Results for 'Jyrki Hilpelä'

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  1.  8
    Surveys of dialectics.Jyrki Hilpelä, Matti Juntunen & Lauri Mehtonen (eds.) - 1975 - Jyväskylä: Yliopisto, Filosofian laitos.
    Hilpelä, J. Methodology and dialectics.--Juntunen, M. Dialectics and two levels of rationality.--Mehtonen, L. A note on the "two" definitions of dialectics in Anti-Dühring.
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    Filosofia kritiikkinä.Jyrki Hilpelä - 1986 - Joensuu: Joensuun yliopisto.
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    Audio–visual speech perception is special.Jyrki Tuomainen, Tobias S. Andersen, Kaisa Tiippana & Mikko Sams - 2005 - Cognition 96 (1):B13-B22.
  4. The Consumer Contextual Decision-Making Model.Jyrki Suomala - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Consumers can have difficulty expressing their buying intentions on an explicit level. The most common explanation for this intention-action gap is that consumers have many cognitive biases that interfere with decision making. The current resource-rational approach to understanding human cognition, however, suggests that brain environment interactions lead consumers to minimize the expenditure of cognitive energy. This means that the consumer seeks as simple of a solution as possible for a problem requiring decision making. In addition, this resource-rational approach to decision (...)
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    Terveydenhoidon etiikka II.Jyrki Elo (ed.) - 1979 - Kuopio: Kuopion korkeakoulu.
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    The collagen family members as cell adhesion proteins.Jyrki Heino - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (10):1001-1010.
    The collagen family of extracellular matrix proteins has played a fundamental role in the evolution of multicellular animals. At the present, 28 triple helical proteins have been named as collagens and they can be divided into several subgroups based on their structural and functional properties. In tissues, the cells are anchored to collagenous structures. Often the interaction is indirect and mediated by matrix glycoproteins, but cells also express receptors, which have the ability to directly bind to the triple helical domains (...)
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    The Dialogue between Confucianism and its Translations.Jyrki Kallio - 2017 - Diogenes 64 (1-2):47-51.
    Using the translation of Confucian classics as an example, this article discusses the possibility for translations to serve as two-way bridges between two cultures. While translating is often seen as a one-way process, used to export ideas from the source language and culture to those of the recipients, the challenges in translating, and the solutions offered by the translator, may provide valuable insight, even to the benefit of the source culture. This article looks at the Confucian concept of ren (仁), (...)
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    Information tools for the shop-floor.Jyrki J. J. Kasvi, Matti Vartiainen, Anneli Pulkkis & Marko Nieminen - 1996 - AI and Society 10 (1):26-38.
    New production and work practices set new proficiency requirements for employees in operative organisations. Most of these requirements involve information and communication. We can train and educate people to meet with these challenges and design their physical and information environments to support and facilitate them in their work. New information tools play a central role in this development. But what kind of tools? How to apply these tools to enhance employees’ learning by reflection. In this article we will discuss the (...)
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  9.  21
    Is Kierkegaard’s Absolute Paradox Hume’s Miracle?Jyrki Kivelä - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 36:119-125.
    I clarify Hume's concept of miracle with Kierkegaard's concept of absolute paradox. I argue that absolute paradox is like that miracle which, according to Hume, allows a human being to believe Christianity against the principles of his understanding. I draw such a conclusion on the basis that Kierkegaard does not think Christianity is a doctrine with a truth value and, furthermore, he holds that all historical events are doubtful. Kierkegaard emphasizes the absolute paradox as the condition of faith in such (...)
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    Kierkegaard's Tangential Interest in Miracles.Jyrki Kivelä - 2006 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 8:115-119.
    In this paper, I argue that, while Kierkegaard distinguishes between an event 'contrary to the order of nature' and an event 'above the order of nature,' and while he recognises a strong order of nature and a strong bond of natural laws, the idea of miracle (i.e., expressed explicitly in terms of violation of laws of nature or of the order of nature) is not important to him. The unavoidable doubtfulness of all historical knowledge and the 'non-immediate' character of personal (...)
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    The frames of global environmental policy in UNCED: No alternatives to construct social reality?Jyrki Luukkanen & Jari Kaivo-Oja - 1999 - World Futures 54 (2):103-134.
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    Hegels Begriffe des Geistes und die geistige Arbeit.Jyrki Reunanen - 2020 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2020 (1):325-329.
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    Mies palavassa hatussa: professori Johan Welinin maailma.Jyrki Siukonen - 2006 - Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura.
  14.  23
    Human’s Intuitive Mental Models as a Source of Realistic Artificial Intelligence and Engineering.Jyrki Suomala & Janne Kauttonen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Despite the success of artificial intelligence, we are still far away from AI that model the world as humans do. This study focuses for explaining human behavior from intuitive mental models’ perspectives. We describe how behavior arises in biological systems and how the better understanding of this biological system can lead to advances in the development of human-like AI. Human can build intuitive models from physical, social, and cultural situations. In addition, we follow Bayesian inference to combine intuitive models and (...)
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  15. Philosophical foundations of the legal and social sciences: the 11th World Congress on Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy: abstracts of congress papers.Jyrki Uusitalo (ed.) - 1983 - Helsinki: Finnish Society for Philosophy of Law.
  16. The representation of the legal system in legal dogmatics.Jyrki Uusitalo - 1979 - In Aleksander Peczenik & Jyrki Uusitalo (eds.), Reasoning on legal reasoning. [Helsinki: Society of Finnish Lawyers. pp. 6--181.
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  17. The Recurring Postmodern: Notes on the Constitution of Musical Artworks'.Jyrki Uusitalo - 1988 - In Veikko Rantala, Lewis Eugene Rowell & Eero Tarasti (eds.), Essays on the philosophy of music. Helsinki: Akateeminen Kirjakauppa. pp. 257--77.
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  18.  13
    Ideophones in Japanese modulate the P2 and late positive complex responses.Gwilym Lockwood & Jyrki Tuomainen - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  19.  40
    (1 other version)Semantic and prosodic threat processing in trait anxiety: is repetitive thinking influencing responses?Simon Busch-Moreno, Jyrki Tuomainen & David Vinson - forthcoming - Tandf: Cognition and Emotion:1-21.
  20.  13
    Behavioral Experience-Sampling Methods in Neuroimaging Studies With Movie and Narrative Stimuli.Iiro P. Jääskeläinen, Jyrki Ahveninen, Vasily Klucharev, Anna N. Shestakova & Jonathan Levy - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Movies and narratives are increasingly utilized as stimuli in functional magnetic resonance imaging, magnetoencephalography, and electroencephalography studies. Emotional reactions of subjects, what they pay attention to, what they memorize, and their cognitive interpretations are all examples of inner experiences that can differ between subjects during watching of movies and listening to narratives inside the scanner. Here, we review literature indicating that behavioral measures of inner experiences play an integral role in this new research paradigm via guiding neuroimaging analysis. We review (...)
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  21.  19
    Reasoning on legal reasoning.Aleksander Peczenik & Jyrki Uusitalo (eds.) - 1979 - [Helsinki: Society of Finnish Lawyers.
  22.  31
    Emotional Connotations of Musical Instrument Timbre in Comparison With Emotional Speech Prosody: Evidence From Acoustics and Event-Related Potentials.Xiaoluan Liu, Yi Xu, Kai Alter & Jyrki Tuomainen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The role of attention in processing morphologically complex spoken words: an EEG/MEG study.Alina Leminen, Minna Lehtonen, Miika Leminen, Päivi Nevalainen, Jyrki P. Mäkelä & Teija Kujala - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
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    Self-diffusion of silicon in molybdenum disilicide.Marcel Salamon, Andreas Strohm, Thilo Voss, Pauli Laitinen, Iiro Riihimäki, Sergiy Divinski, Werner Frank, Jyrki Räisänen ¶ & Helmut Mehrer - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (8):737-756.
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  25.  8
    Interests, morality, and the law.Aulis Aarnio, Kauko Pietilä & Jyrki Uusitalo (eds.) - 1996 - Tampere: University of Tampere, Research Institute for Social Sciences.
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    Law and power: critical and socio-legal essays.Kaarlo Tuori, Zenon Bankowski & Jyrki Uusitalo (eds.) - 1997 - Liverpool, U.K.: Deborah Charles Publications.
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    Methodologie und Erkenntnistheorie Der Juristischen Argumentation: Internationalen Symposions "Argumentation in Legal Science" : Papers.Aulis Aarnio, Ilkka Niiniluoto & Jyrki Uusitalo - 1981
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  28.  15
    Mestari Kongin Keskustelut: Kungfutselaisuuden ydinolemus by Jyrki Kallio.Matti Nojonen - 2016 - Philosophy East and West 66 (4):1368-1373.
    The Discourses of Master Kong: The Essence of Confucianism, written in Finnish by Jyrki Kallio, is a laudable work on Confucianism not only for students of Chinese philosophy but for a broader audience as well. The book is the first comprehensive work on Confucianism in the Finnish language: it comprises an annotated and critical complete translation of the Analects as well as longer selected and annotated translations from the Guodian corpus and central early Confucian classics such as the Mengzi (...)
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