Results for 'Fabienne Toupin'

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  1.  11
    L'invariant à l'épreuve de la diachronie1.Brian Lowrey & Fabienne Toupin - 2010 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 8.
    Notre propos ici est de montrer les problèmes que pose l'hypothèse de l'invariant, très répandue en France parmi les linguistes anglicistes. Nous examinons la notion d'invariant à la lumière de données de l'histoire de l'anglais, pour montrer la difficulté de réconcilier la vision statique du langage qu'implique l'invariant avec le dynamisme inhérent aux langues naturelles, qui se manifeste en particulier dans la variation et la grammaticalisation. Une approche statique basée exclusivement sur la forme de surface ne peut expliquer la distribution (...)
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  2. Epistemic Foundations of Political Liberalism.Fabienne Peter - 2013 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 10 (5):598-620.
    At the core of political liberalism is the claim that political institutions must be publicly justified or justifiable to be legitimate. What explains the significance of public justification? The main argument that defenders of political liberalism present is an argument from disagreement: the irreducible pluralism that is characteristic of democratic societies requires a mode of justification that lies in between a narrowly political solution based on actual acceptance and a traditional moral solution based on justification from the third-person perspective. But (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Health equity and social justice.Fabienne Peter - 2001 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 18 (2):159–170.
    There is consistent and strong empirical evidence for social inequalities in health, as a vast and fast growing literature shows. In recent years, these findings have helped to move health equity high on international research and policy agendas. This paper examines how the empirical identification of social inequalities in health relates to a normative judgment about health inequities and puts forward an approach which embeds the pursuit of health equity within the general pursuit of social justice. It defends an indirect (...)
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  4. Democratic Legitimacy without Collective Rationality Fabienne Peter.Fabienne Peter - 2009 - In Boudewijn de Bruin & Christopher F. Zurn (eds.), New waves in political philosophy. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 143.
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  5. The procedural epistemic value of deliberation.Fabienne Peter - 2013 - Synthese 190 (7):1253-1266.
    Collective deliberation is fuelled by disagreements and its epistemic value depends, inter alia, on how the participants respond to each other in disagreements. I use this accountability thesis to argue that deliberation may be valued not just instrumentally but also for its procedural features. The instrumental epistemic value of deliberation depends on whether it leads to more or less accurate beliefs among the participants. The procedural epistemic value of deliberation hinges on the relationships of mutual accountability that characterize appropriately conducted (...)
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    The Grounds of Political Legitimacy.Fabienne Peter - 2023 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Political decisions have the potential to greatly impact our lives. Think of decisions in relation to abortion or climate change, for example. This makes political legitimacy an important normative concern. But what makes political decisions legitimate? Are they legitimate in virtue of having support from the citizens? Democratic conceptions of political legitimacy answer in the affirmative. Such conceptions righly highlight that legitimate political decision-making must be sensitive to disagreements among the citizens. But what if democratic decisions fail to track what (...)
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  7. Democratic Legitimacy.Fabienne Peter - 2008 - Routledge.
    This book offers a systematic treatment of the requirements of democratic legitimacy. It argues that democratic procedures are essential for political legitimacy because of the need to respect value pluralism and because of the learning process that democratic decision-making enables. It proposes a framework for distinguishing among the different ways in which the requirements of democratic legitimacy have been interpreted. Peter then uses this framework to identify and defend what appears as the most plausible conception of democratic legitimacy. According to (...)
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    Democracy or decision-making by experts?Fabienne Peter - 2015 - Forum for European Philosophy Blog.
    Fabienne Peter on whether difficult political decisions should be made by experts.
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  9. Political legitimacy.Fabienne Peter - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Political legitimacy is a virtue of political institutions and of the decisions—about laws, policies, and candidates for political office—made within them. This entry will survey the main answers that have been given to the following questions. First, how should legitimacy be defined? Is it primarily a descriptive or a normative concept? If legitimacy is understood normatively, what does it entail? Some associate legitimacy with the justification of coercive power and with the creation of political authority. Others associate it with the (...)
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  10. The Grounds of Political Legitimacy.Fabienne Peter - 2020 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 6 (3):372-390.
    The debate over rival conceptions of political legitimacy tends to focus on first-order considerations—for example, on the relative importance of procedural and substantive values. In this essay, I argue that there is an important, but often overlooked, distinction among rival conceptions of political legitimacy that originates at the meta-normative level. This distinction, which cuts across the distinctions drawn at the first-order level, concerns the source of the normativity of political legitimacy, or, as I refer to it here, the grounds of (...)
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  11. Pure Epistemic Proceduralism.Fabienne Peter - 2008 - Episteme: A Journal of Social Epistemology 5 (1):33-55.
    In this paper I defend a pure proceduralist conception of legitimacy that applies to epistemic democracy. This conception, which I call pure epistemic proceduralism, does not depend on procedure-independent standards for good outcomes and relies on a proceduralist epistemology. It identifies a democratic decision as legitimate if it is the outcome of a process that satisfies certain conditions of political and epistemic fairness. My argument starts with a rejection of instrumentalism–the view that political equality is only instrumentally valuable. I reject (...)
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  12. III—Normative Facts and Reasons.Fabienne Peter - 2019 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 119 (1):53-75.
    The main aim of this paper is to identify a type of fact-given warrant for action that is distinct from reason-based justification for action and defend the view that there are two types of practical warrant. The idea that there are two types of warrant is familiar in epistemology, but has not received much attention in debates on practical normativity. On the view that I will defend, normative facts, qua facts, give rise to entitlement warrant for action. But they do (...)
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  13. Epistemic Self-Trust and Doxastic Disagreements.Fabienne Peter - 2019 - Erkenntnis 84 (6):1189-1205.
    The recent literature on the epistemology of disagreement focuses on the rational response question: how are you rationally required to respond to a doxastic disagreement with someone, especially with someone you take to be your epistemic peer? A doxastic disagreement with someone also confronts you with a slightly different question. This question, call it the epistemic trust question, is: how much should you trust our own epistemic faculties relative to the epistemic faculties of others? Answering the epistemic trust question is (...)
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  14. Democratic legitimacy without collective rationality.Fabienne Peter - 2009 - In Boudewijn de Bruin & Christopher F. Zurn (eds.), New waves in political philosophy. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Mandle, Jon, and Reidy, David A., eds. A Companion to Rawls. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, 2014. Pp. 587. $199.95.Fabienne Peter - 2015 - Ethics 125 (2):591-596.
  16. (1 other version)The Epistemic Circumstances of Democracy.Fabienne Peter - 2016 - In Michael Brady & Miranda Fricker (eds.), The Epistemic Life of Groups: Essays in the Epistemology of Collectives. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 133 - 149.
    Does political decision-making require experts or can a democracy be trusted to make correct decisions? This question has a long-standing tradition in political philosophy, going back at least to Plato’s Republic. Critics of democracy tend to argue that democracy cannot be trusted in this way while advocates tend to argue that it can. Both camps agree that it is the epistemic quality of the outcomes of political decision-making processes that underpins the legitimacy of political institutions. In recent political philosophy, epistemic (...)
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    Principe du bien et principe du mal chez Aristote.Fabienne Baghdassarian - 2017 - Chôra 15:333-358.
    This paper deals with Aristotle’s criticism of a metaphysical principle of evil. On several occasions in the Metaphysics, Aristotle notes that some of his predecessors, e.g. Empedocles and Plato at least, have been forced to admit the existence of a principle of evil, for the very same reasons that led them to define the good as a principle. Needless to say Aristotle too admits that the good belongs to the range of principles, but he obviously does not think he is (...)
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    Reading books: The positive impact of print exposure on written word recognition.Fabienne Chetail - 2024 - Cognition 251 (C):105905.
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    Paysages en devenir.Fabienne Costa, Danièle Méaux & Hélène Saule-Sorbé (eds.) - 2012 - Saint-Etienne: Publications de l'université de Saint-Etienne.
    Dans la culture occidentale, le paysage est le plus souvent reconnu comme une portion d'espace appréhendée à distance, selon un point de vue unique; l'étendue, telle qu'elle est circonscrite par le regard, l'emporte sur la temporalité qui se trouve négligée. Or, le territoire est affecté de changements incessants, que ceux-ci soient d'origine naturelle ou déterminés par l'intervention des hommes; les dispositifs techniques, qu'ils s'agissent des "machines de locomotion" ou des "machines de vision" contribuent à conférer une dimension temporelle à la (...)
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    (1 other version)Nicole Claude Mathieu (dir.), Une maison sans fille est une maison morte. La personne et le genre en sociétés matrilinéaires et/ou uxorilocales.Fabienne Desray - 2010 - Clio 32.
    Cet ouvrage collectif réunit quatorze contributions d’anthropologues, dont les recherches ont intégré la dimension du genre dans les questions de parenté. Elles ont été menées dans des aires géographiques très diverses, tant en Amérique du Sud et du Nord qu’en Asie. Les études se sont centrées, pour la plupart, sur l’observation de sociétés restreintes contemporaines, tout en faisant référence à l’histoire et aux mythes qui déterminent leur mode de construction du genre. En réunissant tous ce...
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  21. Multinationals and spill-overs: how firms report on their economic impact.Fabienne Fortanier & Ans Kolk - forthcoming - Business and Society.
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    Claude Langlois, On savait mais quoi? La pédophilie dans l’Église de la Révolution à nos jours.Fabienne Giuliani - 2020 - Clio 52:289-291.
    Publié en janvier 2020, cet ouvrage de Claude Langlois puise son origine dans un « sentiment d’urgence, urgence civique et toute séculière, d’apporter [sa] part de vérité » (p. 7) après la publication, le 20 août 2018, de la Lettre au peuple de Dieu du pape François. Directeur d’étude à l’École pratique des hautes études, Claude Langlois est historien et sociologue, spécialiste du catholicisme contemporain. Il s’empare du sujet de la pédophilie après avoir déjà fait une incursion croisée dans...
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    Nicole Edelman, L’Impossible consentement : l’affaire Joséphine Hugues.Fabienne Giuliani - 2018 - Clio 48.
    Spécialiste de l’histoire de l’hystérie, de la voyance et du genre, Nicole Edelman propose, avec cet ouvrage, un livre à la croisée de ses différents domaines de spécialités et à la croisée d’autres, plus nouveaux, comme l’histoire de la justice ou des violences sexuelles. Dans l’Impossible consentement, l’historienne entend en effet livrer une analyse – sa version – de l’histoire du procès qui a abouti à la condamnation à 12 ans de perpétuité de Timothée Castellan pour de multiples viols sur...
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    Anne Jacquemin – Dominique Mulliez – Georges Rougemont, Choix d’inscriptions de Delphes, traduites et commentées.Fabienne Marchand - 2015 - Klio 97 (1):389-391.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 97 Heft: 1 Seiten: 389-391.
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    Théologie révélée versus théologie philosophique : Siger de Brabant renverse Thomas d'Aquin.Fabienne Pironet - 2004 - Philosophiques 31 (2):311-347.
    Dans les quelques paragraphes qu’il consacre à la comparaison entre la théologie révélée et la théologie philosophique, Siger de Brabant procède à de nombreux écarts par rapport au texte de Thomas d’Aquin qui lui sert de modèle. Cet article a pour but de montrer comment dans le même mouvement par lequel Siger reconnaît la supériorité de la théologie révélée sur plusieurs points, il en limite pourtant aussitôt, et assez strictement, le champ aussi bien du point de vue de la méthode (...)
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    Dispositifs narratif et argumentatif: Quel intérêt pour la médiation des savoirs?Fabienne Thomas - 1999 - Hermes 25:219.
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    The Spirit of Nature: A Conversation with Thierry Zarcone.Fabienne Verdier - 2005 - Diogenes 52 (3):93 - 105.
    In a poetic conversation with Thierry Zarcone, the painter and calligrapher Fabienne Verdier exposes her deep and harmonious connection to nature. She tells of her garden, her house and her osmosis with nature. Painting is to her an art of living and being that recalls the Tao masters as well as some Christan mystics.
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    “Go to hell fucking faggots, may you die!” framing the LGBT subject in online comments.Fabienne Baider - 2018 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 14 (1):69-92.
    This paper reports on a manual monitoring of online representations of LGBT persons in the Republic of Cyprus for the period April 2015–February 2016. The article contextualizes the prevalence of “hate speech” in online Greek Cypriot comments against LGBT individuals, and, more generally, against non-heterosexuals. Adopting a Foucauldian position vis-à-vis the social and discursive construction of sexuality, we outline, first, the socio-historical context with a focus on LGBT rights in the Republic of Cyprus and the nationalistic project construing sexualities. We (...)
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    On the Economic Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility.Fabienne Fortanier & Ans Kolk - 2007 - Business and Society 46 (4):457-478.
    The macro-level debate on the economic impact of multinational enterprises (MNEs) is still unsettled. This article explores micro-level evidence by examining what Fortune Global 250 firms themselves report about their economic impact. Such reporting embodies corporate attempts to account for their economic implications, in addition to the environmental and social aspects of their activities that have traditionally received more attention in the context of corporate responsibility. Firms' reports turn out to provide a rich illustration of the mechanisms through which MNEs (...)
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  30. Democratic legitimacy and proceduralist social epistemology.Fabienne Peter - 2007 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 6 (3):329-353.
    A conception of legitimacy is at the core of normative theories of democracy. Many different conceptions of legitimacy have been put forward, either explicitly or implicitly. In this article, I shall first provide a taxonomy of conceptions of legitimacy that can be identified in contemporary democratic theory. The taxonomy covers both aggregative and deliberative democracy. I then argue for a conception of democratic legitimacy that takes the epistemic dimension of public deliberation seriously. In contrast to standard interpretations of epistemic democracy, (...)
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  31. Political legitimacy under epistemic constraints : why public reasons matter.Fabienne Peter - 2019 - In Jack Knight & Melissa Schwartzberg (eds.), NOMOS LXI: Political Legitimacy. New York: NYU Press.
    My aim in this paper is to provide an epistemological argument for why public reasons matter for political legitimacy. A key feature of the public reason conception of legitimacy is that political decisions must be justified to the citizens. Critics of the public reason conception, by contrast, argue that political legitimacy depends on justification simpliciter. Another way to put the point is that the critics of the public reason conception take the justification of political decisions to be based on reasons (...)
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  32. Choice, consent, and the legitimacy of market transactions.Fabienne Peter - 2004 - Economics and Philosophy 20 (1):1-18.
    According to an often repeated definition, economics is the science of individual choices and their consequences. The emphasis on choice is often used – implicitly or explicitly – to mark a contrast between markets and the state: While the price mechanism in well-functioning markets preserves freedom of choice and still efficiently coordinates individual actions, the state has to rely to some degree on coercion to coordinate individual actions. Since coercion should not be used arbitrarily, coordination by the state needs to (...)
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    Moral affordances and the demands of fittingness.Fabienne Peter - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (7):1948-1970.
    Some situations appear to make moral demands on us – they call for a certain response. How can we account for such paradigmatic moral experiences? And what normative properties or relations are involved? This paper argues that we can account for such moral experiences in terms of moral affordances, where moral affordances are opportunities for fitting action. The paper demonstrates that the concept of affordances helps to generate new insight in moral inquiry, especially in relation to the moral significance of (...)
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    Conceptualising the Other: Online discourses on the current refugee crisis in Cyprus and in Poland.Fabienne Baider & Monika Kopytowska - 2017 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 13 (2).
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    Rules, Norms, and Commitment.Fabienne Peter & Kai Spiekermann - 2011 - In Ian Jarvie & Jesus Zamora-Bonilla (eds.), Handbook of Philosophy of Social Science. Sage Publications. pp. 216--232.
  36.  36
    Narrating hostility, challenging hostile narratives.Fabienne Baider & Monika Kopytowska - 2018 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 14 (1):1-24.
    This paper reports on a manual monitoring of online representations of LGBT persons in the Republic of Cyprus for the period April 2015–February 2016. The article contextualizes the prevalence of “hate speech” in online Greek Cypriot comments against LGBT individuals, and, more generally, against non-heterosexuals. Adopting a Foucauldian position vis-à-vis the social and discursive construction of sexuality, we outline, first, the socio-historical context with a focus on LGBT rights in the Republic of Cyprus and the nationalistic project construing sexualities. We (...)
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  37. The Political Egalitarian’s Dilemma.Fabienne Peter - 2007 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 10 (4):373-387.
    Political egalitarianism is at the core of most normative conceptions of democratic legitimacy. It finds its minimal expression in the “one person one vote” formula. In the literature on deliberative democracy, political equality is typically interpreted in a more demanding sense, but different interpretations of what political equality requires can be identified. In this paper I shall argue that the attempt to specify political equality in deliberative democracy is affected by a dilemma. I shall illustrate the political egalitarian’s dilemma by (...)
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  38. The human right to political participation.Fabienne Peter - 2013 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 7 (2):1-16.
    In recent developments in political and legal philosophy, there is a tendency to endorse minimalist lists of human rights which do not include a right to political participation. Against such tendencies, I shall argue that the right to political participation, understood as distinct from a right to democracy, should have a place even on minimalist lists. In addition, I shall defend the need to extend the right to political participation to include participation not just in national, but also in international (...)
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    Systematicity and Surface Similarity in the Development of Analogy.Dedre Gentner & Cecile Toupin - 1986 - Cognitive Science 10 (3):277-300.
    This research investigates the development of analogy: In particular, we wish to study the development of systematicity in analogy. Systematicity refers to the mapping of systems of mutually constraining relations, such as causal chains or chains of implication. A preference for systematic mappings is a central aspect of analogical processing in adults (Gentner, 1980, 1983). This research asks two questions: Does systematicity make analogical mapping easier? And, if so, when, developmentally, do children become able to utilize systematicity?Children aged 5–7 and (...)
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    Covert Hate Speech, Conspiracy Theory and Anti-semitism: Linguistic Analysis Versus Legal Judgement.Fabienne Baider - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (6):2347-2371.
    In this paper we focus on the difficulty in judging what is called covert hate speech. We emphasize the need for a multidimensional framework when analysing covert hate speech in situ, and the need to consider the multifaceted dimension of such speech act to assess its performativity. To explain such need, we apply the test of the Rabat Plan of Action and adopt a pragmatic perspective to analyse a specific covert hate speech act, considering such speech act as both an (...)
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    rationality and commitment.Fabienne Peter (ed.) - 2007 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The volume concludes with a specially-written reply by Sen, in which he responds to his critics and provides a rich commentary on the preceding essays.
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    L'expérience délirante de la raison divine : Les Bacchantes d'Euripide.Fabienne Blaise - 2003 - Methodos 3:35-60.
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  43. The Good, the Bad, and the Uncertain: Intentional Action under Normative Uncertainty.Fabienne Peter - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (1):57-70.
    My focus in this paper is on a type of bad actions, namely actions that appear to be done for reasons that are not good reasons. I take such bad actions to be ubiquitous. But their ubiquity gives rise to a puzzle, especially if we assume that intentional actions are performed for what one believes or takes to be good reasons. The puzzle I aim to solve in this paper is: why do we seem to be getting it wrong so (...)
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    A possible contribution of phenomenology to ethology: Application to a behaviour pattern in the mouse.Fabienne Lenoble & Pascal Carlier - 1996 - Acta Biotheoretica 44 (1):75-83.
    Classical ethology encourages a causal approach to animal behaviour, using Tinbergen's four questions concerning evolution, function, mechanism and development of behaviour. It sets aside the study of mental processes, which could otherwise help to unify our picture of the relationships between animal and environment. Here the steps in research focused on the psychological meaning of a peculiar behaviour in the mouse — carrying its tail — and what this implies regarding the mouse's cognitive world are given. Initial empirical observations suggested (...)
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    Sen's Idea of Justice and the locus of normative reasoning.Fabienne Peter - 2012 - Journal of Economic Methodology 19 (2):165 - 167.
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    Symposium on rationality and commitment: Introduction.Fabienne Peter & Hans Bernhard Schmid - 2005 - Economics and Philosophy 21 (1):1-3.
    In his critique of rational choice theory, Amartya Sen claims that committed agents do not (or not exclusively) pursue their own goals. This claim appears to be nonsensical since even strongly heteronomous or altruistic agents cannot pursue other people's goals without making them their own. It seems that self-goal choice is constitutive of any kind of agency. In this paper, Sen's radical claim is defended. It is argued that the objection raised against Sen's claim holds only with respect to individual (...)
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    Réceptions de la théologie aristotélicienne: d'Aristote à Michel d'Ephèse.Fabienne Baghdassarian & Gweltaz Guyomarc'H. (eds.) - 2017 - Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters.
    La conception aristotélicienne des principes divins est parcourue de tensions épistémologiques, archéologiques et proprement théologiques, qui constituent à la fois un défi pour Aristote lui-même et un ensemble de problèmes qu'il lègue à la tradition, qu'elle se revendique de lui, ou se fasse critique à son égard. Restituée au mouvement de la tradition, aux vicissitudes de ses relectures, la théologie aristotélicienne voit s'actualiser les potentialités qu'elle portait en son sein, et qu'Aristote lui-même, déjà, commençait d'explorer. Ce volume, sans prétendre à (...)
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    La persistance du patriarcat.Fabienne Brugère - 2020 - Multitudes 79 (2):193-198.
    Le mouvement des femmes contre les agressions sexuelles pointe la responsabilité du patriarcat, d’un système de classement binaire qui organise la domination des hommes sur les femmes. La sociologie française préfère parler d’une domination masculine, expliquée par la volonté des hommes de s’approprier la fécondité des femmes pour Françoise Héritier, ou de construire un monde de l’entre-soi pour Pierre Bourdieu. Pour Carol Gilligan et Naomi Snider, le patriarcat est une force de hiérarchisation genrée qui s’applique à toutes les relations sociales, (...)
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    Philosophie de la nature et communauté chez Shaftesbury et Toland.Fabienne Brugère - 1995 - Revue de Synthèse 116 (2-3):303-314.
    La publication par John Toland de l’Enquête sur la vertu ou le mérite de Shaftesbury semble indiquer une complicité, voire même une convergence de doctrine entre les deux penseurs. Or, cette convergence apparente masque la spécificité de chacun concernant surtout les concepts de nature et de communauté. Plus précisément, l’orientation de la nature par rapport à la communauté humaine ne se fait pas pour les mêmes raisons. Alors que Shaftesbury inclut nature et communauté dans une même perspective pour aboutir à (...)
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    Managing impartiality in French tourist offices: Responses to recommendation-seeking questions.Fabienne H. G. Chevalier - 2011 - Discourse Studies 13 (2):139-161.
    This article examines the ways in which French tourist officers manage impartiality in telephone calls when faced with recommendation-seeking questions. Using Conversation Analysis and drawing on a corpus of 700+ telephone calls, it shows that, by typically avoiding conforming responses, officers resist confirming the evaluative element embodied in RSQs and, thus, avoid making recommendations. Instead, they opt to treat the questions as unanswerable in their own terms, a practice that may be deployed on its own or in conjunction with other (...)
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