Results for 'David Denison'

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  1.  16
    Fuzzy Grammar:A Reader: A Reader.Bas Aarts, David Denison, Evelien Keizer & Gergana Popova (eds.) - 2004 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book brings together classic and recent papers in the philosophical and linguistic analysis of fuzzy grammar, gradience in meaning, word classes, and syntax. Issues such as how many grains make a heap, when a puddle becomes a pond, and so forth, have occupied thinkers since Aristotle and over the last two decades been the subject of increasing interest among linguists as well as in fields such as artificial intelligence and computational linguistics. The work is designed to be of use (...)
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    Appearance in this list neither guarantees nor precludes a future review of the book. Aarts, Bas, David Denison, Evelyn Keizer, and Gergana Popova (eds), Fuzzy Grammar: A Reader, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2004, pp. vii+ 526. Aronson, Ronald, Camus and Sartre: The Story of a Friendship and the Quarrel that Ended It, Chicago, Il: University of Chicago Press, 2004, pp. x+ 291,£ 23.00, $32.50. [REVIEW]Human Knowledge - 2004 - Mind 113:451.
  3. Integrating Physical Constraints in Statistical Inference by 11-Month-Old Infants.Stephanie Denison & Fei Xu - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (5):885-908.
    Much research on cognitive development focuses either on early-emerging domain-specific knowledge or domain-general learning mechanisms. However, little research examines how these sources of knowledge interact. Previous research suggests that young infants can make inferences from samples to populations (Xu & Garcia, 2008) and 11- to 12.5-month-old infants can integrate psychological and physical knowledge in probabilistic reasoning (Teglas, Girotto, Gonzalez, & Bonatti, 2007; Xu & Denison, 2009). Here, we ask whether infants can integrate a physical constraint of immobility into a (...)
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    The origins of probabilistic inference in human infants.Stephanie Denison & Fei Xu - 2014 - Cognition 130 (3):335-347.
  5.  67
    Precision, Not Confidence, Describes the Uncertainty of Perceptual Experience: Comment on John Morrison's “Perceptual Confidence”.Rachel N. Denison - 2017 - Analytic Philosophy 58 (1):58-70.
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    Rational variability in children’s causal inferences: The Sampling Hypothesis.Stephanie Denison, Elizabeth Bonawitz, Alison Gopnik & Thomas L. Griffiths - 2013 - Cognition 126 (2):285-300.
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    Are ideas physical?Denison Maurice Allan - 1942 - Journal of Philosophy 39 (24):645-654.
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    Personal agency and the humian analysis.Denison Maurice Allan - 1927 - Journal of Philosophy 24 (24):645-656.
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  9. The Realm of Personality.Denison Maurice Allan - 1947
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    Between the Moment and Eternity: How Schillerian Play Can Establish Animals as Moral Agents.Jaime Denison - 2010 - Between the Species 13 (10):4.
    While concerned with how man achieves his status as a moral being, Friedrich Schiller develops a concept of play that serves as a bridge between our sensuous existence to the rational, realizing moral freedom. In what ways might we extend this concept to the non-human animal? Current research by play theorists and ethologists has shown that play behaviour in animals is both complex and crucial in determining social patterns, and Schiller’s account may have anticipated these observations. I argue that through (...)
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  11. Ernst-Porken, M. 133 Evans, Judy 179, 232 Fabricant, S. 124 Feenberg, A. 74 Firestone, Shulamith 178–9.E. F. Denison, P. Dickens, D. Dickson, Frank Dietz, F. R. Dropper, J. S. Dryzek, Rene Dubos, R. Dumont, P. Dunleavy & R. Dworkin - 1993 - In Andrew Dobson & Paul Lucardie, The Politics of nature: explorations in green political theory. New York: Routledge.
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  12. Preschoolers rationally sample hypotheses.S. Denison, E. Bonawitz, A. Gopnik & T. Griffiths - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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  13. The Artist's Way of Preaching.Charles Denison - 2006
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    Temporal Structure and Complexity Affect Audio-Visual Correspondence Detection.Rachel N. Denison, Jon Driver & Christian C. Ruff - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    I. History and Study Process.Denison Jayasooria - 1990 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 7 (3):5-5.
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    Word, Kingdom & Spirit.Denison Jayasooria - 1994 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 11 (3):1-1.
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    History, Time, Meaning, and Memory: Ideas for the Sociology of Religion.Barbara Jones Denison (ed.) - 2011 - Brill.
    This volume addresses the conjoint problem of history and sociology. History has seen religion hold varied places within the timeline of the sociology of religion.The increase in world fundamentalisms, religious movements, private spiritualities and other indicators in the millennial age have today brought a renaissance to the field.
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    Suboptimality in perceptual decision making.Dobromir Rahnev & Rachel N. Denison - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41:1-107.
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  19. Statistical inference and sensitivity to sampling in 11-month-old infants.Fei Xu & Stephanie Denison - 2009 - Cognition 112 (1):97-104.
  20.  28
    Behavior is sensible but not globally optimal: Seeking common ground in the optimality debate.Dobromir Rahnev & Rachel N. Denison - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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  21.  26
    Young children infer preferences from a single action, but not if it is constrained.Madison L. Pesowski, Stephanie Denison & Ori Friedman - 2016 - Cognition 155 (C):168-175.
    Inferring others’ preferences is socially important and useful. We investigated whether children infer preferences from the minimal information provided by an agent’s single action, and whether they avoid inferring preference when the action is constrained. In three experiments, children saw vignettes in which an agent took a worse toy instead of a better one. Experiment 1 shows that this single action influences how young children infer preferences. Children aged three and four were more likely to infer the agent preferred the (...)
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  22.  43
    “What do others think?” An emic approach to participatory action research in Bangladesh.Mauro Sarrica, Tom Denison, Larry Stillman, Tapas Chakraborty & Priordarshine Auvi - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (3):495-508.
    Community informatics and Information and Communications Technology for Development research projects frequently focus on the appropriation of ICTs and the design of information systems to meet the needs of communities. Such projects typically involve a range of participants reflecting different cultures and depend for their success on the ability of the project to bridge differences. Using PROTIC, a 5-year collaborative project between Monash University, Oxfam Australia and Oxfam in Bangladesh as a case study, this paper reflects on the use of (...)
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    Up and down: counterfactual closeness is robust to direction of comparison.Tiffany Doan, Stephanie Denison & Ori Friedman - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    People often think about how things could have been better or worse. People make these upward and downward comparisons in different situations and with differing emotional consequences. We investigated whether the direction of counterfactual comparisons affects people’s judgements of counterfactual closeness. In four preregistered experiments (N = 2,142), participants saw vignettes where agents lost or won a luck-based game. In Experiments 1, 2, and 4, participants judged counterfactual closeness in two ways: if a counterfactual outcome almost happened, and if it (...)
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    Functional equivalence of fixed-interval and fixed-delay schedules: Independence from initial-link duration.Michael Davison, Brent Alsop & Warren Denison - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (2):155-158.
  25.  5
    What is revelation?: A series of sermons on the Epiphany, to which are added letters to a student of theology on the Bampton lectures of Mr. Mansel.Frederick Denison Maurice - 1859 - New York: AMS Press.
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    Family history of mental illness and frequent mental distress in community clinic patients.James Rohrer, Barbara Rohland, Anne Denison, J. Rush Pierce & Norman H. Rasmussen - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (3):435-439.
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    Blind to Bias? Young Children Do Not Anticipate that Sunk Costs Lead to Irrational Choices.Claudia G. Sehl, Ori Friedman & Stephanie Denison - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (11):e13063.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2021.
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    Generalizability challenges in applied psychological and organizational research and practice.Brenton M. Wiernik, Mukhunth Raghavan, Tyler Allan & Alex J. Denison - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Yarkoni highlights patterns of overgeneralization in psychology research. In this comment, we note that such challenges also pertain to applied psychological and organizational research and practice. We use two examples – cross-cultural generalizability and implicit bias training – to illustrate common practices of overgeneralization from narrow research samples to broader operational populations. We conclude with recommendations for research and practice.
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    Written versus verbal consent: a qualitative study of stakeholder views of consent procedures used at the time of recruitment into a peripartum trial conducted in an emergency setting.J. Lawton, N. Hallowell, C. Snowdon, J. E. Norman, K. Carruthers & F. C. Denison - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):36.
    Obtaining prospective written consent from women to participate in trials when they are experiencing an obstetric emergency is challenging. Alternative consent pathways, such as gaining verbal consent at enrolment followed, later, by obtaining written consent, have been advocated by some clinicians and bioethicists but have received little empirical attention. We explored women’s and staff views about the consent procedures used during the internal pilot of a trial, where the protocol permitted staff to gain verbal consent at recruitment. Interviews with staff (...)
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  30.  38
    Emotions before actions: When children see costs as causal.Claudia G. Sehl, Ori Friedman & Stephanie Denison - 2024 - Cognition 247 (C):105774.
  31.  23
    Components and Mechanisms: How Children Talk About Machines in Museum Exhibits.Elizabeth Attisano, Shaylene E. Nancekivell & Stephanie Denison - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The current investigation examines children’s learning about a novel machine in a local history museum. Parent–child dyads were audio-recorded as they navigated an exhibit that contained a novel artifact: a coffee grinder from the turn of the 20th century. Prior to entering the exhibit, children were randomly assigned to receive an experimental “component” prompt that focused their attention on the machine’s internal mechanisms or a control “history” prompt. First, we audio-recorded children and their caregivers while they freely explored the exhibit, (...)
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    The Tarikh-i-Rashidi of Mirza Muhammad Haidar, Dughlát. A History of the Moghuls of Central AsiaMuntakhabu-t-tawārikhThe Tarikh-i-Rashidi of Mirza Muhammad Haidar, Dughlat. A History of the Moghuls of Central AsiaMuntakhabu-t-tawarikh.James A. Bellamy, N. Elias, E. Denison Ross, Abdu-L.-Qādir Ibn-I.-Mulūk Shāh, George S. A. Ranking, W. H. Lowe, Wolseley Haig & Abdu-L.-Qadir Ibn-I.-Muluk Shah - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):138.
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    Overall self‐rated health as an outcome indicator in primary care.James E. Rohrer, Ahmed Arif, Anne Denison, Rodney Young & Steve Adamson - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (6):882-888.
  34.  65
    After Physics.David Z. Albert - 2015 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Here the philosopher and physicist David Z Albert argues, among other things, that the difference between past and future can be understood as a mechanical phenomenon of nature and that quantum mechanics makes it impossible to present the entirety of what can be said about the world as a narrative of “befores” and “afters.”.
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  35. Hume's reason.David Owen - 1999 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book explores Hume's account of reason and its role in human understanding, seen in the context of other notable accounts by philosophers of the early modern period. David Owen offers new interpretations of many of Hume's most famous arguments about induction, belief, scepticism, the passions, and moral distinctions.
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  36. (1 other version)Panpsychism in the West.David Skrbina - 2005 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Bradford.
    In _Panpsychism in the West_, the first comprehensive study of the subject, David Skrbina argues for the importance of panpsychism -- the theory that mind exists, in some form, in all living and nonliving things -- in consideration of the nature of consciousness and mind. Despite the recent advances in our knowledge of the brain and the increasing intricacy and sophistication of philosophical discussion, the nature of mind remains an enigma. Panpsychism, with its conception of mind as a general (...)
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  37. Introduction to Critical Theory: Horkheimer to Habermas.David Held - 1980 - Polity.
    The writings of the Frankfurt school, in particular of Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse, and Jurgen Habermas, caught the imagination of the radical movements of the 1960s and 1970s and became a key element in the Marxism of the New Left. Partly due to their rise to prominence during the political turmoil of the 1960s, the work of these critical theorists has been the subject of continuing controversy in both political and academic circles. However, their ideas are frequently misunderstood. In this major (...)
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  38. Wittgenstein, Rules and Institutions.David Bloor - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    Clearly and engagingly written, this volume is vital reading for students of philosophy and sociology, and anyone interested in Wittgenstein's later thought. David Bloor provides a challenging and informative evaluation of Wittgenstein's account of rules and rule-following. Arguing for a collectivist reading, Bloor offers the first consistent sociological interpretation of Wittgenstein's work for many years.
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  39. Virtue and Meaning: A Neo-Aristotelian Perspective.David McPherson - 2020 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    The revival of Aristotelian virtue ethics can be seen as a response to the modern problem of disenchantment, that is, the perceived loss of meaning in modernity. However, in Virtue and Meaning, David McPherson contends that the dominant approach still embraces an overly disenchanted view. In a wide-ranging discussion, McPherson argues for a more fully re-enchanted perspective that gives better recognition to the meanings by which we live and after which we seek, and to the fact that human beings (...)
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    Market, State, and Community: Theoretical Foundations of Market Socialism.David Miller - 1989 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Can we conceive of a market economy that fulfils the ideals of socialism? In this book, David Miller provides a comprehensive examination, from the standpoint of political theory, of an economy in which market mechanisms retain a central role, but in which capitalist patterns of ownership have been superseded.
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  41. Motivational Limitations on the Demands of Justice.David Wiens - 2016 - European Journal of Political Theory 15 (3):333-352.
    Do motivational limitations due to human nature constrain the demands of justice? Among those who say no, David Estlund offers perhaps the most compelling argument. Taking Estlund’s analysis of “ability” as a starting point, I show that motivational deficiencies can constrain the demands of justice under at least one common circumstance — that the motivationally-deficient agent makes a good faith effort to overcome her deficiency. In fact, my argument implies something stronger; namely, that the demands of justice are constrained (...)
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  42. Debate: What is Personhood in the Age of AI?David J. Gunkel & Jordan Joseph Wales - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (2):473–486.
    In a friendly interdisciplinary debate, we interrogate from several vantage points the question of “personhood” in light of contemporary and near-future forms of social AI. David J. Gunkel approaches the matter from a philosophical and legal standpoint, while Jordan Wales offers reflections theological and psychological. Attending to metaphysical, moral, social, and legal understandings of personhood, we ask about the position of apparently personal artificial intelligences in our society and individual lives. Re-examining the “person” and questioning prominent construals of that (...)
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    The Democracy of the Dead: Dewey, Confucius, and the Hope for Democracy in China.David L. Hall & Roger T. Ames - 1999 - Open Court Publishing Company.
    Will democracy figure prominently in China's future? If so, what kind of democracy? In this insightful and thought-provoking book, David Hall and Roger Ames explore such questions and, in the course of answering them, look to the ideas of John Dewey and Confucius.
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  44. Still Better Never to Have Been: A Reply to My Critics.David Benatar - 2013 - The Journal of Ethics 17 (1-2):121-151.
    In Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence, I argued that coming into existence is always a harm and that procreation is wrong. In this paper, I respond to those of my critics to whom I have not previously responded. More specifically, I engage the objections of Tim Bayne, Ben Bradley, Campbell Brown, David DeGrazia, Elizabeth Harman, Chris Kaposy, Joseph Packer and Saul Smilansky.
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    Culture and Power: The Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu.David Swartz - 1998 - University of Chicago Press.
    Pierre Bourdieu is one of the world's most important social theorists and is also one of the great empirical researchers in contemporary sociology. However, reading Bourdieu can be difficult for those not familiar with the French cultural context, and until now a comprehensive introduction to Bourdieu's oeuvre has not been available. David Swartz focuses on a central theme in Bourdieu's work—the complex relationship between culture and power—and explains that sociology for Bourdieu is a mode of political intervention. Swartz clarifies (...)
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    A Treatise of Human Nature: Being an Attempt to Introduce the Experimental Method of Reasoning Into Moral Subjects.David Fate Norton & Mary J. Norton (eds.) - 2000 - Oxford University Press.
    A Treatise of Human Nature, David Hume's comprehensive attempt to base philosophy on a new, observationally grounded study of human nature, is one of the most important texts in Western philosophy. It is also the focal point of current attempts to understand 18th-century western philosophy. The Treatise addresses many of the most fundamental philosophical issues: causation, existence, freedom and necessity, and morality. The volume also includes Humes own abstract of the Treatise, a substantial introduction, extensive annotations, a glossary, a (...)
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    The Dark Sides of Virtue: Reassessing International Humanitarianism.David Kennedy - 2004 - Princeton University Press.
    In this provocative and timely book, David Kennedy explores what can go awry when we put our humanitarian yearnings into action on a global scale--and what we can do in response. Rooted in Kennedy's own experience in numerous humanitarian efforts, the book examines campaigns for human rights, refugee protection, economic development, and for humanitarian limits to the conduct of war. It takes us from the jails of Uruguay to the corridors of the United Nations, from the founding of a (...)
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    Of Art and Wisdom: Plato’s Understanding of Technê.David Roochnik - 1996 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    A comprehensive discussion of Plato's treatment of techne, which shows that the final goal of Platonic philosophy is nontechnical wisdom. The Greek word "techne," typically translated as "art," but also as "craft," "skill," "expertise," "technical knowledge," and even "science," has been decisive in shaping our "technological" culture. Here David Roochnik comprehensively analyzes Plato's treatment of this crucial word. Roochnik maintains that Plato's understanding of both the goodness of techne, as well as its severe limitations and consequent need to be (...)
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  49. Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morality.David Owen - 2007 - Routledge.
    A landmark work of western philosophy, "On the Genealogy of Morality" is a dazzling and brilliantly incisive attack on European "morality". Combining philosophical acuity with psychological insight in prose of remarkable rhetorical power, Nietzsche takes up the task of offering us reasons to engage in a re-evaluation of our values. In this book, David Owen offers a reflective and insightful analysis of Nietzsche's text. He provides an account of how Nietzsche comes to the project of the re-evaluation of values; (...)
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  50. Demonstratives and their linguistic meanings.David Braun - 1996 - Noûs 30 (2):145-173.
    In this paper, I present a new semantics for demonstratives. Now some may think that David Kaplan (1989a,b) has already given a more than satisfactory semantics for demonstratives, and that there is no need for a new one. But I argue below that Kaplan's theory fails to describe the linguistic meanings of 'that' and other true demonstratives. My argument for this conclusion has nothing to do with cognitive value, belief sentences, or other such contentious matters in semantics and the (...)
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