Results for 'Giulio Battioni'

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  1.  7
    Dioniso contro il crocifisso: uno sguardo sul pensiero politico di Nietzsche.Giulio Battioni - 2010 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Il pluralismo al bivio: popolo, élites e istituzioni fra economia e politica.Giulio Battioni (ed.) - 2017 - Roma: Edizioni Nuova cultura.
    «Stare insieme, sulla faccia della terra, è diventato un compito quotidiano. (…) Sicuramente il terzo millennio sarà ricordato per aver iniziato un tratto di questa storia: la storia della convivenza degli esseri umani al plurale su tutta la terra». Il rebus pluralista è il problema per eccellenza del nostro tempo. Il problema è forse risolvibile. La libertà individuale e la giustizia sociale, la dignità della persona e la cultura, nella sua pluralità storica di forme morali, religiose, linguistiche e civili, possono (...)
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  3. Video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor. Zur Irreführung des Gewissens bei Kant“, in: Sara Di Giulio, Alberto Frigo (Hrsg.), Kasuistik und Theorie des Gewissens. Von Pascal bis Kant, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter 2020, S. 233–287.Sara Di Giulio - 2020 - In Sara Di Giulio & Alberto Frigo, Kasuistik und Theorie des Gewissens. Von Pascal bis Kant. pp. 233–287.
    In juxtaposition with the myth and tragedy of Ovid’s Medea, this paper investigates the possibility within the Kantian conception of agency of understanding moral evil as acting against one’s better judgment. It defends the thesis that in Kant self-deception, i. e. the intentional untruthfulness to oneself, provides the fundamental structure for choosing against the moral law. I argue that, as Kant’s thought progresses, self-deception slowly proceeds to become the paradigmatic case of moral evil. This is discussed with regard to two (...)
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    Le opere di Giulio Cesare Vanini.Giulio Cesare Vanini - 1909 - [n.p.]:
  5. The information integration theory of consciousness.Giulio Tononi - 2007 - In Max Velmans & Susan Schneider, The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 287--299.
  6. Symptom perception, placebo effects, and the Bayesian brain.Giulio Ongaro & Ted Kaptchuk - 2019 - PAIN 160 (1):1-4.
  7.  13
    Giulio Preti: filosofo europeo.Alberto Peruzzi & Giulio Preti (eds.) - 2004 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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    Meaningful human control as reason-responsiveness: the case of dual-mode vehicles.Giulio Mecacci & Filippo Santoni de Sio - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 22 (2):103-115.
    In this paper, in line with the general framework of value-sensitive design, we aim to operationalize the general concept of “Meaningful Human Control” in order to pave the way for its translation into more specific design requirements. In particular, we focus on the operationalization of the first of the two conditions investigated: the so-called ‘tracking’ condition. Our investigation is led in relation to one specific subcase of automated system: dual-mode driving systems. First, we connect and compare meaningful human control with (...)
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  9. Corrective Duties/Corrective Justice.Giulio Fornaroli - 2024 - Philosophy Compass 19 (3):e12968.
    In this paper, I assess critically the recent debate on corrective duties across moral and legal philosophy. Two prominent positions have emerged: the Kantian rights-based view (holding that what triggers corrections is a failure to respect others' right to freedom) and the so-called continuity view (correcting means attempting to do what one was supposed to do before). Neither position, I try to show, offers a satisfactory explanation of the ground (why correct?) and content (how to correct?) of corrective duties. In (...)
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  10. Complexity and coherency: integrating information in the brain.Giulio Tononi, Gerald M. Edelman & Olaf Sporns - 1998 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2 (12):474-484.
    The brains of higher mammals are extraordinary integrative devices. Signals from large numbers of functionally specialized groups of neurons distributed over many brain regions are integrated to generate a coherent, multimodal scene. Signals from the environment are integrated with ongoing, patterned neural activity that provides them with a meaningful context. We review recent advances in neurophysiology and neuroimaging that are beginning to reveal the neural mechanisms of integration. In addition, we discuss concepts and measures derived from information theory that lend (...)
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  11.  39
    Stimulating the Self: The Influence of Conceptual Frameworks on Reactions to Deep Brain Stimulation.Giulio Mecacci & W. F. G. Haselager - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 5 (4):30-39.
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  12. Why the extended mind is nothing special but is central.Giulio Ongaro, Doug Hardman & Ivan Deschenaux - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (4):841-863.
    The extended mind thesis states that the mind is not brain-bound but extends into the physical world. The philosophical debate around the thesis has mostly focused on extension towards epistemic artefacts, treating the phenomenon as a special capacity of the human organism to recruit external physical resources to solve individual tasks. This paper argues that if the mind extends to artefacts in the pursuit of individual tasks, it extends to other humans in the pursuit of collective tasks. Mind extension to (...)
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  13. Neglecting Others and Making It Up to Them: The Idea of a Corrective Duty.Giulio Fornaroli - 2023 - Legal Theory 29 (4):289-313.
    I aspire to answer two questions regarding the concept of a corrective duty. The first concerns what it means to wrong others, thus triggering a demand for corrections (the ground question). The second relates to the proper content of corrective duties. I first illustrate how three prominent accounts of corrective duties—the Aristotelian model of correlativity, the Kantian idea that wronging corresponds to the violation of others’ right to freedom, and the more recent continuity view—have failed to answer the two questions (...)
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    Glivenko sequent classes and constructive cut elimination in geometric logics.Giulio Fellin, Sara Negri & Eugenio Orlandelli - 2023 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 62 (5):657-688.
    A constructivisation of the cut-elimination proof for sequent calculi for classical, intuitionistic and minimal infinitary logics with geometric rules—given in earlier work by the second author—is presented. This is achieved through a procedure where the non-constructive transfinite induction on the commutative sum of ordinals is replaced by two instances of Brouwer’s Bar Induction. The proof of admissibility of the structural rules is made ordinal-free by introducing a new well-founded relation based on a notion of embeddability of derivations. Additionally, conservativity for (...)
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    Research Handbook on Meaningful Human Control of Artificial Intelligence Systems.Giulio Mecacci, D. Amoroso, L. Cavalcante Siebert, D. Abbink, J. van den Hoven & F. Santoni de Sio (eds.) - 2024 - Edward Elgar Publishing.
  16.  71
    Identifying Criteria for the Evaluation of the Implications of Brain Reading for Mental Privacy.Giulio Mecacci & Pim Haselager - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (2):443-461.
    Contemporary brain reading technologies promise to provide the possibility to decode and interpret mental states and processes. Brain reading could have numerous societally relevant implications. In particular, the private character of mind might be affected, generating ethical and legal concerns. This paper aims at equipping ethicists and policy makers with conceptual tools to support an evaluation of the potential applicability and the implications of current and near future brain reading technology. We start with clarifying the concepts of mind reading and (...)
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  17. Folk Aesthetic Intersubjectivism.Giulio Pietroiusti - manuscript
    Cova et al. (2019) have tested people's beliefs on aesthetic disagreement using experiments based on questionnaires. Since the vast majority of people chose answers that are incompatible with aesthetic intersubjectivism, Cova et al. claim that the aesthetics literature is misguided in assuming that ordinary people are intersubjectivists. Contesi et al. (2024) argue that those results are not in contrast with the aesthetics literature, given that folk intersubjectivism is generally understood as an implicit commitment, rather than an explicit belief; its presence, (...)
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  18. Making Up for What? Slavny on Corrections and Compensation.Giulio Fornaroli - forthcoming - Analysis.
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    IIT, half masked and half disfigured.Giulio Tononi, Melanie Boly, Matteo Grasso, Jeremiah Hendren, Bjorn E. Juel, William G. P. Mayner, William Marshall & Christof Koch - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    The target article misrepresents the foundations of integrated information theory and ignores many essential publications. It, thus, falls to this lead commentary to outline the axioms and postulates of IIT and correct major misconceptions. The commentary also explains why IIT starts from phenomenology and why it predicts that only select physical substrates can support consciousness. Finally, it highlights that IIT's account of experience – a cause–effect structure quantified by integrated information – has nothing to do with “information transfer.”.
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    The Integrated Information Theory of Consciousness.Giulio Tononi - 2007 - In Max Velmans & Susan Schneider, The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 243–256.
    Integrated information theory (IIT) starts from the essential properties of experience and translates them into requirements that any physical system must satisfy to be conscious. It argues that the physical substrate of consciousness (PSC) must constitute a maximum of irreducible, internal cause‐effect power of a specific form, and provides a calculus to determine, in principle, both the quality and the quantity of an experience. Applied to the brain, IIT predicts that the spatio‐temporal grain of the neural units constituting the PSC, (...)
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    Helmholtz and the geometry of color space: gestation and development of Helmholtz’s line element.Giulio Peruzzi & Valentina Roberti - 2023 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 77 (2):201-220.
    Modern color science finds its birth in the middle of the nineteenth century. Among the chief architects of the new color theory, the name of the polymath Hermann von Helmholtz stands out. A keen experimenter and profound expert of the latest developments of the fields of physiological optics, psychophysics, and geometry, he exploited his transdisciplinary knowledge to define the first non-Euclidean line element in color space, i.e., a three-dimensional mathematical model used to describe color differences in terms of color distances. (...)
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  22.  43
    Integrated Information Theory of Consciousness.Giulio Tononi - 2007 - In Max Velmans & Susan Schneider, The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 621–633.
    Integrated information theory (IIT) starts from the essential properties of experience (axioms) and translates them into requirements that any physical system must satisfy to be conscious (postulates; see Integrated Information Theory of Consciousness: An Outline, this volume). The postulates of IIT can be seen as a list of requirements for something to exist ‘for itself’, as an intrinsic entity, and thus have relevance for ontology and metaphysics. Some implications of the theory include the divide between intrinsic and extrinsic entities, the (...)
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  23.  33
    Between Faith and Judgement: Kant’s Dual Conception of Moral Certainty.Sara Di Giulio - 2024 - Kantian Review 29 (2):187-207.
    There are two main meanings in Kant’s concept of moral certainty (moralische Gewissheit, certitudo moralis): first, it applies to the kind of certainty embodied in rational faith in the existence of God and a future life; second, it applies to the conscientiousness (Gewissenhaftigkeit) required of an agent in the practice of moral judgement. Despite the growing attention to Kant’s theory of conscience and his concept of conscientiousness, this article is the first to discuss ‘moral certainty’ as the aim of ‘conscientiousness’ (...)
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  24.  35
    The Role of Emotions in the Capabilities Approach: A Critical Analysis.Giulio Sacco - 2024 - Philosophy 99 (2):223-245.
    The capabilities approach is the theory according to which, in order to assess people's quality of life and reflect on the basic political entitlements, we should consider what people are capable of doing and being. Focusing mostly on Nussbaum's account, a number of scholars analysed the metaethical structure underlying the approach, showing her Aristotelian and Kantian sources. This article explores another aspect of Nussbaum's theory which has so far been somewhat overlooked: the role of emotions in the justification and motivational (...)
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    An enactive account of placebo effects.Giulio Ongaro & Dave Ward - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (4):507-533.
    Placebos are commonly defined as ineffective treatments. They are treatments that lack a known mechanism linking their properties to the properties of the condition on which treatment aims to intervene. Given this, the fact that placebos can have substantial therapeutic effects looks puzzling. The puzzle, we argue, arises from the relationship placebos present between culturally meaningful entities, our intentional relationship to the environment and bodily effects. How can a mere attitude toward a treatment result in appropriate bodily changes? We argue (...)
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  26. Schizophrenia and the mechanisms of conscious integration.Giulio Srinivasan Tononi & Gerald M. Edelman - 2000 - Brain Research Reviews 31 (2):391-400.
  27. Investigating neural correlates of conscious perception by frequency-tagged neuromagnetic responses.Giulio Srinivasan Tononi, Russell R. & Edelman D. P. - 1998 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Usa 95:3198-3203.
  28.  46
    A Reason To Be Free: Operationalizing ‘Free Action’.Giulio Mecacci & Pim Haselager - 2015 - Neuroethics 8 (3):327-334.
    Recent Libet-style experiments are of limited relevance to the debate about free action and free will, and should be understood as investigations of arbitrary actions or guesses. In Libet-style experiments, the concept of 'free action' is commonly taken to refer to a 'self-initiated voluntary act', where the self prompts an action without being prompted. However, this idea is based on the problematic assumption that the conscious self needs to be free from every constraint in order to be actually free. We (...)
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    Grounding and boundaries.Giulio Sciacca - forthcoming - Analytic Philosophy.
    This paper discusses a recent puzzle concerning the notions of boundary parthood and dependence, and offers a new solution. The puzzle was originally presented by Jeroen Smid and successively elaborated upon by Claudio Calosi. I first reformulate some of the troublesome premises. Particularly, whereas Smid and Calosi discuss the puzzle in terms of an underspecified notion of dependence, I propose to construe it in terms of the notion of grounding. In this manner, the dependence relation inherently carries an asymmetry, and (...)
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    Meaningful and meaningless rights proclamations.Giulio Fornaroli - 2022 - Jurisprudence 13 (4):545-568.
    Rights proclamations are often alleged to be meaningless – ‘nonsense upon stilts’. But what makes a rights proclamation meaningful? In general, I argue, meaningful rights proclamations presuppose the existence of both a duty – directed from some party to another – and an interest whose protection is at least a non-redundant element in the justification of why the duty exists. Further conditions of meaningfulness apply for specifically moral rights proclamations. Here, the interest must be of such moral relevance to ground, (...)
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  31.  53
    Consciousness, information integration and the brain.Giulio Srinivasan Tononi - 2005 - In Steven Laureys, The Boundaries of Consciousness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology. Elsevier.
  32. Rights, Wronging, and Equality of Status.Giulio Fornaroli - forthcoming - Law and Philosophy:1-28.
    Two problems about rights have received so far little attention. One is the problem of identifying a general value in the practice of rights. The second is to see when, if at all, rights violations wrong the right-holder, in a morally significant sense. In the present essay, I address the first question by investigating the second. I first show that if we commit to the two ideas, common in the contemporary philosophy of rights, that claim-rights always correlate with directed duties (...)
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    Quantum Theory: Informational Foundations and Foils.Giulio Chiribella & Robert W. Spekkens (eds.) - 2016 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    This book provides the first unified overview of the burgeoning research area at the interface between Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information. Topics include: operational alternatives to quantum theory, information-theoretic reconstructions of the quantum formalism, mathematical frameworks for operational theories, and device-independent features of the set of quantum correlations. Powered by the injection of fresh ideas from the field of Quantum Information and Computation, the foundations of Quantum Mechanics are in the midst of a renaissance. The last two decades have seen (...)
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    Consciousness and the integration of information in the brain.Giulio Srinivasan Tononi & Gerald M. Edelman - 1973 - In H. Jasper, L. Descarries, V. Castellucci & S. Rossignol, Consciousness: At the Frontiers of Neuroscience. Lippincott-Raven.
  35. (1 other version)Outline for an Externalist Psychiatry (1): Or, How to Fully Realize the Biopsychosocial Model.Giulio Ongaro - 2024 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (3):269-284.
    The biopsychosocial (BPS) model in psychiatry has come under fire for being too vague to be of any practical use in the clinic. For many, its central flaw consists in lack of scientific validity and philosophical coherence: the model never specified how biological, psychological and social factors causally integrate with one another. Recently, advances in the cognitive sciences have made great strides towards meeting this very ‘integration challenge.’ The paper begins by illustrating how enactivist and predictive processing frameworks propose converging (...)
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    Postponement of mathsfmathsf {} and Glivenko’s Theorem, Revisited.Giulio Guerrieri & Alberto Naibo - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (1):109-144.
    We study how to postpone the application of the reductio ad absurdum rule ) in classical natural deduction. This technique is connected with two normalization strategies for classical logic, due to Prawitz and Seldin, respectively. We introduce a variant of Seldin’s strategy for the postponement of \, which induces a negative translation from classical to intuitionistic and minimal logic. Through this translation, Glivenko’s theorem from classical to intuitionistic and minimal logic is proven.
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  37. (1 other version)Outline for an Externalist Psychiatry (2): An Anthropological Detour.Giulio Ongaro - 2024 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (3):285-300.
    Philosophical speculation about how psychiatric externalism might function in practice has yet to fully consider the multitude of externalist psychiatric systems that exist beyond the bounds of modern psychiatry. Believing that anthropology can inform philosophical debate on the matter, the paper illustrates one such case. The discussion is based on 19 months of first-hand ethnographic fieldwork among Akha, a group of swidden farmers living in highland Laos and neighboring borderlands. First, the paper describes the Akha set of medicinal, ritual, and (...)
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  38. (1 other version)Social Psychiatry Inside-OUT.Giulio Ongaro - 2024 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (3):341-346.
    Response to commentaries on the three-paper set 'Outline for an externalist psychiatry'.
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    (1 other version)Outline for an Externalist Psychiatry (3): Social Etiology and the Tension Between Constraints and the Possibilities of Construction.Giulio Ongaro - 2024 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (3):301-314.
    Any progress in shaping up an externalist psychiatry, so previous discussion suggested, must begin from questions about the ontology of social causation. So far, research and theory have adhered to a naturalistic approach to the social causes of illness, concentrating mostly on the ‘social determinants of mental health’ (inequality, discrimination, housing insecurity, etc.). The paper starts with an assessment of ‘social determinants’ through the lens of epidemiology and critical psychiatry. It illustrates existing practical and political approaches that fight these constraints (...)
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    Using Overt and Covert Items in Self-Report Personality Tests: Susceptibility to Faking and Identifiability of Possible Fakers.Giulio Vidotto, Pasquale Anselmi, Luca Filipponi, Marco Tommasi & Aristide Saggino - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The definition of rigidity in the special theory of relativity and the genesis of the general theory of relativity.Giulio Maltese & Lucia Orlando - 1995 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 26 (3):263-306.
  42.  27
    The Jacobson Radical of a Propositional Theory.Giulio Fellin, Peter Schuster & Daniel Wessel - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (2):163-181.
    Alongside the analogy between maximal ideals and complete theories, the Jacobson radical carries over from ideals of commutative rings to theories of propositional calculi. This prompts a variant of Lindenbaum’s Lemma that relates classical validity and intuitionistic provability, and the syntactical counterpart of which is Glivenko’s Theorem. The Jacobson radical in fact turns out to coincide with the classical deductive closure. As a by-product we obtain a possible interpretation in logic of the axioms-as-rules conservation criterion for a multi-conclusion Scott-style entailment (...)
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    Transcendent Engineering.Giulio Prisco - 2013 - In Max More & Natasha Vita-More, The Transhumanist Reader: Classical and Contemporary Essays on the Science, Technology, and Philosophy of the Human Future. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 234–240.
    In “Engineering Transcendence” (Prisco 2004) I argued that science may someday develop the capability to resurrect the dead and build (and/or become) God(s), and proposed to base a “transhumanist1 religion” on this idea. I also argued that the ultra‐rationalist, aseptic engineering language dear to most technophiles does not seem able to have an emotional impact on the majority of other people.
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  44. Disagreement and Conflict: How Moral and Taste Judgements Do Not Differ.Giulio Pietroiusti - 2021 - Theoria 87 (3):837-846.
    Eriksson thinks that moral disagreements are intuitively faulty whereas disagreements about taste are intuitively faultless. He attempts to account for this difference by arguing, first, that moral judgements and taste judgements differ with regard to the presence of a disposition to challenge conflicting judgements and, second, that the intuition that a judgement is mistaken consists in the disposition to challenge it. In this article, I focus on the reasons given to support the first claim and argue that they are not (...)
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    Sleep and synaptic homeostasis.Giulio Tononi & Chiara Cirelli - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (1):85-85.
    We propose that sleep is linked to synaptic homeostasis. Specifically, we propose that: (1) Wakefulness is associated with synaptic potentiation in cortical circuits; (2) synaptic potentiation is tied to the homeostatic regulation of slow wave activity; (3) slow wave activity is associated with synaptic downscaling; and (4) synaptic downscaling is tied to several beneficial effects of sleep, including performance enhancement.
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    Compoundation Invariance and Bohmian Mechanics.Giulio Peruzzi & Alberto Rimini - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (9):1445-1472.
    The property of fundamental mechanical theories which allows to treat compound objects as particles under suitable conditions is considered. It is argued that such a property, called compoundation invariance, is a nonreleasable property of any mechanical theory not declaring to which elementary constituents it applies. Compoundation invariance is discussed in the framework of Bohmian mechanics. It is found that standard Bohmian mechanics satisfies the requirement of compoundation invariance, with some reservation in the case of compound objects with spin. On the (...)
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    Long-lasting virtual motorcycle-riding trainer effectiveness.Giulio Vidotto, Mariaelena Tagliabue & Michael D. Tira - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Ideology and Iconology.Giulio Carlo Argan & Rebecca West - 1975 - Critical Inquiry 2 (2):297-305.
    Is it possible to compose a history of images? It is obvious that history can be composed only from that which is intrinsically historical; history has an order of its own because it interprets and clarifies an order which already exists in the facts. But is there an order in the birth, multiplication, combination, dissolution and re-synthesis of images? Mannerism had discredited or demystified form with its pretense of reproducing an order which does not exist in reality. But is the (...)
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    A brief introduction to the study of human nature.Giulio Aleni - 2020 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Thierry Meynard, Dawei Pan & Giulio Aleni.
    Thierry Meynard and Dawei Pan offer a highly detailed annotated translation of one of the major works of Giulio Aleni, a Jesuit missionary in China. Referred to by his followers as "Confucius from the West", Aleni made his presence felt in the early modern encounter between China and Europe. The two translators outline the complexity of the intellectual challenges that Aleni faced and the extensive conceptual resources on which he built up a fine-grained framework with the aim of bridging (...)
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    After pandemic, after modernity: the relational revolution.Giulio Maspero - 2022 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
    The global pandemic has levied a heavy toll on humanity, but in its wake appears a great opportunity. Amidst what he calls a crisis of modernity, Giulio Maspero points to a phenomenon that can be seen in plain sight. "The absence of personal relationships highlighted by the health crisis exposes the consequences of the modern matrix, which, having lost its Christian element, now risks transforming itself into a digital matrix, substantially configuring itself as a technognosis." Without Trinitarian framework ancient (...)
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