Results for 'E. Morandi'

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  1.  9
    Metafisica e società: scritti in onore di Emmanuele Morandi.Adalberto Arrigoni, Riccardo Prandini & Emmanuele Morandi (eds.) - 2018 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  2. L'alterità sociale come articolazione: Riflessioni su alcune categorie teorico-sociali.E. Morandi - 1998 - Divus Thomas 101 (3):149-177.
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    L'ambiente metafisico della sociologia: verità e scienza sociale.Enmanuelle Morandi - 2002 - Acta Philosophica: Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia 11 (1):7-48.
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    Metafisica e macroanthropos: il realismo sociologico de Emmanuele Morandi.Adalberto Arrigoni - 2016 - Acta Philosophica 25 (2):303-318.
    This short essay is an introduction to Emmanuele Morandi streams of research, which aimed at recreating a new connection between social sciences and metaphysics, empirical research and moral reflections. After a brief introduction, the kind of anthropological critical metaphysical realism fostered by Morandi is outlined. The third paragraph addresses some foundational aspect of his social ontology; lastly, the complex distinction between social, political and economic spheres will be presented.
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    Escena de dormitorio: Una pintura inédita de Adolfo Couve y la poética de la meditación.Claudia Campaña - 2023 - Aisthesis 74:243-263.
    Este ensayo es producto de una investigación en el campo de la teoría e historia del arte y se concentra en el análisis de la pintura inédita Escena de dormitorio (c.1985-86) del destacado escritor y pintor chileno Adolfo Couve Rioseco (1940-1998). La obra salió a la luz en 2021, y su estudio no solo permite abordar problemas relativos a autoría, data, técnica y gestos pictóricos, sino también comentar los espacios domésticos y las relaciones familiares del autor. Sobre todo, permite profundizar (...)
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    Spatial cognition and the avian hippocampus: Research in domestic chicks.Anastasia Morandi-Raikova & Uwe Mayer - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In this review, we discuss the functional equivalence of the avian and mammalian hippocampus, based mostly on our own research in domestic chicks, which provide an important developmental model. In birds, like in mammals, the hippocampus plays a central role in processing spatial information. However, the structure of this homolog area shows remarkable differences between birds and mammals. To understand the evolutionary origin of the neural mechanisms for spatial navigation, it is important to test how far theories developed for the (...)
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    (1 other version)Classer et « encyclopéder » aujourd’hui : la reconfiguration des formats de connaissances.Franc Morandi - 2013 - Hermes 66:, [ p.].
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    Experiencing society: Eric Voegelin's criticism of sociologism.Emmanuele Morandi - 2017 - Milano: Mimesis. Edited by Adalberto Arrigoni.
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  9. Il concetto di" relazione sociale" nella teoria sociologica di Pierpaolo Donati.Enmanuelle Morandi - 2010 - Acta Philosophica 19 (1).
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    Introductory Outlines to Pierpaolo Donati's Relational Sociology, Part 1.Emmanuele Morandi - 2010 - Journal of Critical Realism 9 (2):208-226.
    To foster an adequate understanding of relational sociology, it is necessary to consider the theoretical grounds upon which it is based. The first aspect to highlight is the realist assumption of social relations as the causal force from which society originates. It is upon this decisive dimension that the difference between non-contingent and contingent aspects of the social is founded. Overlooking this difference issues in an inadequate understanding both of the autonomy of, and of the interaction between, actors and social (...)
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    Introductory Outlines to Pierpaolo Donati's Relational Sociology, Part 2.Emmanuele Morandi - 2011 - Journal of Critical Realism 10 (1):100-121.
    Departing from the considerations of Part 1, in the second and final Part of this essay I consider a third foundational aspect of the social relation: the social relation as ‘determination’ of reciprocity, and conclude my investigation by tackling the crucial theme of the social time of change and its connection to the social relation.
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  12. L'incontro con dio nel volto dell'amico: Riflessioni tomistiche sull'amicizia cristiana.Emmanuele Morandi - 2003 - Divus Thomas 106 (1):267-284.
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  13. Two brief notes on Italic epigraphy.A. Morandi - 2001 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 79 (1):57-63.
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  14. The concept of the" social relationship" in the sociological theory of Pierpaolo Donati.Emmanuele Morandi - 2010 - Acta Philosophica 19 (1).
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  15.  37
    Scattered and hereditarily irresolvable spaces in modal logic.Guram Bezhanishvili & Patrick J. Morandi - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (3):343-365.
    When we interpret modal ◊ as the limit point operator of a topological space, the Gödel-Löb modal system GL defines the class Scat of scattered spaces. We give a partition of Scat into α-slices S α , where α ranges over all ordinals. This provides topological completeness and definability results for extensions of GL. In particular, we axiomatize the modal logic of each ordinal α, thus obtaining a simple proof of the Abashidze–Blass theorem. On the other hand, when we interpret (...)
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  16.  21
    Rapsodie urbane. Un dialogo sulla città contemporanea.Niccolò Cuppini & Galileo Morandi - 2015 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 27 (53).
    We interviewed Galileo Morandi, a young Italian architect working in a research project on architecture and new technologies and author of several publications about the relation between city, territory and project. The discussion starts and finishes in a place where Morandi studied and worked, Dubai – example of a city in rapid growth and in its way iconic representation of the new globalized cities – passing through Milan and Los Angeles, the new Chinese town and a village in (...)
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  17.  20
    Modal Operators on Rings of Continuous Functions.Guram Bezhanishvili, Luca Carai & Patrick J. Morandi - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (4):1322-1348.
    It is a classic result in modal logic, often referred to as Jónsson-Tarski duality, that the category of modal algebras is dually equivalent to the category of descriptive frames. The latter are Kripke frames equipped with a Stone topology such that the binary relation is continuous. This duality generalizes the celebrated Stone duality for boolean algebras. Our goal is to generalize descriptive frames so that the topology is an arbitrary compact Hausdorff topology. For this, instead of working with the boolean (...)
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  18. La comunità che viene - Giorgio Agamben. [REVIEW]Michele Morandi - 2008 - Humana Mente 2 (7).
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    In cammino sullo spartiacque: scritti su Ivan Illich.Adalberto Arrigoni, Emmanuele Morandi & Riccardo Prandini (eds.) - 2017 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    The Vietoris functor and modal operators on rings of continuous functions.G. Bezhanishvili, L. Carai & P. J. Morandi - 2022 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 173 (1):103029.
  21.  42
    What’s in a Bottle? Morandi’s Art and Ordinary Aesthetics.Luis Monteiro - 2023 - Open Philosophy 6 (1):721-740.
    This article’s assumption is that ordinary aesthetics does not necessarily imply a distancing from art and artists; rather, it can benefit from the input of creators when they use everyday scenes or objects as their theme. This approach focuses on the practice of twentieth-century Italian painter Giorgio Morandi, who depicted compositions of common objects such as bottles, jars, and vases. Through Morandi’s meditative and artistic search, these objects are given value and aesthetic elevation in his paintings. Thomas Leddy’s (...)
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  22. Brendan Dooley: Morandi's Last Prophecy and the End of Renaissance Politics.L. Horodowich - 2003 - Early Science and Medicine 8 (3):279-279.
  23.  31
    Brendan Dooley. Morandi’s Last Prophecy and the End of Renaissance Politics. xiv + 238 pp., illus., figs., index. Princeton, N.J./Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2002. $36.50. [REVIEW]Richard Blackwell - 2003 - Isis 94 (2):377-377.
  24.  18
    5 for gris, 5 for morandi.Jeffrey Yang - 2014 - Common Knowledge 20 (2):288-295.
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    Rebecca Messbarger. The Lady Anatomist: The Life and Work of Anna Morandi Manzolini. xiii + 234 pp., illus., bibl., index. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2010. $35. [REVIEW]Marta Cavazza - 2012 - Isis 103 (1):182-183.
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    Rebecca Messbarger, The Lady Anatomist: The Life and Work of Anna Morandi Manzolini. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2010. Pp. xiv+234. ISBN 978-0-226-52081-0. £35.00. [REVIEW]Anna Maerker - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Science 45 (1):132-133.
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  27. Individuo e Persona: la concezione classica.E. Berti - 1995 - Studium 91 (4-5):515-527.
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  28.  28
    Les formes élémentaires de la vie religieuse.Émile Durkheim - 1937 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
    Durkheim écrit ce livre avec un but double : d'abord il voulait expliquer ce qui crée une société, ce qui la tient ensemble ; ensuite il voulait éclaircir l'influence qu'a la société sur la pensée logique. Pour Durkheim, la religion est la clé utilisée pour déverrouiller ces deux problématiques.Dans ce livre, Durkheim argumente que les représentations religieuses sont en fait des représentations collectives : l'essence du religieux ne peut être que le sacré. Il est une caractéristique qui se trouve universellement (...)
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    Dialética e experiência.Franklin Leopoldo E. Silva - 2005 - Dois Pontos 2 (2).
    É bem conhecida a oposição estabelecida por Kant entre experiência possível e dialética, na medida em que esta última é caracterizada como a “lógica da ilusão”. Ao mesmo tempo, o modo de pensar metafísico, que ocorre dialeticamente, em sentido kantiano, é uma tendência inevitável da razão, expressa na exigência formal de completude das categorias. Como o pensar, enquanto exercício livre da razão, é em si mesmo mais amplo do que a atividade de conhecer, própria do entendimento, o pensar contém o (...)
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  30. Ėkofilosofii︠a︡--razvitii︠u︡ kulʹtury mira: monografii︠a︡.Ė. V. Barkova (ed.) - 2023 - Moskva: Ru-Science.
    gl. 1. Ėkofilosofii︠a︡ kak zhiznesokhrani︠a︡i︠u︡shchiĭ kulʹturnyĭ proekt -- gl. 2. Obrazy kulʹtury mira v istoriko-personologicheskom izmerenii -- gl. 3. Borʹba za mir v sovremennom mire : opyt, kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii, modeli resheniĭ.
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  31. VKnowledge Activation: Accessibility, Applicability, and Salience, V in E. Tory Higgins and Arie W. Kruglanski, eds.E. T. Higgins - 1996 - In E. E. Higgins & A. Kruglanski, Social Psychology: Handbook of Basic Principles. Guilford.
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    Universidade e Memória.Franklin Leopoldo E. Silva - 2024 - Discurso 54 (1):6-14.
    Em artigo inédito, Franklin Leopoldo e Silva desenvolve os sentidos da memória na produção da identidade, destacando as relações significativas do presente com o passado e o futuro na construção da história. Desse ponto, o autor acentua o papel das instituições nesse processo – um processo de exercício de poder, no qual se tem, na verdade, a institucionalização do poder – e, dentre elas, em particular a instituição universitária.
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  33.  12
    A. E. Housman: Fragment grške tragedije.A. E. Housman & David Movrin - 2023 - Clotho 5 (1):309-317.
    Alfred Edward Housman (1859–1936), ki je kasneje postal angleški pesnik in eden največjih filologov svojega časa, je svoj zafrkantski »fragment« objavil pri triindvajsetih, leta 1883, v reviji Bromsgrovian. Revijo je izdajala Bromsgrove School, kjer se je šolal kot najstnik (1870–77); na šolo, ki je prva prepoznala njegov jezikovni in pesniški talent, se je za kratek čas (1881–82) vrnil kot pomožni učitelj po ne­pričakovanem študijskem porazu na Oxfordu. Kot ugotavlja Ralph Marcellino, ni naključje, da besedilo paro­dira predvsem Ajshila, ki je bil (...)
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  34.  13
    Foucault e a Liberdade No Estoicismo Tardio.Ana Lúcia dos Santos E. Santos - 2021 - REVISTA APOENA - Periódico dos Discentes de Filosofia da UFPA 2 (4):190.
    O presente artigo visa analisar, a partir do pensamento do filósofo Michel Foucault, o exercício da liberdade sob uma perspectiva ética, no âmbito do estoicismo tardio. Liberdade essa que se faz possível a partir do cuidado de si, por meio de exercícios regulares que possibilitam ao indivíduo viver a vida como arte. Com efeito, é na prática do cuidado de si, que o indivíduo se coloca como transformador do mundo e de si mesmo, o qual dá-se no encontro com o (...)
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    Norma e forma.E. H. Gombrich - 1963 - Torino,: Edizioni di "Filosofia".
    Neste livro Gombrich discute as idéias e as posturas específicas que tiveram influência decisiva na prática da arte renascentista. Todos os estudos aqui reunidos tratam de algo a que se pode chamar clima renascentista de opiniões sobre a arte, além da influência desse clima sobre a prática e a crítica da arte.
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  36. Proprietà e ricchezza nel pensiero di sant'Ambrogio.E. Frattini - forthcoming - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto.
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    E. W. Beth. On machines which prove theorems. Simon Stevin, vol. 32 (1958), pp. 49–60.E. W. Beth - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (4):659-659.
  38. Lalumera, E. 2017 Understanding schizophrenia through Wittgenstein: empathy, explanation, and philosophical clarification, in Schizophrenia and Common Sense, Hipólito, I., Gonçalves, J., Pereira, J. (eds.). SpringerNature, Mind-Brain Studies.E. Lalumera - 2018 - In I. Hipolito, Jorge Goncalves & João G. Pereira, Schizophrenia and Common Sense, Hipólito, I., Gonçalves, J., Pereira, J. (eds.). SpringerNature, Mind-Brain Studies. Springer.
    Wittgenstein’s concepts shed light on the phenomenon of schizophrenia in at least three different ways: with a view to empathy, scientific explanation, or philosophical clarification. I consider two different “positive” wittgensteinian accounts―Campbell’s idea that delusions involve a mechanism of which different framework propositions are parts, Sass’ proposal that the schizophrenic patient can be described as a solipsist, and a Rhodes’ and Gipp’s account, where epistemic aspects of schizophrenia are explained as failures in the ordinary background of certainties. I argue that (...)
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  39.  16
    Autoría e inteligencia artificial generativa: presupuestos filosóficos de la función del autor.Lucas E. Misseri - 2023 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 59.
    Los recientes desarrollos de la inteligencia artificial generativa suponen desafíos a conceptos tradicionales del Derecho, uno de ellos es el de autoría. El problema que aborda este trabajo es cómo concebir la autoría de una obra escrita por una inteligencia artificial generativa en la que la intervención humana, en cuestiones de estilo y contenido, es nula o mínima. Para ello se enumeran casos recientes en los que se plantea ese problema a partir de artículos escritos empleando ese tipo de tecnología. (...)
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  40.  21
    Filosofía e identidad cultural en América Latina.Jorge J. E. Gracia & Ivan Jaksic - 1988 - Caracas, Venezuela: Monte Avila Editores. Edited by Ivan Jaksic.
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  41. Dormo e domine nel Decameron. LN 25 (1964) 1-4. S.E. Leone - 1964 - Paideia 19:332.
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  42.  94
    E. Spang-Hanssen: J. N. Madvig Bibliografi. Pp. xxiii+139. Copenhagen: Kongelige Bibliotek, 1966. Paper, 20 J. Kenney - 1967 - The Classical Review 17 (3):404-404.
  43.  25
    A Polêmica Paulo Freire e Ivan Illich.Gildemarks Costa E. Silva - 2016 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 24:102-120.
    O objetivo deste texto é explorar aproximações e divergências no pensamento de Paulo Freire e Ivan Illich na forma como eles vêem a relação entre educação e transformação social. Acredita-se que a retomada da polêmica Freire e Illich sobre o problema educação e transformação social pode contribuir para melhor compreender e esclarecer a verdadeira natureza desse problema, já clássico na história da educação moderna.
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  44.  9
    Sartre e a “questão judaica”.Tito Cardoso E. Cunha - 2006 - Phainomenon 12 (1):59-65.
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    Robert E. Kohler, Landscapes and Labscapes: Exploring the Lab-Field Border in Biology. [REVIEW]Robert E. Kohler - 2003 - Journal of the History of Biology 36 (3):599-629.
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  46. Scienza e sapienza.E. Albino - 1997 - Studium 93 (3):335-348.
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  47.  11
    Étho-système et pouvoir: pour une éthologie sociale générale, l'être humain défini comme aventure.Étienne Allemand - 1979 - Paris: Éditions Anthropos.
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  48. Az élet mint ismeretlen történet.Éva Ancsel - 1995 - Budapest: Atlantisz.
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    Éthosz és történelem.Éva Ancsel - 1984 - [Budapest]: Kossuth.
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    Épicurisme et augustinisme dans la pensée de Pierre Bayle: une affinité paradoxale.Élodie Argaud - 2019 - Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur.
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