Results for 'Estela Santilli'

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  1. El Valor Metodologico y Didactico de las Controversias Cientificas.Estela Santilli - 1998 - Episteme 7.
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    Recordando a un maestro: Mario Bunge.Martha Frassineti, Alicia Gianella, María Cristina González, Estela Santilli & Nora Stigol - 2020 - Análisis Filosófico 40 (1):149-152.
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  3. Lo que es Y no es (el libro de) Estela serret.Estela Serret - 2005 - Signos Filosóficos 7 (14):112-116.
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  4. (1 other version)Marx on species-being and social essence.Paul Santilli - 1973 - Studies in East European Thought 13 (1-2):76-88.
    We see in the early texts of Marx a continuity of thought, where the individual essence of man is likewise regarded to be social. This concept is for Marx not abstract; that is, it is not to be understood in isolation from nature or other men.
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    Implicações da Imigração Ilegal para o Estado Moçambicano.Estela Chilengue - 2023 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 25 (1):155-171.
    O ser humano desde os primórdios sentiu a necessidade de migrar de um lugar para o outro, a procura de melhores condições de vida ou por razões forçosas e alheias a sua vontade. Isto acontece até a actualidade e as vezes de forma ilegal. O presente artigo objectiva uma reflexão sobre as implicações da imigração ilegal para o Estado moçambicano. Para materializar tal reflexão, estuda as migrações em Moçambique, aborda a imigração ilegal em Moçambique, apresenta os factores que a propiciam (...)
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  6. La memoria en la trama urbana de las ciudades.Estela Cristina Mansilla Decesari - 2011 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 2 (3):8 - 20.
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  7. Enfermedad, religiÓn y arte primitivo.Estela Ocampo - 2003 - Humanitas 1 (4):283-290.
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  8. Dinamismo substancial de la actividad espiritual.Oscar Enrique Santilli - 2005 - In Armando Rodríguez (ed.), Filosofía y pensamiento contemporáneo. Mendoza, Argentina: Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Facultad de Filosofia y Letras.
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    Eros, Creativity, and Cosmological Individuation.Nicolo Santilli - 2017 - Process Studies 46 (2):242-269.
    The current ecological and global crises call us to reexamine our understanding of ourselves, our relationships, and the world in which we live together as well as the values that shape and determine our mutual participation within this shared world process. This article engages the dynamic relationship between the thought and writings of C. G. Jung and A. N. Whitehead, two insightful contemplative visionaries, exploring the philosophical and spiritual vision that arises from this interaction, with special attention to the emergence (...)
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    Invariant Lie-admissible formulation of quantum deformations.Ruggero Maria Santilli - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (8):1159-1177.
    In this note we outline the history of q-deformations, indicate their physical shortcomings, suggest their apparent resolution via an invariant Lie-admissible formulation based on a new mathematics of genotopic type, and point out their expected physical significance.
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  11. ¿ Hay una" moda" académica de la memoria?: Problemas y desafíos en torno del campo.Estela Schindel - 2011 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 2 (3):1 - 11.
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    Moral fictions and scientific management.Paul Santilli - 1984 - Journal of Business Ethics 3 (4):279 - 285.
    This paper examines Alasdair MacIntyre's argument in After Virtue that corporate managers do not have the rational expertise in social control which they have used to justify their position in modern society. In particular, it is claimed that managerial science by taking an emotivist view, putting ends and values beyond the reach of sound rational judgment, has made human relationships matters of manipulation and undermined its own moral legitimacy. The question is advanced as to whether managers must operate from emotivist (...)
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  13.  58
    What did Descartes do to virtue?Paul C. Santilli - 1992 - Journal of Value Inquiry 26 (3):353-365.
  14.  29
    Mercado global y ciudadanía civil. La recuperación del horizonte de la emancipación humana en la filosofía política de Franz Hinkelammert.Estela Fernández Nadal - 2004 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 9 (25):9-33.
    Based on a crit i cal analisis of the fun da - men tal works of Hinkelammert, an at tempt is made to sys tem atize his eth i cal and po lit i cal thoughts in ref er ence to the op po si tion be tween “global mar ket/civic cit i zen ship”. The ef fort to re cover the lib er tar ian potencial in ..
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    Apolo y la máscara: la estética occidental frente a las prácticas artísticas de otras culturas.Estela Ocampo - 1985 - Barcelona: Icaria.
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    Cinema and subjectivity in Krzysztof kieslowski.Paul C. Santilli - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 64 (1):147–156.
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    Reseña "El Pensamiento latinoamericano y su aventura" de Arturo Roig.Estela Fernández Nadal - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (59):141-145.
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    Universidad, producción de conocimiento y formación en América Latina.Estela Quintar - 2007 - Polis 18.
    El presente texto quiere contribuir al debate propuesto por Nómade desde una lectura crítica de la Universidad en la América Latina. Esta lectura recupera dos cuestiones que se comprenden como estructurales y estructurantes en el proceso de producción de conocimiento: la cuestión epistémica y la de la formación de sujetos. Estas reflexiones se abordan desde tres aspectos que se proponen como análisis del presente: a) la perdida de sentido en la relación sujeto / sujeto en los procesos de formación; b) (...)
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    New Problematic Aspects of Current String Theories and Their Invariant Resolution.Ruggero Maria Santilli - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (7):1111-1140.
    We identify new, rather serious, physical and mathematical inconsistencies of the current formulation of noncanonical or nonunitary string theories due to the lack of invariant units necessary for consistent measurements, lack of preservation in time of Hermiticity-observability, and other shortcomings. We propose three novel reformulations of string theories for matter of progressively increasing complexity via the novel iso-, geno-, and hyper-mathematics of hadronic mechanics, which resolve the current inconsistencies, while offering new intriguing possibilities, such as: an axiomatically consistent and invariant (...)
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    The Etherino and/or the Neutrino Hypothesis.Ruggero Maria Santilli - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (4-5):670-711.
    By using a language as accessible to as broad an audience as possible, in this paper we identify serious insufficiencies of the neutrino and quark hypotheses for the synthesis of the neutrons from protons and electrons inside stars according to the familiar reaction ${{\rm p}^+ + \bar {\nu} + {\rm e}^-\rightarrow {\rm n}}$ . We introduce, apparently for the first time, the hypothesis that the energy and spin needed for the synthesis of the neutron originate either from the environment or (...)
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  21.  15
    The Truth About False Witnesses in Decalogue 2 and 8.Paul Santilli - 2004 - Film and Philosophy 8:63-73.
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    El humanismo latinoamericanista de Arturo Andrés Roig.Estela Fernández Nadal - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (59):11-26.
    El trabajo analiza la obra del filósofo Arturo Andrés Roig, recientemente fallecido, desde la perspectiva del humanismo latinoamericano, corriente de pensamiento crítico de fuerte presencia en América Latina. El núcleo de la propuesta teórica de Roig está dado por la problemática del sujeto o, como ..
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    Reseña de "Crítica de la economía política. Una introducción a El Capital de Marx" de Michael HEINRICH.Estela Fernández Nada - 2009 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 14 (45):143-145.
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  24. Brazil's experience in implementing its ABS regime : suggestions for reform and the relationship with the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.Juliana Santilli - 2009 - In Evanson C. Kamau & Gerd Winter (eds.), Genetic resources, traditional knowledge and the law: solutions for access and benefit sharing. Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
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    Flux and Openness.Nicolo Santilli - 2012 - Process Studies 41 (1):150-170.
    In his various lectures and writings, Whitehead articulates an evolving metaphysical vision in which process and relationship, rather than stasis and independent fixity, are primary. In so doing he performs a valuable philosophical service, pointing the way towards liberation from certain constraining assumptions and habits of thought. However, there are components of his vision that retain elements of fixity and separateness. I find these to be the aspects of his philosophy that are the most problematic, both in respect to internal (...)
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    An intriguing legacy of Einstein, Fermi, Jordan, and others: The possible invalidation of quark conjectures. [REVIEW]Ruggero Maria Santilli - 1981 - Foundations of Physics 11 (5-6):383-472.
    The objective of this paper is to present an outline of a number of criticisms of the quark models of hadron structure which have been present in the community of basic research for some time. The hope is that quark supporters will consider these criticisms and present possible counterarguments for a scientifically effective resolution of the issues. In particular, it is submitted that the problem of whether quarks exist as physical particles necessarily calls for the prior theoretical and experimental resolution (...)
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    Elements of Iso-, Geno-, Hyper-Mathematics for Matter, Their Isoduals for Antimatter, and Their Applications in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.Ruggero Maria Santilli - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (9):1373-1416.
    Pre-existing mathematical formulations are generally used for the treatment of new scientific problems. In this note we show that the construction of mathematical structures from open physical, chemical, and biological problems leads to new intriguing mathematics of increasing complexity called iso-, geno-, and hyper-mathematics for the treatment of matter in reversible, irreversible, and multi-valued conditions, respectively, plus anti-isomorphic images called isodual mathematics for the treatment of antimatter. These novel mathematics are based on the lifting of the multiplicative unit of ordinary (...)
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    Relativistic hadronic mechanics: Nonunitary, axiom-preserving completion of relativistic quantum mechanics.Ruggero Maria Santilli - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (5):625-729.
    The most majestic scientific achievement, of this century in mathematical beauty, axiomatic consistency, and experimental verifications has been special relativity with its unitary structure at the operator level, and canonical structure at the classical levels, which has turned out to be exactly valid for point particles moving in the homogenenous and isotropic vacuum (exterior dynamical problems). In recent decades a number of authors have studied nonunitary and noncanonical theories, here generally calleddeformations for the representation of broader conditions, such as extended (...)
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  29.  42
    Socrates and Asclepius.Paul C. Santilli - 1990 - International Studies in Philosophy 22 (3):29-39.
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    A Critical View of “On TB Vaccines, Patients’ Demands, and Modern Printed Media in Times of Biomedical Uncertainties: Buenos Aires, 1920–1950”. [REVIEW]Estela B. Quiñones, Lucas Goldin, Inés M. I. Bignone & Roberto A. Diez - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (1):19-22.
    The putative Pueyo’s vaccine was a commercial venture that obtained marketing authorization in 1946, a turbulent period of Argentine history. After a few months, health authorities withdrew financial support from the state to buy the vaccine and required patients to sign a written consent to receive that product. An independent investigation did not find any evidence of benefit in non-clinical and clinical evaluation of the putative vaccine.
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    El pensamiento de Franz Hinkelammert desde la perspectiva de una filosofía latinoamericana.Estela Fernández Nadal - 2001 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 6 (12):50-63.
    Apartir de una revisión de la definición tradicional de la filosofía y de una crítica de sus supuestos, el artículo propone una formulación del quehacer filosófico latinoamericano acorde a las exigencias de una agenda teórica y práctica actual. A continuación se valora el aporte de Franz Hinke..
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  32. Unidad continental y democracia social en el pensamiento latinoamericano del siglo XIX.Estela María Fernández Nadal - 2006 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 53 (2):9-10.
    El trabajo propone un recorrido por la historia hispanoamericana del siglo XIX, a fin de recuperar para la reflexión presente las formulaciones más destacadas de la vastísima tradición intelectual de la unidad continental, así como también los antecedentes, menos prolíficos pero no por ello menos importantes, de una teoría de la democracia en un sentido amplio, popular y participativo. El cruce de estas dos vertientes del pensamiento de nuestra América constituye en conjunto un programa identitario que todavía nos interpela y (...)
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    Arturo Roig: Maestro de los saberes.Estela Fernández Nadal - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (59):5-6.
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    Reseña "Rostro y Filosofía de América Latina" de Arturo Roig.Estela Fernández Nadal & Alejandra Ciriza - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (59):134-137.
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    Rethinking Business Ethics. [REVIEW]Paul C. Santilli - 2000 - Newsletter of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 28 (86):17-20.
  36. The informative and persuasive functions of advertising: A moral appraisal. [REVIEW]Paul C. Santilli - 1983 - Journal of Business Ethics 2 (1):27 - 33.
    Advertising can be regarded as having two separate functions, one of persuading and one of informing consumers. Against some who claim that persuasive advertising using irrational means is moral as long as the product or service it represents is good or useful, this paper argues that by denigrating human reason such advertising is always immoral. On the other hand, advertisements which present information in a straight-forward and truthful way are always moral no matter what they advertise; indeed, only such advertisements (...)
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  37. Decadencia de España y tiempo histórico en el pensamiento de Saavedra Fajardo.Maria Estela Lepori de Pithod - 1985 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 12:125-140.
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    Afinidad entre semejantes: sentido y proyección de una paroimía homérica (od. 17.218).María Estela Guevara de Alvarez - 2008 - Synthesis (la Plata) 15:59-75.
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    Origami Fiction: Psychological Horror in Interactive Narrative.Blanca Estela López Pérez - 2014 - Philosophy Study 4 (3).
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    La persistente mirada de Hinkelammert sobre los fenómenos de la conciencia social.Estela Fernández Nadal - 2005 - Polis 10.
    La autora presenta al “Estado de derecho” como un campo de lucha. Desde arriba, se busca conferirle ese estatuto al nuevo poder mundial, correlato y brazo político-militar de las burocracias privadas. Es la estrategia de globalización –que reduce la democracia a puro procedimentalismo formalista- y que no puede sino generar desde abajo resistencias mundiales: resistencias programáticas y organizadas que buscan construir otro mundo posible, por un lado, y por otro lado resistencias irracionales, sin capacidad de articulación política. La autora recorre (...)
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    Memoria, identidad, poder. Francisco Bilbao y las filosofías de la historia de los vencedores.Estela Fernández Nadal - 2005 - Polis 12.
    La figura del chileno Francisco Bilbao (1823-1865), como pensador americanista y crítico de las filosofías de la historia eurocentristas, constituye el hilo central de este análisis. La autora expone los elementos claves de la crítica de Bilbao respecto de los sistemas de pensamiento que promueven una aceptación pasiva del pasado y el presente como un designio de la Providencia o bien del Progreso. Se develan las lógicas que existen tras las distintas versiones de la filosofía de la historia, como teoría (...)
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  42. Displaying compassion to hide harms : an analysis of the visual communication strategies of the Spanish animal industrial complex.Estela Laura Fernández, Olatz Aranceta-Reboredo M. Díaz & Núria Almiron - 2025 - In Gwen Hunnicutt, Richard Twine & Kenneth W. Mentor (eds.), Violence and harm in the animal industrial complex: human-animal entanglements. New York: Routledge.
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    Decadencia de España y tiempo histórico en el pensamiento de Saavedra Fajardo.María Estela Lepori de Pithod - 1985 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 12:125-139.
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    Del manifiesto ágil sus valores y principios.Luz Estela Valencia Ayala & Eliécer Herrera Uribe - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Modelo de Calidad de Software.Luz Estela Valencia Ayala, Paula Andréa Villa Sánchez, S. Ocampo & Carlos Alberto - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  46. A propósito de la Historia de las Ideas Latinoamericanas.Estela Fernández-Nadal - 1999 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 4 (6-9):7-31.
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    A New Algebraic Version of Monteiro’s Four-Valued Propositional Calculus.Aldo Victorio Figallo, Estela Bianco & Alicia Ziliani - 2014 - Open Journal of Philosophy 4 (3):319-331.
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    Mujeres tras la cámara: panorama de las cineastas italianas de las últimas décadas, con una entrevista a la directora siciliana Costanza Quatriglio.Estela González de Sande - 2012 - Arbor 188 (758):1065-1074.
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    Hegel y Gadamer : distancia y proximidad entre dialéctica y hermenéutica.Santilli Óscar E. - 2010 - Endoxa 26:87.
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    Propuesta de responsabilidad social para fomentar una cultura de paz.Nancy Estela Grajales Montoya, Hugo Nelson Castañeda Ruiz, Ángela María Gómez Osorio, Juan Pablo Jaramillo Rico, Natalia Baena Robledo & Martha Lucía Correa Roldán - 2017 - Ratio Juris 12 (24):157-182.
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