Results for 'Duhem-Quine'

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  1. DuhemQuine virtue epistemology.Abrol Fairweather - 2012 - Synthese 187 (2):673-692.
    The Duhem-Quine Thesis is the claim that it is impossible to test a scientific hypothesis in isolation because any empirical test requires assuming the truth of one or more auxiliary hypotheses. This is taken by many philosophers, and is assumed here, to support the further thesis that theory choice is underdetermined by empirical evidence. This inquiry is focused strictly on the axiological commitments engendered in solutions to underdetermination, specifically those of Pierre Duhem and W. V. Quine. (...)
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  2. Duhem, Quine, and the multiplicity of scientific tests.Yuri Balashov - 1994 - Philosophy of Science 61 (4):608-628.
    Duhem's and Quine's holistic theses, when properly understood, allow methodologically responsible ways of resolving a conflict between a theoretical system and experience; they only deny the possibility of doing it in an epistemically persuasive way. By developing a "string" model of scientific tests I argue that the pattern of interaction between the elements of a theoretical system arising in response to multiple adverse data can be helpful in locating a "weak spot" in it. Combining this model with anti-holistic (...)
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    The DuhemQuine thesis revisited.F. Weinert - 1995 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 9 (2):147 – 156.
    Abstract The Duhem?Quine thesis is generally presented as the radical underdetermi? nation of a theory by experimental evidence. But there is a much?neglected second aspect, i.e. the coherence or interrelatedness of the conceptual components of a theory. Although both Duhem and Quine recognised this aspect, they failed to see its consequences: it militates against the idea of radical underdetermination. Because scientific theories are coherent conceptual systems, empirical evidence penetrates, as it were, the periphery and allows the (...)
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  4. Duhem, Quine and grünbaum on falsification.Gary Wedeking - 1969 - Philosophy of Science 36 (4):375-380.
    In Chapter 4 of [2] Grünbaum sets out to refute Einstein's philosophy of physical geometry. The latter's theory is seen as lying within the tradition of "anti-empiricist conventionalism" of Duhem and Quine as opposed to the "qualified empiricism" of Poincaré, Carnap and Reichenbach. Consequently Grünbaum sets the stage for his critique of Einstein by discussing certain of the views of these other thinkers. But in these preliminary discussions the various theses are confused and misrepresented in such a way (...)
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    The Duhem-Quine Thesis Reconsidered.Piotr K. Szałek - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 62 (1):73-93.
    The high point of the falsification of physical theories in a standard view of the philosophy of science is the so-called crucial experiment. This experiment is a kind of manipulated empirical test, which provides the criterion for distinguishing between two rival hypotheses, where one is an acceptable theory due to passing the test, and the other turns out to be an unacceptable theory as it does not pass the test. The crucial experiment was supposed to play a significant role because, (...)
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    Duhem, Quine, Wittgenstein and the Sociology of scientific knowledge: continuity of self-legitimation?Dominique Raynaud - 2003 - Epistemologia 26 (1):133-160.
    Contemporary sociology of scientific knowledge (SSK) is defined by its relativist trend. Its programme often calls for the support of philosophers, such as Duhem, Quine, and Wittgenstein. A critical re-reading of key texts shows that the main principles of relativism are only derivable with difficulty. The thesis of the underdetermination of theory doesn't forbid that Duhem, in many places, validates a correspondence-consistency theory of truth. He never said that social beliefs and interests fill the lack of underdetermination. (...)
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  7. Underdetermination in Economics: The Duhem-Quine Thesis.K. R. Sawyer, Howard Sankey & Clive Beed - 1997 - Economics and Philosophy 13 (1):1-23.
    This paper considers the relevance of the Duhem-Quine thesis in economics. In the introductory discussion which follows, the meaning of the thesis and a brief history of its development are detailed. The purpose of the paper is to discuss the effects of the thesis in four specific and diverse theories in economics, and to illustrate the dependence of testing the theories on a set of auxiliary hypotheses. A general taxonomy of auxiliary hypotheses is provided to demonstrate the confounding (...)
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  8. Duhem, Quine and a New Empiricism.Mary Hesse - 1969 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 3:191-209.
    As in the case of great books in all branches of philosophy, Pierre Duhem's Le Théorie Physique , first published in 1906, can be looked to as the progenitor of many different and even conflicting currents in subsequent philosophy of science. On a superficial reading, it seems to be an expression of what later came to be called deductivist and instrumentalist analyses of scientific theory. Duhem's very definition of physical theory, put forward early in the book, is the (...)
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    The Duhem-Quine problem for equiprobable conjuncts.Abhishek Kashyap & Vikram S. Sirola - forthcoming - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A.
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    Can Theories be Refuted?: Essays on the Duhem-Quine Thesis.Sandra Harding - 1975 - Reidel.
    According to a view assumed by many scientists and philosophers of science and standardly found in science textbooks, it is controlled ex perience which provides the basis for distinguishing between acceptable and unacceptable theories in science: acceptable theories are those which can pass empirical tests. It has often been thought that a certain sort of test is particularly significant: 'crucial experiments' provide supporting empiri cal evidence for one theory while providing conclusive evidence against another. However, in 1906 Pierre Duhem (...)
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  11. Duhem- Quine problemi ve Poincare.Samet Bağçe - forthcoming - Felsefe Dünyasi.
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    Die Duhem-Quine-These unter dem Geltungsaspekt der erkenntnistheoretischen Fragestellung Kants.Nikolaos Avgelis - 1991 - Kant Studien 82 (3):285-302.
  13.  1
    Empirical Underdetermination: The Empirical Side of the DuhemQuine Thesis.María Caamaño-Alegre - 2025 - Philosophy Compass 20 (3):e70022.
    Theoretical underdetermination is a central issue in the Philosophy of Science, having been discussed and debated since the early 20th century. The so-called “Duhem-Quine problem” has been used as an umbrella term to refer to a number of problematic features that arise from the lack of a biunivocal correspondence between theory and evidence. However, the now familiar idea that the detection of an empirical phenomenon is inferred from a complex collection of data entails the recognition that not only (...)
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    What to do with a problem like Duhem-Quine?Martin K. Jones - 2012 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 13 (1):79-102.
    Résumé Le problème de Duhem-Quine a été considéré comme un problème majeur de la philosophie des sciences et a donné lieu au déploiement de nombreux efforts pour tenter de le circonvenir ou d’affaiblir ses implications. Plus récemment, le problème est devenu une question majeure au sein de la méthodologie de l’économie expérimentale. Dans cet article, l’auteur soutient que la plupart de ces discussions soit sacrifient trop du pouvoir explicatif de la science, soit ne réussissent pas à traiter proprement (...)
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  15. Quine and a New Empiricism.Hesse M. Duhem - 1970 - In G. Vesey, Knowledge and Necessity. Macmillan. pp. 191.
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    Le holisme de Duhem contre la thèse de Duhem-Quine.Youri Cabot - 2021 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 8 (3):38-45.
    Le holisme de la réfutation, outhèse de Duhem-Quine, affirme que nous ne pouvons pas tester isolément une hypothèse scientifique, mais seulement des ensembles d’hypothèses. Ainsi, en cas d’échec d’un test, nous pouvons seulement conclure qu’au moins une hypothèse d’un ensemble est falsifiée, mais nous ne pouvons pasdéterminer laquelle.Bien que cette thèse soit partagée par Duhem et Quine, on néglige régulièrementdes différences entre leurs analyses, alors qu’ilsne s’appuient pas sur les mêmes arguments, et parviennent à des conclusions (...)
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    Likelihood, Model Selection, and the Duhem-Quine Problem.Elliott Sober - 2004 - Journal of Philosophy 101 (5):221-241.
    In what follows I will discuss an example of the Duhem-Quine problem in which Pr(H A), Pr(A H), and Pr(OI +H& ?A) (where H is the hypothesis, A the auxiliary assumptions, and O the observational prediction) can be construed objectively; however, only some of those quantities are relevant to the analysis that I provide. The example involves medical diagnosis. The goal is to test the hypothesis that someone has tuberculosis; the auxiliary assumptions describe the er- ror characteristics of (...)
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    Falsification, the Duhem-Quine Thesis, and Scientific Realism: From a Phenomenological Point of View.Darrin W. Belousek - 1998 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 29 (2):145-161.
  19. Underdetermination Thesis, Duhem-Quine Thesis.Stathis Psillos - unknown
    Underdetermination is a relation between evidence and theory. More accurately, it is a relation between the propositions that express the (relevant) evidence and the propositions that constitute the theory. Evidence is said to underdetermine theory. This may mean two things. First, the evidence cannot prove the truth of the theory. Second, the evidence cannot render the theory probable. Let’s call the first deductive underdetermination, and the second inductive (or ampliative) underdetermination. Both kinds of claim are supposed to have a certain (...)
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  20. (2 other versions)On Duhem's and Quine's Theses.Jules Vuillemin - 1979 - Grazer Philosophische Studien Graz 9:69-96.
    The "Duhem-Quine thesis" says that isolated hypotheses are not singularly verifiable by experience, only the whole body of a theory being able to be subjected to the test of experience. I first examine the rather divergent meanings this thesis takes when it is replaced in the different contexts of Duhem's and Quine'sphilosophies. Secondly, questions are asked about the acceptability of the thesis, its logical strength and its historical soundness. Finally, the consequences of some doubts raised by (...)
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  21. Pragmatism in economic methodology: The Duhem-Quine thesis revisited. [REVIEW]Thomas A. Boylan & Paschal F. O'Gorman - 2003 - Foundations of Science 8 (1):3-21.
    Contemporary developments in economicmethodology have produced a vibrant agenda ofcompeting positions. These include, amongothers, constructivism, critical realism andrhetoric, with each contributing to the Realistvs. Pragmatism debate in the philosophies of thesocial sciences. A major development in theneo-pragmatist contribution to economicmethodology has been Quine's pragmatic assaulton the dogmas of empiricism, which are nowclearly acknowledged within contemporaryeconomic methodology. This assault isencapsulated in the celebrated Duhem-Quinethesis, which according to a number ofcontemporary leading philosophers of economics,poses a particularly serious methodologicalproblem for economics. (...)
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  22. The Ethics and Science of Placebo-Controlled Trials: Assay Sensitivity and the DuhemQuine Thesis.James Anderson - 2006 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 31 (1):65 – 81.
    The principle of clinical equipoise requires that, aside from certain exceptional cases, second generation treatments ought to be tested against standard therapy. In violation of this principle, placebo-controlled trials (PCTs) continue to be used extensively in the development and licensure of second-generation treatments. This practice is typically justified by appeal to methodological arguments that purport to demonstrate that active-controlled trials (ACTs) are methodologically flawed. Foremost among these arguments is the so called assay sensitivity argument. In this paper, I take a (...)
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  23. The falsifiability of theories: Total or partial? A contemporary evaluation of the Duhem-Quine thesis.Adolf Grünbaum - 1962 - Synthese 14 (1):17 - 34.
  24. The Epistemic Requirement of Scientific Realism in the Light of the Duhem-Quine Thesis.Milos Taliga - 2013 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 20:178-195.
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  25. Duhem-Thesis, Quine-Thesis and Duhem-Quine Thesis.A. Derecin & S. Guccione - 1985 - Epistemologia 8 (1):77-102.
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    Duhem and Quine.Paul Needham - 2000 - Dialectica 54 (2):109-132.
    The rejection of the idea that the so‐called DuhemQuine thesis in fact expresses a thesis upheld by either Duhem or Quine invites a more detailed comparison of their views. It is suggested that the arguments of each have a certain impact on the positions maintained by the other. In particular, Quine's development of his notion of ontological commitment is enlisted in the interpretation of Duhem's position. It is argued that this counts against the instrumentalist (...)
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  27. Fundamental physical constants, null experiments and the Duhem-Quine thesis.F. Weinert - 1998 - Philosophia Naturalis 35 (2):225-252.
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    Can Theories Be Refuted? Essays on the Duhem-Quine ThesisSandra G. Harding.John Post - 1978 - Isis 69 (1):148-149.
  29. Fault-Tracing: Against Quine-Duhem: A Defense of the Objectivity of Scientific Justification.Sam Mitchell - 2020 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    The Quine-Duhem thesis states that we always have a choice about how praise or blame are distributed in cases of scientific justification. But in many scientific examples, there is simply no room to doubt that a particular hypothesis is responsible for a refutation or established by the observations. Fault Tracing gives a theory of independent justification from different sets of evidence. Using both real and artificial examples, it shows how to play independently established hypotheses against each other to (...)
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  30. Quine's ‘needlessly strong’ holism.Sander Verhaegh - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 61:11-20.
    Quine is routinely perceived as having changed his mind about the scope of the Duhem-Quine thesis, shifting from what has been called an 'extreme holism' to a more moderate view. Where the Quine of 'Two Dogmas of Empiricism' argues that “the unit of empirical significance is the whole of science” (1951, 42), the later Quine seems to back away from this “needlessly strong statement of holism” (1991, 393). In this paper, I show that the received (...)
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  31. Does the quine/duhem thesis prevent us from defining analyticity?Olaf Müller - 1998 - Erkenntnis 48 (1):85-104.
    Quine claims that holism (i.e., the Quine-Duhem thesis) prevents us from defining synonymy and analyticity (section 2). In Word and Object, he dismisses a notion of synonymy which works well even if holism is true. The notion goes back to a proposal from Grice and Strawson and runs thus: R and S are synonymous iff for all sentences T we have that the logical conjunction of R and T is stimulus-synonymous to that of S and T. Whereas (...)
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  32. The Duhem thesis and the Quine thesis.Donald Gillies - 1998 - In Martin Curd & Jan A. Cover, Philosophy of Science: The Central Issues. Norton. pp. 302--319.
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  33. In defense of the Quine-Duhem thesis: A reply to Greenwood.Robert Klee - 1992 - Philosophy of Science 59 (3):487-491.
    While discussing the work of Kuhn and Hanson, John Greenwood (1990) misidentifies the nature of the relationship between the incommensurability of theories and the theory-ladenness of observation. After pointing out this error, I move on to consider Greenwood's main argument that the Quine-Duhem thesis suffers from a form of epistemological self-defeat if it is interpreted to mean that any recalcitrant observation can always be accommodated to any theory. Greenwood finds this interpretation implausible because some adjustments to auxiliary hypotheses (...)
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  34. Quine and Duhem on holistic hypothesis testing.Gerald J. Massey - 2011 - American Philosophical Quarterly 48 (3):239-266.
  35. Two dogmas of neo-empiricism: The "theory-informity" of observation and the Quine-Duhem thesis.John D. Greenwood - 1990 - Philosophy of Science 57 (4):553-574.
    It is argued that neither the "theory-informity" of observations nor the Quine-Duhem thesis pose any in principle threat to the objectivity of theory evaluation. The employment of exploratory theories does not generate incommensurability, but on the contrary is responsible for the mensurability and commensurability of explanatory theories, since exploratory theories enable scientists to make observations which are critical in the evaluation of explanatory theories. The employment of exploratory theories and other auxiliary hypotheses does not enable a theory to (...)
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  36. Ancora Duhem E Quine.Vincenzo Crupi - 2002 - Epistemologia 25 (1):5-38.
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    On the difference between Duhem and Quine’s theses.Aleksandra Zoric - 2014 - Filozofija I Društvo 25 (1):193-207.
    Although there are numerous similarities between Duhem and Quine, there are strong arguments which suggest that what can be isolated as Quine?s thesis would be unacceptable to Duhem. On the other hand, they both share Duhem?s holistic thesis: empirical statements are interconnected in such a way that they cannot be confirmed or refuted taken in isolation. Since Quine?s holism is more radical, as we shall show, his thesis claims that we can always keep a (...)
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    Quine.Geert Keil - 2011 - Reclam.
    Den Spuren des amerikanischen Philosophen Willard Van Orman Quine (1908-2000) begegnet man in der theoretischen Philosophie der Gegenwart auf Schritt und Tritt. Dies zeigt schon die lange Liste der Thesen und Stichworte, die mit seinem Namen verbunden sind: Kritik der Analytisch-synthetisch-Unterscheidung, Duhem-Quine-These des wissenschaftstheoretischen Holismus, die Dogmen des Empirismus, radikale Übersetzung, Unbestimmtheit der Übersetzung, ontologische Relativität, Flucht vor den Intensionen, Naturalisierung der Erkenntnistheorie. -/- Quine verstand die Philosophie als ein wissenschaftliches oder wissenschaftsbegleitendes Unternehmen. Sein Werk lässt (...)
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    Epistemological Holism: Duhem or Quine?H. Krips - 1982 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 13 (3):251.
  40. From analytic pragmatism to historical materialism: Frankfurt school critical theory and the QuineDuhem thesis.Jacob McNulty - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (3):576-599.
    My aim in this paper is to explore an affinity between early critical theory and analytical philosophy. The affinity is in a fairly unexpected area: philosophy of science. I argue that early critical theory embraces a view of science which is a natural if somewhat unfamiliar extension of the pragmatist one defended by Quine. In particular, I argue that Horkheimer has a version of the Quine-Duhem thesis (“underdetermination of theory choice by the evidence”). How do the Frankfurt (...)
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  41. Comparative Bayesian Confirmation and the QuineDuhem Problem: A Rejoinder to Strevens.Branden Fitelson & Andrew Waterman - 2007 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 58 (2):333-338.
    By and large, we think is a useful reply to our original critique of his article on the QuineDuhem problem. But, we remain unsatisfied with several aspects of his reply. Ultimately, we do not think he properly addresses our most important worries. In this brief rejoinder, we explain our remaining worries, and we issue a revised challenge for Strevens's approach to QD.
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  42. Ontological commitment: Between Quine and Duhem.Penelope Maddy - 1996 - Philosophical Perspectives 10:317 - 341.
  43. Quine and Davidson on Meaning and Holism.Chienkuo Mi - 1998 - Dissertation, The University of Iowa
    Many discussions of holism fail to see the scope ambiguity and the subject ambiguity involved in the doctrine. With the different scopes or sizes, there are both moderate and extreme versions of holism. With respect to the different subjects, meaning holism can be distinguished from holism about confirmation or disconfirmation, about belief-fixation or belief-content, or about interpretation or understanding. The principal aim of this study is to disentangle the distinct doctrines involved in holism and to characterize and assess meaning holism (...)
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    Duhem’s Thesis, Feyerabend’s Methodological Anarchism and the Question About the Justification of Epistemic Change.Edgar Serna Ramírez - 2021 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 18:173-192.
    Duhem-Quine’s thesis provides plausibility for Feyerabend’s methodological anarchism by showing that the empirical refutation of a theoretical system is as chimerical as its verification. Grünbaum argues against this that such a thesis is untenable. They both agree in the formulation of Duhem’s argument as it was exposed by Quine. However, the exegesis carried out by Quinn, Laudan and Ariew makes it clear that it is a mistake to identify the Duhem-Quine thesis with the (...) thesis. I argue that, if this is so, then a refutation that can be accepted as such only in retrospect is logically possible. (shrink)
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    Reflections on Soros: Mach, Quine, Arthur and far-from-equilibrium dynamics.Rod Cross, Harold Hutchinson, Harbir Lamba & Doug Strachan - 2013 - Journal of Economic Methodology 20 (4):357-367.
    We argue that the Soros account of reflexivity does not provide a clear-cut distinction between a social science such as economics and the physical sciences. It is pointed out that the participants who attempt to learn from refutations of conjectures in the Soros world are likely to be haunted by the DuhemQuine problem of conjointness of hypotheses and unfocused refutation. On a more constructive note, we argue that models of inductive learning, in which participants form conjectures on the (...)
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  46. Zur Ehrenrettung der Synonymie. Über einen Irrtum bei Quine.Olaf L. Müller - 1997 - In Meggle Georg, Analyomen 2: Proceedings of the 2nd conference 'Perspectives in analytical philosophy'. Vol. II: Philosophy of language, metaphysics. de Gruyter. pp. 192-199.
    Quine behauptet, dass uns der Holismus (d.h. die Quine/Duhem-These) daran hindert, Synonymie zu definieren. In "Word and Object" weist er einen Synonymiebegriff zurück, der selbst dann gut funktioniert, wenn der Holismus zutrifft. Dieser Begriff lässt sich so definieren: R und S sind synonym, wenn für alle Sätze T die logische Konjunktion aus R und T reizsynonym zur Konjunktion aus S und T ist. Dieser Begriff entgeht Quines bedeutungsskeptischen, holistischen Einwänden. Anders als Quine gemeint hat, ist der (...)
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    Duhem's physicalism.Paul Needham - 1998 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 29 (1):33-62.
    Duhem is often described as an anti-realist or instrumentalist. A contrary view has recently been expressed by Martin (1991) (Pierre Duhem: Philosophy and History in the Work of a Believing Physicist (La Salle, IL: Open Court)), who suggests that this interpretation makes it difficult to understand the vantage point from which Duhem argues in La science allemande (1915) that deduction, however impeccable, cannot establish truths unless it begins with truths. In the same spirit, the present paper seeks (...)
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    Trading Ontology for Ideology: The Interplay of Logic, Set Theory and Semantics in Quine's Philosophy.Lieven Decock - 2002 - Boston, MA, USA: Synthese Library. Kluwer/Springer.
    The Interplay of Logic, Set Theory and Semantics in Quine's Philosophy L. Decock. In philosophy of science Quine's name is linked to the so-called Quine- Duhem thesis. The discussion of this thesis still continues even after several decades.9 ...
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  49. Can Theories Be Refuted? Essays on the Quine-Duhem Thesis edited by Sandra Harding. [REVIEW]Jean Largeault - 1979 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 169 (1):112-115.
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    Holism and the Constitution of “Experience in its Entirety” Cassirer contra Quine on the Lessons of Duhem.Alan W. Richardson - 2015 - In J. Tyler Friedman & Sebastian Luft, The Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer: A Novel Assessment. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 103-122.
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