Results for 'E. Lagrange'

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  1.  4
    Thomistic common sense: the philosophy of being and the development of doctrine.Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange - 2021 - Steubenville, Ohio: Emmaus Academic. Edited by Matthew K. Minerd.
    We are confronted by the clash of contradictory ideologies and a crisis of universal knowledge. Two major causes of this crisis are the erosion of common sense and a relativistic view of doctrinal development. Fr. Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange foresaw today's crisis and wrote keenly in defense of the classical Thomistic synthesis. His critiques of modern philosophy and theology, we are now able to see, were prophetic. This first-time English translation of his Le sens commun: La philosophie de l'être et les (...)
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    Quand les ovnis nous invitent à atterrir.Pierre Lagrange - 2024 - Multitudes 94 (1):221-225.
    Critiqués pour leur manque d’objectivité et de rationalité, les témoignages d’observations d’ovnis et d’« ufonautes » invitent-ils, dans le contexte de la crise écologique, à reposer la question de la pluralité des mondes extraterrestres ou à ouvrir plutôt celle de la pluralité des mondes terrestres? Invitent-ils à s’interroger sur les preuves de la présence d’E. T. dans notre environnement ou sur la nécessité de cesser de voir le monde dans lequel nous évoluons comme un stock de « ressources », afin (...)
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    Twistors, symplectic structure and Lagrange's identity.M. Crampin & F. A. E. Pirani - 1971 - In Charles Goethe Kuper & Asher Peres (eds.), Relativity and gravitation. New York,: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers. pp. 105.
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    Global lagrange stability of complex-valued neural networks of neutral type with time-varying delays.Zhengwen Tu, Jinde Cao, Ahmed Alsaedi, Fuad E. Alsaadi & Tasawar Hayat - 2016 - Complexity 21 (S2):438-450.
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    Kottler-Cartan-van Dantzig (KCD) and noninertial systems.E. J. Post - 1979 - Foundations of Physics 9 (7-8):619-640.
    Kottler, Cartan, and van Dantzig independently uncovered a key property of the Maxwell equations, which, in retrospect, is instrumental for treating noninertial situations. The essence of this KCD procedure is outlined. Present traditions incompatible with the KCD procedure are identified. KCD predicts a rotation-induced magnetoelectric effect in vacuum, as verified by the experiments of Kennard and Pegram. The description of nonvacuum situations still has some unresolved differences awaiting further experimental delineation. Explicit calculations and technical specifications of experiments receive references to (...)
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    Il dibattito sulla verità tra Blondel e Garrigou-Lagrange.Francesco Bertoldi - 1990 - Sapienza 43 (fasc.3):293/310 - 293/310.
    The Dominican Garrigou-Lagrange contested the definition of truth proposed by Maurice Blondel as relativistic and modernistic. That definition (adaequatio realis mentis et vitae) influenced a lot of theologians of Nouvelle Théologie, stressing an existential sense of truth.
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    Blondel e la verità come adaequatio realis.Francesco Bertoldi - 1994 - Sapienza:337/55 - 337/55.
    Blondel was attacked as relativist by neotomists such as Garrigou-Lagrange: here we explain how his conception of truth is not relativistic. [in italian].
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    Determinação e Indeterminação Na Física Moderna e Contempor'nea.Angelo Marinucci - 2021 - Dissertatio 52:137-163.
    Pretende-se apresentar neste artigo os temas do determinismo e do indeterminismo na física moderna e contemporânea, seguindo o desenvolvimento histórico. Nesse sentido, apoiando-se apenas em textos científicos, mostram-se os elementos do determinismo anterior a Poincaré. A respeito do indeterminismo, foca-se a atenção na introdução do caos determinístico, através do trabalho de Poincaré sobre o problema dos três corpos e da indeterminação quântica. Para cada uma das duas formas de indeterminação será fornecida também uma interpretação do estatuto gnosiológico.
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    A escolha de Karl Marx: o cálculo diferencial em Manuscritos matemáticos.Antonio José Romera Valverde & Maria Helena Soares de Souza - forthcoming - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas.
    O presente artigo busca dar a ver a fundamentação teórica do cálculo diferencial, em matemática, com base nos Manuscritos matemáticos, de Karl Marx, sob movimento dialético e seus vínculos com o social. Para o caso, a escolha de Marx confronta as propostas de Leibniz, D’Alembert / Euler e Lagrange, acerca do cálculo diferencial. Nomeadas de mística, racional, algébrica, e simbólica, esta criada por Marx. Segundo Gerdes, a solução marxiana oferece a possibilidade de desenvolvimento de métodos adequados para melhor compreensão (...)
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    La défense doctrinale du système thomiste de la mystique étendue.Sylvio Hermann De Franceschi - 2020 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 103 (1):113-143.
    Vite oubliée au lendemain du concile Vatican II, la contribution du P. Garrigou-Lagrange (1877-1964) au débat de l’entre-deux-guerres sur l’ascétique et la mystique a pourtant été essentielle, et Perfection chrétienne et contemplation, le grand livre qu’il publie en 1923 et qui rassemble des articles déjà parus dans La Vie spirituelle, mérite sans contredit d’être tenu pour un classique de la théologie française du xx e siècle. L’ouvrage se place à un carrefour polémique crucial en même temps qu’il conserve d’importantes (...)
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    Textual materiality and abstraction in mathematics.Anna Kiel Steensen, Mikkel Willum Johansen & Morten Misfeldt - 2022 - Science in Context 35 (1):81-101.
    In this paper, we wish to explore the role that textual representations play in the creation of new mathematical objects. We do so by analyzing texts by Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1736–1813) and Évariste Galois (1811–1832), which are seen as central to the historical development of the mathematical concept of groups. In our analysis, we consider how the material features of representations relate to the changes in conceptualization that we see in the texts.Against this backdrop, we discuss the idea that new (...)
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    Hamilton and the Law of Varying Action Revisited.C. D. Bailey - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (9):1385-1406.
    According to history texts, philosophers searched for a unifying natural law whereby natural phenomena and numbers are related. More than 2300 years ago, Aristotle postulated that nature requires minimum energy. More than 220 years ago, Euler applied the minimum energy postulate. More than 200 years ago, Lagrange provided a mathematical “proof” of the postulate for conservative systems. The resulting Principle of Least Action served only to derive the differential equations of motion of a conservative system. Then, 170 years ago, (...)
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  13. What Is Quantum Information? Information Symmetry and Mechanical Motion.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Information Theory and Research eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 1 (20):1-7.
    The concept of quantum information is introduced as both normed superposition of two orthogonal sub-spaces of the separable complex Hilbert space and in-variance of Hamilton and Lagrange representation of any mechanical system. The base is the isomorphism of the standard introduction and the representation of a qubit to a 3D unit ball, in which two points are chosen. The separable complex Hilbert space is considered as the free variable of quantum information and any point in it (a wave function (...)
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    Naming God: Moses Maimonides and Thomas Aquinas.Neil A. Stubbens - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (2):229-267.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:NAMING GOD: MOSES MAIMONIDES AND THOMAS AQUINAS NEIL A. 8TUBBENS The Methodist Ohurch Barnsley Oircuit, South Yorkshire MOSES MAIMONIDES (1135-U04) and Thomas Aquinas (c. U~5-1274), two of the greatest theologians of the Jewish and Christian faiths, had much in oommon.1 Like other Ohristian.writers, Aquinas made several criticisms of Maimonides' views on divine predication. In this article l will discuss these criticisms and evaluate them by means of a detailed (...)
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    The Eternity of the World in the Thought of Thomas Aquinas and his Contemporaries ed. by J. B. M. Wissink.Steven Baldner - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (1):146-149.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:146 BOOK REVIEWS the years passed since Father Garrigou-Lagrange last published his De Revelatione would have allowed Thomistic scholars to retrieve and de· velop Aquinas's theological insights in their fullness. The danger of apologetics is that it can lead one to develop a teaching only along the lines set by those challenging the traditional teaching of the Church. In this particular instance, the Catholic apologists of the antimodernist (...)
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  16. Banez’s Big Problem: The Ground of Freedom.James Dominic Rooney - 2021 - Faith and Philosophy 38 (1):91-112.
    While many philosophers of religion are familiar with the reconciliation of grace and freedom known as Molinism, fewer by far are familiar with that position initially developed by Molina’s erstwhile rival, Domingo Banez (i.e., Banezianism). My aim is to clarify a serious problem for the Banezian: how the Banezian can avoid the apparent conflict between a strong notion of freedom and apparently compatibilist conclusions. The most prominent attempt to defend Banezianism against compatibilism was (in)famously endorsed by Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange. Even (...)
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    Modularity, and the Psychoevolutionary Theory of Emotion.P. E. Griffiths - 1990 - Biology and Philosophy 5 (2):175.
    It is unreasonable to assume that our pre-scientific emotion vocabulary embodies all and only those distinctions required for a scientific psychology of emotion. The psychoevolutionary approach to emotion yields an alternative classification of certain emotion phenomena. The new categories are based on a set of evolved adaptive responses, or affect-programs, which are found in all cultures. The triggering of these responses involves a modular system of stimulus appraisal, whose evoluations may conflict with those of higher-level cognitive processes. Whilst the structure (...)
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    Scope of the action principle.Ward Struyve - 2023 - Philosophy of Physics 1 (1).
    Laws of motion given in terms of differential equations can not always be derived from an action principle, at least not without introducing auxiliary variables. By allowing auxiliary variables, e.g. in the form of Lagrange multipliers, an action is immediately obtained. Here, we consider some ways how this can be done, with illustrations from the literature, and apply this to Bohmian mechanics. We also discuss the possible metaphysical status of these auxiliary variables. A particularly interesting approach brings the theory (...)
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  19. The problems of intrinsic change: Rejoinder to Lewis.E. J. Lowe - 1988 - Analysis 48 (2):72-77.
    E. J. Lowe; The problems of intrinsic change: rejoinder to Lewis, Analysis, Volume 48, Issue 2, 1 March 1988, Pages 72–77,
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  20. O Problema Antropologico em Michel Foucault.Marcio Miotto - 2011 - Dissertation, Universidade Federal de São Carlos
    A presente pesquisa de doutorado resulta de um projeto maior, intitulado “Sobre a Morte do Homem e a Psicologia, em Michel Foucault”. Esse projeto busca analisar a formulação, as nuances e consequências das diversas argumentações empregadas por Foucault nas críticas às “antropologias”, figuradas na trajetória dos textos dos anos 50 e 60. O eixo é o problema “antropológico”: nos textos de 1954, Foucault empreendia um duplo projeto de contestação e fundação das ciências humanas, buscando corrigir perspectivas consideradas errôneas em prol (...)
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  21. The tension between the mathematical and metaphysical strands of Maupertuis' Principle of Least Action.Yannick Van den Abbeel - 2017 - Noctua 4 (1-2):56-90.
    Without doubt, the principle of least action is a fundamental principle in classical mechanics. Contemporary physicists, however, consider the PLA as a purely mathematical principle – even an axiom which they cannot completely justify. Such an account stands in sharp contrast with the historical meaning of the PLA. When the principle was introduced in the 1740s, by Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, its meaning was much more versatile. For Maupertuis the principle of least action signified that nature is thrifty or economical (...)
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  22.  76
    The primacy of the body, not the primacy of perception.E. T. Gendlin - 1992 - Man and World 25 (3-4):341-353.
  23.  95
    The One Necessary Condition for a Successful Business Ethics Course.E. R. Klein - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (3):561-574.
    The responses to the questions of why? when?, how?, where?, and in what ways? business ethics should be taught in the BusinessEthics classroom inundate the scholarly literature. Yet, to date, despite some very interesting ideas, with respect to the answers givento the above question, not only has nothing even close to consensus been reached, but this particular area of pedagogy is instagnation—authors still challenge both the very idea of teaching business ethics as well as the practical value of such courses (...)
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    Are the natural numbers individuals or sorts?E. J. Lowe - 1993 - Analysis 53 (3):142-146.
    E. J. Lowe; Are the natural numbers individuals or sorts?, Analysis, Volume 53, Issue 3, 1 July 1993, Pages 142–146,
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  25. “Political disobedience and the climate emergency”.William E. Scheuerman - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (6):791-812.
    Climate activists have recently engaged in widely publicized acts of politically motivated lawbreaking. This article identifies and critically analyzes two seemingly overlapping but in fact divergi...
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    Stem Cell Tourism and the Power of Hope.Charles E. Murdoch - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (5):16-23.
    This paper explores the notions of hope and how individual patient autonomy can trump carefully reasoned ethical concerns and policies intended to regulate stem cell transplants. We argue that the same limits of knowledge that inform arguments to restrain and regulate unproven treatments might also undermine our ability to comprehensively dismiss or condemn them. Incautiously or indiscriminately reasoned policies and attitudes may drive critical information and data underground, impel patients away from working with clinical researchers, and tread needlessly on hope, (...)
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    An Observation on Robert Lauder’s Review of G. A. McCool, S.J.Romanus Cessario - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (4):701-710.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AN OBSERVATION ON ROBERT LAUDER'S REVIEW OF G. A. McCOOL, S.J.1 RoMANus CEssARro, O.P. Dominican House of Studies Washington, District of Columbia BECAUSE OF HIS scholarly commentary on the development of Roman Catholic theology in the 19th and 20th centuries, students interested in the history of this period owe a debt of gratitude to Fr. Gerald McCool, S.J. In a recent issue of this journal, Robert Lauder presented a (...)
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    Pythagoreans and Essenes: structural parallels.Justin Taylor - 2004 - Paris: Peeters.
    This study attempts to answer the question of the origins of the non-biblical features of the Essenes' way of life. It is clear that their project was founded in biblical and Jewish realities. Where did those elements come from that appear not to have been derived from these sources? That they have their origins in Greek, and specifically Pythagorean, customs is an idea that recurs regularly in the history of scholarship and has had some notable supporters in the 19th and (...)
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    The influence of Alasdair MacIntyre’s “After Virtue” book on business ethics studies: A citation concept analysis.Ali E. Akgün, Halit Keskin & Selahaddin Samil Fidan - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (2):453-473.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, Volume 31, Issue 2, Page 453-473, April 2022.
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    The Logic of Medical Diagnosis: Generating and Selecting Hypotheses.Donald E. Stanley - 2019 - Topoi 38 (2):437-446.
    Clinical diagnostic medicine is an experimental science based on observation, hypothesis making, and testing. It is an use dynamic process that involves observation and summary, diagnostic conjectures, testing, review, observation and summary, new or revised conjectures, i.e. it is an iterative process. It can then be said that diagnostic hypotheses are also ‘observation-laden’. My aim is to enlarge on the strategies of medical diagnosis as these are meshed in training and clinical experience—that is, to describe the patterns of reasoning used (...)
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  31.  65
    The new phenomenology of carrying forward.E. T. Gendlin - 2004 - Continental Philosophy Review 37 (1):127-151.
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    Feminist Epistemology as a Local Epistemology.Helen E. Longino & Kathleen Lennon - 1997 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 71:19-54.
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    Damaging events: The perceived need for forgiveness.E. D. Scobie & G. E. W. Scobie - 1998 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 28 (4):373–402.
    Four models of forgiveness are identified; the health model, the philosophical model, the Christian model and the prosocial model. All define the term ‘forgiveness’ in a way which is consistent with their particular perspective. The authors offer a definition of forgiveness and propose an integrated model of forgiveness which seeks to incorporate contributions from all four areas, but is not biased towards any one model. Four levels of transgression are identified and categorized according to the degree of perceived damage. Apology-automatic (...)
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    Bioethical Considerations in Translational Research: Primate Stroke.Michael E. Sughrue - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (5):3-12.
    Controversy and activism have long been linked to the subject of primate research. Even in the midst of raging ethical debates surrounding fertility treatments, genetically modified foods and stem-cell research, there has been no reduction in the campaigns of activists worldwide. Plying their trade of intimidation aimed at ending biomedical experimentation in all animals, they have succeeded in creating an environment where research institutions, often painted as guilty until proven innocent, have avoided addressing the issue for fear of becoming targets. (...)
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  35. Climate Science Denial as Willful Hermeneutical Ignorance.Sharon E. Mason - 2020 - Social Epistemology 34 (5):469-477.
    Climate science denial results from ignorance and perpetuates ignorance about scientific facts and methods of inquiry. In this paper, I explore climate science denial as a type of active ignorance...
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  36. Jesus and Judaism.E. P. Sanders - 1985
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    Futility in medical decisions: The word and the concept.M. D. E. D. Pellegrino - 2005 - HEC Forum 17 (4):308-318.
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    (1 other version)Editors' statement on the responsible use of generative artificial intelligence technologies in scholarly journal publishing.Gregory E. Kaebnick, David Christopher Magnus, Audiey Kao, Mohammad Hosseini, David Resnik, Veljko Dubljević, Christy Rentmeester & Bert Gordijn - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (9):825-828.
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    Representation and Misrepresentation.E. H. Gombrich - 1984 - Critical Inquiry 11 (2):195.
    It is a thankless task to have to reply to Professor Murray Krieger’s “Retrospective.” Qui s’excuse, s’accuse, and since I cannot ask my readers to embark on their own retrospective of my writings and test them for consistency, I have little chance of restoring my reputation in their eyes. Hence I would have been happier to leave Professor Krieger to his agonizing, if he did not present himself the “spokesman” for a significant body of theorists who appear to have acclaimed (...)
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    A relativistic approach to moral judgment in individuals: Review and reinterpretation.Peter E. Mudrack & E. Sharon Mason - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (2):403-416.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Personality disorder and competence to refuse treatment.E. Winburn & R. Mullen - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (10):715-716.
    The traditional view that having a personality disorder, unlike other mental disorders, is not usually reason enough to consider a person incompetent to make healthcare decisions is challenged. The example of a case in which a woman was treated for a physical disorder without her consent illustrates that personality disorder can render a person incompetent to refuse essential treatment, particularly because it can affect the doctor–patient relationship within which consent is given.
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    Folk, Functional and Neurochemical Aspects of Mood.P. E. Griffiths - 1989 - Philosophical Psychology 2 (1):17.
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  43. Against disjunctivism.E. J. Lowe - 2008 - In Adrian Haddock & Fiona Macpherson (eds.), Disjunctivism: perception, action, knowledge. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 95--111.
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    Comment: Do Emotions Influence Action? – Of Course, They Are Hypo-Phenomena of Motivation.Guido H. E. Gendolla - 2017 - Emotion Review 9 (4):348-350.
    The target articles in this special section shed new light on the old question whether and how emotions influence action. However, what is missing is a straightforward motivational analysis—considering what we have learned from the science of explaining the “why” and “how” of behavior. I posit that emotions can influence the motivation process and thus action by fulfilling at least three functions: First, being grounded in needs, experienced emotions can function as strong need-like motivational states. Second, anticipated emotions can function (...)
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    The Degeneration of the Cognitive Theory of Emotions.P. E. Griffiths - 1989 - Philosophical Psychology 2 (3):297.
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    Some Points in the Philosophy of Physics: Time, Evolution and Creation.E. A. Milne - 1934 - Philosophy 9 (33):19 - 38.
    When I agreed to lecture to-night I stipulated that I might be allowed to interpret the subject announced so as to let my treatment relate less to the subject in general than to some particular aspects which happen to have been interesting me lately. Professor Whitehead, Sir Arthur Eddington, and Sir James Jeans have given to the world brilliant accounts of the present position of physics in relation to mathematics and philosophy. What I have to say bears to their writings, (...)
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    (1 other version)Positive information facilitates response inhibition in older adults only when emotion is task-relevant.Samantha E. Williams, Eric J. Lenze & Jill D. Waring - 2020 - Tandf: Cognition and Emotion 34 (8):1632-1645.
    Volume 34, Issue 8, December 2020, Page 1632-1645.
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    Developing Concepts of Authenticity: Insights From Parents’ and Children's Conversations About Historical Significance.Shaylene E. Nancekivell, Sarah Stilwell & Susan A. Gelman - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (10):e70000.
    The present study investigated children's understanding that an object's history may increase its significance, an appreciation that underpins the concept of historical authenticity (i.e., the idea that an item's history determines its true identity, beyond its functional or material qualities, leading people to value real items over copies or fakes). We examined the development of historical significance through the lens of parent–child conversations, and children's performance on an authenticity assessment. The final sample was American, 79.2% monoracial White, and mid-high socio-economic (...)
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    Recognition of facial expressions is moderated by Islamic cues.Mariska E. Kret & Agneta H. Fischer - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (3):623-631.
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    The role of pupil size in communication. Is there room for learning?Mariska E. Kret - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (5):1139-1145.
    ABSTRACTThe eyes are extremely important for communication. The muscles around the eyes express emotional states and the size of the pupil signals whether a person is aroused and alert or bored and fatigued. Pupil size is an overlooked social signal, yet is readily picked up by observers. Observers mirror their own pupil sizes in response, which can influence social impressions. In a landmark study by Hess [1975. The role of pupil size in communication. Scientific American, 233, 110–119] it was shown (...)
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