Results for 'E. Gutmann'

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  1.  22
    Leibniz, a Collection of EssaysModern Art and the Modern MindFriedrich Holderlin, an Early ModernThe Analysis of Beauty.Joseph Gutmann, Harry G. Frankfurt, J. P. Hodin, Emery E. George & William Hogarth - 1972 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 31 (2):276.
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  2. Democracy and Association.Mark E. Warren, Nina Eliasoph, Amy Gutmann & John Ehrenberg - 2002 - Political Theory 30 (2):289-298.
  3.  20
    Reciprocity and Liability Protections during the Covid‐19 Pandemic.Valerie Gutmann Koch & Diane E. Hoffmann - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (3):5-7.
    During the Covid‐19 pandemic, as resources dwindled, clinicians, health care institutions, and policymakers have expressed concern about potential legal liability for following crisis standards of care (CSC) plans. Although there is no robust empirical research to demonstrate that liability protections actually influence physician behavior, we argue that limited liability protections for health care professionals who follow established CSC plans may instead be justified by reliance on the principle of reciprocity. Expecting physicians to do something they know will harm their patients (...)
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  4. Performances em rede do Esporte Clube Bahia sobre a cultura do estupro e os dribles epistêmicos da comunicação de marca.Juliana Freire Gutmann & Jussara Peixoto Maia - 2025 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 31 (3):209-224.
    A partir da circulação do audiovisual “A culpa é sua, o corpo não” no Instagram, como parte da campanha do Esporte Clube Bahia contra a cultura do estupro, este artigo analisa disputas afetivas em torno da marca, atravessadas pela questão da violência de gênero. Parte-se da assunção de que aproximações das organizações com temas sensíveis são vetores promissores do debate sobre a urgência de giros epistêmicos na comunicação frente ao atual contexto de franca dispersão das dinâmicas de produção, circulação e (...)
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    Preludes to a reconstructive “environmental science”.Mathias Gutmann & Michael Weingarten - 2004 - Poiesis and Praxis 3 (s 1-2):37-61.
    Biodiversity is a term easily applied in different and differing contexts. At first glance it seems to be a biological concept, defined and used in the realm of biological theory, serving for the description of particular aspects of the human and non-human environment. In this sense biodiversity even found its way into the texts of international conventions: “Biological diversity means the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic systems and the ecological complexes (...)
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    Sollten wir auf die Trolley-Fälle verzichten?Tobias Gutmann - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 8 (2):323-350.
    In den moralphilosophischen Debatten der letzten Jahrzehnte spielen die sogenannten Trolley-Fälle eine große Rolle. Sie kommen zum Einsatz in Diskussionen der Frage, welcher Schaden Personen im Rahmen medizinischer oder politischer Maßnahmen zugefügt werden darf, und in Diskussionen darüber, welches die richtige normative Moraltheorie ist. Allerdings kritisieren viele Philosophinnen und Philosophen diese Gedankenexperimente wegen ihrer Konstruiertheit, Künstlichkeit, Abstraktheit und ihrer Lebensferne. In diesem Beitrag werden die Einwände eines prominenten Kritikers, Allen Wood, diskutiert. Er attestiert den Trolley-Gedankenexperimenten neben den genannten Punkten außerdem, (...)
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    The Disappearance of Form? Some Methodological Considerations on a Lost Conceptual Dimension in Biology.Mathias Gutmann - 2021 - Perspectives on Science 29 (5):666-680.
    The concept of form belongs—apparently—to an older stage of biological concept formation. Paradoxically, it is even the insistence on the reference to form that shows its very disappearance.1 The more the functionalization2, systematization, and finally algorithmization of modern biology3 advances, in the sense of systems biology, synthetic biology and bioinformatics, the less audible the call for a rehabilitation of the concept of form becomes.This technomorphic tendency, to deal with living entities in terms of artifacts, increasingly brought the concept of transformation (...)
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    Nature and Natural Science: The Philosophy of Frederick J. E. Woodbridge by William Frank Jones. [REVIEW]James Gutmann - 1983 - Journal of Philosophy 80 (12):817-819.
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    What is mirrored by mirror neurons?Benjamin Rathgeber & Mathias Gutmann - 2008 - Poiesis and Praxis 5 (3-4):233-247.
    Mirror neurons are a particular class of visumotorical neurons, originally discovered in area F5 of the monkey premotorical cortex. They discharge both (1) when the animal performs a specific action and (2) when it observes a similar action. Actually, it is often assumed that this unique functioning could explain different abilities ranging from imitation behaviour to faculty of speech. In this article, we discuss the question what is meant by the expression: The neuron x mirrors the action y by perception (...)
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  10. The JHB Bookshelf.Gregg Mitman, Michael Fortun, Jordan D. Marché, Joseph E. Taylor, Mark V. Barrow & Barbara Gutmann Rosenkrantz - 1996 - Journal of the History of Biology 29 (2):309-325.
  11.  44
    Information: a universal metaphor in natural and cultural sciences? [REVIEW]Michael Bölker, Mathias Gutmann & Wolfgang Hesse - 2008 - Poiesis and Praxis 5 (3-4):155-158.
    Information: a universal metaphor in natural and cultural sciences? Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s10202-008-0046-2 Authors Michael Bölker, Philipps-Universität Marburg Fachbereich 17: Biologie Karl-von-Frisch-Straße 8 35032 Marburg Germany Mathias Gutmann, Philipps-Universität Marburg Institut für Philosophie Wilhelm Röpke Str. 6B 35032 Marburg Germany Wolfgang Hesse, Philipps-Universität Marburg Fachbereich 12: Mathematik und Informatik Hans-Meerwein-Straße 35032 Marburg Germany Journal Poiesis & Praxis: International Journal of Technology Assessment and Ethics of Science Online ISSN 1615-6617 Print ISSN 1615-6609 Journal Volume Volume 5 Journal Issue (...)
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    The Priority of Democratic Autonomy Over Discriminatory Religion.Henry E. Cline - 2000 - Journal of Philosophical Research 25:381-403.
    This paper attempts to nudge the reader in the direction of an enlightened account of democratic choice, a sense of reflective choice which undermines our present support of discriminatory sectarian doctrine. I use Gutmann’s and Altman’s views as prologues to my own, though they might well reject my conclusions about discriminatory religion. I contrast my view with Macedo’s, Gray’s, Larmore’s, Rosenblum’s, and Galston’s.My argument utilizes common sense and relatively uncontroversial metaphysical principles to make it more difficult to dismiss as (...)
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  13. Why Deliberative Democracy?Amy Gutmann & Dennis F. Thompson - 2004 - Princeton University Press.
    The most widely debated conception of democracy in recent years is deliberative democracy--the idea that citizens or their representatives owe each other mutually acceptable reasons for the laws they enact. Two prominent voices in the ongoing discussion are Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson. In Why Deliberative Democracy?, they move the debate forward beyond their influential book, Democracy and Disagreement.What exactly is deliberative democracy? Why is it more defensible than its rivals? By offering clear answers to these timely questions, (...) and Thompson illuminate the theory and practice of justifying public policies in contemporary democracies. They not only develop their theory of deliberative democracy in new directions but also apply it to new practical problems. They discuss bioethics, health care, truth commissions, educational policy, and decisions to declare war. In "What Deliberative Democracy Means," which opens this collection of essays, they provide the most accessible exposition of deliberative democracy to date. They show how deliberative democracy should play an important role even in the debates about military intervention abroad.Why Deliberative Democracy? contributes to our understanding of how democratic citizens and their representatives can make justifiable decisions for their society in the face of the fundamental disagreements that are inevitable in diverse societies. Gutmann and Thompson provide a balanced and fair-minded approach that will benefit anyone intent on giving reason and reciprocity a more prominent place in politics than power and special interests. (shrink)
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    The controversy between Schelling and Jacobi.Lewis S. Ford - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (1):75-89.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Controversy Between Schelling and Jacobi LEWIS S. FORD SCHELLING, ALONGWITH FICHTE, has suffered the fate of being labelled one of tIegel's predecessors. Richard Kroner provides the classic expression of this viewpoint in his monumental study, Von Kant bis Hegel, which examines Schelling's thought primarily for its contribution to Hegel's final synthesis.I In English we have Josiah Royce's sympathetic and lively account of Schelling's early romantic exuberance, regarded as (...)
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    Aspects of ethical religion.Horace James Bridges - 1926 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press. Edited by Felix Adler.
    Ethical mysticism, by S. Coit.--The ethical import of history, by D. S. Muzzey.--The tragic and heroic in life, by W. M. Salter.--Distinctive features of the ethical movement, by A. W. Martin.--Ethical experience as the basis of religious education, by H. Neumann.--"All men are created equal," by G. E. O'Dell.--How far is art an aid to religion? by P. Chubb.--Evolution and the uniqueness of man, by H. J. Bridges.--The spiritual outlook on life, by H. J. Golding.--The ethics of Abu'l Ala al (...)
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  16. Democracy and disagreement.Amy Gutmann - 1996 - Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Edited by Dennis F. Thompson.
    The authors offer ways to encourage and educate Americans to participate in the public deliberations that make democracy work and lay out the principles of..
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  17. Democracy and Disagreement.Amy Gutmann & Dennis Thompson - 1996 - Ethics 108 (3):607-610.
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    Identity in Democracy.Amy Gutmann - 2004 - Princeton University Press.
    I doubt that even one of her readers will agree with all of Gutmann's conclusions--but they will all have to take account of the wealth of empirical evidence and stringent reasoning in this book.
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    Democratic Education: Revised Edition.Amy Gutmann - 1999 - Princeton University Press.
    Who should have the authority to shape the education of citizens in a democracy? This is the central question posed by Amy Gutmann in the first book-length study of the democratic theory of education. The author tackles a wide range of issues, from the democratic case against book banning to the role of teachers' unions in education, as well as the vexed questions of public support for private schools and affirmative action in college admissions.
  20. Review of Amy Gutmann: Multiculturalism: Examining the Politics of Recognition[REVIEW]Charles Taylor & Amy Gutmann - 1994 - Ethics 104 (2):384-386.
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  21. (1 other version)Democratic Education.Amy Gutmann - 1989 - Ethics 99 (2):439-441.
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  22. Multiculturalism: Examining the Politics of Recognition.Amy Gutmann (ed.) - 1994 - Princeton University Press.
    A new edition of the highly acclaimed book Multiculturalism and "The Politics of Recognition," this paperback brings together an even wider range of leading philosophers and social scientists to probe the political controversy surrounding multiculturalism. Charles Taylor's initial inquiry, which considers whether the institutions of liberal democratic government make room--or should make room--for recognizing the worth of distinctive cultural traditions, remains the centerpiece of this discussion. It is now joined by Jürgen Habermas's extensive essay on the issues of recognition and (...)
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  23. Civic education and social diversity.Amy Gutmann - 1995 - Ethics 105 (3):557-579.
  24.  16
    Liberal Equality.Amy Gutmann (ed.) - 1980 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book makes a significant contribution to the tradition of liberal political theory: it explores the foundations and limits of the idea of equality within that theory and offers a sustained argument for a persuasive new view of liberalism. Liberal thinking has always displayed a tension between the claims of liberty and those of equality. Professor Gutmann examines the contributions of liberal theorists from Locke to Rawls on the subject of two kinds of equality - equality of opportunity to (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Moral conflict and political consensus.Amy Gutmann & Dennis Thompson - 1990 - Ethics 101 (1):64-88.
  26. Children, paternalism, and education: A liberal argument.Amy Gutmann - 1980 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 9 (4):338-358.
  27. Communitarian critics of liberalism.Amy Gutmann - 2002 - In Derek Matravers & Jonathan E. Pike (eds.), Debates in Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology. New York: Routledge. pp. 308 - 322.
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    Deliberating about Bioethics.Amy Gutmann & Dennis Thompson - 1997 - Hastings Center Report 27 (3):38-41.
    In some sense, bioethics was built on conflicts. Abortion, physician‐assisted suicide, patients’ demand for autonomy all are staple and contentious issues. And the controversies continue to proliferate. What forum best serves such debates? A look at political theories of democracy can help answer that question. The most promising for bioethics debates are theories that ask citizens and officials to justify any demands for collective action by giving reasons that can be accepted by those who are bound by the action. This (...)
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  29. The challenge of multiculturalism in political ethics.Amy Gutmann - 1993 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 22 (3):171-206.
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    Introduction.Amy Gutmann - 2009 - In Judith JarvisHG Thomson (ed.), Goodness and Advice. Princeton University Press.
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    Review of Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson: Ethics and Politics: Cases and Comments[REVIEW]Amy Gutmann & Dennis Thompson - 1985 - Ethics 96 (1):206-207.
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  32. The Ethics of Synthetic Biology: Guiding Principles for Emerging Technologies.Amy Gutmann - 2011 - Hastings Center Report 41 (4):17-22.
    The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues released its first report, New Directions: The Ethics of Synthetic Biology and Emerging Technologies, on December 16, 2010.1 President Barack Obama had requested this report following the announcement last year that the J. Craig Venter Institute had created the world’s first self-replicating bacterial cell with a completely synthetic genome. The Venter group’s announcement marked a significant scientific milestone in synthetic biology, an emerging field of research that aims to combine the knowledge (...)
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  33. (2 other versions)Deliberative democracy beyond process.Amy Gutmann & Dennis Thompson - 2002 - Journal of Political Philosophy 10 (2):153–174.
  34. (1 other version)Why Deliberative Democracy is Different.Amy Gutmann & Dennis Thompson - 2000 - Social Philosophy and Policy 17 (1):161.
    In modern pluralist societies, political disagreement often reflects moral disagreement, as citizens with conflicting perspectives on fundamental values debate the laws that govern their public life. Any satisfactory theory of democracy must provide a way of dealing with this moral disagreement. A fundamental problem confronting all democratic theorists is to find a morally justifiable way of making binding collective decisions in the face of continuing moral conflict.
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    Introduction.Amy Gutmann - 1999 - In J. M. Coetzee (ed.), The Lives of Animals. Princeton University Press. pp. 1-12.
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    The Mindsets of Political Compromise.Amy Gutmann & Dennis F. Thompson - 2010 - Perspectives on Politics 8 (4):1125-1143.
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    Freedom of Association.Amy Gutmann (ed.) - 1998 - Princeton University Press.
    "This collection of essays is the best one-volume introduction to a timely topic: the nature, purposes, moral justifications of (and limitations on) freedom of association in liberal democracies.
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    Leben und Form: zur technischen Form des Wissens vom Lebendigen.Mathias Gutmann - 2017 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Ist Leben mehr als eine Leistung „natürlicher Systeme“? Wie unterscheiden sich Lebewesen von Artefakten? Lassen sich Lebewesen genauso herstellen wie Maschinen? Diese Fragen werden mit dem Siegeszug der „converging technologies“ besonders dringlich, denn je mehr Biologie, Ingenieurswissenschaften, Informatik und Physik zusammenfinden, desto weniger scheinen gewohnte Unterscheidungen zu treffen. Doch zeigt eine systematische Rekonstruktion der Lebenswissenschaften in ihrer aktuellen Form als Systembiologie und synthetische Biologie, daß es sich dabei um ein Selbstmissverständnis der Logik wissenschaftlicher Darstellung handelt. Eine alternative Auffassung der begrifflichen (...)
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  39. Democratic disagreement.Amy Gutmann & Dennis Thompson - 1999 - In Stephen Macedo (ed.), Deliberative politics: essays on democracy and disagreement. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 243.
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    Rawls on the Relationship between Liberalism and Democracy.Amy Gutmann - 2003 - In Samuel Freeman (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Rawls. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 168--99.
  41. Democracy & democratic education.Amy Gutmann - 1993 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 12 (1):1-9.
    A profound problem posed by education for any pluralistic society with democratic aspirations is how to reconcile individual freedom and civic virtue. Children cannot be educated to maximize both individual freedom and civic virtue. Yet reasonable people value and intermittently demand both. We value freedom of speech and press, for example, but want people to refrain from false and socially harmful expression. The various tensions between individual freedom and civic virtue pose a challenge that is simultaneously philosophical and political. How (...)
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    Die Philosophie des Als Ob.The Philosophy of "As If.".James Gutmann, Hans Vaihinger, Dr Raymund Schmidt, H. Vaihinger & C. K. Ogden - 1926 - Journal of Philosophy 23 (3):77.
  43.  11
    Justice Across the Spheres.Amy Gutmann - 1995 - In David Miller & Michael Walzer (eds.), Pluralism, Justice, and Equality. Oxford University Press.
    Amy Gutmann argues that a just society could not, pace Michael Walzer, distribute social goods in accordance with the standards of complex equality. To support this view, Gutmann points to conflicts between multiple meanings of goods, which require adjudication in accordance with moral considerations that cut across distributive spheres. Drawing on the several meanings of productive employment and medical care in contemporary USA, she concludes that justice is complex, but not specific to distinct spheres.
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  44. Moral Disagreement in a Democracy.Amy Gutmann & Dennis Thompson - 1995 - Social Philosophy and Policy 12 (1):87-110.
    Moral disagreement about public policies—issues such as abortion, affirmative action, and health care—is a prominent feature of contemporary American democracy. Yet it is not a central concern of the leading theories of democracy. The two dominant democratic approaches in our time—procedural democracy and constitutional democracy—fail to offer adequate responses to the problem of moral disagreement. Both suggest some elements that are necessary in any adequate response, but neither one alone nor both together are sufficient. We argue here that an adequate (...)
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    The Question of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.James Gutmann - 1954 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 15 (2):263-265.
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    Previous Works Jointly Authored by Amy Gutmann & Dennis Thompson.Dennis Thompson & Amy Gutmann - 2004 - In Amy Gutmann & Dennis F. Thompson (eds.), Why Deliberative Democracy? Princeton University Press. pp. 209-210.
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    Reflections on Democratic Deliberation in Bioethics.Amy Gutmann & James W. Wagner - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (S1):35-38.
    Over the course of six years and more than two dozen meetings, members of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues learned so many things: about emerging science; technological challenges; citizen engagement; the public's, experts’, and our own understandings and misperceptions; and even the nature of our own most cherished values. Our commission's commitment to democratic deliberation began deliberatively, when we decided (in the summer of 2010) upon basic principles to guide our first report. At the time, Craig (...)
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    5. Distributing Public Education in a Democracy.Amy Gutmann - 1988 - In Democracy and the Welfare State. Princeton University Press. pp. 107-130.
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    Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die: bioethics and the transformation of health care in America.Amy Gutmann - 2019 - New York: Liveright Publishing Corporation.
    An incisive examination of bioethics and American healthcare, and their profound affects on American culture over the last sixty years, from two eminent scholars. An eye-opening look at the inevitable moral choices that come along with tremendous medical progress, Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven but Nobody Wants to Die is a primer for all Americans to talk more honestly about health care. Beginning in the 1950s when doctors still paid house calls but regularly withheld the truth from their patients, (...)
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  50.  58
    One’s own death – legal and ethical dimensions of patient autonomy and the protection of life.Thomas Gutmann - 2002 - Ethik in der Medizin 14 (3):170-185.
    Definition of the problem. Voluntary active euthanasia is, in certain circumstances, morally permissible and should be permitted by law. Autonomous persons may have a fundamental interest in experiencing ”death in dignity” in accordance with their own preferences. This interest is protected by the concept of human dignity assumed by German law. Some prerequisites being met, the moral and legal autonomy right to determine the time and manner of one’s own death includes a right to secure active euthanasia from a willing (...)
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