Results for 'Jonas Juškaitis, poetinis kraštovaizdis, tylos estetika, autentiškumo etika'

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  1.  20
    Du prasmingo gyvenimo šaltiniai: estetika ir etika.Andrius Bielskis & Egidijus Mardosas - 2016 - Problemos 89:62.
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    Filozofija i etika: suvremena fenomenologija svijeta života: kritika filozofije povijesti i metafizike Zapada: Joachim Ritter, Hans Jonas, Otfried Höffe, Karl Löwith, Bernhard Waldenfels.Abdulah Šarčević - 2005 - Sarajevo: "Bemust".
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    Etika techniky podle Hanse Jonase.Vojtěch Šimek - 2014 - Filosofie Dnes 6 (1):50-83.
    Článek pojednává o filosofickém pozadí, charakteristických rysech a aktuálních podnětech etiky techniky židovského filosofa Hanse Jonase (1903-1993). Cílem autora je pokusit se téma představit a kriticky reflektovat v širším kontextu relevantních německých zdrojů. V první kapitole jsou představena filosofická východiska jonasovské etiky techniky, především epistemologicko-ontologický a antropologický předpoklad moderní techniky, jonasovská interpretace geneze moderní techniky a jejího vztahu k moderní koncepci vědy. Ve druhé kapitole najdeme jonasovskou analýzu technické praxe v podobě jejích pěti specifických vlastností: ambivalence účinků, nutnost použití, globální (...)
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    A Less Bad Theory of the Procreation Asymmetry and the Non-Identity Problem.Jonas H. Aaron - 2024 - Utilitas 36 (1):35-49.
    This paper offers a unified explanation for the procreation asymmetry and the non-identity thesis – two of the most intractable puzzles in population ethics. According to the procreation asymmetry, there are moral reasons not to create lives that are not worth living but no moral reasons to create lives that are worth living. I explain the procreation asymmetry by arguing that there are moral reasons to prevent the bad, but no moral reasons to promote the good. Various explanations for the (...)
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    Reply to Spears’s ‘The Asymmetry of Population Ethics’.Jonas H. Aaron - 2023 - Economics and Philosophy 39 (3):507-513.
    Is the procreation asymmetry intuitively supported? According to a recent article in this journal, an experimental study suggests the opposite. Dean Spears (2020) claims that nearly three-quarters of participants report that there is a reason to create a person just because that person’s life would be happy. In reply, I argue that various confounding factors render the study internally invalid. More generally, I show how one might come to adopt the procreation asymmetry for the wrong reasons by misinterpreting one’s intuitions.
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    Seeing Yourself in Others’ Blindness: Learning from Literature as Epitomized in Proust’s In Search of Lost Time.Jonas H. Aaron - 2021 - Philosophical Papers 50 (1-2):1-29.
    Recognizing yourself in literature cannot only help you to get a clearer grasp of what you already think and feel. It can also deeply unsettle your vision of yourself. This article examines a hitherto neglected mechanism to this effect: learning by way of seeing yourself in others’ blindness. I show that In Search of Lost Time epitomizes this phenomenon. Confronting characters oblivious to their old age makes the protagonist realize that he, too, has aged without noticing it, and invites readers (...)
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    The Procreation Asymmetry Destabilized: Analogs and Acting for People's Sake.Jonas H. Aaron - 2022 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 60 (3):326-352.
    Is there a pro tanto moral reason to create a life merely because it would be good for the person living it? Proponents of the procreation asymmetry claim there is not. Defending this controversial no reason claim, some have suggested that it is well in line with other phenomena in the moral realm: there is no reason to give a promise merely because one would keep it, and there is no reason to procreate merely to increase the extent of justice (...)
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    De maat van de techniek: zes filosofen over techniek, Günther Anders, Jacques Ellul, Arnold Gehlen, Martin Heidegger, Hans Jonas en Lewis Mumford.Hans Achterhuis, Paul van Dijk & Pieter Tijmes - 1992
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    (1 other version)Zalamea, Fernando. En el signo de Jonás. En: América, una trama integral. Transversalidad, bordes y abismos en la cultura americana, s. xix y xx. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Biblioteca Abierta, 2009. [REVIEW]María Del Rosario Acosta López - 2010 - Ideas Y Valores 59 (142):171-174.
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    A Critical Review of Teleology as the Basis for Responsibility. 이민혁 - 2023 - Journal of Korean Philosophical Society 168:165-196.
    책임의 범위를 확대하고자 하는 근래의 시도들은 인간과 유사한 인간 아닌 존재들의 특성에 기반하여 자신의 이론을 전개한다. 목적론 역시 인간과 인간 아닌 존재들이 공통적으로 지니는 목적성에 기반하는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 이러한 목적론에 기반하여 인간 이외의 존재들에 대한 책임을 주장하는 사상가로는 한스 요나스가 있다. 아리스토텔레스의 영향을 받은 요나스의 목적론은 생명, 자연, 미래 세대의 목적성에 근거하여 그들에 대한 책임을 주장하는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 하지만 요나스의 목적론과 이에 근거한 책임은 자연주의적 오류, 목적성의 입증 등 몇 가지 이론적인 한계를 지닌다. 이러한 요나스의 한계를 (...)
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    Alasdair MacIntyre and Martha Nussbaum on Virtue Ethics.Joas Adiprasetya - 2016 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 15 (1):1.
    Alasdair MacIntyre and Martha C. Nussbaum are two prominent contemporary moral philosophers who attempt to rehabilitate Aristotle’s conception of virtues. Although both agree that virtue ethics can be considered as a strong alternative to our search for commonalities in a pluralistic society such as Indonesia, each chooses a very different path. While MacIntyre interprets Aristotle from his traditionalist and communitarian perspective, Nussbaum construes the philosopher in a non-relative and essentialist point of view using the perspective of capability. Consequently, MacIntyre construes (...)
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    Probing The Meaning Of Quantum Mechanics: Probability, Metaphysics, Explanation And Measurement.Diederik Aerts, Jonas Arenhart, Christian De Ronde & Giuseppe Sergioli (eds.) - 2023 - World Scientific.
    Quantum theory is perhaps our best confirmed theory for a description of the physical properties of nature. On top of demonstrating great empirical effectiveness, many technological developments in the 20th century (such as the interpretation of the periodic table of elements, CD players, holograms, and quantum state teleportation) were only made possible with Quantum theory.Despite its success in the past decades, even today it still remains without a universally accepted interpretation.This book provides an interdisciplinary perspective on the question; 'What is (...)
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  13. Gysa estetika lu̇ghăti.Ăkbăr Aghai̐ev (ed.) - 1970 - Baky,: Azărnăshr.
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    Collingwood and the Philosophy of History: The Metaphilosophical Dimension.Jonas Ahlskog - 2018 - In Karim Dharamsi, Giuseppina D'Oro & Stephen Leach, Collingwood on Philosophical Methodology. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 209-227.
    In this chapter, Jonas Ahlskog examines R. G. Collingwood’s conception of the philosophy of history and its metaphilosophical import. Ahlskog shows that Collingwood’s philosophy of history is simultaneously both a descriptive metaphysics of history and an elucidation of the relation between historical and philosophical thought. As a descriptive metaphysics, Ahlskog argues that Collingwood’s account has an irreducible and underexplored role for contemporary issues in the philosophy of history. The metaphilosophical import of Collingwood’s philosophy of history is unpacked through an (...)
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    Existencia, subjektivita, etika. Reflexia Kierkegaarda v nemeckej a francúzskej fenomenológii.Peter Šajda - 2020 - Filozofia 75 (5).
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  16. „Jazyk literatury “.Michal Ajvaz - 2000 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 36:1-23.
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    Etika kedokteran dalam Islam.Ali Akbar - 1988 - Jakarta: Pustaka Antara.
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    In the Name of Education: How Weird Ideologies Corrupt Our Public Schools, Politics, the Media, Higher Institutions, and History.Jonas E. Alexis - 2007 - Xulon Press.
    This book is obviously about much more than education Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr, MD, forensic psychiatrist and author of The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes..
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    Mąstymo etika ir racionalizacijos įprotis.Povilas Aleksandravičius - 2016 - Problemos 89:73.
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    Advance Directives Use in Acute Care Hospitals.Rose Allen & Nestor Ventura - 2005 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 7 (3):86-91.
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    Inteligência Artificial, Big Data e Crédito Social em Boot et al.: Uma Discussão Ética à luz de Feenberg e Jonas.Arthur Calloni Alves & Breytner Maciel Nascimento - 2022 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 21 (1).
    A construção de modelos artificiais capazes de tomar decisões geralmente é contrastada à fraca estrutura de comportamento ético capaz de compreender o uso de inteligência artificial para a escolha moral. Neste artigo, discutimos o papel da ética de Hans Jonas e da filosofia crítica de Andrew Feenberg na determinação de princípios para uma ética destes modelos, indo na direção oposta às pesquisas e publicações recentes na área. Analisando o caso específico trazido em Boot et al., à luz de ambos (...)
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    Obligations in public philosophical discourse.Allen Alvarez, May Thorseth & Siri Granum Carson - 2018 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2:7-9.
    Four papers are included in this November 2018 special issue Open Section. First is by Bjørn Hofmann and Siri Granum Carson titled _Filosofiens rolle i det offentlige ordskiftet: Hvordan har debatten om sorteringssamfunnet i 2017 påvirket forholdet mellom filosofi og samfunn? En innholdsanalyse_. Second, _Provokativ offentlig filosofi_ by Aksel Braanen Sterri. Third, Steinar Bøyum’s _The Democratic Duty to Educate Oneself._ And fourth, Jonas Jakobsen and Kjersti Fjørtoft’s _In defence of moderate Inclusivism: Revisiting Rawls and Habermas._.
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    Causality in the Sciences of the Mind and Brain.Lise Marie Andersen, Jonas Fogedgaard Christensen, Samuel Schindler & Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen - 2018 - Minds and Machines 28 (2):237-241.
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    Hans Jonas et l'écologie: vulnérabilité et responsabilité.Tiana Rado Charles Andriamparany - 2022 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Nous ne pouvons pas laisser l'avenir de l'humanité et les questions écologiques à l'appréciation de quelques-uns. Ce problème mérite un véritable débat scientifique, philosophique et politique. Au milieu des incertitudes grandissantes, cet ouvrage se propose comme une lecture critique d'une culture dominée par la raison technoscientifique et la puissance capitaliste. Si l'humanité doit continuer à exister, comme le pense Hans Jonas, comment la vulnérabilité peut-elle devenir une force, un levier pour sa préservation? Le devoir-être des générations futures implique un (...)
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    The Unilateral DNR Order — One Hospital’s Experience.Lisa Anderson-Shaw - 2003 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 5 (2):42-46.
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    La communauté aujourd'hui: autour de Jean-Luc Nancy.Lucia Angelino & Marc Crépon (eds.) - 2024 - Paris: Hermann.
    Jean-Luc Nancy (1940-2021) a, tout au long de son chemin philosophique, maintenu le cap d'une interrogation centrée autour de la question dite de la "communauté", ou bien encore, et comme ses travaux ont incité à le dire le plus souvent, de l'"être-en-commun", de l'"être-ensemble", et finalement de l'"être-avec". Philosophe pleinement engagé dans son temps, il en a tout à la fois vécu les bouleversements et pensé les nouvelles articulations à l'ère de la mondialisation, les dérives les plus dangereuses de nos (...)
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    Osnovi na muzikalnata estetika.Krum Angelov - 1973 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauka i izkustvo.
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  28. Problemi na marksistkata etika.Stefan Angelov (ed.) - 1967 - Sofii︠a︡,: BKP.
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    The role of sensors in the production of smart city spaces.Vangelis Angelakis, Jonas Löwgren, Ahmet Börütecene, Rasmus Ringdahl, Katherine Harrison & Desirée Enlund - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (2).
    Smart cities build on the idea of collecting data about the city in order for city administration to be operated more efficiently. Within a research project gathering an interdisciplinary team of researchers – engineers, designers, gender scholars and human geographers – we have been working together using participatory design approaches to explore how paying attention to the diversity of human needs may contribute to making urban spaces comfortable and safe for more people. The project team has deployed sensors collecting data (...)
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    Zhurnalisticheska etika.Aleksandŭr Angelov - 2005 - Sofii︠a︡: Izdatelstvo Kamei︠a︡.
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    Kako spriječiti estetske komplikacije u endodonciji i izbjeljivanje zuba.Ivica Anić - forthcoming - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics.
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    Among Demons and Wizards: The Nuclear Energy Discourse in Sweden and the Re-Enchantment of the World.Jonas Anshelm - 2010 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 30 (1):43-53.
    In 1956, the Swedish Parliament decided to invest in a national nuclear energy program. The decision rested on the conviction that it would be in the interest of the nation to use the assets of natural uranium, the advanced reactor technology, and the expertise on nuclear physics that the country had at its disposal. Since the decision concerned the largest investment ever in Swedish industrial politics, the scientists and engineers had to promise that it would lead to a prosperous future. (...)
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    Estetika moderne.Stefan Çapaliku - 2006 - Tiranë: Shtëpia Botuese e Librit Universitar.
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    Estetika moderne: doracak.Stefan Çapaliku - 2004 - Tiranë: Ombra GVG.
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    The problem of a macroethic of responsibility to the future in the crisis of technological civilization: An attempt to come to terms with hans Jonas's ?Principle of Responsibility?Karl-Otto Apel - 1987 - Man and World 20 (1):3-40.
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    Global Initiatives in Regulation at NCSBN.Kathy Apple & Nancy Spector - 2005 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 7 (4):112-113.
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  37. (1 other version)Aesthetic Supererogation.Alfred Archer & Lauren Ware - 2017 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 54 (1):102-116.
    Many aestheticians and ethicists are interested in the similarities and connections between aesthetics and ethics (Nussbaum 1990; Foot 2002; Gaut 2007). One way in which some have suggested the two domains are different is that in ethics there exist obligations while in aesthetics there do not (Hampshire 1954). However, Marcia Muelder Eaton has argued that there is good reason to think that aesthetic obligations do exist (Eaton 2008). We will explore the nature of these obligations by asking whether acts of (...)
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  38.  84
    From primitive identity to the non-individuality of quantum objects.Jonas Becker Arenhart & Décio Krause - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 46 (2):273-282.
    We consider the claim by Dorato and Morganti 591–610) that primitive individuality should be attributed to the entities dealt with by non-relativistic quantum mechanics. There are two central ingredients in the proposal: in the case of non-relativistic quantum mechanics, individuality should be taken as a primitive notion and primitive individuality is naturalistically acceptable. We argue that, strictly understood, naturalism faces difficulties in helping to provide a theory with a unique principle of individuation. We also hold that even when taken in (...)
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    Indistinguibilidade, não reflexividade, ontologia e física quântica.Jonas Rafael Becker Arenhart & Décio Krause - 2012 - Scientiae Studia 10 (1):41-69.
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    Making Sense of Non-Individuals in Quantum Mechanics.Jonas R. B. Arenhart, Otávio Bueno & Décio Krause - forthcoming - In Olimpia Lombardi, Sebastian Fortin, Cristian López & Frederico Holik, Quantum Worlds. Different Perspectives about the ontology of quantum mechanics. Cambridge University Press.
    In this work, we focus on a very specific case study: assuming that quantum theories deal with “particles” of some kind, what kind of entity can such particles be? One possible answer, the one we shall examine here, is that they are not the usual kind of object found in daily life: individuals. Rather, we follow a suggestion by Erwin Schrödinger, according to which quantum mechanics poses a revolutionary kind of entity: non-individuals. While physics, as a scientific field, is not (...)
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    Não-reflexividade e quantificação.Jonas Becker Arenhart - 2012 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 16 (1):33-51.
    Informally speaking, the Principle of Identity, one of the so-called “Laws of Logic”, grants us in one of its most well-known formulations that every object is identical to itself. Non-reflexive logics, roughly speaking, are systems of logic in which this principle is not valid in general. One of the problems associated with non-reflexive logics concerns quantification: it has been argued that quantification only makes sense if we presuppose the identity concept, and consequently, non-reflexive logics employing quantifiers presuppose some form of (...)
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  42.  66
    Oppositions and quantum mechanics.Jonas R. B. Arenhart & Décio Krause - unknown
    In this paper we deal with two applications of the square of opposition to controversial issues in the philosophy of quantum mechanics. The first one concerns the kind of opposition represented by states in superposition. A superposition of “spin up” and “spin down” for a given spatial direction, for instance, is sometimes said to originate particular kinds of opposition such as contradictoriness. The second application concerns the problem of identical particles. Identity and indiscernibility are entangled in discussions of this problem (...)
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    Potentiality and Contradiction in Quantum Mechanics.Jonas R. B. Arenhart & Decio Krause - unknown
    Following J.-Y.Béziau in his pioneer work on non-standard interpretations of the traditional square of opposition, we have applied the abstract structure of the square to study the relation of opposition between states in superposition in orthodox quantum mechanics in [1]. Our conclusion was that such states are contraries, contradicting previous analyzes that have led to different results, such as those claiming that those states represent contradictory properties. In this chapter we bring the issue once again into the center of the (...)
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    Resenha de Filosofias da matemática de autoria de Jairo José da Silva (Unesp, 2007).Jonas Arenhart & Fernando Moraes - 2010 - Manuscrito 33 (2):531-550.
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    Book Review: Eine Ethik für die Altenpflege: Ein transdisziplinärer Versuch aus der Auseinandersetzung mit Peter Singer, Hans Jonas und Martin Buber. [REVIEW]Marianne Arndt - 2001 - Nursing Ethics 8 (4):383-384.
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  46. Estetika alămindă: estetik-tarikhi-năzări problemlăr.Aslan Aslanov - 1987 - Baky: I̐azychy.
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    A filosofia da técnica de Vittorio Hösle amplificada pela psicologia do flow de Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.Gabriel Almeida Assumpção - 2024 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 29 (1).
    Apresentamos uma proposta de debate entre a filosofia da técnica de Vittorio Hösle (1960-) e a psicologia ambiental, mais especificamente a psicologia do _flow _de Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1934-2021). O pensamento de Hösle sobre técnica e ecologia é uma expansão do pensamento de Hans Jonas (1903-1993), porém enfatizando temas como valores e economia. A partir de paralelos entre os raciocínios de Hösle e Csikszentmihalyi, buscamos verificar afinidade entre a psicologia ambiental e teses hösleanas. Em seguida, a partir de estudos atuais (...)
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  48. Estetiziranii︠a︡t chovek: podstŭpi kŭm sot︠s︡iologicheskata estetika.Aleksandŭr Atanasov - 1984 - Sofii︠a︡: Dŭrzh. izd-vo "Nar. prosveta".
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  49. Sravnitelna estetika: osnovni vŭprosi na estetikata v trudovete na Georgi Plekhanov, Todor Pavlov, Georg Lukach i Moiseĭ Kagan.Aleksandŭr Atanasov - 1988 - Sofii︠a︡: Partizdat.
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  50. 60 philosophical papers dedicated to professor Wlodek Rabinowicz.Various Authors - manuscript
    Contributing Authors: Lilli Alanen & Frans Svensson, David Alm, Gustaf Arrhenius, Gunnar Björnsson, Luc Bovens, Richard Bradley, Geoffrey Brennan & Nicholas Southwood, John Broome, Linus Broström & Mats Johansson, Johan Brännmark, Krister Bykvist, John Cantwell, Erik Carlson, David Copp, Roger Crisp, Sven Danielsson, Dan Egonsson, Fred Feldman, Roger Fjellström, Marc Fleurbaey, Margaret Gilbert, Olav Gjelsvik, Kathrin Glüer & Peter Pagin, Ebba Gullberg & Sten Lindström, Peter Gärdenfors, Sven Ove Hansson, Jana Holsanova, Nils Holtug, Victoria Höög, Magnus Jiborn, Karsten Klint Jensen, (...)
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