Results for 'Francois Firmat'

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  1.  24
    Exemptions to the Law, Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Conscience in Postsecular Societies.François Boucher - 2013 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 3 (2).
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    The meaning of leadership in a cultural democracy: Rethinking public library values.François Matarasso - 2000 - Logos 11 (1):38-44.
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  3. Mental models in conditional reasoning and working memory.Pierre Barrouillet & Jean-Francois Lecas - 1999 - Thinking and Reasoning 5 (4):289 – 302.
    Johnson-Laird's mental models theory claims that reasoning is a semantic process of construction and manipulation of models in working memory of limited capacity. Accordingly, both a deduction and a given interpretation of a premise would be all the harder the higher the number of models they require. The purpose of the present experiment was twofold. First, it aimed to demonstrate that the interpretation of if...then conditional sentences in children (third, sixth, and ninth graders) evolves as a function of the number (...)
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    Principles of non-philosophy.Francois Laruelle - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Providing an introduction to Laruelle's novel theory of 'non-epistemology' or 'unified theory of thought', this volumes challenges the way we think about the traditional philosophical problems.
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    Philosophies of Difference: A Critical Introduction to Non-Philosophy.Francois Laruelle - 2010 - Continuum.
    In the first English translation of his work, Laruelle explores the major European thinkers from Nietzsche to Derrida to define his own 'non-philosophical' ...
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    L'exil et l'errance: le travail de la pensée entre enracinement et cosmopolitisme.François Charbonneau (ed.) - 2016 - Montréal: Liber.
    La naissance de la philosophie s'accompagne d'un refus énigmatique, celui de l'exil. Persécuté par Athènes, Socrate choisira de se donner la mort plutôt que de vivre les dernières années de sa vie à errer hors de ses murs. Par ce refus qui résonne par-delà les siècles jusqu'à nous, Socrate nous oblige à réfléchir à ce lien intime entre l'individu et sa communauté d'origine. Dans l'histoire de la vie de l'esprit, tous ne feront pas le même choix. Plusieurs, écrivains, poètes, philosophes, (...)
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  7. Expérience directe et pensée propositionnelle. Russell - Le manuscrit de 1913.François Rivenc - 1986 - Archives de Philosophie 49 (1):99.
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    Arif Ahmed, ed., Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations: A Critical G uide (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010).François Bonhomme - 2010 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 31 (2).
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  9. Essais sur l'historie de la Geologie en Hommage a Eugene Wegmann (1896-1982).Francois Ellenberger, Jean Gaudant & J. Jones - 1997 - Annals of Science 54 (1):108-108.
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  10. L'idée d'erreur scientifique. Le cas du phlogistique.Francois Pepin - 2003 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 43:295-354.
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    [Annales de l'Institut supérieur de philosophie de Louvain].François Picavet - 1913 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 76:552-558.
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    Essais Sur L Histoire Generale Et Comparee Des Theologies Et Des Philosophies Medievales.Francois Picavet - 2013 - F. Alcan.
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    Truth-conditional pragmatics: an overview.Francois Recanati - 2008 - In Paolo Bouquet, Luciano Serafini & Richmond H. Thomason (eds.), Perspectives on Contexts. Center for the Study of Language and Inf. pp. 171-188.
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    Exposure Ethics: Does Hiv Pre‐Exposure Prophylaxis Raise Ethical Problems for the Health Care Provider and Policy Maker?Francois Venter, Lucy Allais & Marlise Richter - 2013 - Bioethics 28 (6):269-274.
    The last few years have seen dramatic progress in the development of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). These developments have been met by ethical concerns. HIV interventions are often thought to be ethically difficult. In a context which includes disagreements over human rights, controversies over testing policies, and questions about sexual morality and individual responsibility, PrEP has been seen as an ethically complex intervention. We argue that this is mistaken, and that in fact, PrEP does not raise new ethical concerns. Some (...)
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  15. Toward a Metaphysical Freedom: Heidegger’s Project of a Metaphysics of Dasein.François Jaran - 2010 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 18 (2):205-227.
    The 'Metaphysics of Dasein ' is the name which Heidegger gave to a new philosophical project developed immediately after the partial publication of his masterwork Being and Time. As Heidegger was later to recall, an 'overturning' took place at that moment, more precisely right in the middle of the 1929 treatise On the Essence of Ground. Between the fundamental-ontological formulation of the question of being and its metaphysical rephrasing, Heidegger discovered that a 'metaphysical freedom' stood at the root of Dasein (...)
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    Approche historique de la lutte contre les épidémies et les pandémies par les « pouvoirs publics ».François Vialla - 2020 - Médecine et Droit 2020 (163):81-87.
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    Complexity Results of STIT Fragments.François Schwarzentruber - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (5):1001-1045.
    We provide a Kripke semantics for a STIT logic with the "next" operator. As the atemporal group STIT is undecidable and unaxiomatizable, we are interested in strict fragments of atemporal group STIT. First we prove that the satisfiability problem of a formula of the fragment made up of individual coalitions plus the grand coalition is also NEXPTIME-complete. We then generalize this result to a fragment where coalitions are in a given lattice. We also prove that if we restrict the language (...)
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  18. The Birth of Mathematics in the Age of Plato.François Lasserre - 1964 - Hutchinson.
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    Une nouvelle loi thasienne : institutions judiciaires et fêtes religieuses à la fin du IVe siècle av. J.-C.François Salviat - 1958 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 82 (1):193-267.
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    « Et la vie a passé comme ont fait les Açores ». Aragon, la guerre, le temps.Pierre-François Moreau - 2024 - Astérion 30 (30).
    Aragon lived through two wars directly, and his relationship with them was different: most of what he wrote about the First World War was written forty years later, in Le Roman inachevé, whereas the Second World War led immediately to the poems of Crève-Cœur and Les Yeux d’Elsa, and then to those of the Resistance. A different relationship to time, then. But precisely because of the upheavals it brought to both historical and everyday experience, the illusions it shattered and the (...)
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    One Vision, Different Paths: An Investigation of Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives in Europe.François Maon, Valérie Swaen & Adam Lindgreen - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (2):405-422.
    This comparative study explores 499 corporate social responsibility initiatives implemented by 178 corporations in five distinct, institutionally consistent European clusters. This study provides an empirically grounded response to calls to develop comprehensive, nuanced pictures of CSR in the composite European business environment. In so doing, the article stresses three distinct, non-exclusive approaches that characterize the embedding of CSR considerations in corporations’ strategies across Europe and the CSR challenges for corporations operating in different socio-political contexts. Furthermore, the study reaffirms the CSR (...)
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  22. Vingt ans après.François Vezin - 2005 - Studia Phaenomenologica 5:105-117.
    In the beginning of this article, the author discusses the biographical context of his engagement in the French translation of Sein und Zeit in the 1980s, under the guidance of Jean Beaufret. He integrates the discussion into the general problem of philosophical translation. The author argues that one of the most important things in this matter is the decision of translating. Concerning Heidegger translations, the author – answering to some critics he received – insists upon the idea of the intimate (...)
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  23. Indexical Thought: The Communication Problem.François Recanati - 2016 - In Manuel García-Carpintero & Stephan Torre (eds.), About Oneself: De Se Thought and Communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 141-178.
    What characterizes indexical thinking is the fact that the modes of presentation through which one thinks of objects are context-bound and perspectival. Such modes of presentation, I claim, are mental files presupposing that we stand in certain relations to the reference : the role of the file is to store information one can gain in virtue of standing in that relation to the object. This raises the communication problem, first raised by Frege : if indexical thoughts are context-bound and relation-based, (...)
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    The Pedagogue, the Engineer, and the Friend.François Osiurak, Caroline Cretel, Naomi Duhau-Marmon, Isabelle Fournier, Lucie Marignier, Emmanuel De Oliveira, Jordan Navarro & Emanuelle Reynaud - 2020 - Human Nature 31 (4):462-482.
    Humans can follow different social learning strategies, sometimes oriented toward the models’ characteristics. The goal of the present study was to explore which who-strategy is preferentially followed in the technological context based on the models’ psychological characteristics. We identified three potential who-strategies: Copy the pedagogue, copy the engineer, and copy the friend. We developed a closed-group micro-society paradigm in which participants had to build the highest possible towers. Participants began with an individual building phase. Then, they were gathered to discuss (...)
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  25. .Jean-François Kervégan - unknown
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    La valeur de la scolastique.François Picavet - 1902 - Bibliothèque du Congrès International de Philosophie 4:239-257.
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  27. It is raining . Expanded version.François Recanati - unknown
    The received view about meteorological predicates like ‘rain' is that they carry an argument slot for a location which can be filled explicitly or implicitly. The view assumes that ‘rain', in the absence of an explicit location, demands that the context provide a specific location. In an earlier article, I have provided a counter-example to that claim, viz. a context in which ‘it is raining' receives a location-indefinite interpretation. On the basis of that example, I have argued that when there (...)
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  28. La pensée d'Austin et son originalité par rapport à la philosophie analytique antérieure.Francois Recanati - 1986 - In Paul Amselek & Zenon Bankowski (eds.), Théorie des actes de langage, éthique et droit. Presses Universitaires de France - PUF. pp. 19-35.
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    Chapter 8. The Elenctic Strategies of Socrates: The Alcibiades I and the Commentary of Olympiodorus.François Renaud - 2014 - In Harold Tarrant & Danielle A. Layne (eds.), The Neoplatonic Socrates. University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 118-126.
  30. Contextualisme et Indexicalisme.FranÇois Rivenc - 2008 - Annals of the University of Craiova, Series: Philosophy:148-169.
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    Interpreting the visio Dei in Matthew 5:8.Francois P. Viljoen - 2012 - HTS Theological Studies 68 (1).
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    Les dates de fondation de Megara Hyblaea et de Syracuse.François Villard & Georges Vallet - 1952 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 76 (1):289-346.
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    The Matthean Jesus’ surprising instruction to obey the teachers of the Law and Pharisees.Francois P. Viljoen - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (1):10.
    Jesus’ instruction to the crowds in Matthew 23:3 to obey and do everything the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees tell them comes as a surprise. It is the only case in Matthew where the words of the Jewish leaders are seemingly portrayed in a positive light. If this portrayal indeed is positive, it seems to stand in tension with how Matthew construes these leaders and their teachings in the rest of the gospel (e.g. Mt 5:20; 15:3–6, 15:14; 16:11–12). (...)
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  34. Le déclin de l'écriture, coll. « La philosophie en effet ».François Laruelle, Jean-luc Nancy, Sarah Kofman, Jacques Derrida & Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe - 1979 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 169 (3):364-364.
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    Les études wittgensteiniennes au Canada: état de la recherche, 1970-1984.François Latraverse - 1985 - Philosophiques 12 (1):197-209.
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    De multiculturele herverdelingsstaat.François Levrau - 2015 - Res Publica 57 (3):269-293.
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    How a Misunderstood Conception of Equality Exacerbates the Negative Conception of Liberty and Vice Versa.François Levrau - 2024 - Ethical Perspectives 30 (4):333-349.
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    The Leibniz-Stahl Controversy.François Duchesneau & Justin E. H. Smith (eds.) - 2016 - Yale University Press.
    _The first unabridged English translation of the correspondence between Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and Georg Ernst Stahl detailing their opposing philosophies_ The correspondence between the eighteenth-century mathematician and philosopher G. W. Leibniz and G. E. Stahl, a chemist and physician at the court of King Friedrich Wilhelm I of Prussia, known as the Leibniz-Stahl Controversy, is one of the most important intellectual contributions on theoretical issues concerning pre-biological thinking. Editors François Duchesneau and Justin E. H. Smith offer readers the first fully (...)
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    The Denier-in-Chief: Climate Change, Science and the Election of Donald J. Trump.François Gemenne & Kari Pryck - 2017 - Law and Critique 28 (2):119-126.
    The election of Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States reminded us that climate deniers are anything but endangered species. In this short paper, we discuss President Trump’s position on climate change in the wider context of climate controversies and denial. In particular, we put it into perspective with other notorious contrarian leaders and their influence on national and international climate politics. Finally, we provide a brief analysis of President Trump discourses on climate change and discuss (...)
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  40.  7
    Questions de conscience: de la génétique au posthumanisme.Jean-François Mattei - 2017 - Paris: Éditions Les Liens qui libèrent.
    Nous vivons une période étrange, probablement même périlleuse à bien des égards. Les avancées de la science, de la médecine et des technologies sont telles qu'elles posent désormais la question de l'avenir de notre commune humanité. Mon corps est-il ma personne ou est-il une chose? S'agit-il simplement d'un ensemble de pièces que l'on peut remplacer, ou d'une enveloppe que l'on pourrait changer? Notre destin est-il, tout entier, inscrit dans nos gènes? Avec le développement des techniques de procréation médicalement assistée, l'enfant (...)
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    L'animal vertueux dans la philosophie antique à l'époque impériale.Jean-François Lhermitte - 2015 - Paris: Classiques Garnier. Edited by Florence Burgat.
    Les animaux ont-ils la vertu morale? À l'époque impériale, cette hypothèse est rejetée par les stoïciens, mais défendue par un groupe composite: les partisans de l'intelligence animale. Cet essai reconstitue l'arrière-plan philosophique du débat antique et ouvre des pistes de réflexion modernes.
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  42. Theory (Madness of).François Cusset - 2011 - Radical Philosophy 167:24.
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    Sur la Philosophie de la nature de Hegel.François Dagognet - 2007 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 55 (3):403-411.
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    Exemplarities: A Response to Timothy Hampton and Karlheinz Stierle.Francois Cornilliat - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (4):613-624.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Exemplarities: A Response to Timothy Hampton and Karlheinz StierleFrançois Cornilliat*Karlheinz Stierle and Timothy Hampton have both played a major part in defining and mapping the much-debated subject of exemplarity: Stierle as early as 1972, in his ground-breaking article for Poétique, 1 Hampton in his acclaimed 1990 book, Writing from History. 2 While their approaches have a lot in common, they also reveal a number of important differences, and it (...)
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    The Matthean community within a Jewish religious society.Francois Viljoen - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):1-8.
    It is argued that the Matthean Gospel partially reflects the unstable political and religious situation in which this document originated. Broad outlines are postulated of this probable religious situation. This article presents an investigation of the developments within the broader Jewish society during the time of the New Testament. This implies the investigation of developments within Judaism, which entails some fragmentation of Judaism and a development towards Formative Judaism. The 'Jesus movement' and eventually the Matthean community evolved among these developments.
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    A French Lawyer's View on Life & Death.Francois Sarda - 1976 - Hastings Center Report 6 (2):8-9.
    The following excerpt from a book recently published in France raises some controversial issues in the medical ethics debate described above by Clarence Blomquist. The author, Francois Sarda, is a prominent Parisian lawyer.
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    HEIDEGGER, Martin, Gesamtausgabe, Bd. 68: HegelHEIDEGGER, Martin, Gesamtausgabe, Bd. 68: Hegel.François Gauvin - 1995 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 51 (2):463-465.
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    On the Sagnac effect for massive particles and some of its epistemological consequences.François Goy & Master Physicist Sfitz - 2009 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 16 (4):532.
  49. La métaphysique de Condillac.Francois Heidsieck - 1985 - Archives de Philosophie 48 (4):643.
  50. (1 other version)Pragmatics.Francois Recanati - 1996 - In Edward Craig (ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Genealogy to Iqbal. New York: Routledge. pp. 620-633.
    1 Pragmatics and ordinary language philosophy 2 Speech acts 3 Contextual implications 4 Non-truth-conditional aspects of meaning 5 Indexicals 6 Levels of meaning 7 Open texture 8 The semantics/pragmatics distinction 9 Context and propositional attitudes 10 Presupposition 11 Interpretation and context-change 12 The strategic importance of conversational implicatures 13 Communicative intentions 14 The intentional-inferential model 15 Pragmatics and modularity 16 Cognitive science and contextualism.
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