Results for 'Humanized birth'

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  1.  13
    Human Birth as Political Action : Focusing on the Philosophy of Natality by Hannah Arendt. 이선 - 2023 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 103:253-270.
    이 글은 아렌트의 탄생철학을 바탕으로 인간 출생의 실천은 정치적 행위이며 따라서 인 간 출생은 정치적 행위에 의해서 이루어진 기적적인 사건임을 드러내고자 한다. 아렌트에 따르면 인간 출생이라는 것은 사적 영역인 가정에서 이루어지는 재생산의 문제에 국한된 것이 아니라 사회적 관계에서 발생하는 정치적 문제로 확장되어서 다루어져야 한다. 인간 출생의 사건은 인간들 사이의 상호 존중과 신뢰로부터 용서와 약속을 사회 속에서 실현하 는 정치적 행위이기 때문에 새로운 형태의 더 나은 방향으로의 인간 사회를 예고하는 정치 적 사건이다. 따라서 우리 사회의 초저출산 현상을 타개하기 위해서는 인간 출생의 (...)
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    Humanized birth in high risk pregnancy: barriers and facilitating factors. [REVIEW]Roxana Behruzi, Marie Hatem, Lise Goulet, William Fraser, Nicole Leduc & Chizuru Misago - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (1):49-58.
    The medical model of childbearing assumes that a pregnancy always has the potential to turn into a risky procedure. In order to advocate humanized birth in high risk pregnancy, an important step involves the enlightenment of the professional’s preconceptions on humanized birth in such a situation. The goal of this paper is to identify the professionals’ perception of the potential obstacles and facilitating factors for the implementation of humanized care in high risk pregnancies. Twenty-one midwives, (...)
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  3.  19
    Seasonal variation in human births.William H. James - 1990 - Journal of Biosocial Science 22 (1):113-119.
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    The Role of Ethics in the Daily Work of Oncology Physicians and Molecular Biologists—Results of an Empirical Study.Birthe D. Pedersen - 2008 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 27 (1-4):75-101.
    This article presents results from an empirical investigation of the role and importance of ethics in the daily work of Danish oncologyphysicians and Danish molecular biologists. The study is based on 12 semi-structured interviews with three groups of respondents: a group of oncology physicians working in a clinic at a public hospital and two groups of molecular biologists conducting basic research, one group employed at a public university and the other in a private biopharmaceutical company.We found that oncology physicians consider (...)
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    Norman Geras: Crimes Against Humanity: Birth of a Concept: Manchester University Press, Manchester, 2011, 162 pp, £47.17, ISBN 978-0-7190-8241-2.Andrew Altman - 2016 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 10 (1):205-214.
  6. An interdisciplinary biosocial perspective.Birth Order, Sibling Investment, Urban Begging, Ethnic Nepotism In Russia & Low Birth Weight - 2000 - Human Nature: An Interdisciplinary Biosocial Perspective 11:115.
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    Empirical investigation of the ethical reasoning of physicians and molecular biologists – the importance of the four principles of biomedical ethics.Mette Ebbesen & Birthe D. Pedersen - 2007 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 2:23-.
    BackgroundThis study presents an empirical investigation of the ethical reasoning and ethical issues at stake in the daily work of physicians and molecular biologists in Denmark. The aim of this study was to test empirically whether there is a difference in ethical considerations and principles between Danish physicians and Danish molecular biologists, and whether the bioethical principles of the American bioethicists Tom L. Beauchamp and James F. Childress are applicable to these groups.MethodThis study is based on 12 semi-structured interviews with (...)
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  8.  71
    Birth of the Mind: How a Tiny Number of Genes Creates the Complexity of Human Thought.Gary Marcus - 2004 - Basic Books.
    A psychologist offers a detailed study of the genetic underpinnings of human thought, looking at the small number of genes that contain the instructions for building the vastly complex human brain to determine how these genes work, common misconceptions about genes, and their implications for the future of genetic engineering. 30,000 first printing.
  9. Human development from fertilisation to birth.Clifford Grobstein - 1995 - Encyclopedia of Bioethics 2:847-851.
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  10.  74
    The British Moralists on Human Nature and the Birth of Secular Ethics.Michael B. Gill - 2006 - Cambridge ;: Cambridge University Press.
    Uncovering the historical roots of naturalistic, secular contemporary ethics, in this volume Michael Gill shows how the British moralists of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries completed a Copernican revolution in moral philosophy. They effected a shift from thinking of morality as independent of human nature to thinking of it as part of human nature itself. He also shows how the British Moralists - sometimes inadvertently, sometimes by design - disengaged ethical thinking, first from distinctly Christian ideas and then from theistic (...)
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  11.  79
    Natality or Birth? Arendt and Cavarero on the Human Condition of Being Born.Fanny Söderbäck - 2018 - Hypatia 33 (2):273-288.
    This essay offers a critical analysis of Hannah Arendt's notion of natality through the lens of Adriana Cavarero's feminist philosophy of birth. First, I argue that the strength of Arendtian natality is its rootedness in an ontology of uniqueness, and a commitment to human plurality and relationality. Next, I trace with Cavarero three critical concerns regarding Arendtian natality, namely that it is curiously abstract; problematically disembodied and sexually neutral; and dependent on a model of vulnerability that assumes equality rather (...)
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  12. The Birth of Tragedy out of the Spirit of Music: Claudel, Milhaud and the Oresteia in The Existential Coordinates of the Human Condition: Poetic, Epic, Tragic. The Literary Genre.Marlies Kronegger - 1984 - Analecta Husserliana 18:273-293.
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  13.  16
    Lineage‐specific genomics: Frequent birth and death in the human genome.Robert S. Young - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (7):654-663.
    Frequent evolutionary birth and death events have created a large quantity of biologically important, lineage‐specific DNA within mammalian genomes. The birth and death of DNA sequences is so frequent that the total number of these insertions and deletions in the human population remains unknown, although there are differences between these groups, e.g. transposable elements contribute predominantly to sequence insertion. Functional turnover – where the activity of a locus is specific to one lineage, but the underlying DNA remains conserved (...)
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  14.  28
    Servan and the birth of human rights.André Mineau - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (2):515-519.
    (1996). Servan and the birth of human rights. The European Legacy: Vol. 1, Fourth International Conference of the International Society for the study of European Ideas, pp. 515-519.
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    Unbornness: human pre-existence and the journey toward birth.Peter Selg - 2010 - Great Barrington, Mass.: SteinerBooks. Edited by Margot M. Saar.
    The Sistine Madonna and the chorus of the unborn : Raphael and Nelly Sachs -- The human soul and the cosmos : life before conception -- From spiritual to earthly community : entering earthly existence -- Appendix : Rudolf Steiner : the transition from cosmic to earthly existence in the development of the human being.
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  16.  77
    The birth of the medical humanities and the rebirth of the philosophy of medicine: The vision of Edmund D. Pellegrino.H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr - 1990 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 15 (3):237-241.
  17.  13
    Paradise mislaid: birth, death & the human predicament of being biological.E. J. Applewhite - 1991 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    Asks whether science can give any hope that some of our being will survive after death, challenging accepted views of mortality.
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  18. The birth of poetry and the creation of a human world: An exploration of the epic of gilgamesh.Bernd Jager - 2001 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 32 (2):131-154.
    The Gilgamesh Epic tells of a distraught young king who traveled to the end of the world in search of the wisdom needed to accept human mortality and the courage to lead a compassionate and fruitful life. He finds this wisdom in the Story of the Flood. The myth is built around a mysterious word of guidance and compassion that the god of wisdom whispers in the ear of his faithful human servant. This word not only saves the servant's life (...)
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  19. Rethinking the origin : Birth and human value.Stella Villarmea - 2009 - In Jinfen Yan & David E. Schrader (eds.), Creating a Global Dialogue on Value Inquiry: Papers From the Xxii Congress of Philosophy (Rethinking Philosophy Today). Edwin Mellen Press.
    For Peace, see especially: Hortensia Cuellar, " What is peace? : It's value and necessity." .
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    The Birth of Ethics: Reconstructing the Role and Nature of Morality.Kinch Hoekstra (ed.) - 2018 - [New York, NY]: Oup Usa.
    To know the nature of any phenomenon or practice, it is often a good idea to learn about how it might have emerged or might have been constructed. The Birth of Ethics offers an account of how morality might have emerged, without any planning, in a society with language but without any properly ethical concepts or practices. The conjectural history that it documents serves a philosophical purpose, for it directs us the role that morality plays in human life and (...)
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  21. Birth and Breeding Chapter 3, from 'Neither Beast nor God: The Dignity of the Human Person' 2009, Encounter Books. [REVIEW]Gilbert Meilaender - 2010 - Bioethics Research Notes 22 (3):29.
    Meilaender, Gilbert The concept and meaning of transhumanists, or people who look forward to a world in which aging has been overcome and our physical and intellectual powers have been enhanced is discussed. The excerpts from the book Birth and Breeding: Chapter 3, from 'Neither Beast nor God: the dignity of the human person' are highlighted.
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    Season of birth: its relation to human abilities.Frank Sandon - 1939 - The Eugenics Review 31 (2):130.
  23.  61
    Sex, birth control, and human life.Carl Cohen - 1969 - Ethics 79 (4):251-262.
  24.  11
    The second birth: on the political beginnings of human existence.Tilo Schabert - 2015 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Javier Ibáñez-Noé.
    Introduction -- At the start -- In number -- In body -- In action -- In consciousness -- In grace -- In the divine -- In thought -- In creation -- In eros -- In time -- In law -- In freedom -- Epilogue.
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    Variation of human sex ratios at birth by the sex combinations of the existing sibs, and by reproductive stopping rules: Comments on garenne (2009).William H. James - 2011 - Journal of Biosocial Science 43 (6):751-760.
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    Birth control and ethical questions.M. Milani-Comparetti - 1999 - Global Bioethics 12 (1-4):57-68.
    The difficult relationship between the collective and individual reproductive choices in human birth control is reported and related to the departure from natural population dynamics, in opposite directions in the developed and less developed areas.Responsible parenthood would be the solution to current problems, but its prerequisite is education.A worldwide effort to raise education levels—possibly under UNESCO leadership—in underdeveloped countries is advocated.
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    Birth with dignity from the Confucian perspective.Jianhui Li & Yaming Li - 2018 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 39 (5):375-388.
    The development of biotechnologies has broadly interfered with a number of life processes, including human birth. An important moral question arises from the application of such medical technologies to birth: do biotechnological advancements violate human dignity? Many valid arguments have been raised. Yet bioethicists are still far from reaching a consensus on how best to protect the dignity of human birth. Confucianism is an influential ethical theory in China and presents a distinctive understanding of human dignity. In (...)
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  28.  26
    Birth management and perinatal care.Michael E. Lamb - 1993 - Human Nature 4 (4):323-328.
    In the past four decades, obstetric and neonatal care practices have changed dramatically throughout the western world. As a result, humans now confront unprecedented situations for which they have no biological preparation or cultural experience. In these special issues, an integrated view of the evolving practices of birthing and infant care are discussed from a variety of perspectives. Contributors attempt to show how understanding of the biomedical and psychosocial issues can be informed by cross-cultural and cross-species evidence concerning birth (...)
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  29.  44
    Birth order, sibling investment, and fertility among Ju/’Hoansi.Patricia Draper & Raymond Hames - 2000 - Human Nature 11 (2):117-156.
    Birth order has been examined over a wide variety of dimensions in the context of modern populations. A consistent message has been that it is better to be born first. The analysis of birth order in this paper is different in several ways from other investigations into birth order effects. First, we examine the effect of birth order in an egalitarian, small-scale, kin-based society, which has not been done before. Second, we use a different outcome measure, (...)
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  30.  6
    The birth of sense: generative passivity in Merleau-Ponty's philosophy.Don Beith - 2018 - Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press.
    In The Birth of Sense, Don Beith proposes a new concept of generative passivity, the idea that our organic, psychological, and social activities take time to develop into sense. More than being a limit, passivity marks out the way in which organisms, persons, and interbodily systems take time in order to manifest a coherent sense. Beith situates his argument within contemporary debates about evolution, developmental biology, scientific causal explanations, psychology, postmodernism, social constructivism, and critical race theory. Drawing on empirical (...)
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  31.  59
    Birth, Death, and Femininity: Philosophies of Embodiment.Robin May Schott (ed.) - 2010 - Indiana University Press.
    Issues surrounding birth and death have been fundamental for Western philosophy as well as for individual existence. The contributors to this volume unravel the gendered aspects of the classical philosophical discourses on death, bringing in discussions about birth, creativity, and the entire chain of human activity. By linking their work to major thinkers such as Heidegger, Nietzsche, Beauvoir, and Arendt, and to major philosophical currents such as ancient philosophy, existentialism, phenomenology, and social and political philosophy, they challenge prevailing (...)
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  32.  50
    Jthe birth of difference.Christina Schües - 1997 - Human Studies 20 (2):243-252.
    Although birth marks the entrance of a human being into the world and establishes the very possibility of experience the philosophical implications of this event have been largely ignored in the history of thought. This is particularly troubling in phenomenology in general and in the work of Martin Heidegger in particular. While Heidegger raises the issue of birth he drops it very quickly on the path to defining Dasein''s existence as constituted from the standpoint of death, as being-towards-death. (...)
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  33.  35
    Low birth weight, intrauterine growth-retarded, and pre-term infants.Troy D. Abell - 1992 - Human Nature 3 (4):335-378.
    Low birth weight, intrauterine growth retardation, and prematurity are overwhelming risk factors associated with infant mortality and morbidity. The lack of efficacious prenatal screening tests for these three outcomes illuminates the problems inherent in bivariate estimates of association. A biocultural strategy for research is presented, integrating societal and familial levels of analysis with the metabolic, immune, vascular, and neuroendocrine systems of the body. Policy decisions, it is argued, need to be based on this type of biocultural information in order (...)
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  34. The Birth of the Holobiont: Multi-species Birthing Through Mutual Scaffolding and Niche Construction.Lynn Chiu & Scott F. Gilbert - 2015 - Biosemiotics 8 (2):191-210.
    Holobionts are multicellular eukaryotes with multiple species of persistent symbionts. They are not individuals in the genetic sense— composed of and regulated by the same genome—but they are anatomical, physiological, developmental, immunological, and evolutionary units, evolved from a shared relationship between different species. We argue that many of the interactions between human and microbiota symbionts and the reproductive process of a new holobiont are best understood as instances of reciprocal scaffolding of developmental processes and mutual construction of developmental, ecological, and (...)
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  35.  29
    Setting a human rights and legal framework around ‘the ethics of consent during labour and birth: episiotomies’.Bashi Kumar-Hazard & Hannah Grace Dahlen - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (9):634-635.
    We commend the authors for their comprehensive discussion on consent and episiotomies.1 They correctly observe that informed consent for all proposed interventions in maternity care is always necessary. The claim that consent for maternity health services does not always have to be fully informed or explicit, however, is erroneous. We are especially concerned with, and surprised by, the endorsement of ‘opt-out consent’. ‘Opt-out consent’ (a.k.a. substitute decision making) is already standard practice in maternity healthcare, with obstetric violence a normalised response (...)
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  36.  46
    Brain birth and personal identity.D. G. Jones - 1989 - Journal of Medical Ethics 15 (4):173-185.
    The concept of brain birth has assumed a position of some significance in discussions on the status of the human embryo and on the point in embryonic development prior to which experimental procedures may be undertaken on human embryos. This paper reviews previous discussions of this concept, which have placed brain birth at various points between 12 days' and 20 weeks' gestation and which have emphasised the symmetry of brain birth and brain death. Major developmental features of (...)
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  37.  23
    Virgin Birth Controversy. Study in the Anthropology of Ignorance.Marko Škorić & Ana Bilinović Rajačić - 2021 - Anthropos 116 (2):405-418.
    Virgin birth controversy enjoys a privileged status in the history of anthropology and reflects the exceptional interest anthropology takes in “biological facts” of human procreation. In the widest sense, this controversy centers around procreative beliefs, or more precisely, the “discovery” of people who were considered to be ignorant of the facts of physiological paternity and the causal relationship between copulation and pregnancy (in humans). This paper offers an overview of the main theoretical approaches and an insight into the variety (...)
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  38. The Birth of Sense: Generative Passivity in Merleau-Ponty's Philosophy.Donald Beith - 2018 - Ohio University Press.
    In The Birth of Sense, Don Beith proposes a new concept of generative passivity, the idea that our organic, psychological, and social activities take time to develop into sense. More than being a limit, passivity marks out the way in which organisms, persons, and interbodily systems take time in order to manifest a coherent sense. Beith situates his argument within contemporary debates about evolution, developmental biology, scientific causal explanations, psychology, postmodernism, social constructivism, and critical race theory. Drawing on empirical (...)
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  39.  32
    Abnormal births and other “ill omens”.Catherine M. Hill & Helen L. Ball - 1996 - Human Nature 7 (4):381-401.
    We summarize the ethnographic literature illustrating that “abnormal birth” circumstances and “ill omens” operate as cues to terminate parental investment. A review of the medical literature provides evidence to support our assertion that ill omens serve as markers of biological conditions that will threaten the survival of infants. Daly and Wilson (1984) tested the prediction that children of demonstrably poor phenotypic quality will be common victims of infanticide. We take this hypothesis one stage further and argue that some children (...)
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  40.  42
    Birth Order Influences Reproductive Measures in Australians.Fritha Milne & Debra Judge - 2009 - Human Nature 20 (3):294-316.
    We examine the relationship between birth order and reproductive behaviors in a sample of Australian residents, accounting for personality, personal achievements, and family structure. Using generalized linear models and survival analyses we build predictive models for each reproductive measure and test those models on an independent data subset. Compared with functional firstborns (middle-borns more than 5 years younger than their next older sibling), male middle-borns and last-born females had younger ages of first sexual intercourse, and middle-born females had a (...)
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    Life, Birth and Death in Democritus. Atomistic Reflections Between Physics and Ethics.Miriam Campolina Diniz Peixoto - 2017 - Peitho 8 (1):141-154.
    The subject of life, birth and death constitutes one of the main topics in Democritus’ reflection on human questions. He seeks to understand what men think about the processes of birth and death and how they, accordingly, determine their behavior and attitudes. His reflections comprise a wide range of perspectives and aspects that include examining human behaviour and investigating how it reveals a certain temperament or inclination, inquiring about the nature of these processes and extending the analyses of (...)
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  42.  50
    The British Moralists on Human Nature and the Birth of Secular Ethics. [REVIEW]James A. Harris - 2006 - Hume Studies 32 (2):362-365.
  43. After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?Alberto Giubilini & Francesca Minerva - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (5):261-263.
    Abortion is largely accepted even for reasons that do not have anything to do with the fetus' health. By showing that (1) both fetuses and newborns do not have the same moral status as actual persons, (2) the fact that both are potential persons is morally irrelevant and (3) adoption is not always in the best interest of actual people, the authors argue that what we call ‘after-birth abortion’ (killing a newborn) should be permissible in all the cases where (...)
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  44.  40
    Being Born: Birth and Philosophy.Alison Stone - 2019 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Alison Stone investigates how human existence is conditioned by the fact that it begins with birth. How does birth shape the way we are in the world, and the meaning of our lives? Philosophers have written much about death, but neglected birth. Stone brings natality into philosophical view, offering fascinating insights into the human condition.
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    The birth of ethics: reconstructing the role and nature of morality.Philip Pettit - 2018 - [New York, NY]: Oxford University Press. Edited by Kinch Hoekstra.
    Imagine a human society, perhaps in pre-history, in which people were generally of a psychological kind with us, had the use of natural language to communicate with one another, but did not have any properly moral concepts in which to exhort one another to meet certain standards and to lodge related claims and complaints. According to The Birth of Ethics, the members of that society would have faced a set of pressures, and made a series of adjustments in response, (...)
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    Low birth weight, maternal birth-spacing decisions, and future reproduction.Tamas Bereczkei, Adam Hofer & Zsuzsanna Ivan - 2000 - Human Nature 11 (2):183-205.
    The aim of this study is an analysis of the possible adaptive consequences of delivery of low birth weight infants. We attempt to reveal the cost and benefit components of bearing small children, estimate the chance of the infants’ survival, and calculate the mothers’ reproductive success. According to life-history theory, under certain circumstances mothers can enhance their lifetime fitness by lowering the rate of investment in an infant and/or enhancing the rate of subsequent births. We assume that living in (...)
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    The birth of tragedy ; and, The genealogy of morals.Friedrich Nietzsche - 1956 - New York: Anchor Books. Edited by Francis Golffing & Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.
    Skillful, sophisticated translations of two of Nietzsche's essential works about the conflict between the moral and aesthetic approaches to life, the impact of Christianity on human values, the meaning of science, the contrast between the Apollonian and Dionysian spirits, and other themes central to his thinking.
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    Wrongful Birth: Medical, Legal, and Philosophical Issues.Jeffrey R. Botkin & Maxwell J. Mehlman - 1994 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 22 (1):21-28.
    “Wrongful birth” is a controversial malpractice action, which has arisen in the past two decades, secondary to an expanding knowledge of human genetics and the constitutionally protected access to abortion. Under the wrongful birth claim, parents of a child with a congenital illness or abnormality may bring suit against a physician who allegedly failed to provide appropriate prenatal counseling or information. Typically, the parents claim that they were inadequately warned of a potential problem in their child, and that (...)
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  49. Education : a fundamental human right from birth.Eva Jespersen & Marta Santos Pais - 2019 - In Nóirín Hayes & Mathias Urban (eds.), In search of social justice: John Bennett's lifetime contribution to early childhood policy and practice. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Before birth - after death.J. M. Harris - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (5):425-425.
    Editor-in-Chief John Harris discusses the four events that remind us of the concerns about what happens before birth and after death.Four recent events have reminded us that many people are concerned about what happens before birth and after death, even if what happens before birth happens to those who will never be born and even if the near death happenings occur after death and to those who cannot care about them. The recent events involve a decision of (...)
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