Results for 'Frédérique Guillet-May'

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  1.  17
    Le médecin face aux agressions sexuelles et au viol☆.Frédérique Guillet-May & Olivier Thiebaugeorges - 2006 - Médecine et Droit 2006 (76):35-43.
  2. Mistaking an Emerging Market for a Social Movement? A Comment on Arjaliès’ Social-Movement Perspective on Socially Responsible Investment in France.Frédérique Déjean, Stéphanie Giamporcaro, Jean-Pascal Gond, Bernard Leca & Elise Penalva-Icher - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (2):205-212.
    In a recent contribution to this journal, Arjaliès (J Bus Ethics 92:57—78, 2010) suggests that the emergence of socially responsible investment (SRI) in France can be best described as a social movement with a collective identity that aimed to challenge the dominant logic of the financial market. Such an account is at odds with a body of empirical studies that approaches SRI in the French context as a process of market creation led by loosely coordinated actors with contradictory and conflicting (...)
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    Under Influence.Frédérique Vignemont & Hugo Mercier - 2016 - In Hilary Kornblith & Brian McLaughlin (eds.), Goldman and his Critics. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 280–296.
    One of the assets of the simulation theory, as defended by Alvin Goldman in many papers and in his book Simulating Minds, is its ability to explain egocentric bias, and more generally the priority of first‐person mindreading over third‐person mindreading (ascription of mental states to other people). This chapter argues, on the contrary, that the simulationist framework enables confusions between self and others that go both ways: taking one's beliefs for the other's beliefs (egocentric bias) and vice versa, taking the (...)
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    Actions and Decisions: Pragmatism Gateway to Artful Analytic Management Philosophizing.Pierre Guillet de Monthoux - 2017 - Philosophy of Management 16 (3):279-290.
    How management philosophy is conceived depends on if pragmatism is acknowledged or not! After having been under the main domination of management science both research and education has until recently widened its scope from a decision-making to an action-perspective. It seems to be a recent reconnection to pragmatism that makes the 2011 Carnegie report propose to rethink management in liberal arts terms, whilst the vastly influential 1959 Carnegie Pierson report distanced itself from American pragmatism thus focusing on decisions and forgetting (...)
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    Imagery and memory illusions.Frédérique Robin - 2010 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 9 (2):253-262.
    This article provides a summary of current knowledge about memory illusions. The memory illusions described here focus on the recall of imagined events that have never actually occurred. The purpose is to review theoretical ideas and empirical evidence about the reality-monitoring processes involved in memory illusions. Reality monitoring means deciding whether the memory has been perceptually derived or been self-generated (thought or imagined). A few key findings from the literature have been reported in this paper and these focus on internal (...)
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    Marx entre communisme et structuralisme.Frédérique Matonti - 2009 - Actuel Marx 45 (1):120-127.
    The Marx of Communism and the Marx of Structuralism. The article addresses the issue of the response within the French Communist Party to the structuralist and anti-humanist reading of Marx which Althusser formulated in the period leading up to May 1968. While structuralism was regarded by some as a marker of the avant-garde, to a number of communist intellectuals, and in particular those closest to the party leadership, it amounted to a “a philosophy of hopelessness”. e article thus examines the (...)
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  7.  29
    The Subject's Matter: Self-Consciousness and the Body.Frederique De Vignemont & Adrian J. T. Alsmith (eds.) - 2017 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    The body may be the object we know the best. It is the only object from which we constantly receive a flow of information through sight and touch; and it is the only object we can experience from the inside, through our proprioceptive, vestibular, and visceral senses. Yet there have been very few books that have attempted to consolidate our understanding of the body as it figures in our experience and self-awareness. This volume offers an interdisciplinary and comprehensive treatment of (...)
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    What Phenomenal Contrast for Bodily Ownership?Frédérique de Vignemont - 2020 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 6 (1):117-137.
    In a 1962 article, ‘On Sensations of Position’, G. E. M. Anscombe claimed that we do not feel our legs crossed; we simply know that they are that way. What about the sense of bodily ownership? Do we directly know that this body is our own, or do we know it because we feel this body that way? One may claim, for instance, that we are we aware that this is our own body thanks to our bodily experiences that ascribe (...)
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  9.  33
    Sorciers et loups-garous, "ręveries des démonographes" la contagion imaginative chez Malebranche.Marie-Frédérique Pellegrin - 2012 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4:691-704.
    Nicolas Malebranche looks at the phenomena of imaginative contagion up to the point of madness, as in the case of the visions of sorcerers and werewolves. Although Malebranche relies on a psycho-physiological description, it becomes obvious that the responsibility for such contagions is not to be attributed to those who were expected to be the cause, that is would-be sorcerers, but to those who picked up on their deeds and gave them some importance. It is therefore the material conditions of (...)
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  10.  32
    Pour une approche des processus d’innovation religieuse : quelques réflexions conceptuelles et théoriques.Steeve Bélanger & Frédérique Bonenfant - 2016 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 72 (3):393-417.
    Steeve Bélanger,Frédérique Bonenfant | : Le concept d’« innovation religieuse » est rarement, mais surtout particulièrement mal défini dans la recherche actuelle. De plus, il est souvent associé aux nouveaux mouvements religieux qui ont émergé à l’époque contemporaine, ce qui limite indéniablement son utilisation comme outil et catégorie d’analyse des phénomènes de changement, de nouveauté, de transformation et de mutation religieux d’hier comme d’aujourd’hui. Afin de la distinguer d’une nouveauté, d’une mode ou d’une tendance religieuse passagère, nous proposons de (...)
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  11. The marginal body.Frédérique De Vignemont - unknown
    According to Gurwitsch, the body is at least at the margin of consciousness. If all components of the field of consciousness were experienced as equally salient, we would indeed not be able to think and behave appropriately. Though the body may become the focus of our conscious field when we are introspectively aware of it, it remains most of the time only at the background of consciousness. However, we may wonder if bodily states do really need to be conscious, even (...)
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  12. Autism, Morality and Empathy.Frédérique De Vignemont - unknown
    The golden rule of most religions assumes that the cognitive abilities of perspective-taking and empathy are the basis of morality. One would therefore predict that people that display difficulties in those abilities, such as people with psychopathy and autism, are impaired in morality. But then why do autistics have a sense of morality while psychopaths do not, given that they both display a deficit of empathy? We would like here to refine some of the views on autism and morality. In (...)
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  13. Body Mereology.Frederique de Vignemont - 2006 - In Günther Knoblich, Ian Thornton, Marc Grosjean & Maggie Shiffrar (eds.), Human Body Perception From the Inside Out. Oxford University Press.
    The body is made up of parts. This basic assumption is central in most neuroscientific studies of bodily sensation, body representation and motor action. Yet, the assumption has rarely been considered explicitly. We may indeed ask how the body is internally segmented and how body parts can be defined. That is, how can we sketch the mereology of the body? Here we distinguish between a somatosensory mereology and a motor mereology.
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  14. Under influence.Frédérique De Vignemont & Hugo Mercier - unknown
    In many circumstances we tend to assume that other people believe or desire what we ourselves believe or desire. This has been labeled 'egocentric bias.' This is not to say that we systematically fail to understand other people and forget that they can have a different perspective. If it were the case, then it would be highly difficult, if not impossible, to communicate, cooperate or compete with them. In those situations, we need to take the other person's perspective and to (...)
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  15. Brainreading of perceptual experiences: a challenge for first-person authority?Frédérique de Vignemont - 2006 - Anthropology and Philosophy 7 (1-2):151-162.
    According to a traditional Cartesian view of the mind, you have a privileged access to your own conscious experiences that nobody else can have. Therefore, you have more authority than anybody else on your own experiences. Perceptual experiences are selfintimating: you are aware of what you are consciously perceiving. If you report seeing a pink elephant, nobody is entitled to deny it. There may be no pink elephant, but you do have the conscious experience of such elephant. However, the progress (...)
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  16.  81
    A Minimal Sense of Here-ness.Frédérique de Vignemont - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy 118 (4):169-187.
    In this paper, I give an account of a hitherto neglected kind of ‘here’, which does not work as an intentional indexical. Instead, it automatically refers to the immediate perceptual environment of the subject’s body, which is known as peripersonal space. In between the self and the external world, there is something like a buffer zone, a place in which objects and events have a unique immediate significance for the subject because they may soon be in contact with her. I (...)
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  17. Widening the body to rubber hands and tools: what's the difference?Frédérique De Vignemont - unknown
    The brain represents the body in different ways for different purposes. Several concepts and even more numerous labels have historically been proposed to define these representations in operational terms. Recent evidence of embodiment of external objects has added complexity to an already quite intricate picture. In particular, because of their perceptual and motor effects, both rubber hands and tools can be conceived as embodied, that is, represented in the brain as if they were parts of one's own body. But are (...)
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  18. The ethical and legal aspects of palliative sedation in severely brain injured patients: a French perspective.Antoine Baumann, Frederique Claudot, Gerard Audibert, Paul-Michel Mertes & Louis Puybasset - 2011 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 6:4.
    To fulfill their crucial duty of relieving suffering in their patients, physicians may have to administer palliative sedation when they implement treatment-limitation decisions such as the withdrawal of life-supporting interventions in patients with poor prognosis chronic severe brain injury. The issue of palliative sedation deserves particular attention in adults with serious brain injuries and in neonates with severe and irreversible brain lesions, who are unable to express pain or to state their wishes. In France, treatment limitation decisions for these patients (...)
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  19. Hysteria: the reverse of anosognosia.Frédérique De Vignemont - unknown
    Hysteria has been the subject of controversy for many years, with theorists arguing about whether it is best explained by a hidden organic cause or by malingering and deception. However, it has been shown that hysterical paralysis cannot be explained in any of these terms. With the recent development of cognitive psychiatry, one may understand psychiatric and organic delusions within the same conceptual framework. Here I contrast hysterical conversion with anosognosia. They are indeed remarkably similar, though the content of their (...)
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    Work-From-Home During COVID-19 Lockdown: When Employees’ Well-Being and Creativity Depend on Their Psychological Profiles.Estelle Michinov, Caroline Ruiller, Frédérique Chedotel, Virginie Dodeler & Nicolas Michinov - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With the COVID-19 pandemic, governments implemented successive lockdowns that forced employees to work from home to contain the spread of the coronavirus. This crisis raises the question of the effects of mandatory work from home on employees’ well-being and performance, and whether these effects are the same for all employees. In the present study, we examined whether working at home may be related to intensity, familiarity with WFH, employees’ well-being and creativity. We also examined whether the psychological profile of employees, (...)
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  21. The Rubber Hand Illusion: Two’s a company, but three’s a crowd.Alessia Folegatti, Alessandro Farnè, R. Salemme & Frédérique De Vignemont - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):799-812.
    On the one hand, it is often assumed that the Rubber Hand Illusion (RHI) is constrained by a structural body model so that one cannot implement supernumerary limbs. On the other hand, several recent studies reported illusory duplication of the right hand in subjects exposed to two adjacent rubber hands. The present study tested whether spatial constraints may affect the possibility of inducing the sense of ownership to two rubber hands located side by side to the left of the subject's (...)
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  22.  44
    Local Processing Bias Impacts Implicit and Explicit Memory in Autism.Karine Lebreton, Joëlle Malvy, Laetitia Bon, Alice Hamel-Desbruères, Geoffrey Marcaggi, Patrice Clochon, Fabian Guénolé, Edgar Moussaoui, Dermot M. Bowler, Frédérique Bonnet-Brilhault, Francis Eustache, Jean-Marc Baleyte & Bérengère Guillery-Girard - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:622462.
    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by atypical perception, including processing that is biased toward local details rather than global configurations. This bias may impact on memory. The present study examined the effect of this perception on both implicit (Experiment 1) and explicit (Experiment 2) memory in conditions that promote either local or global processing. The first experiment consisted of an object identification priming task using two distinct encoding conditions: one favoring local processing (Local condition) and the other favoring global (...)
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    Ethical reflection support for potential organ donors' relatives: A narrative review.Antoine Baumann, Nathalie Thilly, Liliane Joseph & Frédérique Claudot - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (3):660-674.
    Background: Even in countries with an opt-out or presumed consent system, relatives have a considerable influence on the post-mortem organ harvesting decision. However, their reflection capacity may be compromised by grief, and they are, therefore, often prone to choose refusal as default option. Quite often, it results in late remorse and dissatisfaction. So, a high-quality reflection support seems critical to enable them to gain a stable position and a long-term peace of mind, and also avoid undue loss of potential grafts. (...)
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    The Violence of Bereavement from the Research Psychologist’s Perspective.Yasmine Chemrouk, Delphine Peyrat-Apicella, Rozenn Le-Berre, Livia Sani & Marie-Frédérique Bacqué - 2024 - Ethics and Social Welfare 18 (3):306-311.
    This clinical vignette stems from French research into sedative practices and their influence on bereavement in spouses of cancer patients. We worked with hospital departments to recruit participants. They were offered a questionnaire and were invited to a research interview. This led us to explore the various issues that palliative care providers may face, including their relationship with the patient’s loved ones, questions about bereavement, and how best to support the bereaved. Feelings of bereavement are difficult to put into words, (...)
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  25.  16
    Some Practical Tools and Methods to Carry Out Transition Pedagogy in Higher Education Institutions.Cécile Renouard, Frédérique Brossard Børhaug, Ronan Le Cornec, Jonathan Dawson, Alexander Federau, Perrine Vandecastele & Nathanaël Wallenhorst - 2023 - In Cécile Renouard, Frédérique Brossard Børhaug, Ronan Le Cornec, Jonathan Dawson, Alexander Federau, David Ries, Perrine Vandecastele & Nathanaël Wallenhorst (eds.), Pedagogy of the Anthropocene Epoch for a Great Transition: A Novel Approach of Higher Education. Springer Verlag. pp. 177-192.
    Teachers may be skeptical about the possibility of implementing transition pedagogy, as outlined in the first part of this book, given the current context of higher education. Here we synthetize therefore the pedagogical tools that we have identified in the courses offered by establishments that have practiced a transition pedagogy for a long time, as well as those being used at the Campus de la Transition since 2018. We also draw on interviews with experts and practitioners, psychologists, teachers and explorers (...)
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    Sensory Integration and the Unity of Consciousness.David Bennett, David J. Bennett & Christopher Hill (eds.) - 2014 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    Philosophers and cognitive scientists address the relationships among the senses and the connections between conscious experiences that form unified wholes. In this volume, cognitive scientists and philosophers examine two closely related aspects of mind and mental functioning: the relationships among the various senses and the links that connect different conscious experiences to form unified wholes. The contributors address a range of questions concerning how information from one sense influences the processing of information from the other senses and how unified states (...)
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  27.  63
    The nurse under physician authority.T. May - 1993 - Journal of Medical Ethics 19 (4):223-229.
    A medical centre is an institution established for a specific purpose: to facilitate the health and health-related welfare of the medical centre's patients. Within this institution, there are a variety of professionals who act and interact to serve this purpose. Of particular interest is the interaction between physician and nurse. Generally, the nurse is thought to be under a certain obligation to implement a physician's orders unless there is good reason not to do so. This qualifier places a conflicting obligation (...)
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  28. Neural correlates of first-person perspective as one constituent of human self-consciousness.Kai Vogeley, M. May, A. Ritzl, P. Falkai, K. Zilles & Gereon R. Fink - 2004 - Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 16 (5):817-827.
  29.  99
    Remastering Morals with Aristotle and Confucius.May Sim - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Aristotle and Confucius are pivotal figures in world history; nevertheless, Western and Eastern cultures have in modern times largely abandoned the insights of these masters. Remastering Morals provides a book-length scholarly comparison of the ethics of Aristotle and Confucius. May Sim's comparisons offer fresh interpretations of the central teachings of both men. More than a catalog of similarities and differences, her study brings two great traditions into dialog so that each is able to learn from the other. This is essential (...)
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  30.  19
    Ecodharma: Buddhist Teaching for the Ecological Crisis by David R. Loy.John D'Arcy May - 2020 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 40 (1):470-472.
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    The Limits of the Mental and the Limits of Philosophy: From Burge to Foucault and Beyond.Todd May - 1995 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 9 (1):36 - 47.
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    Thinking the Impossible: French Philosophy Since 1960.Todd May - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (5):1045-1048.
    British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Volume 0, Issue 0, Page 1-4, Ahead of Print.
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  33. The Grammar of Quantification.Robert May - 1977 - Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  34. Experience-dependent structural plasticity in the adult human brain.Arne May - 2011 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 15 (10):475-482.
    Contrary to assumptions that changes in brain networks are possible only during crucial periods of development, research in the past decade has supported the idea of a permanently plastic brain. Novel experience, altered afferent input due to environmental changes and learning new skills are now recognized as modulators of brain function and underlying neuroanatomic circuitry. Given findings in experiments with animals and the recent discovery of increases in gray and white matter in the adult human brain as a result of (...)
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  35. Moral and Semantic Innocence.Christopher Hom & Robert May - 2013 - Analytic Philosophy 54 (3):293-313.
  36. The Limits of Appealing to Disgust.Joshua May - 2018 - In Victor Kumar & Nina Strohminger (eds.), The Moral Psychology of Disgust. Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 151-170.
    The rhetoric of disgust is common in moral discourse and political propaganda. Some believe it's pernicious, for it convinces without evidence. But scientific research now suggests that disgust is typically an effect, not a cause, of moral judgment. At best the emotion on its own only sometimes slightly amplifies a moral belief one already has. Appeals to disgust are thus dialectically unhelpful in discourse that seeks to convince. When opponents of abortion use repulsive images to make their case, they convince (...)
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  37.  31
    Why Healthcare Workers Ought to Be Prioritized in ASMR During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic.Mark P. Aulisio & Thomas May - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):125-128.
    Volume 20, Issue 7, July 2020, Page 125-128.
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  38. “Speaking into the Void”? Intersectionality Critiques and Epistemic Backlash.Vivian M. May - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (1):94-112.
    Taking up Kimberlé Crenshaw's conclusion that black feminist theorists seem to continue to find themselves in many ways “speaking into the void” (Crenshaw 2011, 228), even as their works are widely celebrated, I examine intersectionality critiques as one site where power asymmetries and dominant imaginaries converge in the act of interpretation (or cooptation) of intersectionality. That is, despite its current “status,” intersectionality also faces epistemic intransigence in the ways in which it is read and applied. My aim is not to (...)
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  39.  80
    The Effectiveness of Ethics Education: A Quasi-Experimental Field Study.Douglas R. May & Matthew T. Luth - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (2):545-568.
    Ethical conduct is the hallmark of excellence in engineering and scientific research, design, and practice. While undergraduate and graduate programs in these areas routinely emphasize ethical conduct, few receive formal ethics training as part of their curricula. The first purpose of this research study was to assess the relative effectiveness of ethics education in enhancing individuals’ general knowledge of the responsible conduct of research practices and their level of moral reasoning. Secondly, we examined the effects of ethics education on the (...)
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    Ontogeny of speech.Marilyn May Vihman - 2002 - In Maxim I. Stamenov & Vittorio Gallese (eds.), Mirror Neurons and the Evolution of Brain and Language. John Benjamins. pp. 305.
  41.  58
    Sharing Responsibility.Larry May - 1992 - University of Chicago Press.
    Are individuals responsible for the consequences of actions taken by their community? What about their community's inaction or its attitudes? In this innovative book, Larry May departs from the traditional Western view that moral responsibility is limited to the consequences of overt individual action. Drawing on the insights of Arendt, Jaspers, and Sartre, he argues that even when individuals are not direct participants, they share responsibility for various harms perpetrated by their communities.
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  42. State Aggression, Collective Liability, and Individual Mens Rea.Larry May - 2006 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 30 (1):309-324.
  43. Symposia papers: Collective inaction and shared responsibility.Larry May - 1990 - Noûs 24 (2):269-277.
  44. Kant and information ethics.Charles Ess & May Thorseth - 2008 - Ethics and Information Technology 10 (4):205-211.
    We begin with our reasons for seeking to bring Kant to bear on contemporary information and computing ethics (ICE). We highlight what each contributor to this special issue draws from Kant and then applies to contemporary matters in ICE. We conclude with a summary of what these chapters individually and collectively tell us about Kant’s continuing relevance to these contemporary matters – specifically, with regard to the issues of building trust online and regulating the Internet; how far discourse contributing to (...)
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    De Lingua Belief.Robert Fiengo & Robert May - 2006 - Cambridge MA: Bradford Book/MIT Press.
    It is beliefs of this sort--de linguabeliefs--that Robert Fiengo and Robert May explore in this book.
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    Issues of “Cost, Capabilities, and Scope” in Characterizing Adoptees' Lack of “Genetic-Relative Family Health History” as an Avoidable Health Disparity: Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “Does Lack of ‘Genetic-Relative Family Health History’ Represent a Potentially Avoidable Health Disparity for Adoptees?”.Thomas May, James P. Evans, Kimberly A. Strong, Kaija L. Zusevics, Arthur R. Derse, Jessica Jeruzal, Alison LaPean Kirschner, Michael H. Farrell & Harold D. Grotevant - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (12):4-8.
    Many adoptees face a number of challenges relating to separation from biological parents during the adoption process, including issues concerning identity, intimacy, attachment, and trust, as well as language and other cultural challenges. One common health challenge faced by adoptees involves lack of access to genetic-relative family health history. Lack of GRFHx represents a disadvantage due to a reduced capacity to identify diseases and recommend appropriate screening for conditions for which the adopted person may be at increased risk. In this (...)
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    Contemporary political movements and the thought of Jacques Rancière: equality in action.Todd May - 2010 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    How democratic progressive politics can happen and how it is happening in very different political arenas.
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  48. Frege on indexicals.Robert May - 2006 - Philosophical Review 115 (4):487-516.
    It is a characteristically Fregean thesis that the sense expressed by an expression is the linguistic meaning of that expression. Sense can play this role for Frege since it meets fundamental desiderata for meaning, that it be universal and invariantly expressed and objectively the same for everyone who knows the language. It has been argued,1 however, that, as a general thesis about natural languages, the identi cation of sense and meaning cannot be sustained since it is in con ict with (...)
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  49. Complicity: Ethics and Law for a Collective Age.Larry May - 2002 - Philosophical Review 111 (3):483-486.
    Christopher Kutz has written an excellent book: part metaphysics, part ethical theory, and part legal philosophy. The aim of the book, as is clear from the title, is to examine and defend the idea of complicity, that is, the responsibility of individuals for their participation in collective harms. While there has not been a lot of philosophical work on this topic, there has been some good work, and Kutz is responsive to most of it. But basically, this book strikes out (...)
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  50.  14
    Between Genealogy and Epistemology: Psychology, Politics, and Knowledge in the Thought of Michel Foucault.Todd May - 1993 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Michel Foucault introduced a new form of political thinking and discourse. Rather than seeking to understand the grand unities of state, economy, or exploitation, he tried to discover the micropolitical workings of everyday life that have often founded the greater unities. He was particularly concerned with how we understand ourselves psychologically, and thus with how psychological knowledge developed and came to be accepted as true. In the course of his writings, he developed a genealogy of psychology, an account of psychology (...)
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