Results for 'Emma Lavigne'

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  1.  26
    Pierre Huyghe.Emma Lavigne (ed.) - 2013 - Hirmer Publishers.
    Presenting fifty projects from French-born, New York-based contemporary artist Pierre Huyghe's twenty-year career, this richly illustrated book provides an overview of his work across film, installation art, and live event. Since the 1990s, Huyghe's work has challenged the status of the exhibition format. With projects like the One Year Celebration and the foundation in 1995 of the collaborative Association of Freed Time, Huyghe developed a particular interest in the relationship between time and memory--an interest that has carried through to his (...)
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  2. Du psychologisme logique à la phénoménologie pure.Jean François Lavigne - 2002 - Recherches Husserliennes 18:59-90.
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    Psychologie et critique du psychologisme : à l’origine de la phénoménologie, la controverse Lipps-Husserl.Jean-François Lavigne - 2018 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 97 (1):49.
  4. Réduction et neutralisation.Jean-François Lavigne - 2012 - In Antoine Grandjean & Laurent Perreau, Husserl, la science des phénomènes. Paris: CNRS éditions.
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  5. Scythian Gold and the Gold- Standard : Soviet Attitudes To Gold and the International Monetary System.Marie Lavigne & Paul Rowland - 1978 - Diogenes 26 (101-102):26-49.
    The train has stopped in the night. It is the end of winter, 1920; it is very cold, about 25 degress below zero, some hundred kilometers west of Irkutsk. Along the train soldiers mount guard; ahead, a party of the detachment is clearing the track. Many of the soldiers have makeshift bandages around their wrists and feet: the Siberian frost has taken its toll. There is no question, however, of withdrawing the guard or stopping the work. This train is the (...)
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  6. Consequences of COVID-19 Confinement on Anxiety, Sleep and Executive Functions of Children and Adolescents in Spain.Rocío Lavigne-Cerván, Borja Costa-López, Rocío Juárez-Ruiz de Mier, Marta Real-Fernández, Marta Sánchez-Muñoz de León & Ignasi Navarro-Soria - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Children and adolescents are not indifferent to the dramatic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the need to be forced to live in confinement. The change in life to which they have been abruptly subjected forces us to understand the state of their mental health in order to adequately address both their present and future needs. The present study was carried out with the intention of studying the consequences of confinement on anxiety, sleep routines and executive functioning of 1,028 children (...)
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    Emotion Regulation in Participants Diagnosed With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Before and After an Emotion Regulation Intervention.Marta Sánchez, Rocío Lavigne, Juan Fco Romero & Eduardo Elósegui - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The study of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder addresses variables related to three core symptoms: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. However, it has been suggested that in recent years emotional difficulties and subsequent social challenges have not received sufficient attention. This study had two objectives: 1) to compare the performance of participants (age range: 8-14 years) on facial emotion recognition tasks using the Affect Recognition subtest of the Children Neuropsychological Battery II; and 2) to assess the perceptions of family members in relation (...)
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  8.  13
    Préface.Jean-François Lavigne - 2010 - Noesis 16 (16):7-10.
    Le recueil qu’on va lire est le fruit d’un travail collectif de réflexion conduit à l’initiative de l’axe de recherches « Phénoménologie, Ontologie » du Centre de Recherches d’Histoire des Idées de l’université de Nice, dans le cadre du Séminaire annuel du Centre, organisé par J.-F. Lavigne pour l’année universitaire 2006-2007. L’organisation et la tenue régulière de ce séminaire relevaient un double défi : briser les anciennes habitudes de cloisonnement disciplinaire, et prouver par l’action...
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  9.  33
    Accéder au transcendantal?: Réduction et idéalisme transcendantal dans les Ideen I de Husserl.Jean-François Lavigne - 2009 - Paris: Vrin.
    Le premier volume des Idees directrices pour une phenomenologie pure et une philosophie phenomenologique est le traite fondamental de la phenomenologie de Husserl. Il s'y propose d'introduire le lecteur a la nouvelle attitude methodique de la phenomenologie - la reduction transcendantale - pour reveler la subjectivite comme vie intentionnelle constituant en soi toute realite objective sans exception: comme subjectivite transcendantale. La reduction apparait ainsi liee d'emblee a une these metaphysique, l'idealisme transcendantal, que Husserl revendiquera dans les Meditations cartesiennes comme l' (...)
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  10.  66
    Érotisme féministe en art ou métapornographie.Julie Lavigne - 2007 - Symposium 11 (2):351-370.
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    Canada’s Commercial Seal Hunt: It’s More Than a Question of Humane Killing.David M. Lavigne & William S. Lynn - 2011 - Journal of Animal Ethics 1 (1):1-5.
    Canada’s commercial seal hunt has been the subject of controversy for over 40 years. Much of the debate has centered on the question of humane killing. The reality, however, is that debates about commercial sealing are political debates involving conflicting values and ethics. We argue that the time has come for conservationists, scientists, managers of free-living animals, bureaucrats, politicians, and society at large to think beyond populations and ecosystems and consider also the well-being of individual, sentient animals. The fundamental question (...)
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  12. Husserl lecteur d'Avenarius: Une contribution à la genèse de la réduction phénoménologique?Jean-Francois Lavigne - 2003 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 22:61-82.
  13.  79
    The Paradox and Limits of Michel Henry’s Concept of Transcendence.Jean-François Lavigne - 2009 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 17 (3):377-388.
    Henry’s concept of transcendence is highly paradoxical. Most often it seems as though he had simply borrowed Husserl’s classical description of intentionality, as the act of aiming‐at‐something as an independent object, at something given or posited by consciousness outside itself, in the status of a worldly outwardness. This determination of transcendence belongs to Henry’s usual critique of what he calls the ‘ontological monism’ of classical metaphysics and ‘historical phenomenology’. Nevertheless, when Henry endeavours to define the ontological difference between life itself (...)
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  14.  41
    Defining Art, Creating the Canon: Artistic Value in an Era of Doubt.Michelle Lavigne - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 66 (3):317-319.
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    La communication politique en Amérique du Nord et en France : Bibliographie.Alain Lavigne - 1995 - Hermes 17:373.
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    Souffrance et ipséité selon Michel Henry.Jean-François Lavigne - 2011 - Cahiers Philosophiques 126 (3):66-81.
    C’est dans l’approche phénoménologique de la subjectivité que la question de l’identité du moi se pose avec la plus pure radicalité. Le problème s’inaugure chez Husserl : la réduction mène à l’analyse de la constitution qui rend possible l’ego transcendantal. Mais rendre compte de son identité en termes d’auto-constitution aboutit à l’aporie. L’incompatibilité entre trans-temporalité de l’ego et synthèse intentionnelle semble dépassée par Michel Henry, qui substitue l’affectivité originaire de l’auto-affection pure à la spontanéité de la « synthèse passive ». (...)
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    The Idea of Iambos by Andrea Rotstein (review).Donald E. Lavigne - 2013 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 106 (2):289-291.
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    Husserl et la naissance de la phénoménologie (1900-1913). Des « Recherches logiques » aux « Ideen » : la genèse de l'idéalisme transcendantal phénoménologique.Jean-François Lavigne - 2005 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Une somme sur l'étude de "la genèse de l'idéalisme transcendantal phénoménologique". "Il y a un problème de la phénoménologie transcendantale. Non plus au sens immédiat du problème philosophique qu'elle se propose de résoudre et que Husserl définit comme son problème directeur, mais au sens second, réflexif, de l'interprétation qu'il y a lieu de faire de la première élucidation phénoménologique de l'être : celle que Husserl élabore à partir de l'idée de la constitution transcendantale de tout objet dans la vie intentionnelle (...)
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    Les concepts d'« être en soi » et de « vérité en soi » dans les prolégomènes à la logique pure.Jean-François Lavigne - 2004 - Philosophie 4 (4):59.
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    L'inquiétude humaine.Jacques Lavigne - 2023 - [Montréal, Québec]: Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal.
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  21.  21
    La politisation de l'information du secteur public : Une proposition d'analyse.Alain Lavigne - 1995 - Hermes 17:233.
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    Penser avec Édith Stein: de la phénoménologie à la métaphysique.Jean-François Lavigne (ed.) - 2022 - Paris: Hermann.
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  23. Chose et Espace, Leçons de 1907, Collection Épiméthée, 1989.Edmund Husserl & Jean-françois Lavigne - 1993 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 98 (3):429-431.
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  24. Growth cones and axon pathfinding.J. A. Raper & M. Tessier-Lavigne - 1999 - In M. J. Zigmond & F. E. Bloom, Fundamental Neuroscience. pp. 579--596.
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    Elus, communicateurs et publics : discours et arguments sur l'information municipale.Alain Lavigne - 1995 - Hermes 16:259.
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    En-deçà du transcendental.Jean-François Lavigne - 2015 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy:81-102.
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    Le statut ontologique de l’affectivité : fondement ou épiphénomène?Jean-François Lavigne - 2010 - Noesis 16 (16):11-26.
    Pourquoi s’interroger, en philosophes, en historiens, en sociologues, en psychologues ou en théologiens même, sur l’affectivité? À quelle nécessité objective peut bien répondre le choix d’un tel thème, pour ce nouveau Séminaire annuel du Centre de Recherches d’Histoire des Idées? Il me semblerait, en vérité, plus justifié de poser plutôt la question inverse : comment pourrions-nous, aujourd’hui, éviter de nous interroger sur les phénomènes affectifs? Plusieurs données font pour nous de la...
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    Kleist et la « destination de l'homme ».Laura Anna Macor & Jean-François Lavigne - 2014 - Cahiers Philosophiques 139 (4):7-20.
    La Kantkrise (« crise kantienne ») est un des aspects les plus étudiés de la pensée de Heinrich von Kleist, aussi bien par les historiens de la philosophie que par les germanistes. Au cours de presque un siècle de recherches sur ce thème 2, les interprètes ont identifié différemment l’œuvre de Kant – ou l’auteur, autre que Kant 3 – qui aurait déclenché cette crise 4. Pour la première fois, le présent article cherche à identifier le motif déterminant de la (...)
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  29.  17
    Playing-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders, Risk Factors, and Treatment Efficacy in a Large Sample of Oboists.Heather M. Macdonald, Stéphanie K. Lavigne, Andrew E. Reineberg & Michael H. Thaut - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    ObjectivesDuring their lifetimes, a majority of musicians experience playing-related musculoskeletal disorders. PRMD prevalence is tied to instrument choice, yet most studies examine heterogeneous groups of musicians, leaving some high-risk groups such as oboists understudied. This paper aims to ascertain the prevalence and nature of PRMDs in oboists, determine relevant risk factors, and evaluate the efficacy of treatment methods in preventing and remedying injuries in oboe players.MethodsA 10-question online questionnaire on PRMDs and their treatments was completed by 223 oboists. PRMDs were (...)
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  30. Chose et espace. Leçons de 1907, coll. « Epiméthée ».Edmund Husserl & Jean-françois Lavigne - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180 (3):561-562.
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    Greek Lyric Budelmann The Cambridge Companion to Greek Lyric. Pp. xxii + 457, figs, ills, maps. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Paper, £21.99, US$39.99 . ISBN: 978-0-521-61476-4. [REVIEW]Donald E. Lavigne - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (1):26-28.
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    Michel Henry: pensée de la vie et culture contemporaine: actes du colloque international de Montpellier, 3-5 décembre 2003.Jean-François Lavigne, Jean-Marie Brohm & Roland Vaschalde (eds.) - 2006 - Paris: Beauchesne.
    Le colloque international de Montpellier - " Michel Henry. Phénoménologie de la vie et culture contemporaine " - a tenu à rendre hommage à cette œuvre novatrice qui a ouvert de nombreux horizons de recherche.
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    Does promoting research advance planning in a general elderly population enhance completion of a research directive and proxies' predictive ability? a randomized controlled trial.Gina Bravo, Lise Trottier, Marie-France Dubois, Marcel Arcand, Danièle Blanchette, Anne-Marie Boire-Lavigne, Maryse Guay, Paule Hottin, Julie Lane, Suzanne Bellemare & Karen Painter - 2016 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 7 (3):183-192.
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    Learning Higher‐Order Transitional Probabilities in Nonhuman Primates.Arnaud Rey, Joël Fagot, Fabien Mathy, Laura Lazartigues, Laure Tosatto, Guillem Bonafos, Jean-Marc Freyermuth & Frédéric Lavigne - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (4):e13121.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 4, April 2022.
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  35. Detection of Executive Performance Profiles Using the ENFEN Battery in Children Diagnosed With Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.Ignasi Navarro-Soria, Rocío Juárez-Ruiz de Mier, José Manuel García-Fernández, Carlota González-Gómez, Marta Real-Fernández, Marta Sánchez-Múñoz de León & Rocío Lavigne-Cervan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders in children and adolescents. People who have this disorder are characterized by presenting difficulties in the processes of sustained attention, being very active, and having poor control of their impulses. Despite the high prevalence of this disorder and the existence of various tests used for its diagnosis, few data are available regarding the usefulness and diagnostic validity of these tools. Given the difficulties that these subjects present in executive functions, (...)
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  36. Promoting advance planning for health care and research among older adults: A randomized controlled trial.Gina Bravo, Marcel Arcand, Danièle Blanchette, Anne-Marie Boire-Lavigne, Marie-France Dubois, Maryse Guay, Paule Hottin, Julie Lane, Judith Lauzon & Suzanne Bellemare - 2012 - BMC Medical Ethics 13 (1):1-13.
    Background: Family members are often required to act as substitute decision-makers when health care or research participation decisions must be made for an incapacitated relative. Yet most families are unable to accurately predict older adult preferences regarding future health care and willingness to engage in research studies. Discussion and documentation of preferences could improve proxies' abilities to decide for their loved ones. This trial assesses the efficacy of an advance planning intervention in improving the accuracy of substitute decision-making and increasing (...)
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    Validité et limites du consensus en éthique clinique.Jean-François Malherbe, Loretta Rocchetti & Anne-Marie Boire-Lavigne - 1994 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 50 (3):531-543.
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    Mandatory Non-financial Disclosure and Its Influence on CSR: An International Comparison.Gregory Jackson, Julia Bartosch, Emma Avetisyan, Daniel Kinderman & Jette Steen Knudsen - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (2):323-342.
    The article examines the effects of non-financial disclosure on corporate social responsibility. We conceptualise trade-offs between two ideal types in relation to CSR. Whereas self-regulation is associated with greater flexibility for businesses to develop best practices, it can also lead to complacency if firms feel no external pressure to engage with CSR. In contrast, government regulation is associated with greater stringency around minimum standards, but can also result in rigidity owing to a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. Given these potential trade-offs, we ask (...)
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  39.  25
    Early Detection of Academic Performance During Primary Education Using the Spanish Primary School Aptitude Test (AEI) Battery.Ignasi Navarro-Soria, José Daniel Álvarez-Teruel, Lucía Granados-Alós & Rocío Lavigne-Cerván - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The aim of this study was to assess the predictive capacity of some of the most relevant cognitive skills pertaining to the academic field as measured by the Spanish Primary School Aptitude Test Battery. This psychometric tool was applied to all students who were enrolled in the final year of Early Childhood Education in the public schools of the province of Alicante and a follow-up of their academic progress was carried out when they completed Primary Education. The results obtained show (...)
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  40. The Ship of Theseus Puzzle.David Rose, Edouard Machery, Stephen Stich, Mario Alai, Adriano Angelucci, Renatas Berniūnas, Emma E. Buchtel, Amita Chatterjee, Hyundeuk Cheon, In-Rae Cho, Daniel Cohnitz, Florian Cova, Vilius Dranseika, Angeles Eraña Lagos, Laleh Ghadakpour, Maurice Grinberg, Ivar Hannikainen, Takaaki Hashimoto, Amir Horowitz, Evgeniya Hristova, Yasmina Jraissati, Veselina Kadreva, Kaori Karasawa, Hackjin Kim, Yeonjeong Kim, Min-Woo Lee, Carlos Mauro, Masaharu Mizumoto, Sebastiano Moruzzi, Christopher Y. Olivola, Jorge Ornelas, Barbara Osimani, Alejandro Rosas, Carlos Romero, Massimo Sangoi, Andrea Sereni, Sarah Songhorian, Paulo Sousa, Noel Struchiner, Vera Tripodi, Naoki Usui, Alejandro Vázquez Del Vázquez Del Mercado, Giorgio Volpe, Hrag A. Vosgerichian, Xueyi Zhang & Jing Zhu - 2014 - In Tania Lombrozo, Joshua Knobe & Shaun Nichols, Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy, Volume 1. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 158-174.
    Does the Ship of Theseus present a genuine puzzle about persistence due to conflicting intuitions based on “continuity of form” and “continuity of matter” pulling in opposite directions? Philosophers are divided. Some claim that it presents a genuine puzzle but disagree over whether there is a solution. Others claim that there is no puzzle at all since the case has an obvious solution. To assess these proposals, we conducted a cross-cultural study involving nearly 3,000 people across twenty-two countries, speaking eighteen (...)
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    Mapping Espoused Organizational Values.Humphrey Bourne, Mark Jenkins & Emma Parry - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (1):133-148.
    This paper develops an inventory and conceptual map of espoused organizational values. We suggest that espoused values are fundamentally different to other value forms as they are collective value statements that need to coexist as a basis for organizational activity and performance. The inventory is built from an analysis of 3112 value items espoused by 554 organizations in the UK and USA in both profit and not-for-profit sectors. We distil these value items into 85 espoused value labels, and these are (...)
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  42. Epistemic norms, closure, and no-Belief hinge epistemology.Mona Ioana Simion, Johanna Schnurr & Emma C. Gordon - 2021 - Synthese 198 (15):3553-3564.
    Recent views in hinge epistemology rely on doxastic normativism to argue that our attitudes towards hinge propositions are not beliefs. This paper has two aims; the first is positive: it discusses the general normative credentials of this move. The second is negative: it delivers two negative results for No-Belief hinge epistemology such construed. The first concerns the motivation for the view: if we’re right, doxastic normativism offers little in the way of theoretical support for the claim that our attitudes towards (...)
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    Functional connectomics from resting-state fMRI.Stephen M. Smith, Diego Vidaurre, Christian F. Beckmann, Matthew F. Glasser, Mark Jenkinson, Karla L. Miller, Thomas E. Nichols, Emma C. Robinson, Gholamreza Salimi-Khorshidi & Mark W. Woolrich - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (12):666-682.
  44.  20
    Neurotype-Matching, but Not Being Autistic, Influences Self and Observer Ratings of Interpersonal Rapport.Catherine J. Crompton, Martha Sharp, Harriet Axbey, Sue Fletcher-Watson, Emma G. Flynn & Danielle Ropar - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Secondary emotions in non-primate species? Behavioural reports and subjective claims by animal owners.Paul H. Morris, Christine Doe & Emma Godsell - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (1):3-20.
    A defining characteristic of primary emotions is that they occur in wide variety of species. Secondary emotions are thought to be restricted to humans and other primates. We report evidence from two studies investigating claims of primary and secondary emotions in non-primate species. Study 1. We surveyed 907 owners about emotions that they had observed in their animal. Participants reported primary emotions more frequently than secondary emotions and self-conscious emotions more frequently than self-conscious evaluative emotions. Jealousy was reported at very (...)
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    The Flow of Cognitive Goods: A Historiographical Framework for the Study of Epistemic Transfer.Rens Bod, Jeroen van Dongen, Sjang L. Ten Hagen, Bart Karstens & Emma Mojet - 2019 - Isis 110 (3):483-496.
    Historians of science have described various cases of disciplines influencing one another. Such exchanges across disciplinary boundaries often signal innovation, intellectual change, and breakthroughs. A satisfactory framework from which the historical phenomenon of epistemic transfer between disciplines can be studied systematically, however, has not yet been proposed. This essay introduces the notion of “cognitive goods,” a tool of knowledge making that can be transferred across disciplinary boundaries. Cognitive goods include, for example, methods, concepts, and instruments. The essay proposes to study (...)
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    The network approach to psychopathology: a review of the literature 2008–2018 and an agenda for future research.Donald J. Robinaugh, Ria H. A. Hoekstra, Emma R. Toner & Denny Borsboom - 2019 - Psychological Medicine:1-14.
    The network approach to psychopathology posits that mental disorders can be conceptualized and studied as causal systems of mutually reinforcing symptoms. This approach, first posited in 2008, has grown substantially over the past decade and is now a full-fledged area of psychiatric research. In this article, we provide an overview and critical analysis of 363 articles produced in the first decade of this research program, with a focus on key theoretical, methodological, and empirical contributions. In addition, we turn our attention (...)
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    From “It Has Stopped Our Lives” to “Spending More Time Together Has Strengthened Bonds”: The Varied Experiences of Australian Families During COVID-19.Subhadra Evans, Antonina Mikocka-Walus, Anna Klas, Lisa Olive, Emma Sciberras, Gery Karantzas & Elizabeth M. Westrupp - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  49. Minimal semantics.Emma Borg - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Minimal Semantics asks what a theory of literal linguistic meaning is for - if you were to be given a working theory of meaning for a language right now, what would you be able to do with it? Emma Borg sets out to defend a formal approach to semantic theorising from a relatively new type of opponent - advocates of what she call 'dual pragmatics'. According to dual pragmatists, rich pragmatic processes play two distinct roles in linguistic comprehension: as (...)
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    Waves of Flickering Murmurs in Everyday Life: Playing Between Ages.Joanna Haynes, Magda Costa Carvalho, Viktor Johansson, Tiago Almeida, Lois Peach, Karen Wickett, Claudia Blandon, Emma Bush, Arthur C. Wolf, Georgios Petropoulos, Rose-Anne Reynolds, Giovanna Caetano-Silva, Kathrin Paal, Bakhtawar Khosa, Patricia Hannam, Hanna Oester-Barkey, Dani Landau, Mandy Andrews & Jan Georgeson - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-35.
    The article explores the rich and varied experiences of a collective writing project, unfolding through an anecdote involving Charlie, a young boy who creatively disrupted conventional photography methods. This incident, during an evening promenade by the sea in Ericeira (Portugal), epitomizes the project's embrace of playfulness and exploration of diverse perspectives–materialized through Charlie's playful insistence on experimenting with different angles. The event embodied the group’s approach to writing, leading to a collective inquiry into the interplay of ages, angles, and other (...)
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