Results for 'Gerth Gerth'

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  1.  35
    From Max Weber; Essays in Sociology.H. H. Gerth & C. W. Mills - 1947 - Philosophy of Science 14 (2):173-173.
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  2.  53
    From Max Weber.H. H. Gerth & C. Wright Mills - 1947 - Philosophical Review 56 (1):100-104.
  3.  93
    Is Handwriting Performance Affected by the Writing Surface? Comparing Preschoolers', Second Graders', and Adults' Writing Performance on a Tablet vs. Paper.Sabrina Gerth, Annegret Klassert, Thomas Dolk, Michael Fliesser, Martin H. Fischer, Guido Nottbusch & Julia Festman - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  4.  24
    Hegel and Modern Society.Nancy Gerth - 1981 - Philosophical Review 90 (3):436.
  5.  32
    Language and Perception in Hegel and Wittgenstein.Nancy Gerth & David Lamb - 1982 - Philosophical Review 91 (4):638.
  6.  89
    A Marx for the managers.H. H. Gerth & C. Wright Mills - 1942 - Ethics 52 (2):200-215.
  7. A midwestern sectarian community.Hans H. Gerth - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  8. Bibliography on Max Weber.Hans Gerth & Hedwig Ide Gerth - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
  9. Der Mensch, Krone der Schöpfung oder ihr Totengräber?Siegfried Gerth (ed.) - 1979 - [Mannheim]: Kulturamt der Stadt Mannheim.
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    Freedom of Inquiry and ExpressionEdward P. Cheney.Hans Gerth - 1940 - Isis 32 (1):200-203.
  11. The Religion of China, Confucianism and Taoism.Max Weber & Hans H. Gerth - 1953 - Philosophy 28 (105):187-189.
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  12.  46
    Martianus Capella (B.) Ferré (ed., trans.) Martianus Capella: Les noces de Philologie et de Mercure. Tome VI. Livre VI. La géométrie. (Collection des Universités de France publiée sous le patronage de l'Association Guillaume Budé 389.) Pp. cxxii + 209. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2007. Paper, €39. ISBN: 978-2-251-01449-4. (R.) Schievenin Nugis ignosce lectitans. Studi su Marziano Capella. (Polymnia 12.) Pp. viii + 211, figs. Trieste: EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2009. Paper, €20. ISBN: 978-88-8303-270-7. [REVIEW]Matthias Gerth - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (2):492-494.
  13.  6
    The English: Are They Human? [REVIEW]Hans Gerth - 1932 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 1 (3):460-460.
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  14. Disturbances of visual information processing in early states of psychosis and experimental delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol altered states of consciousness.Dagmar Koethe, Christoph W. Gerth, Miriam A. Neatby, Anita Haensel, Martin Thies, Udo Schneider, Hinderk M. Emrich, Joachim Klosterkötter, Frauke Schultze-Lutter & F. Markus Leweke - 2006 - Schizophrenia Research 88 (1-3):142-150.
  15.  63
    Geometric Representations for Minimalist Grammars.Peter Beim Graben & Sabrina Gerth - 2012 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 21 (4):393-432.
    We reformulate minimalist grammars as partial functions on term algebras for strings and trees. Using filler/role bindings and tensor product representations, we construct homomorphisms for these data structures into geometric vector spaces. We prove that the structure-building functions as well as simple processors for minimalist languages can be realized by piecewise linear operators in representation space. We also propose harmony, i.e. the distance of an intermediate processing step from the final well-formed state in representation space, as a measure of processing (...)
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  16. Imbach, R. 0 Isokrates 9, 7.G. Genette, B. Gerth, B. Geyer, R. Glei, C. Göbel, Th Gomperz, T. González da Santalla, M. Grabmann, Gregorius Nyssenus & E. Grumach - unknown - Augustinus 7:8.
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  17.  57
    Morphological constraints in children’s spoken language comprehension: A visual world study of plurals inside compounds in English.Renita Silva, Sabrina Gerth & Harald Clahsen - 2013 - Cognition 129 (2):457-469.
  18.  73
    Responding to Racism in the Clinical Setting: A Novel Use of Forum Theatre in Social Medicine Education.Joel Manzi, Sharon Casapulla, Katherine Kropf, Brandi Baker, Merri Biechler, Tiandra Finch, Alyssa Gerth & Christina Randolph - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 41 (4):489-500.
    Issues of race have traditionally been addressed in medical school curricula in a didactic manner. However, medical school curricula often lack adequate opportunity for the application of learning material relating to race and culture. When confronted with acts of racism in clinical settings, students are left unprepared to respond appropriately and effectively. Forum Theatre offers a dynamic platform by which participants are empowered to actively engage with and become part of the performance. When used in an educational context, Forum Theatre (...)
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  19.  21
    Effects of neonatal gonadectomy on DRL behavior.William W. Beatty, Calvin M. Bierley & Jeffrey M. Gerth - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (6):615-615.
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    Some aspects of the development of sex differences in DRL behavior.William W. Beatty, Daniel R. Studelska & Jeffrey M. Gerth - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (6):622-624.
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  21.  19
    Intervention and Improved Well-Being of Basic Science Researchers During the COVID 19 Era: A Case Study.Santosh Kumar, Sunitha Kodidela, Asit Kumar, Kelli Gerth & Kaining Zhi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  22.  44
    Gerth, André A., theologie im angesicht der religionen. Gavin d'costas kritik an der pluralistischen religionstheologie John Hicks (=beiträge zur ökumenischen theologie 27), paderborn, schöningh 1997, 264 pp., DM 58.--. [REVIEW]Josef Lössl - 1998 - Religious Studies 34 (3):353-367.
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  23.  13
    Index Locorum zu Kuhner-Gerth.James W. Poultney & William M. Calder - 1968 - American Journal of Philology 89 (1):128.
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  24.  36
    Index Locorum ZU Kühner–Gerth, Griechische Graxnmatik. [REVIEW]A. F. Garvie - 1967 - The Classical Review 17 (3):392-393.
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  25.  63
    Some Greek Grammars Georg Curtius' Griechische Schulgrammatik, achtzehnte wesentlich veränderte Auflage bearbeitet von Dr Wilhelm von Hartel. Leipzig. 1888. Mk. 2.40. Methodik des Grammatischen Unterrichtes im Griechischen im Anschlnsse an W. v. Hartel's Neubearbeitung der Griechischen Sehulgrammatik von Georg Curtius, verfasst von Dr August Scheindler. Leipzig. 1888. Abriss der Grammatik des homerischen nnd herodotischen Dialekts, im Anschlusse an die 18 Auflage, von Dr. Curtius' Griechischen Schulgrammatik bearbeitet von Dr Wilhelm Von Hartel. 60 pf. Kurzgefasste griechische Schulgrammatik bearbeitet von Dr Bernhardt Gerth. Zweite verbesserte Auflage. Leipzig. C. F. Winter. 1 Mk. 60. [REVIEW]W. Gunion Rutherford - 1888 - The Classical Review 2 (07):218-.
    Georg Curtius' Griechische Schulgrammatik, achtzehnte wesentlich veränderte Auflage bearbeitet von Dr Wilhelm von Hartel. Leipzig. 1888. Mk. 2.40.Methodik des Grammatischen Unterrichtes im Griechischen im Anschlnsse an W. v. Hartel's Neubearbeitung der Griechischen Sehulgrammatik von Georg Curtius, verfasst von Dr August Scheindler. Leipzig. 1888.Abriss der Grammatik des homerischen nnd herodotischen Dialekts, im Anschlusse an die 18 Auflage, von Dr. Curtius' Griechischen Schulgrammatik bearbeitet von Dr Wilhelm Von Hartel. 60 pf.Kurzgefasste griechische Schulgrammatik bearbeitet von Dr Bernhardt Gerth. Zweite verbesserte Auflage. Leipzig. (...)
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  26. Reviews : Karl Mannheim, Ideology and Utopia. London: Routledge, 1991. £50.00, 1viii + 318 pp. Talcott Parsons, The Social System. London: Routledge, 1991. £50.00, lxii + 575 pp. H. H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills (eds), From Max Weber. London: Routledge, 1991. paper £12.99, xxx + 490 pp. [REVIEW]Jem Thomas - 1992 - History of the Human Sciences 5 (1):114-118.
  27.  97
    The Religion of China, Confucianism and Taoism. By Max Weber. Translated and Edited by Hans H. Gerth. (The Free Press, Glencoe, Illinois; agents: George Allen & Unwin Ltd. London. Pp. xi + 308. Price 32s. net.). [REVIEW]Homer H. Dubs - 1953 - Philosophy 28 (105):187-.
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  28.  75
    Book Review:From Max Weber; Essays in Sociology H. H. Gerth, C. W. Mills. [REVIEW]M. M. W. - 1947 - Philosophy of Science 14 (2):173-.
  29.  7
    Weber, Irrationality, and Social Order.Alan Sica - 1988 - University of California Press.
    Despite immediate appearances, this book is not primarily a hermeneutical exercise in which the superiority of one interpretation of canonical texts is championed against others. Its origin lies elsewhere, near the overlap of history, psychoanalysis, aesthetics, and social theory of the usual kind. Weber, Pareto, Freud, W. I. Thomas, Max Scheler, Karl Mannheim, and many others of similar stature long ago wondered and wrote much about the interplay between societal rationalization and individual rationality, between collective furor and private psychopathology—in short, (...)
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  30.  27
    The Hortative Aorist.Michael Lloyd - 2018 - Classical Quarterly 68 (2):415-424.
    The final section on the aorist indicative in Goodwin'sMoods and Tensesidentifies the following usage: ‘In questions with τί οὐ [‘why not’], expressing surprise that something is not already done, and implying an exhortation to do it’. Other scholars identify urgency or impatience in these questions. Albert Rijksbaron writes: ‘Questions with the 1stor 2ndperson of the aorist indicative, introduced by τί οὖν οὐ or τί οὐ, often serve, especially in Plato and Xenophon, asurgent requests[original emphasis] … The aorist indicative is more (...)
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  31.  64
    TΓxanΩ for TΓxanΩ Ωn in Attic Prose.W. L. Lorimer - 1926 - Classical Quarterly 20 (3-4):195-.
    The question whether τυγχνω can be used forτυγχνω ν in Attic Prose has been differently answered by different scholars. Phrynichus held that it could not, and Porson followed him. The generality of modern scholars, however, have taken the other view—so, e.g., Locella, Heindorf, Lobeck, Ast, Schneider, Madvig, Stallbaum, Krüger, W. H. Thompson, Rutherford, Jebb, Adam, Kühner-Gerth. The object of the present note is to show that the ‘modern’ view, if it is to be maintained, must be based on other (...)
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    An with the Future.A. C. Moorhouse - 1946 - Classical Quarterly 40 (1-2):1-.
    The construction of ν with the future has been hotly denied as impossible, so far as Attic Greek and indeed post-Homeric Greek generally are concerned. The opponents of the construction have had among their number such scholars as Dawes and Cobet; and of late, it seems, editors of texts generally. The view of Cobet is given on p. 469 of his Miscellanea Critica, with reference to Demosth. 9. 70 πάλαι τις δέως ν σως ρωτήσων κάθηται. Cobet, who has been followed (...)
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    Aeschylus, Supplices 249.E. W. Whittle - 1961 - Classical Quarterly 11 (1-2):9-.
    This is the reading of M. presumably arose from a dittography . has been generally accepted. The adverbial use of an adjective qualifying the subject of an imperative appears to be at least unusual; no examples are quoted by Kühner–Gerth, i. 274–6. Robortello, followed by Tucker, preferred : but the earliest certain appearance of the adverb seems to be in Aristotle. I would propose : cf. Supp. 1015, Th. 34. This is no less satisfactory palaeographically, and the participle is (...)
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