Results for 'German-Swedish cultural transfer'

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  1.  11
    Cultural transfer in Swedish exile.Irene Nawrocka - 2023 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 34 (1):66-81.
    After the death in 1934 of his father-in-law Samuel Fischer, founder of the well-known publishing house S. Fischer in Berlin, Gottfried Bermann Fischer moved to Vienna with the aim of publishing the works of prominent German-speaking Jewish and non-Jewish authors who could no longer publish in National Socialist Germany. After the ‘Anschluss’ to Nazi Germany in March 1938 he fled to Sweden with help from Karl Otto and Tor Bonnier, heads of Albert Bonniers Förlag. Eagerly observed by the Nazi (...)
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    Translating Discourses of Enlightenment–Trans-cultural Language Skills and Cross-references between Swedish and German Educated Journals in the 18th century.Andreas Önnerfors - 2010 - In Stafanie Stockhorst (ed.), Cultural Transfer through Translation: The Circulation of Enlightened Thought in Europe by Means of Translation. Rodopi. pp. 209--229.
  3. European History and Cultural Transfer.Matthias Middell - 2000 - Diogenes 48 (189):23-30.
    The European community that is in the process of being created is still searching for its history. For a few years now, the publishing market, which has been attempting - under the heading of ‘European history’ - to construct a shared past for a present that we now have in common, has been mushrooming. This communal experience is indisputably gaining ground (though more slowly and controversially than some well-known optimists hoped): it is promoted by freedom of movement within the European (...)
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    Transfer of Foreign Ideas to the Philosophical Culture of Belarus in the 19th and 20th Centuries.Anatoly A. Liahchylin & Andrey Y. Dudchik - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (10):88-102.
    The article gives an overview of works on philosophy published in the 19 th and 20 th centuries in Belarus, widely influenced by the reception of philosophical views and trends of leading Western European thinkers. The main philosophical ideas of German philosophers (I. Kant, G.W.F. Hegel, K. Marx, F. Nietzsche and others) found creative reflections among the intellectuals of the Northwestern Krai (Region) of the Russian Empire, which included Belarus in the 19 th century. The authors analyze the role (...)
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    The Educational Journey: Bildningsresa (Swedish), Bildungsreise (German), and Personal Development.Anja Kraus & Maria Pemsel - 2023 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 57 (2):16-35.
    Abstract:The focus of this article is on the social and personal development of children. The essay's point of departure is a specific idea about holistic personal development in the classroom with reference to the philosopher Michel Serres. A historical perspective will be added by the concept of the bildungsreise (in French, Le Grand Tour; in English, educational or cultural journey). This perspective allows us to raise the question of how the idea of increasing self-awareness, coping with life challenges, and (...)
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    Contesting Conquests: Nineteenth-Century German and Polish Historiography of the Expansion of the Holy Roman Empire and the Polish-Lithuanian Union.Adam Kożuchowski - 2015 - History of European Ideas 41 (3):404-418.
    SummaryThe problem of conquests and territorial expansion, including their interpretation, evaluation, and legitimisation, has been crucial for European national historiographies. Consequently, attempts by the Holy Roman emperors, particularly of the Saxon and Hohenstaufen dynasties, to control Italy and Burgundy were hotly debated among nineteenth-century German historians, while Poland's union with Lithuania, and the annexation of the vast territories of the east which followed, was a central topic for Polish historians of the time. Modern historians of historiography in both countries (...)
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    Zum Transfer von Psychiatrie: Narrative, Termini und transkulturelle Psychiatrie in Japan.Bernhard Leitner - 2014 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 22 (3):163-180.
    This article is based on German and Japanese sources and shows how around 1900 European psychiatric concepts and practices embedded themselves into emerging scientific Japanese discourses. The article argues that now forgotten German–Japanese exchanges in the field of psychiatric pathology, together with the historical development of psychiatric care, were central mechanisms for the establishment of a distinctly psychiatric discourse in Japan prior to its broad institutionalization. Three discursive strategies were key: Japanese and German experts from a range (...)
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    Where is the common ground? Interaction and transfer between European and Russian philosophical culture.Evert Zweerde - 2010 - Studies in East European Thought 62 (3-4):259-277.
    In this paper, I discuss and analyze three instances of exchange and interaction between Russian (incl. Soviet) and (West) European philosophical culture: the correspondence between Merab Mamardašvili and Louis Althusser, Jacques Derrida’s visit to Moscow in 1990, and a joint Russian–German publication by Nikolaj Plotnikov and Alexander Haardt. The focus is on the implicit mutual perception of philosophical cultures and on the ‘micro-politics’ of discourse that is at stake in their interaction. Also, it is shown how different contexts—labelled ‘philosophical (...)
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  9.  19
    The ‘New Science of Commerce’ in the Holy Roman Empire: Véron de Forbonnais's Elémens du commerce and its German Readers.Marco Cavarzere - 2014 - History of European Ideas 40 (8):1130-1150.
    SummaryThis essay aims to study the impact made by Véron de Forbonnais's Elémens du commerce on the development of economic thought in the German Empire. Starting from the 1755 translation of the Elémens, construed here as an aspect of the gemeinnützig-oekonomische Aufklärung, it will examine the reception of the work in cultural and political terms. The analysis will thus focus first on the German universities, where a renewed teaching of Polizei transposed Forbonnais's theoretical ideas into a new (...)
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  10. Where is the common ground? Interaction and transfer between European and Russian philosophical culture.Evert van der Zweerde - 2010 - Studies in East European Thought 62 (3-4):259 - 277.
    In this paper, I discuss and analyze three instances of exchange and interaction between Russian (incl. Soviet) and (West) European philosophical culture: the correspondence between Merab Mamardašvili and Louis Althusser, Jacques Derrida's visit to Moscow in 1990, and a joint Russian-German publication by Nikolaj Plotnikov and Alexander Haardt. The focus is on the implicit mutual perception of philosophical cultures and on the 'micro-politics' of discourse that is at stake in their interaction. Also, it is shown how different contexts—labelled 'philosophical (...)
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  11.  51
    «The person is a monad with windows»: sketch of a conceptual history of ‘person’ in Russia. [REVIEW]Nikolaj Plotnikov - 2012 - Studies in East European Thought 64 (3-4):269-299.
    The basic concepts 'person' (Person), I/self (Ich) and 'subject' (Subjekt) structuring the Russian discourse of personhood (Personalität) developed during the philosophical discussions of the 1820s-1840s. The development occurred in the course of an intense reception of German Idealism and Romanticism. Characteristic of this process is that the modern meaning of personhood going back to the theological and natural-law interpretations of the person in Western Europe does not exist in the Russian cultural consciousness. Therefore the Russian concepts of personhood (...)
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  12.  32
    Nietzsche ou la relève de la métaphysique : langage et traduction philosophique.Mathieu Kessler - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 130 (4):503.
    Nietzsche peut être considéré comme le plus français des philosophes allemands. Son école du style, dont il se déclare le premier Allemand à faire un problème sérieux, se trouve en France et remonte au XVIe siècle. De plus, sa critique de la métaphysique est liée à celle de la langue allemande qui se prête plus aisément à la fabrication de néologismes. Ainsi, la traduction des œuvres de Nietzsche en français fournit la tentation de livrer immédiatement dans la langue de traduction (...)
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  13.  29
    An American Insect in Imperial Germany: Visibility and Control in Making the Phylloxera in Germany, 1870–1914.Sarah Jansen - 2000 - Science in Context 13 (1):31-70.
    The ArgumentThe vine lousePhylloxera vastatrixbecame a “pest” as it was transferred from North America and from France to Germany during the 1870s. Embodying the “invading alien,” it assumed a cultural position that increasingly gained importance in Imperial Germany. In this process, the minute insect, living invisibly underground, was made visible and became constitutive of the scientific-technological object, “pest,” pertaining to a scientific discipline, modern economic entomology. The “pest” phylloxera emerged by being made visible in a way that enabled control (...)
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    Die Gelehrtenwelt ordnen: zur Genese des hegemonialen Humanismus um 1500.Jan-Hendryk de Boer - 2017 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: In this volume, Jan-Hendryk de Boer investigates the upheaval in the world of scholars in the Roman-German Empire at the end of the fifteenth and beginning of the sixteenth centuries. He shows how during this time hegemonic humanism developed as a new discursive formation. This re-organised the humanistic movement as well as its relationship to scholasticism and ultimately the place of humanism in the scholarly world as a whole. After humanistic ideas were initially taken on board as (...)
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    Zwischen,Wissenschaft des Judentums' und politischem Messianismus Saint-Simonismus und deutsche Reformbewegung.Paola Ferruta - 2009 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 61 (3):209-233.
    The relationship between the religious political group of the Saint-Simonians and the German movement for political reform around 1830 has already been amply investigated. Significantly less explored is the Jewish aspect of this connection. The article focuses on the significance of the participation of the Jewish members of the Saint-Simonian movement and the cultural transfer initiated by them with German Jewish intellectuals and political activists such as Gabriel Riesser.
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    Analyse contrastive des textes de décisions judiciaires en la langue française, allemande et polonaise.Margarete Flöter-Durr & Paulina Nowak-Korcz - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (2):837-867.
    This article deals with the notion of jurisdictional discourse, which, as a specific type of complex discourse, always poses a real challenge to translators. The authors present a contrastive analysis of the texts of legal decisions in French, German and Polish in order to demonstrate the difficulties in translation and the consequences which they entail, and to suggest a strategy for overcoming them. Firstly, the authors briefly compare the texts of judicial decisions indicating their characteristics both in terms of (...)
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  17.  11
    Zu Hermeneutik, Literaturkritik und Sprachtheorie: Gesammelte Vorträge, Beiträge und Essays = On hermeneutics, theory of literature and language: collected essays, lectures and papers.Kurt Mueller-Vollmer - 2018 - New York: Peter Lang. Edited by Paul Corley.
    This book comprises a series of essays exploring the transformative insights of Fichte, Herder, Humboldt and the Romantics into the seminal role of language and imagination in shaping human experience and art, including how language, self-consciousness and understanding arise through speech. Along with topics concerning the literary work of art, the philosophy of history, German humanities, philology, and semiotics, the author also discusses the place of phenomenology and the concept of interpretation in literary theory. In highlighting ideas from A. (...)
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  18.  17
    Becoming of the generation and knowledge transfer in the Technology National Institute of agricultural technology in Argentina.Germán Alejandro Linzer - 2008 - Arbor 184 (732).
  19.  36
    Cultural Transfer and National Identity in French Laicity.Jean Baubérot - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (2):17 - 25.
    This article examines the development of the concept of laicity and its specific application within the French political, social and cultural context. In doing so it contends that, far from being a 'French exception' as is sometimes perceived in the media, laicity in France drew on concepts and practices already in place in other countries at the time of the 1905 legislation separating church and state. The article concludes by asserting a distinction between laicity and secularism, whereby the former (...)
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  20.  13
    Philo of Stockholm. The ecumenical heresies of Rabbi Marcus Ehrenpreis.Göran Rosenberg - 2019 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 30 (2):62-72.
    This paper was presented at the conference ‘The Marrano Phenomenon: Jewish Hidden Tradition and Modernity’, Warsaw, 16–19 September 2019. It considers the case of Marcus Ehrenpreis, chief rabbi of Stockholm. Ehrenpreis followed in the tradition from Antiquity of Philo of Alexandria, who expressed his Jewish philosophy in Greek, and Moses Mendelssohn, who attempted to bring the principles of the Englightenment to German Jews and to promote an understanding of Judaism among non­Jews. Ehrenpreis sought to follow a similar path among (...)
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  21.  18
    Politik, Poetik und Prophezeiung.P. M. Mehtonen - 2024 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 98 (1):31-52.
    The question of how literary fiction is used for political and ideological propaganda involves both textual and contextual comparative analysis. Using recent discussions of the literary genre of prophecy, Mehtonen explores the case of a hitherto unexplored anonymous fictional publication from 1770, which became a literary sensation and was soon translated from German into Danish, Russian, Swedish, Finnish and Dutch. Mehtonen shows how this narrative – about the 106-year-old Swiss hermit Martin Zadeck, who presented on his deathbed in (...)
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  22.  68
    Swedish model or swedish culture?Lars Trägårdh - 1990 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 4 (4):569-590.
    The historical roots of the Swedish welfare state are surveyed in an attempt to show how culture accounts for certain peculiarities of the ?Swedish Model,?; as compared to other welfare states like Germany or the U.S. It is argued that most of the socio?cultural patterns that have become firmly associated with the past fifty years of Social Democratic hegemony in fact are of ancient origins and are perhaps most aptly described as simply ?Swedish.?; From this perspective (...)
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  23.  18
    Handbook of Popular Culture and Biomedicine: Knowledge in the Life Sciences as Cultural Artefact.Arno Görgen, German Alfonso Nunez & Heiner Fangerau (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This handbook explores the ways biomedicine and pop culture interact while simultaneously introducing the reader with the tools and ideas behind this new field of enquiry. From comic books to health professionals, from the arts to genetics, from sci-fi to medical education, from TV series to ethics, it offers different entry points to an exciting and central aspect of contemporary culture: how and what we learn about scientific knowledge and its representation in pop culture. Divided into three sections the handbook (...)
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  24.  33
    (1 other version)Transformative power of technologies: cultural transfer and globalization.Mrinmoy Majumder & Arun Kumar Tripathi - 2021 - AI and Society:1-9.
    In the last three decades, a cultural perspective has been used to understand scientific knowledge and technology. This relatively new perspective has introduced literature on the ethical dimension to the development of technology, which are embedded in techniques, tools and artifacts. Today, more than ever, there is an urgent need to comprehend the global ramifications of modernization. In this paper, we make an attempt to look at science and technology based on culture, wisdom, ecology and ethical values. We move (...)
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  25.  6
    An Anthropological Vision of Christian Marriage.German Martinez - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (3):451-472.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AN ANTHROPOLOGICAL VISION OF CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE GERMAN MARTINEZ Fordham University Bronx, New York VIEWED FROM the institutional, interpersonal, or religious standpoint, marriage is not a distinctively Christian phenomenon, but it is a human partnership with inherently religious symbolism. Consider the complexity of its dimensions : it is a personal bond that is consummated in a sexual relationship; yet its full human reality contains different levels of meaning which (...)
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  26.  35
    Examining cross-cultural transferability of self-regulated learning model: an adaptation of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire for Chinese adult learners.Fuhui Tong, Haitao Guo, Zhuoying Wang, Yue Min, Wenhong Guo & Myeongsun Yoon - 2019 - Educational Studies 46 (4):422-439.
    This study investigated the psychometric properties of an adapted Chinese version of Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor...
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    Eskişehir in the Last 30 Years of the Ottoman Empire with the Narration of the Travelers (1892-1922).Aysel Yılmaz & Duygu Yetgin - 2018 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 13 (2):159-182.
    Many Turkish, German, Austrian, British, Swedish, French, Hungarian, and Australian travelers, military and political officers, spies, consuls, meerschaum merchants, naturalists, historians, geographers, geologists, archaeologists, and missionaries have stayed in and mentioned Eskişehir in their travelogues. Thus, it could be suggested that Eskişehir, which has recently been associated with tourism, had actually become acquainted with tourism with the arrival of BerlinBaghdad Railroad. The purpose of this study is to reveal the socio-cultural and socio-economic structure of the city through (...)
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  28.  44
    German Workers’ Culture in Chicago from 1850 until the First World War. An Anthology. [REVIEW]Hans-Christoph Junge - 1987 - Philosophy and History 20 (2):190-190.
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    Legal Translation and Cultural Transfer: A Framework for Translating the Common Law into Chinese in Hong Kong. [REVIEW]Ling Wang & King Kui Sin - 2013 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 26 (4):883-896.
    It is widely held in translation studies that translation proper is not merely a process of linguistic transfer but also of cultural transfer. But how cultural transfer is effected or whether it can be effected is not at all clear. The study begins with a critical analysis of the problems relating to law translation in general and translating the common law into Chinese in particular. It then examines the nature of cultural transfer in (...)
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  30.  20
    ‘Geminus Christi’. The excommunication of the placenta in the virgin birth narratives.Germán Osvaldo Prósperi - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 44:169-193.
    Resumen En este artículo nos proponemos mostrar que el nacimiento virginal de Jesús se ha constituido, en su sentido dogmático, a partir de una obliteración de la placenta. Para las culturas primitivas, la placenta era considerada un doble o un gemelo del feto. Mostraremos que el peligro de introducir la figura de la placenta en los relatos del nacimiento virginal implicaba la posibilidad de que existiese un doble o un a/ter ego del Salvador. Para nosotros, este doble o gemelo coincide (...)
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  31.  66
    Kant and his German Literary Culture: Coincidences and Consequences: Articles.T. J. Reed - 2010 - British Journal of Aesthetics 50 (4):343-356.
    The literary scene of Kant’s day goes unmentioned by philosophical commentators. Yet some of its salient features have a clear relation to his problems and positions, not demonstrably causal in every detail, but too close overall to be coincidence in the random sense. Kant’s critical view of society and his establishing of an independent aesthetic realm parallel the themes, and the arguments in self-defence, of contemporaneous radical writing; his discussion of how to exemplify ethical arguments bears on the general Enlightenment (...)
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  32.  28
    New Culture/Old Ethics: What technological determinism can teach us about public relations ethics.Elspeth Tilley, B. E. Drushel & K. German (eds.) - 2011 - New York: Continuum.
    New media have changed the parameters of public relations, multiplying audiences and altering the nature of relationships. Practitioners’ ethics approaches have been slower to adapt, frequently proving inadequate to the changes. McLuhan’s theory of technological determinism predicts this lag in conceptualizing and adapting to technological evolution; with awareness of the problem, however, practitioners have an opportunity to consciously shift to using the potential of new media proactively for ethical guidance, rather than continuing to allow ethics processes to lag behind technological (...)
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  33.  16
    Modernism and Cultural Transfer: Gabriel Preil and the Tradition of Literary Bilingualism.Emanuel S. Goldsmith & Yael S. Feldman - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (1):168.
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    Políticas del resentimiento. Regresión y desclasamiento en Regreso a Reims de Didier Eribon.German Cano - 2024 - Isegoría 70:1426.
    Para algunos analistas críticos recientes interesados en rehabilitar la categoría de resentimiento, la trampa que invoca la necesidad de un “regreso social” estriba en entender simplificadamente que cierta hipertrofia “culturalista” de las políticas de la identidad erosionó las bases de la clase trabajadora. Un análisis crítico del resentimiento muestra cómo este discurso falsamente “materialista” del “regreso social” ha tenido como objetivo, sobre todo, desagregar y escindir un posible bloque emancipatorio social y cultural desde los marcos de la batalla ideológica. (...)
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  35. From Knowing the Mechanism to the Mechanism of Knowing: Eurasian Cultural Transfer and Hybrid Theologies of (Neo)Liberalism.Goran Kauzlarić - 2023 - In Slobodan G. Markovich (ed.), Cultural Transfer Europe-Serbia: Methodological Issues and Challenges. Faculty of Political Sciences; Dosije Studio. pp. 237-252.
    The founding fathers of neoliberalism are usually imagined as very rational neoclassical economists uninterested in cultural and religious issues. The aim of this paper is to paint a different picture by discussing the ideas of (neo)liberal economists regarding spiritual heritage, with an emphasis on eastern religions. Starting from the existing historiographical debate on the role of Daoist notions in the birth of political economy in 18th-century Europe, as an example of cultural transfer par excellence, argumentation develops into (...)
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  36.  19
    Transformation von Gedächtnis zwischen wissenschaftlicher Rezeption und Popularisierung: Die posthume Verleihung des Friedenspreises des Deutschen Buchhandels an Janusz Korczak.Anne Oommen-Halbach & Thorsten Halling - 2024 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 47 (1-2):46-76.
    This article focuses on analysis of the international controversy provoked by the posthumous awarding of the 1972 Peace Prize of the German Book Trade to the Jewish-Polish physician, pedagogue and writer Janusz Korczak (1878/79–1942). The controversy, which centred around the recipient of the prize money, can be identified as an important catalyst both for the popularisation of the Korczak movement and for the institutionalisation of Korczak research in Germany, particularly in the field of pedagogical research. The article investigates the (...)
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    Animalista, Narco-Cultural, Conservacionista. Visions of Nature Around the Case of Hippos in Colombia.Sergio Rodríguez Gómez & Germán Jiménez - 2023 - Biosemiotics 16 (3):457-478.
    Since their introduction in Colombia in the '80s for Pablo Escobar’s extravagant zoo, hippos have become an ecological problem around the basin of the Magdalena River. This article proposes an ecosemiotic discourse analysis of different visions of nature enacted by stakeholders and public opinion around the management of hippos in Colombia. Concretely, we focus on three particular discourses and visions of nature: animalista, narco-cultural, and conservacionista. In this article, we present the relevant social and ecological context of Colombia, the (...)
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    The German Ethical Culture Scale : Development and First Construct Testing.Carmen Tanner, Katharina Gangl & Nicole Witt - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  39.  42
    Competence and performance in belief-desire reasoning across two cultures: The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about false belief?Amir Amin Yazdi, Tim P. German, Margaret Anne Defeyter & Michael Siegal - 2006 - Cognition 100 (2):343-368.
  40. The Reliability of Armchair Intuitions.Krist Vaesen, Martin Peterson & Bart Van Bezooijen - 2013 - Metaphilosophy 44 (5):559-578.
    Armchair philosophers have questioned the significance of recent work in experimental philosophy by pointing out that experiments have been conducted on laypeople and undergraduate students. To challenge a practice that relies on expert intuitions, so the armchair objection goes, one needs to demonstrate that expert intuitions rather than those of ordinary people are sensitive to contingent facts such as cultural, linguistic, socio-economic, or educational background. This article does exactly that. Based on two empirical studies on populations of 573 and (...)
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    Wzrost gospodarczy a optymalne zróżnicowanie dochodów w USA i Szwecji.Witold Pawlak & Jan Jacek Sztaudynger - 2008 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 11 (1):259-271.
    Inequality of incomes is one of the significant factors forming the social capital. Two views dominate among economists dealing with the influence of inequality of income on economic growth. On the one hand, a too low inequality of income does not motivate people to increase the labour productivity. A low inequality of income might result from an extended social care system and overloading GDP with social transfers. A good example of it may be a situation when the unemployed refuses to (...)
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    Automatic Mechanisms for Social Attention Are Culturally Penetrable.Adam S. Cohen, Joni Y. Sasaki, Tamsin C. German & Heejung S. Kim - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (1):242-258.
    Are mechanisms for social attention influenced by culture? Evidence that social attention is triggered automatically by bottom-up gaze cues and is uninfluenced by top-down verbal instructions may suggest it operates in the same way everywhere. Yet considerations from evolutionary and cultural psychology suggest that specific aspects of one's cultural background may have consequence for the way mechanisms for social attention develop and operate. In more interdependent cultures, the scope of social attention may be broader, focusing on more individuals (...)
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    Authoritarian Leaders as Successful Psychopaths: Towards an Understanding of the Role of Emotions in Political Decision-making.Maria Clara Garavito, German Bula Caraballo & Sebastián Alejandro González - 2024 - Conatus 9 (2):45-74.
    In this paper, we seek to understand the psychology and cognitive strategies of people with the psychological profile of authoritarian leaders. To understand their personality traits, we compare them with literature concerning successful psychopaths. We also see both personalities in the light of literature in the field of self-help for success in business. We say these psychological profiles are shaped by culture, as self-help literature shows. Our intention in comparing successful psychopaths and authoritarian leaders is not to reinforce the idea (...)
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    Cultural determinants of technology transfer - a case study in human resources planning for steel production.Felix Rauner & Djavad Salari - 2003 - AI and Society 17 (3-4):266-277.
    Technology transfer (TT) is a highly complex problem in development cooperation. Case studies that ITB has conducted in various projects focusing on automobile and steel production as well as in the machine tool sector indicate that the multi-dimensionality of know-how transfer is often and greatly underestimated during the planning and implementation of TTs from one industrial “culture” to another. Greater insight and knowledge of the problems associated with know-how transfer in TT projects can only be obtained from (...)
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    Hegemonic listening and doing memory on right-wing violence: Negotiating German political culture in public spheres.Tanja Thomas & Fabian Virchow - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (1):102-124.
    The first section of this chapter illustrates that the pogrom in Rostock-Lichtenhagen in 1992 has not been categorized sufficiently as a substantial milestone of right-wing violence in postwar Germany. This pogrom led to historically significant limitations in the right to asylum, ultimately resulting in a change to the German constitution. We propose to look at Rostock-Lichtenhagen as an example to explain that practices of remembering right-wing violence, a process that we describe with the term ‘Doing Memory on right-wing violence’, (...)
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  46. The Official Catalog of Potential Literature Selections.Ben Segal - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):136-140.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 136-140. In early 2011, Cow Heavy Books published The Official Catalog of the Library of Potential Literature , a compendium of catalog 'blurbs' for non-existent desired or ideal texts. Along with Erinrose Mager, I edited the project, in a process that was more like curation as it mainly entailed asking a range of contemporary writers, theorists, and text-makers to send us an entry. What resulted was a creative/critical hybrid anthology, a small book in which each page opens (...)
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  47.  33
    Corporate citizenship in Germany and the United States – differing perceptions and practices in transatlantic comparison.Matthias S. Fifka - 2013 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 22 (4):341-356.
    Because of the declining fiscal capabilities of the German welfare state and the resulting reductions in social services provided by the government, increasing attention has been given to the voluntary social engagement of businesses, often referred to as corporate citizenship. In that context, scholars and politicians alike have pointed to the United States as a country with a strong corporate citizenship culture and advocated a transatlantic transfer of the respective practices. Against this background, it is the first aim (...)
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    Saúl Taborda y la pedagogí­a en clave de programa polí­tico.Ignacio German Barbeito - 2018 - Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política 49 (1):023-023.
    In 1923, Saúl Taborda ventured into the German university milieu and, to a lesser extent, into that of other European universities. The studies he carries out have a profound impact on the development of his thinking, which will then focus on surveying and delimiting the place of pedagogy within the cultural evolution of societies. The knowledge of the European youth movements that, since the beginning of the 20th century, placed the conflict between authority and freedom at the center (...)
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    Impious dogs, haughty foxes and exquisite fish: evaluative perception and interpretation of animals in ancient and medieval Mediterranean thought.Tristan Schmidt & Johannes Pahlitzsch (eds.) - 2019 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    This volume is dedicated to the topic of the human evaluation and interpretation of animals in ancient and medieval cultures. From a transcultural perspective contributions from Assyriology, Byzantine Studies, Classical Archaeology, Egyptology, German Medieval Studies and Jewish History look into the processes and mechanisms behind the transfer by people of certain values to animals, and the functions these animal-signs have within written, pictorial and performative forms of expression.
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    Land Registration Concepts in Translation.Jan Gościński & Artur D. Kubacki - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 34 (5):1451-1482.
    Land registration systems are used throughout the world in order to store information on the ownership of land, rights attached to it, and burdens affecting it. A smoothly functioning land registration system guarantees the security of land transfer operations. However, there are significant differences in the way national land registration systems are run due to their historical development and divergent legislative approaches to land registration. Consequently, the need arises to compare different systems so as to find both common ground (...)
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