en las artes, lo dialógico representó una estrategia política por partida doble: la conversación y el encuentro eran tanto un vector de ruptura con los modos de apreciar y vivir lo sensible y de entender el hecho artístico, como un procedimiento (...)
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  8. Ante la fragilidad de la memoria.Carlos Vanegas, Javier Domínguez, Carlos Arturo Fernández & Daniel Tobón - 2014 - In Vanegas Carlos, Domínguez Javier, Fernández Carlos Arturo & Tobón Daniel (eds.), El arte y la Fragilidad de la memoria. Sílaba Editores. pp. 259-275.
    Si no me falla la memoria, fue el dibujante Álvaro Barrios quien afirmó que el trabajo del artista contemporáneo colombiano se desarrolla según una agenda de trabajo. Si miramos algunos fenómenos del arte último en Colombia, podemos señalar que su agenda está determinada por el intento de comprensión de los procesos de la violencia en el país, a partir de una amplia gama de aproximaciones al concepto de memoria que ha tenido resonancia en las disciplinas humanísticas, las investigaciones académicas, el (...)
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  9.  15
    “Colunas Infinitas” de Daniel Lima e as Poéticas dos Entre-lugares.Celia Maria Antonacci - 2022 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 3 (5):e21081.
    A partir da obra fotográfica “Colunas Infinitas”, do artista e ativista Daniel Lima, este artigo percebe o conceito de ‘entreligar’ de Homi Bhabha em diálogo com as teorias de cultura contemporânea de Stuart Hall, em contraponto à dissonância dos encontros culturais e artísticos desde nada menos que a ‘Semana de 22’ e sua celebração da arte brasileira restrita aos modernistas europeizados, mas que perdura aos dias de hoje, quer seja na ausência de outras manifestações estéticas nos currículos de arte contemporânea, (...)
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  10.  62
    Nominalism and Realism. How Not to Read the Tractatus' Conception of a Name.Daniele Mezzadri - 2013 - Philosophical Investigations 37 (3):208-227.
    This paper focuses on a central aspect of the “picture theory” in the Tractatus – the “identity requirement” – namely the idea that a proposition represents elements in reality as combined in the same way as its elements are combined. After introducing the Tractatus' views on the nature of the proposition, I engage with a “nominalist” interpretation, according to which the Tractatus holds that relations are not named in propositions. I claim that the nominalist account can only be maintained by (...)
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    Étienne Gilson: metafisica dell'actus essendi e modernità.Daniele Fazio - 2018 - Napoli: Orthotes.
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    «Compagni in pragmatismo»: Giovanni Papini e William James.Daniele Fulvi - 2015 - Nóema 6 (2).
    L’articolo si propone di analizzare il pragmatismo di Giovanni Papini, riferendolo in particolar modo al rapporto con il pensiero di William James; nello specifico, si vuole mettere in luce come il rapporto tra Papini e James sia stato tanto di gradevole collaborazione quanto di reciproche influenza ed ammirazione. Per fare ciò, verranno ripercorse le tappe dello sviluppo della teoria pragmatista di Papini, evidenziandone sia il legame con la speculazione jamesiana sia l’originalità e rilevanza teoretica, in grado di affermarsi anche oltre (...)
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    Schelling as a ‘Post-Heideggerian Thinker’.Daniele Fulvi - 2021 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (1):133-151.
    In this paper, I focus on Luigi Pareyson’s interpretation of Schelling, arguing that it must be read in continuity with Pareyson’s early engagement with the philosophies of Heidegger and Jaspers. Firstly, I argue that Pareyson shapes his existentialism on Jaspers’s and Heidegger’s thoughts, and particularly in relation to that which he considers the fundamental question of philosophy, namely ‘why is there Being rather than nothingness?’ Secondly, I demonstrate how Pareyson reads Schelling’s philosophy in light of his interpretations of Jaspers and (...)
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    Les valeurs du paysage dans les guides touristiques: l´ exemple de trois guides récents de la ville de Bordeaux.Danièle Laplace - 2009 - In Eduardo Martínez de Pisón & Nicolás Ortega (eds.), Los valores del paisaje. Soria: Fundación Duques de Soria. pp. 199--214.
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    Les effets escomptés de la contrainte chez Sophie Calle.Danièle Méaux - 2012 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 9 (1):79-90.
    Résumé La plupart des œuvres de Sophie Calle – reproduites dans des livres ou présentées aux cimaises des musées – s’offre comme le dépôt d’expériences vécues qui se trouvent précisément réglées par des contraintes arbitraires, ostensiblement formulées. La gratuité même des protocoles élus rapproche la démarche de l’artiste française du jeu. Le recours à la contrainte a pour conséquence effective de réintroduire la surprise et l’imprévu au sein de la vie quotidienne ; il induit une attention accrue au concours des (...)
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    Schelling as a Thinker of Immanence: contra Heidegger and Jaspers.Daniele Fulvi - 2020 - Sophia 60 (4):869-887.
    Among the different interpretations of the philosophy of Schelling, there is no doubt that the ones developed by Martin Heidegger and Karl Jaspers played a prominent role within the most recent Schelling scholarship. Both Heidegger and Jaspers focused on Schelling’s discourse on freedom, pointing out the fundamental incompatibility of its key elements, i.e. ‘ground’ and ‘existence’, as well as the fallacious conception of Seynsfuge that emerges from it. Moreover, Heidegger argues that Schelling’s ontology ultimately falls back into traditional metaphysical subjectivism, (...)
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  17. El cinismo hace de la vida una aleturgie: Apuntes para una relectura del recorrido filosófico del último Michel Foucault.Daniele Lorenzini - 2008 - Laguna 23:63-90.
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    Clinical Reasoning: Knowledge, Uncertainty, and Values in Health Care.Daniele Chiffi - 2020 - Cham: Springer.
    This book offers a philosophically-based, yet clinically-oriented perspective on current medical reasoning aiming at 1) identifying important forms of uncertainty permeating current clinical reasoning and practice 2) promoting the application of an abductive methodology in the health context in order to deal with those clinical uncertainties 3) bridging the gap between biomedical knowledge, clinical practice, and research and values in both clinical and philosophical literature. With a clear philosophical emphasis, the book investigates themes lying at the border between several disciplines, (...)
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  19.  35
    On the emergence of modern humans.Daniele Amati & Tim Shallice - 2007 - Cognition 103 (3):358-385.
  20. Knowing how to establish intellectualism.Daniele Sgaravatti & Elia Zardini - 2008 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 77 (1):217-261.
    In this paper, we present a number of problems for intellectualism about knowledge-how, and in particular for the version of the view developed by Stanley & Williamson 2001. Their argument draws on the alleged uniformity of 'know how'-and 'know wh'-ascriptions. We offer a series of considerations to the effect that this assimilation is problematic. Firstly, in contrast to 'know wh'-ascriptions, 'know how'-ascriptions with known negative answers are false. Secondly, knowledge-how obeys closure principles whose counterparts fail for knowledge-wh and knowledge-that. Thirdly, (...)
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  21. Foucault, governmentality, and the techniques of the self.Daniele Lorenzini - 2023 - In William Walters & Martina Tazzioli (eds.), Handbook on governmentality. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  22. La parrhesia : une improvisation ethique.Daniele Lorenzini - 2020 - In Jean-Marc Narbonne, Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink & Heinrich Schlange-Schöningen (eds.), Foucault: repenser les rapports entre les Grecs et les Modernes. Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval.
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  23.  42
    Fundamental Uncertainty and Values.Daniele Chiffi & Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (3):1027-1037.
    This paper explores the intertwining of uncertainty and values. We consider an important but underexplored field of fundamental uncertainty and values in decision-making. Some proposed methodologies to deal with fundamental uncertainty have included potential surprise theory, scenario planning and hypothetical retrospection. We focus on the principle of uncertainty transduction in hypothetical retrospection as an illustrative case of how values interact with fundamental uncertainty. We show that while uncertainty transduction appears intuitive in decision contexts it nevertheless fails in important ranges of (...)
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    Body ownership: When feeling and knowing diverge.Daniele Romano, Anna Sedda, Peter Brugger & Gabriella Bottini - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 34:140-148.
  25. Formality of logic and Frege’s Begriffsschrift.Daniele Mezzadri - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49 (2):182-207.
    This paper challenges a standard interpretation according to which Frege’s conception of logic (early and late) is at odds with the contemporary one, because on the latter’s view logic is formal, while on Frege’s view it is not, given that logic’s subject matter is reality’s most general features. I argue that Frege – in Begriffsschrift – retained the idea that logic is formal; Frege sees logic as providing the ‘logical cement’ that ties up together the contentful concepts of specific sciences, (...)
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  26. Il cinema tedesco nel primo Dopoguerra. Il rapporto fra film, inconscio collettivo e percezione dell'opera d'arte.Daniele Abbruzzese - 2010 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 3 (2).
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    Le festin des trois dames de Paris.Danièle Alexandre Bidon - 2001 - Clio 14.
    Les Parisiennes du XIIIe siècle ont mauvaise réputation. Non contentes de mal se tenir à table, elles se gavent et s’enivrent, parlent des vins en professionnelles de l’œnologie, suggérant une longue expérience de beuveries, et, surtout, se passent des hommes pour festoyer. Exclus de la convivialité féminine, ceux-ci se vengent en vers : c’est l’objet d’un poème comique, un fabliau, qui leur promet un sort funeste : le coma éthylique des trois dames de Paris les fait enterrer vives au cimetière (...)
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  28.  11
    Mechanisms of the antitumoral effect of lipid A.Danièle Reisser, Alena Pance & Jean-François Jeannin - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (3):284-289.
    Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and its active component, lipid A, have been used either alone or as adjuvant in therapeutic anticancer vaccines. Lipid A induces various transcription factors via intracellular signaling cascades initiated by their receptor CD14-TLR4. These events lead to the synthesis of cytokines, which either have direct cytotoxic effect or stimulate the immune system. Their antitumoral effect has been demonstrated in animal models as well as clinical trials. Studies in animal models showed that their antitumoral effect relies mostly on (...)
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  29. Cenni storici sul concetto di gene.Daniele Romano - 2007 - Humana Mente 1 (3).
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  30.  23
    Florence Rochefort, Hier, les femmes.Danièle Voldman - 2008 - Clio 28:287-287.
    Après l’école, les campagnes et les vacances, les éditions Aubanel publient un nouvel album qui, de la Belle Époque à 1945, expose les traces photographiques des femmes d’hier. Dans cette magnifique galerie de portraits féminins de tous âges et de toutes conditions, on retiendra d’abord les victimes : émouvantes photos de jeunes veuves de la Première guerre ou d’une grande sœur précocement mûrie par les soins donnés à sa tribu de jeunes frères et sœurs ; puis les icônes et les (...)
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    Onlife Extremism: Dynamic Integration of Digital and Physical Spaces in Radicalization.Daniele Valentini, Anna Maria Lorusso & Achim Stephan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  32.  95
    Songs as an aid for language acquisition.Daniele Schön, Maud Boyer, Sylvain Moreno, Mireille Besson, Isabelle Peretz & Régine Kolinsky - 2008 - Cognition 106 (2):975-983.
  33. Critique without ontology: Genealogy, collective subjects and the deadlocks of evidence.Daniele Lorenzini & Martina Tazzioli - 2020 - Radical Philosophy 207:27-39.
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    From allegory to figure and back again.Daniele Guastini - 2024 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 16 (2):81-90.
    The aim of the article is to clarify the basic perspective that Immagini cristiane e cultura antica adopted to read the relationship between early Christian iconographic production – the main subject of the book – and the development of the forms of later figurative art, as well as the path leading to modern aesthetics.For this purpose, the article compares the positions of Auerbach – that had an explicit influence on the book – with those of Benjamin, regarding the different ways (...)
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  35.  54
    Performative, Passionate, and Parrhesiastic Utterance: On Cavell, Foucault, and Truth as an Ethical Force.Daniele Lorenzini - 2015 - Critical Inquiry 41 (2):254-268.
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    Le rapport social de sexe.Danièle Kergoat - 2001 - Actuel Marx 30:85.
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    Tautologies with a unique craig interpolant, uniform vs. nonuniform complexity.Daniele Mundici - 1984 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 27 (3):265-273.
    If S ⊆{0,1}; * and S ′ = {0,1} * \sb S are both recognized within a certain nondeterministic time bound T then, in not much more time, one can write down tautologies A n → A′ n with unique interpolants I n that define S ∩{0,1} n ; hence, if one can rapidly find unique interpolants, then one can recognize S within deterministic time T p for some fixed p \s>0. In general, complexity measures for the problem of finding (...)
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  38. Deductive and Grammatical Competence: Type Logical Remarks on Nesting Phenomena.Daniele Porello - 2007 - Epistemologia 30 (2):281-306.
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    The Architecture of Cosmopolitan Democracy.Daniele Archibugi - 2010 - In Garrett Wallace Brown & David Held (eds.), The Cosmopolitanism Reader. Malden, MA: Polity. pp. 312.
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  40. (1 other version)Causal Attribution and Crossing over Between Probabilities in Clinical Diagnosis.Daniele Chiffi & Pierdaniele Giaretta - 2013 - In Christer Svennerlind, Almäng Jan & Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson (eds.), Johanssonian Investigations: Essays in Honour of Ingvar Johansson on His Seventieth Birthday. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. pp. 5--191.
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    Kurt Gödel: philosophical explorations: history and theory.Daniele Chiffi - 2012 - Roma: Aracne.
  42.  47
    What’s Going to Happen to Me? Prognosis in the Face of Uncertainty.Daniele Chiffi & Mattia Andreoletti - 2019 - Topoi 40 (2):319-326.
    Reasoning in medicine requires the critical use of a clinical methodology whose validity must be evaluated as well as its limits. In the last decade, an increasing amount of evidence has shown severe limitations and flaws in the conduct of prognostic studies. The main reason behind this fact is that prognostic judgments are at high risk of error. In this paper we investigate the pragmatic and illocutionary aspects of different forms of linguistic acts and judgments involved in clinical practice. More (...)
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    Um oblívio de Kant.Danièle Cohn - 2017 - Discurso 47 (1):9-38.
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    Asymmetric activation spreading in the multiplication associative network due to asymmetric overlap between numerosities semantic representations?Daniele Didino, André Knops, Francesco Vespignani & Suchada Kornpetpanee - 2015 - Cognition 141 (C):1-8.
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    Identity and autonomy of psychology in cognitive sciences: Some remarks from language processing and knowledge representation.Daniele Dubois - 1994 - World Futures 42 (1):71-78.
    (1994). Identity and autonomy of psychology in cognitive sciences: Some remarks from language processing and knowledge representation. World Futures: Vol. 42, No. 1-2, pp. 71-78.
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    Giordano Bruno: destino e verità.Daniele Goldoni & Luigi Ruggiu (eds.) - 2002 - Venezia: Fondazione Giorgio Cini.
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  47. Il concetto di philia: Aristotele e la posterità.Daniele Guastini - 2009 - Acta Philosophica 18 (1).
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  48. Vertiges du fantastique réel dans Miroirs obscurs de Jean-Baptiste Baronian.Danièle Henky - 2004 - Iris 26:251-260.
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    Neooświecenie i polityka kultury. O relacji polityki i kultury po drugiej wojnie światowej we Włoszech.Daniele Stasi - 2019 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 64:275-290.
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    L'histoire des femmes et des genres dans Vingtième siècle. Revue d'histoire.Danièle Voldman - 2002 - Clio 16:138-143.
    Fondée en 1984, portée par l'affirmation de la nécessité de faire une « histoire du temps présent » démarquée de la science politique et de la sociologie, Vingtième siècle. Revue d'histoire se voulait « une revue du contemporain », généraliste, dont les questions du présent justifieraient les choix rédactionnels. Ses créateurs affirmaient ainsi leur croyance dans l'efficacité du regard historique pour déchiffrer les faits de leur temps. Or, la « question des femmes », celle de leur place et d...
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