Results for 'Florence Salvetti'

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  1.  11
    Judaïsme et christianisme chez Kant: du respect de la loi à son accomplissement dans l'amour.Florence Salvetti - 2012 - Paris: Les éditions du Cerf.
    Cette thèse de doctorat se propose de reprendre l'ensemble de la philosophie pratique de Kant en aval, c'est-à-dire à partir de l'ouvrage chronologiquement tardif dans le corpus kantien, "La religion dans les limites de la simple raison" (1793), dont la première partie assigne à la volonté un défi : le "mal radical". Le "mal radical" n'est pas le mal absolu ou diabolique, mais il consiste en une inversion (Verkehrtheit) de l'ordre des principes au sein du vouloir, et ne peut être (...)
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    Impressionable Biologies: An interview with Maurizio Meloni.Florence Chiew - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (7-8):249-259.
    Florence Chiew interviews Maurizio Meloni on his new book, Impressionable Biologies: From the Archaeology of Plasticity to the Sociology of Epigenetics. The conversation reflects on a number of key themes and arguments in Meloni’s work, such as the use of the term ‘impressionability’ to explore longstanding ideas of the permeable body in constant flux in response to cosmological changes. This notion of the body-porous is one whose history Meloni traces back to ancient traditions and systems of medicine, such as (...)
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    Florence Dupré La Tour. Pucelle, tome 1 : Débutante. Dargaud, 2020.Florence Bécar - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 4:253-256.
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    (1 other version)Interview de Martine Millet, pasteur de l'Église Réformée de France, par Florence Rochefort (Paris, le 15 juin 1995).Florence Rochefort - 1995 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 2:16-16.
    Introduction Les femmes n'ont eu véritablement accès au pastorat dans les Églises protestantes françaises qu'en l966. Certes, une femme avait été consacrée en 1948, mais à condition de rester célibataire et sans enfants. Celles qui dans les années suivantes exercèrent exceptionnellement la fonction pastorale ne furent pas consacrées. L'accès des femmes au ministère féminin vient couronner de succès les efforts de plusieurs générations de partisans de l'égalité des sexes au sein du pro..
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    Is Elite Sport (Really) Bad for You? Can We Answer the Question?Florence Lebrun & Dave Collins - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Democracia e autoritarismo.Esio Francisco Salvetti & Paulo César Carbonari - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 65 (3):e37137.
    O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma visão crítica da democracia contemporânea. Acontecimentos atuais demonstram a vigênciade nuances características do autoritarismoque corrói as bases da democracia. Permanecerá como pano de fundo deste artigo o seguinte questionamento: a defesa da democracia e do direito é suficiente para assegurar os direitos humanos, ainda mais profundamente, para garantir a vida de todos/as? Para responder a essa questão dar-se-á destaque a três aspectos: de que há vidas matáveis; de que há relação perversa entre democracia (...)
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    Knowledge governance and ethos: Managerial work in the foreseeable future.Fernando Salvetti - 2006 - Philosophical Practice 2 (3):167-177.
    How can we manage knowledge, human and intellectual resources, cognitive and behavioral dynamics at their best within the corporations? The main challenge is to use the missing knowledge, often incomplete and contradictory, owned by a single man and globally not available to anyone.
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  8. Musica e litrugia : è ancora possibile un incontro?Guido Salvetti - 1999 - In Luigi Garbini (ed.), Il profumo della musica sacra. Lucca [Italy]: Akademos.
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    The Influence of the Immediate Manager on the Avoidance of Non-green Behaviors in the Workplace: A Three-Wave Moderated-Mediation Model.Florence Stinglhamber, Nicolas Raineri, Jorge H. Mejía Morelos & Pascal Paillé - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (3):723-740.
    Although it has been recognized that employees regularly engage in non-green behaviors, little research has been conducted to explain how these behaviors may be avoided. Using data from a three-wave study, this study tested a moderated-mediation model in which trust in the immediate manager was expected to increase the indirect effect of supervisory support for the environment on non-green behaviors through employee environmental commitment. While the findings showed, as predicted, that exchange relationships with the immediate manager reduce the tendency of (...)
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  10.  22
    Dealing with Difficult Pasts: Memory, History and Ethics: Introduction.Florence Larocque & Anne-Marie Reynaud - 2019 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 14 (2):4-19.
    Florence Larocque et Anne-Marie Reynaud.
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    (1 other version)Le tatouage : média de la culture polynésienne.Florence Lamy - 2013 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 65 (1):, [ p.].
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    Commentary on “Our Recent Rousseau”.Florence R. Shepard - 2006 - Environmental Philosophy 3 (1):27-34.
    In the “Commentary” on “Our Recent Rousseau: on Paul Shepard,” the author praises Lawrence Cahoone’s comprehensive and critical analysis of Shepard’s interdisciplinary scholarship in the field of human ecology, in particular, his theories of the wild and hunting and the contributions of archaic cultures to civilization. The author then elaborates further on the importance of the Paul Shepard’s unifying ideas of evolution, ontogeny, and neoteny to the understanding of the psychohistory of human development.
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    The herald of hyllus? Identifying the ϒλλοϒ πενεστησ in euripides' heraclidae.Florence Yoon - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (1):51-59.
    At Euripides' Heraclidae 630, an anonymous character arrives onstage to report the arrival of Hyllus' army, and returns at 928 accompanying the defeated Eurystheus. He is generally identified by editors as a therapōn, following the dramatis personae of the hypothesis. Mastronarde briefly challenges this assumption, stating that ‘he is a soldier, not a servant’. There are, however, four reasons to identify the character as neither a soldier nor a therapōn, but as Hyllus' herald. Although none of these reasons is conclusive (...)
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    Operationalization of assent for research participation in pre-adolescent children: a scoping review.Florence Cayouette, Katie O’Hearn, Shira Gertsman & Kusum Menon - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-10.
    Background Seeking assent from children for participation in medical research is an ethical imperative of numerous institutions globally. However, none of these organizations provide specific guidance on the criteria or process to be used when obtaining assent. The primary objective of this scoping review was to determine the descriptions of assent discussed in the literature and the reported criteria used for seeking assent for research participation in pre-adolescent children. Methods Medline and Embase databases were searched until November 2020 using the (...)
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  15.  21
    No convincing evidence outgroups are denied uniquely human characteristics: Distinguishing intergroup preference from trait-based dehumanization.Florence E. Enock, Jonathan C. Flavell, Steven P. Tipper & Harriet Over - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104682.
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    Seeking the constant in what is transient: Karl Ernst von Baer’s vision of organic formation.Florence Vienne - 2015 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 37 (1):34-49.
    A well-established narrative in the history of science has it that the years around 1800 saw the end of a purely descriptive, classificatory and static natural history. The emergence of a temporal understanding of nature and the new developmental-history approach, it is thought, permitted the formation of modern biology. This paper questions that historical narrative by closely analysing the concepts of development, history and time set out in Karl Ernst von Baer’s study of the mammalian egg (1827). I show that (...)
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  17.  30
    The role of foreign assistance and commercial interests in the exploitation of the Sundarbans.Florence E. McCarthy - 1990 - Agriculture and Human Values 7 (2):52-60.
    This paper analyzes resource utilization of the Sundarbans in terms of the contradictory issues and pressures generated by foreign assistance and commercial interests in Bangladesh. In the paper, the historical legacy of resource definition and use that shaped the development of forest policy under the British is considered. In addition, the critical role of the state and the interests and pressures on the Government are explored as these shape the larger context in which current natural resource policy is generated and (...)
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  18. Gatekeeping hormone replacement therapy for transgender patients is dehumanising.Florence Ashley - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (7):480-482.
    Although informed consent models for prescribing hormone replacement therapy are becoming increasingly prevalent, many physicians continue to require an assessment and referral letter from a mental health professional prior to prescription. Drawing on personal and communal experience, the author argues that assessment and referral requirements are dehumanising and unethical, foregrounding the ways in which these requirements evidence a mistrust of trans people, suppress the diversity of their experiences and sustain an unjustified double standard in contrast to other forms of clinical (...)
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    Moral dilemmas in neonatology as experienced by health care practitioners: A qualitative approach.Florence Zuuren & Eeke Manen - 2006 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 9 (3):339-347.
    During the last two decades there has been an enormous development in treatment possibilities in the field of neonatology, particularly for (extremely) premature infants. Although there are cross-cultural differences in treatment strategy, an overview of the literature suggests that every country is confronted with moral dilemmas in this area. These concern decisions to initiate or withhold treatment directly at birth and, later on, decisions to withdraw treatment with the possible consequence that the child will die. Given that the neonate cannot (...)
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    Les incidences de la relation fraternelle dans le couple.Florence Bocquet - 2010 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 3 (3):67-77.
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    God and me.Florence Parry Heide - 1975 - St. Louis: Concordia Pub. House. Edited by Ted Smith.
    There are many things we cannot see but know are there: the sun at night, the flower in the seed, birds inside their eggs--and so it is with God's presence.
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  22. Verse: Timberline Tree.Florence Becker Lennon - 1955 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 36 (2):128.
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  23. Decadal record of hydrological changes in subtropical South America of Central Argentina over the last 200 years.Florence Sylvestre - forthcoming - Laguna.
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  24. What Is It like to Have a Gender Identity?Florence Ashley - 2023 - Mind 132 (528):1053-1073.
    By attending to how people speak about their gender, we can find diverse answers to the question of what it is like to have a gender identity. To some, it is little more than having a body whereas others may report it as more attitudinal or dispositional—seemingly contradictory views. In this paper, I seek to reconcile these disparate answers by developing a theory of how individual gender identity comes about. In the simplest possible terms, I propose that gender identity is (...)
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    Mechanical experiments as moral exercise in the education of George III.Florence Grant - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Science 48 (2):195-212.
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    ‘I Can Only Do My Best and Leave the Rest to God”: Religious/Spiritual Coping Strategies of African Nurses in the UK.Florence Karaba - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 194 (4):789-808.
    Research on racism in the workplace has long focused on organizational remedies for this moral problem. Given the acknowledged inadequacies of organizational solutions such as anti-racism training, attention is now turning to how immigrants manage their individual experiences of racism in a western context. Employing an agentic lens, this article describes a qualitative study of 43 African nurses in the UK in which their capacity for withstanding workplace racism is examined. It investigates how participants draw upon a range of religious (...)
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    Adolescent Medical Transition is Ethical: An Analogy with Reproductive Health.Florence Ashley - 2022 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 32 (2):127-171.
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    (1 other version)Les publications « ouvertes » : coopération ou concurrence?Florence Audier - 2010 - Hermes 57:77.
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  29. Letter from Professor Alexander.Florence C. Lamont - 1917 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 14 (23):643.
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    L'interêt général et le libéralisme politique: entre droits et interêts particuliers (XVIIe-XIXe siècles).Florence Perrin - 2012 - Clermont-Ferrand: Fondation Varenne.
    Il est courant de déplorer la perte d’un horizon politique fédérateur apte à mobiliser les membres de nos sociétés dans la poursuite de l’intérêt général. Entre autres responsables de la dissolution du lien politique et de l’affaiblissement du devoir civique, est convoquée la philosophie libérale dont la portée individualiste aurait rendu inconcevable le sacrifice des intérêts particuliers au nom de l’intérêt général. Il s’agit d’éclaircir cette critique en montrant que la reformulation moderne du bien commun par le libéralisme a surtout (...)
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  31.  12
    Être pris en charge sans dépossession de soi?Florence Weber - 2012 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 6 (4):326-339.
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    Youth should decide: the principle of subsidiarity in paediatric transgender healthcare.Florence Ashley - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (2):110-114.
    Drawing on the principle of subsidiarity, this article develops a framework for allocating medical decision-making authority in the absence of capacity to consent and argues that decisional authority in paediatric transgender healthcare should generally lie in the patient. Regardless of patients’ capacity, there is usually nobody better positioned to make medical decisions that go to the heart of a patient’s identity than the patients themselves. Under the principle of subsidiarity, decisional authority should only be held by a higher level decision-maker, (...)
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    Navigating the Ethical and Methodological Dimensions of a Farm Safety Photovoice Project.Florence A. Becot, Shoshanah M. Inwood & Elizabeth A. Buchanan - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (2):249-263.
    Scholars have noted persistent high rates of agricultural health and safety incidents and the need to develop more effective interventions. Participatory research provides an avenue to broaden the prevailing research paradigms and approaches by allowing those most impacted to illuminate and work to solve those aspects of their lives. One such approach is photovoice, an emancipatory visual narrative approach. Yet, despite its broad appeal, photovoice can be hard to implement. In this article, we leverage our experience using photovoice for a (...)
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  34.  58
    Entretien avec Michelle Perrot.Florence Rochefort & Françoise Thébaud - 2010 - Clio 32:217-231.
    L’équipe de Clio HFS m’a demandé de participer au numéro « Relectures » préparé pour le 15e anniversaire de la revue. Nous devions le faire sous forme d’interview que nos indisponibilités réciproques ont rendu impossible. Je réponds donc, par écrit, à quelques-unes des questions posées par Florence Rochefort et Françoise Thébaud. L’inconvénient est la perte de spontanéité que suscite l’inattendu d’un entretien. J’ai plutôt le sentiment de m’inscrire en l’occurrence dans la suite des Essais d’...
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    In Favor of Covering Ethically Important Cosmetic Surgeries: Facial Feminization Surgery for Transgender People.Florence Ashley & Carolyn Ells - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (12):23-25.
    The terms of debate over insurance coverage of transition-related interventions, which includes facial feminization surgery (FFS), has been defined through the reconstructive versus cosmetic dichot...
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    Voluntary Disclosure of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Contrasting the Carbon Disclosure Project and Corporate Reports.Florence Depoers, Thomas Jeanjean & Tiphaine Jérôme - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (3):445-461.
    As global warming continues to attract growing levels of attention, various stakeholders have put climate change on corporate agendas and expect firms to disclose relevant greenhouse gas information. In this paper, we investigate the consistency of the GHG information voluntarily disclosed by French listed firms through two different communication channels: corporate reports and the Carbon Disclosure Project. More precisely, we contrast the amounts of GHG emissions reported and the methodological explanations provided in each channel. Consistent with a stakeholder theory perspective, (...)
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  37.  17
    « L’enfant-dossier » : la bienveillance au risque de sa perversion.Florence Aubourdy - 2016 - Revue Phronesis 4 (4):2-12.
    Assessment, new techno-scientific muse, which pilots the structural system reform and the style of management in schools today with hope of a greater efficiency, withdraws humanity to pedagogical practices and develop a anxiety’s climate, not conducive to learning. This impasse of desire, by a « case-file child » logic, threatens the very symbolic structures and the construction of thought. This perverse cycle uncovers the obscure side to good intentions, echoing the historical past of the Occident.
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    La vie animale, une autre existence?Florence Burgat - 2013 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 21:33-50.
    1. La partition entre vie et existence La notion d’existence animale sonne, du moins à l’oreille du philosophe contemporain, comme un oxymore. N’est-il pas en effet admis jusque dans les manuels de cours et les ouvrages à visée didactique que l’homme seul existe – ek-siste – tandis que l’animal n’est qu’un « simple vivant », au même titre, donc, que les végétaux? On pourrait définir le « simplement vivant » comme ce qui mène une vie pauvre en auto-déterminations, la totalité (...)
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    The Aesthetics of Ruins: A New Category of Being.Florence M. Hetzler - 1982 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 16 (2):105.
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    Jacques MAÎTRE, L’Orpheline de la Bérésina. Thérèse de Lisieux (1873-1897).Florence Rochefort - 1996 - Clio 4.
    Jacques Maître se spécialise sur un terrain que peu d’historiens approchent, celui de la psychanalyse socio-historique. Ses trois livres précédents sont consacrés à des personnalités mystiques du tournant du siècle, peu connues du grand public. Il s’attaque cette fois-ci à une très célèbre figure du catholicisme contemporain : Thérèse de Lisieux (1873-1897), carmélite canonisée en 1925. La préface dialoguée de Michèle Bertrand et Ginette Raimbault nous donne d’emblée quelques-unes des clés es...
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    Éditorial.Florence Weber, Jacqueline Delbecq & Éric Plaisance - 2012 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 6 (4):239-241.
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    Conversation avec des adolescents sur l'amour.Florence Bécar - 2004 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 165 (3):105-109.
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    Cassandra and other selections from Suggestions for thought.Florence Nightingale - 1992 - New York: New York University Press. Edited by Mary Poovey.
    "An impressively reasoned and startlingly unorthodox treatise on religion." - Belles Lettres Florence Nightingale (1820-1920) is famous as the heroine of the Crimean War and later as a campaigner for health care founded on a clean environment and good nursing. Though best known for her pioneering demonstration that disease rather than wounds killed most soldiers, she was also heavily allied to social reform movements and to feminist protest against the enforced idleness of middle-class women. This original edition provides bold (...)
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    Reply to ‘Hormone replacement therapy: informed consent without assessment?’.Florence Ashley - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (12):826-827.
    In a previous article, I argued that assessment requirements for transgender hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are unethical and dehumanising. A recent response published by theJournal of Medical Ethicscriticises this proposal. In this reply, I advance that their response misunderstood core parts of my argument and fails to provide independent support for assessment requirements. Though transition-related care may have similarities with cosmetic surgeries, this does not suffice to establish a need for assessments, and nor do the high rates of depression and (...)
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    Learning From Elite Athletes’ Experience of Depression.Florence Lebrun, Àine MacNamara, Sheelagh Rodgers & Dave Collins - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Se former à l'accueil et information pour une éducation à la vie : à quoi ça sert?Florence Bécar - 2003 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 160 (2):111.
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    Truth and Art: The Universe Begetting us.Florence M. Hetzler - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 2:262-266.
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  48. Polygamy and the Emancipation of Women: An African Perspective.Florence Abena Dolphyne - 1995 - In Safro Kwame (ed.), Readings in African Philosophy: An Akan Collection. University Press of America.
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    Children needs and childcare: an illustration of how underappreciated social and economic needs shape the farm enterprise.Florence A. Becot & Shoshanah M. Inwood - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-20.
    Despite 40-year-old evidence of childcare challenges limiting women’s participation in agriculture in the United States, it was not until a major societal crisis, COVID-19, that farm organizations and policy makers began to recognize that these challenges negatively impact the farm enterprise. Among farm persistence and farm transition scholars, farm households’ social and economic needs, including childcare, have also been underappreciated despite the constant exchange of time, money, and energy between the farm household and the enterprise. We use survey responses from (...)
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  50. Animal rights and jus naturale.Florence Burgat - 1998 - In Georges Chapouthier & Jean-Claude Nouët (eds.), The universal declaration of animal rights: comments and intentions. Paris: Ligue Française des Droits de l'Animal.
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