Results for 'Emil Major'

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  1.  35
    The divine imperative.Emil Brunner - 1937 - Philadelphia,: The Westminster Press. Edited by Olive Wyon.
    Short description: One of the major works of the great German theologian Emil Brunner, The Divine Imperative deals with one the many uncertainties in which we ...
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    Die Lehre vom Urteil (Classic Reprint).Emil Lask (ed.) - 2017 - Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from Die Lehre vom Urteil Windelband hat in seinen "präludien und in dem Aufsatz der Festschrift für Zeller "beiträge zur Lehre vom nega tiven Urteil gerade vermittelst der Urteilslehre den ent scheidenden Schritt zu tun vermocht, der Logik wieder ihre sachliche Heimat im Ganzen der Philos0phie zu bestimmen. Rickerts "gegenstand der Erkenntnis ist sodann das Grund buch für alle logischen Untersuchungen der Werttheorie geworden und geblieben. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. (...)
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    Rechtsphilosophie (Classic Reprint).Emil Lask (ed.) - 2016 - Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from Rechtsphilosophie Fast samtliche Anhanger absoluter rechtsphilosophischer Wertprinzipien im neunzehnten Jahrhundert so z. B. Stahl, Trendelenburg, Lasson haben den Empirismus auf sich wirken lassen und eine Versohnung der Spekulation mit der positiven Rechtswissenschaft zum mindesten angestrebt. In neuester Zeit hat vor allem Stammler die Einordnung des Rechts in absolute Zweckzusammenhange mit der Ansicht zu vereinigen gewusst, dass die formale Gesetzmassigkeit oder gegenstandliche Richtig keit lediglich einen Massstab fur oder eine unbedingte Anforde rung an das Recht, ein Ziel fur den (...)
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    Saving, sharing and shaping landrace seeds in commons: unravelling seed commoning norms for furthering agrobiodiversity.Emil Sandström, Tove Ortman, Christine A. Watson, Jan Bengtsson, Clara Gustafsson & Göran Bergkvist - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1825-1840.
    One of the major challenges facing agricultural and food systems today is the loss of agrobiodiversity. Considering the current impasse of preventing the worldwide loss of crop diversity, this paper highlights the possibility for a radical reorientation of current legal seed frameworks that could provide more space for alternative seed systems to evolve which centre on norms that support on-farm agrobiodiversity. Understanding the underlying norms that shape seed commons are important, since norms both delimit and contribute to what ultimately (...)
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    (1 other version)A short history of decay.Emile M. Cioran - 1975 - New York: Little, Brown and Co..
    The author confronts the place of today's world in the context of human history. He focuses on such major issues of the twentieth century as human progress, fanaticism, & science.
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    The Divine Imperative: A Study in Christian Ethics.Emil Brunner - 2002 - Lutterworth Press.
    One of the major works of the great German theologian Emil Brunner, The Divine Imperative deals with what we ought to do. People are unconvinced that there is an inviolable moral obligation governing human life because they do not believe that the 'good'can be precisely and clearly known. Haven't some generations called bad what others have called good? Aren't moral standards relative? Doesn't religion lack uniform and practical moral guidance? Brunner discusses the moral confusion we face. He analyses (...)
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    A consequentialist ethical analysis of federal funding of elective abortions.Emile I. Gleeson & Christi J. Guerrini - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (4):331-336.
    Insurance coverage of abortion varies widely across the United States and is an extensively debated issue. Medicaid coverage of abortion is particularly relevant because the majority of abortion patients are poor or low‐income and are thus often covered by Medicaid. Since the Hyde Amendment was first passed in 1976, federal Medicaid funds have been banned from covering the costs of elective abortion. Although states are allowed to use their own funds to cover abortions for their Medicaid recipients, only 17 states (...)
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  8.  10
    Der Systemgedanke bei Kant und Fichte.Emil Kraus - 1916 - Berlin: Reuther & Reichard.
    Excerpt from Der Systemgedanke bei Kant und Fichte Es ist klar, dass diese ganze machtige Entwicklung der exakten Wissenschaften eine radikale Umwalzung und Neubegrundung der Philosophie zur Folge haben musste. Die neue Gewissheit der Er kenntnis, die hier waltete, die neuen Begriffe und Methoden galt es philosophisch zu begreifen. Diese Aufgabe sprengte den Rahmen der alten aristotelisch-scholastischen Philosophie und fuhrte zu der philosophischen Entwicklung, deren Hohepunkt wir im transzen dentalen Idealismus Kants erblicken. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of (...)
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    Goethe als geschichtsphilosoph und die geschichtsphilosophische bewegung seiner zeit.Emil Menke-Glückert - 1907 - Leipzig,: R. Voigtländer.
    Excerpt from Goethe als Geschichtsphilosoph und die Geschichtsphilosophische Bewegung Seiner Zeit Eine Pflanze ist in ihrer Erscheinung nur recht zu begreifen, wenn man die Umgebung, wenn man den Boden kennt, dem sie entsprossen ist. Und je langer sie an einem Standorte beharrte, desto mehr kommt dieser Boden, diese Umgebung charakteristisch in ihr zum Ausdruck. Ja, wird sie verpflanzt und in andere Umgebung gebracht, nur langsam und schwer wird sie sich andern. So lange wie sie vermag, bleibt sie ihrem alten Charakter (...)
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    Science et religion dans la philosophie contemporaine.Emile Boutroux - 1908 - Paris,: E. Flammarion.
    Excerpt from Science Et Religion dans la Philosophie Contemporaine Avant d'aborder l'etude des rapports de la science et de la religion, tels qu'ils se presentent dans la societe actuelle, il y a interet a faire une revue rapide de l'histoire de ces rapports dans les civilisations dont la notre est l'heritiere. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books (...)
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  11.  7
    Grundlegung der allgemeinen Kunstwissenschaft.Emil Utitz - 1914 - München,: W. Fink.
    Excerpt from Grundlegung der Allgemeinen Kunstwissenschaft Tiefsinn ist ein Anzeichen des Chaos, das echte Wissenschaft in einen Kosmos verwandeln will, in eine einfache, vollig klare, aufgeloste Ordnung. Echte Wissenschaft kennt, soweit ihre wirkliche Lehre reicht, keinen Tiefsinn. Jedes Stuck fertiger Wissenschaft ist ein Ganzes von den Denkschritten, deren jeder unmittelbar einsichtig, also gar nicht tiefsinnig ist. Tiefsinn ist Sache der Weisheit, begriffliche Deutlichkeit und Klarheit Sache der strengen Theorie. Die Ahnungen des Tiefsinns in eindeutige rationale Gestaltungen umzupragen, das ist der (...)
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    Schelling.Emile Bréhier - 1912 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
    Excerpt from Schelling Cette ardente propagande en faveur de Fichte, tout au tant que l'appréciation de Fichte lui - mème, ont amené à désigner sous le nom de période fichtéenne l'époque de Tü bingen et de Leipzig Où Schelling écrit ses premiers trai tés de philosophie générale un accord complet avec Fichte aurait donc précédé la période suivante qui est celle de la philosophie de lanature. Pourtant de ces traités les uns, écrits a Tübingen, sont antérieurs aux études physiques de (...)
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    Emil Lasks Grundlehre.Klaus Hammacher - 1993 - Fichte-Studien 5:233-236.
  14.  7
    Emile Durkheim.Prof Kenneth Thompson - 2002 - Routledge.
    This book examines Durkheim's considerable achievements and situates them in their social and intellectual contexts, with a concise account of the major elements of Durkheim's sociology. The book includes a critical commentary on the four main studies which exemplify Durkheim's contribution to sociology: _The Division of Labour in Society; Suicide; The Rules of Sociological Method_ and _The Elementary Forms of Religious Life._.
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    Emile Durkheim and Thorstein Veblen on epistemology, cultural lag and social order.Rick Tilman - 2002 - History of the Human Sciences 15 (4):51-70.
    Despite their importance to the history of economics and social theory, social scientists and historians pay little heed to the structural similarities as well as the important divergences in the work of French-man Emile Durkheim (1858—1917) and American Thorstein Veblen (1857—1929). Consequently, this article places Durkheim and Veblen in their social and historical context, and then (1) their epistemologies are related to their use of cultural lag to explain the persistence of atavistic continuities in the existing order, (2) their theories (...)
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    The Meaning of “Epistemology” Science, Common Sense and Philosophy according to Émile Meyerson.Frédéric Fruteau de Laclos - 2017 - Kairos 19 (1):36-67.
    Émile Meyerson (1859–1933) is an epistemologist, in the French meaning of the term: he himself introduced the word in French as a synonymous for “philo- sophy of science” in his major book of 1908 Identity and Reality. First educated as a chemist, Meyerson discovered philosophy while reading Auguste Comte’s Cours de philosophie positive. However, he strongly rejected Comte’s positivism: metaphysics, he said, penetrates science and even common sense; men, whether they are scien- tists or not, are interested in finding (...)
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  17. Mechanical Neuroscience: Emil du Bois-Reymond’s Innovations in Theory and Practice.Gabriel Finkelstein - 2015 - Frontiers 9 (130):1-4.
    Summary of the major innovations of Emil du Bois-Reymond (1818-1896).
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    In Memory of Emil Ludwig Fackenheim, 1916–2003.John Burbidge - 2003 - The Owl of Minerva 35 (1-2):49-52.
    At a time when Hegel studies were virtually non-existent in North America, Emil Fackenheim began teaching at the University of Toronto, in a department strongly committed to the history of philosophy. He taught medieval philosophy to third-year students in the honours program, and a course on metaphysics and the philosophy of history to students in fourth year honors, a combination of interests that found expression in his Aquinas Lectures of 1961: Metaphysics and Historicity. It was, however, his graduate course (...)
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    In the Shadow of Emile: Pedagogues, Pediatricians, Physical Education, 1686–1762. [REVIEW]Danièle Tosato-Rigo - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (5):449-463.
    This article takes as its starting point the commonplace that Rousseau’s Emile enabled his contemporaries to discover not only childhood but physical education. Focused on what the pedestal erected for Jean-Jacques somewhat overshadows, a brief historiographic overview and a survey of some major writings on education before Rousseau (by the Abbot Fleury, John Locke, Jean-Pierre de Crousaz and Charles Rollin) will show that the ideas defended by the writer were not innovative in the slightest. But also, and this seems (...)
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  20. Contribuições de Ferdinand de Saussure, Mikhail Bakhtin e Émile Benveniste aos estudos de aquisição da linguagem no Brasil.Marlete Sandra Diedrich, Gabriela Golembieski & Marina de Oliveira - 2025 - Bakhtiniana 20 (1):e66059p.
    ABSTRACT This article aims to reflect upon the presence of the language acquisition theme in the works of Ferdinand de Saussure, Mikhail Bakhtin and Émile Benveniste, in order to, based on such reflection, describe how this presence gave rise to work perspectives around the theme in research panorama in Brazil. Three major perspectives for studying language acquisition in the country are highlighted: based on Saussurean assumptions, there are the social interactionist studies; in the Bakhtinian perspective, the dialogic-discursive approach; from (...)
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    Ecos da modernidade na lei máxima da Educação Brasileira: uma interlocução com Émile Durkheim.Catarina Barbosa Torres Gomes - 2011 - Filosofia E Educação 3 (1):p - 352.
    O objetivo deste ensaio é apresentar uma análise sucinta dos reflexos dos argumentos de Durkheim sobre educação no corpo da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases daEducação Nacional nº 9394/96. Arquiteto de um paradigma clássicopara a sociologia, que se irradia alimentando outros paradigmas de teóricos degrande envergadura, que o sucederam, Émile Durkheim conferiu àSociologia uma base empírica, com métodos próprios de investigação, demonstrando que os fatos sociais – seu objeto de estudo – teriam características próprias, que os distinguiriam dos estudados pelas (...)
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    The Philosophy of Emil Fackenheim: From Revelation to the Holocaust.Kenneth Hart Green - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Fackenheim was one of the most philosophically serious, knowledgeable, and provocative contemporary Jewish thinkers. His original focus as a philosophical theologian was mainly on revelation, but in his later work he concerned himself primarily with the wide-ranging implications of the Holocaust. In this book, Kenneth Hart Green examines Fackenheim's intellectual trajectory and traces how and why he focused so intently on the Holocaust. He explores the deeper thought that Fackenheim developed about the Holocaust, which he construed as a cataclysmic event (...)
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    Eid, Emile, La figure juridique du patriarche. Essai historico-juridique. [REVIEW]D. Stiernon - 1965 - Augustinianum 5 (1):177-180.
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  24.  49
    Superstition, religion naturelle, religions historiques dans l'Émile.Ghislain Waterlot - 2009 - Archives de Philosophie 72 (1):55-73.
    Par la genèse de la superstition proposée dans l’Émile, Rousseau montre que seul Jésus a pu manifester la religion naturelle à l’état pur. Ses disciples, marqués par la superstition, n’ont pu maintenir cette pureté : ils sont à l’origine de religions historiques nouvelles, mixtes de superstition et de religion naturelle. Pour des raisons politiques, les théologiens auraient renforcé l’élément superstitieux. Cet article montre que Rousseau aspire à un dispositif qui permettrait aux hommes d’apprendre progressivement à voir dans la religion naturelle (...)
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  25.  42
    August Weismann Embraces the Protozoa.Frederick B. Churchill - 2010 - Journal of the History of Biology 43 (4):767 - 800.
    This paper examines the contents and institutional context of August Weismann's long essay on Amphimixis (1891). Therein he presented detailed discussions of his on-going studies of reduction division and parthenogenesis, but more to the point, he included an elaborate examination of Émile Maupas's two major publications in protozoology. To understand the relevance of this part to the other two, the author briefly reviews highpoints in earlier nineteenth century protozoology and concludes that only in the mid-1870s and 1880s did protozoa (...)
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  26.  36
    Storied Bodies, or Nana at Last Unveil'd.Peter Brooks - 1989 - Critical Inquiry 16 (1):1-32.
    A major preoccupation of that novel [Zola’s Nana] is the undressing of the courtesan Nana. One could even say that a major dynamic of the novel is stripping Nana, and stripping away at her, making per progressively expose the secrets of this golden body that has Paris in thrall. The first chapter of the novel provides, quite literally, a mise-en-scène for Nana’s body, in the operetta La Blonde Vénus. When she comes on stage in the third act, a (...)
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  27.  25
    Experience, culture, and reality: The significance of Fisher information for understanding the relationship between alternative states of consciousness and the structures of reality.Charles D. Laughlin & C. Jason Throop - 2003 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 22 (1):7-26.
    The majority of the world’s cultures encourage or require members to enter alternative states of consciousness while involved in religious rituals. The question is, why? This paper suggests an explanation for the culturally prescribed ASC from the view of Fisher information. It argues from the position, first put forward by Emile Durkheim in his magnum opus, The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, that all religions are grounded in reality. It suggests that many of the structural elements of cultural cosmologies (...)
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  28. Political Liberalism and the Interests of Children: A Reply to Timothy Michael Fowler.Emil Andersson - 2011 - Res Publica 17 (3):291-296.
    Timothy Michael Fowler has argued that, as a consequence of their commitment to neutrality in regard to comprehensive doctrines, political liberals face a dilemma. In essence, the dilemma for political liberals is that either they have to give up their commitment to neutrality (which is an indispensible part of their view), or they have to allow harm to children. Fowler’s case for this dilemma depends on ascribing to political liberals a view which grants parents a great degree of freedom in (...)
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  29. (1 other version)Imago hominis.Viktor Emil Gebsattel - 1964 - Schweinfurt,: Verlag Neues Forum.
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    Democracy as Culture: Deweyan Pragmatism in a Globalized World.Emil Višňovský - 2010 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 46 (2).
    The issue of democracy is alive once more. There is a growing number of works debating the current state of democracy both in theory and practice.1 In particular a pragmatist conception of democracy has also been revived. Not only has a Deweyan version of a participatory democracy become the focus but the intricacies of a Rortian version have also come to the forefront, from both sympathetic as well as critical viewpoints.2 Thus the impression that the contemporary world is in quite (...)
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  31. The Myth of the Intuitive.Max Emil Deutsch - 2015 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    This book is a defense of the methods of analytic philosophy against a recent empirical challenge to the soundness of those methods. The challenge is raised by practitioners of “experimental philosophy” and concerns the extent to which analytic philosophy relies on intuition—in particular, the extent to which analytic philosophers treat intuitions as evidence in arguing for philosophical conclusions. Experimental philosophers say that analytic philosophers place a great deal of evidential weight on people’s intuitions about hypothetical cases and thought experiments. This (...)
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  32.  47
    Canonical Rules.Emil Jeřábek - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (4):1171 - 1205.
    We develop canonical rules capable of axiomatizing all systems of multiple-conclusion rules over K4 or IPC, by extension of the method of canonical formulas by Zakharyaschev [37]. We use the framework to give an alternative proof of the known analysis of admissible rules in basic transitive logics, which additionally yields the following dichotomy: any canonical rule is either admissible in the logic, or it is equivalent to an assumption-free rule. Other applications of canonical rules include a generalization of the Blok–Esakia (...)
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  33.  62
    Two Routes "To Concreteness" in the Work of the Bakhtin Circle.Craig Brandist - 2002 - Journal of the History of Ideas 63 (3):521.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 63.3 (2002) 521-537 [Access article in PDF] Two Routes "to Concreteness" in the Work of the Bakhtin Circle Craig Brandist In 1918 the young Georg Lukács published an obituary of the last major Baden School neo-Kantian Emil Lask in which the latter's varied work was commended for being "underlain by an essential common drive [Drang]: the drive to concreteness." 1 This (...)
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  34.  34
    The Sources of Religious Insight.Emil C. Wilm & Josiah Royce - 1913 - Philosophical Review 22 (2):229.
  35.  27
    Dual weak pigeonhole principle, Boolean complexity, and derandomization.Emil Jeřábek - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 129 (1-3):1-37.
    We study the extension 123) of the theory S21 by instances of the dual weak pigeonhole principle for p-time functions, dWPHPx2x. We propose a natural framework for formalization of randomized algorithms in bounded arithmetic, and use it to provide a strengthening of Wilkie's witnessing theorem for S21+dWPHP. We construct a propositional proof system WF , which captures the Π1b-consequences of S21+dWPHP. We also show that WF p-simulates the Unstructured Extended Nullstellensatz proof system of Buss et al. 256). We prove that (...)
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  36. Freiheit und System bei Hegel.Emil Angehrn - 1977. - Studies in Soviet Thought 20 (4):381-381.
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    Communauté et liberté.Emil Angehrn & Bernard Baertschi - 1995
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  38. Eternal Hope.Emil Brunner - 1954 - Philadelphia: Fortress Press.
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  39. Philosophie und Offenbarung.Emil Brunner - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (3):111-111.
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  40. Der Geist der Liebe Und Das Schicksal Schelling, Hegel Und Hölderlin.Emil Staiger - 1935 - Huber.
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  41. Psychologische Grundlagen der geschichtlichen und sozialen Entwicklung.Emil J. Walter - 1947 - Synthese 6 (5):260-262.
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  42. An ordinal analysis for theories of self-referential truth.Graham Emil Leigh & Michael Rathjen - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (2):213-247.
    The first attempt at a systematic approach to axiomatic theories of truth was undertaken by Friedman and Sheard (Ann Pure Appl Log 33:1–21, 1987). There twelve principles consisting of axioms, axiom schemata and rules of inference, each embodying a reasonable property of truth were isolated for study. Working with a base theory of truth conservative over PA, Friedman and Sheard raised the following questions. Which subsets of the Optional Axioms are consistent over the base theory? What are the proof-theoretic strengths (...)
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  43. Die acht Urbilder des I Ging.Emil Hugo Gräfe - 1968 - Oberstedten/Oberursel Ts.,: H. Gräfe.
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    Relational value meanings.Bertram Emil Jessup - 1943 - Eugene, Or.: University of Oregon.
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    Darstellung und beurteilung der ästhetik Schopenhauers..Albert [Emil Gustav] Maecklenburg - 1914 - Borna-Leipzig,: Buchdruckerei R. Noske.
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  46. Sinister savior.Gustav Emil Müller - 1941 - Norman, Okla.,: Cooperative Books.
  47. Forutsetningsfri kunnskapslære.Emil Schjøth - 1961 - Oslo,: J. W. Cappelen.
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  48. Leben.Richard Emil Volkmann - 1970 - (Leipzig,: Zentralantiquariat d. Deutschen Demokratischen Republik.
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    System JLZ – rational default reasoning by minimal ranking constructions.Emil Weydert - 2003 - Journal of Applied Logic 1 (3-4):273-308.
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    Capitalism and alienation: Towards a Marxist theory of alienation for the 21st century.Emil Øversveen - 2022 - European Journal of Social Theory 25 (3):440-457.
    Alienation is among the most influential terms in Marxist theory, but also one of the most ambiguous and controversial. Unlike previous literature, which has tended to focus on Marx’ early philosophical writings, this offers a novel reinterpretation of the theory of alienation found in Marx’s later works. Rather than conceiving alienation as a subjective experience or an inherent feature of social organization, I contend that alienation in the Marxist sense can be understood as an objective process arising from the appropriation (...)
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