Results for 'Formed Form'

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  1. Kenneth Burke.On Form - 1989 - In Richard Kostelanetz (ed.), Esthetics contemporary. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. pp. 119.
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    Louis 0. Mink.Form as A. Narrative - 2001 - In Geoffrey Roberts (ed.), The history and narrative reader. New York: Routledge.
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  3. Norman M. Weinberger.Forms Of Memory - 1990 - In J. McGaugh, Jerry Weinberger & G. Lynch (eds.), Brain Organization and Memory: Cells, Systems, and Circuits. Guilford Press.
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    Implied Vengeance in the Simile of Grieving Vultures (Odyssey 16.216–19).Odyssey Re-Formed - 2006 - Classical Quarterly 56:1-11.
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  5. Anthony Kenny.Existence Form & Essence In Aquinas - 1991 - In Harry A. Lewis (ed.), Peter Geach: Philosophical Encounters. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 65.
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    A statistical model of data analysis in interactional psychology comments on the quantitative analysis of the scores of the" sr" inventory of anxiousness.A. Form & Trait Stai Spielberger - 1986 - In Piotr Buczkowski & Andrzej Klawiter (eds.), Theories of ideology and ideology of theories. Amsterdam: Rodopi. pp. 149.
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    694 Philosophical Abstracts.Can We Trust Logical Form - 1994 - Journal of Philosophy 91 (10):694-694.
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    The thin line phenomenon.Helping Bank Trainees Form, Fritz Oser & André Schläfli - 2010 - In Georg Lind, Hans A. Hartmann & Roland Wakenhut (eds.), Moral judgments and social education. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers.
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    Rada Ivekovic.Gender as A. Form - 2007 - In Robin May Schott & Kirsten Klercke (eds.), Philosophy on the border. Lancaster: Gazelle Drake Academic [distributor]. pp. 25.
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    Ethische Fallbesprechung und Supervision.Ethische Fallbesprechung–Eine Form Klinischer & Institutionelle Abwehrprozesse - 2012 - In Andreas Frewer, Florian Bruns & Arnd T. May (eds.), Ethikberatung in der Medizin. Berlin: Springer.
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  11. Wjm Levelt, W. zwanenburg, and gre Ouweneel.Phonetic Form In French - forthcoming - Foundations of Language.
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  12. J. goldembero.Elastic Scattering Form Factor & Nilsson Model - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum (ed.), Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 379.
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    Is Memory Purely Preservative?Two Forms Of Memory - 2001 - In Christoph Hoerl & Teresa McCormack (eds.), Time and memory: issues in philosophy and psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 213.
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  14. Søren Kierkegaard og den kollaterale Tænkning1.Det Var Særlig Gennem Sin Lærer, Frederik Christian Sibbern & Kierkegaard Blev Opmærksom Paa Denne Form - 1968 - Kierkegaardiana 7:77.
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    Berichte und Diskussionen.Karl Hepfer & Die Form der Erkenntnis - 2013 - Kant Studien 104 (2):181-214.
  16. par Jacques Pezeu-Massabuau.Seul Habiter & Formes Et Lieux de L'isolement - 2004 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 116:165-174.
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  17. James Martel.Must the Law Be A. Liar? Walter Benjamin on the Possibility of an Anarchist Form Of Law - 2018 - In Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Law and Theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Art, Rhythm, and the Truth of the Sensible. Henri Maldiney’s Phenomenological Aesthetics.A. Visiting Scholar at the Husserl Archives in Parishe is Currently Working on A. Phd Project Dealing & the Concept of Form in Merleau-Ponty’S. Philosophy - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1-2):29-46.
    Volume 11, Issue 1-2, January–December 2024.
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  19. Diversity in feminist economics research methods: trends from the Global South.U. T. Salt Lake City, Annandale-On-Hudson USAb Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, C. O. Fort Collins, Markets Including Care Work, History of Economic Thought Public Policy, Labor Economics Currently Development, Macroeconomic Implications of Social Reproduction Her Research Focuses on the Micro-, Finance She is A. Labor Associate Editor for the African Review of Economics, Research Interests Related to the Division Feminist Economist, Definition of Both Paid Quality, How Households Unpaid Work, Formed Around These Types of Work Families Are Structured, Households How the State Interacts, Development The Editor of Feminist Economics She Was Recently Senior Economist at the United Nations Conference on Trade, Including the International Labour Organization Has Done Consulting Work for A. Number of International Development Institutions, the United Nations Research Institute on Social Development the World Bank & Macroeconomic Asp U. N. Women Her Work Focuses on the International - forthcoming - Journal of Economic Methodology:1-25.
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  20. Logical form.Gilbert Harman - 1972 - Foundations of Language 9 (1):38-65.
    Theories of adverbial modification can be roughly distinguished into two sorts. One kind of theory takes logical form to follow surface grammatical form. Adverbs are treated as unanalyzable logical operators that turn a predicate or sentence into a different predicate or sentence respectively. And new rules of logic are stated for these operators. -/- A different kind of theory does not suppose that logical form must parallel surface grammatical form. It allows that logical form may (...)
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    Forms and Structure in Plato's Metaphysics.Anna Marmodoro - 2021 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    This book investigates the thought of two of the most influential philosophers of antiquity, Plato and his predecessor Anaxagoras, with respect to their metaphysical accounts of objects and their properties. The book introduces a fresh perspective on these two thinkers' ideas, displaying the debt of Plato's theory on Anaxagoras's, and principally arguing that their core metaphysical concept is overlap; overlap between properties and things in the world. Initially Plato endorses Anaxagoras's model of constitutional overlap, and subsequently develops qualitative overlap. Overlap (...)
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    Form and Good in Plato's Eleatic Dialogues the Parmenides, Theaetetus, Sophist, and Statesman.Kenneth Dorter - 1994 - University of California Press.
    00 In this innovative analysis, Plato's four eleatic dialogues are treated as a continuous argument. In Kenneth Dorter's view, Plato reconsiders the theory of forms propounded in his earlier dialogues and through an examination of the theory's limitations reaffirms and proves it essential. Contradicted are both those philosophers who argue that Plato espoused his theory of forms uncritically and those who argue that Plato in some sense rejected the theory and moved toward the categorical analysis developed byAristotle. Dorter's reexamination of (...)
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    Form and Event: Principles for an Interpretation of the Greek World.Carlo Diano - 2020 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by Timothy C. Campbell, Lia Turtas & Jacques Lezra.
    Diano's Form and Event has long been known in Europe as a major work not only for classical studies but even more for contemporary philosophy, anticipating the work of Deleuze, Badiou, Esposito, and Agamben. It now appears in English for the first time, with a substantial Introduction that situates the book in the genealogy of modern political philosophy.
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    Logical Form and Language.Gerhard Preyer & Georg Peter (eds.) - 2002 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    Seventeen specially written essays by eminent philosophers and linguists appear for the first time in this anthology, all with the central theme of logical form -- a fundamental issue in analytic philosophy and linguistic theory. Logical Form and Language brings together exciting new contributions from diverse points of view, which illuminate the lively current debate about this topic.
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    Form or Practice?Daniel Martin Feige - 2024 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 16 (2).
    Pragmatism can be understood as a position that conceives of epistemic and moral claims in the terms of a realization within the framework of our collective forms of activity. In this respect, it on the one hand proves to be compatible with current discussions in anthropology, which take Aristotle and German Idealism as their starting point. At the same time however, the two seem to be in tension with regard to the concept of form presupposed in the neo-Aristotelian debates (...)
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  26. Form.Andreas Dorschel - 2011 - In Petra Kolmer, Armin G. Wildfeuer, Hermann Krings, Hans Michael Baumgartner & Christoph Wild (eds.), Neues Handbuch philosophischer Grundbegriffe. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber. pp. 771-786.
    Form’ was a fundamental category of European philosophy from its beginnings in ancient Greece until the 19th century. As Aristotle’s examples show, it originated in craft. Making a pot out of clay is a paradigm case of giving form to matter. During its long career in philosophy, this concept of humble origin expanded into a category for everything: In the 18th century, vide Kant, cognition could have a form (and even had to have it), or ethical decisions, (...)
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    Form and Philosophy: A Topology of Possibility and Representation.Wolfgang Freitag - 2009 - Heidelberg: Synchron.
    Possibility and reference have been central topics in metaphysics and the philosophy of language in the past decades. Wolfgang Freitag’s Form and Philosophy provides a novel approach to these notions and their interrelations, based on the concept of form as the key modal concept: form is the possibility space of objects. In its historic dimension, the book analyses the role of form in Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. In its systematic (...)
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    Elucidating Forms of Life. The Evolution of a Philosophical Tool.Anna Boncompagni - 2015 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 4:155-175.
    Although the expression “form of life” and its plural “forms of life” occur only five times in Philosophical Investigations, and generally few times in his works, it is commonly agreed that this is one of the most relevant issues in Wittgenstein’s later philosophy. Starting from the analysis of the contexts in which Wittgenstein makes use of this concept, the paper focuses on the different interpretations that have been given in secondary literature, and proposes a classification based on two axes (...)
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    Konstellationen-Form in neuer Musik und ästhetische Erfahrung im Ausgang von Adorno: eine musikphilosophische und analytische Untersuchung am Beispiel von Lachenmanns "Schreiben. Musik für Orchester".Cosima Linke - 2018 - Mainz: Schott.
    "In ihrer Untersuchung entwickelt Linke eine zeitgemäße Theorie der musikalischen Form aus einer musikphilosophischen und musikanalytischen Perspektive ausgehend von posttonaler Musik nach 1950. Die hier entwickelte musikphilosophische Theorie versteht sich als eine Meta- oder Rahmentheorie für musikalische Analyse von neuer Musik. Im Zentrum der Untersuchung steht eine grundlegende Reflexion über das Verhältnis von musikalischer Form in neuer Musik und ästhetischer Erfahrung: Musikalische Form entsteht in der Interaktion des ästhetisch erfahrenden Subjekts mit dem ästhetischen Objekt im Prozess der (...)
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  30. Logical Forms.Oswaldo Chateaubriand - 2000 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 6:161-182.
    The standard view of logical form is that logical forms are synthetic structures which are the forms of sentences and of other linguistic entities. This is often associated with a more general linguistic view of logic which is articulated in different ways by various authors. This paper contains a critical discussion of such linguistic approaches to logical form, with special emphasis on Quine’s formulation of a logical grammar in Philosophy of Logic. An account of logical forms as higher-order (...)
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    Formes assistantes et formes inhérentes. Sur l’union de l’'me et du corps, du Moyen Âge à l’Âge classique.Alain de Libera - 2015 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 81 (1):197-248.
    Peut-on prouver que l’âme raisonnable est par elle-même et essentiellement forme du corps? C’est pour résoudre cette question que des générations de lecteurs d’Averroès recourent à la distinction entre forme inhérente et forme assistante. On examine l’histoire de cette distinction dans l’après-coup du concile de Vienne (1312) et du concile de Latran V (1513), dans sa triple dimension noétique, ontologique et anthropologique. On présente les sources et les divers aspects de la théorie averroïste de la forme assistante, de Siger de (...)
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    On Form and Structure: Umberto Eco and the Basis for a Positive Philosophy of the Arts.Davide Dal Sasso - 2021 - Rivista di Estetica 76:180-204.
    This essay has two aims. The first is to offer an explanation concerning the problem of form in Umberto Eco’s philosophical research, showing that he deals with it while admitting that form can be a temporary element connected to a system of relationships which may be subject to variability. Namely, his reflection is open to the issue of structure. The second aim is to identify some principles that, according to this theoretical approach, may be considered a basis for (...)
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  33. Logical form and natural language.Stephen P. Stich - 1975 - Philosophical Studies 28 (6):397-418.
    The central thesis of the article is that there are two quite distinct concepts of logical form. Theories of logical form employing one of these concepts are different both in method of justification and in philosophical and psychological implications from theories employing the other concept.
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    Formative Perspectives on the Relation Between CSR Communication and CSR Practices: Pathways for Walking, Talking, and T(w)alking.Andrew Crane, Mette Morsing & Dennis Schoeneborn - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (1):5-33.
    Within the burgeoning corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication literature, the question of the relationship between CSR practices and CSR communication (or between “walk” and “talk”) has been a central concern. Recently, we observe a growing interest in formative views on the relation between CSR communication and practices, that is, works which ascribe to communication a constitutive role in creating, maintaining, and transforming CSR practices. This article provides an overview of the heterogeneous landscape of formative views on CSR communication scholarship. More (...)
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  35. Formative Non-Conceptual Content.Benjamin D. Young - 2015 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 22 (5-6):201-214.
    The olfactory system processes smells in a structural manner that is unlike the composition of thoughts or language, suggesting that some of the content of our olfactory experiences are represented in a format that does not involve concepts. Consequently, formative non-conceptual content is offered as an alternative theory of non-conceptual content according to which the difference between conceptual and non-conceptual states is simply a matter of the format of their structural parts and relations within a system of representations. Aside from (...)
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    Logic: Form and Function : The Mechanization of Deductive Reasoning.J. D. Halpern - 1979 - New York, NY, USA: North-Holland.
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    Word Forms Are Structured for Efficient Use.Kyle Mahowald, Isabelle Dautriche, Edward Gibson & Steven T. Piantadosi - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (8):3116-3134.
    Zipf famously stated that, if natural language lexicons are structured for efficient communication, the words that are used the most frequently should require the least effort. This observation explains the famous finding that the most frequent words in a language tend to be short. A related prediction is that, even within words of the same length, the most frequent word forms should be the ones that are easiest to produce and understand. Using orthographics as a proxy for phonetics, we test (...)
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    Unmixed Forms and Ordered Sensibles.Roberto Granieri - 2024 - Ancient Philosophy 44 (1):83-97.
    I re-examine the starting point of the Philebus’ description of the ‘divine method’ and argue that the vexed phrase τῶν ἀεὶ λεγομένων εἶναι at 16c9 refers to sensibles only. In doing so, I especially stress the significance of the phrase τούτων οὕτω διακεκοσμημένων at 16d1. The proposed interpretation fits the rest of the description of the ‘divine method’, preserves the Forms’ unmixed nature and the consistency of the Philebus.
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    (1 other version)Logical forms: an introduction to philosophical logic.Richard Mark Sainsbury - 1991 - Cambridge: Blackwell.
    Logical Forms examines the formal languages of classical first order logic and modal logic, and some alternatives and in each case takes as the central question: how can natural language best be formalized in this formal language? The approach involves close encounters with issues in the philosophy of logic and the philosophy of logic and the philosophy of language.
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    Emergent forms of life and the anthropological voice.Michael M. J. Fischer - 2003 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    Now, in Emergent Forms of Life and the Anthropological Voice, path-breaking scholar Michael M. J. Fischer moves the discussion to a consideration of the ...
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    Symbolic forms for a new humanity: cultural and racial reconfigurations of critical theory.Drucilla Cornell - 2010 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by Kenneth Michael Panfilio.
    In dialogue with afro-caribbean philosophy, this book seeks in Cassirer's philosophy of symbolic forms a new vocabulary for approaching central intellectual and ...
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    Following Form and Function: A Philosophical Archaeology of Life Science.Stephen T. Asma - 1996 - Northwestern University Press.
    The concepts of form and function have traditionally been defined in terms of biology and then extended to other disciplines. Stephen T. Asma examines the various interpretations of form and function in science and philosophy, reflecting on the philosophical presuppositions underlying the work of Geoffroy, Cuvier, Darwin, and others. -/- In the continental tradition of Canguilhem and Foucault, Asma's treatment of the historical form/function dispute analyzes the complex interactions among ideologies, metaphysical commitments, and research programs. Following (...) and Function is a significant contribution to the history of science, history of philosophy, and disputes within contemporary biology. (shrink)
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    Form and non-linear continuity:The development of the idea of clusterin Peirce’s thought.Julia Ponzio - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (226):153-168.
    The question of form in Peirce’s early thought constitutes the starting point of his reflection on the connection models of the parts of continua. I will show how, interpreted as reason rather than as cause, form becomes a productive event. In this productive event the form, as “condition of possibility of the relation of the elementary parts of representation” becomes a modeling dynamic which, starting from interpretation, allows initiation of the process of the passage from substance to (...)
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    Logical Form, Probability Interpretations, and the Inductive/Deductive Distinction.James B. Freeman - 1983 - Informal Logic 5 (2).
    Logical Form, Probability Interpretations, and the Inductive/Deductive Distinction.
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    Form and Transformation: A Study in the Philosophy of Plotinus.Frederic Maxwell Schroeder - 1992 - McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP.
    Plotinus, the father of Neoplatonism, lived in Rome during the third century AD. For many scholars -- not only classicists and philosophers but medievalists, renaissance specialists, Islamists, theologians, and students of religion -- he remains a figure.
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    Form and function in a legal system: a general study.Robert S. Summers - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book addresses three major questions about law and legal systems: (1) What are the defining and organizing forms of legal institutions, legal rules, interpretive methodologies, and other legal phenomena? (2) How does frontal and systematic focus on these forms advance understanding of such phenomena? (3) What credit should the functions of forms have when such phenomena serve policy and related purposes, rule of law values, and fundamental political values such as democracy, liberty, and justice? This is the first book (...)
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  47. Form and Matter.Robert Pasnau - 2010 - In Robert Pasnau & Christina van Dyke (eds.), The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    The first unquestionably big idea in the history of philosophy was the idea of form. The idea of course belonged to Plato, and was then domesticated at the hands of Aristotle, who paired form with matter as the two chief principles of his metaphysics and natural philosophy. In the medieval period, it was Aristotle’s conception of form and matter that generally dominated. This was true for both the Islamic and the Christian tradition, once the entire Aristotelian corpus (...)
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    Form-of-Life: From Politics to Aesthetics (and Back).Jason E. Smith - 2013 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 23 (44-45).
    This article examines an often-mentioned but largely undeveloped concept in the work of Giorgio Agamben and in particular his Homo Sacer project: form-of-life. What is at stake in this concept is, I attempt to show, a way of thinking “politics” outside of the space of sovereignty. By examining a short text on this notion published just before the opening installment of the Homo Sacer sequence, this article demonstrates the way this early formulation of the concept is indebted to certain (...)
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    Literary Forms of Argument in Early China eds. by Joachim Gentz and Dirk Meyer.Erica F. Brindley - 2018 - Philosophy East and West 68 (3):1-3.
    Literary Forms of Argument in Early China examines the functions of rhetorical markers and devices as well as the patterns and larger modes structuring various styles of early Chinese argumentation. The nine contributors to the volume each present tight analyses of specific compositional or literary aspects of persuasion, hoping to demonstrate how an unabashed focus on the formal elements of philosophical writing might come to the aid of, or even more drastically alter and transform, philosophical interpretation. The volume includes essays (...)
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    Forms of Life and Linguistic Change: The Case of Trans Communities.Anna Boncompagni - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (3):50.
    Wittgenstein mentions “forms of life” only on a limited number of occasions in his writings; however, this concept is at the core of his approach to language, as the vast literature on the subject shows. My aim in this paper is neither to adjudicate which of the many competing interpretations of “forms of life” is correct nor to propose a new one. I start with a methodological take on this notion and test it by applying it to a specific case. (...)
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