Results for 'Johanes Arnason'

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  1. “We're just spectators”: A case study of science teaching, epistemology, and classroom management.Randy K. Yerrick, Jon E. Pedersen & Johanes Arnason - 1998 - Science Education 82 (6):619-648.
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    The Labyrinth of Modernity: Horizons, Pathways and Mutations.Johann P. Arnason - 2020 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This important new book by a major voice in the Social Imaginaries movement offers the most systematic attempt to establish conceptual and historical links between the idea of modernity as a new civilization and the notion of multiple modernities. Arnason demonstrates a theory of globalization that is still compatible with the emphasis on unity and diversity of modernity as a civilization.
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    Coding and Consent: Moral Challenges of the Database Project in Iceland.Vilhjálmur Árnason - 2004 - Bioethics 18 (1):27-49.
    ABSTRACT A major moral problem in relation to the deCODE genetics database project in Iceland is that the heavy emphasis placed on technical security of healthcare information has precluded discussion about the issue of consent for participation in the database. On the other hand, critics who have emphasised the issue of consent have most often demanded that informed consent for participation in research be obtained. While I think that individual consent is of major significance, I argue that this demand for (...)
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    The Emergence and Development of Animal Research Ethics: A Review with a Focus on Nonhuman Primates.Gardar Arnason - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (4):2277-2293.
    The ethics of using nonhuman animals in biomedical research is usually seen as a subfield of animal ethics. In recent years, however, the ethics of animal research has increasingly become a subfield within research ethics under the term “animal research ethics”. Consequently, ethical issues have become prominent that are familiar in the context of human research ethics, such as autonomy or self-determination, harms and benefits, justice, and vulnerability. After a brief overview of the development of the field and a discussion (...)
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    Toward Critical Bioethics.Vilhjálmur Árnason - 2015 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 24 (2):154-164.
    Abstract:This article deals with the question as to what makes bioethics a critical discipline. It considers different senses of criticism and evaluates their strengths and weaknesses. A primary method in bioethics as a philosophical discipline is critical thinking, which implies critical evaluation of concepts, positions, and arguments. It is argued that the type of analytical criticism that restricts its critical role to critical thinking of this type often suffers from other intellectual flaws. Three examples are taken to demonstrate this: premature (...)
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  6. Culture And Imaginary Significations.Johann P. Arnason - 1989 - Thesis Eleven 22 (1):25-45.
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    On balance: weighing harms and benefits in fundamental neurological research using nonhuman primates.Gardar Arnason & Jens Clausen - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (2):229-237.
    One of the most controversial areas of animal research is the use of nonhuman primates for fundamental research. At the centre of the controversy is the question of whether the benefits of research outweigh the harms. We argue that the evaluation of harms and benefits is highly problematic. We describe some common procedures in neurological research using nonhuman primates and the difficulties in evaluating the harm involved. Even if the harm could be quantified, it is unlikely that it could be (...)
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  8. The Personal is Political. Ethics and Personalized Medicine.Vilhjálmur Arnason - 2012 - Ethical Perspectives 19 (1):103-122.
    It is argued that the ethical questions and challenges raised by the project of personalizing medicine are not sufficiently addressed without considering the possible effects thereof on our system of healthcare. I argue that the framing of ethical issues in light of the main principles of bioethics, such as autonomy, welfare and even justice, tends to be too narrow and the larger social implications thus tend to be neglected. Among the possible unintended consequences of the project to increase personal responsibility (...)
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    In defense of dignity: Reflections on the moral function of human dignity.Vilhjálmur Árnason - 2020 - Bioethics 35 (1):31-39.
    This paper defends human dignity in two ways. First, by confronting the criticism that human dignity does not serve an important function in contemporary moral discourse and that its function can be sufficiently performed by other moral terms. It is argued that this criticism invites a danger of moral reductionism, which impoverishes moral discourse. The authority of moral philosophy to correct widely shared moral intuitions, rooted in experiences of grave injustices and wrongs, is questioned. Secondly, dignity is defended by showing (...)
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    The ethical justification for the use of non-human primates in research: the Weatherall report revisited.Gardar Arnason - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (5):328-331.
    The Weatherall report on the use of non-human primates in research was published in 2006. Its main conclusion was that there is a strong scientific case for the use of non-human primates in some cases, but the report stressed the importance of evaluating each case in the light of the availability of alternatives. In addition to arguing for the scientific necessity of using non-human primates in research, the report also provided an ethical justification. As could be expected, the report was (...)
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  11. Towards authentic conversations. Authenticity in the patient-professional relationship.Vilhjálmur Árnason - 1994 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 15 (3).
    The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the significance of the existential notion of authenticity for medical ethics. This is done by analyzing authenticity and examining its implications for the patient-professional relationship and for ethical decision-making in medical situations. It is argued that while authenticity implies important demand for individual responsibility, which has therapeutic significance, it perpetuates ideas which are antithetical both to authentic interaction between patients and professionals and to fruitful deliberation of moral dilemmas. In order to counteract (...)
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    From species ethics to social concerns: Habermas’s critique of “liberal eugenics” evaluated.Vilhjálmur Árnason - 2014 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 35 (5):353-367.
    Three arguments of Habermas against “liberal eugenics”—the arguments from consent, responsibility, and instrumentalization—are critically evaluated and explicated in the light of his discourse ethics and social theory. It is argued that these arguments move partly at a too deep level and are in part too individualistic and psychological to sufficiently counter the liberal position that he sets out to criticize. This is also due to limitations that prevent discourse ethics from connecting effectively to the moral and political domains, e.g., through (...)
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  13. Merleau-Ponty and Max Weber: an Unfinished Dialogue.Johann P. Arnason - 1993 - Thesis Eleven 36 (1):82-98.
  14.  17
    Lessons from Castoriadis: Downsizing critical theory and defusing the concept of society.Johann P. Arnason - 2023 - European Journal of Social Theory 26 (2):180-200.
    This article discusses successive positions of the Frankfurt School, contrasts them to the unfolding ideas of Castoriadis and argues for a critical theory centred on a concept of autonomy, but aware of the obstacles and complications inherent in social–historical reality and its modern configuration. To clarify this perspective, we need a concept of society that distances itself from the Parsonian paradigm, more so than recent theorists of the Frankfurt School have done. The critique of over-integrated images of society, developed by (...)
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    Regulating Clinical Innovation: Trachea Transplants and Tissue Engineering.Gardar Arnason - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (6):32-34.
    Volume 19, Issue 6, June 2019, Page 32-34.
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    Capitalism in Context: Sources, Trajectories and Alternatives.Johann P. Arnason - 2001 - Thesis Eleven 66 (1):99-125.
    The recognition of capitalism as a core component of modernity has often led to conflation of the two categories; this happens to critics as well as defenders of capitalism, and it reflects their shared but only partly acknowledged premises. A tendency to interpret capitalism as a self-contained system has strongly affected the debate on its historical significance; this reductionistic approach could be adapted to different ideological stances as well as to changing views of capitalism's long-term trajectory. The notion of a (...)
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  17.  60
    Database Research: Public and Private Interests.Vilhjálmur Árnason - 2011 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 20 (4):563-571.
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    Undue Fear of Inducements in Research in Developing Countries.Gardar Arnason & Anton van Niekerk - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (2):122.
    Prematurely born children who have underdeveloped lungs may suffer a potentially fatal condition called respiratory distress syndrome. A U.S. company developed a drug, called Surfaxin, to treat such poorly functioning lungs. A placebo-controlled study was planned in four Latin American countries. At the time, in 2001, four treatments were already on the market, although not available to the research populations used in the study. This case is usually discussed as part of the standard of care debate or offered as an (...)
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    Nonconfrontational Rationality or Critical Reasoning.Vilhjálmur Árnason - 2011 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 20 (2):228-237.
    Rationality and the Genetic Challenge by Matti Häyry is a well-written and thoughtful book about important issues in the contemporary ethical discussion of genetics. The book is well structured around seven practical themes that the author takes to exemplify “the genetic challenge.” He also refers to them as “seven ways of making people better,” which the subtitle of the book already puts into question form: Making People Better? In the first chapter of the book, Häyry introduces these seven themes and (...)
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  20. The Modern Constellation and the Japanese Enigma: PART I 1. Western Projections and Japanese Responses.Johann P. Arnason - 1987 - Thesis Eleven 17 (1):4-39.
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    Gadamerian dialogue in the patient-professional interaction.Vilhjálmur Árnason - 2000 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 3 (1):17-23.
    In his seminal work, Truth and Method, theGerman philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer distinguishesbetween three types of what he calls the experience ofthe `Thou'. In this paper, Gadamer's analysis of thisexperience is explained in terms of his philosophicalhermeneutics and brought to bear upon thepatient-professional relationship. It is argued thatwhile Gadamer's analysis implies fruitful insights fora dialogical account of the patient-professionalinteraction, it harbours elements which are conduciveto paternalistic practice of medicine. The strongattribution of value to tradition and the respect forauthority emphasized in his (...)
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    Aº Elska Er Aº Lifa Hans Kristj'an 'Arnason Rµºir Viº Gunnar Dal'.Gunnar Dal & Hans Kristján Árnason - 1994 - [Reykjavík]: HKÁ. Edited by Hans Kristján Árnason.
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  23. The Theory of Modernity and The Problematic of Democracy.Johann P. Arnason - 1990 - Thesis Eleven 26 (1):20-45.
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    Civilization and State Formation in the Islamic Context: Re-Reading Ibn Khaldūn.Johann P. Arnason & Georg Stauth - 2004 - Thesis Eleven 76 (1):29-48.
    Ibn KhaldØun’s theory of history has been extensively discussed and interpreted in widely divergent ways by Western scholars. In the context of present debates, it seems most appropriate to read his work as an original and comprehensive version of civilizational analysis (the key concept of ‘umran is crucial to this line of interpretation), and to reconstruct his model in terms of relations between religious, political and economic dimensions of the human condition. A specific relationship between state formation and the broader (...)
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    Context-sensitive Dialogues.Vilhjalmur Arnason - 2024 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2:61-72.
    _This article reflects on the central themes of Vilhjálmur Árnason's work, particularly his focus on contextualized morality and dialogical ethics. Vilhjálmur emphasizes the importance of balancing individual freedom and responsibility with an understanding of social and political contexts. By examining relational ethics across healthcare, research, and public health, the article highlights his contributions to bioethics, including concepts like informed consent, scientific citizenship, and authorization in biobank research. Vilhjálmur 1 advocates for communicative reasoning and authentic dialogue as essential tools for ethical (...)
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    Directed Donation The Relevance of Race.Wayne B. Arnason - 1991 - Hastings Center Report 21 (6):13.
    The difficulty in finding well‐matched kidneys for transplantation into black Americans is compounded by the disproportionately low rate of black donation. A program of directed donation that privileged black‐to‐black transplant could ease the chronic shortage of organs.
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    Figurational Sociology as a Counter-Paradigm.Johann Arnason - 1987 - Theory, Culture and Society 4 (2-3):429-456.
    Two key themes in contemporary social theory are particularly relevant to the interpretation and critique of figurational sociology. On the one hand, some recent critiques of the sociological tradition — Touraine's attempt to deconstruct the received image of society is the most important example — have called into question a dominant paradigm that underlies both Marxist and structural-functional theories. Norbert Elias has not only anticipated some of the most important criticisms but also suggested correctives to some of the currently fashionable (...)
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    Sensible Discussion in Bioethics: Reflections on Interdisciplinary Research.Vilhjálmur Árnason - 2005 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 14 (3):322-328.
    edited by Tuija Takala and Matti Häyry, welcomes contributions on the conceptual and theoretical dimensions of bioethics.The section is dedicated to the idea that words defined by bioethicists and others should not be allowed to imprison people's actual concerns, emotions, and thoughts. Papers that expose the many meanings of a concept, describe the different readings of a moral doctrine, or provide an alternative angle to seemingly self-evident issues are therefore particularly appreciated.The themes covered in the section so far include dignity, (...)
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  29. Perspectives and Problems of Critical Marxism in Eastern Europe (Part one).Johann P. Arnason - 1982 - Thesis Eleven 4 (1):68-95.
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    Castoriadis and Thesis Eleven.Johann P. Arnason & Peter Beilharz - 1997 - Thesis Eleven 49 (1):vi-viii.
  31. Civilizational Patterns and Civilizing Processes.Johann P. Arnason - 2004 - In Said Amir Arjomand & Edward A. Tiryakian, Rethinking Civilizational Analysis. Sage Publications. pp. 103--118.
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    Nationalism, Globalization and Modernity.Johann P. Arnason - 1990 - Theory, Culture and Society 7 (2-3):207-236.
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    State Formation in Japan and the West.Johann P. Arnason - 1996 - Theory, Culture and Society 13 (3):53-75.
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    (1 other version)Bioethics in Iceland.Vilhjálmur Árnason - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (3):299-309.
    Recent bioethics discussion and research in Iceland has been greatly affected by the fact that one of the world’s largest genetics research companies is based there and has been in the forefront of creating a population database resource for its research projects. Consequently, a large part of this article is centered around the bioethical discussion engendered by these projects, but other recent bioethical developments related to issues at the beginning and the end of life will also be discussed.
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    Moral analysis of an economic collapse – an exercise in practical ethics.Vilhjálmur Árnason - 2010 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):101-123.
    In this paper, I discuss how a Working group on ethics dealt with the question whether the collapse of the Icelandic banks and related financial setbacks can to some extent be explained by morality and work practice. I describe how the Working group delineated its subject matter by evaluating practice in the financial sector, the administration, the political sector and the social or cultural sector. I demonstrate the approach used by the Working group by discussing some important examples which throw (...)
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  36. Civilization, Culture And Power: Reflections On Norbert Elias' Genealogy Of The West.Johann P. Arnason - 1989 - Thesis Eleven 24 (1):44-70.
  37.  65
    The Idea of Negative Platonism: Jan Patočka's Critique and Recovery of Metaphysics.Johann P. Arnason - 2007 - Thesis Eleven 90 (1):6-26.
    The idea of negative Platonism, first formulated by Jan Patočka in the early 1950s, can be understood as an interpretation of the history of philosophy, with particular reference to its Greek beginnings, as well as a strategy for critical engagement with the metaphysical tradition and a reformulation of central phenomenological themes. Patočka reconstructs the Greek road to metaphysics as a shift from a non-objectifying comprehension of the world as a totality to a quest for systematic knowledge of ultimate reality. In (...)
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  38. Designs and Destinies: Making Sense of Post-Communism.Johann P. Arnason - 2000 - Thesis Eleven 63 (1):89-97.
  39. Understanding Intercivilizational Encounters.Johann P. Arnason - 2006 - Thesis Eleven 86 (1):39-53.
    The notion of a ‘clash of civilizations’, which now seems to have become a fashionable cliché, should be discussed in the context of a broader set of questions: the problematic of intercivilizational encounters. This is an important but very underdeveloped part of the research programme now known as civilizational analysis. The article begins with a brief survey of the Indian experience. Indian history includes a long succession of intercivilizational encounters, both those initiated from the West (by Greeks, Muslims and Europeans) (...)
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    Canetti's Counter-image of Society.Johann P. Arnason - 1996 - Thesis Eleven 45 (1):86-115.
    It could be conceivable that society is not an organism, that it has no structure, that it functions only temporarily or seemingly. The most obvious analogies are not the best. The Human Province, p.245 True, he [man] wants to “preserve” himself, but he also simultaneously wants other things which are inseparable from this.Crowds and Power, p. 293 The planning nature of man is a very late addition that violates his essential, his transforming nature.The Secret Heart of the Clock, p. 119 (...)
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    Culture, Historicity and Power Reflections on Some Themes in the Work of Alain Touraine.Johann Arnason - 1986 - Theory, Culture and Society 3 (3):137-152.
    Touraine's critique of the sociological tradition has gradually come to focus on the very notion of society and the basic assumptions associated with it: the interpretation of social life as organized around central principles that are embodied in institutions and internalized by individuals, the tendency to subsume social structure and social change under the same determinants, and the rejection or minimization of the distinction between state and society. In the light of this critique, his earlier attempts to construct a systematic (...)
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    Praxis and Action — Mainstream Theories and Marxian Correctives.Johann P. Arnason - 1991 - Thesis Eleven 29 (1):63-81.
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    Perspectives and Problems of Critical Marxism in Eastern Europe (Part Two).Johann P. Arnason - 1982 - Thesis Eleven 5-6 (1):215-245.
  44.  18
    Zur Rekonstruktion des historischen Materialismus.Johann P. Arnason - 1979 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1979 (39):201-218.
  45.  49
    Human–Animal Parallels in Clinical Ethics and Research Ethics.Gardar Arnason - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (2):64-65.
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    The Person in a State of Sickness.Vilhjálmur Árnason & Stefán Hjörleifsson - 2016 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 25 (2):209-218.
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  47. The Soviet Model as a Mode of Globalization.Johann P. Arnason - 1995 - Thesis Eleven 41 (1):36-53.
  48. Social Theory And The Concept Of Civilisation.Johann P. Arnason - 1988 - Thesis Eleven 20 (1):87-105.
  49. Invention and Emergence: Reflections on Hans Joas' Theory of Creative Action.Johann P. Arnason - 1996 - Thesis Eleven 47 (1):101-113.
  50. (7 other versions)Introduction.Johann P. Arnason - 1987 - Thesis Eleven 71 (1):1-3.
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