Results for 'Jonathan Livingstone'

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  1. In defence of modal essentialism.Jonathan Livingstone-Banks - 2017 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 60 (8):816-838.
    Kit Fine’s arguments in Essence and Modality are widely accepted as being a decisive blow against modal essentialism. A selection of replies exist that have done little to counter the general view that modally construed essence is out of touch with what we really mean when we make essentialist claims. I argue that Fine’s arguments fail to strike a decisive blow, and I suggest a new interpretation of the debate that shows why Fine’s arguments fall short of achieving their goal.
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    Conventionalism.Jonathan Livingstone-Banks & Alan Sidelle - 2024 - In Kathrin Koslicki & Michael J. Raven, The Routledge Handbook of Essence in Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 437-454.
    Conventionalism about essence is the view that truths about what is (and isn’t) essential to things are based upon talk and thought about the world, rather than mind-independent facts. This chapter presents motivations for conventionalism, and explains how conventionalism can be (and has been) developed to accommodate essences that can only be discovered with the help of empirical investigation, like “water is H2O” or “Obama is human”. We examine a range of objections that have been raised against conventionalism—often presented dismissively (...)
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    The case for a meta‐nosological investigation of pragmatic disease definition and classification.Jonathan Livingstone-Banks - 2018 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 24 (4):1013-1018.
    Nosology is the science of defining and classifying diseases. Meta‐nosology is the study of how we do this, on what principles nosological practices are based, the quality of the resulting medical taxonomy, and primarily whether/how diseases can be defined better than they are now. In modern Western medicine, there are a wide variety of ways in which diseases are defined and categorized. Examples include by the symptoms they present with (syndromic), their underlying causes (etiological), the biological mechanisms involved (pathogenetic), available (...)
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  4. The Contingency Problem for Neo-Conventionalism.Jonathan Livingstone-Banks - 2017 - Erkenntnis 82 (3):653-671.
    Traditional conventionalism about modality claims that a proposition is necessarily true iff it is true by convention. In the wake of the widespread repudiation of truth-byconvention, traditional conventionalism has fallen out of favour. However, a family of theories of modality have arisen that, whilst abandoning truth-by-convention, retain the spirit of traditional conventionalism. These ‘neo-conventionalist’ theories surpass their forebears and don’t fall victim to the criticisms inherited through truth-by-convention. However, not all criticisms levelled at traditional conventionalism target truth-by-convention. Any conventional theory (...)
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  5. Antirealist Essentialism.Jonathan Livingstone-Banks - 2014 - Dissertation, University of Leeds
    This project is an investigation into the prospects for an antirealist theory of essence. Essentialism is the claim that at least some things have some of their properties essentially. Essentialist discourse includes claims such as “Socrates is essentially human”, and “Socrates is accidentally bearded”. Historically, there are two ways of interpreting essentialist discourse. I call these positions ‘modal essentialism’ and ‘neo-Aristotelian essentialism’. According to modal essentialism, for Socrates to be essentially human is for it to be necessary that he be (...)
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  6. Infinite Leap: the Case Against Infinity.Jonathan Livingstone - manuscript
    Infinity exists as a concept but has no existence in actuality. For infinity to have existence in actuality either time or space have to already be infinite. Unless something is already infinite, the only way to become infinite is by an 'infinity leap' in an infinitely small moment, and this is not possible. Neither does infinitely small have an existence since anything larger than zero is not infinitely small. Therefore infinity has no existence in actuality.
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    Brain Vital Signs Detect Information Processing Differences When Neuromodulation Is Used During Cognitive Skills Training.Christopher J. Smith, Ashley Livingstone, Shaun D. Fickling, Pamela Tannouri, Natasha K. J. Campbell, Bimal Lakhani, Yuri Danilov, Jonathan M. Sackier & Ryan C. N. D’Arcy - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  8. More than provocative, less than scientific: A commentary on the editorial decision to publish Cofnas.Rasmus Rosenberg Larsen, Helen De Cruz, Jonathan Kaplan, Agustín Fuentes, Jonathan Marks, Massimo Pigliucci, Mark Alfano, David Livingstone Smith & Lauren Schroeder - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology 33 (7):893-898.
    This letter addresses the editorial decision to publish the article, “Research on group differences in intelligence: A defense of free inquiry” (Cofnas, 2020). Our letter points out several critical problems with Cofnas's article, which we believe should have either disqualified the manuscript upon submission or been addressed during the review process and resulted in substantial revisions.
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    Dowden K. and Livingstone N. Eds. A Companion to Greek Mythology (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. Pp. xxvii + 643, illus. £110. 9781405111782. [REVIEW]Jonathan Pratt - 2013 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 133:212-213.
  10. Realism, Antirealism, and Conventionalism about Race.Jonathan Michael Kaplan & Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2014 - Philosophy of Science 81 (5):1039-1052.
    This paper distinguishes three concepts of "race": bio-genomic cluster/race, biological race, and social race. We map out realism, antirealism, and conventionalism about each of these, in three important historical episodes: Frank Livingstone and Theodosius Dobzhansky in 1962, A.W.F. Edwards' 2003 response to Lewontin (1972), and contemporary discourse. Semantics is especially crucial to the first episode, while normativity is central to the second. Upon inspection, each episode also reveals a variety of commitments to the metaphysics of race. We conclude by (...)
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  11. Prisoners of Abstraction? The Theory and Measure of Genetic Variation, and the Very Concept of 'Race'.Jonathan Michael Kaplan & Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther - 2013 - Biological Theory 7 (1):401-412.
    It is illegitimate to read any ontology about "race" off of biological theory or data. Indeed, the technical meaning of "genetic variation" is fluid, and there is no single theoretical agreed-upon criterion for defining and distinguishing populations (or groups or clusters) given a particular set of genetic variation data. Thus, by analyzing three formal senses of "genetic variation"—diversity, differentiation, and heterozygosity—we argue that the use of biological theory for making epistemic claims about "race" can only seem plausible when it relies (...)
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    Descartes' inconsistency: A reply.David Fate Norton - 1974 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 12 (4):509.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:NOTES AND DISCUSSIONS 509 covered and interpreted. Depending on their interests and their theories of causation, historians may have any variety of single-facetcd or multi-faceted interpretations. Social history of ideas is one variety. Practitioners of each of the above willnotice omissions of subdivisions and may differ with my definition of their field. Such a reaction would further indicate that indeed there is a plethora of approaches. Such abundance is (...)
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  13. Art and intention: a philosophical study.Paisley Livingston - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In Art and intention Paisley Livingston develops a broad and balanced perspective on perennial disputes between intentionalists and anti-intentionalists in philosophical aesthetics and critical theory. He surveys and assesses a wide range of rival assumptions about the nature of intentions and the status of intentionalist psychology. With detailed reference to examples from diverse media, art forms, and traditions, he demonstrates that insights into the multiple functions of intentions have important implications for our understanding of artistic creation and authorship, the ontology (...)
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    (1 other version)Art and Intention.Paisley Nathan Livingston - 2005 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 68 (2):414-415.
    In aesthetics, the topic of intentions comes up most often in the perennial debate between intentionalists and anti-intentionalists over standards of interpretation. The underlying assumptions about the nature and functions of intentions are, however, rarely explicitly developed, even though divergent and at times tendentious premises are often relied upon in this controversy. Livingston provides a survey of contentions about the nature and status of intentions and intentionalist psychology more generally, arguing for an account that recognizes the multiple functions fulfilled by (...)
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    Lift off: from the classroom to the stars.Donovan Livingston - 2017 - New York: Spiegel & Grau.
    The Harvard Graduate School of Education convocation speech, praised as "powerful" by Hillary Rodham Clinton in Teen Vogue and "inspired" by Justin Timberlake, that has offered inspiration to millions around the world In Lift Off, Donovan Livingston offers a groundbreaking rallying call about education, race, and the true nature of equality. In emotionally charged spoken-word poetry, Livingston shares a message of hope and hard truths, declaring that education can become an equalizer only if we first acknowledge the inequality and racial (...)
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  16. Phenomenal Concepts and the Problem of Acquaintance.Paul Livingston - 2013 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 (5-6):5 - 6.
    Some contemporary discussion about the explanation of consciousness substantially recapitulates a decisive debate about reference, knowledge and justification from an earlier stage of the analytic tradition. In particular, I argue that proponents of a recently popular strategy for accounting for an explanatory gap between physical and phenomenal facts – the so-called “phenomenal concept strategy” – face a problem that was originally fiercely debated by Schlick, Carnap, and Neurath. The question that is common to both the older and the contemporary discussion (...)
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  17. Realism and the Infinite.Paul Livingston - 2013 - Speculations (IV):99-107.
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    Teen girls, sexual double standards and ‘sexting’: Gendered value in digital image exchange.Sonia Livingstone, Rosalind Gill, Laura Harvey & Jessica Ringrose - 2013 - Feminist Theory 14 (3):305-323.
    This article explores gender inequities and sexual double standards in teens’ digital image exchange, drawing on a UK qualitative research project on youth ‘sexting’. We develop a critique of ‘postfeminist’ media cultures, suggesting teen ‘sexting’ presents specific age and gender related contradictions: teen girls are called upon to produce particular forms of ‘sexy’ self display, yet face legal repercussions, moral condemnation and ‘slut shaming’ when they do so. We examine the production/circulation of gendered value and sexual morality via teens’ discussions (...)
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    Hume as philosopher of society, politics, and history.Donald W. Livingston & Marie Martin (eds.) - 1991 - Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester Press.
    The idea of Hume as a philosopher of culture has only recently gained general acceptance; yet as far back as 1941 the Journal of the History of Ideas was publishing essays on Hume which reflected this aspect of his work. The essays selected for this volume range back as far as 1941, but they may be viewed as more timely than ever, given the recent interest in Hume as a philosopher of society, politics and history.
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  20. Quine's appeal to use and the genealogy of indeterminacy.Paul Livingston - manuscript
    Quine’s thesis of translational indeterminacy stands as one of the most central, surprising, and influential results of analytic philosophy in the twentieth century. The suggestion that the meaning of linguistic terms and sentences, as shown in the situation of radical translation, is systematically indeterminate and undetermined by actual speech practice, has for decades engendered thought and reflection on the nature and basis of linguistic meaning. And even beyond this surprising moral itself, Quine’s theoretical use of the radical translation scenario has (...)
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  21. The breath of sense: Language, structure, and the paradox of origin.Paul Livingston - 2010 - Konturen 2.
    Within contemporary analytic philosophy, varieties of “naturalism” have recently attained an almost unchallenged methodological and thematic dominance. As David Papineau wrote in the introduction to his 1993 book Philosophical Naturalism, “nearly everybody nowadays wants to be a naturalist,” although as Papineau also notes, those who aspire to the term also continue to disagree widely about what specific methods or doctrines it implies. My purpose in this paper, however, is not to argue for or against philosophical naturalism on any of the (...)
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    What is mimetic desire?Paisley Livingston - 1994 - Philosophical Psychology 7 (3):291 – 305.
    This essay provides a conceptual analysis and reconstruction of the notion of mimetic desire, first proposed in Girard (1961). The basic idea behind the idea of mimetic desire is that imitation can play a key role in human motivational processes. Yet mimetic desire is distinguished from related notions such as social modelling and imitation. In episodes of mimetic desire, the process in which the imitative agent's desires are formed is oriented by a particular species of belief about the model or (...)
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  23. Comments on V. J. McGill's paper.Livingston Welch - 1946 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 7:363.
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  24. 'Meaning is use' in the tractatus.Paul Livingston - 2004 - Philosophical Investigations 27 (1):34–67.
    Frege ridiculed the formalist conception of mathematics by saying that the formalists confused the unimportant thing, the sign, with the important, the meaning. Surely, one wishes to say, mathematics does not treat of dashes on a bit of paper. Frege’s idea could be expressed thus: the propositions of mathematics, if they were just complexes of dashes, would be dead and utterly uninteresting, whereas they obviously have a kind of life. And the same, of course, could be said of any proposition: (...)
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    After Parmenides: Idealism, Realism, and Epistemic Constructivism by Tom Rockmore.Paul M. Livingston - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 75 (4):827-829.
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    Artistic Collaboration and the Completion of Works of Art.Paisley Nathan Livingston & Carol Archer - 2010 - British Journal of Aesthetics 50 (4):439-455.
    We present an analysis of work completion couched in terms of an effective completion decision identified by its characteristic contents and functions. In our proposal, the artist's completion decision can take a number of distinct forms, including a procedural variety referred to as an ‘extended completion decision’. In the second part of this essay, we address ourselves to the question of whether collaborative art-making projects stand as counterexamples to the proposed analysis of work completion.
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    Partnerships in pandemics: tracing power relations in community engaged scholarship in food systems during COVID-19.Laura Jessee Livingston - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (1):217-229.
    The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically disrupted food and educational systems, laying bare institutional inadequacies and structural inequalities. While there has been ample discussion on impacts to the food system and higher education institutions separately, there has been little written through the perspective of people who navigate both. Farmers, researchers, graduate students, chefs, and many stakeholders contribute to community engaged scholarship (CES) in food systems, facing novel obstacles and opportunities with the spread of the pandemic. In this article, I utilize institutional ethnography (...)
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    Power for the Powerless: Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Late Theory of Civil Disobedience.Alexander Livingston - 2020 - Journal of Politics 2 (82):700-713.
    Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” has been canonized as an essential statement of the political theory of civil disobedience. This article examines the early reception of King’s essay and the development of the liberal idea of civil disobedience it has become synonymous with to argue that its canonization coincided with, and displaced, the radicalization of King’s developing thinking about disobedience. It examines published and archival writings from 1965 through 1968 to reconstruct King’s power-oriented theory of “mass” (...)
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    Rationalist Elements of Twentieth‐Century Analytic Philosophy.Paul Livingston - 2005 - In Alan Jean Nelson, A Companion to Rationalism. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 379–398.
    This chapter contains sections titled: I II III IV.
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    Approaching Psychoanalysis: An Introductory Course.Smith David Livingstone - 1999 - London: Karnac.
    A comprehensive user-friendly introductory account of Freudian theory and other major currents in psychoanalytic thought. It also includes biographical material on the major theorists. It helps to clear up many misconceptions about psychoanalytic theory and practice.
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  31. Deleuze's Cronosigns / Susana Viegas - The Film as Philosophy Debate. The Bold Thesis Retired: On Cinema as Philosophy.Paisley Livingston - 2019 - In Christina Rawls, Diana Neiva & Steven S. Gouveia, Philosophy and Film: Bridging Divides. New York: Routledge Press, Research on Aesthetics.
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  32. Logical, phenomenological, and metalogical negation : Sartre with Frege (and Badiou).Paul M. Livingston - 2023 - In Talia Morag, Sartre and Analytic Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    The Deductive Requirement and the Problem of Explicating Historical Explanation.Donald W. Livingston - 1976 - Modern Schoolman 53 (3):265-276.
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    9 ‘There is no such thing as the subject that thinks’: Wittgenstein and Lacan on Truth and the Subject.Paul M. Livingston - 2021 - In Adrian Johnston, Objective Fictions: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Marxism. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 165-182.
  35. The mission of Greece.R. W. Livingstone - 1928 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
    Introduction.--Epicurus.--The cynics.--The stoics: Epictetus.--The stoics: Marcus Aurelius.--A philosophic missionary: Dion Chrysostom.--Plutarch.--A popular preacher: Maximus Tyrius.--A theosophist: Apollonius of Tyana.--The sophists: Polemon and Herodes Atticus.--A prince of neurotics: Aelius Aristodes.--Lucian.--Epilogue.
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    Esthetique et logique.Paisley Livingston - 1997 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 55 (4):431-432.
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    Concept acquisition and use occurs in (real) context.Kenneth R. Livingston - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (1):77-78.
    A realist story of concepts like Millikan's can and should accommodate facts about how the context of items available for comparison during concept formation affects just what concept is formed or reidentified. Similarly, the contribution of the goals and purposes of the conceptualizer are relevant to how concepts are acquired and deployed, but can be understood as entirely consistent with a view of concepts as objectively evaluable.
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  38. 'Explicating "Creativity".Paisley Livingston - 2018 - In Berys Gaut & Matthew Kieran, Routledge Handbook on Creativity and Philosophy. Routledge. pp. 108-123.
    Beginning with the prevalent idea that creativity is the ability to make or do things having valuable novelty, the paper explores a variety of axiological and novelty conditions and defends an instrumental success condition. I discuss Robert K. Merton's distinction between 'originality' and 'priority', and Margaret Boden's similar distinction between historical and psychological creativity, as well as Thomas Reid's and Bruce Vermazen's remarks on relations between novelty and value.
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    (1 other version)Pour une révision du « mâle » Moyen Âge de Georges Duby (États-Unis).Amy Livingstone - 1998 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 2:10-10.
    Les conceptions de Georges Duby ont eu un profond impact sur la manière dont les médiévistes en Amérique considèrent le Moyen Âge. Son héritage est sans doute le plus net en ce qui concerne l’étude des femmes dans cette période. G. Duby a défini l’expérience féminine comme marquée par la répression et l’absence de pouvoir. De fait, il a défini la période médiévale comme le « mâle » Moyen Âge. Nombre de chercheurs américains ne s’accordent pas avec la description des (...)
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    Americans’ views of artificial intelligence: identifying and measuring aversion.Will Livingston - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-15.
    This study explores the phenomenon of artificial intelligence (AI) aversion within the context of public policy, building on prior research on algorithmic aversion. I aim to establish a clear conceptual distinction between algorithms and AI in the public’s perception and develop a robust metric for assessing AI aversion. Utilizing a national survey, I employed affective imagery testing to compare Americans emotional responses towards AI, algorithms, and advanced technology. The findings reveal that AI elicits significantly more negative emotional responses than the (...)
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  41. Robert Edward Brennan, O.P. Thomistic Psychology. [REVIEW]Livingston Welch - 1942 - The Thomist 4:182.
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    Hermes: Literature, Science, Philosophy.Paisley Livingston, Michel Serres, Josue V. Harari & David F. Bell - 1983 - Substance 12 (2):123.
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  43. Derrida and Formal Logic: Formalising the Undecidable.Paul Livingston - 2010 - Derrida Today 3 (2):221-239.
    Derrida's key concepts or pseudo-concepts of différance, the trace, and the undecidable suggest analogies to some of the most significant results of formal, symbolic logic and metalogic. As early as 1970, Derrida himself pointed out an analogy between his use of ‘undecidable’ and Gödel's incompleteness theorems, which demonstrate the existence, in any sufficiently complex and consistent system, of propositions which cannot be proven or disproven (i.e., decided) within that system itself. More recently, Graham Priest has interpreted différance as an instance (...)
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  44. The Future Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Humans and Human Rights.Steven Livingston & Mathias Risse - 2019 - Ethics and International Affairs 33 (2):141-158.
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    Adorno: A Biography.Rodney Livingstone - 2009 - Polity.
    'Even the biographical individual is a social category', wrote Adorno. 'It can only be defined in a living context together with others.' In this major new biography, Stefan Muller-Doohm turns this maxim back on Adorno himself and provides a rich and comprehensive account of the life and work of one of the most brilliant minds of the twentieth century. This authoritative biography ranges across the whole of Adorno's life and career, from his childhood and student years to his years in (...)
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  46. Ingmar Bergman.Paisley Livingston - 2008 - In Paisley Livingston & Carl R. Plantinga, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film. New York: Routledge.
    Although Ingmar Bergman figures on everyone’s list of philosophical filmmakers, attempts to specify the philosophical implications of his films have yielded highly divergent results. One reason why this is the case is that interpreters disagree over how the philosophical content of a cinematic oeuvre is to be identified. Some interpreters clearly believe it best to work with their own philosophical views when interpreting a film’s story and themes, while others contend that the content of a work is at least partly (...)
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  47. Modern Christian Thought: From the Enlightenment to Vatican II.James C. Livingston - 1971
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  48. Witnesses of the other.Ian Livingston - 2016 - In Kathryn Madden, The unconscious roots of creativity. Asheville, North Carolina: Chiron Publications.
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  49. Lincoln Symbols.Donald W. Livingston - 2002 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2002 (122):156-168.
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  50. Natural reasoning in mathematical theorem proving.Eric Livingston - 2005 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 38 (3-4):319-344.
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