Results for 'Horst Krist'

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  1.  31
    Contrasting preschoolers’ verbal reasoning in an object-individuation task with young infants’ preverbal feats.Horst Krist, Karoline Karl & Markus Krüger - 2016 - Cognition 157 (C):205-218.
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    The internalization of physical constraints from a developmental perspective.Horst Krist - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (4):681-682.
    Shepard's internalization concept is defended against Hecht's criticisms. By ignoring both Shepard's evolutionary perspective and the fact that internalization does not preclude modularization, Hecht advances inconclusive evidence. Developmental research supports Shepard's conclusion that kinematic geometry may be more deeply internalized than physical dynamics. This research also suggests that the internalization concept should be broadened to include representations acquired during ontogeny. [Hecht; Shepard].
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  3. The cognitive bases of human tool use.Krist Vaesen - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (4):203-262.
    This article has two goals. First, it synthesizes and critically assesses current scientific knowledge about the cognitive bases of human tool use. Second, it shows how the cognitive traits reviewed help to explain why technological accumulation evolved so markedly in humans, and so modestly in apes.
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  4. The Reliability of Armchair Intuitions.Krist Vaesen, Martin Peterson & Bart Van Bezooijen - 2013 - Metaphilosophy 44 (5):559-578.
    Armchair philosophers have questioned the significance of recent work in experimental philosophy by pointing out that experiments have been conducted on laypeople and undergraduate students. To challenge a practice that relies on expert intuitions, so the armchair objection goes, one needs to demonstrate that expert intuitions rather than those of ordinary people are sensitive to contingent facts such as cultural, linguistic, socio-economic, or educational background. This article does exactly that. Based on two empirical studies on populations of 573 and 203 (...)
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    The National Science Foundation and philosophy of science's withdrawal from social concerns.Krist Vaesen & Joel Katzav - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 78 (C):73-82.
    At some point during the 1950s, mainstream American philosophy of science began increasingly to avoid questions about the role of non-cognitive values in science and, accordingly, increasingly to avoid active engagement with social, political and moral concerns. Such questions and engagement eventually ceased to be part of the mainstream. Here we show that the eventual dominance of 'value-free' philosophy of science can be attributed, at least in part, to the policies of the U.S. National Science Foundation's "History and Philosophy of (...)
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  6. The functional bias of the dual nature of technical artefacts program.Krist Vaesen - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (1):190-197.
    In 2006, in a special issue of this journal, several authors explored what they called the dual nature of artefacts. The core idea is simple, but attractive: to make sense of an artefact, one needs to consider both its physical nature—its being a material object—and its intentional nature—its being an entity designed to further human ends and needs. The authors construe the intentional component quite narrowly, though: it just refers to the artefact’s function, its being a means to realize a (...)
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  7. Giere's (In)Appropriation of Distributed Cognition.Krist Vaesen - 2011 - Social Epistemology 25 (4):379 - 391.
    Ronald Giere embraces the perspective of distributed cognition to think about cognition in the sciences. I argue that his conception of distributed cognition is flawed in that it bears all the marks of its predecessor; namely, individual cognition. I show what a proper (i.e. non-individual) distributed framework looks like, and highlight what it can and cannot do for the philosophy of science.
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    Optimality vs. intent: Limitations of Dennett's artifact hermeneutics.Krist Vaesen & Melissa van Amerongen - 2008 - Philosophical Psychology 21 (6):779 – 797.
    Dennett has argued that when people interpret artifacts and other designed objects ( such as biological items ) they rely on optimality considerations , rather than on designer's intentions. On his view , we infer an item's function by finding out what it is best at; and such functional attribution is more reliable than when we depend on the intention it was developed with. This paper examines research in cognitive psychology and archaeology , and argues that Dennett's account is implausible. (...)
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    Dewey on extended cognition and epistemology.Krist Vaesen - 2014 - Philosophical Issues 24 (1):426-438.
    There is a surge of attempts to draw out the epistemological consequences of views according to which cognition is deeply embedded, embodied and/or extended. The principal machinery used for doing so is that of analytic epistemology. Here I argue that Dewey's pragmatic epistemology may be better fit to the task. I start by pointing out the profound similarities between Dewey's view on cognition and that emerging from literature of more recent date. Crucially, the benefit of looking at Dewey is that (...)
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    French Neopositivism and the Logic, Psychology, and Sociology of Scientific Discovery.Krist Vaesen - 2021 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 11 (1):183-200.
    This article is concerned with one of the notable but forgotten research strands that developed out of French nineteenth-century positivism, a strand that turned attention to the study of scientific discovery and was actively pursued by French epistemologists around the turn of the nineteenth century. I first sketch the context in which this research program emerged. I show that the program was a natural offshoot of French neopositivism; the latter was a current of twentieth-century thought that, even if implicitly, challenged (...)
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  11. Cumulative cultural evolution and demography.Krist Vaesen - 2012 - PLoS ONE 7 (7):1-9.
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  12. Cooperative feeding and breeding, and the evolution of executive control.Krist Vaesen - 2012 - Biology and Philosophy 27 (1):115-124.
    Dubreuil (Biol Phil 25:53–73, 2010b , this journal) argues that modern-like cognitive abilities for inhibitory control and goal maintenance most likely evolved in Homo heidelbergensis , much before the evolution of oft-cited modern traits, such as symbolism and art. Dubreuil’s argument proceeds in two steps. First, he identifies two behavioral traits that are supposed to be indicative of the presence of a capacity for inhibition and goal maintenance: cooperative feeding and cooperative breeding. Next, he tries to show that these behavioral (...)
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  13.  48
    Complexity and technological evolution: What everybody knows?Krist Vaesen & Wybo Houkes - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (6):1245-1268.
    The consensus among cultural evolutionists seems to be that human cultural evolution is cumulative, which is commonly understood in the specific sense that cultural traits, especially technological traits, increase in complexity over generations. Here we argue that there is insufficient credible evidence in favor of or against this technological complexity thesis. For one thing, the few datasets that are available hardly constitute a representative sample. For another, they substantiate very specific, and usually different versions of the complexity thesis or, even (...)
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    Does a Consumer’s Religion Really Matter in the Buyer–Seller Dyad? An Empirical Study Examining the Relationship Between Consumer Religious Commitment, Christian Conservatism and the Ethical Judgment of a Seller’s Controversial Business Decision.Krist R. Swimberghe, Dheeraj Sharma & Laura Willis Flurry - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 102 (4):581-598.
    Religion is an important cultural and individual difference variable. Yet, despite its obvious importance in consumers’ lives, religion in the United States has been under-researched. This study addresses that gap in the literature and investigates the influence of consumer religion in the buyer–seller dyad. Specifically, this study examines the influence of consumer religious commitment and a Christian consumer’s conservative beliefs in the United States on store loyalty when retailers make business decisions which are potentially reli- gious objectionable. This study uses (...)
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  15. Knowledge without credit, exhibit 4: Extended cognition. [REVIEW]Krist Vaesen - 2011 - Synthese 181 (3):515-529.
    The Credit Theory of Knowledge (CTK)—as expressed by such figures as John Greco, Wayne Riggs, and Ernest Sosa—holds that knowing that p implies deserving epistemic credit for truly believing that p . Opponents have presented three sorts of counterexamples to CTK: S might know that p without deserving credit in cases of (1) innate knowledge (Lackey, Kvanvig); (2) testimonial knowledge (Lackey); or (3) perceptual knowledge (Pritchard). The arguments of Lackey, Kvanvig and Pritchard, however, are effective only in so far as (...)
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  16. Modelling the truth of scientific beliefs with cultural evolutionary theory.Krist Vaesen & Wybo Houkes - 2014 - Synthese 191 (1).
    Evolutionary anthropologists and archaeologists have been considerably successful in modelling the cumulative evolution of culture, of technological skills and knowledge in particular. Recently, one of these models has been introduced in the philosophy of science by De Cruz and De Smedt (Philos Stud 157:411–429, 2012), in an attempt to demonstrate that scientists may collectively come to hold more truth-approximating beliefs, despite the cognitive biases which they individually are known to be subject to. Here we identify a major shortcoming in that (...)
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  17. (1 other version)How norms in technology ought to be interpreted.Krist Vaesen - 2006 - Techne 10 (1):117-133.
    This paper defends the claim that there are — at least — two kinds of normativity in technological practice. The first concerns what engineers ought to do and the second concerns normative statements about artifacts. The claim is controversial, since the standard approach to normativity, namely normative realism, actually denies artifacts any kind of normativity; according to the normative realist, normativity applies exclusively to human agents. In other words, normative realists hold that only “human agent normativity” is a genuine form (...)
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  18.  31
    Demographic explanations of neanderthal extinction: a reply to Currie and Meneganzin.Krist Vaesen - 2023 - Biology and Philosophy 38 (2):1-6.
    In a recent paper, Currie and Meneganzin (Biol Phil, 2022, 37, 50) critically engage with a recent demographic explanation of the demise of Neanderthals (Vaesen et al. 2019). Currie and Meneganzin suggest that, contrary to how it is (supposedly) presented, Vaesen et al.’s explanation is not (and in fact, could never be) ‘stand-alone’, i.e., competition and environmental factors always interfere with demographic ones. Here I argue that Currie and Meneganzin misconstrue what the study in question does and does not purport (...)
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  19. Intuitive physics in motor control and explicit judgment.H. Krist & F. Wilkening - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):525-525.
  20.  15
    Nietzsche and War.Jan Krist - 2018 - E-Logos 25 (2):4-14.
    V obecném povědomí je Friedrich Nietzsche považován za jednoho z největších apologetů války v dějinách lidského myšlení. Avšak skutečnost je jiná, pokud chápeme fenomén války u Nietzscheho v celkovém kontextu jeho myšlení. Nietzsche válce rozumí ve třech rovinách. Prostřednictvím motivu vůle k moci chápe boj obecně jako metafysický princip; v motivu nadčlověka vystupuje válka jako boj se sebou samým, sebevytváření; teprve v motivu střetávání dvou typů morálek (panské a rabské) hovoří o válce jako důležitém prostředku - až zde ji Nietzsche (...)
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  21. A Contemporary Defense of the Aristotelean Distinction Between Essential and Non-Essential Attributes.Kriste Taylor - 1982 - Dissertation, State University of New York at Stony Brook
    The distinction between the essential and non-essential attributes of material objects is one that can be traced back to Aristotle. It is the distinction between those attributes or things true of objects that need not be true of them in order for them to endure or persist and those attributes or things true of objects that must remain true of them as long as they can be said truly to exist. ;The claim that individuals themselves have essential and non-essential attributes (...)
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  22. Reference and truth: The case of sexist and racist utterances.Kriste Taylor - 1981 - In Mary Vetterling-Braggin, Sexist language: a modern philosophical analysis. Totowa, N.J.: Littlefield, Adams. pp. 307--17.
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    Worlds in collision.Kriste Taylor - 1983 - Philosophia 13 (3-4):289-297.
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    (1 other version)Chimpocentrism and reconstructions of human evolution.Krist Vaesen - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 45 (1):12-21.
    Chimpanzees, but very few other animals, figure prominently in attempts to reconstruct the evolution of uniquely human traits. In particular, the chimpanzee is used to identify traits unique to humans, and thus in need of reconstruction; to initialize the reconstruction, by taking its state to reflect the state of the last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees; as a baseline against which to test evolutionary hypotheses. Here I point out the flaws in this three-step procedure, and show how they can (...)
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  25.  44
    From individual cognition to populational culture.Krist Vaesen - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (4):245-262.
    In my response to the commentaries from a collection of esteemed researchers, I reassess and eventually find largely intact my claim that human tool use evidences higher social and non-social cognitive ability. Nonetheless, I concede that my examination of individual-level cognitive traits does not offer a full explanation of cumulative culture yet. For that, one needs to incorporate them into population-dynamic models of cultural evolution. I briefly describe my current and future work on this.
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    Introduction.Krist Vaesen & Dorothy Rogers - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (1):1-5.
    1. With his lead article on Grace Mead (Andrus) de Laguna, Joel Katzav [2022a] has initiated a valuable addition to recent discussions of women in the history of philosophy. De Laguna was one of se...
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  27. The rise of logical empiricist philosophy of science and the fate of speculative philosophy of science.Joel Katzav & Krist Vaesen - 2022 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 12 (2):000-000.
    This paper contributes to explaining the rise of logical empiricism in mid-twentieth century (North) America and to a better understanding of American philosophy of science before the dominance of logical empiricism. We show that, contrary to a number of existing histories, philosophy of science was already a distinct subfield of philosophy, one with its own approaches and issues, even before logical empiricists arrived in America. It was a form of speculative philosophy with a concern for speculative metaphysics, normative issues relating (...)
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  28. On the emergence of American analytic philosophy.Joel Katzav & Krist Vaesen - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (4):772-798.
    ABSTRACTThis paper is concerned with the reasons for the emergence and dominance of analytic philosophy in America. It closely examines the contents of, and changing editors at, The Philosophical Review, and provides a perspective on the contents of other leading philosophy journals. It suggests that analytic philosophy emerged prior to the 1950s in an environment characterized by a rich diversity of approaches to philosophy and that it came to dominate American philosophy at least in part due to its effective promotion (...)
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  29. Critical Discussion: Virtue Epistemology and Extended Cognition: A Reply to Kelp and Greco. [REVIEW]Krist Vaesen - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (4):963-970.
    Elsewhere, I have challenged virtue epistemology and argued that it doesn’t square with mundane cases of extended cognition. Kelp (forthcoming, this journal) and Greco (forthcoming) have responded to my charges, the former by questioning the force of my argument, the latter by developing a new virtue epistemology. Here I consider both responses. I show first that Kelp mischaracterizes my challenge. Subsequently, I identify two new problems for Greco’s new virtue epistemology.
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    Engert, Horst, Dr. phil. Teleologie und Kausalität.Horst Engert - 1917 - Kant Studien 21 (1-3).
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    Interview: Horst Rechelbacher.Horst Rechelbacher & Craig Cox - 1993 - Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility 7 (4):19-21.
  32. Robust! -- Handle with care.Wybo Houkes & Krist Vaesen - 2012 - Philosophy of Science 79 (3):1-20.
    Michael Weisberg has argued that robustness analysis is useful in evaluating both scientific models and their implications and that robustness analysis comes in three types that share their form and aim. We argue for three cautionary claims regarding Weisberg's reconstruction: robustness analysis may be of limited or no value in evaluating models and their implications; the unificatory reconstruction conceals that the three types of robustness differ in form and role; there is no confluence of types of robustness. We illustrate our (...)
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    Consumer Religiosity: Consequences for Consumer Activism in the United States. [REVIEW]Krist Swimberghe, Laura A. Flurry & Janna M. Parker - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 103 (3):453-467.
    In recent times, organizations have experienced consumer backlash as a result of decisions to support controversial causes. To date, little research has attempted to explain consumers’ negative response as a function of religion. This study addresses that gap in the literature and examines consumer religious commitment and Christian consumers’ conservative beliefs in the United States as motivating factors for consumer activist behavior and boycott participation. Findings from a national sample of 531 consumers suggest that consumers evaluate seller’s actions and form (...)
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    A Paradigm of Investigator Duty to Multiple Stakeholder Participants.Megan Clarke Roberts, Kriste Kuczynski, Gail E. Henderson & Kimberly Foss - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (8):58-60.
    In this target article by Morain and Largent (2023), the authors focus on an investigator’s duty to patient-subjects specifically regarding incidental or collateral findings within the context of e...
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    Tadeusz BALABANl, Joel FELDMAN2,*, Horst KNoRRER and Eugene TRUBowITz3.Horst Knorrer & Eugene Trubowitz - 2012 - In Jürg Fröhlich, Quantum theory from small to large scales. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 95--99.
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  36. Modelle grundlegender didaktischer Theorien/ Horst Ruprecht [u.a.].Horst Ruprecht (ed.) - 1972 - Darmstadt,: Dortmund: Schroedel.
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  37. Risk and trust.Philip J. Nickel & Krist Vaesen - 2012 - In Sabine Roeser, Handbook of Risk Theory: Epistemology, Decision Theory, Ethics, and Social Implications of Risk. Springer Science & Business Media.
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  38.  26
    A new framework for teaching scientific reasoning to students from application-oriented sciences.Wybo Houkes & Krist Vaesen - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (2):1-16.
    About three decades ago, the late Ronald Giere introduced a new framework for teaching scientific reasoning to science students. Giere’s framework presents a model-based alternative to the traditional statement approach—in which scientific inferences are reconstructed as explicit arguments, composed of (single-sentence) premises and a conclusion. Subsequent research in science education has shown that model-based approaches are particularly effective in teaching science students how to understand and evaluate scientific reasoning. One limitation of Giere’s framework, however, is that it covers only one (...)
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    Where do we Stand in the Historiography of Small Disciplines in Nazi Germany? The Case of Indology.Moritz Epple, Maria Framke, Eli Franco, Horst Junginger & Baijayanti Roy - 2023 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 31 (3):233-243.
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. C. Beentjes, Theo de Kruijf, P. W. van der Horst, Paul van Geest, M. E. Brinkman, Marcel Poorthuis, A. H. C. van Eijk, J. -J. Suurmond, Olav Boelens, Walter Van Herck, Rico Sneller & M. van den Berk - 2001 - Bijdragen 62 (4):469-488.
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. C. Beentjes, M. J. J. Menken, Martin Parmentier, A. H. C. van Eijk, P. W. van der Horst, Jean-Jacques Suurmond, A. H. M. van Iersel, Bernard Höfte, W. G. Tillmans, L. van Tongeren, Liuwe H. Westra, J. Verhoeven, Luc Anckaert & Arie L. Molendijk - 1998 - Bijdragen 59 (1):94-115.
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    Contents.Paul Needham, Irene Brückle & Horst Bredekamp - 2011 - In Paul Needham, Irene Brückle & Horst Bredekamp, A Galileo Forgery: Unmasking the New York Sidereus Nuncius. De Gruyter. pp. 7-8.
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    Studies in Early Jewish Epigraphy.Jonathan J. Price, Jan Willem van Henten & Pieter Willem van der Horst - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (4):772.
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    A comparison of social and organizational change models: Information flow and data use processes.Marshall Sashkin, William C. Morris & Leslie Horst - 1973 - Psychological Review 80 (6):510-526.
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    Stage-I fatigue crack studies in order to validate the dislocation-free zone model of fracture for bulk materials.Florian Schaefer, Michael Marx, Alain Franz Knorr & Horst Vehoff - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (8):819-843.
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  46. Voices of Feminist Liberation.Emily Leah Silverman, Dirk von der Horst & Whitney Bauman - 2012 - Routledge.
    'Voices of Feminist Liberation' brings together a wide range of scholars to explore the work of Rosemary Radford Ruether, one of the most influential feminist and liberation theologians of our time. Ruether's extraordinary and ground-breaking thinking has shaped debates across liberation theology, feminism and eco-feminism, queer theology, social justice and inter-religious dialogue. At the same time, her commitment to practice and agency has influenced sites of local resistance around the world as well as on globalised strategies for ecological sustainability and (...)
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  47. Teilbd. 2.1-2.2. Texte im Umkreis der Historik.Unter BerüCksichtigung der Vorarbeiten von Peter Leyh Nach den Erstdrucken Und Handschriften Herausgegeben von Horst Walter Blanke - 1977 - In Johann Gustav Droysen, Historik: historische-kritische Ausgabe / von Peter Leyh und Horst Walter Blanke. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog.
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    Eine naturwissenschaftliche Forschungsbibliothek des 18. Jahrhunderts: Die Bibliothek der ‚Naturforschenden Gesellschaft’︁ zu Jena.Paul Ziche, Gabriele Büch, Karsten Kenklies, Horst Neuper & Olaf Breidbach - 2000 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 23 (4):433-447.
    The ‚Naturforschende Gesellschaft’︁, founded in 1793, proved instrumental for the development of science at the University of Jena around 1800. Its library can be considered as one of its most important facilities provided for research and for the education of students. Since this library has been preserved almost without losses, we can ask whether this library served the purpose of a research library in the newly established field of ‚science’︁. In consequence, the role of scientific societies and the genesis of (...)
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    The Influence of Religiosity on Consumer Ethical Judgments and Responses Toward Sexual Appeals.Sanjay Putrevu & Krist Swimberghek - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (2):351-365.
    This research explores the influence of religiosity on consumer perception of, and response toward, sexual appeals. The first study (survey, national sample; n = 423) examines the relationship between religiosity and consumer response toward sexual appeals using causal modeling. Study 1 finds that high intrinsic religiosity consumers exhibit more adverse ethical judgments toward the company’s use of sexual appeals and these judgments, in turn, result in inferior attitudes and purchase intent toward the advertised brand. To confirm and expand on these (...)
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    The School of Moses: Studies in Philo and Hellenistic Religion : in Memory of Horst R. Moehring.Horst R. Moehring & John Peter Kenney - 1995
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