Results for 'Dexter Gruber'

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  1.  62
    An Exploration of the Ideologies of Software Intellectual Property: The Impact on Ethical Decision Making.Matthew K. McGowan, Paul Stephens & Dexter Gruber - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 73 (4):409-424.
    This article helps to clarify and articulate the ideological, legal, and ethical attitudes regarding software as intellectual property (IP). Computer software can be viewed as IP from both ethical and legal perspectives. The size and growth of the software industry suggest that large profits are possible through the development and sale of software. The rapid growth of the open source movement, fueled by the development of the Linux operating system, suggests another model is possible. The large number of unauthorized copies (...)
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    Statement of Dexter Duggan.Dexter Duggan - 2022 - Catholic Social Science Review 27:217-219.
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    Physical Time Within Human Time.Ronald P. Gruber, Richard A. Block & Carlos Montemayor - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:718505.
    A possible solution is offered to help resolve the “two times problem” regarding the veridical and illusory nature of time. First it is recognized that the flow (passage) of time is part of a wider array of temporal experiences referred to as manifest time, all of which need to be reconciled. Then, an information gathering and utilizing system (IGUS) model is used as a basis for a view of manifest time. The model IGUS robot of Hartle that solves the “unique (...)
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    Topicalization in Child Language.Jeffrey S. Gruber - 1967 - Foundations of Language 3 (1):37-65.
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    A finite model theorem for the propositional μ-calculus.Dexter Kozen - 1988 - Studia Logica 47 (3):233 - 241.
    We prove a finite model theorem and infinitary completeness result for the propositional -calculus. The construction establishes a link between finite model theorems for propositional program logics and the theory of well-quasi-orders.
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    Bioinformationsrecht: zur Persönlichkeitsentfaltung des Menschen in technisierter Verfassung.Malte-Christian Gruber - 2015 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: As a functioning part of the human body and mind, our internal information technology systems belong to our physical makeup just as much as body parts and substances do to the realm of reproductive medicine, genetic information does to gene technology and brain scans do to neurological technology. Bio-information law concerns itself with the rights of these roving human components. German description: Bio- und Informationstechnologien generieren standig neue, bislang kaum fur moglich gehaltene Verhaltnisse, Verknupfungen und Anschlusse zwischen Technischem (...)
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  7. The Flow of Time as a Perceptual Illusion.Ronald P. Gruber & Richard A. Block - 2013 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 34 (1):91-100.
  8.  61
    How Techniques of Neutralization Legitimize Norm- and Attitude-Inconsistent Consumer Behavior.Verena Gruber & Bodo B. Schlegelmilch - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (1):29-45.
    In accordance with societal norms and values, consumers readily indicate their positive attitudes toward sustainability. However, they hardly take sustainability into account when engaging in exchange relationships with companies. To shed light on this paradox, this paper investigates whether defense mechanisms and the more specific concept of neutralization techniques can explain the discrepancy between societal norms and actual behavior. A multi-method qualitative research design provides rich insights into consumers’ underlying cognitive processes and how they make sense of their attitude–behavior divergences. (...)
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    Alfred Tarski and the "Concept of Truth in Formalized Languages": A Running Commentary with Consideration of the Polish Original and the German Translation.Monika Gruber - 2016 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This book provides a detailed commentary on the classic monograph by Alfred Tarski, and offers a reinterpretation and retranslation of the work using the original Polish text and the English and German translations. In the original work, Tarski presents a method for constructing definitions of truth for classical, quantificational formal languages. Furthermore, using the defined notion of truth, he demonstrates that it is possible to provide intuitively adequate definitions of the semantic notions of definability and denotation and that the notion (...)
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    Anti-Selection & Genetic Testing in Insurance: An Interdisciplinary Perspective.Dexter Golinghorst, Aisling de Paor, Yann Joly, Angus S. Macdonald, Margaret Otlowski, Richard Peter & Anya E. R. Prince - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (1):139-154.
    Anti-selection occurs when information asymmetry exists between insurers and applicants. When an applicant knows they are at high risk of loss, but the insurer does not, the applicant may try to use this knowledge differential to secure insurance at a lower premium that does not match risk.
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    From Physical Time to a Dualistic Model of Human Time.Ronald P. Gruber, Carlos Montemayor & Richard A. Block - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (4):927-954.
    There is a long standing debate as to whether or not time is ‘real’ or illusory, and whether or not human time is a direct reflection of physical time. Differing spacetime cosmologies have opposing views. Exactly what human time entails has, in our opinion, led to the failure to resolve this ‘two times’ problem. To help resolve this issue we propose a dualistic model of human time in which each component has both an illusory and non-illusory aspect. With the dualistic (...)
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  12.  17
    A cognitive approach to cumulative technological culture is useful and necessary but only if it also applies to other species.Thibaud Gruber - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43.
    The debate on cumulative technological culture is dominated by social-learning discussions, at the expense of other cognitive processes, leading to flawed circular arguments. I welcome the authors' approach to decouple CTC from social-learning processes without minimizing their impact. Yet, this model will only be informative to understand the evolution of CTC if tested in other cultural species.
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  13.  28
    Perciving Two Levels of the Flow of Time.R. P. Gruber, M. Bach & R. A. Block - 2015 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 22 (5-6):7-22.
    Many physicists regard the flow of time as an illusion. There is an upper level flow of time, the phenomenon of past/present/future; and there is a lower level flow of time which is really a flow of events. Perceptual completion accounts for the lower level flow of time in a few ways: apparent movement; amodal completion; and dynamic change as exemplified by a newly described modal completion that we called happening. It acts like an illusory percept connecting discrete stimuli in (...)
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  14.  36
    The ABC of social learning: Affect, behavior, and cognition.Thibaud Gruber, Marina Bazhydai, Christine Sievers, Fabrice Clément & Daniel Dukes - 2021 - Psychological Review 129 (6):1296-1318.
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    On the Relation between AHA Experiences' and the Construction of Ideas.Howard E. Gruber - 1981 - History of Science 19 (1):41-59.
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    Mental capacity assessment: a descriptive, cross-sectional study of what doctors think, know and do.Dexter Penn, Anne Lanceley, Aviva Petrie & Jacqueline Nicholls - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e6-e6.
    BackgroundThe Mental Capacity Act was enacted in 2007 in England and Wales, but the assessment of mental capacity still remains an area of professional concern. Doctors’ compliance with legal and professional standards is inconsistent, but the reasons for poor compliance are not well understood. This preliminary study investigates doctors’ experiences of and attitudes toward mental capacity assessment.MethodsThis is a descriptive, cross-sectional study where a two-domain, study-specific structured questionnaire was developed, piloted and digitally disseminated to doctors at differing career stages employed (...)
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    Quantization in generalized coordinates.Gary R. Gruber - 1971 - Foundations of Physics 1 (3):227-234.
    The operator form of the generalized canonical momenta in quantum mechanics is derived by a new, instructive method and the uniqueness of the operator form is proven. If one wishes to find the correct representation of the generalized momentum operator, he finds the Hermitian part of the operator —iħ ∂/∂q, whereq q is the generalized coordinate. There are interesting philosophical implications involved in this: It is like saying that a physical structure is composed of two parts, one which is real (...)
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  18.  38
    Dynamic perceptual completion and the dynamic snapshot view to help solve the ‘two times’ problem.Ronald P. Gruber, Ryan P. Smith & Richard A. Block - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (4):773-790.
    Perceptual completion fills the gap for discrete perception to become continuous. Similarly, dynamic perceptual completion provides an experience of dynamic continuity. Our recent discovery of the ‘happening’ element of DPC completes the total experience for dynamism in the flow of time. However, a phenomenological explanation for these experiences is essential. The Snapshot Hypotheses especially the Dynamic Snapshot View provides the most comprehensive explanation. From that understanding the ‘two times’ problem can be addressed. The static time of spacetime cosmologies has been (...)
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  19.  25
    There Is No Brain: Rethinking Neuroscience through a Nomadic Ontology.David R. Gruber - 2019 - Body and Society 25 (2):56-87.
    Building from recent attempts in the humanities and social sciences to conceive of creative, entangled ways of doing interdisciplinary work, I turn to Braidotti’s ‘nomadic ontology’ to (re)vision the human body without a brain. Her exploration of the body as a ‘threshold of transformations’ is put into conversation with Deleuze’s comments on neurobiology to consider what a brainless body might do, or undo, in neuroscientific practice. I ground discussion in a case study, detailing the practices of brain decoding or ‘mind (...)
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  20.  9
    Wissen und Glauben: theologische Reaktionen auf das Werk von Jürgen Habermas "Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie".Franz Gruber & Markus Knapp (eds.) - 2021 - Freiburg: Herder.
    In seinem grossen Spätwerk »Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie« rekonstruiert Jürgen Habermas den Diskurs über Glauben und Wissen, aus dem nicht zuletzt die säkulare Welt resultiert. Ob und wie dieser Diskurs weitergehen kann, um die Moderne vor Entgleisungen zu bewahren, ist allerdings fraglich. Der Band setzt sich aus theologischer Perspektive kritisch und nach vorne gerichtet mit dem Werk auseinander. In einem eigenen Text antwortet Jürgen Habermas auf die Beiträge.
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    The Eye of Reason: Darwin's Development during the Beagle Voyage.Howard Gruber & Valmai Gruber - 1962 - Isis 53 (2):186-200.
  22.  14
    The Impact of Male Work Environments and Organizational Policies on Women's Experiences of Sexual Harassment.James E. Gruber - 1998 - Gender and Society 12 (3):301-320.
    Women's experiences with sexual harassment were analyzed with three types of variables: occupational and workplace sex ratios, organizational policies and procedures for dealing with sexual harassment problems, and women's cultural status. Regression analyses revealed that extent of contact with men was a key predictor of incidence of harassment, number of different types of harrassment, sexual comments, sexual categorical remarks, and sexual materials. Gender predominance was a significant predictor of physical threats and sexual materials. Informational methods were less successful than proactive (...)
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    Effects of experience on perception of causality.Howard E. Gruber, Charles D. Fink & Vernon Damm - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 53 (2):89.
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    A discrete emotions approach to positive emotion disturbance in depression.June Gruber, Christopher Oveis, Dacher Keltner & Sheri L. Johnson - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (1):40-52.
    A core symptom of depression, anhedonia, involves deficits in the ability to experience positive emotion (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Positive emotional disturbances play a central rol...
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  25. Neurophysics of the Flow of Time.Ronald Gruber - 2008 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 29 (3):241-255.
    Three physical theories explaining the flow of time are examined. One theory suggests that “flow” is associated with the manner of information transfer between registers within the brain. Different robotic systems are predicted to experience different types of flow. Here, human examples are found to support the theory and the model is modified suggesting that flow is a cognitive illusion. A second theory suggests that time is non-existent, that the universe is a complex quantum state which, upon observation, the brain (...)
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    Gegenaufklärung.Alex Gruber, Manfred Dahlmann & Philipp Lenhard (eds.) - 2011 - Freiburg: Ca Ira.
    Die postmoderne Philosophie ist nichts anderes als »das Nachleben des Nationalsozialismus in der Demokratie«. Weil der radikale Bruch mit dem Denken, das zu Auschwitz führte, ausblieb, weil vielmehr bereits in den sechziger Jahren gerade von links in vermeintlich tabubrecherischer Weise versucht wurde, die nationalsozialistische Philosophie für scheinbar »emanzipatorische« Projekte nutzbar zu machen, erscheint die deutsche Ideologie heute als links und progressiv. Diese neueste deutsche Ideologie ist nicht nur eine philosophische Strömung, sondern Ausdruck einer gesellschaftlichen Tendenz. Die postmoderne Übung, jede allgemeine (...)
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    (1 other version)Warum Nicht-Menschenrechte?Malte-Christian Gruber - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 7 (2):63-70.
    "Das Rechtssystem geht davon aus, dass der Mensch – und nur der Mensch – eine natürliche Person ist. Das sei ein Irrtum, argumentiert Malte-Christian Gruber, denn die Rechtssubjektivität wird keineswegs alleine mit dem bloßen Menschsein begründet. Es ist die sittliche Autonomie, die den Menschen zu einem »Subjekt, dessen Handlungen einer Zurechnung fähig sind« (Kant) und mithin zur Person macht. Personen werden nicht mit dem Menschsein als solchem identifiziert, sondern durch die Zuschreibung von Handlungs- und Rechtsträgerschaft. Eine solche funktionale Vorstellung (...)
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    The (Digital) Majesty of All Under Heaven: Affective Constitutive Rhetoric at the Hong Kong Museum of History's Multi-Media Exhibition of Terracotta Warriors.David R. Gruber - 2014 - Rhetoric Society Quarterly 44 (2):148-167.
    During a series of protests in Hong Kong about a leadership transition widely perceived to give Mainland China greater political influence, the Hong Kong Museum of History held a Special Exhibition of the Terracotta Warriors of Xian, China. Sponsored by "The Leisure and Cultural Service Department, " the exhibit featured the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty who ushered in "an epoch-making era in Chinese history that witnessed the unification of China" (Museum Exhibition). This essay explores the multi-media aspects of (...)
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    Personal Trust and System Trust in the Sharing Economy: A Comparison of Community- and Platform-Based Models.Sabine Gruber - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Currently, new business models created in the sharing economy differ considerably and they differ in the formation of trust as well. If and how trust can be created is shown by a comparison of two examples which diverge in their founding philosophy. The chosen example of community-based economy, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), no longer trusts the capitalist system and therefore distances itself and creates its own environment including a new business model. It is implemented within rather small groups where trust (...)
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    The role of growth factors in haemopoiesis.T. M. Dexter, C. Heyworth & A. D. Whetton - 1985 - Bioessays 2 (4):154-158.
    Many of the haemopoietic cell growth factors have now been purified to homogeneity and their structural genes cloned. Methods are also now available for obtaining pure populations of haemopoietic cells. The use of such cells, in combination with pure growth factors, has provided intriguing information about the biological activities and mode of action of the factors in faciliating survival, proliferation and differentiation of the haemopoietic cells.
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    Hermeneutic Availability and Respect for Alterity.Joseph Gruber - 2014 - Philosophy Today 58 (1):23-38.
    Hans-Georg Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics has come under criticism for his treatment of the other. Generally these critiques charge that Gadamer fails to give the other due consideration and instead collapses her into a non-challenging conversational partner of the interpreter or listener. Robert Bernasconi, in his “‘You Don’t Know What I’m Talking About’: Alterity and the Hermeneutic Ideal” and “‘Y’All Don’t Hear Me Now’: On Lorenzo Simpson’s The Unfinished Project,” charges that the hermeneutic model of conversation is unable to respect the (...)
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    Snyder and Habermas on the war in Ukraine: a critical discourse analysis of elite media discourse in Germany.Helmut Gruber - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    This article presents a critical qualitative study of two opinion articles, written by two eminent scholars (Jürgen Habermas and Timothy Snyder), on the German government’s hesitant arms supply for Ukraine during the first phase of the Russian war of aggression in 2022. The main aim of the article is the uncovering of the discursive practices of critique performed by two major public intellectuals. This case study thus allows insights into the simplistic representation of the Russo-Ukrainian war in German elite media (...)
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    Adam in Myth and History: Ancient Israelite Perspectives on the Primal Human.Dexter E. Callender - 2000 - BRILL.
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    Can Hope be Bad?Dexter Chinn - 2021 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 21:19-19.
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    Can it be good to hope, even if there’s not good reason to do so?Dexter Chinn - 2021 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 21:18-18.
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    A Nineteenth-Century American Interpretation of the Aeneid.Joseph P. Dexter - 2011 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 105 (1):39-56.
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    Bankers, Bones, and Beetles. The First Century of the America Museum of Natural History. Geoffrey Hellman.Ralph Dexter - 1970 - Isis 61 (1):119-120.
  38. Conduct and the Weather.E. Dexter - 1900 - Philosophical Review 9:354.
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    Conduct and the Weather--An Inductive Study of the Mental Effects of Definite Meterological Conditions.Edwin Grant Dexter - 1899 - Psychological Review 6 (5):539-540.
  40.  84
    Causal imputation and purposes of investigation.Lewis A. Dexter - 1939 - Philosophy of Science 6 (4):404-411.
    There is a considerable literature about causation. A great many investigators constantly employ the notion of causation in some form. But with the exception of a very few items, these investigators will find little of use in this literature.
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    Ethical Aspects of Care of the Adolescent.Yvonne Dexter - 2011 - In Gosia M. Brykczynska & Joan Simons, Ethical and Philosophical Aspects of Nursing Children and Young People. Wiley. pp. 100.
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    Ethics and the Weather.Edwin G. Dexter - 1900 - International Journal of Ethics 11 (4):481.
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    Ethics and the Weather.Edwin G. Dexter - 1901 - International Journal of Ethics 11 (4):481-492.
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    Free and open source software (FOSS) as a model domain for answering big questions about creativity.Scott Dexter & Aaron Kozbelt - 2013 - Mind and Society 12 (1):113-123.
    In free and open source software (FOSS), computer code is made freely accessible and can be modified by anyone. It is a creative domain with many unique features; the FOSS mode of creativity has also influenced many aspects of contemporary cultural production. In this article we identify a number of fundamental but unresolved general issues in the study of creativity, then examine the potential for the study of FOSS to inform these topics. Archival studies of the genesis of FOSS projects, (...)
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    Historical aspects of F. W. putnam's systematic studies on fishes.Ralph W. Dexter - 1970 - Journal of the History of Biology 3 (1):131-135.
    As a student and collaborator of Louis Agassiz on the study of fishes, F. W. Putnam gave promise of becoming a leading ichthyologist with special interest in taxonomy generally and the Etheostomidae in particular. While he was noted briefly in these fields, contributed a number of minor papers, and aided in the posthumous publications of some of Agassiz's work on fishes, he neither reached his original goal nor completed his major projected works. For in 1874 he switched careers and was (...)
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  46.  9
    L'Imagination poétique.Greta Dexter - 1975 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 37 (1):49-62.
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    Opportunities for Advance Directives to Influence Acute Medical Care.Paul R. Dexter, Frederic D. Wolinsky, Gregory P. Gramelspacher, George J. Eckert & William M. Tierney - 2003 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 14 (3):173-182.
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    The Indians of Texas in 1830. Jean Louis Berlandier, John C. Ewers, Patricia Reading Leclercq.Ralph Dexter - 1969 - Isis 60 (4):577-578.
  49. The Psychological Review: Monograph Supplements. Number 10: Conduct and the Weather.Edwin Grant Dexter - 1900 - Philosophical Review 9 (3):354-354.
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    Maharbal's bon mot: authenticity and survival.Dexter Hoyos - 2000 - Classical Quarterly 50 (02):610-.
    Did the Carthaginian cavalry general Maharbal really urge Hannibal to march on Rome after Cannae, and then comment bitterly Vincere sets, Hannibal; victoria uti nescis, when his leader refused? There are two main objections: Maharbal may not have been there, and anyway Cannae was too far away to justify such a march. The whole story has been seen as one of those well-known Roman historiographical inventions. But there may well be more to the story than that, illuminating both Hannibalic history (...)
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