Results for 'JosephM Steiner'

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  1.  44
    Putting fault back into products liability: A modest reconstruction of tort theory. [REVIEW]JosephM Steiner - 1982 - Law and Philosophy 1 (3):419 - 449.
    This paper postulates that the proper function of tort law is to provide protection from, and redress of, non-consensual invasions of individual rights of person and property. It then proceeds to analyze and criticize, in that context, several theories of the law of unintentional torts including traditional English negligence law and the models of Posner, Fletcher and Epstein. That analysis proceeds in terms of the answers of each theory to a uniform set of questions which must be answered by any (...)
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  2. A road to sacred creation: Rudolf Steiner's perspectives on technology.Rudolf Steiner - 2021 - Hudson, NY: SteinerBooks, an imprint of Anthroposophic Press. Edited by Gary Lamb.
    Illuminating, compelling, challenging, at times staggering in its breadth, A Road to Sacred Creation is above all the definitive text for gaining a hold on Rudolf Steiner's nuanced perspectives on technology. Charting both an inner and outer course - part pilgrimage toward greater perception and knowledge, part dramatic, unfolding plot line of the future of humans and machines, the metaphoric “road” of the title is exactly where humanity finds itself today, though the exact route and destination are still to (...)
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    Rudolf Steiner on Education: A Compendium.Rudolf Steiner & Roy Wilkinson - 1993
    This is a concise guide to the educational philosophy of Rudolf Steiner. He pioneered a comprehensive, co-educational form of holistic education for children from kindergarten to the end of high school.
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    Steiner Responds to Foucault.George Steiner - 1971 - Diacritics 1 (2):59.
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    Articles and Essays by and about Rudolf Steiner Economist.Rudolf Steiner & Christopher Houghton Budd - 1996
    An anthology of writings by and about Rudolf Steiner qua economist that documents his search for a deeper understanding of modern economic life. This book throws light on many of the problems that face us today, problems that we cannot solve unless we take hold of the economic life in a conscious, human way and resist the temptation to defer to market forces alone. Though well-known as a seer, the idea of Rudolf Steiner as an economist may seem (...)
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  6.  32
    Animals and the Moral Community: Mental Life, Moral Status, and Kinship.Gary Steiner - 2008 - Columbia University Press.
    Gary Steiner argues that ethologists and philosophers in the analytic and continental traditions have largely failed to advance an adequate explanation of animal behavior. Critically engaging the positions of Marc Hauser, Daniel Dennett, Donald Davidson, John Searle, Martin Heidegger, and Hans-Georg Gadamer, among others, Steiner shows how the Western philosophical tradition has forced animals into human experiential categories in order to make sense of their cognitive abilities and moral status and how desperately we need a new approach to (...)
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  7.  16
    Steinerian economics: a compendium: from the works of Rudolf Steiner.Rudolf Steiner - 2014 - Hillsdale, New York: Adonis Press. Edited by Gary Lamb & Sarah Hearn.
    Rudolf Steiner developed a comprehensive view of social life which he viewed as being made up of three inter-dependent realms: spiritual-cultural, political and economic. Out of this grew his philosophy known as 'associative economics', which in contrast to our global financial systems, is collaborative and serves the real needs of consumers.This book, a companion to Gary Lamb's Associative Economics, is a comprehensive collection of Rudolf Steiner's statements on economics, compiled from all of his works currently available in English. (...)
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  8. 50 Jahre Pädagogik Rudolf Steiners, 1919-1969.Rudolf Steiner (ed.) - 1969 - Bern),: Rudolf Steiner-Schulen.
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    Real Presences.George Steiner - 1989 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Can there be major dimensions of a poem, a painting, a musical composition created in the absence of God? Or, is God always a real presence in the arts? Steiner passionately argues that a transcendent reality grounds all genuine art and human communication. "A real tour de force.... All the virtues of the author's astounding intelligence and compelling rhetoric are evident from the first sentence onward."—Anthony C. Yu, _Journal of Religion_.
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  10.  19
    Rudolf Steiner über seine "Philosophie der Freiheit.".Rudolf Steiner - 1966 - Stuttgart: Verlag Freies Geistesleben. Edited by Otto Palmer.
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    Wirkungen der Schule im Lebenslauf: ein Quellenlesebuch der Pädagogik Rudolf Steiners und ein Hinweis auf die anthroposophische Geisteswissenschaft.Rudolf Steiner - 1975 - Basel: Zbinden. Edited by Karl Rittersbacher.
  12.  12
    Walter Benjamin: An Introduction to His Work and Thought.Uwe Steiner - 2010 - University of Chicago Press.
    Seven decades after his death, German Jewish writer, philosopher, and literary critic Walter Benjamin continues to fascinate and influence. Here Uwe Steiner offers a comprehensive and sophisticated introduction to the oeuvre of this intriguing theorist. Acknowledged only by a small circle of intellectuals during his lifetime, Benjamin is now a major figure whose work is essential to an understanding of modernity. Steiner traces the development of Benjamin’s thought chronologically through his writings on philosophy, literature, history, politics, the media, (...)
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  13.  21
    (1 other version)Human values in education.Rudolf Steiner - 1971 - London,: Rudolf Steiner Press.
    This book, while serving as a good introduction to Steiner's ideas on education, also represents the fruits of four years experience in the Waldorf school.
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  14. Mathematical explanation.Mark Steiner - 1978 - Philosophical Studies 34 (2):135 - 151.
  15. Pragmatism in cognitive science: from the pragmatic turn to Deweyan adverbialism.Pierre Steiner - 2017 - Pragmatism Today 8 (1):9-27.
  16. The Applicability of Mathematics as a Philosophical Problem.Mark Steiner - 2000 - Mind 109 (434):390-394.
  17. Mathematics, explanation, and scientific knowledge.Mark Steiner - 1978 - Noûs 12 (1):17-28.
  18.  20
    The Creative Vision: A Longitudinal Study of Problem Finding in Art.Vera John-Steiner - 1979 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 13 (4):121.
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  19.  31
    Lessons of the masters.George Steiner - 2003 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    But the charged personal encounter between master and disciple is precisely what interests George Steiner in this book, a sustained reflection on the infinitely ...
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  20.  16
    Art as Spiritual Activity: Rudolf Steiner's Contribution to the Visual Arts.Rudolf Steiner - 1998 - SteinerBooks.
    This book introduces a new way for thinking about, creating, and viewing art. Rudolf Steiner saw his task as the renewal of the lost unity of science, the arts, and religion; thus, he created a new, cognitive scientific and religious art in anthroposophy. The implications of his act --recognized by such diverse artists as Wassily Kandinsky and Joseph Beuys --are only now coming fully to light. In his thorough introduction of more than a hundred pages, Michael Howard takes readers (...)
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  21.  4
    Architecture: An Introductory Reader.Rudolf Steiner - 2003 - Rudolf Steiner Press.
    Rudolf Steiner, the often undervalued, multifaceted genius of modern times, contributed much to the regeneration of culture. In addition to his philosophical teachings, he provided ideas for the development of many practical activities including education--both general and special--agriculture, medicine, economics, architecture, science, religion, and the arts. Today there are thousands of schools, clinics, farms, and many other organizations based on his ideas. Steiner's original contribution to human knowledge was based on his ability to conduct spiritual research, the investigation (...)
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  22. May Lockean Doughnuts Have Holes? The Geometry of Territorial Jurisdiction: A Response to Nine.Hillel Steiner - 2008 - Political Studies 56 (4):949-956.
    The traditional Lockean account of a state's territorial rights construes them as arising from, and coextensive with, the property rights of whichever set of landowners mutually contract to form that state. The coherence of this individualistic account has recently been challenged by Cara Nine. I argue that the reasons offered in support of that incoherence charge are unpersuasive.
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  23.  9
    Rosenfeld in Retrospect: Essays on His Clinical Influence.John Steiner (ed.) - 2008 - Routledge.
    How has Herbert Rosenfeld contributed to psychoanalysis today? _Rosenfeld in Retrospect_ presents original psychoanalytic papers showing the influence of Herbert Rosenfeld on psychoanalysis today, and reproduces some of Rosenfeld's most important clinical writings. In the first part of this book, _The Conference Papers: Contemporary Developments of Rosenfeld's Work_, the editor brings together papers and discussions by Rosenfeld's well-known contemporaries, Ronald Britton, Michael Feldman, Edna O'Shaughnessy, Hanna Segal and Riccardo Steiner who explore his contribution to psychoanalysis. John Steiner demonstrates (...)
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  24.  3
    Wahrspruchworte.Rudolf Steiner - 1925 - Goetheanum (Schweiz): Philosophisch-anthroposophischer verlag.
    Philosoph, Padagoge, Naturwissenschaftler und Esoteriker: Durch seine ungemein polarisierende Wirkung teilte sich Rudolf Steiners Zuhorerschaft stets in Befurworter und Gegner. Nur wenigen ist bekannt, dass Steiner zu besonderen Anlassen gedichtet hat. Seine Spruche, Gedichte und lyrische Stellen seiner Mysterienspiele wurden von seiner Tochter Marie Steiner zusammengetragen. Die Spruchdichtungen regen zum Nachdenken an und sind teilweise zur Ausubung seiner eurhythmischen Kunst geschrieben. Steiner ladt damit ein, den Zusammenhang der Menschen mit der geistigen Welt zu finden und selbst zu (...)
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  25.  7
    Art in the light of mystery wisdom: a collection of eight lectures.Rudolf Steiner - 1970 - London,: Rudolf Steiner P..
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  26.  1
    Not thinking about the same thing. Enactivism, pragmatism and intentionality.Pierre Steiner - 2025 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 24 (1):9-32.
    Enactivism does not have its primary philosophical roots in pragmatism: phenomenology (from Husserl to Jonas) is its first source of inspiration (with the exception of Hutto & Myin’s radical enactivism). That does not exclude the benefits of pragmatist readings of enactivism, and of enactivist readings of pragmatism. After having sketched those readings, this paper focuses on the philosophical concept of intentionality. I show that whereas enactivists endorse the idea that intentionality is a base-level property of cognition, pragmatism offer(ed) us some (...)
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  27. Left Libertarianism and the Ownership of Natural Resources.Hillel Steiner - 2009 - Public Reason 1 (1):1-8.
  28. A liberal theory of exploitation.Hillel Steiner - 1984 - Ethics 94 (2):225-241.
  29. An essay on rights.Hillel Steiner - 1994 - Oxford, UK ;: Blackwell.
    This book addresses the perennial question: What is justice?
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  30.  99
    The Applicability of Mathematics as a Philosophical Problem.Mark Steiner - 1998 - Harvard University Press.
    This book analyzes the different ways mathematics is applicable in the physical sciences, and presents a startling thesis--the success of mathematical physics ...
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  31.  21
    The Foundations of Deliberative Democracy: Empirical Research and Normative Implications.Jürg Steiner - 2012 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Deliberative democracy is now an influential approach to the study of democracy and political behaviour. Its key proposition is that, in politics, it is not only power that counts, but good discussions and arguments too. This book examines the interplay between the normative and empirical aspects of the deliberative model of democracy. Jürg Steiner presents the main normative controversies in the literature on deliberation, including self-interest, civility and truthfulness. He then summarizes the empirical literature on deliberation and proposes methods (...)
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  32.  9
    Art: An Introductory Reader.Rudolf Steiner - 2003 - Rudolf Steiner Press.
    Rudolf Steiner's vision of art, as with all forms of human expression, is that it should reflect our human experience of the Divine. This was not intended to suggest vague, mystical fantasy. As one of the few true initiates of the twentieth century, he was able to experience the realms from which humanity and all nature descend into temporal and spatial existence. He was able to speak with confidence of the qualitative and dynamic worlds of soul and spirit, from (...)
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  33.  17
    Deliberation across Deeply Divided Societies. Transformative Moments.Jürg Steiner, Maria Clara Jaramillo, Rousiley C. M. Maia & Simona Mameli - 2017 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    From the local level to international politics, deliberation helps to increase mutual understanding and trust, in order to arrive at political decisions of high epistemic value and legitimacy. This book gives deliberation a dynamic dimension, analysing how levels of deliberation rise and fall in group discussions, and introducing the concept of 'deliberative transformative moments' and how they can be applied to deeply divided societies, where deliberation is most needed but also most difficult to work. Discussions between ex-guerrillas and ex-paramilitaries in (...)
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  34.  9
    Le dopage sans duperie. Essai sur le sport augmenté.Pierre Steiner - 2016 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
    Se doper, dans le sport, c'est avoir recours à des produits dont l'usage est interdit par un règlement. Mais en deçà de ces règlements, existe-t-il des principes ou des valeurs en vertu desquels l'usage de ces produits constituerait nécessairement un crime moral, une forme de tricherie, ou un danger sanitaire? Cet essai développe une réponse négative à cette question, et propose ainsi une déconstruction des principes hygiénistes, égalitaristes et naturalistes qui sont presque toujours invoqués pour justifier le caractère nécessaire de (...)
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  35.  72
    George Steiner comments on the significance of violence in twentieth-century life.Eleanor Wachtel & George Steiner - 1994 - The Chesterton Review 20 (2/3):361-373.
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  36. Territorial justice and global redistribution.Hillel Steiner - 2005 - In Gillian Brock & Harry Brighouse (eds.), The Political Philosophy of Cosmopolitanism. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 28--38.
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  37. Platonism and the causal theory of knowledge.Mark Steiner - 1973 - Journal of Philosophy 70 (3):57-66.
  38. III*—Individual Liberty.Hillel Steiner - 1975 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 75 (1):33-50.
    Hillel Steiner; III*—Individual Liberty, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 75, Issue 1, 1 June 1975, Pages 33–50,
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  39.  25
    The Inner Nature of Music and the Experience of Tone: Selected Lectures from the Work of Rudolf Steiner.Rudolf Steiner - 1983 - Rudolf Steiner Press.
  40.  97
    Not thinking about the same thing. Enactivism, pragmatism and intentionality.Pierre Steiner - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-24.
    Enactivism does not have its primary philosophical roots in pragmatism: phenomenology (from Husserl to Jonas) is its first source of inspiration (with the exception of Hutto & Myin’s radical enactivism). That does not exclude the benefits of pragmatist readings of enactivism, and of enactivist readings of pragmatism. After having sketched those readings, this paper focuses on the philosophical concept of intentionality. I show that whereas enactivists endorse the idea that intentionality is a base-level property of cognition, pragmatism offer(ed) us some (...)
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  41.  25
    Animals and the Limits of Postmodernism.Gary Steiner - 2013 - Columbia University Press.
    In _Animals and the Limits of Postmodernism_, Gary Steiner illuminates postmodernism's inability to produce viable ethical and political principles. Ethics requires notions of self, agency, and value that are not available to postmodernists. Thus, much of what is published under the rubric of postmodernist theory lacks a proper basis for a systematic engagement with ethics. Steiner demonstrates this through a provocative critique of postmodernist approaches to the moral status of animals, set against the background of a broader indictment (...)
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  42.  74
    The politics of relationality: from the postmodern to post-ontology.David M. Steiner & Krzysztof L. Helminski - 1998 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 24 (4):1-21.
    Recent attempts by American theorists to produce a radical politics, characterized by the effort to translate the insights of Continental philosophy into a political register, remain trapped in that which they purport to transcend: the metaphysics of subjectivity. In their essential determinations, the works of William Connolly, Stephen White, Richard Ashley, etc. remain firmly anchored in a traditional liberal schema. The reason for this is that while these efforts have sought to de-center political identity by exposing its relational character they (...)
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  43.  7
    Die Persönlichkeit Friedrich Nietzsches: eine Gedächtnisrede, gehalten im Kreise der "Kommenden" am 13. September 1900.Rudolf Steiner - 2000 - Dornach/Schweiz: R. Steiner.
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    Réponses à Marta Caravà, Jean-Marie Chevalier et Roberta Dreon.Pierre Steiner - 2020 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 12 (1).
    Marta Caravà synthétise de manière très juste et claire les ambitions de la lecture que je propose de Wittgenstein dans le troisième chapitre de l’ouvrage: il s’agit de penser d’une manière critique renouvelée le projet des sciences cognitives, en particulier dans leurs versions énactives ou énactivistes. Avant de répondre aux questions légitimes qu’elle m’adresse, je voudrais dissiper un malentendu concernant le statut de ce que j’appelle, à la suite de Wittgenstein, les “concepts psychologi...
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  45. The Theory of Property Léon Walras.Hillel Steiner - unknown
    Léon Walras (1834-1910), a French-born economist working in Switzerland, was one of the founders of mathematical economics (and of marginal utility theory and equilibrium analysis in particular). He here defends self-ownership and collective ownership of the rent from natural resources.
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  46. Self-Ownership and Conscription.Hillel Steiner - 2006 - In Christine Sypnowich (ed.), The Egalitarian Conscience: Essays in Honour of G. A. Cohen. Oxford University Press.
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  47.  7
    Medicine: An Introductory Reader.Rudolf Steiner - 2003 - Rudolf Steiner Press.
    Rudolf Steiner, the often undervalued, multifaceted genius of modern times, contributed much to the regeneration of culture. In addition to his philosophical teachings, he provided ideas for the development of many practical activities including education--both general and special--agriculture, medicine, economics, architecture, science, religion, and the arts. Today there are thousands of schools, clinics, farms, and many other organizations based on his ideas. Steiner's original contribution to human knowledge was based on his ability to conduct spiritual research, the investigation (...)
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  48. Deliberative Politics in Action. Analysing Parliamentary Discourse.Jürg Steiner, André Bächtiger, Markus Spörndli & Marco R. Steenbergen - 2005 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    'Deliberative politics' refers to the role of conversation and arguments in politics. Until recently discussion of deliberative politics took place almost exclusively among political philosophers, but many questions raised in this philosophical discussion cry out for empirical investigation. This book provides the first extended empirical study of deliberative politics, addressing, in particular, questions of the preconditions and consequences of high level deliberation. Using parliamentary debates in Germany, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States as an empirical base, the authors (...)
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  49.  14
    Désaturer l'esprit. Usages du pragmatisme.Pierre Steiner - 2018 - Paris: Questions théoriques.
  50.  17
    Friedrich Nietzsche und der Midi.Magali Nieradka-Steiner - 2014 - Nietzscheforschung 21 (1):289-304.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Nietzscheforschung Jahrgang: 21 Heft: 1 Seiten: 289-304.
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