Results for 'Fabrice Riem'

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  1.  11
    Le droit, à quoi bon?: mélanges en l'honneur d'Alain Bernard.Fabrice Riem - 2021 - Bayonne: Institut Francophone pour la Justice et la Démocratie. Edited by Alain Bernard.
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    Rechtswissenschaftliche Innovationsforschung: Grundlagen, Forschungsansätze, Gegenstandsbereiche.Wolfgang Hoffmann-Riem & Jens-Peter Schneider (eds.) - 1998 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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  3. Zur Notwendigkeit rechtswissenschaftlicher Innovationsforschung.N. W. Hoffmann-Riem - 1999 - Rechtstheorie 30 (4):507-523.
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    Organizing Muslims and integrating Islam in Germany: New Developments in the 21st century.Riem Spielhaus - 2016 - The European Legacy 21 (4):455-456.
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  5. Emotion, Fiction and Rationality.Fabrice Teroni - 2019 - British Journal of Aesthetics 59 (2):113-128.
    The aim of this article is to explore in a systematic way the rationality of emotions elicited when we engage with works of fiction. I first lay out the approach to the emotions on which my discussion is premised. Next, I concentrate on two facets of emotional rationality—the first pertains to the relation between emotions and the mental states on which they are based, the second to the relation between emotions and the judgements and behaviour they elicit. These observations about (...)
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  6. Existential Dependence and Cognate Notions.Fabrice Correia - 2005 - Philosophia Verlag.
    The purpose of the book is to clarify the notion of existential dependence and cognate notions, such as supervenience and the notion of an internal relation. I defend the view that such notions are best understood in terms of the concept of metaphysical grounding, i.e. the concept of one fact obtaining in virtue of other facts, where ‘in virtue of’ has a distinctively metaphysical meaning.
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    Grandparental Support and Maternal Postpartum Mental Health.Madelon M. E. Riem, Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg, Maaike Cima & Marinus H. van IJzendoorn - 2023 - Human Nature 34 (1):25-45.
    Support from grandparents plays a role in mothers’ perinatal mental health. However, previous research on maternal mental health has mainly focused on influences of partner support or general social support and neglected the roles of grandparents. In this narrative review and meta-analysis, the scientific evidence on the association between grandparental support and maternal perinatal mental health is reviewed. Searches in PubMed, EMBASE, MEDLINE, Scopus, and PsycINFO yielded 11 empirical studies on N = 3381 participants, reporting on 35 effect sizes. A (...)
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    Sapienze antiche all'incrocio di mondi: Anam Ċara.Antonella Riem (ed.) - 2006 - Udine: Forum.
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    Les attitudes appropriées verbatim.Fabrice Teroni & Julien Deonna - 2016 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 11 (2-3):151-170.
    Fabrice Teroni,Julien Deonna | : Selon l’analyse FA des concepts évaluatifs, notre conception d’un objet comme ayant une valeur donnée est la conception d’une certaine attitude évaluative appropriée à son endroit. Cet article examine deux défis que doit relever cette analyse. Le défi psychologique exige de l’analyse qu’elle fasse appel à des attitudes qui soient à même d’éclairer nos concepts évaluatifs, tout en ne présupposant pas la maîtrise de ces mêmes concepts. Le défi normatif réclame quant à lui que (...)
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    Direct vs. indirect consequences of empirical verifications.Fabrice Pataut - 2002 - Topoi 21 (1-2):93-98.
    Professor Prawitz has made four claims in his talk. The first claim is that one should be able to generalize the intuitionistic theory of meaning already available for mathematical discourse to empirical discourse. Since each claim constitutes a step in an argument of a general form in favour of some new kind of antirealistically inclined theory of meaning (with a final pessimistic overtone), I shall go over each claim one by one, check whether the argument which links them in the (...)
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    Embodied ethics: Levinas’ gift for enactivism.Fabrice Métais & Mario Villalobos - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (1):169-190.
    This paper suggests that the enactive approach to ethics could benefit from engaging a dialogue with the phenomenology of Emmanuel Levinas, a philosopher who has given ethics a decisive role in the understanding of our social life. Taking the enactive approach of Colombetti and Torrance as a starting point, we show how Levinas’ philosophy, with the key notions of face, otherness, and responsibility among others can complement and enrich the enactive view of ethics. Specifically, we argue that Levinas can provide, (...)
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  12. Metaphysical grounding: understanding the structure of reality.Fabrice Correia & Benjamin Schnieder (eds.) - 2012 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Some of the most eminent and enduring philosophical questions concern matters of priority: what is prior to what? What 'grounds' what? Is, for instance, matter prior to mind? Recently, a vivid debate has arisen about how such questions have to be understood. Can the relevant notion or notions of priority be spelled out? And how do they relate to other metaphysical notions, such as modality, truth-making or essence? This volume of new essays, by leading figures in contemporary metaphysics, is the (...)
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  13. Grounding, Essence, And Identity.Fabrice Correia & Alexander Skiles - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 98 (3):642-670.
    Recent metaphysics has turned its focus to two notions that are—as well as having a common Aristotelian pedigree—widely thought to be intimately related: grounding and essence. Yet how, exactly, the two are related remains opaque. We develop a unified and uniform account of grounding and essence, one which understands them both in terms of a generalized notion of identity examined in recent work by Fabrice Correia, Cian Dorr, Agustín Rayo, and others. We argue that the account comports with antecedently (...)
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    Le #MeToo en Suède (2017-2019). Entretien avec Elisabeth Elgán.Fabrice Virgili - 2020 - Clio 52:221-227.
    Fabrice Virgili (Q) : Elisabeth Elgán, comme historienne des mouvements sociaux et du féminisme suédois dans les années 1970, vous avez bien voulu à l’occasion du 2e Congrès de l’Institut du genre qui s’est réuni à Angers à la fin août 2019 revenir sur le #MeToo en Suède. Pouvez-vous d’abord nous rappeler dans quel contexte apparaît ce #? Elisabeth Elgán (EE) : Il est encore un peu tôt pour avoir des recherches approfondies sur ce mouvement, il s’agit donc d’une (...)
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    Towards a cognitive model of distraction by auditory novelty: The role of involuntary attention capture and semantic processing.Fabrice B. R. Parmentier - 2008 - Cognition 109 (3):345-362.
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  16. Emotional Experience: Affective Consciousness and its Role in Emotion Theory.Fabrice Teroni & Julien Deonna - 2020 - In Uriah Kriegel (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Consciousness. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 102-123.
    This paper explores substantive accounts of emotional phenomenology so as to see whether it sheds light on key features of emotions. To this end, we focus on four features that can be introduced by way of an example. Say Sam is angry at Maria’s nasty remark. The first feature relates to the fact that anger is a negative emotion, by contrast with positive emotions such as joy and admiration (valence). The second feature is how anger differs from other emotions such (...)
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  17. Real Definitions.Fabrice Correia - 2017 - Philosophical Issues 27 (1):52-73.
    I offer and defend an account of real definitions. I put forward two versions of the account, one formulated in terms of the notion of generalised identity and of a suitable notion of grounding, and the other one formulated in terms of the former notion and of a suitable notion of comparative joint-carvingness. Given a plausible assumption, and turn out to be equivalent. I give a sketch of a unified account of the three notions involved in and from which the (...)
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    Memory identification and its failures.Fabrice Teroni - 2024 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 5.
    When we remember, we often know that we do. How does this memory identification proceed? After having articulated some constraints on an attractive account of memory identification, this paper explores three types of accounts that respectively appeal to features of memory content, of memory as an activity, and of memory as an attitude. It offers reasons to favour an attitudinal account giving pride of place to the feeling of familiarity.
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    Ethics and Informed Consent of Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) for Patients with Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD).Fabrice Jotterand, Shawn M. McClintock, Archie A. Alexander & Mustafa M. Husain - 2010 - Neuroethics 3 (1):13-22.
    Since the Nuremberg trials (1947–1949), informed consent has become central for ethical practice in patient care and biomedical research. Codes of ethics emanating from the Nuremberg Code (1947) recognize the importance of protecting patients and research subjects from abuses, manipulation and deception. Informed consent empowers individuals to autonomously and voluntarily accept or reject participation in either clinical treatment or research. In some cases, however, the underlying mental or physical condition of the individual may alter his or her cognitive abilities and (...)
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  20. (Finean) essence and (priorean) modality.Fabrice Correia - 2007 - Dialectica 61 (1):63–84.
    In Fine 1994, Kit Fine challenges the view that the notion of essence is to be understood in terms of the metaphysical modalities, and he argues that it is not essence which reduces to metaphysical modality, but rather metaphysical modality which reduces to essence. In this paper I put forward a modal account of essence and argue that it is immune from Fine’s objections. The account presupposes a non‐standard, independently motivated conception of the metaphysical modalities which I dub Priorean. Arthur (...)
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    The Principle of Equivalence Reconsidered: Assessing the Relevance of the Principle of Equivalence in Prison Medicine.Fabrice Jotterand & Tenzin Wangmo - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (7):4-12.
    In this article we critically examine the principle of equivalence of care in prison medicine. First, we provide an overview of how the principle of equivalence is utilized in various national and international guidelines on health care provision to prisoners. Second, we outline some of the problems associated with its applications, and argue that the principle of equivalence should go beyond equivalence to access and include equivalence of outcomes. However, because of the particular context of the prison environment, third, we (...)
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  22. On the Reduction of Necessity to Essence.Fabrice Correia - 2012 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 84 (3):639-653.
    In his influential paper ‘‘Essence and Modality’’, Kit Fine argues that no account of essence framed in terms of metaphysical necessity is possible, and that it is rather metaphysical necessity which is to be understood in terms of essence. On his account, the concept of essence is primitive, and for a proposition to be metaphysically necessary is for it to be true in virtue of the nature of all things. Fine also proposes a reduction of conceptual and logical necessity in (...)
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    Keeping the “Human in the Loop” in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.Fabrice Jotterand & Clara Bosco - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2455-2460.
    The benefits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in medicine are unquestionable and it is unlikely that the pace of its development will slow down. From better diagnosis, prognosis, and prevention to more precise surgical procedures, AI has the potential to offer unique opportunities to enhance patient care and improve clinical practice overall. However, at this stage of AI technology development it is unclear whether it will de-humanize or re-humanize medicine. Will AI allow clinicians to spend less time on administrative tasks and (...)
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    Doubt and certainty in the early diagnosis of pregnancy (France, sixteenth to twentieth century).Fabrice Cahen & Silvia Chiletti - 2018 - Clio 48:223-241.
    Le développement d’un droit de regard des institutions collectives sur les corps gestants et surtout d’une injonction à « se savoir et se faire savoir » enceinte remonte au xvie siècle au moins. Or la reconnaissance d’un état de grossesse et sa datation ont toujours constitué une double incertitude, face à laquelle divers procédés d’observation corporelle ont été mis en œuvre au cours des siècles. L’article aborde cette question dans le temps long (de l’époque moderne à la fin du xxe (...)
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    Nicole C. Bourbonnais, Birth Control in the Decolonizing Caribbean: reproduct.Fabrice Cahen - 2019 - Clio 50:276-279.
    Les livres consacrés à l’histoire du contrôle des naissances pullulent depuis plusieurs années mais rares sont ceux qui échappent à la simple monographie et fournissent des perspectives analytiques susceptibles d’enrichir le champ des recherches. L’ouvrage de Nicole Bourbonnais est de ceux-là et il mérite de trouver un public au-delà des spécialistes, sinon du sujet, du moins de l’aire considérée. Les quatre îles des « British West Indies » passées au crible (Bermudes, Barbade, Jamaïque et T...
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  26. Du système de l'architecture à l'architecture du système.Fabrice Moulin - 2017 - In Sophie Marchand, Élise Pavy-Guilbert & Michel Delon (eds.), L'esprit de système au XVIIIe siècle. Paris: Hermann.
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    Abstract of "Antirealism, History and the Past".Fabrice Pataut - unknown
    According to the antirealist view of history, history is something historians construct in the present. Although the warrants they may gather in favour of past events do not form a coherent class, such warrants constitute the assertibility conditions of our statements about the past. They are by nature partial, gradual and defeasible. The antirealist is then faced with two problems. One is to account for a notion of historical significance, either in terms of causal links, broad patterns, or justified historiographic (...)
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    Language, Normativity and Emotion.Fabrice Pataut - unknown
    Emotions are part of our culture ; particular emotions like resentment andguilt are part of specific cultural heritages. On the other hand, moral judgementsand imperatives have the appearance of objectivity. There lies - or so it seems -a conflict, even a contradiction. Statements like "Slavery is unjust" may beasserted, agreements may be reached concerning what they claim or express,and they may occur as antecedents in conditionals such as "If slavery is unjust,then it must be abolished". When it is claimed that (...)
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    Alchemy and the Transformation of Matter in Richard Crashaw’s Poetry.Fabrice Schultz - 2021 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 10 (2):65-90.
    This paper studies the English poems of Richard Crashaw from a historicist and formalist perspective. It specifically considers Crashaw’s poetry in its religious but also intellectual and early scien­tific context to investigate the frequently overlooked influence of science on his poetry. Metaphors drawn from alchemy and particularly from the trans­formation of matter to achieve its purification and spiritualisation enrich the poet’s expression of mystical devotion to underline that access to the spiritual as well as mystical union with Christ are deeply (...)
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    Le suicide envieux.Fabrice Wilhelm - 2016 - Cités 66 (2):77-84.
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  31. Grounding: an opinionated introduction.Fabrice Correia & Benjamin Schnieder - 2012 - In Fabrice Correia & Benjamin Schnieder (eds.), Metaphysical grounding: understanding the structure of reality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1-36.
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  32. Ontological dependence.Fabrice Correia - 2008 - Philosophy Compass 3 (5):1013-1032.
    'Ontological dependence' is a term of philosophical jargon which stands for a rich family of properties and relations, often taken to be among the most fundamental ontological properties and relations. Notions of ontological dependence are usually thought of as 'carving reality at its ontological joints', and as marking certain forms of ontological 'non-self-sufficiency'. The use of notions of dependence goes back as far as Aristotle's characterization of substances, and these notions are still widely used to characterize other concepts and to (...)
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  33. Emotions and formal objects.Fabrice Teroni - 2007 - Dialectica 61 (3):395-415.
    It is often claimed that emotions are linked to formal objects. But what are formal objects? What roles do they play? According to some philosophers, formal objects are axiological properties which individuate emotions, make them intelligible and give their correctness conditions. In this paper, I evaluate these claims in order to answer the above questions. I first give reasons to doubt the thesis that formal objects individuate emotions. Second, I distinguish different ways in which emotions are intelligible and argue that (...)
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  34. Grounding and truth-functions.Fabrice Correia - 2010 - Logique Et Analyse 53 (211):251-279.
    How does metaphysical grounding interact with the truth-functions? I argue that the answer varies according to whether one has a worldly conception or a conceptual conception of grounding. I then put forward a logic of worldly grounding and give it an adequate semantic characterisation.
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    The cognitive locus of distraction by acoustic novelty in the cross-modal oddball task.Fabrice B. R. Parmentier, Gregory Elford, Carles Escera, Pilar Andrés & Iria San Miguel - 2008 - Cognition 106 (1):408-432.
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  36. Nothing to Come: A Defence of the Growing Block Theory of Time.Fabrice Correia & Sven Rosenkranz - 2018 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. Edited by Sven Rosenkranz.
    This monograph is a detailed study, and systematic defence, of the Growing Block Theory of time (GBT), first conceived by C.D. Broad. The book offers a coherent, logically perspicuous and ideologically lean formulation of GBT, defends it against the most notorious objections to be found in the extant philosophical literature, and shows how it can be derived from a more general theory, consistent with relativistic spacetime, on the pre-relativistic assumption of an absolute and total temporal order. -/- The authors devise (...)
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    Behavioral distraction by auditory novelty is not only about novelty: The role of the distracter’s informational value.Fabrice B. R. Parmentier, Jane V. Elsley & Jessica K. Ljungberg - 2010 - Cognition 115 (3):504-511.
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    Weak Necessity on Weak Kleene Matrices.Fabrice Correia - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 73-90.
    A possible world semantics for standard modal languages is presented, where the valuation functions are allowed to be partial, the truth--functional connectives are interpreted according to weak Kleene matrices, and the necessity operator is given a "weak" interpretation. Completeness and incompleteness results for some (axiomatic) systems are then established. Extensions of these modal logics in which figure "statability" operators are also examined.
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    The Epistemological Disunity of Memory.Fabrice Teroni - 2014 - In Anne Reboul (ed.), Mind, Values and Metaphysics: Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Kevin Mulligan, vol. 2. New York: Springer. pp. 183-202.
    A long-standing debate surrounds the question as to what justifies memory judgements. According to the Past Reason Theory, these judgements are justified by the reasons we had to make identical judgements in the past, whereas the Present Reason Theory claims that these justifying reasons are to be found at the time we pass the memory judgements. In this paper, I defend the original claim that, far from being exclusive, these two theories should be applied to different kinds of memory judgements. (...)
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    Mindfulness and Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety in the General Population: The Mediating Roles of Worry, Rumination, Reappraisal and Suppression.Fabrice B. R. Parmentier, Mauro García-Toro, Javier García-Campayo, Aina M. Yañez, Pilar Andrés & Margalida Gili - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Pleasure of Believing: Toward a naturalistic explanation of religious conversions.Fabrice Clément - 2003 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 3 (1):69-89.
    From a cognitive point of view, the adhesion to religious beliefs, especially those involving adult subjects, are quite mysterious. Religious representations entail paradoxical claims that should imply skepticism or cautious doubts in any rational mind. Nevertheless, it is not rare that they prompt an act of total commitment from the converts. The aim of this paper is to propose a naturalist explanation of the conversion phenomenon. The argument relies on the postulated existence of an emotional signal selected by evolution to (...)
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    Culture, biologie et cognition: le labyrinthe humain.Fabrice Garcia - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La quatrième de couverture indique : "La création, l'émergence et la nouveauté sont des notions indispensables pour comprendre l'évolution naturelle et l'histoire culturelle. Il est toutefois bien difficile de les définir : comment en effet repenser adéquatement la nouveauté et l'émergence? Comment même les envisager, avec leurs conséquences et leurs répercussions, dans l'histoire humaine en général si la vie, la conscience et la culture forment des noeuds gordiens impossibles à défaire? Cet essai espère résoudre de tels problèmes en répertoriant les (...)
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    L'homme simplifié.Fabrice Garcia - 2020 - Cortil-Wodon: EME éditions.
    La différence entre les êtres humains et les autres espèces n'est-elle vraiment qu'une différence de complexité? Ne ressemble-t-elle pas plutôt à ce que l'on nomme en linguistique une nuance? Car un terme proche d'un autre ne signifie pourtant pas la même chose que lui de manière plus complexe. Il suggère tout autre chose malgré des points de recoupement. Il convient de le démontrer en dénonçant une représentation trop caricaturale de l'être humain.
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    Does virtue ethics contribute to medical ethics? : an examination of Stanley Hauerwas' ethics of virtue and its relevance to medical ethics.Fabrice Jotterand - unknown
    The aim of this thesis is to examine the concept of virtue ethics in Stanley Hauerwas's understanding of virtue and delineate how that contributes to his ethical reasoning and his comprehension of medical ethics. The first chapter focuses on the shift that occurred in moral theory under the stance of the Enlightenment that eroded the traditional idea of morality as the formation of the self, allowing space for new concepts that dismissed the importance of the agent in the ethical task (...)
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    Ruyer and Wittgenstein: Philosophy as a Translation or even as a Grammar.Fabrice Louis - 2017 - Philosophia Scientiae 21:99-121.
    Ce texte a pour but de mettre en confrontation la conception ruyérienne de la philosophie avec la conception wittgensteinienne. L’opposition majeure consiste dans l’idée défendue par Ruyer selon laquelle on ne saurait concevoir ce qu’est l’esprit sans définir un domaine, intérieur au sujet, qu’on peut identifier avec sa subjectivité. Une telle idée est comprise par Ryle comme un mythe, celui de l’intériorité. Il y a en revanche une volonté commune (mais bien différente) à Ruyer et Wittgenstein de s’émanciper de la (...)
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    Evaluative theories in psychology and philosophy of emotion.Fabrice Teroni - 2021 - Mind and Language (1):1–17.
    In contemporary psychology and philosophy, influential theories approach the emotions via their relations to values and evaluations. My aim is to contribute to our understanding of how these evaluative theories in psychology and philosophy relate to one another. I first explain why this presupposes that we make up our minds about the relations between “molecular” and “molar” properties. The rest of my discussion explores some ways of understanding the relation between the molar and the molecular: as a relation of epistemological (...)
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  47. Why are emotions epistemically indispensable?Fabrice Teroni & Julien Deonna - 2025 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 68 (1):91-113.
    Contemporary philosophers are attracted by the Indispensability Claim, according to which emotions are indispensable in acquiring knowledge of some important values. The truth of this claim is often thought to depend on that of Emotional Dogmatism, the view that emotions justify evaluative judgements because they (seem to) make us aware of the relevant values. The aim of this paper is to show that the Indispensability Claim does not stand or fall with Emotional Dogmatism and that there is actually an attractive (...)
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  48. The hippocratic oath and contemporary medicine: Dialectic between past ideals and present reality?Fabrice Jotterand - 2005 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 30 (1):107 – 128.
    The Hippocratic Oath, the Hippocratic tradition, and Hippocratic ethics are widely invoked in the popular medical culture as conveying a direction to medical practice and the medical profession. This study critically addresses these invocations of Hippocratic guideposts, noting that reliance on the Hippocratic ethos and the Oath requires establishingwhat the Oath meant to its author, its original community of reception, and generally for ancient medicine what relationships contemporary invocations of the Oath and the tradition have to the original meaning of (...)
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  49. Atomism and Atelic Conceptualization.Fabrice Bothereau - 2009 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 16 (9):221-28.
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    Michael S. Brady. Emotional Insight: The Epistemic Role of Emotional Experience. Reviewed by.Fabrice Bothereau - 2016 - Philosophy in Review 36 (2):54-57.
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