Results for 'Giorgio Scrofani'

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  1.  16
    La preghiera del poeta nell’Alcibiade Secondo: un modello filosofico e cultuale.Giorgio Scrofani - 2009 - Kernos 22:159-167.
    Dans le Second Alcibiade, Socrate propose une prière simple pour les « bonnes choses » comme exemple de la manière adéquate de s’adresser aux dieux et il l’attribue au « poète ». Jusqu’à présent, une telle prière a été étudiée comme exemple de prière philoso­phique, c’est-à-dire en tant que discours sur la prière plutôt que comme prière en tant que telle. Même si elle fait partie intégrante de l’enseignement proposé par Socrate dans ce dialogue, sa signification véritablement liturgique ne peut (...)
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    Justice.W. J. Rees, Giorgio DelVecchio & A. H. Campbell - 1953 - Philosophical Review 62 (4):597.
  3. The Unbearable Shallow Understanding of Deep Learning.Alessio Plebe & Giorgio Grasso - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (4):515-553.
    This paper analyzes the rapid and unexpected rise of deep learning within Artificial Intelligence and its applications. It tackles the possible reasons for this remarkable success, providing candidate paths towards a satisfactory explanation of why it works so well, at least in some domains. A historical account is given for the ups and downs, which have characterized neural networks research and its evolution from “shallow” to “deep” learning architectures. A precise account of “success” is given, in order to sieve out (...)
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    $$\mathrm {ZF}$$ ZF Between Classicality and Non-classicality.Sourav Tarafder & Giorgio Venturi - 2021 - Studia Logica 110 (1):189-218.
    We present a generalization of the algebra-valued models of \ where the axioms of set theory are not necessarily mapped to the top element of an algebra, but may get intermediate values, in a set of designated values. Under this generalization there are many algebras which are neither Boolean, nor Heyting, but that still validate \.
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    Fine’s Postulationism, Objectivity, and Mathematical Creation.Giorgio Schmidt Venturi - 2024 - Noesis 38:123-137.
    We analyse Kit Fine’s proposal of a procedural Postulationism for mathematics. From a linguistic perspective, we argue that Postulationism is better understood in terms of declarative speech acts. Based on this observation, we argue in favor of a form of Declarationism able to account for both the objectivity of mathematics and its creative dimension.
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    Electrophysiological Potentials Reveal Cortical Mechanisms for Mental Imagery, Mental Simulation, and Grounded Cognition.Haline E. Schendan & Giorgio Ganis - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
  7. Sei anni di studi petrarcheschi.Pier Giorgio Ricci - 1950 - Rinascimento 1:341-54.
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    The Moral Case for ANT-Derived Pluripotent Stem Cell Lines.Rev Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco - 2006 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 6 (3):517-537.
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  9. Conflict between empiricism and idealism 277 the homo juridicus and the inadequacy of law as a Norm of life.Giorgio Del Vecchio & L. L. Zarrilli - 1938 - In Jerome Hall (ed.), Readings in jurisprudence. Holmes Beach, Fla.: Gaunt.
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    L'idée d'une science du droit universel comparé.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1910 - Paris,: Librairie générale de droit & de jurisprudence. Edited by René Francez.
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  11. Continuous Computation and the Emergence of the Discrete.Giorgio de Santillana - 1994 - In Karl H. Pribram (ed.), Origins: Brain and Self Organization. Lawrence Erlbaum.
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  12. The neural mind debate proceedings.Lluis Oviedo, Giorgio Innocenti, Rufina Gutierrez, Rasmus Winther, Jose Maria Gomez Gomez & Juni Guerra - 2011 - Pensamiento 67 (254):631-639.
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    Law and Opera.Filippo Annunziata & Giorgio Fabio Colombo (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book explores the various connections between Law and Opera, providing a comprehensive, multinational, and multidisciplinary resource on the subject. Further, it makes a valuable contribution to studies on law and the humanities. While, for example, the relationship between law and literature has been extensively researched, the relationship between Law and Opera remains largely overlooked. The book approaches the topic from three perspectives in three main sections: Law in Opera, Law on Opera, and Law around Opera.
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    The School of Padua and the Emergence of Modern Science. John Herman Randall, Jr.Giorgio de Santillana - 1963 - Isis 54 (2):300-302.
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    Stili di analisi: l'unità perduta del metodo filosofico.Aldo Giorgio Gargani - 1993 - Milano: Feltrinelli.
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  16. Changes in product design and development processes: design thinking, service design and user experience.Federico Del Giorgio Solfa, Ticiana Agustina Alvarado Wall & Guido Amendolaggine - 2021 - Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration 5 (3):e178.
    This article addresses the new theories and concepts of design management: design thinking, user experience (UX) and service design. They consider people's experiences and focus on the characteristics of each one of them. From industrial design, the scope and relationships between these definitions - now better visible - were analyzed, which always belonged to the design field of the discipline, from which an attempt was made to identify how they influence innovation, design and development of new products. To account for (...)
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    Response: “Newborn chicks need no number tricks. Commentary: Number-space mapping in the newborn chick resembles humans' mental number line”.Rosa Rugani, Giorgio Vallortigara, Konstantinos Priftis & Lucia Regolin - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  18. Conceptual contributions for public management: issues related to the administrative function of the State.Federico Del Giorgio Solfa & Luciana Mercedes Girotto - 2016 - Cambios y Permanencias 2016 (7):489-519.
    Often, there are conceptual differences between politicians, officials, academics and professionals on key concepts related to forms of administrative organization of the State and in relation to the categorization of the various subjects who directs their actions. Settle these differences contribute to the implementation of the modernization of the State. It is also necessary to distinguish conceptually between different degrees of protection can be invoked by natural and legal persons in the administration. To help settle these conceptual differences, we will (...)
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  19. Evolución de la educación secundaria técnica. Diseño y emprendedorismo para la innovación.Federico Del Giorgio Solfa, María Sol Sierra & María Victoria Vescio - 2016 - Tableros 2016 (7):65-74.
    This paper analyzes the evolution of the Professional Technical Modality in Secondary Education in Argentina since its inception. How has it been traversed by the various productive models, from the foundation of the first technical school with Fordism to local development? What were the main policy milestones throughout this process? In particular, the study incorporates the design and principles of entrepreneurship in the current educational model and the basic tools for entrepreneurial development that contribute to local technological innovation. To conclude, (...)
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  20. New Paradigms for Product Design: Design Thinking, Service Design and User Experience.Federico Del Giorgio Solfa, Guido Amendolaggine & Ticiana Agustina Alvarado Wall - 2018 - Arte e Investigación 2018 (14):e012.
    in the present work we analyze the new concepts and theories related to the activity of Design Management, which focus on the experiences of people and the particular characteristics of each one of them. Specifically, from an Industrial Design perspective, the scope and relationships between these conceptual definitions —now made visible— that always belonged to the field of design of the discipline will be studied, trying to identify how they influence innovation and product development. Finally, it will conclude about its (...)
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  21. Promoción municipal para el desarrollo local y territorial de nodos microrregionales en la provincia de Buenos Aires.Federico Del Giorgio Solfa & Luciana Mercedes Girotto - 2015 - Cardinalis 3 (5):116-131.
    This paper attempts to open the debate on the idea of local and territorial development of microregional nodes in the Province of Buenos Aires. Under this approach, a model that proposes the creation of Municipal Development Forum, with the participation of local actors, generate local development program is proposed. The proposal is formulated for territories over 5,000 and below 30,000 inhabitants. This criterion is based on the applicability of the proposed model to municipalities with potential for territorial development, large and (...)
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  22. Problemi di metodo per un'edizione critica del 'Decameron'.Pier Giorgio Ricci - forthcoming - Rinascimento.
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  23. Una falsa attribuzione.Pier Giorgio Ricci - 1956 - Rinascimento 7:355-362.
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  24. La regola del descensus. Un esempio di procedura logica di prova nel Medioevo.Alfredo Di Giorgio - 2013 - In Alfredo Di Giorgio & Daniele Chiffi (eds.), Prova e Giustificazione. G. Giappichelli Editore. pp. 19-50.
    In epoca medievale si è molto discusso su alcuni concetti chiave come prova o giustificazione. La teoria della prova contenuta nei trattati di logica medievale prende il nome tecnico di consequentia, che è un tipo di ragionamento fondato sul passaggio dalla concessione (o negazione) di uno o più enunciati denominati antecedenti alla concessione (o negazione) di uno o più enunciati denominati conseguenti. Questo tipo di teoria ha avuto un correlato a livello dei singoli termini che compongono l’enunciato all'interno della teoria (...)
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    A Scientific Theology, Volume III: Theory, by Alister E. McGrath.Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco - 2005 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 5 (4):849-851.
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    Using Morally Controversial Human Cell Lines after Dignitas personae.Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco - 2010 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 10 (2):265-272.
    Human cell lines are well-characterized laboratory cultures of human cells derived from a single source. In recent years, much moral controversy has surrounded human cell lines and biological materials obtained from aborted fetuses and destructive human embryo research. Dignitas personae instructs scientists of good conscience to avoid using biological materials of illicit origin, to distance themselves from evil, and to avoid scandal. The author suggests that the Instruction allows a scientist to delay discontinuing the use of a morally controversial cell (...)
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    Notes & Correspondence.Arthur Koestler, Giorgio de Santillana, Stillman Drake, L. A. Moritz, N. Jasny, Frank M. Albrecht, P. H. Brans, James D. Mack & Roy G. Neville - 1960 - Isis 51 (1):73-84.
  28.  27
    What Are Proper Business Practices?Becchetti Leonardo, Giorgio Federico & Solferino Nazaria - 2013 - Business Ethics 10:432.
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  29. Wittgenstein and Contemporary Philosophy.Brian Mcguinness & Aldo Giorgio Gargani - 1985 - ETS.
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    Truth is One (No Need for Pluralism).Giorgio Volpe - 2025 - Erkenntnis 90 (1):1-19.
    In this paper, I discuss the currently most popular argument for alethic pluralism, maintaining that the so-called scope problem provides no compelling reason for abandoning the traditional view that truth is one and the same (substantive) property across the various regions of thought or discourse in which it is ascribed or denied to the things we think or say. I disarm the argument by showing that the scope problem does not arise for a number of non-deflationary, monistic views of truth (...)
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    (1 other version)Right and Human Personality in the History of Thought.Giorgio del Vecchio - 1920 - International Journal of Ethics 30 (2):121-141.
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    Scritti filosofici.Giovanni Vailati & Giorgio Lanaro - 1972 - Napoli,: F. Rossi. Edited by Lanaro, Giogio & Comp.
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  33. Giambattista Vico's "Science of Humanity".Giambattista Vico, Giorgio Tagliacozzo & Donald Phillip Verene - 1976 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 9 (4):247-251.
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    (1 other version)De principatibus.Niccolò Machiavelli & Giorgio Inglese - 1994 - Roma: Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo. Edited by Giorgio Inglese.
    On croit connaître le Prince. En fait, on colporte parfois à son propos une vulgate interprétative fondée sur des approximations ou des partis pris de traduction dans des éditions françaises qui se répètent et s'engendrent l'une l'autre. Le texte paraît si " connu ", voire si " évident ", que l'on pourrait oublier ainsi de s'interroger sur le rapport des traductions avec l'original italien ; c'est une des raisons pour lesquelles le texte original (récemment établi par Giorgio Inglese sous (...)
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  35. Educación, diseño e innovación en Latinoamérica. Evolución, análisis de casos y perspectivas sobre la educación técnico profesional: un enfoque desde el emprendedorismo y el desarrollo local.Federico Del Giorgio Solfa & Mario Dorochesi Fernandois (eds.) - 2018 - Villa Elisa, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina: FDGS.
    This book gathers experiences, reflections and new pedagogical proposals that are being incorporated to the teaching practices, in different levels of the technical education in our countries. The authors' interventions, which cover different perspectives and depth, allow us to understand and evaluate: the trajectories that technical education has had since its origins with the advances and setbacks it has experienced with political, economic and productive changes; the methodologies to incorporate the new models of industrial production; the experiences of education for (...)
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  36. Öffentliches Benchmarking : beiträge für subnationale regierungen und Benchmarking design.Federico Del Giorgio Solfa - 2019 - Villa Elisa, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina: FDGS.
    The subject of this book is benchmarking in the public sector and part of the interest is to analyze the importance that benchmarking has acquired in this sector - as a tool for improving and innovating public administration - when states strive for quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the services offered. The study is exploratory and descriptive and uses a qualitative methodology that combines a bibliographic analysis to develop the theoretical framework and the definition of the types and dimensions of (...)
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  37. Il Design dell’Unione Europea: situazione attuale, importanza nel settore industriale e politiche comunitarie.Federico Del Giorgio Solfa - 2001 - La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina: Italy Industry Consulting.
    Il design industriale è sempre più importante come mezzo per differenziare i prodotti e aumentarne il valore. Allo stesso tempo, la velocità con cui un prodotto viene offerto nel mercato dipende dalla capacità di integrare il design nel processo di produzione. Tuttavia, molte PMI - in particolare le nuove aziende basate sulla tecnologia - mancano di competenze specialistiche nella gestione del design e spesso non prestano sufficiente attenzione a questo aspetto. L'industria automobilistica e le grandi aziende come Philips e Braun (...)
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  38. Public Benchmarking: contributions for subnational governments and Benchmarking Design.Federico Del Giorgio Solfa - 2017 - Villa Elisa, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina: FDGS.
    The theme of this book is benchmarking in the public sector and part of the interest to analyze the importance that benchmarking has gained in the sector -as a tool for improvement and innovation of public management- where States commit efforts to achieve quality, efficiency and effectiveness in the services it provides. The study is exploratory and descriptive, employing a qualitative methodology that combines a bibliographic analysis for the elaboration of the theoretical framework and the definition of the types and (...)
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  39. Reflections on Men and Ideas.Giorgio de Santillana - 1970 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 21 (3):301-302.
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  40. Francesco Berto, "Topics of Thought. The Logic of Knowledge, Belief and Imagination”. [REVIEW]Giorgio Lenta - 2023 - Aphex 27:128-140.
    Understanding the logical behavior of propositional attitudes, i.e. the mental states that we entertain with propositions (such as knowledge, belief, supposition, imagination, etc.), requires careful consideration of what such attitudes are about: their topic. This is the core intuition of Francesco Berto’s work, a book that fits into one of the most interesting and rich debates of recent decades, ranging over a wide variety of disciplines: from formal semantics to epistemology and even cognitive psychology. But above all, Berto’s book makes (...)
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  41. From Platonism to Neoplatonism by Philip Merlan. [REVIEW]Giorgio de Santillana - 1956 - Isis 47:360-362.
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    ?Thomas Bernhard's infinite phrase?: A summary. [REVIEW]Aldo Giorgio Gargani - 1992 - Argumentation 6 (4):445-459.
    Gargani's work aims at discovering the link connecting the multifarious aspects of contemporary Austrian culture in the connection between ethics and aesthetics. In Gargani's view this connection is responsible for the strong criticism of contemporary society, based on mechanization and automatic processes, as it is instanced by such authors as F. Kafka, L. Wittgenstein, R. Musil, I. Bachmann and above all Thomas Bernhard. According to Gargani's essay, starting from the rejection of the notion of a correspondence relation of language to (...)
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    Book Notes. [REVIEW]Herbert Wallace Schneider, Giorgio Tonelli & W. H. Werkmeister - 1975 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 13 (4):547-549.
  44. Giorgio Tagliacozzo.(una Memoria).Giorgio A. Pinton - 1997 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 7:11-20.
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    Giorgio Levi Della Vida: Remembered Ghosts(Extracts).Giorgio Dellaa Vida - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (4):59-79.
    Giorgio Levi Della Vida (1886-1967) was not only an eminent Islamologist, belonging to that tradition of Italian Oriental studies that stretches from Ignazio Guidi to Leone Caetani, Carlo Alfonso Nallino and Francesco Gabrieli - he was also a man with solid roots in his own time. He taught in Naples and Rome, then for the ten years 1939-1948 at the University of Pennsylvania. He was one of the few university teachers who, when the oath of loyalty to the Italian (...)
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    Giorgio Baruchello: Why So Serious? Philosophy and Comedy, Russell Ford, ed. Routledge, 2018. pp. x + 157.Giorgio Baruchello - 2020 - The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook 1 (1):305-308.
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    The Use of Bodies.Giorgio Agamben - 2015 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. Edited by Adam Kotsko.
    Giorgio Agamben's Homo Sacer was one of the seminal works of political philosophy in recent decades. It was also the beginning of a series of interconnected investigations of staggering ambition and scope, investigating the deepest foundations of Western politics and thought. The Use of Bodies represents the ninth and final volume in this twenty-year undertaking, breaking considerable new ground while clarifying the stakes and implications of the project as a whole. It comprises three major sections. The first uses Aristotle's (...)
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    Infancy and history: the destruction of experience.Giorgio Agamben - 1993 - New York: Verso.
    How and why did experience and knowledge become separated? Is it possible to talk of an infancy of experience, a "dumb" experience? For Walter Benjamin, the "poverty of experience" was a characteristic of modernity, originating in the catastrophe of the First World War. For Giorgio Agamben, the Italian editor of Benjamin's complete works, the destruction of experience no longer needs catastrophes: daily life in any modern city will suffice. Agamben's profound and radical exploration of language, infancy, and everyday life (...)
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    Giorgio Baruchello tries to distinguish between thaw and meltdown.Giorgio Baruchello - 2009 - The Philosophers' Magazine 47 (47):43-46.
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    Las vocaciones de Giorgio Tagliacozzo.Giorgío G. Pintan - 1998 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 9:10.
    Semblanza de G. Tagliacozzo a través de las distintas voces que, desde su infancia hasta su muerte, lo llamaron en su vida: las primeras vocaciones de grandeza , las voces de la academia , la voz de América , la impelente voz de Vico , la voz de los caminos que la naturaleza recorre .Semblance of G. Tagliacozzo through the voices that he followed from his younger age to his death: the first calls for greatness , the voices of academy (...)
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