Results for 'Francisco Suâarez'

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  1.  5
    Des lois et du Dieu législateur.Francisco Suâarez & Jean-Paul Coujou - 2003 - Paris: Dalloz-Sirey. Edited by Jean-Paul Coujou.
    Œuvre de maturité de François Suarez (1548-1617), Des lois et du Dieu législateur a été publié en latin en 1612. Parmi les dix livres que comprend cet ouvrage, nous avons choisi de présenter pour la première fois les deux premiers en langue française. À partir de l'héritage retravaillé de la philosophie politique antique et médiévale, Suarez élabore une théorie originale de la loi et de la communauté en renouvelant leur rapport à l'éthique et à la jurisprudence. Dans une période marquée (...)
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  2. The naturalization of phenomenology as the transcendence of nature: Searching for generative mutual constraints.Francisco J. Varela - 1997 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 5:355-385.
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    The Virtue of Dialogue, Dialogue as Virtue in Plato's Protagoras.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 2014 - Philosophical Papers 43 (1):33-66.
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    La distinction de l'étant fini et de son être: dispute métaphysique XXXI.Francisco Suarez - 1999 - Vrin.
    La dispute metaphysique XXXI condense a travers la distinction scolastique de l'essence et de l'existence ce que Heidegger a pu appeler la these de l'ontologie medievale. La determination de la distinction de l'essentia et de l'existencia au coeur de l'etant fini comme distinction de raison, s'inscrit dans un processus de constitution de la metaphysique comme ontologie de l'essence. L'essence sera conceptuellement determinee et assimilee au possible et l'existence en tant que fait brut sera identifiee a un etat de facticite et (...)
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  5. I Have to Live in Eros.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 2015 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (2):217-240.
    Heidegger’s recently published 1932 seminar on Plato’s Phaedrus arguably represents his most successful dialogue with Plato, where such dialogue is characterized by both the deepest affinity and the most incisive opposition. The central thesis of Heidegger’s interpretation is that the Phaedrus is not simply a logos about eros, but rather an attempt to show that eros is the very essence of logos and that logos is thereby in its very essence dia-logue. Heidegger is thus here more attuned than ever before (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Understanding Origins. Contemporary Views on the Origin of Life.Francisco J. Varela & Jean-Pierre Dupuy - forthcoming - Mind and Society. Dordrecht, Boston, London.
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  7. Particularismo ético y Universalismo moral. Consideraciones críticas sobre las concepciones de racionalidad práctica y del "yo" en Charles Taylor.Francisco Cortés Rodas - 1997 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 15:179-193.
    El artículo examina, en primer lugar, el concepto de racionalidad práctica, el concepto de persona y el diagnóstico de la modernidad, propuestos por Charles Taylor en su libro Las fuentes del yo. La construcción de la identidad moderna. En segundo lugar, a partir de la presentación de la concepción comunicativa de racionalidad práctica de Habermas, el autor hace algunas consideraciones críticas a la posición de Taylor, con el fin de mostrar los problemas que resultan de definir la racionalidad práctica desde (...)
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    Why a Virtual Assistant for Moral Enhancement When We Could have a Socrates?Francisco Lara - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (4):1-27.
    Can Artificial Intelligence be more effective than human instruction for the moral enhancement of people? The author argues that it only would be if the use of this technology were aimed at increasing the individual's capacity to reflectively decide for themselves, rather than at directly influencing behaviour. To support this, it is shown how a disregard for personal autonomy, in particular, invalidates the main proposals for applying new technologies, both biomedical and AI-based, to moral enhancement. As an alternative to these (...)
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    Poverty and Inequality: The Global Context.Francisco H. G. Ferreira & Martin Ravallion - 2011 - In Wiemer Salverda, Brian Nolan & Timothy M. Smeeding (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Economic Inequality. Oxford University Press.
    This article summarizes the recent evidence on global poverty and inequality, including both developed and developing countries. Section 1 discusses poverty and inequality data and presents evidence on levels and recent trends in poverty and inequality around the world. Section 2 turns to the issues involved in aggregating inequality indices across countries, in order to construct a meaningful measure of global inequality. Section 3 discusses the empirical relationship between economic growth, poverty, and inequality dynamics. Section 4 turns to the likely (...)
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  10. Sull'influenza di Cartesio, Leibniz e Newton nel primo approccio di Kant al problema dello spazio e della sua dimensionalita.Francisco Caruso & R. Moreira Xavier - 1998 - Epistemologia 21 (2):211-224.
    L'idea di relazionare la dimensionalità dello spazio ad una legge fisica, contenuta nel primo scritto di Kant "Pensieri sulla veridica estima delle forze vive", svela un modo di guardare i rapporti tra Fisica e Matematica così nuovo ed originale che potè essere sviluppato e compreso nella sua plenitudine soltanto nel secolo XX. Ci riferiamo qui ala prospettiva aperta da Ehrenfest nel suo "In what way does it become manifest in the fundamental laws of physics that space has three dimensions?". In (...)
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  11. Em defesa da licenciatura.Francisco Caruso - 1995 - Scientia 6 (1):93-98.
    A solução do problema educacional brasileiro passa, necessariamente, por duas etapas, que se resumem essencialmente na busca da revalorização do Saber. Independente de qualquer política ministerial, este é o compromisso maior que deveria brotar espontaneamente de toda a comunidade acadêmico-científica. As duas etapas a que nos referimos pouco dependem de verbas e são: a conscientização da responsabilidade e do papel de liderança que cabe a esta comunidade na busca desta solução; a sua capacidade de promover, nas Universidades, uma ampla e (...)
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  12. The basic cycle.Natalie Depraz, Francisco Varela & Pierre Vermersch - 2003 - In Natalie Depraz, Francisco J. Varela & Pierre Vermersch (eds.), On Becoming Aware: A Pragmatics of Experiencing. John Benjamins. pp. 15-63.
  13. Ensayos I, ontología.Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias - 1951 - Lima,: Impr. Santa María.
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    When a Robot Is Your Teammate.Filipa Correia, Francisco S. Melo & Ana Paiva - 2024 - Topics in Cognitive Science 16 (3):527-553.
    Creating effective teamwork between humans and robots involves not only addressing their performance as a team but also sustaining the quality and sense of unity among teammates, also known as cohesion. This paper explores the research problem of: how can we endow robotic teammates with social capabilities to improve the cohesive alliance with humans? By defining the concept of a human–robot cohesive alliance in the light of the multidimensional construct of cohesion from the social sciences, we propose to address this (...)
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  15. Cooperation and Conflict, Large‐Scale Human.Francisco J. Gil‐White & Peter J. Richerson - 2002 - In Lynn Nadel (ed.), Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Macmillan.
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    On the essence of finite being as such, on the existence of that essence and their distinction =.Francisco Suárez - 1983 - Milwaukee, Wis.: Marquette University Press.
  17. Plato’s Lysis.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 1995 - Ancient Philosophy 15 (1):69-90.
  18. Shattering Presence: Being as Change, Time as the Sudden Instant in Heidegger's 1930–31 Seminar on Plato's Parmenides.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 2019 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 57 (2):313-338.
    a central thesis of martin heidegger's first reading of a Platonic dialogue, the 1924/25 course on the Sophist, was that, "for the Greeks, being means precisely to be present, to be in the present [Anwesend-sein, Gegenwärtig-sein]."1 Heidegger saw this Greek interpretation of being as leading to Plato's specific interpretation of being as eidos or idea. Heidegger makes this clear in the following passage from another Plato course, the 1931–32 course On the Essence of Truth: "'Idea' is the look [der Anblick] (...)
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    La filosofía iberoamericana: historia, formas, temas, polémica, realizaciones.Francisco Larroyo - 1978 - México: Editorial Porrúa.
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    A simple geometrical pattern for the branching distribution of the bronchial tree, useful to estimate optimality departures.Mauricio Canals, Francisco F. Novoa & Mario Rosenmann - 2004 - Acta Biotheoretica 52 (1):1-16.
    The design of the bronchial tree has largely been proposed as a model of optimal design from a physical-functional perspective. However, the distributive function of the airway may be more related to a geometrical than a physical problem. The bronchial tree must distribute a three dimensional volume of inspired air on a two dimensional alveolar surface, included in a limited volume. It is thus valid to ask whether an optimal bronchial tree from a physical perspective is also optimum from a (...)
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    The Aristotelian Reception of the Idea of the Good According to Heidegger and Gadamer.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 2017 - Chôra 15:611-628.
    Pendant l’ete de 1928 Heidegger a offert un seminaire sur le troisieme livre de la Physique d’Aristote et donc sur l’explication aristotelicienne de la nature du mouvement. La derniere seance de ce cours, qui eut lieu le 25 juillet, est d’une grande importance parce que c’est a cette occasion que Heidegger va au livre neuf de la Metaphysique pour essayer de comprendre la notion ontologique qui est a la base de l’interpretation aristotelicienne du mouvement : l’energeia. Mais dans les protocoles (...)
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  22. Influencia del Puritanismo en la Declaración de Virginia.Francisco Collado Campaña - 2008 - A Parte Rei 56:9.
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  23. Duda y opinión: la conciencia moral en Soto y Medina.Francisco O'Reilly - 2006 - Pamplona: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra.
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    2. About the specificity of the Aristotelian Politics.Francisco L. Lisi - 2019 - In Katerina Ierodiakonou & Pantelis Golitsis (eds.), Aristotle and His Commentators: Studies in Memory of Paraskevi Kotzia. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 19-32.
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    Historia de los Servicios de Inteligencia: El Período Predemocrático.Francisco Javier Zorzo Ferrer - 2005 - Arbor 180 (709):75-98.
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    Nietzsche crítico de Wagner prolegómenos de la transformación del arte en espectáculo.Francisco Cruz León - 2024 - Pensamiento 79 (304):707-722.
    El presente ensayo explora el itinerario de la crítica que Nietzsche ejerció sobre el arte de Wagner en tres pasos. Primero, se trata de reconocer la juvenil admiración del filósofo por la ópera wagneriana entendida como un renacimiento del drama musical antiguo. Luego, se explora el tránsito hacia su desilusión en la clave de la influencia de Schopenhauer sobre Wagner. Finalmente, el ensayo remata en la crítica madura de Nietzsche sobre Wagner, donde se advierten los prolegómenos decimonónicos de la transformación (...)
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    Ortega y Gasset, Literary Critic.Francisco Ayala - 1974 - Critical Inquiry 1 (2):395-414.
    In the history of literary criticism the name of Ortega y Gasset is indispensable, since in this, as well as in all other sectors of cultural activity, the influence of his thought has been most decisive. He opened paths and established guidelines that remain in effect; his vision of the Quijote not only counterbalanced that of Unamuno, against which it purposely rebelled, but also, by underscoring the resources called into play by Cervantes in composing his master work, he has shaped (...)
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    Desdoblado de dolor: estética de la anestesia.Francisco González Fernández - 2018 - Arbor 194 (790):482.
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    El concepto de Libertad en el periodo de la Regeneración.Francisco González Granados - 2017 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 38 (116):117-137.
    Koselleck en su escrito Futuro Pasado, considera que la historia conceptual permite la comprensión del pensamiento socio-político ya que los conceptos son las herramientas con las que los actores de un momento histórico articularon sus estructuras socio-políticas, y proyectaron diversas expectativas sobre su futuro. Por otra parte, la implementación de la historia conceptual en el estudio del pensamiento socio-político latinoamericano, ofrece a la historia social y a la filosofía política una nueva mirada sobre la consolidación, el cambio o desaparición de (...)
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    Monitoring indicators of health care quality by means of a hospital register of tumours.Maximino Redondo, Francisco Rivas-Ruiz, M. Carmen Guzman-Soler & Carlos Labajos - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (6):1026-1030.
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    La Antropologia Concreta.Francisco Larroyo - 1965 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 26 (1):144-147.
  32. La Lógica de las Ciencias. Tratamiento sistemático de la Lógica Simbólica.Francisco Larroyo - 1968 - Critica 2 (5):116-118.
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    Problema y problemas de la critica de la época.Francisco Larroyo - 1963 - Memorias Del XIII Congreso Internacional de Filosofía 1:167-192.
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    Memória e interdição da palavra proibida macaco em regiões de cangaço.Francisco De Freitas Leite, Maria Regina Baracuhy & Edson Soares Martins - 2016 - Dialogos 20 (2):150.
    Este artigo problematiza, sob o ponto de vista teórico da Análise do Discurso francesa, por que, em algumas regiões do Nordeste brasileiro, há quem evite pronunciar a palavra macaco e opte por usar em seu lugar outras palavras, tais como dezessete. A hipótese defendida é a de que essa prática cultural-discursiva, entendida aqui como uma forma de interdição, ocorre basicamente em regiões sertanejas onde a memória do cangaço é ainda marcadamente diluída no cotidiano. A partir da análise de discursos presentes (...)
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  35. El hombre en Husserl in Homenaji a Mons. Dr. Octavio N. Derisi en sus ochenta anos (vol I).Francisco Leocata - 1987 - Sapientia 42 (165-166):345-370.
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  36. Escepticismo y fideísmo en el giro del siglo XVII.Francisco Leocata - 2011 - Sapientia 67 (229):5-32.
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    La vida humana como experiencia del valor: un diálogo con Louis Lavelle.Francisco Leocata - 1991 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Centro Salesiano de Estudios "San Juan Bosco".
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  38. Modernidad e Ilustración en Jürgen Habermas.Francisco Leocata - 2002 - Sapientia 57 (211):235-270.
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  39. Pascal y la crisis de la razôn.Francisco Leocata - 2000 - Sapientia 55 (207):55-86.
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    A Fundamentação Moral das Relações Internacionais Pré-jurídicas a partir de Kant.Francisco Jozivan Guedes de Lima - 2012 - Contexto Internacional 34 (2).
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    Da coexistência à existência: a cidade Santuário de Canindé-CE.Francisco John Lennon Alves Paixão Lima & Maria Das Graças de Lima - 2018 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 20 (1):145.
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    Identidad furry en España y sus prácticas de género. Un análisis crítico del discurso.Francisco Javier Gallardo Linares - 2013 - Aposta 57:6.
    El Furry Fandom es una subcultura en torno al interés por animales o criaturas antropomórficas, pero apenas ha sido investigada su población hispanohablante, a pesar de la instigación de los medios de comunicación españoles reproduciendo estereotipos de los medios americanos. El artículo aborda cómo se construye la identidad furry en España y sus relaciones con la práctica del género (regulada sexualmente); así como el uso de jerga. El método consta de observación participante en foros y en entrevistas para análisis de (...)
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    Leopoldo Zea: una filosofía de la historia.Francisco Lizcano - 2004 - México D.F.: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Edited by Mario Magallón Anaya.
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    Tesseram conferre. Etruscan, Greek, Latin, and Celtiberian tesserae hospitales.Francisco Beltrán Lloris, Borja Díaz Ariño, Carlos Jordán Cólera & Ignacio Simón Cornago - 2020 - História 69 (4):482.
    Hospitality can be considered a key institution in the social relationships in the ancient Mediterranean. To identify the people involved in a hospitality agreement, in certain contexts small objects were used in a similar way to a password, which the Greeks called symbolon and the Romans tessera hospitalis. We know how the latter were used thanks to Plautus' Poenulus. At least 64 pieces are currently known which may be identified as tesserae hospitales. All come from the Western Mediterranean. The majority (...)
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    Do estado autoritário ao estado benfeitor: Considerações em torno ao estado de Bem-estar social contemporâneo.Leno Francisco Danner - 2014 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 19 (1):97-130.
    the paper argues that it is possible to perceive a positive reconsideration about the importance of State role on social life and economic organization, in that democratic politics and redistributive, compensatory and interventive functions of the State are affirmed as directive forces of social evolution and socio-economic organization, by many groups of society, political parties and even intellectuals. Therefore, this positive role of the State, after a long time of supremacy of neoliberal positions and its disruption of State, is oriented (...)
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    Entrefenomenología y hermenéutica: "in memoriam Franco Volpi".Francisco de Lara & Franco Volpi (eds.) - 2011 - Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid: Plaza y Valdés Editores.
    Los trabajos que componen este libro se adentran en eso que ha llegado a verse como un campo de estudio asegurado, pero que más bien parece un arco en problemática tensión: el que se forma al pretender conjuntar la fenomenología “y” la hermenéutica. La particularidad de Heidegger consiste tanto en haber tensado ese arco como en haber abandonado después su propio intento, tan fructífero para otros. Por ello, Heidegger es −junto a Gadamer− el interlocutor principal de estos escritos. El libro (...)
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    La Junta de Pensiones de Ingenieros y Obreros en el Extranjero 1907-1936.Francisco Villacorta Baños - 2001 - Arbor 170 (669):127-146.
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    Lo biopolítico desde la noción simondoniana de “vida”.Francisco José Vázquez Manzano - 2018 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 74:171.
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  49. Historia de la filosofía en la Argentina.Francisco García Bazán - 2002 - Filosofia Oggi 25 (98):161-221.
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    René Guénon y el hermetismo.Francisco García Bazán - 2002 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 7:7.
    Plotinus –IIIth Century– have devoted two Enneads to the teaching about the Beauty: Ennead I,8 (1) – «On Beauty»– and Ennead V,8 (31) –«On the Intelligible Beauty»–. The purpose of the paper is to establish the different aspects that the Neoplatonic philosopher states in relation with the kalokagathós on three diverse levels: the aesthetic perception, the intuition of beautiful activities and the contemplation of the Beautiful that it is displayed to the Good/One. It is commented also the differences with Plato (...)
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