Results for 'Edgar Iván'

939 found
  1.  21
    Edgar Morin, Introducción a una política del hombre, Gedisa, Barcelona, 2002.Iván Risueño - 2002 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 2:157-159.
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  2. The Hermeneutic Challenge of Genetic Engineering: Habermas and the Transhumanists.Andrew Edgar - 2009 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12 (2):157-167.
    The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact that developments in transhumanist technologies may have upon human cultures, and to do so by exploring a potential debate between Habermas and the transhumanists. Transhumanists, such as Nick Bostrom, typically see the potential in genetic and other technologies for positively expanding and transcending human nature. In contrast, Habermas is a representative of those who are fearful of this technology, suggesting that it will compound the deleterious effects of the colonisation of (...)
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    The Serres Icon of Saints Theodores.Ivan Drpić - 2012 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 105 (2).
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  4. Circulation or Reproduction of elites during the postcommunist transformation of Eastern Europe.Szelenyi Ivan & Szonja Szelenyi - 1995 - Theory and Society 1:24.
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    Jurisprudence: the philosophy and method of the law.Edgar Bodenheimer - 1974 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Discusses the nature and functions and philosophical foundations of law as well as the central problems of legal method.
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    Ethical and political thinking.Edgar F. Carritt - 1947 - Westport, Conn.,: Greenwood Press.
  7. Diskurs na téma jedné Klímovy věty a jiné eseje.Ivan Dubský - 1991 - Praha: Pražská imaginace.
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  8. El movimiento de la existencia humana, de Jan Patocka.Iván Ortega Rodríguez - 2005 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 36:159-168.
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    Incompatibility, inconsistency, and logical analysis in Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.Ivan Welty - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):8171-8186.
    Statements of degree appear to falsify basic doctrines in Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. I offer a fresh formulation of the challenge and assess a solution proposed on Wittgenstein’s behalf by Sarah Moss. I find that Moss’s proposal fails. The proposal rides in part on novel interpretations of pronouncements by Wittgenstein on the nature of the elementary proposition. I find that the interpretations cannot be sustained but that Moss’s textual case hints at important and overlooked features of the Tractarian program. I develop Wittgenstein’s (...)
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  10.  29
    Filozofija nasilja Renea Žirara.Ivan Vuković - 1992 - Theoria 35 (1):114-116.
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    Izlazite li na izbore ovih dana? Milorad Stupar, Teorije o političkim dužnostima, Filozofsko društvo Srbije, Beograd 1996.Ivan Vuković - 1997 - Theoria 40 (1):151-153.
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  12.  43
    Bemerkungen zur wissenschaftslogik.Edgar Zilsel - 1932 - Erkenntnis 3 (1):143-161.
  13.  71
    A Response to Nordenfelt's “The Varieties of Dignity”.Andrew Edgar - 2004 - Health Care Analysis 12 (2):83-89.
    I respond to Lennart Nordenfelt's analysis of dignity by questioning his attempt to establish an objective standard by which dignity can be determined. I approach this by considering the way in which claims to dignity may be contested and defended. This leads, in the cases of dignity of merit and dignity of moral status, to an apparent relativism. This relativism is checked by further consideration of dignity of identity, and in particular by consideration of the nature of the processes that (...)
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    In touch with the facts: epistemological disjunctivism and the rationalisation of belief.Edgar Phillips - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    The idea of believing for a good reason has both normative and psychological content. How are these related? Recently, a number of authors have defended a ‘disjunctivist’ view of rationalisation, on which a good reason can make a subject’s responses to it intelligible in a way that mere ‘apparent reasons’ cannot. However, little has been said about the possible epistemological significance of this view or its relationship to more familiar forms of disjunctivism in the philosophy of perception. This paper examines (...)
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  15.  11
    4. Fiktionalität und Sprechakte.Edgar Onea - 2014 - In Tilmann Köppe & Tobias Klauk (eds.), Fiktionalität: Ein Interdisziplinäres Handbuch. De Gruyter. pp. 68-96.
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  16. Aristotle on genus and differentia.Edgar Herbert Granger - 1984 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 22 (1):1-23.
  17. Das Experiment und die Metaphysik.Edgar Wind - 1937 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 123 (1):123-124.
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  18.  17
    Paintings and the Past: Philosophy, History, Art.Ivan Gaskell - 2019 - Routledge.
    Some chapters revisions of works previously issued 2004-2016.
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  19.  22
    Bourdieu Might Understand: Indigenous Habitus Clivé in the Australian Academy.Edgar A. Burns, Julie Andrews & Claire James - 2023 - British Journal of Educational Studies 71 (1):51-69.
    Bourdieu’s concept of habitus clivé illuminates Indigenous Australians’ experiences in tertiary environments for both Aboriginal students and Aboriginal staff. Habitus formed through family, schooling and social class is also shaped by urban, regional or rural upbringing, creating a durable sense of self. Aboriginal people in Australia live in all of these places, often in marginalised circumstances. Bourdieu’s more specific concept of habitus clivé, or divided self, is less well known than habitus, but offers value in giving expression to Indigenous people’s (...)
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  20.  20
    Environmental Thought: A Short History.Andrew Edgar - 2022 - Philosophical Quarterly 72 (3):774-777.
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  21. Anselm's argument—once again.Edgar Morscher - 1997 - Logique Et Analyse 40:175-188.
  22.  10
    La institución del Estado como una veluti mente.Iván Ramón Rodríguez Benavidez - 2020 - Praxis Filosófica 50:59-72.
    La exposición de los regímenes políticos del Tratado Político no es aleatoria; Spinoza expone en primer lugar el que menos conviene, esto es, el monárquico, después el que conviene más, la aristocracia, y finalmente la democracia, régimen al que concibe como el más perfecto. Este criterio de exposición no sirve de criterio para investigar cuál es el valor de la democracia para Spinoza, pero nos permite investigar cuál es el principal obstáculo o peligro que debe enfrentar la democracia para que (...)
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  23.  5
    Fenomenologie a kultura slepé skvrny.Ivan Blecha - 2002 - Praha: Triton.
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  24.  9
    Roundtable. Medieval Art Today, Why?Ivan Foletti & Adrien Palladino - 2020 - Convivium 7 (2):160-185.
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  25.  4
    The Ethics of Business.Edgar Laing Heermance - 2002 - New York: Harper & Brothers.
  26.  27
    Brahmadarsanam.Edgar L. Hinman & Sri Ananda Acharya - 1918 - Philosophical Review 27 (5):555.
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    (1 other version)The aims of an introductory course in philosophy.Edgar L. Hinman - 1910 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 7 (21):561-569.
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  28. La vie et les œuvres de Pierre d'Auvergne.Edgar Hocedez - 1933 - Gregorianum 14:3-36.
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  29. Lincoln and the Preachers.Edgar Dewitt Jones - 1948
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  30.  19
    “Sustainable development” and globalisation processes.Ivan Koprek - 2020 - Disputatio Philosophica 21 (1):21-26.
    How do we relate globalisation to other types of mondialisation, such as communications and economics? The answer should be: any globalisation should be motivated by the general interest of humanity and striving to that aim. In practice, this means that international protection of human rights and environmental rights need not only jurisdictional but also, above all, ethical standards. Without it, a conflict between different types of globalisation could become damaging, almost dangerous. The very idea of the global village that has (...)
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  31.  13
    Within the mind maze, or, Mentonomy, the law of the mind.Edgar Lucien Larkin - 1911 - Los Angeles, Calif.: Standard Printing Company. Edited by Edgar L. Larkin.
    "This book is commended to all good and progressive men and women who believe that by studying Mind, discovering its laws and applying them to human betterment, the career of man on earth could be greatly improved. And that the appalling errors, war, alcohol, oppression, injustice, crime and poverty can be abolished, together with a large proportion of disease, pain and unhappiness. This book is being written under an impression so strong that it rises to the dignity of a theory, (...)
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  32.  16
    Le Talmud et la « sagesse grecque ».Ivan Segré - 2016 - Cahiers Philosophiques 145 (2):27-53.
    Un célèbre enseignement du Talmud de Babylone maudit la « sagesse grecque ». Or qu’est-ce que la « sagesse grecque »? On a souvent compris que le Talmud récusait la philosophie. C’est pourtant une lecture hâtive et, en définitive, erronée. Car par « sagesse grecque », le Talmud entend désigner une forme d’intelligence pratique qui caractérise les hommes de pouvoir. Ce que le Talmud maudit, c’est donc une forme de « machiavélisme » avant la lettre, et non une radicalité rationaliste.
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  33.  10
    З'ява в україні "з'єдиненої церкви" і що вона дала українцям. До 420-річчя берестейської унії.Ivan Shevciv - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 76:47-54.
    Let's try to recognize the regularity according to the historical fact, give in a certain logical sequence its own vision of those events of the history of Ukrainian nation, which led to the rise of the Union of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church with the Roman Apostolic See in 1596. The reasons for this are seven.
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    Khimkinskiĭ les: neokonchennai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ borʹby.Ivan Smirnov - 2011 - Moskva: RODP "I︠A︡bloko".
    Издание содержит: из истории Химкинского леса; Химкинский лес как памятник природы; выбор трассы; начало гражданского сопротивления; рождение "Экообороны" и многое другое. Для широкого круга читателей.
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    Décoder le réel: dialogue.Ivan Toulouse - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Pierre Malifaud.
    Et si on appliquait à la philosophie la méthodologie du physicien? L'inexplicable constat des limitations inhérentes à toute réalité expérimentée inciterait à poser en théorie l'hypothèse d'un modèle exempt de ces limitations d'où pourrait procéder la réalité limitée telle que nous la vivons. Et si par déduction on en arrivait à des résultats scientifiquement plausibles, l'aventure à laquelle nous serions alors conviés serait de décoder l'univers comme une anamorphose. Sous la forme d'un dialogue, ce livre met en débat la pensée (...)
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  36. Partiĭnostʹ iskusstva i sot︠s︡ialisticheskiĭ realizm.Ivan Fedorovich Volkov - 1974 - Moskva: Iskusstvo.
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  37. Conseqüências ontológicas do argumento tractariano contra a possibilidade de um discurso categorial”.Edgar Marques - 1997 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 2 (1).
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  38.  25
    Mecanismo y teleología en la Lógica de Hegel.Edgar Maraguat - 2013 - Dianoia 58 (70):59-87.
    ¿Cómo hay que entender la tesis de Hegel en la Lógica de que "la teleología es la verdad del mecanismo"? La afirmó contra Kant, desde luego; a saber, contra la posibilidad de que lo que parece teleológico sea sólo mecánico; pero no en el sentido de un compromiso dogmático con la realidad de fines naturales y tampoco en el de una refutación del mecanicismo como la que Fichte busca con su radicalización de la filosofía trascendental. Aquí se examina qué posibilidades (...)
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  39. Nota del editor.Iván Darío Carmona Aranzazu - 2016 - Escritos 24 (53):259.
    El presente número de la Revista Escritos recoge algunos artículos cuyos resultados fueron presentados en el II Congreso Iberoamericano de Bioética e Investigación, llevado a cabo por la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana en convenio con la Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, entre el 17 y 19 de agosto de 2016. Así mismo, se incluyen algunas de las ponencias leídas por los invitados centrales del evento.
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    Personality and religion.Edgar Sheffield Brightman - 1934 - New York: AMS Press.
  41. Ritschl's Criterion of Religious Truth.Edgar S. Brightman - 1918 - Philosophical Review 27:214.
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  42.  9
    Crisis Actual Como Posibilidad Existencial Para Retomar la Pregunta Por El Ser.Edgar Enrique Velásquez Camelo - 2020 - Metanoia 5:131-156.
    La pregunta por el sentido general del ser emerge, en situaciones críticas, como una indagación noética y existencial que descubre la condición finita y vulnerable del ser ahí. La pandemia Covid19 se ha convertido en el contexto social la oportunidad para pensar en la importancia del cuidado en donde, a raíz del confinamiento y el aislamiento preventivo, se ha modificado de forma infranqueable los ritmos de vida. La rapidación del mundo social de producción y consumo ha constituido el modus vivendi-operandi (...)
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  43.  21
    Adorno and the question of Schubert's sexuality.Andrew Edgar - unknown
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  44.  21
    Expulsar, disciplinar y segurizar: el gobierno del Covid-19 en Chile.T. Iván Pincheira - 2020 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 11 (2):39-54.
    Siguiendo las coordenadas conceptuales propuestas por Michel Foucault en su abordaje del tratamiento gubernamental de las pandemias, en este artículo se desarrolla un recorrido genealógico por específicas prácticas de gobierno que se han venido desarrollando en Chile en distintos momentos de su historia; se visibilizan de este modo diversos actores de gobierno que buscarán conducir conductas y subjetividades en contextos de pandemia. Entendida como una propuesta metodológica, establecida en base a la identificación de actores, racionalidades y acciones de gobierno, inscrita (...)
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  45.  19
    Conciencia, conceptos y autonomía : § 8 = Consciousness, concepts and autonomy : § 8.Edgar Maraguat - 2012 - Endoxa 30:149.
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    Leibniz acerca de almas, corpos, agregados e subst'ncias na discussão com Fardella.Edgar Marques - 2010 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 51 (121):7-20.
  47. Universalismo y conciencia moral en la ética de Hegel.Edgar Maraguat - 1999 - Laguna 1:129-136.
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  48. Prekrasnoe v cheloveke.Ivan Fedorovich Smolʹi︠a︡ninov - 1962
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  49. The Student's New Testament: The Text and the American Translation.Edgar J. Goodspeed - 1954
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  50.  28
    A tripla raiz da noção de substância em Leibniz.Edgar Marques - 2017 - Cadernos Espinosanos 37:73-95.
    O principal objetivo deste artigo é mostrar, contra as interpretações da filosofia de Leibniz que tendem a reduzir sua noção de substância a uma concepção derivada unicamente de considerações de natureza lógica, que o conceito leibniziano de substância possui raízes lógicas, físicas e teológicas que são mutuamente independentes.
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